T-Rex Breakout
A dark array of clouds filled the skies high over the island of Isla Nublar. The loud crash of thunder could be heard in the distance; the great storm was rolling in. The wind began to pick up, blowing erratically, the foliage around the island billowed madly against the wind. It wasn't long until the rain finally began to fall in copious amounts that nearly flooded the jungle floor. It was practically utter bedlam that no one, pony or human, should get tangled in.
Two ponies, however, found themselves caught in the midst of the storm. They continued their trek through the jungle, alongside their raptors. Curtain Call and Quill Cast trudged through the watery mud as they followed Blaze and Peppermint. Thankfully, the two stallions were smart enough to anticipate these harsh conditions and brought umbrellas for this little voyage. It was as if they knew this would come before anyone else.
"The rain is really coming down hard!" Quill yelled over the billowing wind. "Haven't seen anything this bad since the big flood in my town back in 2007!"
"You're complaining?" Curtain shot back. "In Florida, we're prime targets for hurricanes! Ever been in one of those?"
"Can't say I have and glad of that."
"How much farther till we get to the raptor paddock?"
"No idea! Hopefully not much longer!"
As the group walked on, they eventually stopped upon what appeared to be one of the large, electrified barriers that littered the island. The very sight of the giant electric fence made the stallions groan in annoyance.
"How are we supposed to pass that?" Quill complained.
"Maybe if we go around the barrier, we'll find an entrance," Curtain suggested.
"We have no time for that!" Quill argued. "I have confidence that Atalanta can break the twins out of Regina's hold. I didn't [i]specify [/i]they can stay out of it."
"Then what would you suggest?"
While the two were arguing back and forth with one another, the two raptors cocked their eyes at one another as though they were extremely annoyed. Peppermint nudged Blaze from behind him, and he took cautious steps toward the electrified fence. He stuck his claw out, touching the steel chain by an inch. Instead of receiving ten thousand volts of electricity through his body, however, all he could feel was the cold steel against his scales. Peppermint joined her fellow raptor toward the fence, nudging the steel material with her snout confirming that there was no power.
The raptors turned back and gave a screech toward the two stallions, who stopped arguing long enough to see them touching the fence. To say the pair were confused was an understatement.
"What the?" Quill spoke, confused. "I thought Hammond always kept these fences running."
"Maybe they're running tests or something," Curtain speculated.
But for whatever reason, the fences were down. To which, this provided the group with an opportunity. Side by side, Peppermint and Blaze proceeded to squeeze their way through the fence. They turned back waiting for their keepers to join them. Both Curtain and Quill looked at each other for a moment, contemplating whether or not this was a good idea. Without question, the fences were off... but for who knows how long? However, as Quill pointed out, time was not on their side.
Deciding to risk it, the two stallions quickly made their way over and squeezed themselves through the fence. Once they were finally on the other side, albeit with a few scratches, the stallions followed their raptors, who took the lead into the jungle before them.
"That was the easiest break-in we've ever committed, wouldn't you say?" Curtain asked his friend.
"No kidding!" Quill nodded. "But why was the fence off?"
"Either there's someone on the inside who's smart enough to shut down security... or the people working here are very dumb. But then, who'd be desperate enough to try and hack their way through InGen?"
[i]A few minutes earlier...[/i]
Back in the Visitor Center, John Hammond sat idly looking at the mosquito-contained amber attached to the head of his cane. Things certainly hadn't gone according to plan, especially for his first preview of Jurassic Park. Two no-shows and a sick Triceratops was not what he hoped for. As he sat in thought, Ray Arnold was giving him the report from the vehicular tour.
"Visitor vehicles are returning to the garage," Arnold informed him.
"So much for our first tour," Hammond sighed dejected. "Two no-shows and one sick Triceratops."
"It could have been worse, John... a lot worse."
It was at that moment that Dennis Nedry stood up. As he walked toward the two, it was plain to see he was shaking in his shoes. Still, he was trying his best, and failing, not to look inconspicuous... to be as casual as possible.
"Anybody want a soda or something?" Nedry asked nervously. "I'm going up to the machine. I'd thought I'd get somebody something. I've had only sweets and I'm gonna get something salty..."
Hammond and Arnold merely shook their heads. Nedry started to leave, but turned back with an afterthought that was so rehearsed it's almost obvious.
"Oh, I uh, finished de-bugging the phones. I was going to, uh, so I did. So, I debugged the phones. And I thought maybe I should tell you that the system is going to be, um... uh... compiling for eighteen to twenty minutes. So, some of the minor systems, they may go on or off for a while, but it's nothing to worry about, it's just a simple thing."
Whether or not they were buying Nedry's story, he knew he said enough. Seeing their attention locked on the tour, Dennis turned his attention to his computer's mouse, and clicked the 'EXECUTE' button. A majority of the windows on the screen cleared away, and what remained was a one minute countdown. At the same time, he pressed the start button on his digital stopwatch he held in his hand. The digital clock on the screen started ticking down from sixty seconds, and a musical clock started to sound too -- something like the 'Jeopardy' theme'.
He started to leave -- but returned when he remembered the shaving cream can. He grabbed for it and began to leave, preparing for the next phase of the plan.
Back on the park roads, night was completely fallen now, and the rain started pouring. A tropical storm had commenced, the rain fell in drenching sheets on the roofs and hoods of the Explorers, which were making their way slowly back to the visitor's center. In the rear car, Alan Grant and Ian Malcolm sat along with Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Dr. Whooves, Spike, and Rainbow Dash. Grant stared out the window, lost in his thoughts. As for the Equestrians, while many of them weren't keen on the idea of what Hammond hoped to do on this island, they were disappointed that they never truly got to see a dinosaur on this tour... save for one.
"I think I speak for all of us when I say this tour was super lame!" Rainbow remarked honestly. "When you advertise living dinosaurs on this trip, you'd think they'd have, oh I don't know... [i]actual[/i] dinosaurs! The ones we saw before the tour don't even count."
"I feel you little rainbow horse," Malcolm replied.
"It's Rainbow [i]Dash[/i]... jerk," Rainbow huffed, frustrated. "Should have ridden with Daring Do and A.J., but [i]no[/i]..."
"I hate to admit it, but Rainbow's right on this one," Twilight admitted. "Kind of disappointing that we didn't get to see any more dinosaurs."
"The feeling's mutual," Time Turner nodded. "Just a mere few days ago, the very thought of resurrecting creatures long extinct felt like a scientific impossibility. I'm sitting here hoping to actually see the process with my own eyes, to truly see what else they had in store... guess I set my expectations too high."
"Trust me Doc, with our rap sheet, it wouldn't have ended well anyway," Spike shrugged. "I speak from experience."
"Hmm... I just hope Ellie will be okay," Fluttershy spoke up. "Wish we could've done more for that Triceratops."
"Every pony did the best they could Fluttershy," Twilight assured calmly. "Ellie should be at the visitor center waiting for us to get back. Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow."
While the group conversed, Dr. Grant decided to try talking to Dr. Malcolm.
"Do you have any kids?" Grant asked curiously.
"Me? Oh, hell yeah," Malcolm nodded. "Three... I love 'em; I love kids. Anything at all can and does happen."
Malcolm took a flask from his jacket pocket and unscrewed the top. His expression started to darken.
"Same with wives, for that matter."
"You're married?" Grant asked, in shock.
"Occasionally," Malcolm shrugged. "I'm always on the lookout for the future ex-Mrs. Malcolm."
Grant turned to him in disbelief, which caused Malcolm to laugh slightly. Even the Equestrians could barely make out just what Malcolm was implying.
"So... [i]are[/i] you married or... what?" Fluttershy asked, confused.
Back at the center, Dennis waited outside the silver door marked 'Embryonic Cold Storage'. He stared at the digital stopwatch carefully, as a security camera slowly turned to the door.
"Five... four... three... two... one..."
On cue, the door clicked open, and the security camera turned off just as it faced the door. With the security going dark, Dennis made his way inside.
At the same time, Arnold was sitting back in the control room preparing to light a cigarette. All of a sudden, there was buzzing... then rhythmic beeping from his computer that got his attention. He stared toward his terminal, puzzled. On the screen, glowing red and blue lines blinked off, in succession.
"That's odd," He commented.
Hammond came from behind him, along with Robert Muldoon.
"What?" Hammond asked.
"The door security systems are shutting down," Arnold pointed out.
"Well, Nedry said a few systems might go offline, didn't he?" Hammond asked.
In the cold storage, Dennis Nedry hurried in and flipped open the hatch on the bottom of the shaving cream can, revealing slotted compartments inside. He proceeded to open the two embryo freezers, revealing racks of dozens of embryos in thin glass slides. A sign said, 'Viable embryos -- Handle with extreme care!'.
Nedry proceed to take the slides out of the freezers one by one, and only one of each kind. With each embryo, he took one and stuck it in the can. The few he collected were labeled -- 'Stegosaurus', 'Apatosaurus', 'Tyrannosaurus Rex', etc. -- the biggest species that he considered valuable. Once he had enough embryos in the can, he put the can back together, sealed the embryo freezers, and began to leave.
Grant, Malcolm, and their Equestrian passengers were still waiting in their car as they drove toward the visitor center. They didn't notice, but the video screen in the middle of their front console suddenly went black. By now, Rainbow Dash leaned her head against the side window, deciding to sleep for the rest of the drive. Malcolm kept everyone else occupied with their conversation.
"By the way, Dr. Sattler -- she's not like, uh, available, is she? --" Malcolm asked.
"Why?" Grant raised a brow.
Grant and the others looked toward Malcolm, wondering exactly where he was going with this subject. Malcolm took one look toward Grant, and by studying Grant's face he could tell that he seemed sensitive about the subject. Whether he knew it or not, Malcolm suddenly pieced it together.
"Why? Oh, yeah, I'm sorry," Malcolm apologized. "Are you two uh, -- you two are...?"
"Yeah," Grant nodded.
"Well... we're wishing you the best of luck," Spike assured. "Whatever it is."
Suddenly, the cars jerked to a sudden stop. The lights in the vehicles and along the road went out, plunging them into blackness. Grant jerked his hands away from the steering column, immediately assuming it was his fault.
"Hey, what'd I touch?!" Grant muttered.
"Uh, you didn't touch anything," Malcolm answered, looking around. "We stopped..."
It was then Rainbow Dash snorted herself away, looking around dazedly while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Are we there yet...?" Rainbow Dash yawned.
"I'm afraid not," Twilight shook her head. "The car has stopped."
"Wha--did Mr. Grant touch something? Seems to happen all the time."
"It must be my fault," Grant spoke up. "Machines hate me."
"You're serious about that belief that machines 'hate' you?" Dr. Whooves questioned.
"I [i]know[/i] they hate me."
"You want to talk about it?" Fluttershy asked curiously.
"Guys... I think we have bigger problems right now," Spike stated the obvious.
"Spike's right," Twilight nodded, looking out the window. "Something's wrong."
Back in the control room, things were growing worrisome. Indicators displayed the fences all over the park turning off. Ray Arnold stared at this terminal, aghast, as row upon row of colored lights crawled off his screen.
"Woah, woah, woah, what the hell, what the hell, what the hell...?"
"What now?" Hammond asked.
"Fences are failing, all over the park," Arnold informed. "'A few minor systems', he said!"
"Find Nedry!" Hammond ordered Muldoon, pissed. "Check the vending machines!"
At that moment, a jeep splashed up to the giant gates leading into Jurassic Park. Dennis Nedry jumped out, trying vainly to use a raincoat to protect himself from the pouring rain. He hurried toward the control panel on the side of the cement supports, opening the panel box containing a lever that said, 'Manual Override'. He flicked a switch and the gates clicked unlocked. He jumped back into the car and nosed into the gates, shoving them open far enough to drive through. He roared off into the park grounds, determined to get to the harbor and leave this island before someone caught on to his plan.
Back in the control room, it was plain to see the monitors were failing. Nearly all the video monitors in the control room went out with a faint electronic zip. Tension in the room was turning up for the three men inside, especially one Muldoon who returned unable to find Nedry anywhere in the facility. Their only hope was to use Nedry's terminal to get it all back on, hoping he'd de-bug it later.
Arnold pushed off on the floor, whizzing over to Nedry's master terminal in his chair. With one stroke of his arm, he brushed all the loose junk off Nedry's station - junk food, soda cans, torn out magazine pages - and tried to work with fixing the problems.
"God, look at this workstation!" Arnold complained. "What a complete slob!"
The 'Jeopardy'-type music played a slight faster now. Muldoon stepped forward, growing alarmed.
"The raptor fences aren't out, are they?" Muldoon asked.
Arnold typed a command on the workstation, checking the fences just to make sure.
"No, no, they're still on," Arnold confirmed.
"Why the hell would he turn the other ones off?" Hammond asked.
Back in the park, the reason was fully revealed. A wire mesh fence stood with a very clear sign:
[b]Door Cannot Be Opened[/b]
[b]When Fence is Armed![/b]
A hand reached out, grabbing the fence by the bare wire, flipped a latch, and shoved the door open. No sparks flew. Dennis Nedry ran from the fence back to his jeep, dropping it in gear, and tore off down the park road. The rain was absolutely flowing down now, the road rapidly turning to mud. In the jeep, Nedry could barely see through the windshield, even his glasses fogged up. He drove as fast as possible, checking his watch every few seconds.
He leaned forward, squinting to see through the windshield, wiping off the condensation with his free hand. A fork in the road suddenly rushed into view. He jumped on the breaks, but it was too late! The jeep careened into a signpost in the middle of the fork.
"Shit!" Nedry shouted.
He threw the door open and hurried to pick up the fallen sign, which read, 'To East Dock'. He propped it up - the directional arrow swung hopelessly on a nail leaving the man unable to know which direction to go. He pointed to the left, then to the right, then angrily spun it clenching his jaws with a growl.
Soaked, Nedry stomped back to his car. Although he didn't look too convinced, he dropped the car in gear and sped off to the left. He could only hope that the road before him would lead him straight to the docks or everything he had done would be all for naught.
Back in the Control Center, Hammond still hovered over Arnold's shoulder while he worked at Nedry's terminal. Arnold muttered to himself as he tried one command after another.
"-- access main program -- access main security -- access main program grid..."
He punched several buttons, each time the computer flashed 'Permission Denied'. Suddenly, the screen filled with a repeating message: 'YOU DIDN'T SAY THE MAGIC WORD!' and the computer buzzed. At that moment, an animated image of a cartoony Dennis Nedry appeared on the other monitor, waving his little finger disapprovingly.
"Ah, ah, ah! You didn't say the magic word!" Computer Nedry mocked. "Ah, ah, ah! Ah, ah, ah!"
"PLEASE!!!" Arnold groaned, livid. "God damn it! I hate this hacker crap!"
"Call Nedry's people in Cambridge," Hammond instructed.
"-- Magic word! Ah, ah, ah!"
Arnold whisked across the floor in his chair and snatched up the nearest phone. He punched for an outside line... but realized something.
"The phones are out, too," Arnold confirmed.
"... Where did the vehicles stop?" Hammond asked, with dread.
The rain continued to pour down during the tropical storm. The goat that was brought up from the underground earlier was still tethered in the same place, bleating in the cold, pouring rain. The two explorers sat still in the middle of the road right next to the T-Rex Paddock. A man's form, Dr. Alan Grant's, raced back from the front car to the rear car. Earlier, he went to check on Gennaro, the Murphy Siblings, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Daring Do hoping for some good news... but his worst fears were confirmed.
By the time he returned to the rear car, Grant was soaking wet as he closed the door behind him. Malcolm and the other Equestrians turned toward him.
"Well... what's happened?" Spike asked, concerned.
"Their radio's out too," Grant informed. "Gennaro said to stay put."
"I'm trying to figure this out," Twilight voiced her concern. "Mr. Hammond said this was a state of the art system. How can it just shut down like that?"
"I admit it's rather baffling," Time Turner agreed.
"Are the kids okay?" Ian asked concerned.
"Well, I didn't ask," Alan replied. "Why wouldn't they be?"
"Seriously dude?" Rainbow spoke in disbelief. "I know you're not the biggest kid person. But at least understand they get frightened easily."
"She's right," Ian nodded. "Kids get scared."
"What's to be scared about?" Alan asked. "It's just a little hiccup in the power."
"I didn't say I was scared."
"I didn't say you were scared."
"I know."
"I just hope they'll be okay," Twilight cut in. "We promised these kids a good time; not having them sit around with a storm outside."
"I don't think it's the storm, Twi," Spike voiced his uncertainty. "Something tells me this isn't going to end well."
Fluttershy quietly turned and looked out toward the driving rain, and the fence that stood between them and the tyrannosaur paddock. There was no doubt on her mind... Fluttershy was scared.
In the front car, the rest of the Equestrian gang along with Gennaro, lex, and Tim looked out the window toward the pouring rain. The long time they spent waiting, they were already bored. The rain drummed on the roof monotonously. Pinkie Pie was upside down in her seat, pushing her legs up and swinging them down.
"Up and down, up and down!" Pinkie sang to herself.
"I can't believe we invited Ian Malcolm..." Gennaro muttered. "How he'll write a bunch of papers, go on Larry King Live, say we're irresponsible --"
"Hot dang, that their rain's sure comin' down mighty hard," Applejack commented. "If it drops any harder, we might have to build us an ark."
To which, this caused Pinkie Pie to burst out laughing as she turned toward Applejack.
"Applejack, you silly filly you," She giggled. "We won't have to do anything like that for another season or two, but I appreciate your enthusiasm."
The orange Earth pony merely glanced over at her eccentric party pony friend with great confusion.
"Wut in tarnation ya talkin' bout Pinkie?" She asked.
"Oh, you know when we meet a guy named Bruce and then one named Evan and..."
Pinkie gasped and quickly covered her mouth her hooves, realizing what she had nearly done.
"Sorry, I've said too much already," Pinkie apologized.
Applejack just shook her head before turning to look back out the window.
"Still mighty nice ah Dr. Grant tah come check on all of us."
"I think Dr. Grant is really -- smart," Lex spoke, a little dream.y
"Better him than me," Rarity agreed. "This rain would do no wonders for my mane. Not to mention all the mud."
"You always have mud baths back home at the spa silly!" Pinkie smiled at her friend.
"There's a big difference between mineral mud baths and everyday dirty icky mud Pinkie dear," Rarity responded. "When we get back, I'm giving you a hard lesson on sophistication."
"Is Rarity usually like that?" Daring Do whispered to Applejack.
"Nah, she's usually [i]much[/i] worse," A.J. whispered back.
Suddenly, Tim Murphy popped out wearing what looked like a heavy-duty pair of night vision goggles, startling Lex, and Pinkie Pie.
"Hey! Where did you get those?" Donald asked.
"In the box under my seat," Tim replied.
"Are they heavy?"
"Then they're expensive," Donald scolded. "Put 'em back."
"Aww come on, give the kid a break," Applejack spoke up. "We're stuck here till they get this up and runnin' again. Kids bound tah get bored."
"We could play games to pass the time," Pinkie suggested. "Any pony up for some Ultimate Twister? Oh wait, no... no we need more room to play that. Well, how about Pin the Tail on the Pony? Wait, no, no, no... that would be awkward..."
Donald merely sighed, as he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. Tim, ignoring Donald, climbed into the back seat as Lex smacked him with her cap.
"Don't scare me," She growled.
As she put her cap back on, Tim looked out into the rain through the goggles, enjoying the view. Tim pushed a button on the side which instantly activated night vision mode. Staring out through the back window of the Explorer, he could see the other vehicle the others were inhabiting. The image was a bright fluorescent green.
"Whoa, cool!" He said amazed. "Night vision."
"Good idea, Tim!" Pinkie smiled widely. "We can play 'I Spy'! Okay, okay, okay! I'll go first. Let's see... I Spy with my little eye..."
"Fence..." Daring Do answered.
"Hey, you're pretty good at this!"
While Tim watched, the door of the rear explorer opened, and a hand reached out, holding an empty canteen out to catch some rainwater. Grant pulled the canteen back in, closed the door, and took a drink. He soon shared it with the three ponies and dragon while they were waiting in the car.
As time went by, Tim continued to stare out the back window with the goggles swinging his legs -- but suddenly, he stopped. He felt something... a heavy thumping.
Boom... Boom... Boom...
Pulling off the goggles, turning slowly back, he proceeded to move into the back seat with Lex, who was tapping her hat. But he wasn't the only one, as the ears of the four Equestrians perked up too.
"Do you feel that?" Tim asked.
However, his question garnered no response from his sister.
"I reckon I hear something," Applejack told Tim.
Tim leaned over to the front passenger seat and looked at the two plastic cups of water sitting in the recessed holes on the dashboard. As he watched, the water in the glass vibrated, making concentric circular ripples -- then it stopped -- and then it vibrated again. Rhythmically, like footsteps.
Boom... Boom... Boom...
"What in Equestria is going on out there?" Rarity asked.
"M-Maybe it's the power trying to come back on," Gennaro theorized.
But the Equestrians were not entirely convinced. Within seconds, the thumping was growing increasingly louder. All of a sudden, Pinkie Pie started shaking uncontrollably in the car.
"U-U-U-U-U-U-U-h o-o-o-oh..." She shook. "S-S-S-S-S-Something b-b-big i-i-i-s c-c-c-c-coming..."
"What is that?" Lex asked.
"What is what?" Gennaro looked back.
"That's a Pinkie sense," Rarity spoke nervously. "Whenever she shakes that badly, it usually means a real doozy is coming, which tells me this doesn't bode well for us."
Tim jumped into the back seat and put the goggles on again. He turned to look out the side window. He could see the area within the T-Rex exhibit, where the goat was tethered... or [i]was[/i]. The chain was still there, swinging along the stake, but the goat itself was gone. All the other eyes looked toward the scene, their faces widened with fear and confusion.
"Where's the goat?" Lex asked.
Everyone gasped in surprise, and a scream cried out from the rear car as something hit the Plexiglass sunroof of the Explorer, hard. They looked up... to a bloody, disembodied goat leg.
"Oh, Faust... oh, Faust..." Rarity gasped, horrified.
Tim whipped around to look out the side window again. His mouth popped open, but no sound came out. Through the goggles, he spotted an animal claw, a huge one, gripping the cables of the 'electrified' fence. Tim whipped the goggles off and pressed forward against the window. All eyes looked up, up, then craned their heads back further, to look out the sunroof. Past the goat's leg, they could see --
[b][i]Tyrannosaurus Rex[/i][/b]... standing maybe twenty-five feet high, forty feet long from nose to tail, with an enormous, boxlike head that must be five feet long by itself. The remains of the goat hung from the rex's mouth. It tilted its head back and swallowed the animal in one big gulp. Its eyes soon looked toward the vehicles, and its passengers.
"Oh, Jesus!" Gennaro hyperventilated. "Oh, Jesus!"
Unable to speak, Gennaro's hand clawed for the door handle, he shouldered it open, and took off, out of the car. Every pony else in the car looked on in shock, while Lex was having a panic attack.
"He left us... he left us!" Lex freaked out. "He left us alone!"
"Shh, shh, shh..." Applejack hushed. "Don't panic... just stay seated... no pony move..."
"Tell that to the lawyer," Derring Do replied.
On the road, Gennaro ran away as fast as he could. He raced right past the second car and bolted toward a cement block outhouse twenty or thirty yards away. He reached it, ducked inside, and pulled the door after him -- but there's no latch, just a round hole in the unfinished door. Gennaro backed into a stall, frantic. The whole bathroom began to shake all around him.
His actions didn't go unnoticed, as Dr. Grant, Dr. Malcolm, and the remainder of the Equestrians had watched Donald race toward the bathroom. Fluttershy was breathing very heavily, as Rainbow hugged her gently, the former having witnessed the carnage with the T-Rex and the goat. Rainbow did her best to calm her close friend down, but even Dash started feeling nervous.
"Now where does he think he's going?" Grant asked.
"When you've gotta go, you gotta go," Malcolm replied.
Another sound drew their attention. All eyes turned the other way, out the passenger window. As they watched, the fence began to buckle, its post collapsing into itself, the wires snapping free.
"Guys...why aren't the fences working?" Spike asked nervously.
Grant and Twilight Sparkle now turned and watched as, ahead of them, the 'DANGER!' sign smacked down on the hood of the first Explorer. The entire fence was coming down, the posts collapsing, the cables snapping as Rainbow Dash looked toward the front car.
"A.J...." Rainbow Dash gasped.
In the other car, the remaining passengers looked on in shock realizing the severity of the situation.
"Rainbow..." Applejack whispered.
"Dr. Grant?" Lex spoke worriedly.
Finally, the T-rex chewed its way through the barrier. They watched in horror as the T-rex stepped over the ruined barrier and into the middle of the park road. It stood there for a moment, swinging its head from one vehicle to the other. And then it gave a mighty roar which bellowed across the land.
"God, do I hate being right all the time," Ian muttered.
"Great whickering stallions!" Dr. Whooves gasped. "Look at that! The 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' in the flesh!"
"Not the best time to admire the scenery, Doc!" Spike muttered. "We have a situation here."
The T-rex turned and strode quickly back towards them. It circled, slowly, bending over to look in at them through the window. Grant and Malcolm sat trembling in the front seat, while the Equestrians kept still in the back. They watched as the giant legs strode past their windows.
"Keep absolutely still," Alan whispered harshly. "Its vision is based on movement."
"You're sure?!" Fluttershy whimpered.
"... Relatively."
Back in the second car, Lex rummer around in the back cargo area, looking for something, anything. Eventually, she pulled out a flashlight, which turned on. The front car lit up from within as Lex switched on the flashlight. The dinosaur raised its head. It turned slowly from the second car to the first, drawn by its light. Its mind made up, with intention of finding food, it strode over to the first vehicle... [i]fast[/i].
"Turn the light off... turn the light off..." Alan muttered.
"It's Lex!" Rainbow Dash pointed out. "What does she think she's doing?!"
"She's setting herself and her brother as bait for the T. Rex!" Twilight Sparkle realized.
"Our friends!" Fluttershy reeled up.
Tim and Lex could only stare out the windows as the T-rex reached their car and started to circle it.
"Turn the light off!" Tim begged.
"It's coming this way!" Daring Do whispered, pointing out.
The rex strode around to the side of the car and peered down, from high above. Tim leapt into the front seat and pulled the driver's door shut. Both kids are terrified, breathing heavily, unable to speak. The Equestrians were just as frightened as the beast stared toward them.
"Just go away!" Rarity hissed. "Please go away!"
"Rarity, hush!" Applejack shushed harshly.
The rex bent down and looked in through the front windshield, then the side window. Lex was eye to eye with the thing for a second, as she shined her light toward the creature making its pupils shrink. The dinosaur raised its head up, above the car, as everyone and every pony eyed each other.
Suddenly, the T-rex roared, causing the kids and the ponies to cover their ears. By the time it stopped, it leaned toward the car causing the group to shift to the other side as far from the beast as they could. Soon the Rex nudged the car a bit causing several of them to scream out of fear. Soon as the car went still, Tim and the others gathered by Lex frantically trying to turn the flashlight off.
"Hurry! Turn it off!" Tim cried out.
"I'm sorry -- I'm sorry --" Lex cried, panicking.
"Where's the button?" Applejack asked.
"I don't know, I don't know. I'm sorry --"
"Why'd you do this?" Daring Do asked. "You're the one who turned it on--
"I don't know! I'm sorry!"
The arguing between the siblings and the ponies caught the T-Rex's attention. This didn't go unnoticed as Pinkie Pie was well aware they were being watched. She eyed the beast as her shaking kept going.
"G-G-G-G-G-Guys..." Pinkie chattered, pointing rapidly.
The kids and the other ponies looked up, through the sunroof, as the head went higher, and higher, and higher. Then the rex turned, looked straight down at them through the sunroof, opened it mouth wide and -- disaster struck!
The thing's head struck the plastic sunroof, knocking the whole frame right out of the roof of the car and down into the vehicle. The bubble fell down onto the passengers, trapping them, and the animal lunged down, through the hole, snapping at them as they screamed in unison. The Plexiglas was the only thing between the passengers and the massive jaws of the hungry carnivore. Protecting them while pinning them down to their seats. All the while, the T-rex pushed down, the glass groaned, crack lines racing across it, and parts of it threatening to break. Tim, whose feet were caught above him, pushed back, only an inch of glass between him and the dinosaur's teeth. While they all screamed in ultimate fear, the T-Rex had only one thing on her mind: Good, and she'd get to them no matter what it took.
Back in the second car, Grant, Malcolm, and Twilight's group could only watch in horror (Ian wiping off the mist inside the car window) as the dinosaur clawed at the side of the vehicle with one of its powerful thigh legs. It pushed, starting to tip the car over. Then she pushed the cart a second time and managed to topple the car upside down and caused the passengers inside the second car to fall over each other, screaming in fear.
"Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy panicked.
"We gotta do something!" Rainbow insisted.
"What can we do?" Dr. Whooves asked.
"Anything! Our friends are in danger!" Twilight Sparkle pointed out.
Soon as the Explorer tilted, all the glass windows shattered, and the passengers were thrown to the side. The rex bent down, nudging the car with its head, rolling it around and sending the passengers tumbling.
The T-rex started to nudge the Explorer toward the barrier. Over the barrier was a gently terraced area at one side where the rex emerged from. But the car wasn't next to that, it was next to a sharp precipice, representing a fifty or sixty foot drop. The car, upside down now, was pushed near the edge. The rex towered over the car. Like a dog, it put one foot on the chassis and tore at the undercarriage with its jaws. Biting at anything it can get a hold of and it ripped the rear axle free, tossing it aside. It bit into the tire, and it exploded, startling the animal... but only briefly. The T-rex proceeded to chew the tire, swinging all the passengers from side to side.
Seeing the danger, Grant looked around and climbed over the seat. He tore apart the back area, searching -- and finally found a metal case. He opened it and found the flares. He proceeded to grab one and moved quickly back to the driver's seat and opened the door. Twilight and her group proceeded to grab some more, racing out to join Grant. Not one of them spotted Malcolm grabbing a flare too.
Tim, Lex, and the ponies were screaming with fear, while they were trapped inside the rapidly flattening car. As the frame continued to buckle, they crawled toward the open rear window, the car collapsing behind them. Mud and rainwater poured into what little space remained. Along with the siblings, a few of the ponies were bleeding and caked in mud. Tim was ahead, nearing the back window, when there was a 'crunch' and a seat came down, pinning him down. Applejack tried to use her leg muscles to push the seat off of Tim, but the weight of the beast standing atop their car made it harder.
The dinosaur backed up, dragging the Explorer, swinging it left and right. It seemed ready to fling it over the edge. Alan and Rainbow Dash were out of the car, each one holding a flare, which they pulled the top off of. Bright flames shot out the end of it as Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Spike & Dr. Whooves gathered before the T-rex.
"HEY!!!" Alan and Dash shouted, waving the flares.
"Hey stupid! Over here!" Rainbow Dash waved her free wing.
The other ponies in the downed vehicle peered from the back, watching as the T-rex turned to look at their saviors, roaring loudly. Alan and Rainbow Dash both waved their flares slowly, side-to-side, while the others followed suit. The T-rex followed their moving arms (And wings in the case of the Pegasi), the beast's eyes were locked on the flare. Grant motioned toward the wall, which the heroes were quick to catch on to. They tossed the flares over the edge of the barrier (Rainbow Dash being the farthest) and the rex lunged after it --
Unclear with Grant's plan, Malcom lit up his own flare inside the first vehicle and leapt out trying to scare up the T-rex's attention with his own newly lit flare.
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Ian shouted, waving at the animal.
Grant, the four ponies, and Spike saw him, horrified by what he was doing.
"IAN, FREEZE!!!" Alan & the ponies shouted, in unison.
"What're you doing?!" Spike shouted.
"Get the kids!" Ian shouted.
"No, Mr. Malcolm!" Daring Do called out. "Get rid of the flare!
Malcolm inched back slowly, then took off, running for his life down the road and straight toward the cement block outhouse Gennaro went into earlier. The T-rex saw the movement, whirled about, and took off after Malcolm, fast.
"Get the kids!" Ian shouted, mid-run.
"Get rid of the flare!" Dr. Whooves cried out.
"Mr. Malcolm!!!" Twilight Sparkle shouted.
Twilight Sparkle and Spike fired beams of magic, and balls of flame respectively, toward the T-rex while Ian hurled the flare away... but it's too late. Malcolm ran as fast as he could, approaching the outside just steps ahead of the T-rex but not far enough ahead. Without even slowing down, the rex leaned forward intending to snatch Malcolm in its jaws.
In the restroom, Gennaro cowered in a corner praying to the heavens.
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord be with--"
All of a sudden, Ian could hear the heavy thumping of rushing footsteps and peering through the hole in the door, he could see the T-rex coming. Screaming, he slammed the door of the stall shut. Just as the T-rex exploded through the front of the building, flicking Malcolm into the air with its snout and sending chunks of cement flying in all directions inside. It's just a nudge for the rex, but it sent Malcolm sailing right through a wooden portion of the wall, and through the building. Ian was soon knocked down and buried under the collapsing roof.
The remainder of the bathroom collapsed, even the stalls. Gennaro tried to protect himself from the falling junk but soon the poor lawyer was left exposed, seated on the toilet as he looked up toward the T-rex, which hovered over him. He was scared stiff, shivering in the cold rain and never taking its eyes off the monster.
The T-rex snapped him up in her massive jaws, swinging him around to his death, devouring him bit by bit.
Out on the road, Grant, the ponies, and Spike watched as the T-rex nosed around the rubble till it found something. They witnessed the beast lunging, and could hear Gennaro screaming, the sound piercing -- until it abruptly stopped. Too late to save the lawyer, and not knowing what became of Malcolm, they scrambled toward the toppled Explorer.
"Tim! Lex!" Grant called out.
"Applejack! Daring Do!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Are you okay?
"Dr. Grant! Ms. Sparkle!" Lex shouted. "Ms. Fluttershy! Dr. Whooves! Spike, help!"
Grant lay on the ground, looking inside, and saw Lex staring up at him, conscious, her face covered in mud. To say the rest of the Equestrians were worse for wear was an understatement.
"Rarity, are you okay?" Twilight Sparkle asked. "Can you move?"
"Do I look all right?" Rarity cried out. "Please, get me out of here!"
"Don't worry, don't worry!" Dr. Whooves assured. "We got you!"
As the group helped the passengers out of the car, one by one, Tim was wincing in pain. His legs and feet were trapped by the seat of the vehicle.
"I'm stuck!" Tim cried out. "The seat's got my feet."
"Don't worry, we'll get you next!" Fluttershy assured.
"You're alright, you're okay," Alan consoled Tim.
"Pinkie Pie's knocked out," Spike said, dragging her out. "Pinkie, wake up!"
"I don't feel like farm work, Daddy..." Pinkie rambled, unconsciously. "Five more minutes..."
"Come on, darling!" Rarity pulled Pinkie. "Let's get you out."
The Equestrians and Lex were out, not unscathed but otherwise okay. Rainbow Dash wrapped her wings around Applejack and Daring Do, relieved that they were okay. But soon, Applejack and Daring Do had leaned back toward the car trying to find Tim.
"Tim? Tim?" Applejack called out.
Lex stared toward the distance and screamed. Derring Do and Grant whirled around, covering her mouth at the same time.
"Don't move!" Alan instructed.
"She can't see us if we don't move," Daring Do assured.
"Assuming the theory hasn't been discredited," Dr. Whooves spoke hopefully.
Lex looked at them like they were crazy but froze... and they waited.
A big T-rex footprint smacked down in front of them as the dinosaur approached the car again. It leaned down, right past them, and sniffed the car, ragged bits of flesh and clothing hung from its teeth. Not finding anything, the dinosaur swung its head away, snorting loudly through its nose blowing Alan, Applejack & Daring Do's hats off (The two ponies quickly caught their hats in mid-air). The Rex walked to the back of the car, bending down. Alan, Lex, the ponies, and Spike stayed perfect still while its attention was away from them.
The car spun as it was pushed from behind by the Rex. Grant and the group were pushed in front of it, helpless before the beast. They scrambled around on their knees, trying to keep ahead of the car, which the rex now pushed even closer to the edge of the barrier. They crawled quickly, but the car moved faster, catching up on them.
Inside the car, Tim was wide awake and screaming his head off. He tried desperately to untangle himself from this precarious predicament. But even if he got out, with that beast outside, he'd still be in mortal danger. On the road, the T-rex loomed over Lex and Grant, along with the Equestrians (Minus the winged members), who are trapped between the car and the sixty foot drop.
The Rex bent down and spotted the boy. Tim tried to back away, furiously, but there's almost no room to move in there. The rex opened its mouth wide and stretched its tongue into the car. Tim screamed as the tongue tried to wrap around him. Failing, it withdrew from the car.
On the road, the T-rex still tried to get to the humans and Equestrians, pushing the car, spinning on its roof. They scrambled about, trying to avoid being caught by the T-rex and crushed by the car.
"Timmy! Timmy!" Lex cried out.
"Tim!" Alan shouted.
"Applejack, get on my back!" Twilight Sparkle called out.
"Mr. Turner, hop on!" Daring Do shouted.
"You got it!" Dr. Whooves nodded quickly.
"Every pony, this way!" Rainbow Dash shouted.
The nonflying ponies climbed the backs of their winged friends just as the car almost crushed them against the barrier. They moved, as the rex continued moving the car towards the edge. Grant finally climbed onto the wall, with Lex following. The T-rex roared in frustration, bending down for one final lunge at the car. Seeing it coming, Grant grabbed one of the dangling fence cables on the other side of the barrier.
"Grab a hold of me!" Grant told Lex.
She wrapped her arm around his neck. Grant scrambled to the edge of the barrier and began to climb down.
"Timmy! Timmy!" Lex screamed.
The Equestrians looked down, noticing that the cable was slick with rain. All Grant could do was hang on as he and Lex slid rapidly down. Above them, the vehicle teetered over the edge, threatening to drop right on top of them if they didn't hurry. Grant gasped, as Lex had unwittingly started to choke him as she held on for dear life.
"Lex! You're choking me!" Grant gasped.
The car was groaning now, nearly over the edge. Hovering by the group, looking around frantically, Twilight Sparkle turned to the side and spotted some other cables, out of the line of the car's impending drop.
"Lex, grab that wire!" Twilight instructed.
His feet scrambling along the concrete wall, Grant tried to swing over towards the closest wire for Lex to reach... only to fall short. His momentum carried them back the other way, but with a little push from Daring Do and Rainbow Dash during the second swing Lex managed to grab hold of the second cable.
"I got it!" Lex shouted.
The car fell past them, barely missing them along with the other ponies (And Spike) as it 'crunched' into the leafy top of a tree, resting on its roof some fifteen feet below them.
"Timmy!!!" Fluttershy cried out.
The T-rex stared down toward them, but the Equestrians were hovering safely out of reach while their surviving human friends cling onto the second cable for dear life. It roared once more, in a final fit of frustration as the Equestrians looked on. One thing was absolutely certain for our heroes: The dinosaurs are now on the loose and little did they know, it was all under the act of one man who cut off the power just to steal some embryos for another company.
Back in the control room, John Hammond was pacing back and forth muttering to himself. To suggest this man was livid was an understatement. The only thought racing in his head right now was 'I will kill Nedry... I will kill him'. All of a sudden, Hammond turned just as Muldoon burst through the door.
"Well?" Hammond asked anxiously.
"There's no sign of him anywhere," Muldoon shook his head.
All the while the game show music grew louder and faster now, driving the people inside far beyond 'annoyed'.
"Ray will you please stop that music?!" Hammond shouted.
Ray Arnold's cigarette practically burned his lips, down to almost nothing in his mouth. He hovered over Nedry's computer terminal, which was a mass of incomprehensible commands that scrolled by quickly as he futilely examined each one of them. As Muldoon paced about, Ellie, who had arrived a few minutes earlier, stared at Arnold in amazement.
"Are we getting anywhere with these procedures of yours?" Ellie asked. "I mean, what's hanging us up?"
"I ran a key check on every stroke Nedry entered today," Arnold explained. "It's all pretty standard stuff, until this one –
"What one?"
Ellie stood up to join Arnold at the computer. Arnold pointed to his computer screen, to a specific series of commands. The others crowded over his shoulder and stared at the screen together.
"'Keycheck/space -o keycheck off safety -o"," Arnold continued. "He's turning the safety systems off. He doesn't want anybody to see what he's about to do. Now, look at this next entry, it's the kicker: 'Wht.rbt.obj.'. Whatever it did, it did it all. But with Keycheck off, the computer didn't file the keystrokes. So, the only way to find them now is to go through the computer's lines of codes, one by one."
"How many lines of code are there?" Ellie asked.
"Uh – about two million."
"[i]Two million[/i] – great."
"Robert – I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back my grandchildren," Hammond requested.
"Sure," Muldoon nodded, walking away.
"I'm going with him," Ellie volunteered.
Soon, Muldoon and Ellie head for the door. Hammond turned, staring out the windows at the front of the control room. He's gone pale, and he's sweating, wrapped up in a million thoughts. Hammond leaned on his cane, and for the first time he looked as though he was actually using it. Behind him, Ray Arnold's voice called to him, but he didn't hear it.
"John..." Arnold called out. "John!"
Hammond turned, finally hearing Arnold.
"I can't get Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry," Arnold admitted.
Later in the night, as the rain continued to pour down, a gas-powered jeep roared down another park road. Dennis Nedry drove the jeep as fast as he could under these treacherous conditions. He muttered to himself, shaking his head as he drove to where he hoped would be the East dock.
"Shoulda been there by now," Nedry muttered, frustrated. "Shoulda been there—"
He hauled the jeep around a corner, splashing through the puddles, and looked down, checking his watch. When he looked back up, his eyes went wide. There's a white wood guard rail fence, right in front of him. Panicking, Nedry stomped on the brakes as hard as he could. The jeep fishtailed, skidding out of control in the mud towards the fence. Nedry hauled the wheel hard to the side, trying to control the skid, but the jeep skidded off the road, going halfway over the muddied embankment.
Nedry dropped the car in reverse and hit the gas. The wheels spun, sending mud flying everywhere, but the jeep was stuck on a fallen tree. With nowhere to go, the vehicle was just digging into the air.
"God damn it!!!" Nedry grunted.
Nedry couldn't believe his luck. Here he was so close to the biggest payday of his life, and he was going to be late. Frustrated, he stepped out of the jeep and looked around... when suddenly, he stopped.
"There's the road!"
Sure enough, Nedry could see another park road, down the sloping embankment, just twenty feet below. There was a large sign alongside the road. Nedry leaned forward excitedly to get a better look. It read 'TO EAST DOCK'. Stressed out and with little time left, he scrambled to the front of the jeep. He proceeded to crank the winch coil from the front end of the jeep.
"No problem. Winch this sucker off the thing..." Nedry mumbled to himself. "Tie it to a thing there – pull it down the thing – and pull it back up."
While pulling the coil, Nedry lost his balance and slipped – falling back on his rear. He slid down the muddy embankment, across the road below. Pissed, he pushed himself to his knees and searched for his now missing glasses.
"My glasses!" Nedry muttered, exasperated. "I can afford more glasses!"
Dennis stood and grabbed the winch, approaching a sturdy-looking tree on the other side.
"Oh, jeez!" Nedry groaned, stubbing his toe.
From the distance, there was a soft hooting sound followed by some movement in the bushes. Nedry looked around for the source of both the sound and the movement... but he doesn't find it.
He nervously checked his watch and went back to the winch, but faster.
"I got time! I can make it!" Nedry told himself. "You can do this Dennis; you can do this. No problem – pop this thing right down –"
Just as Nedry clenched the winch tightly around the tree, hooking itself to the cable, the hotting came again and Nedry turned... but again, nothing.
"Hello?" Nedry called out.
A figure ducked around the tree and popped out on the other side, hooting playfully. Nedry looked around one side of the tree – nothing. It popped up again on the other side, hooting again. Nedry looked, again... nothing... [i]again[/i]. It seemed like a friendly game of hide-and-seek, but Nedry was starting to get rattled.
"That's nice," Nedry spoke nervously. "Gotta go. I'm getting out of here; c'mon Dennis, you can make it!"
With the winch secured, Dennis followed the cable across the road, back toward the embankment. He froze, as he felt something behind him. He turned around slowly and saw: A Dilophosaur. It stood only about four feet high, spotted like an owl, and had a brilliant colored crest that flanked its head. It didn't look very dangerous; in fact, it's kind of cute.
"Oh. Uh – nice boy," Nedry stammered nervously, adjusting his coat. "NICE BOY! Nice dinosaur... thought you were one of your big brothers. You're not so bad... you're not so bad. Okay, run along! Go on! Go home!"
But the dilophosaur just stared at Nedry, tilting its head curiously.
"What do you want?" Nedry continued. "What do you want? You want food? Are you hungry? Look at me! I just fell down a hill, I'm soaking wet! I don't have any food for you! I have no food on me! I have nothing on me! They'll feed you! Go, boy... girl? Whatever."
Seeing he wasn't getting anywhere, Nedry looked around on the ground and found a nearby stick. He picked it up and started poking at the dilophosaurus.
"Play fetch? Play fetch?" He spoke as if talking to a dog. "Look stick. See stick! Yeah! Look, look! Stick! Look stick! STICK STUPID! Fetch the stick, boy!"
He threw the stick as far as he could. The dilophosaurus was getting into the spirit of the game, but not the object. Instead, it just looked at Nedry.
"Lame brain! What's the matter with you?" Nedry spoke in frustration. "No wonder you're extinct!"
He shooked his head, starting back towards the jeep.
"Walnut brain... extinct kangaroo..." Nedry muttered to himself. "Hope I run you over when I get back down—"
Nedry neared the top, approaching the jeep, when the dilophosaur suddenly hopped right toward him, starting him. Nedry nearly lost his balance and fell back, right on his rear. He looked back, seeing this dinosaur had no intent of leaving.
"I said... beat it!" Nedry shouted. "What are you do—"
Suddenly, the animal hissed loudly. Its bright colored fin around its neck flared wildly, two bulbous sacs on either side of its neck inflated. It reared its head back again – and it spat!
A big glob of something wet smacked into the middle of Nedry's chest. He reached down and touched the goo dribbling down his slicker.
"Disgusting!!!" Nedry muttered.
Another glob of goo smacked into the highlight, inches from Nedry's head. He stood up, a look of confusion across his face as he lifed his right hand toward the car door, the one he touched the spit with. As he got back on his feet, looking at it strangely, he turned briefly back toward the dinosaur.
This time the goo hit Nedry smack in the face. He screamed and rubbed it away, frantically. Because it hurts... like hell. Nedry fell back, clawing his eyes, in excruciating pain. He pulled his hands away, starting to hyperventilate. He flailed his arms in front of him, blinking a mile a minute, but blinded. He staggered forward, trying to get into the jeep. He propped the door open but smacked his head on the door frame and collapsed.
The can of shaving cream flew out of Nedry's jacket pocket – and tumbled into runoff water, down the muddy hillside. Nedry got to his feet again and staggered in the general direction of the jeep. He reached the open door and felt his way in, then slammed the door shut. For a moment, he thought he was safe...
Until he heard another hiss... from inside the jeep...
Nedry turned and the dilophosaur was right there, in the passenger seat. It hissed louder than before, its crest fanned angrily, vibrating, reaching a crescendo leaving Nedry with nowhere to go. And then...
The dilophosaur pounced, slamming Nedry back against the driver's window, nearly shattering it. Nedry shrieked his death cries while the creature devoured him slowly, warranting his plan a total failure. Down below, rain and mud proceeded to wash over the Barbasol shaving cream can, burying it along with all the embryos never to be seen again by human eyes and none would ever know they were stolen.
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