The Black Knight

Hidden in an unknown location, somewhere within the city of Coolsville, Chrysalis and Sombra plotted their next move against their sworn enemies. What happened at the museum was merely a message to Mystery Inc., along with those foolish ponies. But now... they needed a course of action against them.

"Have you thought of anything yet?!" Sombra snipped impatiently.

"I'm thinking!" Chrysalis growled. "Which is certainly more than I can say for you."

"Forgive me for not contributing more efficiently," Sombra said sarcastically. "I find it quite difficult to think of a plan without a physical brain... or a 'body' for that matter."

Chrysalis just scoffed, as she turned back and proceeded to search through the number of things their masked accomplice had in their possession. Her green eyes scanned over what resembled some form of ancient looking tome and she proceeded to flip through a series of pages. When she caught sight of a particularly interesting piece in the text, it made her smile a twisted, fanged grin.

"So... this is how he made that flying beast," She grinned. "Seems we just have a way to make this happen."

The ghostly black image of Sombra floated beside her, glancing toward the book and to what she was looking at. Soon as his eyes landed upon it, he too grinned maliciously.

"Indeed..." He nodded. "Soon we'll not only succeed in getting me a physical form, but also create our own army of monsters."

"And this time, those pitiful ponies will stand no chance against us!" Chrysalis smiled.

Walking toward an old mirror off to the side, she lit up her jagged horn with her dark magic and used the mirror to spy on the ponies in question (Specifically Shining Armor and Cadance).

"Those stupid royals think their love is strong enough to defeat us," Chrysalis chuckled. "Well, there's one thing that they don't know..."

With their evil plan racing through her head, Chrysalis did something she generally tried not to do all that much... she sang.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Chrysalis (Sings):
Mirror mirror, could not be clearer
That love is a waste of time
I'm here to tell you with love's magic spell
You cannot match the power of mine

Once I loved and once I learned
Love is weakness
Love will leave you burned

Using her magic, Chrysalis quickly popped over to Mystery Inc headquarters and started to trash the place, mainly anything belonging to the ponies.

Chrysalis (sings):
Down with love, down with hope
Don't need blind faith to cope
Or inspiring songs in my heart
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Love at times can entrance
But love doesn't stand a chance
Love doesn't stand a chance

Mirror mirror, the times draws nearer
For me to enact my curse
Those happy feelings
That send them reeling
Will soon become the reverse

Down with love, down with hope
Don't need blind faith to cope
Or inspiring songs in my heart
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Love at times can entrance
But love doesn't stand a chance
Love doesn't stand a chance

Chrysalis spotted Flurry's little whammy sitting on the couch which she had brought with her on this trip.  Chrysalis chuckled to herself as she used her magic to pick up the little snail...and ripped it in half before popping back to their secret location.

Chrysalis (sings):
Stole my shot at one true love
That's what she did to me
Now that little bitch will wish
She never ever knew me

Down with love, down with dreams
Down with goodness schemes
'Gonna rip the song right from their hearts
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Watch my curse kill romance
So love doesn't stand a chance
No, no
Love doesn't stand a chance

And using all the strength she had, she gave the old mirror a hard buck and it shattered to pieces on the floor, with the image of Shining Armor and Cadance now split apart. Sombra's eyes stared at the pieces then towards Chrysalis.

"You do know it's bad luck to break a mirror, right?" Sombra asked dryly.

"Oh, shut up!" Chrysalis hissed.

She then picked up the book with her magic before facing Sombra again.

"Now... we need to ensure that Mystery Inc. and those fools find this book..."


After the gangs, both Mystery and Equestrian, discovered some newfound evidence to shed some light on this case, they found themselves piled in the Mystery Machine and heading down the highway. Thankfully, Twilight learned something from Storm Shield within the past year and cast a spell on the van to make the interior more roomy than the exterior. This way, they could all ride along without feeling jammed packed inside.

Rolling down the highway, the Equestrians and Spike gazed out the windows as they watched the beautiful landscape pass by while they rode along.

"Wow, it looks so peaceful," Cadance admired.

"It really does," Shining nodded. "If only there wasn't a creepy guy in a mask, a deranged bug pony queen, and a psychotic pony king out to get us. For once, I'd actually like a moment to just enjoy the scenery... especially with my favorite mare."

Cadance merely nodded, sighing over how her husband's words rang true.

"You guys got room back there?" Fred called out.

"Yeah, plenty of room," Rainbow nodded.

"We're good," Applejack agreed.

"All right, just hang tight," Fred said.

They kept driving toward Old Man Wickles' house. Daphne provided her boyfriend directions since she knew where to go. And Fred actually agreed with her, following where she said to go.

"So what exactly is the plan here today?" Twilight asked.

"It seems Old Man Wickles deserves a visit before one of our other creepy conquests makes a comeback," Velma responded.

"No offense or anything darling but after you all sent him to jail, you don't honestly expect him to just invite you all in with open arms do you?" Rarity pointed out.

"Not at all."

"Fred, up on the right," Daphne said.

It wasn't long until the van neared the front gate toward their next destination.

"Old Man Wickles' ancestral manor," Velma pointed out.

The gang pulled into the driveway of an old mansion that looked spooky beyond all belief. A number of bats flew from the belfry, which only made the already scary-looking old house creepier.

"Oh man, another creepy crib," Shaggy said fearfully. "How come we can't ever investigate, like, a Burger King or something?"

"Aw, come on," Scrappy assured him. "I bet it's not so bad inside."

"Like easy for you to say man."

"I'd like to check it out..." Flurry spoke excited.

"Like, how are you so cool with this?" Shaggy asked her.

"Come on, it's not that scary," Spike spoke confidently.

"Raggy!" Scooby called.

The Great Dane proceeded to perform some fighting gestures before giving his buddy a nudge on the side.

"You're right," Shaggy said, more confidently. "Then again, 'Creepy' is my middle name."

"It is?" Spike asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Shaggy shrugged.

"Huh... and all this time I thought his middle name was 'Norville'," Pinkie replied.

Soon they all hopped out of the Mystery Machine ready to investigate. But Scooby was still lost in the moment as he wound up his paw and stood ready to throw a punch.

"Scoob!" Shaggy shouted loudly.

Having been distracted by his best friend, Scooby accidentally let the punch fly and socked himself in the chin knocking himself senseless. When he finally came to, he stumbled out of the van before shaking himself sane and rushed up toward the rest of the gang.

"Come on Uncle Scooby," Flurry said excitedly.

"Rokay!" Scooby responded, bounding to them.

Soon they all climbed the stairs and up toward the front door, not even taking notice of the 'No Trespassing' sign.

"Looks like a bit of a fixer-upper," Velma chuckled.

"I'll say," Shining nodded. "This place is a complete dump. How could anyone possibly live here?"

A couple of boys rode by on their bikes and got the groups' attention.

"Hey, nice job last night!" A boy called, putting his thumb down. "LOSERS!"

Rainbow nearly flew right toward the two boys, aiming to knock their blocks off, but thankfully Applejack held her back by her tail.

"What dorks," The other boy dissed.

"Quick, we need to think of a comeback," Daphne whispered to her friends.

"Ooh... I got a good one!" Rainbow suggested. "How about..."

"Don't even think about it!" Applejack warned. "There are children present. Not to mention yer talkin' bout two children already."

"Fine!" Rainbow huffed.

"Don't worry, I got this," Daphne assured. "Hey! Shut up!"

The boys just laughed and rode off down the road. Rainbow face-hoofed so hard and shook her head.

"I've heard better trash talk from mimes!" She remarked.

"Even I know better trash talk and I'm only eight!" Flurry nodded.

Both of her parents turned and glared at her. The little filly just gulped nervously before slowly stepping behind her Uncle Scooby to hide. Fred tried to get them inside by ringing the doorbell, but an announcement was heard.

"You are trespassing on Wickles Manor," A man over the megaphone announced. "Leave now or pay the price."

Shaggy, Scooby, and Fluttershy all had horrified looks on their faces. Poor Fluttershy was so scared, she hid behind her mane.

"Gee! That is some home security alert," Scrappy observed.

"What kind of jerk makes that his doorbell?" Daphne asked offended.

"He probably doesn't like company all that much," Twilight suggested.

But this just caused Pinkie to release a loud gasp, as her eyes bugged out of her head.

"No company?!" She nearly yelled. "How does he throw parties? How does he make friends?! Oh, that just won't do at all. When we get done with this mystery, I'm throwing Mr. Wickles the biggest party in town! One we can all go and have loads of good ole fashioned Pinkie Pie fun!"

Pinkie suddenly pulled out a bunch of party hats from her mane and stuck them on each individual's head, then pulled out a big cake with the words 'Nice to meet you Mr. Wickles' on the top. Everyone just looked at the party pony for a moment before pulling the hats off their heads and Fred rang the doorbell again.

"Dude!" Shaggy tried to stop him. "He just said we'd pay the price!"

"Oh, come on, Shaggy," Fred smirked. "What could possibly happen with ringing a doorbell?"

"Aaaaaaand... you jinxed it," Twilight groaned.

After the doorbell rang again, a trap door opened beneath them, and they all fell instantly through it. Everyone screamed as they fell down the chute before they were placed into a sphere, which rolled them down like a roller-coaster on tracks and were brought into a different room. They rolled and rolled until they suddenly stopped and crashed upon one another.

"That's what could happen by ringing a doorbell, Fred!" Shaggy scolded. "That!"

"That was fun!" Pinkie cheered. "Let's go again!"

"I've got a better idea, let's not!" Rarity groaned. "I think I dislocated my stomach..."

"At 7:00 pm, the owner will be home to set you free," The speaker informed.

Everyone groaned in pain and irritation over the fact they'd be stuck together in this stupid cage till Wickles came home and discovered them. Who knows what will happen to them then?

"Boy... this guy must really hate salesmen," Spike muttered.

"Hang on you guys," Twilight told them. "I'll get us out of here."

She lit up her horn and used her magic to teleport them out of the cage. All of a sudden, her horn soon fizzled out and went limp.

"What the... why isn't it working?" She asked confused.

"Let me try," Cadance volunteered.

"Cadance too stood up as best she could and used her magic attempting to get them out, but her horn too fizzed out. It was then she noticed a small shimmering effect coating the cage and knew exactly what was going on.

"This coat is coated in a very strong electromagnetic field," She observed. "It's the one thing no amount of magic, unicorn or alicorn, can penetrate."

"So we're stuck here mommy?" Flurry asked.

"I'm afraid so honey," Cadance nodded.


A voice drew everyone I the cage to look over and spotted two other identical cages side-by-side. Inside one cage was a little girl scout and in the other were two priests with bibles.

"You want to buy a box of cookies?" The girl scout held a box.

"Excuse me," A Priest added. "Have you heard the Good News?"

"Reah!" Scooby beamed. "Rhere's rookies!"

Velma examined the lock on the cage and noticed exactly the type of lock it was.

"Oh brother," She groaned, with a sigh. "The lock's on a laser thumb print scanner."

Suddenly, Daphne had an idea.

"Let me get my make up," She spoke.

Rarity seems to have the same idea Daphne had, as she picked up Daphne's makeup bag with her teeth and handed it to her.

"Here you are darling," She said, through her teeth.

"Daphne, I know you're a girly-girl, but I hardly think this is the time to check your make-up..." Applejack sighed.

"You know what, A.J.?" Daphne smirked slightly. "It's never too late to learn how to properly apply make-up."

"Let me guess, you're going to use the make-up on the thumbprint scanner to get us free?" Scrappy guessed.

"Yep!" Daphne nodded. "The last good thumbprint should still be there, so... a little blush... a pore strip... and... voila!"

Just as Scrappy predicted, this allowed the sphere to come apart and free them instantly.

"Okay, so I guess being a girly-girl has its perks..." Rainbow shrugged.

"I enjoy being a girl," Daphne smiled.

"I couldn't agree more, Daphne dearest," Rarity smiled.

The two shared a quick hoof/hand bump before proceeding to free the other captives in the other cages. And it was not long after until they made their way out of the dungeon.


It was a lengthy walk for our heroes, but finally they made it to the top floor. The girl scout and pastors gave quick thanks to Mystery Inc. and their friends for their release. The girl scout even let them have some cookies as a reward (For a fee of course).

"Rhanks for the rookies!" Scooby smiled.

"You're welcome!" The girl scout beamed.

Soon as she eagerly skipped out of the door, along with the priests, this left Mystery Inc. and the Equestrian Heroes to investigate the house.

"Okay, from here I think we should split up and search for clues," Spike suggested.

"That way we can cover more ground and find twice as many clues," Flurry agreed.

"Yeah, come on guys," Shaggy ushered his friends. "We'll go this way."

The Great Dane, the pup, and the filly followed Shaggy and Spike down one hall. This left Mystery Inc. and the others standing there with wide eyes.

"What just happened?" Rainbow asked.

"He stole the thing I say!" Fred gawked, greatly offended.

"Should we really be letting them go off on their own?" Shining asked concerned. "What if they get themselves hurt? Let's face it, with Shaggy and Scooby it's a pretty safe bet."

"Come on you big worry wart," Pinkie giggled. "They'll be okay. I mean what's the worst thing they can do?"

"PINKIE!!!!!!!!" The group shouted.


Shaggy and Spike went down one end of the hallway, while Scooby, Scrappy, and Flurry done down the other. Scooby creaked one door open and decided to check there. Flurry and Scrappy followed close behind.

"So Scrappy, you've been doing this detective longer than I have," Flurry spoke up. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"When it comes to clues, it's usually anything that seems out of the ordinary," Scrappy informed her. "The kind of clues that helps connect with our investigation."

"Rearching for clues~..." Scooby sang to himself.

In the midst of his investigation, he found a safe that read, 'SECRET: DO NOT OPEN'.

"Raha! A clue!"

"Seems like it would be a possible place to keep a secret inside," Scrappy said.

However, Scooby stood up on his hind legs and took the sunglasses above the safe.

"Oh, Uncle Scooby!" Flurry shook her head.


While this went on, the rest of the gang investigated another end of Wickles Manor. Currently, Daphne, Velma, Twilight, Cadance, and Shining were looking around the grand staircase. They soon noticed some glowing green footprints visible on the floor.

"Glowing footprints," Daphne noticed.

"I'm impressed, Daphne," Twilight smiled. "You seem more focused on solving mysteries lately than just looking your best or getting kidnapped."

"Well, I've matured since last time," Daphne said.

"Still impressive," Twilight approved.

"That glow..." Velma observed. "It's similar to the Pterodactyl scale."

"Let's follow these footprints and see where they lead," Shining suggested.

"Good idea!" Cadance agreed.

The footprints began to lead them up the stairs.


Scooby, Scrappy, and Flurry kept exploring their portion of the house. Though in Scooby's case, he'd been gathering random items and called them clues.

"Come on, there must be a real clue around here somewhere," Scrappy told himself.

Scooby opened one drawer and saw a private diary. However, he found a pair of white boxers with red hearts on them and wore them on his head like a hat.

"A clue!"

Flurry, paying no attention to Uncle Scooby and his quirkiness, instead used her magic to levitate the diary out of the drawer and set it down in front of her.

"I really shouldn't be doing this, but..."

Deciding against her morals, Flurry opened the diary and started scanning several pages.

"Hey Scrappy, come look at this!" She called out.

Scrappy quickly raced over to her and looked at the diary.

"Looks like you found Mr. Wickles' private diary," Scrappy observed. "Nice work Flurry, you actually found a clue."

Flurry blushed over the acknowledgment, as the two picked up the clue and followed Scooby on their hunt for more."


"Well, it looks like Wickles shares Jacobo's fascination with the supernatural."

This much Velma observed once her group entered the library for further investigating.

"Yep, sure looks like it," Rainbow looked around. "Dude has so many creepy books here, it's just a cauldron away from being Zecora's hut."

"He likes dust too," Daphne cringed in disgust.

"Honestly, would it kill the man to give this area a good dusting?" Rarity agreed.

"No wait a minute Rarity," Twilight spoke up. "Dust can actually be a really good thing. The dustier the book, the longer it's been on the shelf."

"You're right Twilight," Fred agreed. "We can tell what he's been reading lately."

The group examined the shelves for potential books more recently read. While searching, Cadance came upon a book that looked very clean.

"What about this one?" She asked.

Using her magic, she pulled it off the shelf and levitated it over to a nearby desk as the rest of the gang gathered around to observe it.

"What is it?" Daphne asked.

Velma took a closer look at the book, brushing her fingers over it.

"It's an obsolete Celtic text used by secret societies in the mid-19th century," She explained.

Fred cracked the book open and found a list of handwritten names on the front page.

"Look!" Daphne pointed to the final name. "The book belonged to J. Jacobo, the original Pterodactyl ghost."

"Maybe he gave it to Wickles before he died," Fred suggested.

"Being his cell mate, it would make sense," Fluttershy nodded in agreement.


In the meantime, Shaggy and Spike searched for clues in the other wing of the mansion. When all of a sudden they came upon, not so much a clue, but still a 'cool' discovery.

"Hey Spike, check this out!" Shaggy called out.

"What is it man?" Spike asked, approaching.

"It looks like a giant record player."

"That's a gramophone actually Shaggy..." Spike corrected. "You have to crank it and then the sound comes out through the top. I think Vinyl Scratch had an old one back in Ponyville."

Shaggy did just as Spike told him, to determine if it still worked... but nothing happened. Shaggy tried again and leaned in. However, there was an explosion and a rap song suddenly blared through the horn. Spike scratched the needle and took out the record to brush away the dust and smoke.

"Man, like that thing hasn't been used in years!" Shaggy coughed.

"You said it..." Spike gagged.


Back in the library, the rest of the gang were still in the process of reading through the book they found.

"Can you read it?" Twilight asked Velma.

"It's an amalgamation of magic and science," Velma noted.

"In Equish rather than egghead please?" Rainbow asked, rolling her eyes.

"The action, process, or combination of something," Cadance explained. "This basically balances magic and science, the two greatest rivals in the known universes."

"Right!" Velma nodded, studying further. "Here's a list of ingredients on how to create your own carbon-based organic, composite predators."

The gang then all looked at each other, realizing just what this meant.

"This is an instruction manual on how to create monsters!" Velma concluded fearfully.

"Oh dear!" Fluttershy squeaked.


Meanwhile, back with the other group, Scooby Doo stumbled out of one of the rooms on his hind legs. He emerged carrying a huge pile of junk with Flurry Heart and Scrappy Doo following closely behind. The pair soon noticed Shaggy and Spike on the other end of the hall.

"Scooby!" Shaggy greeted his best friend.

"Clues!" Scooby said.

He dropped all his stuff right in the middle of the floor.

"Those aren't clues, Scoob!" Shaggy sighed. "Those are just things you want!"

Spike spotted a peculiar instrument in the midst of the pile.

"And why would a toilet brush be a clue?" Spike added.

"That's what I asked him when he grabbed it," Scrappy sighed.

"Scooby-Dooby-Doo~..." Scooby sang like a blues singer. "Doo-Doo-Be-Dooby~..."

"Just 'cuz you can sing in it, Scoob, doesn't make it a clue..." Shaggy informed, before laughing. "It just makes it awesome!"

Spike, Flurry, and Scrappy all rolled their eyes while their two goofy pals sang through the brush. Spike soon noticed the diary in Flurry's magical grip and floated over for a look.

"Hey, what you guys got there?" He asked curiously.

"I found Wickles' diary," Flurry replied. "I figured it'd be important."

"And you thought right," Scrappy smiled. "This book could have some valuable information inside."

"Scoob, you got something on your paw..." Shaggy bent down, picking up a card. "'The Faux Ghost'?"

"According to the diary, it's a night club," Spike explained, studying the book. "Lots of bad guys go there to hang out and talk about the heroes they despise."

"And what luck, it's tonight!" Shaggy chuckled.

Then his eyes went wide in realization, as did Scooby's and the three junior detectives.

"Wait! Like do you guys know what this means?" Shaggy asked. "We are detectives! We've found some actual clues!"

The five jumped in the air in celebration. Shaggy and Scooby sang again, even doing a little jig while the three little ones jumped for joy. However, their celebration didn't last long as Scooby accidentally ended up in a knight in armor's arms. Only there was a deep, sinister chuckling came inside it. Scooby whimpered and screamed, once he saw who he was with.

"BLACK KNIGHT GHOST!" Shaggy pointed, in fear and alarm.

The Black Knight Ghost laughed, and Scooby jumped out of his arms, the boxers falling off around him and ended up on the knight's face. Shaggy and Scooby only did what they did best: Run away like little girls!

"Hey, tin can!" Scrappy glared, holding his ground. "Let's see if you can handle a raging puppy with the strength of ten bulls!"

The Black Knight Ghost glared down toward Scrappy with glowing green eyes. Then the little pup charged toward the ghost like a bull. Snarling viciously at him, Scrappy leapt in the air and delivered a spinning kick to the head. The Black Knight's helmet spun round and round until the knight stopped it with its iron clutches.

Spike also hurled a fireball, while Flurry fired a golden beam of magic toward the knight. The combined magical blasts knocked the Black Knight Ghost backward toward a wall before the three raced off to join the cowardly duo.

Shaggy and Scooby, now running around, tried blocking the door so the Black Knight Ghost couldn't get through. Fortunately, Scrappy, Flurry, and Spike managed to get in before their friends started blocking the door.

"Quick you guys!" Shaggy said anxiously. "We need to block the door! We got like some heavy stuff here!"

"I'll handle those!" Flurry volunteered.

Using her magic, she was able to lift the heavy load to barricade against the door. Shaggy ended up doing most of the handiwork with Scooby.

"Let's see him get through this!" Shaggy chuckled.

However, the Black Knight Ghost emerged through a different door and wielded his sword. Scrappy, Flurry, and Spike came over to grab another item until they saw The Black Knight Ghost. The boys and the little princess groaned upon realizing there would be a secret door in this house.

"We outsmarted that moron!" Shaggy laughed.

"Reah!" Scooby grabbed a lampshade. "What a moron!"

"Guys... I think you should stop talking now," Spike suggested nervously.

Shaggy took another object, unknowingly from the ghost.


"You're welcome..." The Black Knight replied darkly.

Shaggy and Scooby realized the Black Knight Ghost was with them, which made them instantly scared.

"How did you know there was a secret door?" Spike asked the ghost.

"Never mind that!" The Black Knight chuckled, drawing his sword. "I would rather you all get 'cut up' in our discussion!"

"MOMMY! DADDY!!!" Flurry Heart shouted.

The rest of the Equestrians, with Fred, Daphne, and Velma included, burst into the room, and rushed over. Fred held a shield in his grip.

"Yo, Metal Head!" Fred held the shield. "Bring it!"

The Black Knight punched the shield multiple times, knocking it against Fred's head repeatedly. He stumbled about in a daze, fighting to stay conscious.

"He brought it..." Fred murmured.

The rest of the group watched in dismay as Fred Jones fell into the center of the floor.

"Told him I should hold the shield, but no..." Shining groaned.

"Then why don't you take his place, knave?!" The Black Knight Ghost challenged.

"Gladly..." Shining smirked, determined.

"Hey! I want in on this too!" Rainbow flew to his side.

"Me too sugar cube!" Applejack said, brandishing her rope.

"Guys, hold him off!" Velma commanded.

Daphne checked to see if Fred was okay. Luckily, the young man was just unconscious. She then jumped up and grabbed a medieval axe, joining in the fight.

"We got this, Velma!" Shining declared.

Using his magic, he lifted Fred's shield and grabbed himself a sword to even the odds.

"I'll look in this book!" Velma said, studying. "Maybe there's a formula for finding his weakness."

The Black Knight chuckled as he challenged Shining and the girls. But even to his surprise, none were going down that easily. Shining and the girls proved much stronger than the ghost previously thought. Shining Armor and Daphne kept the knight on their toes, their weapons clashing and sending sparks in the air. The Knight was heavily on the defense, blocking several hoof shots from Rainbow at an accelerated pace while Applejack used the distraction to lasso her rope on the knight's free arm and pulled it back.

But even the ghost was not going to allow these challengers to win that easily. Even as Shining Armor's sword swiped against him, it went through his exposed form and chuckled.

"I'm already dead, peasant!" The Ghost chuckled.

"Could really use that answer right about now, Velma!" Daphne shouted, over her shoulder.


Velma found the instruction and tried to read it. All the while, Fluttershy and Rarity held each other and dodged a swing from the Black Knight's sword. Meanwhile, Pinkie stood on the sidelines wearing a giant foam finger on her hoof and a soda hat on her head.

"Go, go Gryffindor!" She cheered. "Go, go Gryffindor! Go, go—YEEP!!!"

The Black Knight Ghost swiped the sword against the foam finger and sliced the finger off. Fortunately, Pinkie's hoof was still intact as she wiggled it.

"HEY! That was my new favorite foam finger I just bought!"

"'To find the creature's weakest point'," Velma read. "'Take the angle between the current position of the sun and your geographical point'..."

Daphne, Shining, Rainbow, and Applejack continued to fight off the ghost as best as they could. But it reached a point where Applejack was literally dragged by her feet trying to keep hold of the rope. Having enough, The Black Knight began to swung the Earth pony round and round like a mace drawing the three back.

"I'm... gonna... be... sick!!!!" Applejack screamed, through her teeth.

"VELMA!!!" The rest shouted.

"'Add this point 28 and a half feet up from sea level'..." Velma read, maintaining focus.

Daphne tried to swipe the axe against the Black Knight. However, like Shining's attempt, it just went right through the middle and the ghost just giggled in mild amusement.

"That tickles!"

"This is bad!" Daphne frowned.

"You got that right," Shining grunted. "Should have known ghosts don't have stomachs."

"I love you honey," Cadance called out. "But for pony's sake!"

The Black Knight Ghost merely laughed as he used his sword to cut Daphne's axe in half. But Daphne and Shining continued to fight. At one point, Applejack finally let go and flew in the air screaming, until Rainbow Dash caught her in her arms. Applejack smiled and kissed Rainbow along the muzzle, a slight blush formed on her face before they raced off to rejoin their friends.

The fight itself continued up the stairs until eventually Daphne knocked the sword out of the ghost's hands and it impaled itself into the floor. Daphne used the distraction to slide down the rails on her feet, while the ponies flipped over the ledge and landed on their hooves. Their moment of reprieve was short lived, however, when the Black Knight's sword magically lifted off the ground and fought with them on its own.

"Oh great! An unfriendly ghost sword!" Rainbow remarked.

"'Take the square root of 30,869'..." Velma continued reading.

"Look, no hands!" The Black Knight taunted.

"Frankly ghost, I really don't care," Shining glared.

Taking the challenge, Shining swiped his sword against the floating sword bringing the fight to the specter. All while the girls surrounded the Black Knight trying to urge their smart friend to find a weakness.

"Any time would be great, Velma!" Daphne shouted.

"I'm trying!" Velma cried out. "'Subtract one, divide by B, follow upward eight degrees north'..."

Suddenly Velma realized what that meant. She rushed toward the front of the ghost... and kicked him right between his legs.

"Which makes his greatest weak point right here!" Velma concluded.

The Black Knight Ghost grunted, and his sword plopped to the ground.

"Right in the round tables..." He muttered, in slight agony.

"Actually, 'crown jewels' would've been the more appropriate term," Pinkie corrected. "But that works too!"

"PINKIE PIE!!!" The group shouted.

"RUN!!!" Velma yelled.

Mystery Inc. and the Equestrian Heroes bolted out of the manor, Rarity and Fluttershy carrying a dizzy Fred Jones out of the house.

"Rin your race!" Scooby mocked the Ghost.

Scooby shoved the lampshade on the ghost's head and ran with the others.

"Quick!" Twilight called out. "Let's make a break for your place!"

They nodded in agreement as they made their great escape from Wickles' manor. Shaggy nearly shut the door before Scooby got out, but luckily he made it. It wasn't long before everyone returned to the meeting place, parking the van just outside, and officially went back to work and business.

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