The Tour Begins

Hot... humid... the two words that best described Isla Nublar's climate. The heart of its jungle was especially brutal. After all, it was a warm climate practically all year around the southern hemisphere. But in this case, it was essentially true on islands much like this. All this went through the minds of Curtain Call and Quill Cast, two Earth ponies trudging their way through the thick jungle. They had walked for what felt like hours, yet still they seemed to be getting nowhere.

"This weather's unbearable!" Quill complained. "I don't understand how you Floridians can stand it."

"Well how come you don't freeze to death every year in Minnesota?" Curtain shot back.

"... Fair point," Quill nodded.

"I do agree on one thing... this weather is utterly ridiculous! Thought we'd at least be close to that bloody Raptor Paddock by now."

"This jungle's so thick it's hard to tell where we're going."


Just then, a snapped twig caused the two stallions to freeze in place like statues. Slowly, they turned their heads toward the direction the sound came from. Their eyes spotted a hint of rustling within the nearby dense foliage.

"What was that?" Quill asked.

"I have no idea," Curtain responded. "Who knows how many creatures Hammond has on this island?"

In addition to the rustling, a low animalistic growl could be heard in the brush.

"It... was... the wind!" Curtain Call smiled widely.

"Yeah, it was the wind!" Quill nodded.

"The wind!"

"The wind's making those noises... to us..."

"Are you buying this?"


"Me neither!"

"RUN!!!" Quill yelled.

The two stallions took off at a full sprint, exploding into the jungle. Without daring to look back, they dodged and weaved their way through a series of fallen bark and other foliage. But despite the pace, however, the growling and rustling kept up with them, growing closer by the minute. Eventually, the two reached the end of the long stretch of jungle, only to find themselves trapped by a large rock wall.

"It's a dead end!" Quill declared.

"Aw, buck! We are screwed!" Curtain spoke fearfully. "We'll have to make a stand right here!"

Curtain Call and Quill Cast quickly turned around, as the former assumed a fighting stance standing on his hind legs while holding his front hooves like a fisticuff fighter. All the while, the growling grew ever closer. Both eyes of the stallions sealed with anticipation, expecting a painful death soon to befall them. And yet... it was incredibly odd that the rustling and growling stopped all together, as they felt something large and scaly pressing onto them. Slowly, the stallions opened their eyes toward a pair of large velociraptors staring right at them.

One was a large male with gray scales and a long white stripe going from its eye to its tail, sharp spines along the back of its head, and blood red eyes.

The other was a female with dark green scales that went all over her slightly smaller, yet slender frame and two bright yellow eyes.

Upon seeing the two raptors, both stallions immediately drew smiles on their faces, along with a much calmer demeanor.

"Blaze!" Quill yelled.

"Peppermint!" Curtain cheered.

The two stallions raced toward the raptors, Quill toward the male and Curtain racing toward the female. Both raptors gave soft purrs as they gently nuzzled their heads along the two stallions.

"My baby!" Curtain smiled, hugging Peppermint tightly. "Did those mean old humans hurt you? Did they scare you? It's okay... I'm here..."

"Wait a minute! What are you doing here?" Quill asked Blaze. "We were just on our way to the Raptor Paddock to see you two."

"We need that artifact we left you two to guard," Curtain Call continued. "Any chance you can lead us to the paddock, girl?"

The two raptors stood to their full height and gave a few chitters in response. They started to work their way through the jungle and the two stallions quickly made their way after them.

"Least we have guides now," Curtain sighed with relief. "I just hope we get that artifact back before Regina does something awful to those Cake Twins."

"No worries, man," Quill responded. "I've got someone working to get those twins back while we're here."

"Are you talking about... her?"

"You know it!" Quill nodded. "We can always count on my girl to get the job done."

"As long as we don't run into any more surprises while we're here."


Back at the Visitor's center, the group followed John Hammond out of the restaurant and back into the grand foyer. To say the least, many of them were still reeling after seeing nearly everything Jurassic Park had to offer so far. In just one day, they witnessed the creation process that brought dinosaurs back to life. Though many of them felt what John Hammond was conducting was quite unethical, they still felt a sense of magic about this place.

In that moment, they were climbing down the stairs passing the skeletons of the dinosaurs again.

"The thirteen of you are going to have a spot of company out in the park," Hammond explained, mid-walk. "Spend a little time with our target audience; maybe they'll help you get the spirit of this place."

"Wut do ya mean by 'target audience'?" Applejack asked, uncertainly.


All heads turned toward the door of the center as two children bolted from the doorway with broad smiles. There was a boy, about nine to ten years old, and a girl of about twelve going on thirteen. These were Tim and Alexis 'Lex' Murphy, the grandchild of John Hammond himself. Speaking of whom, Hammond hurled his arms out expansively bellowing:


The siblings quickly ran across the lobby, up the stairs, and into Hammond's arms, tackling him over the steps with a hug.

"Wait! Careful with the old man!" John laughed.

"We miss you!" Lex told him.

"Thanks for the presents!" Tim thanked.

"We loved the presents! They were great!"

"Did you enjoy the helicopter?" John asked them.

"Yeah! It went down and we all went right up!" Lex said excitedly.

From the sidelines, Ellie watched with a smile on her face. Grant, on the other hand, looked on with a sense of dread.

"Look, Alan, your one weakness!" She whispered to Grant.

"I know, Ellie," Alan grumbled. "Great..."

"Looks like he brought the grand offspring," Ian joked.

"You said there were visitors from another world, grandpa?" Tim asked his grandfather.

"I did say that!" John nodded.

"I bet you were just joking!" Lex chuckled.

"Not at all," John shook his head. "They're right over there."

He gestured toward the Mane Six, Spike, Derring Do, and Time Turner. The kids all looked toward the collection of ponies and the dragon with shocked eyes.

"What are those things?!" Lex exclaimed. "Are they harmless?"

The first to step up and respond was none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle herself.

"Not to worry kids, we're harmless," Twilight reassured.

The Murphy siblings were still in shock. They were beyond words hearing actual words emerging from the purple pony... as if the wings on her back and horn on her head wasn't unbelievable enough.

"I know, I know... you're wondering where we come from and how we can talk," Twilight continued. "It's a long story. Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. But no need to bow, just call me Twilight.

"And these are my friends," Twilight introduced the team, as they stepped up. "This is Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Derring Do, and Dr. Whooves.

"Mighty nice tah meet ya, sugar cubes," Applejack greeted, with a hat tip.

"Good morning, children," Fluttershy waved.

"Delightful to meet you, darlings," Rarity bowed.


Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and procured two business cards from her mane, casually handing them to the siblings.

"And that's all I have to say about that," Pinkie nodded.

"Forgive our friend, kiddos," Rainbow assured. "She's just very hyperactive."

"It's nice to meet you two," Spike bowed his head.

"A pleasure!" Derring Do agreed.

"My real name is Time Turner," Dr. Whooves corrected. "But all the lads back home call me Dr. Whooves... I still don't get it."

"This is so cool!" Tim smiled. "Talking ponies and a dragon!"

"And they're real?" Lex gasped in disbelief.

"Of course, Lex!" John smiled. "And they're magic too!"

"WHAT?!" Tim & Lex turned their heads in shock.

"Mrs. Rarity, would you kindly give them a demonstration?"

"Oh well, if you insist," Rarity replied politely.

Taking a deep breath, Rarity calls forth upon the magic indicated by the glowing horn on her head. Concentrating deeply, she was able to lift a toolbox from a pair of construction workers on break and levitated the toolbox till they were at the level of the kids' eyes.

"Wow!" Lex & Tim gasped.

"That's so awesome!" Tim smiled, impressed. "I'm Timothy Murphy, but just call me Tim."

"Alexis Murphy," The girl introduced herself. "You can call me Lex."

"Well, now that introductions are over, I'd say it's time we get this tour going!" John declared. "Come along, everyone. No time to lose! Your rides should be here. Come along, no dillydallying."

The kids eagerly followed their grandfather, who took the lead. The Equestrians eyed one another as they slowly followed Hammond out of the center with the three scientists and the lawyer not far behind.


Two modified Ford Explorers leapt out of an underground garage just beneath the visitor's center. They moved quietly, with a faint electronic HUM, and straddled a partially buried metal rail amid the road. The Jurassic Park logo was imprinted on both sides of the cars. They pulled off to a stop where the whole group was gathered.

Ellie was off to the side with Alexis, introducing herself warmly. Mr. Hammond was with Malcolm, Grant, and Gennaro. Of course, the moment the kids saw the cars arriving, they couldn't help but want to get close.

"Now, kids, come away," John called out. "Not too close to the cars."

"My... aren't they just lovely?" Rarity admired. "Aren't they glorious?"

"I don't know about any of that... but they look 'awesome'!" Rainbow Dash smirked.

"These will be your transports for the afternoon," Hammond informed.

"Mr. Hammond, where are the brakes?" Time Turner observed closely.

"Brakes? No, no brakes," Hammond shook his head.

"No drivers?" Gennaro added.

"No. No drivers. They're electric cars, they run on this track in the middle of the roadway here, and totally non-polluting, top of the line! Spared no expense."

"Here he goes again," Spike sighed.

Meanwhile, Time Turner entered one of the cars observing the details of the interior. Lex also came along and soon their attention was turned to a tiny screen near the driver's side. Turner watched as Lex started fiddling with the screen, which started changing images with the push of a finger.

"What kind of technology is this?" Time Turner eyed.

"It's an interactive CD-ROM!" Lex spoke excitedly. "Look, see -- you just touch the right part of the screen, and it talks about whatever you want."

"Anything... I want?" Time Turner grinned widely.

Unable to help himself, Time Turner leaned in and proceeded to tap his hoof along the right side of the screen (But gently). Lex watched as he was flipping through images trying to find what he wanted.

"What're you looking for, Dr. Whooves?" Lex asked curiously.

"I'm trying to see if this device can answer the question about the meaning of life," Time Turner replied.

"Yeah... I don't think that's how it works," Lex chuckled.

"Lex, you're all right in there!" Hammond called out, facing Ellie & Grant. "Dr. Sattler, come along, my dear. Dr. Grant, you'll ride in the second car. I can promise you you'll have a real wonderful time."

"Oh, thank you so much," Derring Do nodded. "We'll see you later then.

"I'm gonna ride with Dr. Sattler," Malcolm spoke, too eagerly.

The man turned and walked toward Ellie. Grant merely frowned, not liking this one bit. Hammond turned and made his way toward the Visitor's Center when Princess Twilight Sparkle approached him.

"You sure you won't want to come?" Twilight asked curiously.

"As much as I'd love to dear, I just can't," Hammond answered. "I'll be watching from back in control to make sure everything runs smoothly. Speaking of which, I do have 'one' favor to ask of you and your friends."

"And what would that be Mr. Hammond?"

"Can you find it in your hearts to make sure the children are enjoying themselves?" Hammond requested. "Their parents are getting a divorce and they need the diversion."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that... but wouldn't it be appropriate if the children were spending this time with you?"

"They wouldn't really be enjoying themselves if they were cooped up in the control room all day. They came here to see the dinosaurs and I'd know they'd enjoy it. But not to worry, there's still a whole weekend after today and I'll make it up to them tomorrow."

"Very well then," Twilight Sparkle nodded understandingly. "Those kids will be in good hands... or hooves. We'll make sure they have fun."

"Excellent... then I shall leave you to it," Hammond smiled, before walking away.

With arrangements set, Princess Twilight Sparkle worked her way down to rejoin her friends. Grant was just moving to follow when Tim cut him off. The boy stared at him, wide-eyed as he held a book in his hand.

"I read your book," Tim said.

"Oh, yeah – that's great," Grant nodded.

Grant tried to head for the rear car, with Tim following along the way.

"Do you really think dinosaurs turned into birds?" Tim questioned. "And that's where they went?"

"Well, uh, a few species – may have evolved, uh – along those lines – yeah," Grant murmured, uncertainly.

With Tim right behind Grant, the older man kept moving, across the back seat of the car and out the other door. But Tim followed him every step of the way like an eager pup. Some of the Equestrians witnessing the boy trailing Grant found it both adorable and amusing.

"Because they sure don't look like birds to me," Tim replied. "I heard that there was this meteor, hit the Earth someplace down in Mexico, and made like this one-hundred-mile crater –"

"Listen, ahh—" Grant interrupted, trying to remember the name.


"Tim, which car were you planning on --?"

"Whichever one you are."

Derring Do chuckled as she leaned beside Rainbow Dash, nudging her with a mischievous look.

"Reminds you of some pony, Rainbow Dash?" Derring Do smirked.

"Aw, come on!" Rainbow Dash brushed off. "I wasn't that bad."

Seeing where this was going, Grant went for the front car again, opened the rear door, and held it for Tim, who climbed into the back seat, rattling on and on.

"Then I heard this thing in OMNI? About the meteor making all this heat that made a bunch of diamond dust. And that changed the weather and they died because of the weather? Then my teacher told me about this other book by a guy named Bakker. And he says..."

*SLAM* Grant closed the door on Tim before the boy could finish. He turned and made for the rear vehicle – and bumped right into Lex.

"She said I should ride with you because it would be good for you," Lex addressed Ellie.

Grant looked toward Ellie, not hiding the fact he was annoyed.

"She's a deeply neurotic woman," Grant muttered.

"The boat is now loading," A man spoke via P.A. "Everyone must be on the dock for the 1900 departure."

"Okay, so there's fifteen of us and two cars—" Twilight Sparkle calculated. "Each vehicle can hold two-to-four passengers... children under ten will need an adult. The rest of us shouldn't take too much room, so we can manage this. Rarity, you Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Daring can sit with the kids and the lawyer—"

"Actually, Twilight darling," Rarity piped in. "I just saw Grant getting in the car with Dr. Sattler and Malcolm. Mr. Gennaro's with the kids."

"When Ellie said that Grant has issues with children, she wasn't kidding," Derring Do shook her head.

"A car ride with a lawyer... heh, sounds just about as fun as a rage pit with a police officer," Rainbow remarked.

"Okay then... the four of you can ride with the kids and Mr. Gennaro," Twilight corrected herself. "The rest of us will ride with the scientists."

"Then that settles it," Applejack nodded. "Come on every pony, move your caboose."


The Jurassic Park control room resembled a mission control for a space launch, with several computer terminals and dozens of video screens that displayed images of various dinosaurs, taken from all over the park. There's a large glass map of the island at the front of the room which was lit up like a Christmas tree with various colored lights, each one with a number and identification code next to it. But the place was unfinished, with unattached cables, construction materials, and ladders scattered about.

The moon among the half dozen technicians present was chaotic as they rushed around with last-minute adjustments. Muldoon whisked in through the double doors. Hammond was right behind him. They go straight to the main console, where Ray Arnold, fortyish, a chronic worrier and chain-smoker, was seated.

"National Weather Service is tracking a tropical storm about seventy-five miles west of us," Muldoon informed.

"Why didn't I build in Orlando?" Hammond sighed, looking over Arnold's shoulder.

"I'll keep an eye on it," Muldoon assured. "Maybe it'll swing south like the last one."

"Ray, start the tour program," Hammond commanded, with a deep breath.

Ray proceeded to punch a button along the console.

"Hold onto your butts," Arnold said, not exactly comforting.

The commands on the console activated the video feeds, including audio, showcasing all the passengers in their cars. Plenty of whom were chattering excitedly in anticipation of the tour to start.

"And why did they put the fiberglass thing?" Ellie spoke.

"I know, right?" Spike observed.

"You want to join the future, right?" Gennaro asked.

"God help us when the hands of engineers..." Ian muttered.

"You must be a real hit at parties, aren't you?" Pinkie replied.


With a loud *CHUNK*, the Explorers started forward along the electrical pathway. Taking the front car were Gennaro, Tim, Lex, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Daring Do. In the rear vehicle were Grant, Ellie, Malcolm, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Time Turner. As they drove off from the Visitor's Center to the heart of the park, a recorded voice spoke through the vehicle systems.

"During your tour, the appropriate information will be automatically selected and displayed for you."

"Look!" Tim pointed out.

He touched the area of the screen displaying the appropriate icon. By then, the vehicles were heading towards two enormous, primitive gates, with torches blazing on either side.

"Are we gonna hit that?" Lex asked concerned.

"Of course not," Rarity assured uncertainly. "I hope."

"Welcome to Jurassic Park," The voice concluded.

As if on command, the two doors slowly opened permitting the vehicles to enter the park safely.

"What have they got in there, King Kong?" Malcolm remarked.

"Hmm... King Kong on this island..." Pinkie Pie pondered, in her car. "Nah! Wrong universe! But that'll certainly be a fun adventure in our future episode."

"She always this random?" Time Turner questioned Fluttershy.

"Yes..." Fluttershy answered quietly.

As the gates sealed behind them, the Explorer's speakers in the ponies' care blared with a fanfare of trumpets, and the interview video screen flashed 'Welcome to Jurassic Park'. A familiar voice spoke over the speaker:

"You are now entering the lost world of the prehistoric past," The voice began. "A world of creatures long gone from the face of the Earth, which you are privileged to see for the first time."


Back in the control room, Hammond watched the monitor. He could see his grandchildren were enjoying themselves. Thanks to a headset he wore, he was able to communicate with the passengers.

"By the way, the voice you're now hearing is Richard Kiley," Hammond called. "We spared no expense!"

"Ooh, Richard Kiley!" Pinkie's eyes widened. "I hear he practically created the role of Don Quixote for that 'Man of La Mancha' show, was even the first to sing and record that 'Impossible Dream' song. Some even call him an indispensable actor... whatever that means."

"Yes, Pinkie, sounds very distinguished," Twilight nodded, looking out the window.


Back in the park, the passengers could see the fences are retaining walls covered with greenery and growth, to heighten the illusion of moving through a jungle. Inside the front car, Gennaro couldn't help but look around the area with a hint of concern.

"The accident took place in a restricted area," Gennaro murmured to himself. "It would not have been available to the public access. So, how can the safety of the public be called into question?"

"Wut accident?" Applejack asked

By now, the cars approached the top of a low rise, where a break in the foliage gave them a view down a sloping field that was broken by a river. All the while, the tour voice of Richard Kiley continued.

"If you look to the right, you'll see a herd of the first dinosaurs on our tour, called Dilophosaurus," The voice instructed.

Upon hearing the name 'Dilophosaurus', Tim and Lex practically slammed up against the windows for a better look. The one half of the Equestrians looked over them with the minimal view that was left.

"The safety..." Gennaro kept talking. "That's the problem I had to answer."

"Shhh..." Lex hushed.

"Can't see a thing with all this jungle," Rainbow complained.

"What are we looking for again?" Rarity asked.

"Dilophosaurus," Tim answered.

"Oh yes... Dilophosaurus..." Rairty nodded nervously. "Is it dangerous?"

"Well, it wouldn't be an adventure without a little danger," Derring Do replied.

In the rear car, Grant was studying his map when Ellie and Rainbow Dash, hearing the voice, reacted.

"Oh, Shit!" Ellie gasped excitedly.

"Dilophosaurus!" Grant added.

"About time!" Spike leaned in.

Grant, Malcolm, Ellie, and the Equestrians pressed against the windows. In the third vehicle, all the other ponies were doing just the same. Much like the other passengers, they could see just down by the riverbank there was a wide variety of beautiful plants as far as their eyes could see. Unfortunately... not a sign of a herd was in range. The tour voice continued anyway.

"One of the earliest carnivores, we now know as Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful, but deadly addition to Jurassic Park."

Despite the corny scary music playing over the speaker, needless to say the mood amongst the passengers didn't quite match.

"Hmm... I might have doubts about that," Twilight Sparkle replied. "The Dilophosaurus I studied weren't exactly known to spit venom."

"Probably added that feature to make it more attractive than its real-life counterpart," Time Turner suggested. "Though I'm curious to see how that works."

"Well, I'll tell you what I see... nothing," Spike muttered.

"Alan, where?" Ellie asked.

Disappointed, Grant and the others sat back in their seats.

"Damn," Grant muttered.

"Well, looks like we're in for a long trip," Applejack declared.

"Great. Wake me up when we see something interesting," Rainbow closed her eyes.

The rainbow-haired Pegasus leaned her head along Applejack's shoulder, while the Earth pony looked down with a smile. For a brief moment, she turned her head back to see if a dinosaur finally emerged... only to sigh upon seeing the very same sight before her. Along the road, the two cars moved on. As they rolled past, they had no idea that the headlights were on, even in the daytime.


Back in Ponyville, chaos ran rampant ever since Regina had taken the two Cake Twins hostage. Apparently, following their kidnapping, Prince Blueblood had suddenly shown up and taken some form of search-and-rescue party in an effort to rescue the twins.

Wait a minute! When did 'that' happen?

It happened during one of Phantom's Extra Cuts in the comment section (Only available on FimFiction). Don't you remember anything?

Well, excuuuuse me! I've been busy having our pony forms doing something that may actually help. There's a reason we left that pompous prince in a chimney after all.

... Fair point.

Anyway... back in the New Eden compound, Regina watched all the chaos unfolding through her magic mirror. An amused, wicked chuckle emanated off her. In an old cell just to her left, the two poor Cake Twins sat chained up and gagged as their eyes watched the Evil Queen fearfully.

"Once I finally have those shears back, the Order will be one step closer to ultimate victory!" Regina said to herself.

She turned her attention toward the locked-up Cake Twins, slowly stalking her way over. With a wave of her hand, the door magically opened by itself. She walked into the cell and knelt down toward their level.

"You two best hope they find them," She spoke warningly. "If they don't—well—let's just say I hope you two are very good swimmers."

The twins tried desperately to speak an objection, but the gags in their mouths made it very difficult to do so.

"Well... I suppose if you're going to make a scene, may as well make some noise," Regina rolled her eyes.

Using her magic, she made the gags disappear allowing the twins to consume a huge lungful of air.

"Please let us go!" Pumpkin cried. "We don't know what was taken from you, but we didn't do! I swear we didn't take anything!"

"We just want to go back to mommy and daddy!" Pound blubbered. "Please let us go home!"

Regina merely smirked over their blubbering, using her magic to put the gags back on their mouths.

"Oh, I'll let you go... once they find those shears," She spoke wickedly.

With a wave of her hand, the cell door slowly closed and locked behind her as the Queen departed from the building. All alone in the cell, all the twins could do was cry and pray to Celestia that they'd be free of this dreadful prison. Unbeknownst to them, another figure entered the room under the cover of darkness through a nearby window. The figure quickly approached the cell, opening it as they entered the cell. Using her magic, the figure was able to release the twins from their shackles and remove their gags all at once. The twins, scared and shocked that someone else entered the cell, sat frozen with fear.

"W-W-Who are you?" Pound quivered.

Stepping into the light, the figure turned out to be a female Changeling of sorts. This Changeling had dark teal chitin, a long aquamarine mane tied back in a ponytail, buttermilk skin that transitioned into light purple around the neck with three jewels centrally located, green amazonite eyes, and two large antenna like prongs on her head along with a crown in her mane. She was undoubtedly a very beautiful changeling to say the very least.

"Don't worry little ones," She assured. "My name's Atalanta, I'm here to help. Now, let's get you two out of here."


Back in the control room, Ray Arnold watched his computer screen and the video monitors at the same time, keeping an eye on the cars as they moved through the park. Hammond hovered over his shoulder.

"Vehicle headlights are on and not responding," Arnold informed. "Those shouldn't be running off the car's batteries."

He sighed and reached for a clipboard hanging next to his chair, jotting this down.

"Item one fifty-one on today's glitch list," Arnold continued. "We have all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo, and the computer's not even on its feet yet."

Hammond shook his head and turned to the technician to his right, who still had his back to them, watching a Costa Rican game show on one of his monitors and drinking a Jolt cola.

"Dennis, our lives are in your hands, and you have butterfingers?" Hammond asked, incredulous.

The technician turned around his chair and extended his arms in a Christ-like pose. Upon getting a look at him, a sinking feeling swells upon those who've seen him somewhere before... and they have. Dennis Nedry, the man who accepted a suitcase full of cash in San Jose.

"I am totally unappreciated in my time," Nedry chuckled, sipping his soda. "You can run this whole park from this room, with minimal staff, for up to three days. You think that level of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anybody who can network eight Connection Machines and debug two million lines of code for what I bid this job? Because I'd sure as hell like to see them try."

"I'm sorry about your financial problems, I really am," Hammond responded. "But they are your problems."

"You're right, John. You're absolutely right. Everything's my problem."

"I will not get drawn into another financial debate with you, Dennis. I really will not."

"There's hardly been a debate at all."

"I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them."

"Thanks, Dad," Nedry remarked sarcastically.

"Dennis – the headlights," Arnold requested.

"Yeah, I'll debug the tour program when they get back, okay?" Dennis answered, noting Arnold's annoyance. "Okay?! It'll eat a lot of computer cycles; we'll lose part of the system for a while. There's a finite amount of memory. We can't use it for everything. Are you gonna compile for half an hour—"

Muldoon, who had been hovering near the video monitors as always, turned towards them, annoyed.

"Quiet, all of you!" Muldoon interrupted. "They're approaching the Tyrannosaur paddock."


The two Explorers drove along a high ridge and stopped at the edge of the large, open plain that was separated from the road by a fifteen-foot fence, clearly marked with 'DANGER!' signs and an ominous-looking electrical post. Tim, Lex, Gennaro, and their Equestrian group pressed forward against the windows, wide-eyed, waiting for you-know-who.

In the rear car, the voice of the radio droned on, but Grant, Ellie, Malcolm, and their Equestrian friends were hardly listening anymore, all of whom were dying of anticipation. Rainbow Dash finally woke up from her nap and stared toward where everyone else was looking. All while the voice on the speaker droned on.

"The mighty tyrannosaurus arose late in dinosaur history," Kiley's voice explained. "Dinosaurs ruled the earth for a hundred and fifty million years, but it wasn't until the last—"

"Ellie, can you turn that off please?" Twilight requested.

Ellie flipped a switch and they all sat in complete silence – except for Malcolm, who looked toward the ceiling, thinking aloud.

"God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates man, Man destroys God, Man creates dinosaurs."

"Dinosaurs... Eat man," Sattler finished. "Women inherits the Eart."

The group slowly turned toward Ellie, wide-eyed. Pinkie Pie soon patted Spike's shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you buddy," Pinkie told Spike.

"HEY!!!" Spike frowned in annoyance.

"HEE-HEE! Just kidding!"

After sharing some awkward stares toward Ellie for a moment, the group returned their attention to the paddock. However, there's no sign of the tyrannosaurus. Just then, a beep indicated the intercom was turned on as Arnold's voice contacted them.

"Hold on, we'll try to temp the Rex now," Arnold informed. "Keep watching the fence."

Inside the paddock, there was a low humming sound. Out in the midst of the field, a small cage rose into view, lifted on hydraulics from underground. The cage bars slid down, leaving the cage's occupant standing alone in the middle of the field. It's a goat, one leg chained to a stake. It looked around, confused, and was bleating plaintively.

In the front car, Lex, Tim, and the ponies looked toward the goat with widely different reactions.

"What's going to happen to the goat?" Lex asked.

"That beast is going to eat the goat?!" Rarity gasped, wide-eyed.

"Excellent!" Tim smiled.

"What's the matter, kid, you never had lamb chops?" Gennaro asked Lex.

"I happen to be a vegetarian," Lex answered matter-of-factly.

"Ain't nothin' wrong with that, sugar cube," Applejack assured.

"Hmm... what's taking it so long?" Rainbow squinted.

"This is wrong..." Derring Do shook her head. "The T-Rex doesn't want to be fed—


"—he wants to hunt," Grant continued. "You can't just suppress sixty-five million years of gut instinct."

"Aw... the poor little guy," Fluttershy sighed, for the goat.

In the paddock, the goat stood waiting... and it waited... and waited... and waited. From the Explorers, fifteen faces watched expectantly. The goat tugged on its chain; it walked back and forth nervously. But other than the occasional bleating... not even a growl emerged from the trees behind the goat.

Within the rear car, Grant watched, his eyes glued, his breathing becoming a little more rapid. In the front car, Tim and Lex couldn't tear their eyes away. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie gasped and tapped Twilight's shoulder, pointing to some activity happening. Finally, the goat – laid down. To which, Twilight Sparkle rewarded Pinkie Pie with an annoyed glare and a slow head shake.

In the rear car, everyone sat back, disappointed again. Rainbow Dash groaned in frustration as she laid her chin atop her hoof huffing the air. To which Applejack and Derring Do looked on worriedly, as they turned toward each other... but no words were going to help this Pegasus. Eventually, the cars pulled forward with the T-Rex declared a no-show and the tour continued. As they leaned in their seats in disappointment, Malcolm looked into the intercom camera and voiced his opinion through the microphone.

"Now, eventually you do plan on having dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right?" Malcolm asked, exhaling the lens. "Hello? H-Hello? Yes?"


In the control room, Hammond merely shook his head as Malcolm's voice came through.

"I really hate that man," Hammond eyed the monitor.


As the ride continued, Grant got into his seat leaving Malcolm behind Ellie. He, along with the ponies, looked out the opposite window, while Malcolm rattled on to Ellie.

"You, see? The Tyrannosaur doesn't obey any set patterns or park schedules," Malcolm rambled. "The essence of chaos."

"I'm still not clear on chaos," Ellie admitted.

"We've had our share of chaos back home," Time Turner spoke up. "But what does it mean to you?"

"It simply deals with unpredictability in complex systems," Malcolm explained. "Its only principle is the Butterfly Effect. A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking, and in Central Park, you get rain instead of sunshine."

Ellie, Pinkie Pie, and Spike gestured with her hand to show this information has gone right over their heads.

"Did I go too fast?" Malcolm chuckled. "I did a fly-by."

"Yeah... understanding magic is one thing, but when it comes to chaos..." Twilight sighed. "Completely missed it."

"I spend guys night with a Draconequus who thrives on causing chaos, there's no explaining him," Spike shook his head.

"Now, I think you're being very unfair to Discord," Fluttershy defended. "Yes, he can be mischievous and sometimes pulls pranks with no consideration. But he really is a sweet guy, he's just as misunderstood as chaos."

"Hmm... is that why you fantasize about your dream wedding with the big guy?" Pinkie smirked deviously.

"Why does every pony keep thinking that?" Fluttershy sighed. "We're very good friends."

"Give it time..."

Amidst all the talk, while looking out the opposite window, Grant saw movement at the far end of a field. He sat bolt upright, trying to get a better look. To which, this did not go unnoticed when Time Turner turned to him.

"What is it?" Turner asked curiously.

"Shh-shh-shh..." Grant shushed.

Keeping quiet, Time Turner peeked out the window hoping to see where Grant was looking. Meanwhile, Malcolm was looking for another example – until he pointed to a glass of water.

"Here. Give me your glass of water. We'll perform an experiment."

He dipped his hand into the glass of water. He took Ellie's hand on his own.

"The car should be still, but that's okay," Malcolm rambled. "It's just an example. Put your hand flat like a hieroglyphic. Now watch the way the drop of water falls on your hand. Which way will the drop roll? Over which finger?"

"Thumb, I'd say," Ellie guessed.

Malcolm flicked his fingers, and a drop of water fell on the back of Ellie's hand. Before the eyes of the Equestrians watching, the drop rolled off the back.

"Ah ha. Okay, freeze your hand," Malcolm instructed. "Don't move. I'll do the same thing, start with the same place again. Which way now?"

"Wouldn't it be the same way?" Spike shrugged.

Malcolm dropped the water again; the group eyed the process carefully... and they gasped.

"Great wickering stallions!" Time Turner gasped. "It changed."

"Why?" Malcolm asked, like a teacher. "Because and here is the principle of tiny variations – the orientations of the hairs on your hand..."

"Alan, look at this," Ellie gestured.

But Grant wasn't quite paying attention to the demonstration. His eyes were still focused on what's outside.

"... the amount of blood distending your vessels, imperfections in the skin –" Malcolm continued.

"'Imperfections in the skin'?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"Oh, just microscopic... microscopic... that never repeat, and vastly affect the outcome. That's... what?"

"Unpredictability," Twilight Sparkle answered.

"And even if we haven't seen it yet, I'm quite sure it's going on in this park right now," Malcolm concluded.

"Life does seem to feel a lot like that," Spike replied, understandingly. "One moment I met this beautiful girl by chance, and suddenly the course of my own future seemed to change. Meeting Gabby... I find it dynamic – and exciting – least, I think I do."

"Lemme guess... another dragon?" Malcolm guessed.

"Actually... no."

Grant's curiosity had finally gotten the best of him. There's definitely something out in the field, and this scientist just had to see it. He jerked the door handle and opened his door a few inches. He looked outside towards freedom, then looked around to see if anybody was watching him. Just when the Equestrians turned to look, Grant hurled the door open and bolted out of the moving car.

"Dr. Grant?" Twilight called out. "Where're you going?"

"There! Look at this. See? I'm right again," Malcolm pointed out, satisfied. "No one could have predicted that Dr. Grant would jump out of a moving vehicle?"

"Alan?" Ellie called out.

She too jumped out and followed him into the field.

"Hey, wait up!" Pinkie Pie called out. "I want to go too!"

Pinkie Pie also leapt out of the car, bouncing toward the scientists and soon the other Equestrians were making their way out to join her.

"Pinkie, wait for us!" Twilight called out.

"And there's another example," Malcolm shrugged. "See? Here I am now by myself, um, uh, talking to myself – that's Chaos Theory! What the hell am I doing here? I'm the only one who knows what's going on..."


In the front car, the remainder of the group could see their friends bolting out of their vehicle and out onto the field.

"Where in Equestria are they going?" Rainbow Dash wondered.

"I dunno hun," Applejack answered. "But I reckon we oughtta find out."

"Girls, weren't we instructed to stay in the car...?" Rarity asked.

"Ah come on, where's your spirit of adventure?" Derring Do smirked, opening the door. "I'd like to see too!

"Hey! Wait up!" Timmy called out, following.

"Timmy!" Lex shouted.


Inside the control room, Hammond, Muldoon, and Arnold stared at the video monitor incredulously as everyone, and every pony, poured out of the cars and followed Grant down the hill. All the while, the cars rolled on slowly, empty, their doors hung open.

"Uh – Mr. Hammond –" Arnold pointed out.

"Stop the program!" Hammond ordered. "Stop the program!"

"There you are!" Muldoon groaned, irritated. "I told you how many times we needed locking mechanisms on the vehicle doors!"

Across the room, Dennis Nedry snuck a peek at the video monitor. It showed an image of the steel door, plainly marked – 'EMBRYONIC COLD STORAGE. RESTRICTED!' He turned toward another monitor, which was labeled 'EAST DOCK'. The monitor showed a supply ship, moored at the dock. Its cargo was being uploaded and a large group of workers filed aboard. Nedry had something in the counter, where no one could see it: A can of shaving cream.


Deep within the park, Grant, Ellie, Gennaro, the kids, and especially the Equestrians are out along the open field, heading towards a small stand of trees. For the first time, the sky started to darken rather early in the day which made Fluttershy, as she looked up, rather nervous. Tim dogged Grant's footsteps, so excited he could hardly keep his feet on the ground.

"So, like I was saying, there's this other book by a guy named Bakker?" Tim rambled. "And he said dinosaurs died of a bunch of diseases?"

"Guys, where are we going?" Rainbow called out.

"... He definitely didn't say they turned into birds," Tim continued.

"So, no pony is going to answer the question?" Rainbow called out. "No? Yes? Urgh... pony feathers..."

Poor Gennaro was scared as hell, even as he followed the others about. His head darted left and right as if expecting something terrible to happen at any moment.

"Uh – anybody else think we shouldn't be out here?" Gennaro pointed out.

"And his book was a lot fatter than yours," Tim remarked, using his hand to demonstrate. "Like this."

"Really?" Grant replied dryly.

"Yours was fully illustrated," Ellie assured.

"Sure! How can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?" Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Pinkie Pie, there are many good books in the world 'without' pictures..." Twilight replied, annoyed.

"Anybody at all!" Gennaro called out. "Feel free to speak up."

Suddenly, Lex stumbled, and Grant caught her hand, stopping her fall.

"You okay?" Grant asked.

To which Lex looked up at him and smiled. Grant smiled back, trying to recover his hand, only Lex held tight. He's massively uncomfortable, and the Equestrians were quick to notice.

"Look at this! Wait, watch!" Tim beckoned for attention. "Come on, watch this!"

"All I can see is someone definitely has an admirer," Twilight giggled, facing Spike. "Reminds you of any pony you know?"

"You make me sound like a baby..." Spike frowned.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Grant stopped suddenly.

"What is it, Dr. Grant?" Derring Do asked curiously.

For a moment, the entirety of the group had stopped in their tracks. Staring before them, a huge smile spread across the faces of both Tim and Grant. Twilight Sparkle looked toward where they were facing, and her eyes went wide with awe.

"No way..." Twilight Sparkle gasped.

"Everybody, wait here," Grant instructed.

Grant proceeded to walk off ahead, leaving the group standing there for a moment. When the other Equestrians turned toward where Twilight was looking, they could barely contain their own excitement.

"To heck with this..." Derring Do remarked, charging ahead.

"Hey Daring, wait up!" Rainbow Dash followed hastily.

Seeing the two ponies charging ahead, Tim proceeded to follow as well.

"Tim!" Ellie beckoned.

"Hey, Timmy!" Lex reached out.

"Come back here, hun!" Applejack called out, sighing. "Come on, y'all. Better follow 'em and make sure they don't get hurt."

"Right... not that there's anything to be scared of," Rarity chuckled nervously. "Well, come on then."

Fearlessly, for the most part, Tim and the Equestrians followed behind Grant. They pushed their way through the tall grass before them. Eventually, as they reached the clearing, the whole group could see: A female Triceratops, a big one, lying on its side, blocking the light at the end of the path. It had an enormous, curved shell that flanked its head, two big horns over its eyes, and a third on the end of its nose. It didn't move, it was just breathing, loud and raspy, blowing up little clouds of dust with every exhalation as she lay upon her side. Grant stood next to one of Jurassic Park's veterinarians, Doctor Harding, almost in a gaze.

"Hello everybody," Harding greeted. "Don't be scared. Come on, it's okay. Muldoon tranquilized her for me. She's sick."

"Oh... my..." Fluttershy gasped, in awe. "She's beautiful..."

"Hi baby!" Ellie chuckled with excitement. "Hey baby girl. Hey."

"As I live and breathe... a real-live Triceratops!" Time Turner gasped.

"Is it okay if we touch it?" Twilight Sparkle asked Harding.

"Sure," Harding nodded.

Grant, along with Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, stood next to the animal and stroked its head. Ellie and the others moved forward toward the animal.

"She was always my favorite when I was a kid," Grant spoke. "And now I see she's the most beautiful thing I ever saw."

"Shh... there, there..." Fluttershy gently stroked the Triceratops. "It's okay..."

The two scientists knelt to their knees, checking the animal. Grant furrowed his brow, noticing something, all professional curiosity now. The animal's tongue, dark purple, drooped limply from its mouth.

"Ellie, take a look at this," Grant pointed out.

"Yeah, baby girl, it's okay," Ellie spoke softly.

Ellie scratched the tongue with her fingernail. A clear liquid leaked from the broken blisters.

"Micro vesicles," Ellie observed. "That's interesting."

Grant, fascinated, wandered all the way around to the back of the animal. Harding joined Ellie and handed her his penlight.

"What are her symptoms?" Ellie questioned.

"Imbalance, disorientation, labored breathing," Harding listed. "Seems to happen about every six weeks or so."

"Six weeks?"

Ellie took the penlight from the veterinarian and shined its light into the animal's eyes.

"Are there pupillary effects from the tranquilizer?" Ellie continued.

"Yes, mitotic," Harding confirmed. "Pupils should be constricted."

"These are dilated. Take a look."

"They are?" Harding inspected. "I'll be damned."

"That's pharmacological. From local plant life."

She turned, studying the surrounding landscape. Her mind's really at work, puzzling over each piece of foliage. She soon recognized a plant that stood out.

"Is this West Indian Lilac?" Ellie asked.

"Yes," Harding nodded. "We know they're toxic, but the animals don't eat them."

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

"What do you think, Miss Ellie?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. "She wouldn't actually be eating this stuff, would she?"

"There's only one way to be positive, Fluttershy," Ellie confirmed. "I'll have to see the dinosaur's droppings."

"You can't miss them," Harding pointed out.

By chance, Malcolm happened to be walking by when he overheard Ellie.

"Dino... droppings?" Malcolm repeated. "Droppings?"

"Mm-hmm..." Fluttershy nodded.

Ellie and Fluttershy, along with several of the Equestrians, walked down the clearing to study some of the samples. Along the way, Applejack was following closely when Derring Do came up from behind.

"Some trip, huh A.J.?" Derring Do replied. "One of the first Dinosaurs we've uncovered during our time on this island, and something's clearly ailing her.

"It's somethin' all right," Applejack nodded. "But I reckon we'll have this straightened out."

"Sure will. So... you and Rainbow Dash have been quite a couple now. How long have you been seeing each other?"

"Bout a couple months... give or take. We enjoy each other's company."

"Ah yes, Rainbow was very specific about that. She talks a lot about you. I just hope I'm not getting in the way."

"Nah... no, of course not. I'm glad to see Rainbow Dash catchin' up with one of her idols. She is yer biggest fan after all."

"Heh-heh... yeah, I've noticed. She's a good mare. A little head-strong and rash I'll admit, but I learn to like her. Almost reminds me of myself when I was younger. And a mare who cares that much for any pony, you especially... those are good traits."

"Mmm-hmm... there's just one thing that I just can't put my hoof on," Applejack expressed, concerned.

"What do you mean?" Derring Do raised a brow curiously.

"Why would you go 'bout mentionin' your pseudonym if ya wanted to keep yer life as an adventurer and an author separate?"

"... Well... if I recall correctly, Caballeron 'did' try to write me off in a negative light not too long ago," Derring Do replied casually. "And if I may add, it didn't take long for him to discover how similar we are. Naturally, it wouldn't have taken long for my readers to find out.

"It's just... ya seemed mighty casual about it. Even Fluttershy told me how miserable you were when yer character was ruined, even if she wanted insight on the fella's perspective."

"... Maybe we ought to talk more about this 'after' the tour," Derring Do offered. "We've got more important matters to worry about.

Ending the topic then and there, Derring Do walked ahead as Applejack looked on. While the Earth pony didn't mean to press her too hard, something about Derring Do a.k.a. A.K. Yearling just felt 'off'. For now, Applejack would let this go... but this mare knew they had much more to talk about. If not so much for her own sake... but for Rainbow Dash.


Heavy activity was taking place within the control room. Hammond and Arnold had been watching the video monitors, displeased about something. Arnold looked toward one that gave them a view from the beach, looking out at the ocean. The clouds beyond are almost black, as a tropical storm began to build. Muldoon was on the phone, to confirm their suspicions.

"Yeah, I got that," Muldoon confirmed, holding the phone aside. "The storm center hasn't dissipated or changed course. We'll have to cut the tour short, I'm afraid. We'll pick it up again tomorrow where we left off."

"Are you sure we have to?" Hammond asked, concerned.

"It's not worth taking the chance, John," Arnold shook his head.

"Sustained winds at 45 knots," Muldoon spoke, into the phone.

"Tell them when they get back to the cars," Hammond nodded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, last shuttle to the dock leaves in approximately five minutes," Arnold announced, to the others. "Drop what you are doing and leave now."

As Hammond pondered over the news, a growing frustration slowly brewed through the mostly calm old man. Unable to contain himself anymore, he slammed a fist onto the desk.


Across the room, Nedry stared at his video monitor, watching the boat. He's on the phone with the mate, whose images he can see on the monitor. The seas around the dock are much rougher now.

"We're not well-berthed here without a storm barrier!" The mate called. "We may have to leave as soon as the last of the works are aboard."

"No, no, you stick to the plan," Nedry instructed, lowly. "You wait till they're back from the tour."


The weather grew darker across the field, while the scientists and the Equestrians were grouped around an enormous spoor of triceratops excreta. It stood at least waist high, if not higher, covered with buzzing flies swarming about. Poor Rarity looked as though she were about to throw up, struggling so hard to hold one hoof over her mouth.

"That is one big pile of shit!" Ian remarked, removing his shades.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" Rarity groaned, turning green. "Sweet Celestia, I knew I shouldn't have eaten lunch before this."

"Yep..." Applejack nodded. "Just like Sweet Apple Acres back home."

"It also smells like all those adventures in the darkest forests of Equestria," Derring Do added. "Searching for lost temples, buried treasure... the remains of departed ancestors... anyway, where're the others Rainbow?

"Alan's keeping an eye on Ellie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, & Dr. Whooves," Rainbow confirmed. "They volunteered to collect some samples or something to figure out why that Triceratops has been so sick lately."

"And the kids?"

"Back in the car."

"How are you not disgusted by all this?!" Rarity exclaimed loudly. "It's the most revolting thing I've ever seen."

"When y'all work on a farm as long as I have, ya get used to the smell," Applejack replied casually.

"Wild animals leave their little goodies any direction you walk," Derring Do added. "It happens.

"Besides, Fluttershy's done her share of cleaning around her cottage and sanctuary," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Meanwhile, there's Twilight and Spike with all their chemistry mumbo-jumbo, and Dr. Whooves with the science stuff—"

"I knew I should've stayed at the Visitor's Center," Rarity cringed, walking off.

"Is she always like this?" Ian asked Rainbow.

"Yep," Rainbow answered. "She likes everything smell nice and looking clean. Hates getting dirty... for 'any' reason."

"It's going to be one of those days, huh?" Ian asked deadpanned.

"Eeyup," Applejack nodded.


Nearby, Ellie and her assistants had plastic gloves that reached toward their elbows. They had just withdrawn their hands and hooves from the midst of the dung.

"Hey ladies," Ellie spoke to Twilight and Fluttershy. "Thanks for helping me out on this."

"No problem, Ellie," Fluttershy nodded. "We want to find out why the poor dear's sick after all."

"As the Princess of Friendship, we never leave a creature suffering no matter what illness they have," Twilight added.

"And you sure you don't find this disgusting?"

"My whole life living with animals in my cottage taught me to be more responsible for their messes," Fluttershy chuckled. "Not to mention training them on where to go whenever that have 'businesses to attend to."

"Add to my experience working with dangerous chemicals for science, chemistry in this case, I'm used to this," Twilight emphasized. "Unlike... some ponies I know."

Twilight Sparkle slowly looked toward the side and saw Rarity puking unable to hold it in any longer. Twilight merely sighed, with a shake of her head, before returning to work.

"Can I ask you a question, Fluttershy?" Ellie asked Fluttershy.

"Ask away," Fluttershy nodded.

"How'd you get your Cutie Mark?"

"Well, it's a long story," Fluttersyh began. "Rainbow challenged some bullies to a race, and I accidentally fell from the clouds and into this forest. I'd have died had a swarm of butterflies hadn't cushioned my downfall and soon enough I realized I was able to communicate with the other animals. It was then I also realized I wanted to take care of all animals, big and small, thus earning my Cutie Mark as well as embracing my own destiny... all while my friend created her first Sonic Rainboom... but that's another story."

"Huh... to think you were a bullied filly and now a heroine in your own land. That's something you don't always get with that kind of luck."

"Thanks, Ellie."

"And you Twilight? How did you get yours?"

"Well, much like my friends, I was a filly when it happened," Twilight Sparkle explained. "The day I witnessed my first Summer Sun Celebration, seeing Celestia raise the sun with my very own eyes, she became my second idol whom I admired and respected... next to Starswirl the Bearded of course. I was very serious with my studies, reading cover to cover till my parents decided to enroll me to the top school in Equestria."

"What school might that be?"

"Why Princess Celestia's own school of course. Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns."

"Sounds like Harvard University."

"You could say that..." Twilight nodded. "Anyways, I was happy to learn I'd be going to the princess's school... if I passed a test. Not just 'any' test, oh no. A 'magic' test to determine the capabilities of my own magic."

"Sort of like an entrance exam, only... harder?"

"Very hard," Twilight emphasized. "All I had to do was hatch a dragon egg, which would eventually be Spike. But I was so nervous, with every pony looking at me, I nearly choked and almost gave up trying. Until—"

"The Sonic Rainboom?" Ellie guessed.

"Exactly! That very same Rainboom Rainbow Dash made, that caused my magic to finally hatch the egg... but also caused some uncontrollable transformations due to my... 'stress'. Luckily, Celestia was there to help, and I was afraid I had made a foal of myself in front of my idol. But when she looked at me, she told me I was a very special pony with great magic... if I were able to control it."


"If I were to agree to be her personal assistant!" Twilight smiled.

"You're kidding!" Ellie replied, surprised.

"Nope, totally serious," Twilight chuckled. "Me, of all ponies, asked by our ruler of Equestria to be her personal assistant. Of course, I couldn't refuse... least not without my parents' approval. Add to the fact I had gained my Cutie Mark, and discovered my destiny through my love of magic, best day of my life if you ask me."

"You family must've been very proud of you."

"Not just my parents, but my older brother, Shining Armor, and my foalsitter back then, Princess Cadance."

"You really are one lucky pony, Twilight Sparkle."

"Thanks..." Twilight blushed in embarrassment. "Ahem, anyway... I-I-I don't happen to see any lilacs anywhere."

"Hmm... you're right," Ellie observed the samples. "There's no trace of lilac berries. That's so odd, though. All right, she's suffering from Melia toxicity—"

"She's definitely showing all the signs," Fluttershy confirmed.

"Every six weeks—" Ellie thought aloud.

Ellie turned and walked out into the open field a few paces, thinking heavily. Malcolm eyed her, looking back toward the dung.

"She's, uh – tenacious," Malcolm expressed, for lack of better word.

"You have no idea," Grant shook her head.

"You girls will remember to wash your hands, um, 'hooves' before you eat anything?"

"Of course, we are!" Twilight replied. "We're not 'animals'... well, you know what I mean?"


Back in the control room, Dennis Nedry was busily and surreptitiously typing a series of commands into his console. On his screen, a cartoon hand wound up a cartoon clock, moving its second hand up to the twelve. The clock rotated around to face the screen. It had a large green dollar sign in the middle. A big word appeared on screen; an option surrounded by a forbidding red box. 'EXECUTE', it said.


By this point, the skis are really foreboding now, a sense of urgency growing by the second. Pinkie Pie's twitches soon became frequent, as if she were able to sense a 'doozy' of sorts. Meanwhile, while Ellie and Grant were studying the animal, from only a short distance away from the group, the ponies and Spike couldn't help but think about this chain of events.

"You know girls, I've been thinking there's something about the periodicity that doesn't add up," Time Turner confirmed.

"I know," Twilight Sparkle scratched her head. "Triceratops was a constant browser, and constant browsers would be constantly sick."

"But not just every six weeks," Fluttershy pointed out. "I just wish I knew what was bothering her."

"I know what you mean," Spike nodded.

In the meantime, Derring Do was looking around like the trepid explorer that she was. Just then, her eyes caught a glimpse of some smooth rocks on the ground.

"What have we here?" Daring thought aloud, picking one up. "Hey guys, you might want to take a look at this. Do these look familiar?"

"What is it, Derring Do?" Rainbow eyed the rock closely.

"I've seen pictures of these in Grant's fully illustrated book," Daring confirmed. "The one Mr. Tim let me borrow."

"I see..." Time Turner nodded. "So... what are they?"

Twilight Sparkle came over to check on the stones. A light went in her eyes, as she called out to Ellie.

"Hey Ellie! We found something!" Twilight called out.

Ellie, her attention received, approached Twilight Sparkle and her eyes gleamed too.

"Alan – gizzard stones!"

Grant turned just as Ellie hurled one of the stones which Grant caught. They look at each other in amazement. As before, when they get excited, they talk right over each other.

"That's it, it explains the periodicity, the –" Grant explained rapidly.

"—the undigested state of the berries because it's –" Ellie spoke over.

"—Unrelated to the feeding pattern—"

"What are they saying?" Tim asked the Equestrians.

"It's simple, Tim," Twilight explained. "Some animals like her, don't have teeth—"

"—like birds—" Grant emphasized.

"—Yes, like birds. What happens is, and I've raised an owl myself, they swallow the stones and hold them in a muscular sack in their stomachs—"

"—which is called a gizzard," Spike jumped in. "Gabby explained that to me. She said it helps them mash their food, but what happens after a while—"

"—the stones get smooth, every six weeks," Grant butted in. "So the animal regurgitates them—"

"—barfed them up—" Rainbow simplified.

"—and swallows fresh ones."

"So, when our Triceratops swallowed the stones, she swallowed the poison berries," Derring Do confirmed.

"Great wickering stallions!" Time Turner gasped. "So, that's what's making her sick."

"Very good observation, Dr. Whooves," Fluttershy smiled in approval. "Now we just have to figure out how to treat her."

Suddenly, thunder rumbled as the storm overhead was about to burst loose. Gennaro, scared of more than one thing now, put his foot down.

"Doctors, if you please – I have to insist we get moving."

"All right, calm down," Rainbow Dash brushed off. "It's just a little storm."

"A little?!" Rarity asked, appalled. "Sounds way bigger than a little storm. And I'd know from experience."

"What does she mean?" Derring Do asked Rainbow Dash.

"It's a very long story..." Dash replied.

"Oh, you know, if it's alright, I'd like to stay with Doctor Harding and finish up with the Trike," Ellie offered. "If you know..."

"Sure, I'm in a gas-powered jeep," Harding confirmed. "I can drop her off at the Visitor's Center before I make the boat with the others."

"Great. Then I'll catch up with you if you want to go on."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked worriedly. "That storm sounds awfully scary; maybe I should stay with you."

"No, you go on with the others," Ellie spoke politely. "I want to stay with her a little longer."

"Okay, then," Grant nodded, understandingly.

"We'll meet you back at the Visitor's Center as soon as possible," Twilight Sparkle confirmed. "Come on, every pony. Let's get out of here."

There was a lightning flash now, with a tooth-rattling thunderclap right on its heels. Grant turned and followed the others, Lex right in his tracks. Ellie and Harding go back to the triceratops, which started to come back to life. As Grant reached the Explorer, he turned back for one last look at Ellie. He raised his hand to wave, but she turned the other way. Feeling silly, he dropped his hand and headed into the woods. But just as he did, Ellie turned and waved to him, but with his back turned, he missed it too.

In this way, they said goodbye...

Back at the cars, as the reflections of the groups approached, the first raindrops fell on the windshields of the tour vehicles. They're big, fat drops, and they kick up little clouds of dust as they smack into the glass. There was no mistaking the circumstance, especially from one particular party pony who'd been shaking about:

"O-O-O-O-Ooooh boy..." Pinkie Pie shuddered. "I-I-I-I-It's going to be some s-s-s-s-s-torm..."


It was nearly dark now. The wind whipped up, and the trees swayed violently. Within the safety of the control room, Hammond and Ray Arnold stared at the video screens.

"I found a way to re-route through the program," Arnold explained. "I'm turning the cars around in the rest area loop."

"Rotten luck, this storm," Hammond muttered. "Get my grandchildren on the radio, will you? I don't want them to worry about a wee bit of rain."

As Arnold reached for the hand microphone, tensions rose from across the room. Dennis Nedry, sweat forming along his upper lip now, stared at his own video monitor. The supply boat was still docked on the island shore, only now it was buffeted by heavy waves. Nerdy whispered sharply into the phone, arguing with the mate of the ship again, whom he can see on the video monitor.

"There's nothing I can do!" The mate insisted. "If the captain says we gotta go, we gotta go!"

"No, no, listen to me!" Nedry whispered harshly. "You've got to give me this time. I did a test run on this thing, and it took me twenty minutes. I think I can push it to eighteen, but you gotta give me at least fifteen minutes. Just give me fifteen minutes."

"No promises! No promises!"

"I'll be there in ten!"

Without another word, the Mate hung up the phone and from the feed Nedry could see him making his way back toward the boat. If Dennis wasn't nervous before, now his anxiety was further increasing. He realized, by this point, this was a now-or-never situation. If he was going to pull off this heist successfully, and get his money's worth, he'd have to act now... or this whole scheme would have come down to nothing. He took a deep breath and realized what he needed to do...

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