Troubling Times

Back in Coolsville, the citizens went about their normal lives completely unaware of the horror making its way toward their front door. Currently, a large amount of daily commuters found themselves stuck in a massive traffic jam holding up the entire street. Many of them honked their horns in irritation while others voiced their frustration rather loudly.

Sounds like us on a daily basis, doesn't it?

You have absolutely no idea, man.

Oh... I believe I do.

"Move that worthless piece of tin!" A man yelled, honking his horn.

While the many denizens worried themselves with the traffic, an even larger threat loomed behind them. A giant, ghostly pirate ship glided through the air directly over the citizens, who all looked in horror at the sight directly over their heads. The other citizens panicked and ran as fast as they could. Aboard the ghost ship were the evil masked figure, Chrysalis, and the spirit of Sombra observing the chaos below with wicked satisfaction.

"Citizens!" The masked figure stated loudly. "Turn in Mystery Inc. Your reward: We'll let you live!"

The evil masked figure laughed darkly as the Tar Monster rose up from the street below, taking the form of a giant monstrous hand before regaining its original form.

"My monsters can make life very unpleasant."

The Tar Monster spread his tar all across the street, trapping any unfortunate souls in its grasp as the ghost ship floated overhead.

"Find me Mystery Inc... NOW!!!"


Back in the Mystery Machine, the gang and the Equestrians continued their way to the safe location Velma told them about. All the while, they watched Heather Jasper Howe give an emergency update on events transpiring in Coolsville.

"Heather Jasper-Howe with an emergency update for Investigative Probe. A monster army has invaded Coolsville. Angry citizens have gathered outside Mystery Inc.'s offices in protest. They're insisting the gang cooperate with the Evil Masked Figure's demands."

"Wow, things are getting worse by the minute," Twilight sighed.

"You'd think in times of crisis like this everyone would band together to fight this," Rarity spoke.

"Oh, they are banding together all right," Rainbow frowned. "Against us!"

"Well, mainly against them," Pinkie gestured to Mystery Inc.

This caused the entire gang to look back at Pinkie with heated glares. Pinkie chuckled nervously before ducking back down and everyone returned their attention to the screen. Before their eyes, the crowd angrily chanted and even called Mystery Inc. 'Mystery Stink'. They then screamed and ducked as the Pterodactyl Ghost flew over them.

In the meantime, the Zombie started running rampant through the crowd and the whole thing broke into full blown panic. But that did not stop one determined newsman to have an interview with the creature.

"Excuse me, sir," A newsman asked. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

The zombie snarled and hurled all over him, much to his disgust and dismay. Suffice to say, Scooby found what the zombie did hilarious. The Great Dane laughed a bit before noticing everyone glaring at him and shrunk down alongside Pinkie, who merely patted his shoulder.

"I beg you, Mystery Inc., if you can hear me, turn yourselves in!" Heather begged onscreen.

"But if we do, he'll get the control panel back," Fred spoke. "And the city will be in worse shape."

"We'd be playing into his hands," Daphne agreed.

"Not to mention we'd be giving ourselves in to Chrysalis and Sombra," Shining shook his head. "Celestia only knows what those two will do."

"And Equestria as we know would cease to exist!" Cadance nodded.

"Please, for our city's sake..."

The sound of screaming on air caused every camera to turn toward the door only to see the Black Knight knock it down.

"Sorry... you're cancelled."

And then... the screen went dark as everything went off the air and all in the Mystery Machine looked on in shock and fear. The entire city was overrun by monsters at this very moment, and it seemed they were failing to do 'anything' to help. It was unknown right now how things could possibly get worse, but they were pretty certain they'd find it.


After driving for quite a while, deep in the woods outside Coolsville, the Mystery Machine finally pulled up along an old shack near the edge of a lake. Everyone eventually got out of the van and looked at the old place.

"So, what is this place?" Twilight asked.

"I'll tell you what it is," Rainbow replied. "A dump!"

As everyone emerged one by one, Shaggy helped Velma out of the van.

"The old high school clubhouse," Velma informed. "We should be safe here."

This caused Rainbow to freeze and stammer.

"Uh, and by dump I mean—uh—I'm so sorry."

"Real smooth hon," Applejack sighed.

"The place looks like it hasn't been used in ages," Rarity observed.

"We haven't been here in years," Daphne told her.

Fred, on the other hand, seemed a little distant and miserable compared to the others. A pout was on his face as he sat inside the van.

"Freddy, are you okay?" Daphne asked, concerned. "Do you wanna talk?"

"Talking's for wimps," Fred pouted. "It's time for action."

As Fred emerged from the van at last, the rest of the gang made their way into the old clubhouse. All... except for Scooby, Shaggy, Scrappy, and even Spike. They just stayed outside, sitting together in the back of the Mystery Machine.

"You know guys, this Evil Masked Figure is turning Coolsville into Ghoulsville," Shaggy sulked. "And the gang is totally taking a hit for it."

"Reah..." Scooby frowned.

"And what's worse is that it's all because of us," Scrappy sighed.

"So much for trying to become an actual hero," Spike frowned. "Now the only I'll be known for is helping Chrysalis and Sombra create a monster army. Hmph... story of my life."

"Like, this is the most 'our faultiest screw-up ever', Scoob," Shaggy declared.

Scooby whimpered as he laid his head on Shaggy's shoulder, while everyone else went up to the clubhouse unaware of the boys' melancholy.


The clubhouse lights switched on soon as Velma pulled the switch on an old generator. As their eyes adjusted, they looked around the old place.

"At least the lights still work," Fluttershy said.

"Sure does," Velma replied, opening a hatch. "Oh, look. All my old tools!"

"After all our so-called success, we're back in this old fire trap," Fred groaned.

It was then Fred's eyes caught sight of an old picture frame and picked it up. The picture itself was of Fred and the others that would become Mystery Inc. Of course, the kids (And even Scooby) were much younger and way before they became famous. But this photo... that brought back memories. Hanging out at the park, playing frisbee together, and the one time they could actually be just regular kids. The Equestrians approached Fred's side and eyed the picture in his hands.

"You guys look so... uh... young..." Shining commented.

"Shining!" Cadance quietly scolded.

"It's alright, Cadance," Velma told her. "That was a long time ago."

"The truth is... we've been solving mysteries long before the Black Knight ghost," Daphne recalled sadly. "Of course, back then, we used to solve mysteries for the love of them. We had no reason to prove anything to anyone because just doing it is what kept us all together."

"Yeah... and the mysteries all seemed to unravel themselves," Velma nodded. "Sometimes the answers would just appear like magic."

"Trust me sugarcube, we know exactly what y'all mean," Applejack responded. "Ah can't even tell ya the number ah times that's happened to us."

Flurry soon spotted something that resembled an old invention. Fred gazed at the picture, sighing in nostalgia of the good old days as Daphne and Velma came to his sides. Twilight turned back and noticed Flurry admiring the old invention. Curious herself, she approached her side.

"Whatcha got there, Flurry?" Twilight asked.

"It looks like the panel from the lab," Flurry answered, sniffing the invention. "That scent smells... familiar."

At that moment, Shining Armor stepped over and gently pushed Flurry aside.

"Listen Flurry, maybe it's best if you just went and take a seat somewhere," He told her. "Leave the work to the grown-ups."


"No!" Shining spoke sternly. "You've done way more than enough tonight. Sneaking out, going to a villain's club, nearly getting blown up by potions. Need I really say more?"

Flurry's lower lip quivered, as she tried to keep the tears from spilling.

"Y-Y-You know what..." Flurry stammered. "I've said nothing but positive things about you and mom, even after all the troubles we've had, and what do I get in return? You yell at me! Thank you so much..."

And then Flurry abruptly turned around and walked off, slightly stunning Shining Armor over how his daughter spoke to him. Twilight Sparkle and Applejack looked toward Shining with their own glares.

"What?" Shining asked.

"You can really just be unbelievable sometimes, you know that?" Twilight huffed in agitation.

Twilight just huffed and walked toward Velma as Applejack shook her head at Shining.

"Take it from a mare who has a younger sibling," Applejack began. "I'll admit I'm guilty of bein' overprotective too. So can Rarity... and even Rainbow Dash. But if discouragin' lil' Flurry is all ya ever do, that's all she's ever gonna know! And that's how she'll be when she starts havin' youngin's!"

"If she has kids..." Pinkie spoke up.

One look from Applejack and Pinkie immediately zipped her lips, even throwing the 'zipper' away. She then turned back toward Shining for a moment, shook her head, and said nothing more before joining Rainbow Dash.

"I'm trying to do the right thing!" Shining called out. "... Am I?"

No pony answered him, not even his own wife. He just stood in his place pondering over everything, the shame spreading along his face when no one was looking. As Twilight sighed in frustration, she looked at the device alongside Velma.

"Can you tell me what this is Velma?" Twilight asked.

"Hey... my first multiple-resonance imaging device," Velma smiled. "Made out of a crystal radio and old video games."

All of a sudden, Velma's eyes widened in realization as if she suddenly felt inspired.

"Wait a minute... randamonium has an algorithmic cross-currency of negative 4.121. With it, maybe... well, just maybe—"

"Okay hold up!" Rainbow butted in. "Before you go 'any' further, can the rest be explained in a language every pony can understand? Please?"

"We could reverse the current," Fred informed. "And therefore, reverse the monster making process."

"Precisely!" Velma told him. "All we need to do is rewire the control panel—"

"Bring it back to the Monster Hive and plug it into the base," Daphne theorized.

"Right! And push the button—" Velma replied.

"And instead of creating monsters, all the monsters throughout the city will be destroyed!" Daphne concluded, smiling.

"Then we better get to work," Twilight said elated.

"What are we standing around for slowpokes?" Rainbow piped in. "Let's go, go, GO!"

Everyone agreed and set themselves to make things right in Coolsville again. Everyone, man, and pony, started working on some form of control panel with Twilight and Velma handling the science and logistics of the machine. Fred, Rainbow, and Shining worked the blowtorch to melt everything together. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Daphne worked together to sort all the different pieces together with Rarity observing the process to make sure all the details were functioning properly.

As Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians rewired the circuits of the control panel, Cadance found Flurry Heart sitting alone on a desk sadly pushing a model Mystery Machine toy across the counter with her magic. She could detect the sadness based on how slouched her shoulders were and the frown upon her face. The elder Princess approached her daughter, sitting quietly beside her.

"Hey Flurry," She spoke softly. "Something the matter?"

Flurry merely shook her head, pushed the car aside, and turned away.

"N-N-Nothing's... wrong," Flurry replied sadly.

All at once, she felt her mother's wing wrapped around her neck in the most comforting way. When little Flurry turned her head, she could see her mother's concern as plain as the muzzle upon her face.

"Come on honey, you know you can tell me," Cadance reassured. "Is this about what happened back at the Monster Hive?"

Flurry nodded her head slowly, as tears streamed from her eyes.

"All I wanted was to be like Auntie Twilight," Flurry wept. "Brave... strong... the kind of pony who can save the day. But dad... he treats me like I'm still a baby. I understand he's just worried about me... I do. It's just... I wish, even 'just' once, he'd stop being overprotective."

Cadance merely kissed her daughter on the forehead, granting her daughter the warmest smile.

"I get he can be overprotective sometimes, but that's only because he loves you," She spoke warmly. "One day, he'll see you can care for yourself and be the great hero you are meant to be. I know that for a fact. I'm really sorry things didn't work out as you guys hoped; I can only imagine how upset you all must be."

Hearing this made Flurry scoff.

"I'm sorry momma, but you have absolutely no idea how we feel," She spoke angrily. "When's the last time you 'failed' to do anything? When's the last time you, dad, or Aunt Twilight 'failed' anything? You can make all the mistakes you want and everything you guys do always turned out great. Every villain you fought was defeated, every friendship problem was solved, and every dispute across Eqeustria just disappeared when you guys step in. You're the shining example of 'perfection'... who are you to tell me you understand?"

Cadance was caught off guard by her daughter's rant, but also understood 'why'. Throughout the entirety of this trip, all this filly wanted was to prove she's a strong leader capable of standing on her own hooves alone... just like her mother. She just pulled Flurry closer to herself.

"You know sweetie, 'we' really aren't as great as you think," Cadance spoke calmly. "Chrysalis trapped me in the Crystal Caves when your father and I were getting married. I never would've gotten out on my own if your Aunt hadn't been dropped in those same caves. Your Aunt Twilight and the others had their own share of problems they could never resolve on their own... and they still have unresolved conflicts to work on. As for your father... well... I can't even think of a day where he doesn't screw up at least 'once'."

Hearing that actually made Flurry giggle as she leaned into her mother's embrace, crying softly against her fur coat.

"My point is honey: No matter how hard you try to do the right thing, you're going to screw up sometimes," Cadance continued. "It's all part of growing up to become the strong, dependent pony we strive to be. True... I am disappointed you lied to us and went off tonight, but I'm also extremely proud you took charge trying to solve this mystery. You remind me so much of myself... when I declared I'd 'never' be a damsel in distress ever again."

And with that, she gave Flurry Heart another warm hug which made the little filly slightly better and returned the hug. She brushed her tears away, as she looked lovingly toward her mother's eyes.

"Thanks mom," Flurry smiled.

"You're welcome honey," Cadance smiled, stroking her daughter's mane. "Now then, why don't we go check on the boys outside? Poor dears must be cold."

"Yeah... I'd like that."


Cadance and Flurry stepped from the front door of the clubhouse and spotted Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, and Spike staring toward the rest of the gang. They all just looked so sad, seeing their friends working together inside. There they were cleaning up the mess and the boys are just standing outside so melancholy.

"Like, they're totally having a montage in there without us," Shaggy sighed. "I'll tell you one thing for sure. They don't need 'our' help to figure it out."

"Things sure do sound great in there," Scrappy said.

Cadance and Flurry trotted toward the tree, and the little filly climbed upon Scooby's back. She gave his neck a big hug in an effort to cheer him up. While the Great Dane did smile slightly, it vanished just as quickly.

"What's the matter Uncle Scooby?" Flurry asked softly.

"We're rew-ups," Scooby pouted.

"It's okay," Flurry assured. 'Everyone screws up sometimes; it's all part of growing up. The key is to never give up, get back on your feet, and keep trying no matter what life throws at you."

"Like maybe that would be true Flurry, if we actually 'succeeded' every now and then... the right way," Shaggy frowned. "The only time we do anything right is when we accidentally plowed into the Snow Ghost because we've accidentally glued our feet to rocket-powered roller-skates."

"Reah... eight stupid times..." Scooby counted.

"That's nothing..." Scrappy brushed off. "My first solo case after 'three' jobs at McKay Ranch and I get captured by a homicidal bug woman and locked in a cage! It's no wonder even movie studios think I'm a 'bad' joke."

"That is pretty sad..." Spike smiled nervously. "But I'm sure you've had better days."

"Oh, yeah?" Shaggy replied. "Like what?"

Spike thought back to all the previous adventures, least the ones he'd been told of.

"Oh, lots of times..." Spike assured. "Um... there was that one time you... uh, no... um... Or... how about when?... oh no, no... uh.... Or, or, OR... the day that you two were..."

"Face it, Spike," Shaggy frowned. "We'll never be anything but our old goofy selves."

"Reah..." Scooby added sadly.

"You know Flurry, I wish once, just once, I could do the right thing on purpose," Shaggy sighed. "You know? I could be a hero and save the day... but who are we kidding, right?"

"Ooh, Shaggy..." Flurry sighed.

Cadance looked on in sympathy as Shaggy took a stone and hurled it into the pond before them. It skipped across the water a couple times before eventually sinking and striking something metal.

"Huh?" Spike looked up.

No sooner that it happened, the water began to bubble and glow green before a certain dive emerge from the front of them. Everyone's eyes widened out of fear.

"Guys..." Spike spoke up. "Who's that guy again?"

"Captain Cutler's ghost..." Shaggy whispered, out of fear.

"Uh-oh..." Flurry gulped.

"CAPTAIN CUTLER'S GHOST!!!" Shaggy and Scooby panicked.

"EVERY PONY, RUN!!!" Cadance shouted.

They all turned and fled, following Shaggy and Scooby who were already well ahead. Back in the clubhouse, Fred looked out the window and saw their friends screaming.

"They found us!" Fred warned the others. "Finish that in the van and we'll take it to the Monster Hive."

"Agreed!" Twilight nodded.

They soon rushed into the Mystery Machine and rode off as Captain Cutler's ghost emerged from the water to capture them. The ghost brought out his crossbow and began to shoot it. The harpoon it the doors, but fortunately not the passengers inside. The metal man used all his strength to pull the van towards him, much to everyone's horror.

"What will we do? What'll we do?" Pinkie asked frantically. "What ARE we going to do?!"

"Fine, let's go back!" Fred declared.

He started to back up the van, something even Captain Cutler didn't see coming.

"Uh, Fred? We're trying not to die here!" Rainbow told him.

"Trust me!" Fred called out.

Quickly backing the van, he struck Captain Cutler and sent him flying straight back into the pond.

"Nice!" Rainbow smirked. "I'd have personally given ole tin can a good dent with my bare hooves... but still nice."

"Told ya," Fred replied. "Hang on!"

Fred proceeded to shift the gears to drive and pressed onward. All the while Velma used a screwdriver to work on the device.

"Shaggy, give me a hand!" Velma cried out.

"This is tied for the most terrifying day of my life," Shaggy spoke frightened.

"What day could 'this' possibly be tied for?" Rarity panicked.

"Every other freaking day of my life!" Shaggy cried.

"Thanks goodness," Fluttershy sighed with relief.

The gang zoomed through town at top speed before the sight of a familiar flying monster caught their attention. The Pterodactyl Ghost flying over them, the ghost dinosaur's wings flapping greatly.

"We've got company!" Scrappy told them.

"Tweety's back!" Velma shrieked.

"Doesn't that thing ever take a break?" Shining asked.

"Shaggy?!" Fred called out.

"Yeah?!" Shaggy called back.

"I'm putting her in cruise," Fred told him. "Take the wheel!"

Shaggy soon went to take the wheel. The Pterodactyl Ghost snarled and grabbed hold of the back of the Mystery Machine, shattering some windows. This made everybody flip upside down and quickly Shaggy grabbed hold of the wheel. Fred kicked the back doors open and aimed a flamethrower at the flying dinosaur.

"Take THIS!" Fred shouted.

He shot some flames toward the monster, barely singing it.

"That should scare it," Applejack smirked.

Instead, the Pterodactyl Ghost grabbed the flamethrower and broke it between its talons.

"Or not..." Pinkie said nervously.

"This is bad," Fred frowned.

"No doubt," Shaggy agreed, beside him.

Everyone quickly looked at Shaggy before a sudden realization occurred.

"Shaggy, who's driving?" Spike asked.

Everyone faced the front seat and spotted Scooby Doo sitting in the passenger seat, looking at them with no one else behind the wheel.

"Rello!" Scooby waved.

"We're dead," Rainbow sighed.

"Very, very dead..." Shining nodded.

The Pterodactyl Ghost grabbed the interior carpet of the Mystery Machine in its talons and yanked the entire gang out of the back. Soon they were all screaming, hanging on for dear life as the ghost tried snapping at them with the van pulling them behind it. Fluttershy squeaked in fear as she tried in vain to kick the snapping monster with her hind hooves. That's when Rainbow Dash flew in for the save.

"Hey bird brain!" She yelled. "Pick on some pony your own size!"

Rainbow jumped onto the monster's back and bashed its head with lefts and rights. The monster screeched as it tried to fight Rainbow off. Using whatever mobility they had, Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Cadance, and Rarity used their magic to shoot the Pterodactyl Ghost. Unfortunately, they missed every shot.

"Try to keep it steady, Rainbow!" Twilight yelled.

"Gee, why didn't I think of that?!" Rainbow yelled back.

Finally, the Pterodactyl managed to shake Rainbow off. She crashed right into the rest of the gang, her eyes rolled, and tiny Pterodactyls flew around her head. The monster swooped down again and made to finish them off. That is... until another flying object crashed into it. Everyone looked up in shock and amazement as the strange black creature with red glowing eyes they'd seen previously now in a mid-air battle with the Pterodactyl Ghost.

"Isn't that the monster you saw Fluttershy?" Cadance asked.

"Fluttershy merely nodded in response.

"But why is it helping us?" Shining questioned.

"How about we don't question it fer now and focus on getting back in the van!" Applejack yelled.

With the winged beasts battling it out in the sky, the gang tried to hull themselves back into the Mystery Machine. As they did, they could see through the windshield another frightening sight. A big rig truck driven by the Zombie at full speed toward them.

"Scooby, turn the wheel!" Velma said urgently.

"Reel?" Scooby asked himself.

Scooby quickly shuffled over the driver seat and looked at the wheel. Reaching out with his paw, all he managed to do was honk the horn and cover his eyes in fear. The Mystery Machine and the truck continued to barrel toward one another.

"SCOOBY!" Everyone screamed.

"Oh, let me!" Scrappy yelled.

The pup quickly leapt over the rest of the gang toward the front of his uncle. Grabbing the steering wheel, he veered a hard right. The Zombie noticed this and also turned the truck hoping to crash into them. However, the Mystery Machine managed to slide by the truck and made it through to the other side. Everyone finally managed to climb back into the van, as the Pterodactyl Ghost and the other monster battled behind.

The two flying monsters tackled one another trying to severely damage each other. The dark beast shrieked in pain as the Pterodactyl snapped its sharp teeth on one of its arms, but the monster reeled back and swiped the Pterodactyl in the eye with its sharp claws. The Pterodactyl screeched as it shoved the other winged monster off itself and soared down towards the Mystery Machine once more.

Just as it was about to snap at them again, the dark winged beast crashed into it again and sunk its fangs into the Pterodactyl's back. It then overpowered the prehistoric predator with its own wings and steered it off course till it finally crashed into a billboard and got itself stuck.

Every in the Mystery Machine cheered as they saw the Pterodactyl Ghost trapped in the billboard as the dark creature took off into the sky. Twilight looked over toward Fluttershy and was met with surprise. The usually shy Pegasus didn't cower in fear; instead, she stared after the beast in fascination.

"Something on your mind Fluttershy?" She asked.

"I just don't understand," Fluttershy spoke confused. "Whenever we've seen this creature before, it filled us with terror and other bad feelings. But now... it comes out of nowhere and helped us."

"Yeah, kind of threw me off too," Twilight nodded in agreement.

Fluttershy cocked her head off the side as thoughts raced through her head. Every the creature had been seen, it usually preceded some sort of tragedy or disaster. Almost as though it served as a prophet warning of destruction. Maybe it never intended to cause harm, but merely warned them of bad things to come. And now it just saved them from the Pterodactyl Ghost, which only led to one question on her mind...

"Why?" She thought.

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