A New Mystery

After the Pterodactyl Ghost attack, the Coolsonium Criminology Museum now laid in ruins with shards of broken glass and destroyed costumes everywhere. Most of the patrons already left in fear, while some had to be taken away to receive medical attention for injuries sustained during the attack. The only ones remaining in the museum were the police currently closing the area off as a crime scene, reporters covering the attack, Mystery Inc., and the Equestrians.

Speaking of whom, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor were in the midst of scolding Spike and Flurry Heart for endangering themselves with that monster.

"Do you guys have any idea how bad that could've been?!" Twilight scolded loudly. "You could've easily gotten hurt!"

"Busted wing, busted limbs, cracked head, I could go on forever," Shining added. "The point is: You two should've just stayed in hiding while we took care of it."

"But we just wanted to help!" Flurry argued. "We're both capable of helping and we didn't want to sit on the sidelines."

"Yeah, like last time," Spike huffed.

Hearing that made Twilight's angry demeanor crack a slight, instead replaced with one of guilt. She knew Spike was still extremely upset about being left out of their last adventure in this world. Hence why for the previous adventures, regardless of how dangerous, Twilight always made sure to bring Spike along. She approached the little dragon's side, placing a gentle hoof around him.

"Look Spike, I'm really sorry you got left behind," She apologized. "I know last time you really wanted to be here helping us out. And we're really glad you're along for the ride this time."

"Then why is it such a problem trying to help you guys now?" Spike asked.

"It's not so much you guys trying to help us because we 'do' appreciate it," Twilight answered. "What worries us is the fact you guys deliberately put yourselves in danger, not thinking about what could've happened to you."

"But we just..." Flurry began.

"No 'buts' about it Flurry Heart," Shining said disappointed. "From now on, when we instruct you to do something, you're expected to do it without question. Do I make myself clear young filly?"

Flurry looked as if she were about to argue further, but the stern look from her father's face quickly made her shut her muzzle. Instead, she just looked down in defeat.

"Yes daddy," She sighed sadly.

Shining turned to walk off and Flurry followed closely behind, still hanging her head in shame and sadness. As they walked, they passed the rest of the Mane Six who were examining the stand where the Pterodactyl Ghost had stood before. Velma was among them trying to determine the possibility of how the creature even made it inside the museum and past all security. Many of the girls were still in shock after the discovery that not only had Chrysalis returned for revenge, but King Sombra had somehow been resurrected.

"I just don't get it," Rainbow spoke confused. "We blasted Sombra to ashes... twice! Once in the Crystal Empire, and the other time in Canterlot. How the hay could he possibly have survived that?"

"Ah don't know either sugarcube," Applejack shrugged. "It just don't make a lick ah sense tah me. Ah mean there ain't never been no foe we used the elements on that done ever come back."

"Well we did use the Elements to turn Discord back to stone," Pinkie reminded. "Then... Celestia told us to use those same elements to bring him back too."

"Urgh! Don't remind me Pinkie," Rainbow groaned, assuming a fighting stance. "Whatever the case, it don't matter. If he and that old bug want another go, I don't have a problem bringing the pain to 'em again. I'll give a huge 'BAM!' and a 'POW' and a 'HEEE—YAH!!!'"

Applejack chuckled with amusement toward her marefriend, while she threw punches and kicks in the air like her usual spunky self.

In the meantime, Rarity was busy calming Fluttershy once more.

"Don't you worry now Fluttershy," She said soothingly. "The big, bad monster is gone now. We won't let anything happen to you."

"I knew it! I knew it was a warning!" Fluttershy whimpered. "I knew when I saw that creature something bad was going to happen."

"You mean that pterodactyl was what you saw?" Rarity asked her.

To which Fluttershy shook her head 'no'.

"No!" She shook. "It didn't have glowing red eyes. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget such eyes."

As they all talked amongst themselves, Velma was still searching for possible clues. Examining the fake concrete slab the Pterodactyl Ghost stood on, she noticed it didn't look melded into the stand as it was supposed to be. Reaching out and pulling it back, the slab lifted off the ground and opened up to reveal a secret tunnel hidden beneath it which lead to Celestia only knows where.

"A secret hatch!" She gasped. "The real Pterodactyl Ghost much have come through here."

Examining the side of the hatch, her eyes widened as her mouth dropped upon noticing something glowing. Reaching over and picking it up, she stared in utter amazement at what resembled some sort of scale glowing a turquoise shade. Every pony looked up and noticed her observing it. They couldn't help but admire the scale as well. Twilight, Spike, Cadence, Shining, and Flurry all walked up as well and examined the scale.

"What is that Velma?" Twilight asked curiously.

"A reptilian scale," Velma responded in amazement. "A most wonderful clue!"

"Well I agree it's certainly a sight to behold and certainly a clue," Cadence agreed. 'However, it doesn't really explain much about Chrysalis and Sombra."

"Nor does it say anything about that masked guy that flew out of here with that creature," Shining added.

At that moment, both Daphne and Fred approached and integrated themselves into the conversation.

"He stole two costumes," Fred spoke up. "The Black Knight ghost and the Ten Thousand Volt ghost. Why?"

"Well, whatever the reason that masked figure had for stealing the costumes darling, seems he has unfinished business with you," Rarity pointed out.

"The question is who?" Daphne asked.

Fred looked over the rest of the gang, among them the gathered Equestrians, and spoke his most famous quote to date.

"Well gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands."

"And we'd certainly be happy to stay a while and help you guys solve it," Twilight smiled.

"Not like we really have much of a choice," Rainbow added. "That portal probably won't open now that there's a mystery to be solved."

At that moment, Heather Jasper Howe, and a bunch of other news reporters (Especially members of the press) came forward with cameras and microphones at the ready.

"Fred, Daphne, could you answer a few questions for the press?" Howe asked them.

Fred turned around, ready to answer any question, while Daphne looked dead set against answering anything at this time.

"Um Fred, I don't think that's such a good idea," Daphne warned. "We usually address the press 'after' we unmasked the criminals. We looked ridiculous back there."

"Don't worry about it sweetheart," Fred assured her. "The press loves us."

He turned back toward the Equestrian group.

"If you guys like to, you can head back to HQ and turn in for the night," He addressed them. "We've got a lot of work to do tomorrow."

The cameras started flashing as Fred and Daphne walked off to answer questions and Twilight turned back toward the rest of the group.

"He's right guys," She nodded. "We've got lots to do tomorrow. We should head on back to headquarters."

Every pony nodded as they worked their way to the center of the room, knowing full well what was about to happen. Once they were all there, Twilight fired up her horn with a magical surge and teleported the entire group back to Mystery Inc. HQ. Soon they landed upon the familiar carpet in the midst of the living room area and shook themselves of the bizarre feeling of being teleported.

"You know, I'm starting to see why Gallus doesn't like doing that," Shining groaned, shaking himself off.

"Oh suck it up, you big baby," Rainbow told him.

"Okay guys, this living space should have just enough room for all of us," Twilight informed them. "Why don't we all find a nice comfortable spot and get some shut eye?"

"I'm with you on that one," Spike yawned.

"Me too!" Flurry nodded sleepily.

While every pony busied themselves trying to settle in for the night, Cadence walked out into the night air and gazed up at the sky as she contemplated all that happened tonight. Both Chrysalis and Sombra were now in this world, and no doubt want revenge on them for all that happened in the past. With having Flurry here with them as well, surely they were already planning on using her to get to them in some shape or form that it further increased her concerns.

"You okay?"

Cadence slowly looked back and saw her husband walking right up alongside her, as she looked back into the night.

"I'm just really worried Shiny," She said worriedly. "What with Chrysalis and Sombra here, and this masked figure, I'm concerned for all of us. Especially little Flurry Heart."

"I know what you mean," Shining nodded in agreement. "It's got me really worried too. I mean it was hard enough beating them when they were just by themselves. But now that they've teamed up... I don't know what we'll do."

Shining looked over and saw the increasing worry on his wife's face. So he decided to try his hand, or 'hoof' in his case, at easing her mind with assurance.

"The one thing I do know is that no matter what they throw at us, we'll get through it," He spoke confidently. "There's no challenge evil can throw our way that can't be solved with our love."

Hearing his kind words, Cadence cracked a smile and turned to face him. As they stared into each other's eyes, they both slowly leaned in till their lips met with a kiss. After finally pulling away, they both embraced in a loving hug.

"I love you Shining Armor," Cadence smiled fondly.

"I love you too Cadence," Shining reciprocated.

Aww... ain't that sweet?

I know, right? Reminds me of my wife and I...

Shining proceeded to make his way inside and Cadence looked up toward the sky once more. She closed her eyes and silently wished for something that could help them in the battle lying ahead. When she opened her eyes again, she turned back and headed inside to call it a night.


The next day...

The sun rose over the horizon amidst the sound of chirping birds. Cadence was the first to wake before any pony else, as she slowly sat up from her position on the couch. She gently rose herself out of Shining Armor's grasp as she stood up and approached her snoozing daughter lying beside her Aunt Twilight. Smiling at the cute display, Cadence gently leaned down and placed a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

She then proceeded to make her way to the outside patio from the night before and admired the rising sun and the birds around her. One such little bird flew down by her side, starting to twitter a musical little tune which made her smile at the little creature.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cadance (Sings):
Good morning, friend

Cadence quickly shoved her hoof over her mouth and her eyes widened in shock.

Cadance (Sings):
Oh, my dear, something's wrong
Cause all my words are coming out in song
A rhythm stirs, deep within my soul
I'm saying things in ways I can't control

It wasn't even a moment later when another melodious voice caught her attention. She turned and saw Shining Armor coming out as well, so confused and shocked upon discovering that he was singing too.

Shining Armor (Sings):
Ahhhhh, what's going on
Someone cast a spell or curse
Cause what I say is coming out in verse
My voice just soars, had no idea it could
Now I'm singing out, and my do I sound

What could be the reason

Cadance (Sings):
I think, I know my love
It's all because the wish I made
Upon the star above
With music in our hearts
We'll defeat the King and Queen

Shining Armor (Sings):

Cadance (Sings):
Cause love expressed through song, is a weapon like the Queen has never seen

While the two rulers of the Crystal Empire had little to no idea how this was even possible, they both smiled regardless. As a matter of fact, they rather enjoyed the prospect of power coursing through them simply through song.

Cadance and Shining (Sings):
There's a powerful magic
When two are hearts are one
A powerful magic, bright as the sun
Goodness will triumph
And evils undone
When you dare to heed loves call
Cause love is the most powerful magic of all

There's a powerful magic
When two voices soar

Cadance (Sings):
I'm ever more hopeful for what lies in store

Cadance and Shining (Sings):
Nothing will stop us, no not anymore

Shining (Sings):
Watch the wish you made come true

Cadance and Shining (Sings):
That is the love & its powerful magic can do
Feel the song inside our hearts
That is where the magic starts

Cadance (Sings):
Oh it grows with every note

Shining (Sings):
Soaring sweetly from my throat

Cadance (Sings):
Every line ends with a rhyme

Cadance and Shining (Sings):
Don't know how but its sublime
With a melody so strong
How can we go wrong

With our powerful magic
We now have the means
Cause love can defeat powers of any means
May the unhappy end be the King and the Queen's
With our daughter's fate at stake
Seems we found a lucky break
Now let our song show the powerful magic
We can make

When the two finished their huge musical number, they both leaned in and kissed with such passion they were lost in the moment. When they finally drew apart, they both laughed in upmost joy and giddiness over the fact that their newfound power felt really good.

"This is amazing!" Shining sighed wonderfully. "I don't know what happened here, but whatever it was, it makes me feel even more powerful!"

"This could be exactly what we need against Chrysalis and Sombra!" Cadence agreed. "If song can make us feel so powerful all by itself, imagine if we were able to use it against our enemies."

"We'd be unstoppable!"

Soon the feeling was tarnished when the sudden voice of Twilight Sparkle compelled them to come back inside.

"Cadence! Shining! You guys might want to come see this!"

The pair quickly ventured inside to find everyone, Mystery Inc. included, now awake and sitting in the living room watching the news. Heather Jasper Howe was just reporting on the museum attack from the night before.

"The higher the pedestal, the harder the fall. And Mystery Inc. fell far in the embarrassing debacle that tarnished the reputation of the once great gang. It was an utter disaster as two of the gangs key members, Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers and Scoobert 'Scooby' Doo, are seen here causing untold damage to Coolsville's hottest new tourist attraction which took a full two years to complete."

The television cut to footage of Scooby, Shaggy, Spike, and Flurry being pulled through the museum by the Pterodactyl Ghost causing all sorts of damage to the exhibit.

"Well, at least she didn't say our friends' names," Twilight sighed with relief.

"Witnesses also claim that the two other associates in league with the damages are allegedly members of the so-called 'Equestrian Heroes': Flurry Heart, the daughter of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Mr. Spike... the Dragon, the self-proclaimed defender of the Crystal Empire..."

"Darn it!"

"When asked for comment, Fred Jones, leader of Mystery Incorporated, had this to say:"

"Little old Coolsville can solve it's problems without us..."

Unfortunately, the issue with the clip was that it was cut off so no one could see the rest. This made Fred's eyes, everyone else's too, widen in shock.

"I didn't say that!" Fred said shocked. "I mean I did, but that's out of context!"

"Why that lying little parasprite!" Applejack growled.

"This is Heather Jasper Howe, disillusioned, from Coolsville."

Velma got up and switched off the television, as all around the room everyone looked extremely upset and disappointed over how things turned out. The only ones not present were Shaggy, Scooby, Spike, and Flurry who sat behind the kitchen counter. Contrarywise, they heard just about everything.

"It's all my fault," Velma sighed, ashamed. "I'm the one who told Shaggy and Scooby to get the ropes."

"No Velma, it's my fault," Daphne responded. "I should have checked that they were tied before I let go."

"It's my fault too," Fred finished. "We all know how Shaggy and Scooby can be. But it's alright, we just need to stay strong, control, work, and succeed."

"Aw don't be so down on Uncle Scooby and Shaggy you guys," Scrappy added in. "It should be mostly my fault too. I wasn't there to help them out."

"Don't worry about it Scraps," Fred assured.

That's when Twilight decided to step up and voice her opinion.

"Okay guys, I agree at times Shaggy and Scooby can be a bit clumsy. And it's true, they do screw up every now and then. But, at the same time, they tried their best and it just didn't go entirely as planned. Though to be fair, I really should've kept a closer eye on Spike."

"I must also apologize as well," Shining spoke up. "Especially for Flurry's involvement in all of this."

"Well, no matter the situation, we can get it solved in no time," Velma spoke determined. "Come on then gang, let's get to the lab. We'll figure a way out of this Jurassic jumble."

The Mystery Inc. gang and the remainder of the ponies made their way into the research facility of the headquarters. All... except for Scrappy Doo, who stayed behind and turned toward the kitchen counter. The little pup worked his way around only to find a very somber looking Shaggy, Scooby, Spike, and Flurry. They sat together behind the counter looking rather glum.

"Got room for one more?" Scrappy asked.

Neither one gave an answer right away, instead they scootched so there was a space for Scrappy in the middle. The little pup made his way to the available spot and took a seat between the friends. In unison, they took a deep breath and released a heavy sigh from their lungs.

"We're screw ups," Shaggy declared sadly.

"Reah!" Scooby nodded in agreement.

"No kidding," Spike huffed. "I can't believe my luck sometimes. A year ago, I was able to force bark an entire squad of stormtroopers to oblivion. Now here I am dragged across the sky by some stupid extinct bird!"

"And now daddy's never going to see me as anything but a baby ever again," Flurry frowned. "I just want them to see I'm not that fragile little porcelain princess anymore. Is that too much to ask?"

"Believe me Flurry, I know how that feels," Scrappy nodded sadly. "There are times I still get reviews from critics comparing me to this 'Cousin Oliver' guy, whoever that is. They say that the only reason I was even part of the Scooby Gang in the first place was just to make them last longer."

"I never really realized how much we embarrassed the gang," Shaggy said. "I guess looking back, whenever they made a plan we did screw up somehow I just never noticed before."

"Re neither..." Scooby nodded.

"There's gotta be some way to prove we actually belong in the gang," Scrappy sighed. "Just something that's totally unlike us."

Scooby scratched his chin with his paw as he thought it over. It didn't take long for Spike and Flurry to jump in.

"Yeah! I'd certainly like to be known as more than the dragon who put the Crystal Heart back!" Spike agreed.

"And I need to prove to my parents, and Auntie Twily, that I have what it takes to be just like them," Flurry nodded.

"You know you guys?" Shaggy thought. "We could act like 'real' detectives!"

Everyone looked at each other in contemplation for a moment. Suddenly, Scooby burst out laughing, wiping a lone tear from his eye, until he snapped back to seriousness.

"Really?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" Scrappy nodded. "If we started acting like real detectives and helped everyone solve this big mystery, maybe they'll actually see us being more than capable of handling ourselves!"

"We'll be seen as heroes, be respected for once, and get treated like equals all at once!" Flurry smiled.

Shaggy nodded before he jumped up and raised his right hand.

"Okay guys, raise your right paw... or claw... hoof... like whatever works."

Everyone jumped up and raised their paws, though Scooby raised his left paw instead.

"No, that's your left paw," Spike corrected.

"Uncle Scooby, your 'other' paw," Flurry laughed.

Finally, Scooby raised the correct paw while Spike and Flurry just shook their heads smiling.

"Now repeat after me," Shaggy instructed. "From this day forward, we will no longer be our goofy selves!"

"From this day forward, we will no longer be our goofy selves," Spike and Flurry said, in unison.

Scooby gave his reply... through a series of different sounds.

"We will be awesome detectives..."

"We will be awesome detectives..."

Once again, Scooby answered in a series of sounds.

"And we will act more like Fred and Velma and Daphne!" Shaggy declared.

"We will be terrific, fantastic, and above all spectacular like Aunt Twilight, mom and dad, and the rest of my aunties!" Flurry added.

"And cease being loserific, lametastic, and sucktacular like Chrysalis and Sombra," Spike added.

"Rah rah sucktacular!" Scooby finished.


A short while later, the entire gang (Including the Equestrians) were researching information on the Pterodactyl scale Velma found. All of a sudden, the lab door burst open, and Shaggy, Scooby, Spike, and Flurry walked in dressed like the other members of Mystery Inc. Shaggy wore a green sweater with an orange ascot like Fred; Scooby wore one of Velma's turtlenecks; Flurry Heart wore one of Daphne's dresses she'd shrunk down to her size with her magic; and Spike wore a blonde-haired wig and a white shirt with an ascot.

"Like it's time to solve a mystery," Shaggy said determined. "Let's kick this investigation up to an eleven!"

"Ruh huh!" Scooby agreed.

"Totally!" Flurry nodded.

"Far out!" Spike smiled

Meanwhile, everyone else (And every pony) were trying their hardest not to laugh at their friends' new choice of apparel.

"Oh my gosh, I wish I had a camera!" Rainbow laughed.

Pinkie pulled a digital camera from her mane and quickly snapped a picture. She handed it to Rainbow, who proceeded to laugh even louder.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" Fred asked.

"Well, we figured the first step in solving a mystery would be to wear the right attire," Shaggy answered.

He then turned his attention to Daphne.

"I'm sorry Daph, but your go-go boots didn't fit... me."

"Or me..." Spike added.

"Or me..." Flurry nodded.

Scooby then stepped forward, showing off his hindlegs that were garbed in Daphne's purple go-go boots.

"Scooby!" Daphne said loudly. "Those so don't go with that sweater!"


"Wait a second!" Twilight realized, looking around. "Where's Scrappy?"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly, there was a brief organ music followed by a wolf howl. They briefly turned back to the lab door entrance and a tiny figure suddenly flipped toward them. Scrappy Doo, performing and throwing striking poses to sudden punk-rock music with a white t-shirt with a black belt, a matching black leather jacket, sunglasses, and for some reason long blonde hair atop his head. As if that wasn't baffling enough, he was seen wielding what appeared to be a wooden stake in each hand thrusting them about like a pair of Sais. By the time he slipped one stake into his belt, threw his shades off, and gave a serious look while his wig flowed in the imaginary wind.

"Who's ready to solve a mystery?" Scrappy asked smugly.

Everyone in the group looked toward Scrappy Doo, specifically toward his new get up with wide eyes.

"Scrappy Doo, what on Earth are you wearing?" Velma asked shocked.

"Just a bunch of old stuff I found in Daphne's closet," Scrappy responded.

Everyone turned toward Daphne, who kept her eyes wide in shock while darting back and forth a million miles an hour.

"Something you want to tell us Daph?" Fred asked, crossing his arms.

"I have no idea what those were doing there," Daphne spoke defensively. "I've never seen those before in my life."

"Then why were they in your closet?" Twilight asked.


"Maybe... but it still doesn't make sense that—"

"HEY... Velma, is that analysis on the scale ready yet?" Daphne asked Velma quickly.

No sooner did she say that when the lab's printer buzzed to live. The device printed out the very results they had been looking for. Velma grabbed it from the printer and Shaggy walked up, snatching it from her hands.

"Ahh... clues!" He said. "Alas, what are these strange markings?"

Fred rolled his eyes before approaching Shaggy and flipped the page over, as it turned out he had been looking at it upside down.

"Words," He answered simply.

"Ahh... words. Scooby Doo, take note!"

"Rotcha!" Scooby nodded.

The Great Dane produced a sketch pad and started scribbling down stuff with a pencil, much to everyone's amusement.

"Did you guys eat some bad pizza or something?" Rainbow asked seriously. "Or is this just part of you losing your minds?"

"Like, we've had bad pizza before," Shaggy responded. "But we are completely sane."

"Ah wouldn't be too sure bout that," Applejack whispered to her mare-friend.

"Come on you goofs," Velma chuckled.

She snatched the results back and began examining them with Twilight and Cadence. But what they saw on paper, none of them could believe it.

"It's come back positive," Velma said shocked. "This is a real pterodactyl scale."

"Precisely!" Shaggy spoke up.

"That just doesn't make sense though," Twilight shook her head. "I mean I don't know much about 'your' Earth's history, since I haven't had the chance to read up on it much, but I 'do' know those creatures are long extinct."

"So then how could it be possible for a creature that's been gone for thousands of years to suddenly pop back up out of nowhere?" Cadence asked.

"Then again, that's what we all first thought when we met Storm Shield," Rarity pointed out.

Hearing her say that made every pony nod in unison. They were all completely shocked to discover Celestia had a son who had been locked away in the Philosopher's stone for a thousand years. And still they were left with 'more' questions than answers lately.

"Still, we need to figure out how that creature could possibly exist and why it was working with that masked man, Chrysalis, and Sombra," Shining said.

"Whoever that masked figure is, he's out to humiliate us," Fred added.

Walking over to the lab's main computer, Daphne sat down and started punching in information on old files from Mystery Inc.'s past.

"Maybe it's someone we unmasked," She suggested.

"But who would be able to make a real pterodactyl ghost?" Velma asked.

Daphne pulled up a particular photo of a man with crazy hair and glasses. He looked completely insane, yet certainly fit the profile.

"The original pterodactyl ghost," Daphne pointed out. "Dr. Jonathan Jacobo."

"Oh yeah, that's right," Velma nodded.

"Okay, let's rewind for a minute," Rainbow spoke up. "First off, who the hay's this guy?"

"Well, Dr. Jacobo used to be part of a pirated music smuggling ring many years ago when we first met him," Scrappy explained. "After he'd gotten out of jail, he decided to turn his life around by going to school and become a famous scientist. However, his colleagues deemed him insane when it was discovered he was obsessed with creating monsters. So they kicked him out in disgrace, and he swore he'd make them pay."

"Scrappy's absolutely right," Velma nodded. "Jacobo created the Pterodactyl Ghost and used it to wreak havoc with a state-wide crime spree. He stole millions of dollars which he used to finance in failed experiments trying to create monsters."

"Oh goodness!" Fluttershy squeaked nervously. "Do you think he could be behind this?"

"Impossible," Velma shook her head. "Three years ago, he attempted a prison escape. He constructed a pair of wings from scrap he collected throughout the prison and jumped off the prison wall one night. As he tried to fly away, the wings failed miserably, and he plummeted to the raging waters below. His body was lost at sea."

Daphne then pulled up another report most familiar to them and it held some significance to their investigation.

"How about this one. Jacobo's cell mate was released from prison two months ago: Jeremiah Wickles."

A picture came up of the same old man seen in the crowd the other night, the very man scowling at the gang. Another diagram came up of a suit and armor everyone recognized.

"The Black Knight Ghost," Fred realized. "That was one of the costumes that was stolen."

"Yeah it was!" Twilight nodded. "Seems he might be our number one suspect in this case so far."

"Right!" Shaggy spoke loudly.

This caused everyone to face him, and he just stood there feeling very awkward right now.

"And... um... Scooby Doo, what's your conclusion?"

Scooby turned the sketch pad around, showing he had drawn a crude image of what resembled a rabbit.

"Bunny," He said happily.

"Oh, Uncle Scooby!" Flurry and Scrappy shook their heads.

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