Welcome to Jurassic Park
While new and mysterious events were occurring for the Mane Six and Spike in Montana, a secret meeting was taking place down south in San Jose, Costa Rica. At a local outdoor restaurant, right amid San Jose, there was Dennis Nedry sitting at a table in front of the café eating breakfast. A man in his late thirties, portly-looking and wearing glasses, the big guy had a constant smile that could either be laughing with you or at you, give or take.
Nedry looks up and sees a man emerge from a taxi - Lewis Dodgson, fiftyish, dressed in a wine-red polo shirt, khakis, and a Panama hat. One look toward this man and he'd almost resemble too much like an American tourist. Dodgson clutched an attaché case close to him and scanned the café furtively. Nedry laughed, shook his head, and waved to him.
"Yo, Dodgson!" He called to the man.
Dodgson hurried over to the table to sit beside the chubby man, trying to look inconspicuous.
"You shouldn't use my name," He warned.
"Dodgson!" Nedry called out, pointing to the man. "Dodgson! We've got Dodgson here!"
Upon seeing no attention was acknowledged from calling out the man's name, Nedry turned to look at Dodgson with a cocky grin.
"See, nobody cares," He smirked, taking the man's hat. "Nice hat. What are you trying to look like? A secret agent?"
Dodgson ignored that, not willing to sit through the chubby man's humor. He quickly grabbed the large leather briefcase and slid it toward Nedry. The big man immediately turned giddy and excited once the briefcase was in his hands.
"Seven hundred and fifty," He informed Nedry. "On delivery, fifty thousand more for each viable embryo. That's one point five million, if you get all fifteen species off the island."
"Oh, I'll get 'em all," Nedry spoke with glee.
"Remember -- viable embryos," Dodgson reminded. "They're no use to us if they don't survive."
"How am I supposed to transport them?" Nedry asked.
Dodgson pulled out an ordinary can of shaving cream from a shoulder bag he carried and set it on the table. He then unscrewed the bottom revealing a secret compartment and a specialized holding device.
"The bottom screws open," Dodgson informed.
"That's great!" Nedry laughed excitedly. "Oh my God."
"It's cooled and compartmentalized inside."
"You guys -- that's great!"
"Customs can even check it if they want to!"
"Let me see!"
"Go on, press the top."
Nedry proceeded to press the top of the can and real shaving cream came onto his hand. He grinned, impressed with the illusion. While Dodgson talked, Nedry looked around for somewhere to wipe the shaving cream and ended up dumping it on top of a nearby piece of pie sitting on another table.
Ugh, disgusting...
That man's an absolute pig.
I'm all for pie with whipped cream on top, but that's just too much.
"That's enough coolant for thirty-six hours, the em--" Dodgson began.
"Oh-h-ho-ho -- No menthol?" Nedry interrupted.
"-- The embryos have to be back here in San Jose by then," Dodgson finished.
"That's up to your guy on the boat," Nedry replied. "Seven o'clock tomorrow night, at the east dock. Make sure he got it right."
"I was wondering, how are you planning to beat the security?" Dodgson asked.
"Oh, I've got an eighteen-minute window," Nedry responded confidently. "Eighteen minutes, and your company catches up on ten years of research."
At that moment, a waiter arrived and placed the check down on the table for the meal.
"Gracias, senor," The waiter nodded.
Nedry looked at the bill on the table, then up at Dodgson, as if expecting him to cover the check.
"Don't get cheap on me Dodgson," Nedry continued.
Dodgson rolled his eyes and awkwardly picked up the check as he took out his wallet.
"That was Hammond's mistake."
Meanwhile, back in the United States, the Equestrian crew were preparing for their journey to John Hammond's Island, Isla Nublar. Gathered at the helicopter pad, John Hammond, Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, & the Equestrians waited for the helicopter scheduled to transport them to where the theme park was located. While they waited, a fortyish-year-old man walked towards them. A man whose height was six-feet, three-and-a-half tall, dressed all in black, with snakeskin boots and sunglasses. He soon spotted the others he assumed were picked to be Jurassic Park's first guests.
"John Hammond?" The man questioned. "My name is Ian Malcolm."
Malcom stuck his hand out and John Hammond gladly reciprocated.
"Ah, Ian. Good to see you, old chap!" Hammond greeted, warmly.
"Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Hammond," Ian replied.
Alan and Ellie decided to introduce themselves as well.
"Dr. Alan Grant, Ian," He greeted, pointed to Ellie. "And this is Dr. Ellie Sattler."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Ellie smiled.
"A pleasure meeting you two," Ian smiled. "So... where are the others you mentioned, Hammond?"
"Right over there, Dr. Malcolm," Hammond gestured off the side.
Ian turned toward where Hammond gestured and, much like Alan and Ellie at first glance, was beyond shocked seeing a group of pastel-coated ponies... and a dragon.
"What the hell?!" He exclaimed in shock.
"Honestly darling, must you speak such uncouth language?" Rarity asked ashamed.
"Okay, I'm seeing some weird shit lately," Ian muttered to himself.
"Dude, we can hear you," Rainbow pointed out. "Seriously, the language. Not cool."
Ian merely turned back toward John Hammond and the two scientists, trying to confirm if this was all some weird dream.
"Hey... Ellie, can you slap me?" Malcolm asked seriously. "I'm clearly seeing things."
"Are you kidding?" Ellie asked jokingly.
"No, I'm quite serious," Ian replied.
Ellie merely looked at the man as though he was crazy. But the silence didn't last long when Pinkie Pie popped up in between, giggling to herself.
"Silly Ian," Pinkie giggled. "You're not dreaming; we're real. If I wasn't, could I do this?"
Pinkie suddenly reached out her hoof and prodded Ian Malcolm along the side a few times, causing the man to leap aside to avoid the pink party pony.
"This is not happening," Ian muttered.
"Believe me, we were shocked after seeing them to be honest," Alan nodded.
"But no need to worry," Ellie assured. "Since we've met them, they've been nothing but nice."
"It's true, Dr. Malcolm," Twilight added. "We're not here to cause any harm; we merely wish to use the magic of friendship to spread peace."
This really seemed to knock Ian back to reality, as he merely chuckled nervously.
"Okay, now I know you're making that up," He chuckled.
"Oh no, no jokes here," Hammond assured. "Miss Sparkle, would you kindly give Mr. Malcolm a demonstration, please?"
Twilight merely nodded as she proceeded to light up her horn. Using the magic swelling within, she proceeded to levitate Alan's hat in the air for a few seconds before carefully placing it back on his head. Alan seemed a slight freaked out upon the display, but quickly found his composure once again.
"Okay..." Ian said awkwardly. "So... anyhow... what are your names?"
"I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship," Twilight replied. "But you can call me Twilight. I don't really use the princess title very much."
"Ah'm Applejack, farm mare at Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack tipped her hat. "Mighty nice tah meet ya partner."
"I'm Fluttershy," Fluttershy greeted softly. "Animal caretaker and whisperer of all creatures."
"Rarity's my name, darling," Rarity bowed her head. "May I say that your black outfit makes you look divine yet mysterious. Though it could use a wash."
"Thanks... I guess," Ian replied, slightly insulted.
Just then, a large blast of confetti exploded right in Ian's face and Pinkie popped out of the blast.
"Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie exclaimed excitedly. "Full name Pinkamena Diane Pie. The bestest party pony in Equestria, except maybe for my husband Cheese Sandwich. I just love meeting new friends; would you like a cupcake?"
She reached into her mane and pulled out a tray of cupcakes, practically shoving them right into Ian's hands. The man merely looked at her in complete bewilderment, as if trying to determine whether she was being friendly... or insane.
"You'll get used to it," Rainbow Dash stated. "Anyway, name's Rainbow Dash. Fastest flier in all Equestria, and all around most majorly awesome mare ever!"
"I'm Spike," Spike waved casually. "I'm a dragon and also the Savior of the Crystal Empire."
"My name is Daring Do, but I go by my pseudonym A.K. Yearling," Daring nodded. "But you can just call me Daring if you'd like.
She really needs to take it easy on saying her pseudonym name, I nearly burned out the last Neuralyzer.
"The name's Time Turner my good sir," Time Turner greeted. "Though lately I've been called 'Dr. Hooves'. A bit odd if you ask me; I'm clearly not a doctor."
After introductions were in order, Ian Malcolm slowly turned around for a moment trying to absorb this new development.
"Okay, Ian," Malcolm told himself, calmly. "Stay calm... greet the magical ponies with the weird tattoos on their asses... and their dragon friend... and be friendly."
He slowly turned back around, greeting them with a smile on his face.
"Very nice to meet you all," Ian greeted awkwardly. "My name is Dr. Ian Malcolm, mathematician and Chaos Theorist."
"Chaos Theorist?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.
"Sounds like something Discord would know about," Spike added.
"Wait... I think I know what that is," Twilight spoke up. "It's a branch of math that deals with complex systems."
"That's right," Ian nodded. "I'm a rather gifted one, I must say."
"Eggheads..." Rainbow sighed with a shrug.
"So, where's the helicopter?" Ian questioned.
"Worry not, Dr. Malcolm," John assured. "It should be arriving momentarily. What with the new additions on this journey, I had to arrange bigger transport to accommodate us all."
Sure enough, within moments, the group saw a large helicopter, 'InGen Construction' emblazed on the side, landing upon the pad. The pilot exited from his compartment and proceeded to open the passenger door. One by one, all the passengers entered one by one, and the helicopter took off.
As the helicopter skimmed low over the shimmering Pacific, the Equestrians and most of the passengers were huddled in the back of the chopper. One of the passengers whom the Equestrians hadn't precisely met was Donald Gennaro, the lawyer from the amber mine. He was all dressed up in safari clothes, everything straight from Banana Republic. During the flight, Twilight caught up with Ian on where they came from while Ian informed her of everything, at least what she and her friends needed to know about him. Eventually, he turned his attention to Alan and Ellie, the latter of whom found it difficult to take his eyes off. He practically leaned over shouting amidst the engine whine.
"So, you two, um, uh dig up – dig up dinosaurs?" Ian asked awkwardly.
"Well..." Ellie chuckled.
"We try to!" Alan finished.
Malcolm laughed heartedly, finding this very amusing, as he grinned and chewed a piece of gum. This confused Grant immensely, to which Hammond looked positively annoyed.
"You'll have to get used to Dr. Malcolm," John spoke up. "He suffers from a deplorable excess of personality, especially for a mathematician."
"Chaotician!" Ian corrected. "Chaotician, actually."
To which Hammond merely snorted, not even bothering to cover his contempt for Malcolm.
"John doesn't subscribe to chaos, particularly what I have to say about his little science project!"
"Codswallop Ian, you've never been able to sufficiently explain your concerns of yours about this island—"
"Oh, ho, John, John, I certainly have! Very clearly! Because of the behavior of the system in phase space!"
"A load, if I may say so, of fashionable number crunching," Hammond waved off. "That's all it is—"
Malcolm poksed at Hammond's knee, surprising him and he slapped Malcolm's hand away.
"Don't, don't! I do wish you wouldn't do that," John scolded.
"I'm going out on a limb and say those two really don't get along," Rainbow whispered to Applejack.
"Yer darn right," Applejack whispered back. "And ponies get annoyed with us when we squabble."
"Dr. Sattler, Dr. Grant – you've heard of Chaos Theory?"
"No," Sattler shook her head.
"No? Non-linear equations? Strange attractions?" Malcolm emphasized. "Dr. Sattler, I-I refuse to believe you aren't familiar with the concept of attraction!"
Grant just rolled his eyes as Malcolm gave an oily grin. Ellie merely smiled, enjoying Grant's jealousy. Hammond turned toward Gennaro, giving the lawyer a dirty look.
"Hm! I bring scientists – you bring a rock star."
Donald Gennaro was at a complete loss for words, uncertain how to properly respond to that. But luckily, he didn't have to, as Hammond looked out the windshield and clapped his hands excitedly.
"There it is!"
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
*Skip to 1:20*
All eyes turned ahead, and everyone could see it: Isla Nublar. A smallish subtropical island, completely ringed by thick clouds giving it that lush, mysterious feel. The pilot pulled up over a spot in the clouds and started to descend, fast.
"Bad wind sheers," Hammond continued. "We have to drop pretty fast! Hold on, this can be a little thrilling!"
The helicopter dropped like a stone, jolting up and down for a minute, while some of the Equestrians clutched onto their seats tightly. While most of the passengers were worried, Hammond practically laughed with a 'Yahoo!' like an excited child on a car trip. The other passengers were quick to buckle up for safety. Gennaro with shaky fingers, Malcolm smooth and quickly, and Grant grabbing two 'female' pieces which aren't mean to click together. To which Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked and merely chuckled, as if they were in on that joke.
Outside the windows, all the passengers could see cliff walls racing by, uncomfortably close. They bounced like hell, hitting winds up and down drafts. Only Pinkie Pie seemed excited as she listened to Hammond's chit-chatter.
"So, you're really going to put an airstrip here?" Pinkie smiled.
"On pilings, extending out into the ocean twelve thousand feet!" Hammond smiled. "Like La Guardia, only a lot safer! What do you think?"
"I've never heard of La Guardia, but I'll bet this plan of yours sounds more 'secure'."
"Dr. Grant sir, I think you need that piece over here," Twilight pointed out. "And that piece..."
"We'd have landed by the time he gets it right," Spike leaned back lazily.
Grant doesn't reward Spike's remark with a response but settled for tying the two pieces together as a makeshift seatbelt. He gave Sattler and the Equestrians a smirk, then braced himself for the landing. Malcolm merely grinned as he kept chewing his stick of gum. The helicopter continued to descend, nearing the ground, as a luminous white cloud cross appeared below them. Soon, the landing pad shined through the Plexiglas bubble in the floor of the chopper.
The cross grew rapidly larger as the chopper plummeted, but a sudden updraft caught them, and they bounced skyward for a moment then dropped again, even faster, if possible, below landing on the helipad below with a hard *BUMP*. Eventually, the chopper finally landed with a complete stop.
One of the workers opened the door allowing the group to come out. John Hammond was the first to exit the helicopter, smiling proudly at his creation. Soon as the others disembarked, several large, open-top jeeps roared down the hilltop away from the landing cross as the helicopter engines whined back to life and the rotors started to spin again. Ellie, Grant, and Malcolm held tightly in the front jeep, with Hammond and Gennaro in the rear, leaving the Equestrians to choose the remainder. Each car had a driver instructed to take them to their destination.
Soon enough, with everyone (And every pony) in the jeeps, they drove off as the helicopter flew back into the sky. They pass through an enormous gate in a thirty-foot-high fence, which was sealed behind them by two park attendants. There are large electrical insulators on the fences, warning lights that strobe importantly and clear signs – 'ELECTRIFIED FENCE! 10,000 VOLTS!'.
In the rear jeep, Gennaro and Hammond are talking, the former regarding the fences critically.
"So, the fifty miles of perimeter fence are in place?" Gennaro questioned.
"And the concrete moats, and the motion sensor tracing systems," Hammond confirmed calmly. "Donald, dear boy, do try to relax and enjoy yourself."
"Let's get something straight, John. This is not a weekend excursion; this is a serious investigation of the stability of the island. Your investors, whom I represent, are deeply concerned. Forty-eight hours from now, if they're not convinced, I'm not convinced. And I can shut you down, John."
"In forty-eight hours, I'll be accepting your apology," Hammond smiled. "Now, if you'd kindly lean out of the way so I can see them."
Hammond lightly shoved Gennaro aside for a clear view of Grant, Ellie, Malcolm... and any of the Equestrians driving ahead.
"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Hammond sighed contently.
The jeeps wound their way along a mountain road, driving further into the island. Ellie stared off to the right, fascinated by the thick tropical plant life around them. She tilted her head, as if sensing something wrong with this picture. She reached out and grabbed hold of a leafy branch as they drove by, tearing it from the tree.
In the rear jeep, Hammond had been watching Grant, giddy with anticipation at this point. He soon made a signal to his driver.
"All right, slow down and stop here," Hammond said urgently. "Slow. Stop, stop, stop, stop!"
The driver of the rear jeep slowed down, then stopped. So does the front jeep and the others. Once they'd ceased moving, Daring Do took one look around and couldn't help but admire the beauty surrounding her. It seemed to remind her of the tropical jungles she'd venture through back home. Daring took a deep breath and released a heavy, yet satisfied, sigh.
"Ahh! The perfect time for some exploring," She smiled, stepping out of the jeep. "I'm just going to go for a quick stretch."
"Hey! Wait up for me!" Rainbow called, scrambling out of the jeep.
Rainbow Dash quickly caught up to her idol and the two were soon walking and talking together. As they did, Applejack climbed out of the jeep herself unable to keep from watching Rainbow Dash and Daring Do. Normally, Applejack wasn't a jealous mare. But ever since Daring Do came to town, she's all Rainbow could think about. But she quickly pushed these thoughts from her mind, chucking it up to her thinking crazy as she followed behind them
"We better follow them, just in case," Twilight informed the others.
"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered. "Adventure, here we come!"
The remainder of the Mane Six, including Time Turner, leapt out of the jeep to follow Daring Do and Rainbow Dash. Before coming out, Rarity faced Malcolm.
"Aren't you coming, Dr. Malcolm?" She asked.
"Eh, you guys go ahead," Ian shrugged. "I'll just sit here and wait."
"Suit yourself."
The unicorn proceeded to walk ahead to catch up with the remainder of her friends.
"Now don't go too far, alright?!" Hammond called out.
"Don't worry, Mr. Hammond!" Twilight yelled back. "We won't!"
The Mane Six, along with Spike, Daring Do, and Time Turner soon turned their sights to the plain field of Isla Nublar. Before their very eyes, there was a full glimpse of green grass and trees everywhere they turned.
"Everything's so green here," Spike pointed out.
"Ah'll say," Applejack nodded. "Reminds me of Appleloosa back in Equestria, except there ain't no town... and no desert."
"Fascinating!" Time Turner gasped in amazement. "I've never seen anything so beautiful; the fauna's definitely a wonder in that of itself."
"Hmm... doesn't it seem rather... quiet?" Rarity asked, looking around.
"I agree, but Mr. Hammond stopped here for a reason," Fluttershy replied. "There must be something he wants us to see."
"Like what, darling?"
"I'm not sure."
While the Equestrians explored the plain field, Ellie sat in the front jeep observing the large leaf she snagged earlier in amazement. She raced her hand lightly over it.
"Alan – this shouldn't be here," Ellie spoke, staring at the leaf.
But Grant wasn't paying attention. He was staring too, out the other side of the jeep. It began with a noise that propelled Alan to turn to the side of the jeep, twisting in his seat when the jeep came to a stop. He suddenly looked riveted and shocked, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. He slowly stood up from his seat, as if to look closer. He moved to the top of the seat, practically on his tiptoes, removing his sunglasses.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Equestrians were still doing their own things while admiring the scenery.
"Let's fly up for a better view of this place," Daring informed Rainbow.
With that, Daring Do flapped her wings and hovered right off the ground toward the air.
"Wait for me!" Rainbow called after.
"Quickly, Rainbow Dash took off into the sky following her idol closely. Once they reached a certain high point, their eyes began to survey the surrounding area.
"This is awesome!" Rainbow smiled. "Normally whenever we go on these trips, we never just stop to admire it. We're always so busy trying to prevent a monster from disrupting the peace or solving a friendship problem."
As Rainbow Dash talked, Daring Do turned to the side and suddenly her eyes widened with complete shock.
"Personally, I think this would make a great location for one of your future stories," Rainbow continued. "What do you think, Daring Do?
Only Rainbow noticed that Daring wasn't really looking at her. But the rainbow-haired pony caught the shock in Daring Do's eyes. Curious, she waved a hoof in front of her idol's face attempting to snap out of it.
"Uh... Daring Do?" She spoke, waving. "What are you looking at?
Daring merely reached a hoof up and turned Rainbow's head to the side she was staring at. The moment Rainbow saw what her idol was looking at, her eyes grew just as large as her own.
"Oh, pony-feathers..."
The remainder of the Mane Six, including Spike and Time Turner, looked toward their Pegasi friends from below seeing them hovering in shock.
"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out. "Are you okay?!"
"Looks like they're staring at something their own eyes can't believe," Pinkie replied.
"But what could they possibly be looking at?" Rarity questioned.
The remainder of the group turned toward where Rainbow Dash and Daring Do were staring at, until their own expressions dropped into shock. As for Pinkie Pie, she was so stunned, her lower jaw literally dropped to the ground.
Meanwhile, back at the jeeps, Sattler was still focused on the huge leaf.
"Alan, this species of vermiform has been extinct since the Cretaceous period," She spoke in amazement. "I mean this thing—"
Grant, never tearing his eyes away, reached over and grabbed Ellie's head, turning it to face what caught his attention.
The moment Ellie Sattler saw it, she dropped the leaf and went stone silent in shock. Cautiously, she stood up and removed her sunglasses just like Grant. What they were looking at right now could not possibly be real.
At first, they noticed that several of the tree trunks were leafless – just as thick as the other trees, only gray and bare. They raised their heads, looking up at the length of the trunk. They looked higher... and higher... and higher. But this was no tree trunk... it was a leg. Their jaws dropped, their heads fell all the way back, looking even higher above the tree line.
Spike released a long, sharp, 'HAH!' – a combination of a laugh and shout of joy. He pointed toward the thing and managed to put together his first words since its appearance:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
*Skip to 1:57*
Everyone and every pony were staring up in shock as the dinosaur towered over the trees chewing its branches. Technically, a brachiosaur, of the sauropod family, though humanity always called it brontosaurus for years. It crunched the branch in its mouth, some thirty-five feet up off the ground, at the end of its long, arching neck. It stared down at the people in the car with a pleasant, stupid gaze.
Grant and Sattler leapt out of the jeep, stepping closer as they eyed the sauropod in wonder. The rest of the group couldn't believe they were gazing at a real-life dinosaur for the first time. Rainbow Dash and Daring still flew in midair as the Brachiosaurus walked past them. It was pretty light on its feet – a far cry from the sluggish, lumbering brutes a majority would have expected.
"Whoa..." Daring gasped in shock.
"Look at that..." Ellie said amazed.
"It's... it's a dinosaur!" Alan exclaimed, pointing at it.
"Uh-huh!" Ellie nodded.
"Great... wickering... stallions," Time Turner said between breaths. "Is it just me, or is every pony else seeing this?"
"I can't believe it..." Twilight smiled.
Hammond emerged from his jeep and came back to join them, passing the jeep Malcolm was still sitting in. Chuckling to himself, Hammond looked like a proud parent showing off his kid. Ian Malcolm and Donald Gennaro were both clearly awestruck by what they were seeing. Malcolm especially looked at Hammond, amazed, and with an expression that was a mixture of admiration and rapprochement.
"You did it," Ian muttered in shock. "You crazy son of a bitch, you did it."
Alan and Elie continued walking, following the Brachiosaur in amazement when Hammond joined alongside them.
"The movement!" Grant pointed out.
"The – agility," Ellie added. "You're right!"
In their amazement, Grant and Ellie spoke right over each other.
"Ellie, we can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness," Alan stated, studying the dinosaur. "It doesn't apply; they're totally wrong! This is a warm-blooded creature. They're totally wrong."
"They were wrong, case closed," Ellie agreed. "This thing doesn't live in a swamp to support it's body weight for God's sake!"
"This thing's got a... what, twenty-five, twenty-seven-foot neck?" Grant asked Hammond.
"The brachiosaur? Thirty," Hammond corrected.
"Thirty feet..." Alan nodded.
The brachiosaur rose on its rear legs, proceeding to rip away several of the top branches for its leaves. It stood effortlessly on its hind legs, reaching for a particularly high branch above its head. It then dropped back down, shaking the ground around it. Gennaro, watching all of this, sort of faded into the background while the others reacted. He's just staring, a look of absolute rapture on his face and suddenly found his previous doubts give way to rapture.
"We are going to make a fortune with this place," He spoke, hushed.
"This can't be real," Twilight said in shock. "I feel like some pony needs to pinch me, but I don't want to wake up from this dream."
"You're telling me it can push blood up a thirty-foot neck without a four-chambered heart and get around like that?!" Time Turner pointed out. "That's a knockout punch for warm-bloodedness."
"How fast are they?" Alan asked.
"Well, we've clocked the T-Rex at thirty-two miles an hour," Hammond replied proudly.
Hearing what he just said, everyone turned to him with shock growing on their faces. How could such a thing even be possible?
"What did you say just now?" Rarity asked in disbelief.
"I said, T-Rex my dear," Hammond replied, smiling.
"Oh my... you don't mean that..."
"T – T-Rex?" Ellie stuttered in shock. "You said you've got a T-Rex?"
"Mm-hmm," Hammond nodded.
"You've got a T-Rex?!" Pinkie's eyes widened. "He's got a T-Rex! A T-Rex! He said he's—"
Applejack quickly covered Pinkie's muzzle with one hoof.
"Yeah Pinkie, we done heard ya," Applejack nodded.
Alan quickly walked over toward John, grabbing him by the shoulders, staring right into the old man's eyes.
"Say again?" He said, almost begging.
"Oh, we have a T-Rex!" John chuckled.
By this point, Grant was completely overwhelmed. Feeling faint, he knelt over and sat down on the ground.
"Put your, put your head between your knees and breathe," Ellie said, helping Alan.
The Mane Six, Spike, Daring Do, and Time Turner just stood and looked out into the valley as John Hammond walked in front of them and looked out.
"Dr. Grant, my dear Dr. Sattler, my little Equestrian friends... Welcome to Jurassic Park."
Grant and Sattler both turned and looked at the view again. It's a beautiful vista, reminiscent of an African plain. A whole herd of Brachiosaur crossed the plain in the distance, maybe a hundred in one quick glance alone. There was even a group of Parasaurolophus, drinking from the lake. The Mane Six, Spike, Daring Do and Time Turner were all amazed by the sight of all the dinosaurs.
"This... is... so... AWESOME!!!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.
"What a sight!" Time Turner laughed. "It's a scientific impossibility and yet there it is, dinosaurs as far as my eyes can see."
"It's every pony's dream come true," Daring spoke tearfully.
"It's so pretty... I could cry," Fluttershy smiled.
"Ellie, they're absolutely – they're moving in herds," Alan smiled. "They do move in herds!"
"We were right!" Ellie smiled.
As amazing as this sight was, Twilight couldn't help but feel confused over how any of this was even possible.
"I don't understand," Twilight said. "Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. How in Celestia's name did you manage to bring them back?"
"Yeah!" Alan nodded. "How did you do this?"
"I'll show you," Hammond smirked.
Meanwhile, back in Equestria, a large group gathered at Discord's Theatre as they watched the heroes of Equestria on another epic journey. Much like their heroes on screen, not a soul could believe their own eyes but there it was. Real live dinosaurs walking about the screen in majestic splendor.
"Actual living breathing dinosaurs," Discord gasped in amazement. "You can't possibly get more chaotic than that; they practically invented chaos. Huh... how come I've never thought of that?"
"It's so beautiful," Petunia Paleo spoke tearfully. "Oh, how I wish I was there too. It's been my dream to see real living dinosaurs."
"Let's just hope they don't run into any predators that could cause any harm," Celestia voiced her concern.
"Sister, he just said they have a T-Rex," Luna pointed out. "From what history has shown, it's only the largest carnivore to ever walk the planet. Even the word rexmeans 'king' which makes the Tyrannosaur the 'King of the Dinosaurs' if you will."
"Now that doesn't sound like foreshadowing at all," Storm Shield remarked sarcastically.
Just then, the theatre doors burst open, and everyone turned to see Mayor Mare racing into the theater. They could clearly see the concern written on her muzzle, as she gasped heavily for breath.
"Mayor Mare, what's wrong?" Celestia asked.
"Your highness, you're going to want to see this!" The mayor gasped.
Not bothering to spare a second though, Celestia and Luna leapt from their seats and followed the mayor outside the theatre. Everyone else followed closely behind as they walked outside to investigate what was going on. The sound of fast approaching hoof steps could be heard in the distance, and all turned to see why.
A garrison of Black Knights, all on horseback, galloped at a rapid pace towards Ponyville. Behind the garrison resembled a large black carriage pulled by large dark horses. The garrison and carriage soon charged through town until eventually coming to a halt just outside the theatre. In the process, the carriage also hit a large puddle sending water all over Petunia Paleo, the CMC, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Flurry Heart, and many fillies and colts.
"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Apple Bloom yelled.
"Who do you think you are coming to our town unannounced?!" Sweetie added.
But no response came as a black knight leapt off his horse and quickly approached the carriage door. He proceeded to swing it open, revealing none other than the Evil Queen herself, Regina. There she stood, dressed in a wine-red riding coat with a high collar, dark leather pants, dark riding boots, and a feathered Cavalier hat.
The Queen stepped out of the carriage and looked down upon the sopping wet foals. Just one glance and she couldn't help but smile with malicious intent in her eyes.
"Did my carriage splash you?" Regina asked mockingly.
"As a matter of fact—" Silver Spoon began.
"I don't really care."
The Queen then took one look around this tiny town.
"So... this is Ponyville?" Regina asked disgusted. "I must say, I thought it would be more... impressive. But where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself. Regina Mills, Queen of the Enchanted Forest."
"What brings you here?" Celestia asked seriously.
"What?" Regina chuckled. "No 'Hello, won't you please come in for some tea?'... I'd expect a princess such as you to show more decorum."
"Your mocking doesn't affect us!" Luna retorted. "You will answer my sister's question, now!"
Regina soon turned her attention to Luna.
"Is this how they teach you to address a Queen?" She asked.
"You're no Queen, not here," Luna spoke defiantly. "My sister and I have ruled this land for a thousand years. As Princesses of the Sun and Moon, we refuse to permit one as threatening as you to disturb the peace."
To which Regina merely laughed in response.
"Is that really what you do?" Regina laughed. "Sounds pathetic if you ask me. As for you being princesses, I've had my fair share of dealings with 'your kind'. They fall under two categories: Those I kill... or those I imprison. Now, what category do 'you' fall under?"
"Enough!" Celestia said loudly. "You are unwelcome in these parts. Leave now and no harm will come to you."
"Oh, but I have no intent of going anywhere," Regina replied. "I've come all this way to this pitiful place because one of you stole something that belongs to me. I won't leave until I get it back."
"We've stolen nothing from you," Luna spoke defiantly. "If you refuse to leave, we will be forced to use our magic and make you leave."
Regina looked back and forth between the princesses and the other citizens of Ponyville. Just then, a wicked idea came to her head. A means of killing 'two birds with one stone'...
"Well... I've tried to be nice... but looks like peaceful negotiations are over."
Suddenly, she shot her hand out in a cupping motion toward the group of foals and the Cake Twins rose off the ground. They both pawed their necks, gagging as though they were choking. Every pony looked over in shock, gasping in horror.
"POUND CAKE! PUMPKIN CAKE!" Mrs. Cake screamed.
"Please put them down!" Mr. Cake begged.
"Release the foals now!" Celestia yelled, prepping her horn.
Seeing the sun princess light up her horn, Regina waved her free hand with a warning finger.
"Uh, uh, uh... I wouldn't do that if I were you," She warned. "Even if you blast me with magic, all I'd have to do is flick my wrist and snap their fragile little necks. We wouldn't want that now, would we?"
Celestia and Luna both growled, staring daggers toward the Evil Queen. But their eyes shifted toward the Cake Twins, who were choking in Regina's magical grasp. As much as they wanted to blast this invader to oblivion, they knew they couldn't. Reluctantly, they diffused their magic.
"Alright, we won't fight you," Celestia surrendered. "Just let the twins go and you can be on your way."
"As tempting an offer that is, it doesn't benefit me at all," Regina replied. "Now, here's 'my' offer: Return what was stolen from me, and I'll spare these two brats. I'll give you until, let's say... 'sundown' to bring it to me. I'll be waiting for you at the edge of the forest. If by which time you don't return what's mine, or if you try to fight, you'll still get them back... in far worse shape."
The Evil Queen released a wicked laugh as she returned to her carriage with the floating twins struggling against the magic dragging them. The Black Knight shut the door and hopped back upon his horse. The garrison and the carriage soon charged out of Ponyville back towards the Everfree Forest. This left the entire group standing there, wondering what to do next. Mr. Cake tried consoling a hysterical Mrs. Cake. But with their twins captured and taken to Celestia knows where, things were getting dark very quickly.
As the carriage rolled through the Everfree Forest, two figures watched from the shadows of the tall dark trees. With the carriage no longer in sight, the figures emerged into the light. One was an Earth pony with a mix of grey and dark gray fur, a slick and shiny dark mane and tail, brown eyes, yellowish-gold glasses, and a drama masks cutie mark.
The other was also an Earth pony, only with a light peach coat that transitioned to white around the hooves, a short but shaggy dirty blonde mane and coat, gray blue eyes, and a plume and parchment cutie mark.
The two ponies emerged from the shrubbery of the Everfree Forest, watching the carriage go by.
"I must admit Curtain Call," The peach Earth pony spoke. "When I suggested we'd assume our ponysonas for this story, even I had no idea it would turn out like this."
"You did so, Quill Cast," Curtain Call remarked. "You're the author; you know what's going to happen before even I do. I just come along to enjoy the show."
"I know, but I personally told Pinkie Pie that authors weren't allowed to interfere. Now, authors can't interfere, but as ponies anything goes."
"Yeah whatever," Curtain sighed. "The point now is we have a real problem. When this happens, it's not really something I fuss about... but did we 'really' need to steal from her in the first place? Regina now has those cake twins in her possession."
"As shocking as it may seem, you know why we did it," Quill retorted. "Anyway, if we can recover the sheers, we can bring them back to her and she'll return the twins unharmed... if she's a woman of her word."
"That doesn't scream much confidence, but whatever works for me," Curtain shrugged. "Where'd you put them?"
Quill dawned an awkward look on his face, trying to avoid eye contact with his friend. But Curtain Call leaned closer, staring down at him.
"Quill Cast... what did you do?" Curtain asked seriously.
"Well, uh—I—kind of—sort of—hid them on Isla Nublar?" Quill replied sheepishly.
Judging by the heavy frown on his face, the way his veins were exposed around his neck, Curtain Call looked as though he were about to scream for the whole world to hear. But then, he quickly took a deep, heavy breath while brushing back his mane.
"Why... did you hide them... there?" Curtain asked through gritted teeth.
"It was the safest place for them at the time," Quill replied. "You know they're in good hands. Last time we were there, we made sure John kept them secured along with our two little friends. He'd never let his associates down."
"I still don't trust him in possession of our raptors, especially 'mine'," Curtain voiced his concern. "But right now, we must get the sheers back at whatever cost. And under no circumstances must Twilight and her friends know about us... least not yet."
"Works for me," Quill nodded. "Shall we?"
Quill soon reached into his saddlebag around his back, pulling out a small silver magic bean. He hurled it deep into the forest and soon a swirling portal was open.
"Isla Nublar... here we come!" Curtain yelled with determination.
With that, the two mysterious ponies raced at full speed through the portal and into the unknown as it sealed behind them, leaving not a trace of its existence intact. What happens next? Only time could tell.
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