Monster Mash
Following their near-death experience with both Captain Cutler and the Pterodactyl Ghost, the Mystery Inc. crew and the Equestrians soon arrived back at the Old Time Mining Town. The Mystery Machine came in at full force and actually crashed into an old shack that ended up having an entire wall fall from the impact. The gang quickly jumped out and Rainbow peeked out, her head still spinning as she shook the grogginess off.
"Sheesh! Someone get that dog's license!" She spoke dizzily.
"Hey, I did the best I could on the spot!" Scrappy shot back.
"Maybe not the best on the parking job though," Spike commented.
"That's something we can focus on after we're all out of mortal danger," Twilight reminded.
"Alright gang," Fred addressed everyone. "The Monster Hive is right over there. Let's get this control panel and plug her in."
Suddenly, the sound of a horse whinny caught everyone's attention and they turned to the side. And there... the Black Knight Ghost appeared, riding a black horse with glowing red eyes. In his hands he held a lance, as he stared intently toward Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians with great hatred. Specifically towards Fred Jones.
"You go nowhere, knave..." He said menacingly.
The Mane Six, Cadance, and Shining Armor jumped in front of everyone. They stood ready to defend those they cared for with every fiber of their beings.
"Come on tin can!" Rainbow challenged. "I've been wanting to put a dent in that armor all day!"
"We ain't afraid of ya!" Applejack added. "No way, no how!"
Before they could do anything, Fred stepped in front of them and held a hand up, the signal to stand down.
"You guys take the long way around..." Fred instructed. "I'll hold him off."
The Black Knight merely glared toward Fred, all the more intensely. Shining Armor then stepped alongside Mystery Inc.'s leader, glaring toward the Black Knight as well.
"Then I'm fighting with you," Shining spoke determined. "The rest of you go ahead and fix this mess."
Everyone looked at each other for a moment, almost contemplating whether or not to go on like they said or stay behind and fight. However, they knew the longer they'd wait, the more monsters would run rampant in Coolsville. Reluctantly, they decided to go on and leave Fred & Shining to face the Black Knight.
"Come on," Velma urged everyone.
"Go get him Fred!" Shaggy encouraged Fred.
Cadance quickly raced toward Shining Armor, planted a quick kiss on his lips, and then threw her hooves around him.
"You better come back to me," She whispered.
"Always..." Shining whispered back.
As they finally pulled away, Shining looked toward Flurry Heart, who tried her best not to cry. But alas, she was failing miserably.
"D-Daddy..." She whimpered. "B-Before we g-go, I-I just wanted to say..."
But Shining gave her no chance to finish. Instead, he grabbed her and drew her to him with a bone-crushing hug. They hugged for what felt like the longest time before Shining pulled away and held her face in his hooves.
"I was wrong to say all those things Flurry," He told her. "The truth is... I was so afraid you were growing up so fast. I secretly just always wanted you to be my baby girl, forever if I had the power. But I realize now... I can't stop you from growing up; don't miss this chance because of me. Now go... live your life... and make me proud."
Tears streamed down Flurry's face as she looked upon her father. Her mother then came behind her and used her magic to place her on her back. They ran off after the others as Fred and Shining planned their next course of action.
"What's the plan chief?" Shining asked Fred.
"Follow me," Fred responded.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The two raced toward another section of the yard where Fred pulled off an old tarp, revealing a very pristine motorcycle. Hoping upon the vehicle, he revved it to life and grabbed a helmet which he placed upon his head. Shining, getting the idea of where this was going, quickly used his magic to conjure his guard captain armor which appeared on his body in the blink of an eye. Fred drove the bike forward and grabbed for an old pipe to serve as his lance. Shining galloped behind him as they both emerged back toward the yard and stood across from the Black Knight.
This was the moment of truth for the young man and the stallion captain, the two staring down their foe like the scene of an old western standoff. Fred reached into his pocket and pulled out his old ascot, which he tied around his neck for luck. Then, the Black Knight charged forward on his horse at full speed and Fred revved off in his direction as well with Shining galloping alongside him. Shining shot off bolts of his magic toward the Black Knight, who expertly blocked them with his shield. As Fred and the Black Knight raced towards each other, they eventually zipped past each other with Fred's arm grazing against the lance. Fred quickly did a full donut with the bin and now faced the Knight again, as he rubbed his now sore shoulder.
"I got you buddy!" Shining told him.
Using his magic, he quickly patched Fred's arm, which now few like it was brand new.
"Thanks Shining," Fred thanked.
"We're almost inside!" Scrappy called out, racing forward.
"I can't leave Fred like this," Daphne frowned.
"Don't worry, he'll be fine," Cadance assured her. "I have faith in both him and my Shiny."
But despite the reassurance, Daphne simply pouted fearing for the life of someone very close to her. Her expression did not go unnoticed due to another curious alicorn in the room.
"Wow... they really do love each other," Twilight smirked.
"Gee, what was your first clue Twi?" Rainbow replied snarky.
Just then, a great electrical surge exploded throughout the area. Before their very eyes, a very familiar electric ghost made its presence known and the Ten Thousand Volt Ghost appeared.
"Not so fast!" It shouted loudly.
With a surge of its electrical powers, the ghost rained down its power from the sky itself. Everyone and every pony managed to jump out of the way, avoiding being struck by such a surge of electricity. Daphne glared, while the others were scared knowing they stood no chance against the 10,000 Volt Ghost.
"You guys go!" Daphne told them. "I'll take care of Sparky!"
"Daphne, it's not worth it!" Rarity cried out. "10,000 volts can kill you!"
"We'll find another way in," Applejack assured.
"Don't worry about me," Daphne responded. "Just get that control panel to the hive."
It was then Princess Cadance jumped in beside her.
"You won't fight alone," She told her. "I'm staying with you!"
"Momma, no!" Flurry yelled.
Cadance looked back toward Flurry then to everyone else.
"Keep Flurry safe for me!" She said. "Get to the monster hive as fast as you can; we'll be right behind you."
Everyone once again seemed uncertain but nonetheless quickly turned heel and ran off towards the Monster Hive. This left Daphne and Cadance to stand alone against the electrifying phantom. Daphne stood in a fighting position as Cadance readied her magic.
"Taste the pain Mr. Glowing Ugly Thing," Daphne said determined.
"Yeah... like she said," Cadance nodded.
Meanwhile, Fred and Shining held their own against the Black Knight using everything they've got. Fred revved the engine of the motorcycle again, as Shining cuffed the dirty floor with one hind hoof glaring with fierce determination. And together, they sped off into the Knight's direction, side by side. Fred reeled back and popped a wheelie as they drew ever closer.
Then Shining leaped through the air, right in front of the Black Knight and delivered a flying side kick with his hooves and sent the demonic knight reeling back. Unknowingly, the Black Knight's lance still collided against Fred knocking him off his motorcycle. The force sent him flying in the air and crashed against Shining Armor.
In between these turn of events, the 10,000 Volt Ghost fired a surge of electricity toward the girls. Cadance unleashed her magic with a mighty yell and their powers collided with such tremendous force. The forces of their power, pressing against each other like the positive and negative force of a magnet, made the earth beneath their feet steadily rise off the ground and Cadance's mane hovered tremendously in the air as beads of sweat poured down her brow. She held on for as long as she could, even as her legs trembled trying to push back against the electrical surge and her vision struggled ever greatly.
Seeing her friend in peril, Daphne made a last-minute decision and raced forward. She hopped upon Cadance's back and leapt toward the electrical ghost. By the time Cadance caught sight of the act, it was too late!
"DAPHNE!!!" Cadance shouted.
The moment Daphne's foot contacted the ghost, the electricity exploded so greatly that Daphne and Cadance flew backward into the air like rockets in the night sky. They flew screaming until eventually they landed right toward the section of the Mining Town, where Shining Armor and Fred laid back. The boys turned seeing the keys to their heart lying beside them, winded yet happy to see them in return.
"Cadance..." Shining spoke.
"Daph, are you okay?" Fred asked concerned.
"I think so..." Daphne answered weakly.
"Well Shining... I guess this is it, huh?" Cadance replied, smiling.
"Oh Mi Amora..." Shining shook his head. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for all of this."
"I'm afraid," Fred admitted. "What a wimp, huh?"
"That doesn't make you a wimp," Daphne replied.
"Being honest with yourself only makes you stronger," Cadance promised. "It's that special quality that makes you... human."
Meanwhile, Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, Scrappy, and the rest of the Equestrian group raced ahead towards the Monster Hive. The quicker they could get the control panel back in place, the sooner this whole nightmare would end. However, they quickly skid to a halt upon noticing the familiar silhouettes of two very familiar monsters.
"The skeleton men," Velma whispered.
"Aw great!" Rainbow groaned. "We gotta deal with those boney bozos again!"
"At least it's only two of them against all of us," Twilight pointed out.
"For now anyway," Rarity added.
The group quickly made their way around to another side of the building. They knew they needed a plan on how to proceed from this point without drawing too much attention.
"What do we do now?" Spike asked.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm willing to fight my way out if I have to," Scrappy said determined.
All at once, Velma handed Shaggy the control panel.
"Here Shaggy, take this."
"Why're you giving this to me?" Shaggy asked.
"We'll distract those skeletal screwballs," Velma told him. "Get this to the Monster Hive."
"Us?" Shaggy asked.
"Yes Shaggy," Twilight nodded. "Take Scrappy, Spike, and Flurry Heart with you. Get to the hive as quick as you guys can."
"Once there, just plug the control panel into the base," Velma instructed. "Push the button and fix this and destroy all the monsters."
"But—but we can't!" Shaggy spoke, sliding against the wall.
"Reah, we're rew ups!" Scooby nodded sadly.
"He's right Twilight," Spike nodded dejected. "I mean throughout the entirety of this journey we haven't really done 'anything' heroic."
"But you guys,, we can't just give up now," Scrappy argued. "Our friends, our city, they are all depending on us!"
"And what can we do Scrappy?" Flurry asked. "All we've managed to do is get ourselves into even bigger trouble than we were already in!"
"We tried to be heroes like you guys, but we're not okay!" Shaggy said. "We're just not!"
"We're not clever at making traps like Fred," Spike listed. "We're not good looking as Daphne nor as smart as you, Velma..."
"And we're not even as brave and heroic as you Scrappy... or even Auntie Twilight," Flurry added sadly. "And you can be satisfied knowing that every pony was right about me all along... I really am just a helpless filly who blows everything up..."
"Like me?" Velma spoke up. "That's funny... I always wanted to be like you guys."
"What do you mean?" Spike asked curiously.
"You guys are so free. You're never afraid to be who you really are, whether you're fearful or joyful or hungry."
That got a slight chuckle from Shaggy and Scooby when Scrappy stepped up to them, and they had to look down toward their tiny friend.
"Don't you see Uncle Scooby, I don't look up to you because of what you're trying to prove," Scrappy spoke. "I know I may exaggerate too much about your mystery solving skills, and deep down I know you and Shaggy get scared easily. But I still treat you as my biggest hero because we're family, and family always support each other... no matter what. If anything... you inspired 'me' to be braver than I've ever been, so I too can be a great detective not because I have to be but... I just 'want' to be."
"And Spike," Twilight spoke to him. "I knew there was something special in you after hatching you from that egg. When I looked in those eyes, I saw the look of a dragon who'd do great things. I know I don't always brag about all the things you've contributed to, and I know it feels like I often don't appreciate your actions... but you and your friends, you've always been heroes. Even if you haven't known it, I always believed you can step up when it matters."
"You... really think I can do this?" Spike asked, tearfully.
"You're not just the little dragon who saved the Crystal Empire. You're going to be the little dragon who saved Coolsville."
Twilight Sparkle's words seemed to touch something in his heart, like a newly lit beacon of hope that had long since dimmed for some time. His fears switch to a look of determination as he stuck out his chest and gave a salute.
"I won't let you down, Twilight!" Spike declared.
"Good! Pinkie... follow them and make sure they reach the terminal."
"Uh... when you said 'Pinkie'... do you mean... me?" Pinkie asked. "But I thought—"
"Pinkie Pie... no pony can do a better job at keeping an eye on these kids than you," Twilight declared.
"Well—" Rainbow began.
"Just remember," Twilight continued. "What would Pinkie Pie do in a case like this?"
Pinkie Pie looked toward Twilight, then to her friends, and she too nodded with determination.
"I accept this responsibility understanding the consequences you've bestowed against me!" Pinkie spoke.
Now knowing what they must do now, Velma and the others turned toward each other and took a deep breath.
"Here we go," Velma declared, walking off.
"Good luck!" Fluttershy spoke quietly.
The Goof Squad watched as their friends raced off to deal with the skeleton men. They just stood there breathing in word for word of what their friends said.
"Reroes..." Scooby sighed.
"Heroes..." Shaggy smiled.
"All right, every pony!" Pinkie faced the group. "Let's... get... goofy!"
"On your knees, knave!" The Black Knight beckoned.
"Um, excuse me sir!" Cadance spoke up. "Can't you see we're 'trying' to have a talk?"
"Talking is for wimps," The Knight growled.
"You can't fool me with that macho façade," Fred added. "You're just afraid to show your sensitive side."
"He's right..." Shining Armor agreed. "Just because you wear black armor and act all mean and scary... you're still a Knight! And knights swear themselves to valor..."
This stopped the Black Knight for a moment as Shining Armor slowly stood up, reciting some 'old code' as the others looked on. Even with the Black Knight hovered over them, his sword drawn and ready to slash, Shining Armor stood bravely before the ghastly knight.
"A knight's heart knows only virtue; his blade defends the helpless," Shining Heart recited. "His might upholds the weak; his word speaks only truth..."
"H-H-His wrath..." The knight trembled. "Undoes... the wicked..."
"Please Mr. Knight, your cause for The Evil Masked Figure means nothing to him," Cadance implored. "Look inside your heart... and you'll find the answer."
This seemed to strike a nerve within the Black Knight's armor, as if the spirit inside him seemed moved to tears.
"You've touched my inner child..." The Black Knight smiled.
Cadance nodded her head with a smile, as Shining Armor looked on proudly as if they've won themselves an ally...
"AND HE'S REALLY MAD!!!!" The Knight screamed, raising his sword.
All four eyes went wide realizing this tender moment didn't last long.
"Well... that didn't work..." Shining Armor gulped.
"Run..." Cadance squeaked.
And soon all four picked each other off the ground and started running before the Black Knight could reach them.
"Come on guys," Scrappy urged. "I think we're safe!"
The motley group slowly scurried out of their hiding spot and proceeded to make their way toward their destination. Shaggy took the lead only to bump his head into something big... and soft. Slowly and frightenedly, all five heads looked up to see a glowing, plump, and spooky presence of one of Mystery Inc.'s most notorious ghosts from days long past.
"Miner... forty... niner!" Shaggy spoke slowly.
The spirit of the old, bearded miner laughed menacingly toward the group. Then all of a sudden, he quickly shot fire from his lungs forcing the group to duck and jump multiple times to avoid getting singed.
"That's new..." Scrappy trembled.
Before the miner could attack again, Shaggy raised a quick finger toward his face much to the ghost's confusion. Then Shaggy quickly zoomed away leaving a trail of dust with Scooby and the others repeating and following suit. The monster miner chased after them, swinging his pickaxe and spewing flames against them. But the spirit was more than determined to reach the motley little crew and recover the control panel at all costs.
"I'll get you, you varmints!" The miner declared.
In the meantime, the skeleton men were just getting themselves together while standing guard. Velma and the others took their position a few feet away from the boney men. Velma then picked up a pebble off the ground, while Rarity picked up another with her magic.
"Ooh boys!!!" Rarity called out.
Together, they hurled the pebbles toward the monsters, the tiny rocks bounced off their heads in comical fashion. They turned and soon noticed the group of trespassers in their wake.
"Your mama was a doggy treat!" Rainbow teased, waving her rump.
Insulted, the skeletal men pursued the group who proceeded to make a run for it as fast as their legs (Or wings) could carry them. Despite their comical pratfalls, bumping and crashing into things, the skeleton men were determined to capture the group by any means. Why they decided not to fight against these boney men, nobody knows. But then, the red-eyed skeleton grabbed his companion's head and hurled it toward the group like a baseball... only to hit against the door beside them.
"Y'all couldn't even pitch a buck-ball!" Applejack remarked.
"Come on, girls!" Twilight called out.
The pursuit continued as the group of friends raced away, with the Green-Eyed skeleton man retrieving his head back, inserting it back in place, and raced behind his companion to capture them.
Meanwhile, Daphne, Fred, Cadance, and Shining Armor found themselves in a corner with both the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost surrounding them. It seemed to be the end for this small group of heroes.
"Dead... end..." The 10,000 Volt ghost chuckled.
Just then, finding themselves backed into their van, Daphne turned around and spotted some jumper cables near the open doorway. All of a sudden, an idea popped into her head.
"Remember when we were young, and you used to wear that jumper?" Daphne reminded Fred.
"Fred... in a jumper?" Shining asked.
"And we used to watch cable?" Daphne continued.
Fred and Shining Armor were too busy dodging sword swings to figure it out when they landed by the van. Cadance saw what Daphne was talking about and used her magic to draw their heads toward the cable and slowly it dawned on them.
"Ooh..." Shining Armor nodded. "What's 'cable'?"
"Honey, I love you... but for pony's sake!" Cadance replied exasperated.
Quickly, they raced in and grabbed the jumper cables from the van. Grabbing one end of the cable, Daphne flipped a nearby pipe with one foot and attached the positive and negative ends with the pipe.
"Do it!" Cadance shouted.
Daphne hurled the pipe like a javelin through the torso of the electrical ghost. He tried to pry the pipe off him, but it was no used. Fred, with his end, proceeded to attach one cable against the knight's sword... and one in the nether region of his armor.
"Lights out!" Shining called out.
Before the monsters could do anything, the Black Knight felt the surge of electricity flowing through his armor. The sensation flowing through the spirit prevented him from gaining any control of his mobility. And as for the 10,000-volt ghost, he could feel his energy flowing into the Black Knight's body due to the pipe and the cables. Unfortunately, it was helpless to draw itself away from its ally.
"Blackout! Blackout!" The ghost shrieked.
The group quickly scattered to avoid what would happen next. The surge of electricity proved so strong, so overwhelming that eventually...
Heavy sparks exploded in a massive wave of fire, shooting in a wide angle. And all that remained of the Black Knight ghost was his glowing helmet, which soared across the air and tumbled along the dirty road just inches from Shining Armor's hoof.
"Oh, crap!" The Black Knight groaned.
"Consider yourself 'demoted'... knave," Shining Armor smirked.
Velma and the girls kept running as fast as they could from the skeleton men. Eventually, the trail lead them to an open pipe way leaving them with little to no option.
"Oh for Celestia's sake!!!" Rarity cried out.
"C'mon, y'all!!!" Applejack called out.
The group quickly jumped through the pipe as the vent door closed behind them, preventing the skeleton men from pursuing them any further. They found themselves latching onto the chute, which suddenly leaned forward and crushed the boney men in its landing leaving them very frustrated.
As for the girls, they slid and screamed for a few seconds until they eventually crashed onto the hard rocky surface below them. To say that it was quite a painful landing was an understatement, but at least they managed to escape the skeleton men... for now...
Elsewhere, the Miner 49er was still on the hunt for the scaredy cat crew. Eventually his search led him to a room and was briefly met by a rather interesting surprise. Pinkie Pie, randomly dressed in a tuxedo, holding Spike like a machine gun.
"You want to play rough, big boy?" Pinkie spoke, like a tough girl. "Okay, I play with you! Say hello to my little friend!"
Then with one tug of Spike's tail, the little dragon forcibly belched some fire toward the ghost who tried to repel it back with his own flames. At first, both Dragon and Miner were even, as the former was practically in tears trying to keep up the fireworks. But then, Flurry Heart stepped up and fired her beam into the midst of the fire adding some additional heat for her friend. The extra firepower was more than enough to push the flames back toward the ghost until it eventually made contact.
When the fires dissipated, the Miner stood in shock, covered in soot and smoke emerging from his lungs. Unable to stand much longer, the ghost reeled back and landed on the floor in a hard *PLOP!*
"Well, what do you know?" Scrappy chuckled. "Guess you can hurt a ghost after all."
"C'mon guys, let's get out of here!" Flurry beckoned.
Nodding in agreement, the Goof Squad raced away leaving the Miner in a smoldering mess and hopefully away from any more monsters in their wake.
Later, we find Velma's group picking themselves off the ground taking this brief moment to recover.
"Owie..." Velma groaned.
"Couldn't have said it better myself," Twilight cringed.
"I for one am sick of constantly going splat on the ground all the time!" Rainbow hissed, rubbing her sore body. "I do it plenty of times at home and don't like it anywhere else!"
Everyone slowly got back on their hooves, Fluttershy and Rarity helping Velma to her feet. However, Velma quickly noticed she had lost something important in the fall.
"My glasses," She realized. "Oh brother, not again. I really need to consider contact lenses."
"Don't worry Velma, we'll help you find them," Twilight told her.
"Uh... girls?" Fluttershy squeaked. "You might want to see this..."
Twilight turned around to see what her friend was talking about. Immediately, her eyes grew wide, and her mouth dropped to the ground. Before her resembled some form of shrine, candles lit everywhere and many different pictures all over the place.
"What in the name of Celestia is all of this?" She asked bewildered.
"Hay if I know," Rainbow responded.
As Velma felt her way around, her hand accidentally activated a nearby projector and its sole reel began to play. Footage began to air on the screen of what appeared to be Doctor Jacobo either teaching a class or presenting a seminar, either of which involving some complicated formulas on a board. The man seemed frustrated for some reason and some of the ponies looked on trying to see what's up.
As the group looked around, Fluttershy squeaked in fear and the girls turned back. They looked up toward the ceiling to find some winged beast hanging over them.
"S-S-S-Scary bat..." Fluttershy shivered.
"Wait a minute," Twilight spoke. "That's not a bat!"
Even without her glasses, Velma was scarcely able to see that something was up. She found several old articles amidst the shrine, photos of the very same monster looming over them.
"That's the Pterodactyl," Velma confirmed. "The Pterodactyl Ghost!"
Then Rarity found another newspaper article, its headline discussing the opening of the new Coolsville Museum (Or at least promoting the criminology exhibit). And somewhere in the picture, the very same man stood by the entrance though the detail was difficult to see. As Rarity handed it to Velma, who put it in her pocket, another frame caught their attention. Looking closely, it looked like Jonathan Jacob posing for some kids in a classroom.
"What is all of this?" Rarity asked.
"A shrine!" Velma realized. "To Jonathan Jacobo? But who would be so obsessed with him?"
"Well... if it wasn't Old Man Wickles," Twilight pondered. "And since this Jonathan Jacobo is so connected with the museum, the only suspect we have to consider must be..."
The group quickly turned around and much to their surprise, a familiar face stood over the group holding a pair of glasses.
"Lose something?" He asked.
Velma quickly put her glasses back on and as her vision was restored, her suspicions were confirmed. Patrick Wisely, the man she had that awkward date with now standing before her.
"Patrick..." Velma gasped.
"What are you doing down here?" Rainbow questioned.
"I'm trying to solve this mystery," Patrick replied. "Same as you girls. I mean that is what you're doing right? Trying to solve this mystery?"
"Um... yes?" Fluttershy answered nervously.
"Why are you so obsessed with Jonathan Jacobo?" Velma questioned.
"What are you talking about?" Patrick asked, approaching.
Before Patrick can get any farther, out of instinct Rainbow swung a hoof and smacked Patrick in the face.
"No way, Jose!" Rainbow shouted. "Girls, run!!!"
Velma and the others quickly raced away with Rainbow following close behind. Patrick merely turned around, rubbing the sore spot on his face.
"Girls!" Patrick called out, following them.
The girls found themselves on a metal pathway leading out of the cave. They turned around only to find Patrick following them. Quickly Twilight and Rarity stood in front of them, their horns lighting up and magic sparking out ready to fire.
"Stand back Patrick!" Rarity warned. "We're warning you!"
"Just don't come any closer!" Twilight added.
"Girls... I can explain!" Patrick insisted.
"It's too late!" Velma spoke timidly. "We know who you are!"
"Just say the word Velmster!" Rainbow spoke, holding out her hooves. "I'll give him one for!"
Suddenly, Velma screamed as the grate beneath her feet fell sending her with it. The girls turned briefly distracted, allowing Patrick time to break through and grab for Velma's hand. The girls quickly clutched around Patrick, on one hand they didn't want him to have his hand on their friend... but on the other hand, even Patrick wasn't enough to keep Velma from falling to the hard bottom. This was a most precarious predicament and Velma couldn't hold on to the grate forever.
"Velma, let go of the grate!" Patrick instructed.
"Why?" Rainbow questioned. "So she can fall to her death?"
"No, I have to pull her up!" Patrick begged. "Girls... you've gotta trust me."
"No!" Velma objected. "I only trust the facts. And all the facts say you're the Evil Masked Figure."
"She has a point!" Twilight grunted. "Your museum was robbed 'twice'... you were spotted near the Faux Ghost questioning those thugs. And now we just find you here with everything surrounding Jonathan Jacobo. How can we trust you?"
"What does your heart say?" Patrick asked.
"I don't know... it's beating too loud for me to hear," Velma panicked.
"Look deeper," Patrick urged. "You gotta trust me."
Applejack strained as she kept her own hold around her friends. As she gazed toward Velma and heard Patrick's words, a thought came to her. And as in an act of déjà vu, she turned toward Velma.
"Let go of the grate," Applejack instructed.
"Are you crazy?!" Velma cried out.
"No, I ain't! I promise y'all be safe!"
"That's not true!" Velma argued. "Do you even hear what you just said?!"
"I'm hearin' what Patrick's sayin'! And what he's sayin' tah you is the honest truth. Let go... and you'll be safe."
Although incredulous that Applejack would suggest such a thing, Rainbow looked toward Applejack and saw the seriousness in her eyes. Knowing that her friend and lover was speaking from the heart, Rainbow's strain slowly softened as she could hear the truth. Relenting, she released a heavy sigh and turned toward Velma.
"I trust her..." Rainbow spoke.
"Me too..." Fluttershy nodded. "Let go..."
Eventually, Velma did release her grip on the grate. Just as she was about to fall, Patrick gripped tightly against Velma's arm and with her free hand she grabbed Patrick's other hand. Together, the group pulled as hard as they could until Velma was safe on her feet along the grate. Soon the two stared toward each other, Velma shocked beyond belief that the man's action went against any suspicion she had over him. Twilight Sparkle was in shock but for a more different reason.
"Whoa... Déjà vu..." Twilight gasped.
"You saved my life," Velma told Patrick.
Suddenly, Patrick pushed Velma back and before any pony else could react, there was a terrible screech and the Pterodactyl Ghost caught Patrick in its talons and carried him off. The group turned as the monster soared off with Patrick, the man kicking and screaming as he was carried off into the distance.
"PATRICK!!!!" The group screamed.
"Velma!!! Twilight!!!"
The group turned as Daphne, along with Fred, Shining Armor, and Cadance arrived.
"That thing just flew off with Patrick!" Velma pointed.
"I'm going to turn that monster into jerk cider!" Rainbow declared.
Rainbow was just about to fly after him when a tug on her tail drew her back and she turned toward Applejack, her mouth clutching onto Rainbow's tail.
"There's nothin' we can do now!" Applejack spoke.
"She's right!" Daphne agreed. "The best we can do for him is get that control panel back where it belongs."
Hearing the mention of the control panel, the group turned toward their four friends and an awkward silence drew amongst them.
"Twily..." Shining Armor spoke. "Where's the panel?"
"Umm... about that?" Twilight spoke awkwardly.
"We, uh..." Velma stammered. "Gave it to Shaggy and Scooby."
"That's weird," Fred chuckled. "It sounded like you just said you gave it to Shaggy and Scooby."
At first, Fred thought the girls were pulling a joke even Shining Armor seemed amused. But one look into the nervous glance in Velma's eyes and catching a few from the girls and their faces dropped in shock. Cadance looked around, noting that a few faces were missing.
"Where's Flurry?" Cadance questioned.
"W-W-Well, please don't be mad..." Fluttershy spoke up. "But she, along with Pinkie, Scrappy and Spike, are with the boys... to keep the panel... safe?"
Shining's eyes went wide with shock. He turned toward his wife, who shared the same expression on her face. Though more worried how her husband would react. Suddenly, Shining started to laugh... a bit weakly... but then it started to grew.
"No... that's no problem at all!" Shining chuckled. "She's totally got this... chip off the old block. Any pony can see that Flurry c-c-c-c-can... can... mm-hmm... SWEET MOTHER OF BANANAS!!!"
Sighing, Shining Armor quickly fell backward and fainted much to the chagrin of the group.
"That's my brother..." Twilight sighed.
Elsewhere, Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy, Spike, Flurry, and Pinkie Pie ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Until eventually, they finally stumbled upon the entrance to the monster hive itself. Stopping quickly, they shut the doors behind them turning all the locks shut so no other scary monsters could come in after them.
"I think we lost 'em," Shaggy sighed thankfully. "Guys, we made it."
Suddenly, a swirling entity appeared from behind them. Pinkie's nostrils flared up as she smelled something... good.
"Ooh, what's that sweet smell?" She asked giddy.
The entity itself stood behind them, looking upon the Goof Squad with glowing green eyes.
"You should never have locked those locks..."
The garbled voice drew the group to slowly turn around. Before their very eyes, they were shocked to see another monster... a large pink mass with a cone on its head. At first, they stood petrified in fear as the monster loomed over them.
"Now you're stuck in here with me..." The monster declared. "The Cotton Candy Glob!"
All of a sudden, they immediately perked up on the thought and looked toward each other with widened eyes.
"Cotton... Candy... Glob?" The group questioned.
"Yes..." The beast smirked.
Curious, Scrappy slowly approached the monster and licked his tongue along the side. Tasting the material in his mouth, he realized something...
"Hey..." Scrappy gasped. "It is Cotton Candy!!!"
*Deploy Hallelujah effect here*
Shaggy smirked, Scooby Doo clapped his paws together excitedly, and even Flurry gave a big grin as she squealed. Pinkie Pie smiled as she pulled some shades from her mane, placed it over her eyes, and grabbed a set of forks and knives for herself and her friends.
"Oh no Mr. Glob, we're not stuck in here with you," Pinkie warned, clinking her utensils together. "You're stuck in here with us!"
"Huh?" The Glob's face dropped.
Shouting together, the group jumped straight toward the monster and began to gobble it down. The impact was so great that bits of cotton candy were sent flying over their heads and the monster squirmed with agony.
"NO!!! I'LL GIVE YOU CAVITIES!!!" The monster cried out.
"TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!" Pinkie Pie shouted, mid-munching.
The other members of the group raced to find their friends as quick as possible. They had no idea where their friends were or what shape they were in. All they could do was pray that they were fine.
"I don't see Shaggy and Scooby anywhere," Fred spoke, looking around.
"Poor kids are probably running around helpless and terrified," Daphne added worried.
"Ooh... my poor little Flurry!" Cadance whimpered. "I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to my baby!"
"Or Spike..." Twilight said nervously. "I just can't imagine going home without another friend."
Looking around, Fluttershy's eyes went wide as she spotted something approaching.
"I don't think you'll have to leave any pony!" Fluttershy spoke. "Look!"
Suddenly, Shaggy and his friends came down from an elevator shaft standing proudly. Scooby and Scrappy were licking traces of cotton candy off their lips, with Scrappy even wearing the Glob's cone upon his head like a king. Pinkie had so much cotton candy, that she seemed rather bloated... but she was content. Spike sat atop Flurry's back, waving like a king greeting his subjects when Flurry caught sight of her parents.
"MOMMY!!! DADDY!!!" Flurry cried out.
"TWILIGHT!!!" Spike shouted.
The pair raced toward their friends, Twilight and Cadance laughing with joy as they held their hooves and hugged the little pony and dragon as tears streamed from their eyes. Shining joined in the embrace, Flurry wrapping her hooves around her father's neck as their friends admired the scene.
"This is, like, the greatest day of our lives, Scoob!" Shaggy smiled, patting his full stomach.
"Reah!" Scooby smiled back.
"You see girls?" Pinkie smiled. "There's nothing to worry about when Pinkie's the baby-sitter!"
"Hah! I knew it all along!" Rainbow remarked, cockily. "Never doubted you for a second!"
"Sure, ya didn't hon," Applejack smirked.
"Finally, a monster we could sink our teeth into!" Scrappy sighed.
"You know, I'm kind of thirsty," Shaggy realized. "I wonder if there's a Liter-sized Soda Glob anywhere?"
"Good grief..." Rarity rolled her eyes slightly.
"Come on, guys!" Fred urged, taking the panel. "We have to hurry."
"Right!" Twilight nodded in agreement. "Let's get this control panel back before—"
Just as they raced into the monster hive, they were surprised to see a collection of monsters already waiting inside. The skeleton men fashioned themselves into some giant spider form and stood accompanied by the Zombie and the Miner 49er.
"Before that happens?" Spike guessed.
"Yeah... exactly..." Twilight sighed.
The Evil Masked Figure appeared on the railing before them, looming over them sinisterly.
"You'll never make it past my monsters," The Masked Man grinned.
"We'll just see about that!" Twilight spoke determined.
"We've taken these jerks before, gang," Daphne told the others. "Let's do it again."
"IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!" Pinkie shouted.
Fred nodded and raced toward the monsters, three of whom shrieked with fright. Suddenly, something grabbed hold of his leg. Rising from the ground was the now living Tar Monster.
"It's not them you need to worry about," The Masked figure spoke.
"Now you're stuck in my trap!" The Tar Monster taunted.
Fred chucked the control panel in Daphne's direction, and she leapt into the air and caught it. One by one, the Mystery Inc. members threw the control panel and each of them managed to catch it, only for the Tar Monster to catch the teens one by one. Shaggy, the last to catch it, tried to stand up on an old box tog et away from the growing tar trap coming his way.
Finally, unable to take it anymore, Shining Armor and Cadance jumped in to help when suddenly... a figure landed before them chuckling sinisterly. It was none other than their old enemy... Queen Chrysalis.
"You two just don't get it, do you?" She asked maliciously. "No matter how many times you put us down, we rise again. You end one plot, we forge another. All your efforts to erase us from existence completely, all for naught. And yet, you persist anyway. Tell me... why?"
Cadance and Shining turned toward one another as the same idea popped into their heads. They smiled at one another before facing Chrysalis with fierce determination.
"That may have been true in the past Chrysalis," Shining said. "But no matter how many terrible plots you may conceive, love always conquers all in the end!"
"No matter how powerful you think you are, you'll never stamp out our live," Cadance smirked.
Shining and Cadance both faced each other, reached deep within their hearts, and belted out their love through song.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Cadance & Shining (sing):
There's a powerful magic when two hearts are one
A powerful magic rise the sun
Goodness will triumph
And evil's undone
When you dare to heed loves call
Cause love is the most powerful magic of all
Chrysalis looked toward the two with confusion before her gaze turned hateful. She charged her jagged horn and fired a mighty barrage of magic toward them. Feeling the love course through their beings, Cadance and Shining easily avoided every shot and jumped out of the way. Chrysalis, determined not to be defeated by the power of love, fueled the power of her hatred with her own song.
Chrysalis (sings):
Down with love, down with hope
Don't need blind faith to cope
Or inspiring songs in my heart
Got the magic I need
For my darkest of deeds
Love at times can entrance
But love doesn't stand a chance
No, no
Love doesn't stand a chance
Chrysalis readied her horn again, only to get fizzled out much to her confusion. She tried again, but for some reason it didn't seem to work. Cadance and Shining noticed this and quickly went on the attack.
Cadance & Shining (sing):
There's a powerful magic
When two voices soar
We're ever more hopeful for what lies in store
Cadance and Shining fired their magic toward Chrysalis and the powerful bug monarch barely evaded the attack. Chrysalis once again tried firing a blast toward the two royals, but it merely bounced off them like it was nothing. She was quickly growing frustrated knowing none of her attacks were working.
Chrysalis (sings):
Once I loved and once I learned
Love is weakness
Love will leave you burned
Cadance and Shining continued to hurl magical blasts toward Chrysalis, which she only barely avoided. Chrysalis found herself backed against a wall, her magic failing her much to her confusion and frustration.
Cadance and Shining (sing):
Nothing will stop us, no not anymore
With our daughters fate at stake
Chrysalis (sings):
Happy endings you will see
Cadance and Shining (sing):
Seems we found a lucky break
Chrysalis (sings):
Happy end will end with me
Cadance and Shining (sing):
Now let our song show the powerful magic
Chrysalis (sings):
Love doesn't stand a chance
Cadance and Shining (sing):
We can make
Finally, Cadance and Shining pinned Chrysalis against the wall. Both their horns glowed brightly through their magical love. It seemed as if they managed to conquer the former Changeling queen... until she smirked wickedly.
Chrysalis (sings):
Got you where I want you now
Your spell will soon be broken
Let us see how strong you are
When everything is spoken
Within a split second, Chrysalis flared her horn to life with a dark aura and all the magic seemed to flow out of Cadance and Shining's horns and into hers. Cadance and Shining both stood frozen in a magical vice, growing weaker by the minute. Finally, they both fell to the floor much to every pony's horror, especially Flurry, as Chrysalis stood tall over them.
"MOM! DAD!!!" Flurry cried out.
"W-W-What h-happened?" Cadance asked weakly.
"I-I don't k-know," Shining responded.
"Allow me to explain you foals," Chrysalis grinned. "You foolishly poured every single ounce of your love in that sickly sweet song; I knew you wouldn't stop till you've felt you were in control. I let you believe my power was being halted so you'd put as much as you had into it. Once you were in a false sense of security, I was able to drain all you love from you and the power it gave you. Essentially... you're powerless now!"
Neither of the two fallen ponies could take a moment to comprehend this, as the Tar Monster seeped over them. The ponies tried to help them, but the tar caught them so quickly not even the winged ponies could fly away in time. It had taken nearly all the others except for Scooby, Spike, Scrappy, and Flurry. As their friends laid trapped by the tar, a sick, twisted laughter rang through the hive. Everyone's eyes turned up as the spirit of Sombra appeared, laughing over them.
"You all believed you had all the answers," He mocked. "You truly believed you'd make things right once more. And you thought you've defeated me for good? Well... you thought wrong!"
As he spoke, the evil masked figure started up the monster machine again as Sombra slithered towards the open pod.
"Before you die, bear witness to the rebirth... of Sombra!" The Evil Masked Figure declared.
Sombra's spirit made its way into the pod, as the door slowly shut. Soon, it went through the machine as the randomonium seeped in and worked its monstrous ways. When the pod came through the other side, sitting gently on the floor, it slowly opened and revealed a horrible sight.
A huge claw crashed on the ground before another one followed behind. Four giant scorpion-like legs emerged with a muscular torso and a serpentine-like spiked tail. Sombra emerged from the pod, looked down and admired his new form that fit every single definition of the word... monstrous.
Everyone looked in fear as the newly reanimated Sombra released a deep guttural laugh that rang throughout the monster hive.
"At long last, I, Sombra, the one true King of the Crystal Empire, have a body again!" He admired. "Just look at me! I'm amazing! So strong..."
He flexed his arm and mounds of muscles bulged, veins popping alongside.
"So fast..."
He fired a quick fist toward the nearest object... in which being the Zombie, sending him crashing near a wall comically.
"So... powerful..." Sombra smiled, chuckling. "I... LOVE IT!!! And now, with this new body, I will easily crush any and 'all' who dare step in my way. Soon, all of Equestria will belong... to me!!!"
Sombra quickly turned and spotted Chrysalis, who glared at him while tapping a foot on the ground. One awkward glance later and Sombra sighed with an arm toward Chrysalis.
"And the Queen..." Sombra sighed.
Chrysalis took her place by the new demon king, as the evil masked figure looked down from the walkway in satisfaction.
"Soon, your friends will be dead, and Coolsville will be destroyed!" The Evil Masked figure laughed. "My revenge will be final, and there's nothing you can do about it."
Scooby, Scrappy, Spike, and Flurry all looked around heartbroken. Anyone they could think of to help them were now suffering, trapped in the clutches of the Tar Monster. They looked toward one another, wondering what these four goofs could do at a time like this. Suddenly, as they found themselves backed against the wall, Scooby hit a fire extinguisher nearby and the group turned toward it.
Scooby and Scrappy looked toward the fire extinguisher, then back toward the tar monster, and one more look toward each other and they realized they had the same crazy idea.
"Do it!" Scrappy nodded.
Quickly grabbing the fire extinguisher, setting the hose, and pulling out the tab, Scooby aimed at the tar covering Shaggy and fired a spray the agent against the tar. The tar began to quickly freeze at an accelerated pace until finally it broke apart and Shaggy was freed from the monster's clutches.
"Like, frostbite never felt so good!" Shaggy smiled.
"STOP THEM!!!" The Evil Masked Figure shouted.
Soon, all the monsters, along with Chrysalis and Sombra, began to race toward the group of goofs. It was then Shaggy realized what he needed to do.
"Go long, Scoob!" Shaggy shouted.
"Rokay!" Scooby shouted.
Scooby began to spray against the approaching tar out to get him, as he prepared to distance himself. Realizing the plan, Scrappy quickly turned to the one pony who could help...
"Pinkie Pie!!!" Scrappy shouted. "Snack me!!!"
"OKIE-DOKIE-LOKIE SIR!!!" Pinkie saluted.
With her mane, a strand managed to reach in and reveal a conveniently placed box of Scooby Snax. The hair hurled the box toward Scrappy Doo, who proceeded to catch the box and pull out a few snax.
"Here guys, catch!!!"
Scrappy proceeded to hurl two of the treats toward Spike and Flurry who looked on with confusion.
"This is no time for a snack!" Spike argued.
"Trust me!" Scrappy insisted.
Flurry quickly turned toward her parents nervously, who were still trapped in the tar. With what little strength they had, they nodded toward their daughter giving her some silent approval. Now her fears replaced with determination she quickly inhaled the treat down her throat and chewed quickly. As he watched Flurry and Scrappy eating their treats, Spike turned to his, shrugged, and took one big bite out of the snack.
"Mmm... bacon pizza!" Scrappy sighed.
"I'm tasting Hay Fries!" Spike smiled.
"I taste... tomato salad with extra avocados!" Flurry gasped.
Suddenly, their eyes widened, their tiny bodies quivered, and they started hopping up-and-down until... an explosion of smoke enveloped them. Scrappy Doo emerged appearing in his superhero form, taller and muscular, six pack abs, wide chest, and wearing violet tights and a cape (The rest a light purple) with the S.D. symbol up front. Spike too was slightly taller and muscular, assuming his dream form with plates of armor on his shoulders, a billowing red cape, and carrying a mighty lance. As for Flurry, not much had changed except it seemed her powers were fully reinvigorated, a massive charge forming on her horn and her eyes glowing a brightly white as her mane flowed through an invisible wind.
"TA DADADA TA DAAA!!!" Scrappy Doo shouted. "SUPER... PUPPY... POWER!!!"
A great green flame exploded from Spike's mouth, adding to the effect of the presentation as Flurry hovered over the pair and stared toward the monsters with fierce determination. All the ponies in the room stared in awe and shock seeing the display before them.
"I've got to know what's in that stuff!" Rainbow gasped.
"Hold on to your hats, boys!!!" Flurry called out. "IT'S TIME... FOR THE MONSTER MASH!!!"
"EXCELSIOR!!!" Spike shouted, deeply.
The trio began to race behind Scooby, as he sprayed a trail of ice for them to safely cross. Despite the Tar Monster's efforts to catch Scooby, he slid and sprayed like a snowboarder or skateboarder. Either way, the Monster couldn't catch him or his friends who merely flew by to fast for the eye to see. It seemed however the monster had them in a corner, as Scooby found himself hanging on in a skater position staring the beast in the eye.
"End of the line, Doo!" The monster taunted. "Come here, you worthless mutt!"
"Ooh... you just made a big mistake buddy!" Scrappy frowned.
Then everything happened all at once: Scooby managed to free the Tar Monster entirely in cold ice then kicked flipped the device until the nozzle was swiftly removed. Combined with Spike's lance and Scrappy charging forward, Scooby zipped through the bed of ice ahead of him and the Tar Monster exploded into the pieces with Flurry flying behind them and all the pieces formed into one weird statue.
Scrappy flipped head over heels like a gymnast before landing on the skeleton men's heads and bonked them together. Flurry charged toward the zombie monster, who's face went wide, and she swung with a mighty front hoof...
"SHORYUKEN!!!" Flurry shouted.
The impact sent the zombie flying head over heels for a few seconds before it crashed upon the floor, tiny Flurry Hearts flew around his head as his eyes rolled.
Meanwhile, Sombra growled as he swiftly swung his claw against Spike, who expertly wielded his lance to evade the blows from the fiendish foe. Sombra's frustration grew as Spike made this look so easily while even with his newfound strength he couldn't lay a hand on the dragon. But this proved to be a distraction as Scrappy used the time to leap into the air and deliver an elbow drop to the back of Sombra's neck knocking him down.
As Flurry flew around, surveying where Scooby was going, Chrysalis flew behind her and tried to shoot a burst of magic toward her. Before any pony else could react, the magic beam suddenly stopped inches away from Flurry Heart and she slowly turned around with an annoyed glance toward Chrysalis.
"In the back, Chrissie?" Flurry asked, sending the beam aside.
"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Chrysalis shouted. "You can't be more powerful than me; I have your family's magic!!!"
"You want our magic, Chrysalis? All right... have mine!"
Flurry suddenly fired a huge chunk of her power towards Chrysalis, which initially she managed to catch with her horn attempting to absorb the magic. Just as Chrysalis felt satisfied gaining some additional power, her eyes widened as she felt something wrong. The magic started bursting from her horn and she found it difficult to control it all, while Flurry looked as if she wasn't breaking a sweat.
"That's enough...!" Chrysalis called out.
But Flurry Heart was not finished. Instead... the magic from her horn only glowed brighter as she continued hurling it against Chrysalis. She found herself straining, a slight twinge of pain forming in her body trying to hold it all in. The ponies, starting to see what Flurry was doing, started cheering for her.
"GO FLURRY!!!" Cadance cheered.
"GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT, BABY GIRL!!!" Shining cheered.
"NOO!!! NO... STOP! STOP!!!" Chrysalis begged. "I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE... STOP!!!"
Finally, the magic proved too much for Chrysalis to take and...
It literally exploded in her face, knocking Chrysalis backward and she struck her head against the wall falling into unconsciousness. The impact released all the magic out of her horn which flowed rapidly in the air. It hung around for a moment before returning to the source of whence they came. First to Flurry Heart, then to her parents who felt reinvigorated by the return of their magic. Flurry looked around, seeing all the other monsters failing to stop Scooby while Sombra was crying in agony as Scrappy locked one of his legs in a leg log and the beast was pounding away trying to tap out.
Flurry chuckled at the scene as she saw Scooby propel over the Miner 49er and made to catch the panel Shaggy tossed into the air. Just as it seemed the plan was in place, even as the evil masked figure started panicking, Flurry turned her eyes and saw the Pterodactyl Ghost screeching and flying toward Scooby.
"You're BACK?!" Flurry complained. "I think NOT!"
Flurry produced her magic to shrink the Pterodactyl Ghost to the size of a housefly. The ghost screeched, but it sounded weak and pathetic, no higher than a squeak. Flurry looked straight faced, then smirked, as she summoned a fly swatter. One the ghost saw how big everything was, especially the fly swatter, it whimpered and flew away only to run smack into Fluttershy's face. Now mad, Fluttershy opened her eyes wide, and the beast found itself trapped by... the stare.
"You've been a bad... bad monster!" Fluttershy spoke. "Now sit yourself into a corner and think about all you've done and don't leave until you do!"
Shocked and frightened, the beast slowly flew itself into a corner and began to clutch itself, shaking and shivering much to the confusion of some of the monsters. By which time, Scooby finally had the panel while the remainder of his friends guarded him ready for another attack.
"You can't do this to me!!!" The Evil Masked Figure sneered. "Who do you think you are?!"
"Care to tell him buddy?!" Spike smirked.
"Scooby... Dooby... Doo!" Scooby said loudly.
He lifted the control panel, put it in use, and the machine went haywire. Soon, in a matter of seconds, green smoke started to form around the monsters reducing them back to their costumed state one by one. The Evil Masked Figure watched on helplessly, as all his creations began to disappear before his eyes.
"YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Spike and Scrappy shouted in unison.
In the midst of all the chaos, the Pterodactyl Ghost squawked and tried to get away. But due to its size, the beast did not get very far, and Flurry practically sat on top of it, squishing him as flat as a pancake.
"Splat!" Flurry smirked.
Then, as the powered alicorn flew up with the monster shifting back into a costume, all Sombra could do was see all the monsters being destroyed before his eyes. And with the fading disappearance of the Tar Monster, it was not long before Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians were freed from the tar monster's trap.
"MY ARMY!!!" Sombra shouted.
"MY MONSTERS!!!" The Evil Masked Figure groaned.
Defeated, the Evil Masked Figure attempted to make a run for it. Only to nearly fall down the grater when the path he walked on slipped under him. The poor Masked Figure found himself trapped, much to every pony's amusement.
"Yeah... we might've 'broken' that..." Rainbow smirked.
"Clever!" Fred added.
"Who knew being klutzy would come in handy?" Pinkie replied innocently.
"Good boy, Scooby!" Shaggy smiled to his dog. "You did it!"
Scooby smiled proudly. And as three youngsters reverted back to their normal size, all two groups of friends came together proudly. There was no mistake, a happy day had come for them. Not just for the friends in general, but to all the citizens of Coolsville as well. Scrappy turned toward Spike and Flurry, who walked side by side toward each other.
"You guys were pretty amazing," Scrappy smiled.
"They sure are," Twilight nodded proudly.
Shaggy and Scooby smiled toward Flurry and Spike, the pair smiling back in return. Just then, a shadow loomed over the little princess and nervously she turned around. Fortunately, it was neither Chrysalis nor Sombra, but instead... her father Shining Armor stood over her studying her closely. She shyly looked toward her father, nervously anticipating he would beret her again. But instead, he placed a hoof upon her shoulder and smiled.
"I'm so proud of you... Flurry Heart," Shining spoke.
Overwhelmed by happiness, Flurry Heart once more hugged her father, and a tender moment took place between the pair again. Soon Cadance joined into the hug, sharing this family moment between them. Unbeknownst to them, and everyone else, Sombra (Still in his beastly form) weakly approached Chrysalis and lifted the unconscious Changeling in his arms.
"Told you it was bad luck to break a mirror," Sombra spoke quietly. "But least we got what we came for."
With a gesture, the portal soon opened for them ready to take them back to the Benefactor. But Sombra didn't get very far when something caught his eye and he turned. The Evil Masked Figure feebly reached his arm out for his associates.
"Help... me..." The Masked Figure uttered.
"Hmph..." Sombra smirked. "Sorry, but we don't work for posers!"
And just like that, Sombra disappeared through the portal carrying Chrysalis with him. But this did not go completely unnoticed, for Flurry (In the midst of celebrating with her family) caught sight of the pair leaving and merely watched.
"The villains got away?" Shining Armor guessed.
"Yes Daddy..." Flurry nodded.
"Don't you worry," Cadance reassured. "We'll be ready for them. Only this time... they'll have to deal with all of us. Especially... us 'three'."
Flurry looked up toward her mother and the two ponies smiled toward each other, especially Flurry. Who now felt, for the first time in ages, she truly was an equal amongst her family. Though the villains got away again, for Flurry Heart... this was still a victory for her... and her friends.
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