Babysitting Disaster

In the land of Equestria, there was nothing but happy times as the giant, glowing sun sat high above the mountains overlooking Ponyville. It's colorful denizens walked about the streets of their tiny town, many going about their daily lives. The Cakes opened 'Sugar Cube Corner' for business, while Rarity opens her boutique as a small crowd of patrons stroll in. It wouldn't be long before it grows, and the business is swamped with hundreds of customers. Of all the ponies in town that day, there was perhaps one pony busier than all the others.

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, rushed around the castle trying her hardest to clean as much as possible in a short amount of time. Her indigo eyes went wide as she galloped through every room all around her home. Her little assistant, Spike, ran after her as fast as his little legs could carry him. But no matter how fast he ran, the little dragon was unable to keep up with her. Eventually, he stopped to catch his breath.

"You know... Twilight..." Spike panted, between breaths. "I'm sure... We've got... Everything cleaned... Enough... Boy, I'm out of shape..."

Whether Twilight was simply oblivious to his words or chose to ignore it, the princess kept running around obsessively cleaning whatever she could. Even the areas that were already 'clean'.

"Oh!" Twilight gasped. "Did I remember to clean every floor tile in this hall?"

In a split second, she used her magic to conjure a bucket of water and a sponge, scrubbing each individual floor tile as Spike looked on, shaking his head.

"Seriously Twilight?" Spike asked, in disbelief.

The moment Twilight looked up, Spike was taken aback by the crazy look in her eyes, barely covered by her untamed mane. The sight alone was more than enough to make the baby dragon reel back in fear.

"Yes seriously, Spike! Cadence and Shining Armor will be here any minute; this place isn't even "close" to ready!"

Then a knock at the door caused the lavender alicorn to jump and gasp.

"Oh no!" Twilight cried. "They're here already!"

The door opens and to her relief it was her friends walking in. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, a familiar sight for a rather distressed princess.

"Morning Twilight!" The girls greeted.

"Oh, hey guys!" Twilight sighed, somewhat calmly. "It's just you."

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Twi," Rainbow joked.

Twilight ignored the joke, resuming her incessant cleaning on the tiles. The others casually trot over to Spike, gazing at him with knowing looks.

"She's at it again, ain't she?" Applejack asked, bluntly.

"Yep," Spike nodded. "She's been cleaning this place ever since Cadence and Shining Armor asked her to babysit."

"Wasn't that like three days ago?" Pinkie asked.

"Three... days... Of cleaning!" Little Spike emphasized, nodding his head. "She hasn't stopped since."

The others merely shook their heads, watching their magical friend work herself to death... Again.

"All right, I'm bored," Rainbow sighed. "Let's get her to stop."

Every pony nodded in agreement, as they walk toward Twilight Sparkle, who mumbled something about 'must be perfect'. Rarity uses her magic to levitate the bucket and sponge away from Twilight, who turned frantically.

"Hey, give that back!" Twilight cried out.


Twilight Sparkle received a much-needed slap in the face, courtesy of Applejack. The alicorn's head snapped to the side from the impact. But when it returns, she seemed much more relaxed.

"Oh, thank you, A.J.," Twilight breathed heavily. "I needed that."

"No problem," Applejack replied, patting her friend's back.

Twilight sits on her haunches along the floor, breathing heavily. Rarity sits beside her friend, while fixing up her mane with a comb. Because Celestia knows, that little detail was going to bother the fashionista.

"Twilight dear, you look like an absolute mess!" Rarity said, worriedly. "Why must you do this to yourself?"

Twilight managed to calm down enough to properly explain.

"It's just that's it's been a while since I babysat Flurry Heart. Last time, things didn't exactly go according to plan. Flurry managed to cause trouble, but it was only because I wasn't paying attention to her and not excusing the fact I 'yelled' at her! I never forgave myself after that; now that I have a second chance, I want to make things... Perfect."

Every pony nodded understandingly; they recalled the last time Twilight babysat for Flurry. They remembered the frosting disaster at Sugar Cube Corner, the incident at the school, and worst of all, the chaos at the hospital. Those poor nurses weren't the same after that.

"Well Twi, if that's all it is, babysitting should be too difficult," Rainbow said, confidently. "After all, we've defeated an evil witch and helped a poor farm girl get back home."

"It wasn't a very easy task," Fluttershy added.

"But we did manage to do all that," Applejack agreed. "So ya'll can do this."

Twilight remembered the events that took place a month ago, the moments that forever changed their lives. The day they fell through a portal cast by a mysterious television and transported them into the land of Oz. It was there they met Dorothy Gale and their friends Lion, Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Where the 'Elements of Harmony', fully restored, were stolen by the Wicked Witch, driving them to fight to get them back and all the while helping Dorothy return home to Kansas. To this very day, the television sits in the library and has laid dormant ever since.

"You know, that reminds me of something," Rarity pondered. "Twilight, you mentioned Princess Celestia was here shortly after we returned. What did she have to say?"



Twilight Sparkle stood outside her castle awaiting the arrival of her mentor and ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia. Only a day or two had passed since their return; in that time, they managed to explain their story to their families and friends. Only now there was one more pony that really needed to know about this.

The alicorn looks to the sky, noticing two pony guards pulling the royal carriage down to the ground before coming to a halt. From the carriage emerged the most important pony in all Equestria. Her magnificent iridescent mane blew in an invisible breeze, as it always does. She exits the carriage with the poise of a true royal, bowing her head to her guards. When her eyes met Twilight's, she smiled beautifully.

"Twilight Sparkle," She spoke, in a soft and gentle voice. "My faithful student."

Twilight trots toward her mentor, gently nuzzling her side, which the princess reciprocated.

"Princess Celestia, it's nice to see you again," Twilight said, backing away.

"And you as well. Now, what is this about a magical artifact you wish to show me?"

"Right this way, Princess."

Twilight led the princess of the sun through her castle until they eventually came upon the library. Using her magic to push the door open, Twilight leads the princess inside. Celestia could see an endless pile of books, many of them open, and numerous scribblings on pages scattered about. The one thing which really got her attention was the strange device set up along the corner.

Celestia slowly approaches the device, known as a television, examining it closely.

"Careful Princess!" Twilight warned, worriedly. "Last time any of us got too close, it sucked us away to another world."

Celestia turns toward her student for a moment before looking back to the device. She used her magic to entrap it in a white aura, lifting it off the ground. She closed her eyes, concentrating hard as the light began to glow brighter. Twilight had to shield her eyes from the blinding radiance. After a few moments, Celestia's eyes shot open and she gently set the device back on the ground. She turned to her student and began explaining what she knew.

"Well Twilight, it seems this mysterious device did not come to you by mere coincidence."

Twilight cocks her head to the side.

"What do you mean?" She asked, curiously.

"It seems some unknown force has enchanted this device. I cannot say for certain what this force may be or why it brought this here, but what I do know is that it chose you and your friends for a purpose."

Twilight's eyes grew in amazement. Yet, even taking in what her teacher said, this left her very confused.

"So, this wasn't an accident?"

Celestia shook her head 'no' before smiling.

"It also seems there are many more worlds besides the one you recently visited, and this device is the means to find them. The magic will continue to transport you toward those in great need of the magic of friendship."

"So, you're saying this won't be the last time we'll be sent off to another world?"

"I'm afraid so, my student. This device will randomly send you to any world it chooses. Once you are there, you cannot return until you have accomplished your mission. This may be your biggest challenge yet."

(End Flashback)

"So essentially, if what Princess Celestia was saying is true, we've been chosen to travel to a whole bunch of other worlds," Twilight explained. "To right some great wrong in order to save their world if we are to return to Equestria."

After her explanation, every single pony and the little dragon had wide eyes and were somewhat scared.

"So, we're gonna keep getting' sucked into that there contraption to save the world from some kinda evil?" Applejack asked, point blank.

"Pretty much," Twilight shrugged, nodding her head.

Every pony didn't get the chance to respond, when another knock at the door grabbed Twilight's attention. She trots over to the door and used her magic to open it up.


Twilight smiled at the source just outside the door. Before her stood her brother Shining Armor, captain of the Crystal Empire royal guard. Alongside him was his wife and Twilight's old foal sitter, as well as the 'Princess of Love', Princess Mi Amora Cadenza a.k.a. Princess Cadence. And, of course, sitting her little baby stroller was her niece, Princess Flurry Heart.

Flurry Heart, the cutest little foal a pony could ever lay eyes on. Her soft fur was a pinkish-white color, a combination of her parents. Her mane was a combo of purple, pink and baby blue. Unlike most foals, her eyes were huge with a soft baby-blue color. She had tiny little hooves which paled in comparison to her massive wings and horn.

When Twilight and her friends first met Flurry, they were all extremely shocked to discover she was an alicorn. The birth of an alicorn was something Equestria had never seen before, not even the Rulers of Equestria themselves. This led her to be a very strong flier with a huge amount of crazy magic. It did create a drastic situation for the Crystal Empire and Twilight especially, but she still loved her little niece.

Speaking of which, Twilight picks up Flurry in her magical grip and hugged her close.

"Hi Flurry!" Twilight said, in baby talk. "How's my favorite little niece?"

Twilight starts kissing her niece all over her tiny face. Flurry giggled and babbled, as all babies do as her aunt kissed her.

"Twily, I think she's your 'only' niece," Shining Armor chuckled.

"For now," Twilight said, mischievously.

Shining Armor and Cadence both looked at each other, eyes growing wide and blushing furiously.

"Oh my!" Cadence gasped.

"Twilight and Flurry both shared a laugh at the expense of the two.

"I'm only kidding!" Twilight reassured.

Shining Armor and Cadence both let out a breath, smiling in relief.

"So, you're sure you can watch her Twilight?" Cadence asked.

"Of course, I'm sure!"

"Really?" Shining Armor smiled. "Remember last time?"

"Well, this time, I've made extra sure to leave my schedule open. This way, I can only spend time with Flurry."

The little foal in question sat on her aunt's back, giggling and clapping in pure joy. Twilight picks her up with her magic, holding her in front of her face.

"I'm also hoping I can finally hear Flurry's first words," Twilight smiled. "What do you say Flurry? For your Auntie Twily?"

Of course, as expected, Flurry continued giggling and babbly nonsense. Twilight just chuckled and shook her head. One of these days, she was going to get those first words out of Flurry.

Dude, didn't Flurry Heart 'technically' say her first word when King Sombra returned and tried to take over the Crystal Empire?

Yes... But two things: One, Twilight Sparkle wasn't there when Sombra was taking over. Two, of course Shining Armor and Cadence weren't going to tell Twilight or else it would spoil the moment.

I don't know...

Hey, if there was this movie in theaters that you always want to see and a group of your friends already saw it the day before, wouldn't that kind of ruin it if they told you just how it happened?

Hmm... Okay, that's a good point. Moving on!

"Alright Twilight, you two have fun now," Shining Armor told Twilight. "Just be careful."

"Okay and you both do the same," She responded.

"We certainly will," Cadence smiled.

Cadence picks up her daughter with her magic, holding her between herself and Shining Armor. They both kiss Flurry on the cheek and she giggled in response. Cadence handed Flurry back to Twilight, as the two made their way out the door, waving goodbye.

Once the door closed, Twilight held Flurry in front of her again.

"So, what are we going to do today, Flurry?" She asked, excitedly. "We've got the whole day to play and have fun!"

Flurry giggled joyfully, flying out of her aunt's magical grasp. She flew around the main hall giggling and babbling.

"Oh, I'm gonna get you!" Twilight laughed.

Twilight took off into the air, pursuing Flurry Heart around for a while. Flurry was so happy and giddy, playing with her aunt and this time there was nothing to stop them. Twilight eventually caught up to Flurry, grabbing her in her hooves, hugging her close. Flurry laughs and hugged her aunt as well, as they both descend toward the ground.

It was then Twilight Sparkle eventually noticed her friends standing off to the side, smiling and shaking their heads at their silly shenanigans. Then, an idea pops in Twilight's head as she lifts Flurry in front of her face once more.

"Hey Flurry, how about a little show for you?"

Flurry cocked her little head to the side, confused by her aunt's words.

Twilight put Flurry on her back and turns toward her friends with a wink. They all nod their heads smiling, as they quickly bolt off in another direction. Twilight and Flurry follow close behind, eventually approaching the castle auditorium. Twilight walked up to the front, placing Flurry in one of the seats.

"Now you stay here, Flurry. Auntie Twily and friends have a little show for you!"

Flurry smiles brightly, sitting patiently in her seat. Twilight walked on stage and behind the curtain. Within a moment, the curtain opens revealing Twilight in a blue gingham dress and ruby slippers, just like Dorothy Gale. Flurry giggled and clapped seeing her aunt in a silly outfit.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Twilight and the others put together a little rendition of the 'Wizard of Oz' for Flurry. Twilight as Dorothy, Rainbow as Scarecrow, Applejack as Tin Man, Fluttershy as Lion, Pinkie as Glinda and Rarity was the Wicked Witch. Of course, Flurry didn't like the Wicked Witch scenes all that much and would growl cutely. Other times, she giggled and clapped for the happier scenes. Finally, they made it to the last scene.

"Oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home!" Twilight said.

They all take a bow, as Flurry laughed and clapped her little hooves joyfully.

"Thank you, thank you," Twilight bowed.

"You've been a lovely audience!" Rarity added.

"Don't forget to tip your waitress!" Pinkie added, comically.

Having truly enjoyed the little show, Flurry was so excited she didn't notice her magic flare up and her horn glowing. Next thing any pony knew, Flurry vanished in a golden flash.

"Flurry, where did you go?!" Twilight gasped.

"Uh oh!" Rainbow said, wide eyed. "That's not good!"

Every pony quickly burst out of their costumes, running all throughout the palace searching for the missing alicorn foal. Just as Twilight ran by the library doors, she could hear giggling from the other side. Every pony else came toward Twilight and could hear it too.

"She's in the library!" Rarity pointed out.

"Twilight, isn't the television in there?" Fluttershy asked.

Twilight's eyes grew wide in realization.

"Oh no..."

Twilight quickly threw the doors open and saw Flurry fiddling with the television, laughing in amusement.

"Flurry honey, get away from there!" Twilight yelled.

Twilight made a mad gallop forward, jumping to catch Flurry. Suddenly, the little foal flipped a switch and a green vortex opened. Little Flurry giggled and clapped as she was unknowingly sucked through the portal. Twilight came up just short and watch her niece disappear deep into the void.

"NO!" Twilight shouted.

All the other ponies ran toward their friend, gasping with horrified expressions. Of all the worst outcomes that could happen on all days, this was the worst thing that could happen. Flurry Heart had jus fallen through a magical void to Celestia only knows where.

"Oh, my Celestia!" Twilight cried, horrified. "Shining Armor and Cadence are going to kill me!"

"Twilight, I think we should be worried about Flurry and what could possibly kill her!" Rarity points out. "Who knows where she could end up?"

"Now hold on, every pony!" Applejack said. "Before we start rushing into things, we need to come up with a plan just in case..."

But Twilight, ignoring Applejack, quickly made a mad dash for the vortex and with a running leap she jumped straight through the portal, disappearing into the unknown.

"Or... We could just go after Flurry Heart and hopefully save her," Rainbow said, bluntly.

"Agreed!" The other ponies said.

The ponies quickly follow their friend through the portal, while Applejack just sighed and tipped her hat knowing most ponies don't listen to her. Once she made it into the portal, the vortex immediately disappeared, the screen went dark and the whole library was quiet.

Just then, the library door leans open as Spike walked into the room. The little dragon was dressed like one of the Munchkins they encountered, but to be fair it was the 'one' costume that could fit him, much to his chagrin. At any rate, he came into the library reading a small scroll.

"Hey Twilight, I just got an important notice from Princess Celestia," Spike said. "She told me to tell you—"

Spike didn't get to finish when he peeked up from the scroll and saw that the library was completely devoid of ponies.

"Twilight? Girls??" Spike called out. "Did you guys just leave me out of another adventure again?!"

Spike slowly walked toward the television curiously and flipped the switch. Only instead of a vortex, all that appeared was static buzzing against the screen. Twilight pushed some of the buttons on the side, but nothing seemed to happen. Spike even slapped the side of the television but that end up causing the T.V. to go completely dark again. Spike's eyes went wide as the realization dawned on him.

"Oh boy..." Spike sighed. "Here we go again!"

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