Reuniting with the gang
The crystal-clear portal opened, and the group consisting of the Mane Six, Spike, Shining Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart stepped out from the other side. Stepping into the new dimension, they expected to step out into the light of day. But instead, the black of night itself met them. Luna's moon shined high in the sky, amongst millions of sparkling, twinkling stars all of which lit up the otherwise dark sky.
The group looked around to analyze exactly where they ended up this time, but their search quickly ended when they turned around to see that they stood before the front of 'Mystery Inc.' headquarters. It wasn't hard to tell this was the base of operation for the crime solving sleuths due to the iconic Mystery Machine parked out front.
"Well, looks like we're here," Twilight pointed out.
"Pretty hard to mistake the paint job on that van for anything else," Rainbow nodded.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Pinkie questioned excitedly.
The party pony bounced toward the front door and everyone else quickly followed behind. Pinkie gently tapped on the door two times, so lightly it would have been difficult for anyone to hear. She waited maybe 'one' whole second before she stared pounding the door lightly.
"Come on!" She yelled. "Pick it up! Show a little hustle in there!"
Not even a few moments later, the door swung open, and the group saw the familiar face of the leader of Mystery Inc. himself, Fred Jones. The strapping man with dirty blonde hair wore what resembled a really fancy dark blue suit and his trademark orange ascot tied into... well, a 'tie'. Once his eyes darted down upon the familiar group of ponies, including the baby dragon, he smiled at them.
"Well hey there guys!" He greeted. "Wow! It's been a whole minute, hasn't it?"
"Ya got that right Jones!" Rainbow replied.
The spry Pegasus floated towards Fred and proceeded to fist/hoof bump with one another.
"Good to see you too Dash," Fred smiled at her.
"You too jughead," Rainbow smirked.
Fred turned toward the rest of the group, gesturing them inside.
"Well come on in," He ushered. "Soon as the rest of the gang finish getting ready, we can all head out together."
The entire group made their way indoors and were taken aback in shock at the sight of the Mystery Inc. HQ. The entire building was huge, with all different assortment of furniture, paintings, and all other forms of the most amazing things.
Everyone took a moment to fully take in the area around them, looking on in utter amazement.
"Wow, cool place!" Spike admired.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Fred nodded. "Built this place not too long after getting back from Spooky Island. Figured with Mystery Inc. back together again, we needed a sweet pad to rock in."
"Well your sense in style is certainly one to admire darling," Rarity complimented.
"That would be my doing."
The addition of another voice had the entire group turning to the side and saw none other than Daphne Blake descending the stairs from the upper floor. The resident fashionista of Mystery Inc. was garbed in an elegant purple dress with a purple fur coat to match.
Typical Daphne wearing everything purple.
Hey! It's a good color.
"Uh, excuse me Mr. Narrators," Pinkie spoke to the sky. "Not that I don't enjoy hearing your banter, but could you maybe hold off at least till the next scene?"
Ugh! Fine... but you owe us, Pinkie!
"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie smiled.
The pink party pony looked around, seeing everyone else staring at her in confusion.
Everyone else decided it was far easier to not question Pinkie and just proceed with the conversation.
"Daphne darling!" Rarity greeted. "It's simply divine to see you again."
Daphne leaned down and the two fashionistas embraced in a hug.
"It's so nice to see you again too Rarity," Daphne replied. "And I also can't wait to see what your genius mind came up with your guys' outfits tonight."
"Oh darling, if there's one thing you should know about Madame Rarity is that you can always expect a smashing style."
Rainbow leaned over to whisper to Shining, Cadence, and Flurry.
"Not to mention an inflated ego."
This caused them all to chuckle quietly to themselves and Rarity snapped her head back with a glare toward her Pegasus friend. Daphne then went around giving hugs to everyone else in the group, as well before standing next to Fred. The sounds of footsteps alerted the group to yet another person entering the room, and everyone saw the genius behind Mystery Inc., Velma Dinkley. The spunky brainiac of the group wore a simple orange dress and heels.
She smiled immediately upon seeing the entire group.
"Oh my goodness!" She gasped. "It's so good to see all of you again."
She, much like Daphne, went around hugging everyone in welcome before standing back to smile at all of them.
"It feels like forever since we all stopped a rampaging horde of monsters from possessing human bodies on Spooky Island."
"Like don't remind us, man!"
That familiar voice was one everyone could recognize when they all turned toward another section of the main room to see none other than Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Doo, and Scrappy Doo entering the room. Shaggy was decked out in a brown suit and a green dress shirt, while Scooby and Scrappy both had what resembled dress collars over their regular collars.
"Reah, ro way!" Scooby shook his head.
"I for one don't need to relive the memory of being locked in a crate for weeks!" Scrappy added, shuddering. "They couldn't even add a bathroom..."
The moment Flurry's eyes landed on the familiar Great Dane, that's when her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. A huge smile spread its way across her face.
"Uncle Scooby!" She squealed.
Scooby Doo snapped his head in the direction of the voice, immediately smiling upon seeing the little filly.
"Rurry!" He said loudly.
The two raced toward each other, embracing one another in a big hug much to the rest of the groups' amusement. Scooby even proceeded to lick Flurry's cheek a few times, which just made the filly giggle. Finally, when the pulled apart, everyone assembled in one big group.
"It's amazing seeing you all again," Scrappy told them.
"You too little dude!" Rainbow chuckled. "Have the guys been treating you better since we left? If not, I've no problem breaking open a can of whoop-flank on 'em."
This caused everyone to chuckle in amusement.
"No, they've actually embraced me as a major team player," Scrappy replied. "I've actually managed to kick quite a bit of butt on our adventures lately."
"Like it's true," Shaggy nodded. "You shoulda seen Scrappy stand up to that giant ape when we went down to my great uncle's mansion."
"Wait a minute!" Pinkie emphasized. "I don't know if this is the right universe for that story."
She pulled out a bunch of stapled pieces of paper entitled, 'Scooby Doo Animated Movies'. She read through it a tad before she finally shrugged and put the list back into her mane. It was then both Shaggy and Scooby took notice of Flurry.
"Like wow Flurry!" Shaggy admired. "You grew up something fierce!"
"Reah, your so rig now!" Scooby nodded.
Flurry just blushed over all the compliments coming her way. Twilight decided it was probably a good idea to introduce the rest of their group to them.
"Well since you guys already know us and Spike, I'd like to introduce you to my brother Shining Armor and my sister-in-law Princess Cadence," She introduced.
Cadence and Shining both stepped forward, shaking hands with each member of Mystery Inc.
"It's so nice to finally meet all of you," Cadence said kindly. "We've heard so much about all of you from Twilight and Flurry."
"No kidding!" Shining chuckled. "After your guys' last adventure, Flurry wouldn't stop saying 'Scooby Doo' for at least three months!"
"Daddy!" Flurry whined, blushing in embarrassment.
Fred looked toward the watch on his wrist and noticed it was rapidly approaching that time. The time where they would really have to get under way if they didn't want to be late for the opening of the museum. Or at least, not to get stuck in traffic.
"Oh hey gang, look at the time," Fred pointed. "We have to be at the red carpet in a half hour."
"Well what are we waiting for?" Rainbow asked. "Let's get the party started!"
"Aw, I knew I'd rub off on you eventually!" Pinkie teased.
"Hold up just a moment darling," Rarity spoke up. "We can't go just yet. We haven't even changed into our apparel for the evening."
She gestured toward the cart behind her, and Rainbow groaned in irritation.
"Do we really have to?" She whined.
"Oh come on Rainbow, it's just for the night," Twilight assured.
"Ugh! Fine..." Rainbow moaned.
"Is there a place we can all change?" Cadence asked the gang.
"Sure!" Daphne nodded. "Just upstairs and down the hall to the left."
The Equestrians and Spike all nodded as they proceeded to make their way upstairs to dress for the evening.
Fifteen or so minutes later...
The gang heard the clopping of hoof steps, and they all turned to see their friends making their way downstairs. All the girls were adorned in the most beautiful looking dresses, while Spike and Shining Armor both wore fancy black dress coats.
Everyone admired the splendid dresses and suits the ponies and Spike were all wearing. They even fawned over how cute little Flurry looked in her dress.
"Well Rarity, you've certainly done it again," Twilight admired.
"I love, love, LOVE my dress!" Flurry said excitedly.
"Seeing the smiles on all your faces makes it all worthwhile," Rarity smiled proudly.
Meanwhile, Rainbow grumbled to herself as she tried to adjust her own dress. Applejack walked alongside her mare-friend, noting she was struggling.
"Ya alright there, sugarcube?" She asked.
"I hate wearing dresses," Rainbow complained. "I always feel like a mummy when I'm wrapped up in these things."
"Well, what that there dress lacks in roominess, it sure as hay makes up fer in looks," Applejack complimented. "Ya sure look mighty pretty in that dress."
Applejack leaned in and gave Rainbow a quick peck on the lips, which made the cyan tomboy Pegasus to smile and blush.
"Alright everyone, it's showtime!" Fred announced.
"Oh! Almost forgot to ask," Twilight remembered. "Are we going to need to assume our human forms again? If so, I can fix it with one simple spell."
"Nah, you shouldn't have to," Fred shook his head. "You guys became pretty world famous yourselves when you helped us out on Spooky Island. Since then, people have wanted to meet the real you."
"So... we're becoming famous in other worlds, huh?" Spike smirked. "That's pretty cool."
Fred gave a small smirk as he lead the group toward the front door of the headquarters and pulled it open. Stepping out into the night air, the ponies and Spike all walked over toward the Mystery machine. They turned back seeing the gang staring at them, confused.
"What are you guys doing?" Velma asked.
"Aren't we taking the van to the grand opening?" Shining asked.
"Like normally we would man," Shaggy responded. "But since this is like our big night, we thought we'd travel in style."
No sooner he said that, when a big, long stretch SUV limo came driving up in front of the group. The coolest thing about it was how the limo was also painted to resemble the Mystery Machine. Every pony and Spike all stared wide-eyed at the huge painted limo in absolute astonishment.
"So... cool!" Rainbow gasped, shocked.
Fred opened the door, holding it open for everyone to climb in one-by-one. Once the door was closed, the limo sped off towards the museum.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
A buzz of paparazzi and excited fans stood cheering at the red carpet of the brand new Coolsonium Criminology Museum as they anxiously awaited the arrival of the famed Mystery Inc. The people had come from miles around just to see this amazing event. The local news was determined to cover this most historic event.
"Here we are folks on the red carpet of the grand opening of the Coolsonium Criminology Museum," The news reporter announced. "Tonight's premier exhibit is a rousing look back at the exploits of Mystery Incorporated."
The stretch limo came cruising down the street before coming to a stop directly at the red carpet. A doorman opened the door allowing Fred to step out first. He then helped Daphne step out, followed by Velma. The crowd cheered even louder over the arrival of Mystery Inc., some even getting a little 'overexcited'.
"Folks this crowd is going crazy over Mystery Inc.," The reporter confirmed.
Before he could say anything else, a group of girls pushed past him and raced toward Fred. Seeing the oncoming crowd of girls, Fred smiled and proceeded to pull a number of ascots from his pockets, handing each to them one by one.
"Here you go girls," He said. "I've got an ascot for each of you."
The girls all shrieked and squealed as they raced back to where they stood before. That's when Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy stepped out from the limo, with Shaggy waving excitedly at the crowd and Scooby threw a bunch of his head shots.
"Rello!" Scooby said excitedly.
"Check it out guys!" Shaggy pointed out. "It's a Shag, Scoob, and Scrap quake and the whole city's shakin!"
"Gee, this is one heck of a turnout!" Scrappy marveled. "I always hoped someday I'd be a big enough player in Mystery Inc. to be this popular. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up."
"Reah!" Scooby nodded.
Scooby then took notice of Shaggy's milkshake that he'd been drinking along the way, using his tongue to grab hold of it, and bring it toward his mouth.
"Come on Uncle Scooby!" Scrappy called.
Scooby tried to get the cup off his face, but found it was sort of stuck. He shook his head around rapidly until it finally came loose. Unfortunately, it landed all over the chauffeur who smiled awkwardly.
"Rorry!" Scooby smiled sheepishly.
"I consider it a privilege sir," The chauffeur spoke casually.
Soon the ponies and Spike all stepped out from the limo as well. The crown soon turned and started taking pictures of them too. Rarity, being the attention seeker she could be, embraced this and struck various poses showing off her dress. Rainbow, blinded by the flashes, stumbled all around because she couldn't keep her balance. Fluttershy tried hiding from all the attention by hiding her head in her mane and ducked as low to the ground as she possibly could.
Meanwhile, every pony else just walked forward casually, giving smiles and waves toward the crowd as they passed by. A few even asked for autographs.
"Can I have your autograph, please?" A girl asked Twilight.
"Sure!" Twilight nodded.
Twilight grabbed the book and pen with her magic, using it to sign her autograph.
"I saw you and your friends on the news a while back when you guys helped Mystery Inc. save the world!" The girl said. "I've been a big fan ever since!"
"Wow!" Twilight said amazed. "That's really nice of you. Thank you!"
As this went on, a couple twin girls with purple roses approached Daphne and handed her the roses.
"Well, don't you two look beautiful!" She said sweetly. "Thank you!"
A group of girls chanted Velma's name, much to the brainiac's joy. Walking toward them, she shook their hands and one of them broke out in tears.
"Can you sign this please?" She asked tearfully. "We love you Velma!"
Velma signed the autograph for them and handed it back to them.
"Thanks!" She said, before walking away.
"I love her so much!" The girl cried.
Velma walked over toward Twilight and the others. Twilight smiled toward her.
"Feeling good?" She asked.
"You have no idea," Velma smiled brightly. "This has been so amazing so far. I see you and the others have been quite popular tonight as well."
"We get this kind of thing all the time back home. At this point, I'm pretty used to it. But it's still nice to hear it every now and then."
Shaggy walked toward the steps when a familiar group of people caught his eyes. He recognized them as a few of his older stoner friends from college.
"Hey!" He said with glee. "Right on!"
He proceeded to give each of them a high five and offered thanks for coming out. Scooby and Scrappy made their way up the stairs, waving and saying hello to a few fans. They caught sight of a couple dogs who barked in their direction. Being dogs themselves, they knew exactly what they were talking about and barked back in response. Fluttershy watched from the sideline and Spike came up alongside her.
"Any idea what they're saying?" He asked her.
"Oh sure!" Fluttershy nodded. "That one said, 'Sign my bowl'. The little one said, 'Tug on my chew toy'. The last one said... actually, I'd rather not say it out loud."
Fluttershy and Spike both looked at each other for a moment before deciding to leave it at that and walk off. As Fred and Daphne made their way halfway up the stairs, they were stopped by a blonde-haired woman wearing black. This was Coolsville's head news broadcaster, Heather Jasper Howe.
"May I have a word with Coolsville's hottest detectives?" She asked them.
"Absolutely!" Fred nodded.
"Well there you go, there's your word," Daphne interjected quickly. "Come on Fred, we're late."
Howe just rolled her eyes as she walked up and stood right next to Fred, staring back at the camera.
"Heather Jasper Howe reporting live from the grand opening of the new Coolsonium Criminology Museum with our guest of honor, the master detectives of Mystery Incoporated."
She then turned her attention back toward Fred.
"So Fred, I think all of us would like to know how you feel about the museum showcasing an exhibit entirely dedicated to Mystery Incorporated."
"Well, I personally believe it's an amazing honor to showcase all the amazing work that Mystery Inc. has accomplished over the years from where we started to where we are now," Fred responded.
"So with all your success, do you still have time for all of us here in little old Coolsville?" Howe asked.
"Of course!" Fred nodded. "Little old Coolsville can solve its problems without us, but we'll always be here to help."
He turned back toward the crowd and lifted his arm high in the air.
"The people of Coolsville are the BEST IN THE WORLD!!!" He shouted.
The crowd once again erupted in cheers of adoration, except for one old man in the audience glaring at the crime solvers before slinking off into the crowd.
While they made their way into the museum, Fluttershy felt some weird tingling sensation wash over her and she couldn't quite make heads or tails of what it was. Looking up toward the sky, her eyes widened in fear as she saw a familiar black figure with red glowing eyes perched on top of the museum. She squeaked in fear before running forward, hiding behind Shining Armor and Cadence. The prince and princesses of the Crystal Empire turned and saw the Pegasus cowering in fear behind them.
"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" Cadence asked concerned.
"You look like you just saw a ghost," Shining observed. "No pun intended of course."
"It's here!" Fluttershy squeaked loudly. "It's here! The monster I saw in the Everfree is here!"
She pointed toward where she saw the creature. Both Cadence and Shining looked up only to see absolutely nothing there. Fluttershy slowly peeked up as well, but when she saw nothing was there, she looked around in confusion.
"B-B-But it was there!" She said confused. "It was looking down at me!"
"Just calm down Fluttershy," Cadence assured. "Are you sure you're still not in shock after seeing it in the Everfree? That you just 'thought' you saw it here?"
"I don't 'think' I saw it," Fluttershy spoke surely. "I saw it, I swear!"
"Okay, okay!" Shining stepped in. "How's about I stay on guard for the rest of the night and keep watch for it? Will that help put your mind at ease?"
Fluttershy looked back up one last time before turning back toward them, nodding slightly. Flurry Heart raced up and jumped on Fluttershy's back in excitement.
"Come on Aunt Fluttershy!" She said excitedly. "Let's go and have fun!"
This actually made Fluttershy giggle a bit and ruffle Flurry's mane.
"Okay sweetie," She smiled. "We'll go in."
With Flurry still on her back, Fluttershy and Cadance both followed everyone else into the museum. Shining looked toward the sky one last time for anything suspicious.
"All right monster, you've got Prince Shining Armor to deal with," Shining Armor declared, throwing fight poses. "I'll be waitin' for ya', eyes and ears open, coiled like a tiger ready to spring!"
Eventually, he too made his way into the museum before a black shape soared across the sky.
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