When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth

Finally, Grant, along with the kids, the ponies, and Spike reached the deserted visitor's center. A large sign that said 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth...' drooped overhead. Grant now carried Tim, weakened and his hands wrapped in cloth but conscious.

"Hello?!" Grant yelled.

But answer there came none.

"Where is every pony?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"I reckon most of the staff left the port when that their storm came," Applejack confirmed. "The others must be somewhere on this island."

They were walking through the visitor's center when a commotion made them stop. They drew their heads toward the doorway to the restaurant.

"I think there's something behind that door..." Rainbow Dash whispered.

Nodding their heads slowly, Applejack and Derring Do followed Rainbow Dash, leaning cautiously toward the door. Spike and Fluttershy stayed with the kids, the latter shivering frightfully. Rainbow Dash slowly leaned her hoof along the door's surface. Taking a deep breath, she made to open it...

"HI GUYS!" Pinkie greeted, opening the door.


High pitch screamed went loose as Pinkie Pie was staring... at Rainbow Dash, who freaked out like a little girl. All eyes turned toward Rainbow Dash who stood at an awkward position looking from Pinkie Pie to her friends then back to Pinkie. The rainbow-haired Pegasus quickly adjusted her mane and cleared her throat.

"I almost bucked you in the face!" Rainbow hissed.

"... Kinky!" Pinkie smiled.



Eventually, the group made it into the restaurant. Grant and Daring Do carefully set Tim on a chair at one of the tables. Lex and the other ponies sat across from him. Pinkie Pie proceeded to take out her radio and turned it on.

"Pink Diamond calling Purple Rain! Pink Diamond calling Purple Rain!" Pinkie spoke, in code. "Come in, Purple Rain! Over!"

But the walkie-talkie merely responded with static. Pinkie waited for a few seconds but got no response.

"Oh, guess she didn't get the code," Pinkie shrugged, trying again. "Pinkie to Twilight! Come in, Twilight! Grant and the others arrived safely! We're waiting at the restaurant! Over!"

Again, only static. Pinkie Pie slapped the radio along the side. But all she got was status, even when changing the channels.

"I hope those things weren't expensive..."

"I am gonna have to find the others and get 'you' to a doctor," Grant told Tim. "Will you look after Tim, girls?"

"Yes..." Lex and Fluttershy answered, scared as hell.

"Spike, you should rest here with the others while Grant, Rainbow, and I look for the others," Daring Do responded.

"Fine by me!" Spike sighed, leaning back. "I think I've had enough excitement today!"

"I oughta come too!" Applejack offered. "For safety!"

Daring Do and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, Rainbow Dash nodding with assurance.

"Fine with me," Daring Do shrugged. "We'll need the strongest ponies for this trip anyway.

Nodding in agreement, Grant took one look at Tim for a second.

"Your hair's all standing up," Grant chuckled.

He gently rearranged Tim's hair, which was wild and all over the place. Tim looked up at him weakly, managing a smile to which Grant smiled back.

"Big Tim, the human piece of toast," Grant joked.

Tim laughed and Grant paused for a second, as if debating something.

"Yes... I'm fine..." Spike interrupted. "No, really. It was no problem. I get barbecued all the time saving lives. Glad you thought of it."

The group turned toward Spike, who leaned back casually along one of the empty chairs. But they let it slide for now.

"Thanks for trying to help my brother," Lex answered quietly.

"I'll take it," Spike replied.

"Be back soon, guys," Grant assured. "I promise."

"Pinkie Promise?" Pinkie called out.

But Grant left before he even made the gestures, to which Pinkie pouted a bit. As he went across the lobby of the visitor's center to the outside, they could see his silhouette, moving through a translucent mural depicting dinosaurs in various natural settings. It was quiet for a second as the kids and Equestrians looked at each other. Tim and Spike go across the room, Pinkie Pie skipping behind, to an all-you-can-eat table on the other side loaded with all kinds of food.

"Boy, they sure were expecting us to come by," Spike observed.

"Actually, it was all like this when Twilight got us back here," Pinkie replied. "Didn't want it to go to waste."

"As long as it's safe to eat... I'm hungry," Fluttershy sighed.

"It sure is! And tasty too! Well, come on, every pony! Help yourselves!"

Quickly, the ponies, along with the kids and Spike proceeded to pile some food onto some plates and grabbed a few utensils. They proceeded to bring the food back to their table for a well-deserved meal.


Outside, Grant and his Equestrian group crossed the path towards Hammond's compound, their eyes darting side-to-side. They really had no idea where they needed to go nor if there were any other carnivores lurking about. All they knew was that they needed to stay close and try not to attract any unwanted attention. While Daring Do was keeping watch over Grant, Rainbow Dash slowly approached Applejack.

"A.J., can we talk for a moment?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Actually, I've been meanin' to talk to yah too..." Applejack admitted.

The two ponies took a deep breath and...

"It's about Daring Do..." They said in unison. "Wait what?

"Did... you want to go first?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, no. It's fine!" Applejack chuckled nervously. "Wut did you want to say?"

"You're not jealous that I've been spending some time with Daring Do, are you?

"Why does every pony use the 'jealousy' card with me?" Applejack groaned, annoyed. "I promise hon... I ain't jealous of no pony. I'm jus'... mighty bit concerned, that's all."

"I just don't want you to think Daring Do is taking your place or anything," Rainbow Dash assured. "It's just not every day a pony like me gets to have an adventure with their favorite idol. And that's something considering Daring Do usually prefers working alone."

"I know... that really shouldn't bother me," Applejack sighed. "It's just... she seems so... perfect and you two have a lot in common. You're cunning, fierce, determined... heck, Daring Do seems 'way' smarter than me. I mean... ya'll practically look alike--

"A.J., A.J., A.J.," Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I'm going to stop you right there. There's nothing between me and Daring Do... no way! She's like an older sister I never had. She'll go back to doing her temple runs flying solo or collaborating with that Doctor guy on another book. Meanwhile, I still have 'you'. We go on adventures together every day, and you're the only pony who makes me feel 'awesome'... the only pony who can go hoof-to-hoof with me.

"You're the only mare for me, Applejack. No pony is ever going to come between us."

"Wow... I had it all wrong about ya," Applejack smiled, tearfully. "You really do care about me."

"Hey... they don't call me the Element of Loyalty for the fancy title," Rainbow Dash smirked. "Besides, it's not like Daring Do's entirely perfect. Don't get me wrong, her books are 'awesome' and I always look forward to the next one. But she kind of threw out her pseudonym thing out of the blue and I'm thinking... 'I thought she wanted to keep that secret' or something.

"Yeah, that was confusing... wait!" Applejack paused, realizing. "You knew!"

"You knew?!" Rainbow Dash replied, stunned. "Wow... I mean I was going to talk to you about it first, but what with the dinosaurs rampaging—"

"Hold on!" Applejack paused, raising her ear. "Did ya'll hear that?"

Sure enough, there was shouting trying to reach them from a distance. The two mares, including Grant and Daring Do, turned to the side... and saw Ellie, along with Twilight and Rarity, practically dragging themselves from the bunker. The ponies waved to them, shouting something faint.

Grant furrowed his brow, walking towards the trio. Ellie shouted louder; Grant walked faster. He's closer now, and he could finally make out what she's shouting.

"Run!" Ellie shouted.

Grant, along with Applejack and Rainbow Dash, raced towards Ellie and their friends, with Daring Do hovering from behind. Grant raced towards Ellie, who ran into his arms. The ponies practically piled against each other, laughing hysterically as if they had been apart for a thousand years.

"Thank Celestia ya'll are alright!" Applejack sighed with relief. "Where's the Doc?"

"Whooves is with Malcolm and Hammond back at the bunker," Rarity answered.

"What about the others?" Twilight asked, gasping in horror. "Where're the kids?!"


Back at their table, Lex and Fluttershy were digging in, munching on vegetables. While Fluttershy ate casually, Lex practically grabbed the food with two hands. Tim, along with Pinkie Pie and Spike, were enjoying their food too. Only most of their food was cakes and other sweets. Pinkie and Spike were practically eating like anime characters, while Tim took a spoonful of food and stuffed it into his mouth.

Lex was about to have a spoonful of lime Jell-O from one of the plastic dinosaur egg cups – but her hand froze halfway to her mouth. Tim, along with Pinkie and Spike, looked up seeing the expression on Lex's face. Lex was staring over their shoulder, eyes wide, the Jell-O quivering in her shaky hands. But she's not the only one... Fluttershy had a look of horror and her yellow fur slowly turned white.

"What's wrong?" Spike asked.

Without saying a word, Fluttershy pointed rapidly with her hoof. Confused, Spike pointed over the shoulder his friend was pointing. Sure enough, there was a growling side just behind them where the mural was. Spike gulped nervously, as his face dropped.

"Parasaurolophus?" Spike asked weakly.

But Fluttershy only shook her head, trying so hard not to cry. Tim, Spike, and Pinkie slowly turned around. Behind them, one of the silhouettes on the mural was a raptor, in a hunting pose. While they stare, the silhouette of a real raptor moved out from behind it and crept forward, into the lobby of the visitor's center. Pinkie Pie almost screamed but Spike quickly covered her mouth tightly, just in the nick of time.


The kids, the ponies, and Spike quickly ducked into the kitchen, Lex pulling the shiny metal door shut as quietly as she could. It latched with a distinctive 'click', but there's no lock. She raced to a panel of light switches and killed them all, plunging the room into semidarkness. She helped Tim down an aisle, while Spike followed Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. The kids hid at the end, behind a counter, breathing hard. The ponies and Spike hid behind another counter, the teen dragon trying to crouch as low as possible.

A raptor's head popped into view, visible through the round window in the middle of the kitchen door. It just took a moment, its breath steaming against the window. Through the window, as the steam evaporated, the raptor could see a part of Tim not entirely hidden by the counter. In the kitchen, Tim and Lex remained frozen in fear as the raptor first sniffed the bottom of the door, then thumped its head against it. But the door didn't budge... yet the Equestrians knew it was all a matter of time.

"This is way more stressful than going to the dentist!" Pinkie whimpered, quietly.


Back in the bunker, John Hammond stood between Grant, Ellie, and the Equestrians in the bunker. The ponies watched as Grant racked the bolts on a ten gauge shotgun.

"It's just the two raptors, right?" Grant asked the girls.

"We think so..." Twilight Sparkle guessed. "Muldoon went to see if he could get to 'one'... but I don't think he made it."

"Great wickering stallions..." Time Turner gasped.

"What about the third one?" Daring Do asked. "Is it contained?

"Yes," Ellie answered. "Unless they figured out how to open doors."

"But that's crazy..." Rainbow chuckled, anxiously. "Raptors aren't 'that' smart... are they?"

"Wait a moment!" Applejack realized. "If there's still two raptors on the loose, and if they knew where people were comin' from, they'd follow the scent to know where the rest of us are. And if they're not comin' fur us..."

Applejack gasped upon realizing something.



Outside the kitchen door, the raptor stared down at the door handle, cocking its head curiously. It snarled and bumped the door handle with its head, but that didn't do anything. It reached out, toward the handle, with one clawed hand. Tim, Lex, and the Equestrians stared in shock as the door handle started to turn and the door opened.

"Timmy, what is it?" Fluttershy asked, quietly.

"It's a Velociraptor..." Tim whispered back.

"It's inside..." Lex gasped, silently.

"That's... a velociraptor?" Spike spied.

"Well... good thing it's just one and not the pack ..." Pinkie Pie sighed with relief. "Wait... was that a hand?"

The first raptor stood in the doorway, drawing itself up to its full height, and looked around the kitchen. Then it proceeded to make some sort of signal, calling out for something. It was so horrible that the kids and their friends covered their ears. But that wasn't even the worst part.

For soon, a second raptor joined it in the doorway. They moved into the room, brushing against each other. The first raptor snapped at the second, as if saying, 'Keep your distance'.

"And... there it is..." Spike cringed.

"Kids... follow us!" Fluttershy gestured.

The raptors proceeded to split up, taking two different aisles. With the ponies and Spike taking the lead, Tim and Lex crawled away. It was difficult for Tim because he was awfully weak and it still hurt to move. Still, they crawled down the third aisle, around the other side of the counter from the raptors, moving in the opposite direction.

As the anxious group moved past the raptors, one of their tails smacked into some pots and pans, knocking them off the counter. They fell on top of them, but somehow they managed to keep quiet. They moved quickly as one of the raptors dipped down, searching through an open cabinet to inspect the racket. They managed to reach the end of the aisle and rounded a corner -- but Fluttershy and Tim fell behind. At some point, they accidentally brushed against some hanging kitchen utensils and froze.

The raptor's head searched left and right while the pony and Tim held their breath. But finding nothing, the head reeled itself back through the hole. Just when they felt they were safe, a ladle clattered on the ground. Fluttershy whimpered, closing her eyes tightly as both raptors turned, confused by the strange metallic sound. One of the raptors jumped onto the counter, knocking more kitchen stuff to the floor. They moved, right toward their direction, heading right for the frightened pair.

Their friends tried to usher them to crawl toward them, but Tim and Fluttershy merely shook their heads too scared to try. The raptor on the floor sniffed the area, following the scent. It was just about to turn the corner toward where Tim and Fluttershy sat, the latter whimpering and leaned against Timmy preparing for the worst. Exposed, exhausted, it looked to be the end for the pair as the raptor got closer...

Suddenly, both raptors stopped when they heard a clicking sound and singing from the other end of the aisle.

Pinkie Pie (Sings):
Roll back the rock to the dawn of time
When the Earth was smokin' and the lava flowed!

Sure enough, it was Pinkie Pie singing a jingle and Lex tapping a spoon on the floor to distract them. The raptor on the counter leapt down, starting cautiously toward Lex's noise, leaving Tim and Fluttershy for now. Quickly, Pinkie Pie pointed to the nearest steel cabinet behind Lex, its sliding door open. They proceeded to crawl inside, silently.

From another hiding spot, Spike peeked over seeing one of the raptors eyeing the two girls, snarling, and revealing its teeth. While Lex and Pinkie squirmed together, they tried to pull the overhead door to the cabinet shut. The one raptor had just rounded and corner seeing their reflection on the shiny cabinet front. Lex and Pinkie tried frantically to lower the cabinet door, however...

"It's stuck!" Pinkie hissed.

The raptor pounced, charging toward Lex and Pinkie Pie, smashing more stuff around with its tail. Lex kept tugging on the cover, to no avail, screaming in panic as the girls braced themselves--

THUD! Lex's raptor crashed into a shiny surface bearing their reflection. As it turned out, it chased the wrong image and it sagged to the floor, semiconscious. Pinkie Pie and Lex proceeded to crawl out the steel cabinet, crawling away while the raptor was done.

Seeing the girls were safe, Tim and Fluttershy turned and saw a walk-in freezer in the far wall, the kind with a pin-locking handle. Tim and Fluttershy then looked at each other, the pony could tell what he was thinking... and she didn't like where it was going. But they knew what needed to be done. Taking a few deep breaths, Fluttershy assumed the position, and summing what little strength they had left -- they made a break for the walk-in freezer. Poor Tim was limping, dragging himself, really moving like a wounded prey now, and -- Fluttershy wasn't doing any better being she wasn't the fastest pony.

The other raptor spotted them and pounced after them with a snarl. Tim's raptor charged after them, just enough open floor space between them. Just when the raptor had caught up, Fluttershy and Tim reached the freezer, ripped the door open and fell inside. The floor was cold and slick, their feet going right out from under them. They sprawled across the floor, rolling out of the way -- and the raptor slipped and fell into the freezer too, right past them.

"Hurry, Tim!" Fluttershy shouted.

Soon as Fluttershy helped him up, Tim dragged himself to his feet and followed the timid Pegasus out of the freezer. The raptor made one last lunge, right on their heels, its mouth wide open -- but Pinkie Pie, and the 'real' Lex screamed slamming the door shut just as their friends were in the clear. The raptor's head got caught for a second, struggling to push through. Then another shout emerged, as Spike flew toward the door and assumed a...

"FLYING KICK!!!" Spike shouted.

The maneuver sent the raptor retreating back, and the group got the door shut all the way. The raptor roared, screaming inside. But Lex merely jammed the pin through the handle, locking it in.

"If that doesn't put that raptor to sleep, I'll eat Twilight's book!" Spike sighed, exhausted.

"Let's get out of here!" Fluttershy cried out.

By then, the other raptor slowly recovered. Staggering to its feet, groggily smashing into stuff all over the kitchen. It just saw the Equestrians and the children taking off, Lex holding Tim again for support. Watching them take off, a look of evil intentions filled the raptor's face.


Tim, Lex, and their friends hurried across the restaurant, staring back over their shoulders in case the other raptor was coming. They suddenly crashed into Grant and Ellie, along with the remainder of the Equestrians.

"Are you guys, okay?" Time Turner asked.

"We just trapped one of those raptors in the ice box!" Spike gasped, breathing heavily.

"But the other one's in there!" Fluttershy pointed back.

"Control room," Ellie instructed.

Without a second thought, the group made their way out of the restaurant while Grant kept watch, his gun at the ready. As the group left the restaurant and prepared to run, Spike stopped and noticed the doorway leading outside the center. An idea suddenly dawned upon him. He first checked back on the group who were leaving without him, then back at the door. His face soon grew determined as he knew what he had to do.


Unaware of Spike's intent, Grant, Ellie, the kids, and the Equestrians raced down the second floor corridor toward the control room. But because Tim was still not in good shape, Grant carried Tim the rest of the way. The door to the control room smacked open and the entire group burst in. Ellie headed straight for Nedry's computer terminal. Grant moved Tim to the side and raced back to the door to lock it.

"We can call for help?!" Lex asked hopefully.

"We've got to reboot the system first!" Ellie responded.

Ellie sat at the computer, studying the screen. It's flashing to her, dominated by a maze-like grid. She studied it, confused. Grant and Twilight were at the door when they realized something.

"Oh, no!" Twilight stared horrified. "This is a problem..."

"The door locks--" Grant called out. "Ellie! Boot up the door locks!"

"Spike, I need you to--"

Twilight paused when she looked around, counting the number of heads in the room.

"Where's Spike?!"


Something struck the door, hard, from the outside, knocking Twilight and Grant back. The kids and the other ponies screamed, as Grant hurled his back against it -- losing his gun in the process. Grant struggled to keep the door closed, as the raptor reached in trying to scratch him.

"ALAN!!!" The ponies screamed.

Turning quickly, Ellie leapt out of the chair and raced over to the door to help him. Thinking quickly, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Derring Do race to the door adding their combined weight against the door. The raptor snarled, snapping its jaws, ramming itself against the door. The group tried to prevent the beast from forcing its way into the control room. This was all the group could do to hold the door against the onslaught, but it bucked against them viciously.

"Ellie -- get back and boot up the door locks!" Grant grunted.

"You can't hold it by yourself!" Ellie shouted back.

Over at the computer, Lex slid quickly into the command chair at Nedry's terminal. She stared at the screen for a moment as the rest joined in.

"Great wickering stallions..." Time Turner gaped. "What is all this?"

"This is a Unix system," Lex answered. "I know this. It's the files for the whole park. It's like a phone book -- it tells you everything."

"You can hack your way through this, right?"

"If I can find the right file."

"Great... how hard can that be?"

"Try to reach the gun!" Grant called.

Twilight Sparkle saw that their human companions and a majority of the Equestrians were preoccupied trying to keep the door shut. Acting quickly, Twilight Sparkle used her magic to levitate the gun off the ground and, while unfamiliar with the tool, attempted to aim it toward the raptor, whose head was barely visible in the window.

In the meantime, Lex's fingers started flying over the keyboard. Tim and Fluttershy watched, amazed as the computer seemed to respond to Lex's commands. The same could not be said for Twilight. Despite trying to aim the gun, she couldn't get a clear shot. Not without risking the safety of the humans or her friends.

"Shoot her Twilight!" Daring Do called out. "Shoot her now!

"I can't unless you move!" Twilight Sparkle shouted.

Tensions were running high as Lex tried to search the computer's system, trying to find a single file amongst an entire network of data. The raptor was determined to push its way inside, opening the door just wide enough for its claws to clutch inside. Desperate, an idea quickly came to Daring Do who took out Grant's claw that Rainbow gave her. Shouting, she proceeded to slash against the raptor's fingers who squealed from the pain.

Scrolling across the system, Lex stumbled upon a set of files called 'Physical Security'.

"This is it! This might be the right file!" Lex guessed.

But when she scrolled the mouse toward one of the links, it read 'Chemical'.

"Oh no, this isn't the right file."

"C'mon, Lex!" Tim encouraged.

"You can do it, Lexie!" Pinkie cheered. "It's got to be one of them."

"What about 'that' menu?!" Time Turner pointed out.

Reaching another menu, Lex spotted a box on the screen that read 'VISITOR'S CENTER'. She reached out and clicked the mouse. Soon, the system reboot was in effect activating all the devices. Every marker that said 'unlocked' in red letters shifted to 'Secured' in green.

"There it is, I got it!" Lex said excitedly.

"SHE GOT IT!!!" Fluttershy cheered loudly.

By the time Grant pushed the raptor back, the door latch panel buzzed as the humans and Equestrians put everything they had into it. Finally, the door latched shut, locking the raptor outside.

"We... DID IT!!!" Pinkie Pie cheered.

"Oh, thank Celestia!" Twilight sighed, dropping the gun.

All the Equestrians cheered and laughed hysterically, Rarity literally crying tears of joy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash embraced one another, the latter even reeling Daring Do in who accepted... albeit awkwardly. Pinkie Pie made for the window and proceeded to make faces toward the raptor, shaking her tail at its face while the raptor just sneered.

"What works?" Grant asked Lex.

"Phone security systems, everything works!" Lex declared, satisfied. "You ask for it, we got it!"

"Make the call, Dr. Grant!" Daring Do instructed. "We're out of here!


Hammond was checking up on Malcolm when the phone suddenly rang. The two looked at each other, wide-eyed. Hammond lunged for it.


"Mr. Hammond... the phones are working," Grant answered.

"The children alright?" Hammond asked anxiously.


Amidst the call, all the screens in the control room had come alive now. The data scrolled by at incredible speed as every remaining system in the park came back online. Ellie sat at the keyboard with Lex, figuring things out, while everyone else gathered together beside their human companions. Grant was on the phone, holding the rifle with his free hand.

"The children are fine," Grant assured.

"Thank God," Hammond sighed in relief.

"Call the mainland. Tell them to send the damn helicopters."

Suddenly, Grant stopped in the middle of his sentence when the sound of glass breaking drew everyone and every pony to the side.

"THEY'RE COMING THROUGH THE GLASS!!!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

A few screams cut in, followed by three shots, and a horrible clunking as the phone dropped.

"Grant!" Hammond yelled into the phone. "GRANT!"

Grant's rifle lay on the floor, smoking, several spent shells alongside it. The front window of the control room had three huge impact shatter patterns in the glass, where the gunshots hit. But not a trace of blood was found.

"He missed every shot..." Fluttershy panicked. "He missed every shot!"

"No time to panic!" Applejack yelled. "We gotta find another way out!"

"The crawl spaces!" Twilight Sparkle pointed up. "That's our exit!"

Twilight Sparkle, and those able to fly, made their way into the open panel through the ceiling, working their way into the crawl space. Fortunately, the control room happened to have a ladder which Grant set up under the panel. The kids and the other Equestrians proceeded to climb up through the ceiling, while Ellie and Grant followed. Grant looked toward the front window, scared as hell--


Amidst a shower of glass, the raptor exploded into the control room. It landed on its feet on a workstation console, images from wall projectors falling across its head. Grant vaulted himself up into the ceiling and knocked aside the ladder with his feet. The raptor tilted its head curiously, looking up at the swaying ceiling.

Once in the crawl space, Grant, Ellie, the kids, and the Equestrians dashed across the ceiling panels, moving fast, but carefully, so as not to break through.


The raptor's head burst through a panel behind them, leaping up at them, snarling and snapping its jaws. It dropped down again, and they keep moving forward. But now it erupted through a panel in front of them. They scream, its teeth click just inches in front of Rarity --

"Get away from me, you brute!" Rarity shrieked.

Rarity shot the raptor in the face with one beam, sending it falling back to the floor of the control room. Grant looked around frantically before spotting an air duct a few yards away.

"Follow me!" Grant called out.

They moved for it, but the raptor's head crashed through the ceiling again, this time right underneath Lex. She screamed as she was lifted up, atop its head, and pinned to the ceiling above.

"LEX!!!" The girls screamed.

Grant and Applejack smashed their boot/hooves respectively against the side of the raptor's head. The raptor slammed at him, latching onto Grant's boot for a second before the raptor's own weight pulled it back down.

Lex nearly went down with the raptor, spinning into the hole in the ceiling, tumbling down. Fortunately, Grant and Applejack grabbed her by the collar at the last second, but Lex dangled there, above the raptor. The animal flipped over onto its feet and crouched to pounce just as man and pony summoned their strength and jerked Lex back into the ceiling. The raptor sprung, but it was too late. The trio scrambled over to the air duct, joining the others inside it.

The group crawled through the air duct as fast as they could, the thin metal booming and creasing around them. They reached a metal gate that showed daylight beneath. Grant reached out and pulled it up. Through the gate, they could see the lobby of the visitor's center below. They're directly above the skeletons of the dinosaurs, the T-rex, and the sauropod it was attacking. The unfinished skeletons are surrounded by scaffolding.

"Final stop! Visitor's Center; main floor!" Pinkie Pie announced.

"Come on, every pony!" Twilight ushered.

Grant and the others climbed down from the air duct and onto a platform of the scaffolding that stood alongside the skeletons. They continued down to the second platform, then the third. Suddenly... a raptor stood along the side by the second floor railing belting toward its prey.

"Aw, come on!" Rainbow Dash groaned.

Unfortunately, it's much too far to jump to the lobby floor. For the flying Equestrians that wasn't an issue. Everyone else had to climb gingerly onto the nearest skeleton, the towering brachiosaur. They climbed down as fast as they could. Grant helped Tim down, Lex and Ellie followed. The other Equestrians weren't far behind. Ellie went for the tail; Lex moved to the front. Grant landed on the main body in the middle with Tim. While the other Equestrians found a spot, the raptor watched their every movement.

Up in the ceiling, the skeleton's anchor bolts groaned in the plaster, threatening to pull free. But for now, they held for as long as they could. All of a sudden, the raptor flew out and landed on the back of the middle section of the skeleton. *SNAP* It cracked apart with the weight, sending the sections spinning in all different directions.

Grant and Tim, along with Applejack and Time Turner, swirled on the middle section. All the flying Equestrians had taken off in the air, seeing the chaos unfold below their hooves. Tim began to slide down despite Grant's efforts to hold onto him.

"Applejack, what do I do?!" Tim shouted.

Applejack looked around trying to consider what they should do. But then she looked toward the floor and suddenly she was reminded of a previous scenario. She knew what needed to be done.

"Let go," Applejack spoke.

"Are you nuts?!" Tim cried out.

"No, I ain't. I promise ya'll be safe."

"That's not true."

"Listen sugar cube, wut I'm sayin' to you is the 'honest' truth. Let go... and ya'll safe."

"You're going to want to do what she says, kid!" Rainbow Dash called out.

Applejack and Grant's eyes met, the former's darting to the side. Grant silently understood what was going on and assured Tim it was fine. Eventually, Tim lost his grip and fell to the ground right underneath the swinging, large middle section of the dinosaur skeleton. Just before Tim hit the ground, he landed on something soft and looked down. Sure enough, Twilight Sparkle had caught the boy making a careful landing on the floor.

"Rule number one: Never doubt Applejack," Twilight Sparkle declared.

Meanwhile, Lex and Pinkie Pie spun on the front section. Lex slipped, trying to keep from falling as she hung by her legs. And somehow... Pinkie seemed to be having the time of her life.

All of a sudden, the anchor bolts in the ceiling rip free, zinging past them like bullets. The entire brachiosaur skeleton collapsed like a house of cards sending Ellie and Rarity to the ground. They covered themselves with their arms, trying to protect their heads from the shower of falling bones. Lex and Pinkie Pie fell, screaming as they landed on the ground with bones falling on top of them.

Grant, with Applejack and Time Turner in the middle section, looked up and saw the cable about to snap. They fall, with Rainbow Dash catching Applejack and Daring Do catching Time Turner. The large section of the skeleton came careening down, heading straight for Tim and Twilight Sparkle, who laid where they fell on the ground. It came smashing down... with just enough space for them to be safe.

The raptor tumbled to the floor in a cascade of splintering bone. It landed on its back a few yards away and staggered for a moment, the wind knocked out of it. Fluttershy merely hovered over the raptor for a moment, lightly tapped it on the side of the head, and it fell back as she awkwardly fluttered back to her friends.

Grant, landing in front of Tim and Twilight Sparkle, stood up and approached the pair who crawled their way out. Lex and Pinkie Pie stood up seeing the raptor regaining its footing and screamed. Rarity was helping Ellie when they noticed a shadow standing behind the visqueen and stopped dead in their tracks.

"Oh... no..." Rarity shuddered. "It's her..."

The second raptor emerged from under the plastic and looked around. Grant got Tim and Twilight Sparkle out of the skeleton as the rest of the Equestrians joined together. They backed away from the raptor, approaching from the left side. They backed up toward a large rock in the midst of the room holding the other skeleton.

The raptors crouched in their pre-attack stance, the Equestrians and their companions found themselves caught in the middle of the two approaching raptors. They tried to back up, only to find nowhere else to go. There was no sugarcoating the intense scenario; they were literally backed in a corner.

"SPIKE, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Twilight Sparkle cried desperately.

Suddenly, just as the one raptor made a lunge for its prey...


The massive head of the Tyrannosaurus Rex descended from above. A set of six-foot jaws clamped down upon the raptor. Eighteen-inch teeth sank into its side, and the helpless animal howled in agony as it lifted up, up, up off the floor of the lobby.

"Ahh!!! It's the T-Rex!" Pinkie Pie screamed.

"And... Spike riding it?!" Rainbow Dash paled.

Sure enough, Spike was atop of the T-rex, his legs wrapped around the neck like riding a rodeo bull. It smiled as he loomed toward his friends, waving one arm around in the air.

"Never fear, Spike and Rexy are here!" Spike gloated.

"Spike! You're okay!" Twilight cheered.

Grant and the others looked up in stunned amazement. They stepped behind the rock for safety and looked to the right. The other raptor goes up in the air, twenty feet off the lobby floor, holding fast in the mouth of the Rex. It stood in the entrance to the lobby in front of the massive hole it ripped through the Visqueen wall. It shook its enormous head once, breaking the neck of the velociraptor, then dropped it, dead, to the floor at its feet.

The big one turned from the humans and lunged at the Rex's side, leaping twelve feet into the air and rending the Rex's flesh as it came down, slashing it open with its six-inch claw. In an instant, Spike lost his grip and dropped over the side, only to be caught in a gust courtesy of his adopted sister-figure's hooves.

"I got you, Spike!" She panted.

"Thanks, Twi!" Spike smiled. "Now let's get out of here, every pony! Rexy can handle herself from here on out!"

"I agree!" Alan nodded. "Let's go!"

"Goodbye, Rexy!" Spike waved goodbye. "Thanks for the help!"

"I feel like we had some continuity issues in this part, but I'll let it pass!" Pinkie Pie replied, hopping away.

"Spike ridin' a freakin T-rex!" Rainbow Dash moaned. "Some dragons get all the luck!"

Grant, Ellie, the kids, and the Equestrians skirted the battle royal on the lobby floor and dashed for the door of the visitor's center while the battle continued. By the time they emerged outside the visitor's center, Hammond squealed the jeep to a halt in front of the steps. Malcolm was lying in the back. Grant and the others practically fell into the jeep.

"Every pony, get in!" Daring Do ordered.

"I always knew this trip was too good to be true," Time Turner mumbled.

Alan raced toward the passenger side door, his attention toward Hammond.

"Mr. Hammond!" Alan began. "The princess and I, after careful consideration and coming to a consensus, have decided..."

"Not to endorse your park!" Twilight Sparkle concluded, regretfully.

"So have I," Hammond replied.

The old man hit the gas and the jeep took off, dashing away from the Visitor's Center as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, the skirmish continued between the fearsome beasts. The rex bellowed in pain as it turned on the raptor, eyes raging, and struck, just once, quickly, as fast as the head of a serpent. It caught the raptor by the thick back end, biting one of its enormous feet down, and tore. It practically ripped the last velociraptor in half. The rex whirled around - as it turned, its heavy tail counterbalanced, snapping the other way, sweeping across the lobby, and smashed right through the T-rex skeleton. The skeleton collapsed in an explosion of bones, falling to pieces around the living rex.

The rex stood majestically in the midst of the lobby, both skeletons swept away, snapping like matchsticks as they settled around the animal. The rex drew itself up to its full height -- and roared! The sound was deafening, the vibrations rattled the entire Visitor's Center. The sign which dangled over the lobby by its one remaining wire finally fell, clattering to the floor at its feet, face up. Its message proven true that 'Dinosaurs' still ruled the Earth... forever.


The helicopter rotors whirled to life as the chopper waited on the landing cross. The jeep roared up next to it. One by one, the passengers climbed aboard, their faces white from their ordeal. Ellie, along with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Time Turner, Spike and Fluttershy helped the Murphy siblings inside the helicopter. Alan, with Twilight Sparkle, Applekjack, and Daring Do helped an injured Ian inside.

For a while, nobody spoke. Hammond took another look at his dream, for one last time, as the roar of the dinosaurs echoed in the distance. To think, he'd soon be leaving all this behind after all the hard work. A dream he carried for so long, so difficult to even say goodbye. He stared until Alan came over and grabbed his arm which caused Hammond to snap back into reality. He took him back into the helicopter, which finally took off. As they rose into the air, the Equestrians stared out the windows, looking down on the park as it spread out below.

Down at the park, Spike could see a familiar sight over a vast plain. The Tyrannosaur, still feeding on the remains of the dinosaurs it ran down and killed, looked up. Spike silently stared at acknowledgement toward the creature, and slowly waved goodbye out of respect even after all the trouble. The beast in turn threw its head back and roared, waving its little forelimbs at the strange thing. As the helicopter moved off, the T-rex just stared, silently, with huge, yellowing eyes. A moment of utter bewilderment for the rex, which felt almost... sad for her.


Back in the helicopter, silence continued inside as the Equestrians looked around at the eerily quiet people on board. Eventually, Rainbow Dash tried to break the ice.

"Well... at least we're all alive," Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"Thankfully," Applejack nodded in agreement.

"Honestly darling, after all these adventures, I'll need at least a week of spa days to relax," Rarity huffed in exhaustion. "Would it kill 'any' pony if the television sent us on a tropical vacation without something trying to kill us?"

"Don't worry Rarity, that day will come eventually," Pinkie Pie smiled. "After all, we'll eventually wind up in a movie about a surfer in Hawaii. Now that's going to be fun."

Not even bothering to figure out what Pinkie Pie meant anymore, Rarity merely leaned her head against the window and watched the island disappear in the distance.

Hammond somberly looked at his mosquito amber cane, his eyes full. Malcolm just stared toward the distance, not even saying a word. The kids are in the back of the helicopter, with Grant. The kids were sleeping on his shoulders. Grant almost absently had his arms around both kids. Ellie and the Equestrians. looked at him. Both he and the kids seemed so natural, so obviously comfortable and trusting with each other. A scene that made them smile.

Just then, Alan, Ellie and the Equestrians looked out the window. The helicopter swept low over a huge flock of sea birds flying peacefully across the sea. As the chopper roared near, it kicked up the flock. Hundreds of birds sailed off in all directions, powerful and graceful. Grant looked at the birds and broke into a wide grin. The helicopter kept flying straight for the sun, hoping to reach the island where everyone would be treated for their injuries. Though saddened over the fact Hammond couldn't bring happiness to 'many' people, causing so much harm due to Dennis' greed on wanting the embryos for money, John knew that the best thing he could do... was let the dinosaurs have the island.

And that's the way it should be...

Eventually, the helicopter landed at a helipad back in the United States. No sooner that it touched down on the ground and everyone hopped off did the portal back to Equestria opened once more.

"Well, looks like it's time to go." Twilight said to everyone.

"You're leaving?" Lex asked.

"I'm afraid so Lex darling." Rarity nodded. "We have families and friends to get back to in Equestria. Surely they all miss us terribly."

Both kids quickly ran up to the group and knelt down to hug each member of the Equestrian team individually.

"We're gonna miss you all." Tim told them.

"We'll miss you too kid." Rainbow nodded.

Then the kids stepped back as Alan, Ellie, Ian, and Hammond stepped up to say their goodbyes.

"Well, needless to say, meeting all of you has certainly been...an interesting adventure." Alan said honestly, the giving a smile. "But certainly one I wouldn't trade for anything."

"You've all really helped us realize that nothing is ever really impossible." Ellie smiled.

"No kidding." Ian chuckled. "I'm sure that I'll think up some new chaos theories that'll all involve you guys in some way."

This caused the whole group to laugh.

"Ah'm sure ya will, Ian." Applejack chuckled.

Then everyone turned their attention solely to Hammond.

"I really must thank you all as well." He said. "I was so blinded by my ambitions that I never stopped to think of the consequences my actions could have. You've all helped me to realize this and I promise, I won't be making this same mistake in the future."

"Here's hoping that holds true, Mr. Hammond." Time Turner spoke up. "While this adventure has certainly been quite eye opening, it's one I truly hope we don't have to take again."

"Agreed." Hammond nodded.

With that in mind, the Equestrians all took one last look at the group and waved their goodbyes before they all turned right back around and stepped through the portal back to Equestria.


Moments later, the portal opened back into Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and the entire group stepped just outside Discord's theater. Soon as they emerged, and the portal closed behind them, every pony from the theater raced outside and embraced them with such joy.

"Thank Celestia you're all okay!" Starlight Glimmer smiled relieved.

"Great wickering stallions, it's good to be home!" Time Turner sighed in relief.

All of a sudden, Derpy Hooves raced up and wrapped her arms around the doctor. To say that the stallion was surprised was an understatement.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" Derpy said joyfully. "I was so worried something would happen to you. I couldn't stand to lose my friend and not even be able to say goodbye."

Time Turner merely grabbed her arms and pulled her off, so he could stare into her eyes with a smile.

"Worry not my friend," Turner assured. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"That was one of the most totally awesome things I've ever seen!" Petunia Paleo said excitedly. "Next time you guys have an adventure like this, you've got to take me along with you."

To which Rainbow Dash merely chuckled as she ruffled the kid's mane with one hoof.

"We'll talk about it, kiddo," She responded.

"What happened while we were away?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Where do we even begin?" Discord responded. "There was this Evil Queen kidnapping the Cake Twins, then some mysterious stallions some raptors and this Changeling princess showed up..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Spike interrupted. "Evil Queen? Mysterious stallions? A Changeling Princess? The Cake Twins kidnapped... I mean 'foal' napped? What 'exactly' happened?"

"It's kind of a long story..." Mr. Cake answered.


The Evil Queen cackled as she had the Cake Twins in her possession. Pumpkin and Pound Cake sat in a corner, shivering with fright and eyes widened with fear. In her hand, the Evil Queen procured a dagger, its blade gleaming under the last rays of sunlight.

"Time's up little ones..." Regina declared. "Nothing personal, but I've never liked kids. Any last words before I put you down?"

Not expecting an answer, Regina merely raised the dagger at the read. The twins shut their eyes and cried, bracing themselves for the worst. Just as Regina had the dagger raised over her head, ready to slam the blade down upon them...


Regina's moment was interrupted when a pair of shears were thrown directly at her feet. She looked down, seeing the golden blades embedded on the foot of grass inches from her. She looked up as the collective group of Quill Cast, Curtain Call, Atalanta, and their raptors stood within six feet from her.

"We don't want this anymore," Quill Cast declared.

Regina looked toward the group, then to the shears, then back toward the twins. Her eyes go from one to the other, as if contemplating what to do. Then a wicked smirk made its way to her face.

I don't think we're done here yet." She said.

"What are you talking about?" Quill asked. "We brought you the shears like you wanted."

"True, but there's one more thing I want in exchange for these brats." Regina replied. "You want two foals, well I want one more thing."

"What else could you possibly want?" Curtain asked.

"A new home for me and my colleagues. Somewhere were we won't be disturbed by the likes of you ponies."

"You can't possibly..."

"Either that or I slit the little ones necks right here and now. So what shall it be?"

Curtain and Quill both looked at the frightened faces of the poor little twins in the grasp of the Evil Queen. They thought this deal was over and done with, but now she's asking for a new piece of land for the Dark Order. How were they possibly going to do that?


The sound of a new voice entering the fray caused everyone to look up in time to see both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia descending down from the air.

"If a new piece of land is all you seek, perhaps we can arrange this." Celestia told Regina. "Release the twins now and the former castle of my sister and I in the Everfree Forestwill be yours to do with as you see fit."

"It is a ruin now but you can rebuild it if you wish and we do solemnly swear that no pony will trespass on your new land." Luna added

Regina ran this offer through her mind and she couldn't help but to admire the benefits. A castle would I certainly provide ample space for the entire order and provide necessary opportunities to grow their armies. Thought it may be a ruin, a few weeks and some dark magic could certainly build a strong fortress.

"I have your word?" Regina asked them.

"You have my word." Celestia nodded.

"As well as mine." Luna agreed.

With a sigh, knowing that a deal was a deal, Regina slipped the dagger back in the hilt and pulled the shears out from the grass. As she cleaned the grass off the blades, she briefly turned to the nervous twins.

"Do me a little favor, would you kids?" Regina asked, with a pause. "... GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!!!"

Screaming, the Cake Twins raced as fast as they could toward their saviors as Regina held the shears in her hands with a small smile of satisfaction. Taking a deep breath, she then turned toward the group.

"Don't... ever... do that... again!" Regina growled.

"Deal," Curtain Call responded simply.


"Okay... it wasn't exactly a long story," Mrs. Cake admitted, holding her kids. "But boy let me tell you..."

As the crowd gathered around their heroes, explaining the chain of events that took place in their absence, Daring Do turned toward one direction in the distance. Her eyes caught sight of a figure disappearing deep into the Everfree Forest. When the Pegasus turned back, every pony else was completely distracted by the stories being told. Taking the opportunity, she slipped away from the group to follow the figure's direction.


Regina Mills strolled through the forest casually, looking down toward the Shears of Fate in her possession. How she relished the satisfaction of having these powerful ancient artifacts back in her hands. As she walked on, smirking in her victory, she came upon her carriage and the Black Knights guarding it.

"Were you successful in your endeavor, your majesty?" One knight asked.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Regina asked, presenting the sheers. "I could've done away with a murder or two, but I find it more entertaining to keep these feeble-minded ponies guessing. I say its high time we return and relocate everyone to our new home."

"Not just yet."

Regina spun around and her guards drew their weapons toward the source of the new voice. Before their eyes, Daring Do stepped out from behind a tree.

"A SPY!!!" One knight ordered. "KILL IT!!!"

The knights made to advance, but Regina held one hand and the knights stopped in their tracks. Regina smirked at the sight of the explorer pony standing before her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "Let me guess: You're trying to get these shears back? Well, this can end in one of two ways for you. Painful... or extremely painful. Either way, I win... you lose."

But Daring Do merely waved her hoof and shook her head.

"Please... I have no interest in your trinkets," She scoffed.

"... All right, who are you?" Regina asked, suspiciously. "What do you want?"

"To see you of course."

"What... are you talking about?" Regina raised her brow, confused.

"You're thinking far too small," Daring Do explained. "Why waste your time on a pair of scissors when you could have the whole world bending their knees in submission? You're slipping Regina; you're not thinking like you used to.

Regina retained her confusion, yet an angry sneer threatened to form over the insult upon her.

"What would you know about my plans?!" She hissed. "How do you know my name?"

"Simple..." Daring Do replied, with a small grin.

A swirl of purple smoke engulfed the explorer pony. It was at that moment when the smoke cleared that a completely different figure appeared in the pony's place. Standing before them was a middle-aged woman with dark auburn hair done up in an elaborate bouffant hairstyle. She wore a wine-red dress decorated with black trimmings, dark gloves on her hands, and a smile on her ruby red lips.

"I've known you all your life, dear."

Regina reeled back in shock at this startling revelation. For this woman was none other than her own mother: Cora Mills.

"Mother!" She gasped, shocked. "That shouldn't be possible; I banished you years ago. How did you find a way back?"

"Perseverance," Cora responded simply. "Amazing what you can do when you're as dedicated as me."

"And the pony you were impersonating?" Regina asked.

"Dead," Cora replied, brushing it off. "I killed that pony a long time ago. But I will give her credit, she put up more of a fight than I imagined. I'd almost say I was impressed; too bad I had to put her down."

"And you've been posing as her ever since?"

"Obviously, there's no way any of these ponies would listen to me," Cora answered. "Everyone 'loves' a hero. Don't you agree, Regina?"

At that moment, Regina's facial expression shifted from shock to anger.

"You should've stayed banished!" Regina spat through gritted teeth.

But rather than return her daughter's anger, Cora looked remorseful.

"Listen to me sweetheart, I know 'why' you banished me," Cora told her. "I was a terrible mother; I have no excuses for that. I've made my mistakes, but I want to make it all up to you."

"You... want to make it up to me?" Regina scoffed, laughing. "How the hell do you plan to do that? What you took from me is nothing you can possibly replace!"

"Regina, I understand what Daniel meant to you. I didn't handle it as well as I should have--"

"YOU RIPPED HIS HEART OUT!!!" Regina screamed. "You had the nerve to crush it into ash in front of me!"

"I know, and I am truly sorry," Cora apologized. "I can't bring him back to you, but there is something I can give you right now. Something to prove just how serious I am about wanting to start over."

Cora held out her hand and another swirl of purple smoke appeared and revealed a box. Cora held it out for her only daughter, who looked upon it with suspicion.

"What is this?" Regina questioned. "Another trap?"

"Just open it," Cora implored.

Regina was very skeptical about all of this; she knew her mother better than anyone. Hesitantly, she took the box, readying herself for anything. But nothing could prepare her for what she was about to uncover. Opening the box, she saw a glowing red heart. Her eyes widened with shock as she looked toward her mother.

"Is this...?"

"My heart," Cora nodded.

"I don't understand," Regina expressed confusion. "You took your heart out years ago, so it could never be used against you. Why give this to me?"

"Because I meant what I said when I want us to start over," Cora explained. "Let me help you and together we can rule 'all' the worlds. I promise you will have your own personal world, to be whoever you want and love whoever you want. Should I fail on that promise, you can crush my heart the way I did to Daniel. It's what I deserve."

Regina couldn't believe her own eyes or ears. Her entire life she thought her mother was cold and selfish, who only cared about power. Yet her she was, a regretful woman offering her own heart which she never did for anyone. Maybe she really did want to make things right after all. Closing the box slowly, Regina took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"What do you have in mind?" She asked.

"Oh... I have a few ideas," Cora smiled, wrapping an arm around her daughter. "I'll explain on our way to our new home."

Regina and Cora soon made their way into the carriage to embark on the journey back towards New Eden. It would seem that things had gotten far worse for our heroes.

Far... worse...

The End?"

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