New Allies

Donald Gennaro, an anxious lawyer, found himself balancing his weight upon a raft pulled toward land by two Dominicans. To say this man was very out of place would be a correct assertion. A man in his forties, in a city man's idea of hiking clothes and a hundred-dollar haircut. As the lawyer was pulled ashore, one man along the hillside. Juan Rostagno, thirty-ish, Costa Rican, a smart-looking guy dressed in a safari outfit, smirked as he waited for him.

"Apuesto mil pesos a que se cae," He spoke to one guy. (I bet a thousand pesos he falls)

"Hola, Juanito!" Donald waved.

As he got off the raft, Juanito approached and shook the lawyer's hand as they both chuckled.

"Hola, Bienvenido," Juanito replied. (Hello, welcome.)

The two men then start making their way up the path towards an active mining site. Tons of workers were extremely busy along this mine. The majority were overturning large rocks, using pickaxes to scrape and claw through rock walls, or tunneling their way further under the earth. One could imagine how they got anything done, with the work all done by hand, pick and shovel instead of dynamite and bulldozers.

"What's this I hear at the airport?" Donald asked, following Juanito. "Hammond's not even here?"

"He sends his apologies," Juanito responded.

"You're telling me that we're facing a 20-million-dollar lawsuit from the family of that worker, and Hammond couldn't even be bothered to see me?"

"He had to leave early," Juanito explained. "He wants to be with his daughter, she's getting a divorce."

"Well, I understand and I'm sorry to hear that," Donald responded. "But we've been advised to deal with this situation now. The insurance company--"

Donald found himself interrupted when his foot slipped on an uneven path of ground and Juanito helped him up.

"You okay?" Juanito asked him.

Donald merely brushed himself off and continued like nothing happened.

"The underwriters of the park feel the accident has raised some very serious safety questions about the park," Donald explained further. "That makes the investors very, very anxious. I had to promise I would conduct a very thorough, on-site inspection."

Juanito paused as a donkey brayed in the distance.

"Hammond hates inspections," Juanito sighed. "They slow everything down."

"Juanito, if they pull the funding, that'll slow him down even more," Donald warned seriously.

They soon found their conversation cut short when a miner hurried toward them and burst into their talk breathlessly.

"Jefe! Jefe! Encontramos otro mosquite, en el mismo sitio!" The miner spoke. (Boss! Boss! We've found another mosquito in the same place)

"Estas seguro?" Juanito asked. (Are you sure?)

"Si, venga!" The miner nodded, gesturing to follow. (Yes, come on!)

"A ver, muestrame," Juanito encouraged. (Go on, show me.)

The worker and Juanito scrambled back deeper into the mine. Juanito called back over his shoulder toward Gennaro.

"It seems like it's going to be a good day after all," Juanito continued. "They found another one! C'mon."

Donald struggled to keep up with the men as they made their way toward the mine. Suddenly, there was a shout as Donald banged his head on a low setting wooden beam.

"Watch your head!" Juanito warned.

Together they ventured into the dark, dripping cave, where at least a dozen workers are gathered in a tight circle, staring at something intently. Juanito fought his way toward the center of the group. One of the workers handed him something and the man examined it carefully. It's a chuck of amber, a shiny yellow rock about the size of a half dollar and recently polished.

"If two experts... sign off on the island, the insurance guys will back off," Donald said hopefully. "I've already got Ian Malcolm, but they think he's too trendy. They want Alan Grant."

"Grant?" Juanito chuckled. "Ha-ha, you'll never get him out of Montana.

"Mas luz!" (Light. More light!)

"And why not?" Donald asked.

"Muchachos, echenme luz!" Juanito shouted in Spanish. (Guys, give me some light!)

The miners quickly tried shedding as much light as possible toward their boss, who now held a large chunk of hard amber and observed it closely.

"Why not?" Donald asked again.

"Because Grant's like me... he's a digger," Juanito responded.

Juanito turned and held the amber up to the sunlight streaming through the mouth of the cave. With the light pouring through it, the amber was translucent, revealing something inside this strange stone - a huge mosquito, long dead, entombed within the stone.

"Hay gue lindo eres vas hacer a much gente feliz," Juanito smiled. (Oh, you're so beautiful. You will make a lot of people happy)

To some, looking toward the fully preserved body of a mosquito dead center in the hardened amber, this tiny blood sucking insect encased in ancient tree sap might not seem like a big deal. But for these men, however, finding this creature was everything.


The Badlands:
Near Snakewater, Montana

The Badlands of Montana, within the United States, was so named for a very specific reason. The land's completely barren and covered completely in desert sand. Temperatures could range anywhere from 140 degrees in the day to below freezing at night. This land was completely devoid of any form of life... mostly.

An artist's camel hairbrush carefully swept away sand and rock to slowly reveal the dark curve of a fossil - a claw. A dentist's pick gently lifted it from the place it had laid for millions of years. A group of diggers worked on a large skeleton, as a paleontologist worked on the claw laying in his hand.

These people are the only ones who were brave enough to come to these lands, currently busy with a huge project of epic proportions. Numerous archaeologists currently were amid a massive dig in the sands of this very desert. Many brushed off the numerous old bones they'd found while others were in the process of digging them out. Thus far, their search has proved fruitful as they've already dug up a good deal of full dinosaur skeletons. High upon a small nearby sand dune were the leading researchers of this excavation outlet: Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler.

Dr. Grant, a world-renowned paleontologist, was a rather handsome man (Perhaps in his mid-to-late thirties) with slick dirty blonde hair and piercing eyes. He wore a checkered red and dark brown flannel with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, khaki pants, and dark brown boots.

Dr. Sattler, a renowned paleobotanist, was a beautiful woman in her early thirties, very athletic looking, with blonde hair that came down to her shoulders. She wore a denim short-sleeved jacket that matched perfectly with her jeans, and a pair of faded boots. There's an impatience about Ellie, as if nothing in life happened quite fast enough for her.

The two esteemed scientists sat upon the dune, overlooking the archaeological team continuing their work on the excavation process.

"You think we'll finally get a good look today?" Alan asked.

"Only if they can get a good seismic shift in the Earth," Ellie replied. "With the right trajectory and enough momentum, we should be able to get a clear image."

This caused Grant to chuckle, earning a curious look from Ellie.

"What?" She asked him.

"Nothing, I just had a ridiculous thought," Alan replied. "Can you imagine what it would be like to actually have seen one of these creatures alive in the flesh?"

"Well, hopefully it's one that can't eat me, but yes," Ellie chuckled.

Both scientists laughed for a moment until they felt something very odd. Below their very feet, they could feel tremors on the Earth that made the ground vibrate. While these sorts of things weren't uncommon during these sorts of excavation operations, this one seemed very... odd.

"Do you think they got the machine to work?" Alan asked curiously.

"Well, if they did, they sure didn't bother to tell us," Ellie answered.

Suddenly, they felt a strong wind drawing them to turn toward something that made their eyes widen in shock behind their sunglasses. From out of the desert sand, a swirling wormhole opened and from out of it came forth a barrage of strange creatures. These tiny creatures flew out of the ground and landed roughly along the steady plain.

Grant and Sattler slowly made their way down toward where the creatures landed. Upon closer examination, they could see that these creatures were all quadrupeds, except for the tall scaly looking one. They all appeared to come in an assortment of different colors.

"Sweet Celestia, what a landing," One of them groaned.

The scientists paused in their tracks instantly. Were these creatures speaking? One by one, the creatures got back up allowing Alan and Ellie a better look. Many of them looked like small colorful horses with pastel-colored coats and manes. The other one seemed like a tall bipedal looking lizard with purple and green scales.

To say they were floored to see this would be an understatement.


"Twilight..." Fluttershy spoke up, looking around. "Do you know where we are?"

"Hoo-wee! This ol' sun's bakin' in mah head like a microwave," Applejack shook her head. "Fluttershy's right, Twi. Where in the name of Celestia did that TV send us this time?"

"I'll check," Twilight replied.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and focused greatly as light shined along her horn. Soon that very light expanded, scanning the area around them.

"Hmm... it appears we're in the Badlands near Snakewater," Twilight observed. "Somewhere in the state of Montana, in the country of the United States of America a.k.a. the 'Land of the Free'."

"'Land of the Free', huh?" Daring Do pondered. "Huh... me likey!

"Me likey too, Daring!" Pinkie smiled. "And believe me, this wouldn't be the first time in the states."

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"We'll need to find someone who can help us," Twilight explained. "Preferably someone who knows the layout of this land."

"Uh... every pony?" Spike said, pointing forward. "You might want to look."

"What is it, Spike?" Applejack asked.

The group turned ahead and saw Dr. Grant and Dr. Sattler making their way slowly toward the group. Both scientists slowly reached up and removed their sunglasses, just so everyone could clearly see the shock and awe in their eyes.

"Um... Ellie?" Alan spoke up. "Is it me or am I seeing things?"

"No, Alan, I'm seeing it too," Ellie squealed. "And they're so cute!"

Ellie couldn't help but draw herself toward them, hoping to touch them.

"Here horsey, here horsey, nice horsey. It's okay, we won't hurt you."

"Excuse us, darlings," Rarity spoke up. "We're 'ponies', not 'horses'... to be fair, it's a very common mistake. But since you're here, can you please help us?"

"What the hell?!" Alan exclaimed, shocked. "That thing just talked?!"

"This can't be happening?" Ellie asked. "How can there by some colorful ponies and a lizard?"

"Dragon... dragon!" Spike corrected. "Not lizard... I don't do the tongue thing."

Spike's tongue flickered slightly, but Spike just looked as if nothing happened.

"Dragon?" Ellie pondered. "Wait a minute! This must be some new species. That would explain why they are talking? Talking ponies... and a live dragon!"

"This is amazing!" Alan studied Rarity, much to her annoyance. "Look at this, Ellie. This one has some weird markings along her flank like diamonds. There are even some other markings along the other ponies. Must be some sort of mating pattern or whatever it can be."

"Excuse me!!" Rarity exclaimed. "Is this how you treat a lady?! Because some of us find that very rude."

"This can't be real," Ellie shook her head.

"Sorry, sugar cube," Applejack shrugged. "But you and your friend ain't dreamin'."

"If you give us a few hours, I'll explain everything," Twilight offered.

To which the two humans nodded in unison.


Several hours later...

Within that time, Twilight Sparkle had told them everything of how she and her friends, along with her younger half-brother, came from a magical land called Equestria, a place where ponies and other creatures lived together in harmony. She also informed them of the magic within their bodies, which left the duo in disbelief. At least until she gave a demonstration by lifting Applejack's hat with a light emanating off her horn. She also explained that the marks along their flanks (Except for Spike) were cutie marks, each of which showcased the talent of one pony. Knowing this group wasn't a threat, the duo decided to provide introductions for them to be better acquainted.

"Well, I guess introductions are in order then," Alan declared. "I'm Doctor Alan Grant."

"My name is Doctor Ellie Sattler," Ellie introduced herself.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship," Twilight tipped her head. "And there's no need for the two of you to bow; I'm not the ruler of Equestria yet. For now, you can just call me Twilight. And these are my friends, along with my younger half-brother."

"Howdy y'all!" Applejack greeted. "Ah'm Applejack, farm mare at the Sweet Apple Acres. The Apple family, me included, farm the best apple crops in Equestria as well as the best makers of apple related products. We'd know you'd like them."

"I'm Fluttershy, animal caretaker of all creatures and animal whisperer," Fluttershy introduced herself. "I'm also the owner of the Sweet Feather Sanctuary and member of the Ponytones, we're a well-known acapella group in town."

"Rarity's the name and I'm the owner of Carousel Boutique, as well as Rarity for You and Canterlot Carousel," Rarity explained. "I'm also a member of the Ponytones. I must say, Darlings, your outfits are divine!"

"Thanks," Alan nodded.

"We try our best," Ellie replied.


"... Yeah, sorry about Pinkie Pie," Twilight smiled sheepishly. "She gets overexcited meeting new people."

"Sup dudes, name's Rainbow Dash," Rainbow greeted casually. "I'm the fastest flier in Equestria and beyond, as well as a member of the Wonderbolts. You could say that makes me 20% cooler."

"Heya! I'm Spike, the brave and glorious," Spike introduced. "I'm also Twilight's number 1 assistant."

"The name's Daring Do," Daring tipped her hat. "Famed adventurer who explores the jungles of Equestria and beyond. I'm also a best-selling author under the pseudonym name, 'A.K. Yearling'. But just Daring will be fine. So, you better not tell any pony of my real identity otherwise... I'm dead. Like seriously dead in the water. Understood

To which the humans nodded in unison, much to Daring's approval.


"Name's Time Turner," Dr. Whooves introduced himself. "But folks call me Dr. Whooves. Brilliant scientist and inventor in Ponyville. Might we ask you what brings you two out here anyway?"

"That's a good question!" Alan smirked. "You see, Ellie and I are paleontologists."

"Paleo what now?" Rainbow squinted her brows.

"Paleontologists, Rainbow," Dr. Whooves emphasized. "They're scientists who study prehistoric life."

"That's right," Ellie nodded. "In here, our country has lots of fossils of living things lying down in our land. The very sport where dinosaurs and others used to walk back then."

"Hmm... you remind me of one of Sweetie Belle's classmates, Petunia Paleo," Rarity recalled. "The little filly has a knack of finding dinosaur bones in any place within Equestria."

"Ah yes, now I remember!" Fluttershy realized.

"Remember what?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Before humans walked the Earth, dinosaurs and the like used to roam here," Fluttershy explained. "I found a book during one of our previous travels and I was fascinated to learn the world wasn't always like it is today. How it used to be a cluttered pile of continents until there was some explanatory theories on how dinosaurs died."

"You're right!" Time Turner nodded. "There have been theories like the Asteroid Theory or the Climate Change Theory on how they were extinct. But no pony, or anybody, really knows how all these creatures were wiped off of the face of the Earth."

"And you're really into all this paleontology, aren't you?" Twilight asked the scientists.

"Correct! Look over there!" Alan pointed.

Twilight Sparkle turned toward where Alan was pointing, taking a glimpse of all the archaeologists at work.

"We've uncovered four skeletons alone..." Alan explained. "Such a small area, isn't it... the same time horizon--"

"They died together?" Twilight asked.

"The taphonomy sure looks that way."

"If they died together, they lived together," Ellie explained. "That would suggest some kind of social order."

"And that would suggest...?" Spike asked curiously.

"They hunted as a team," Grant answered. "See that dismembered Tenontosaurus bone over there - that's lunch. We're just excavating another Velociraptor that we just found today, and we think its part of the pack that killed that dinosaur.

"The bigger question is: What killed our raptors in a lakebed, in a bunch like this? We're attempting to come up with something that makes sense."

"Maybe it was a drought," Daring suggested. "It looks as though the lake was shrinking--

"That's good," Grant agreed. "That's right! They died around a dried-up puddle! Without fighting each other. You're good at observation."

"Well, when you've been exploring old tombs and finding forgotten bodies like I have, you learn to guess what happened at the time they were alive."

Just then, a voice shouted toward the group from the bottom of the hill.

"Dr. Grant! Dr. Sattler!" A volunteer called out. "We're ready to try again!"

A sigh escaped Grant's lips as he stretched out his back.

"I hate computers," Grant muttered.

"The feeling's mutual," Ellie agreed.

Grant and Ellie were just about to walk toward the source of the voice when they suddenly stopped as a realization came to them.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Ellie thought, facing the Equestrians. "How would you like to join us in helping out in the field?"

"Us? Join the both of you?" Twilight pondered, as her eyes widened. "I mean, we'd hate to impose--"

"We need all the helping hands, or in this case hooves and claws, we can get," Ellie insisted. "What do you say?"

Twilight Sparkle turned toward her friends and the whole lot nodded in agreement.

"Sure! We can help," Twilight answered.

Soon the Equestrians tagged along with their new friends toward the dig site. As they walked, they were able to get a good look at the badlands. Exposed outcroppings of crumbling limestone stretched for miles in every direction, not a tree or a bush was in sight. It was here these paleontologists chose to find this velociraptor and work on the skeletal remains of which they found.

In the dig itself, the ground was checkered with excavations everywhere. There was a base camp with five or tix teepees, a flapping mess tent, a few cards, a flatbed truck with wrapped fossils loaded on it, and a mobile home. There are a dozen volunteers of all ages at work in various places around the dig. The volunteers are from all walks of life, dinosaur buffs. Three or four of them have children with them, and the kids raced around like in a giant sandbox.

"Why do they have to bring their kids?!" Grant muttered.

"Not into kids, is he?" Rainbow asked Ellie.

"He could hire his help," Ellie replied. "But there's four summers of work here, with the money for one. You say it's a learning experience, sort of a vacation, and you get volunteers with kids."

By the time they reached the remainder of the team, Allie and Ellie were requesting permission for their Equestrians friends to join them and offer their assistance. After looking cautiously toward the group, the accepted... provided the duo kept them well-behaved leading to the Equestrians to make a 'Pinkie Promise' not to get too rowdy.

Everyone, every pony included, was keeping themselves busy around the dig site. Little did they know, however, was that the duo (Along with the Equestrians) would be chosen for something very special. That this group would be the VIP Guests on a private tour to a place that will captivate their minds but place them directly into the heart of the danger zone.

Soon as the group got into the camp, many people couldn't help but look at the ponies and Spike in complete bewilderment. Before anyone could start asking questions, Alan decided to jump in.

"Alright, I know what you're all thinking," He spoke their thoughts. "These creatures are strange and bizarre, but I can personally assure you they won't harm anyone. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Soon he, along with Ellie and the Equestrians arrived toward where several volunteers were clustered around a computer terminal set upon a table in a small tent, its flaps lashed open.

"Ready to give it a shot, Jerry?" Grant asked a volunteer.

Fluttershy soon turned and noticed the machine near the tent.

"Miss Ellie... what are they doing with that?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"Why don't you watch the computer?" Ellie suggested. "And... you might want to cover your ears."

Ellie quietly moved Fluttershy out of the way, while the remainder of the Equestrians followed suit. The volunteers were hard at work making the necessary preparations.

"Thumper ready?"



The volunteer through a switch on a machine that resembled a floor buffer. The whole thing hopped into the air as it drove a soft lead pellet into the earth with a tremendous force. There's a dull thud, the earth seemed to vibrate, and all eyes turned toward the computer screen.

"If that doesn't get a reading, who knows what will?" Dr. Whooves commented.

"Did it work?" Rarity asked.

"How long does it usually take?" Ellie asked.

"It should be immediate return," The computer man replied. "You shoot the radar into the ground, and the bone bounces the image back..."

The man typed a few keys on the computer and the screen suddenly came to life, yellow contour lines tracing across it in three waves, soon revealing the image of a velociraptor skeleton on screen.

"This new program's incredible!" The computer man stated. "A few more years of development and we won't have to dig anymore!"

Grant looked toward him, and the Equestrians could see that his expression was positively wounded.

"Where's the fun in that?" Alan joked.

"It's a little distorted, but I don't think it's the computer," The computer man commented, studying the picture.

"Look," Ellie pointed at the screen. "Post-mortem contraction of the posterior neck ligaments. Velociraptor?"

"Yes. Good shape, too," Alan nodded. "It's five... six feet high. I'm guessing nine feet long. Look at the extraordinary--"

Grant pointed toward part of the skeleton, but when his finger touched the screen the computer *BEEPS* at him and the image flickered. He drew his hand back, as if it shocked him.

"What'd you do?" The computer man asked.

"He touched it!" Ellie said jokingly.

Grant touched the top hood of the computer experimentally. Again, the screen flickered.

"Looks like Dr. Grant isn't machine compatible," Twilight muttered to her friends.

"Hell, they've got it in for me," Alan muttered.

The volunteer laughed and touched a different part of the screen, which brought the original image back. Grant continued but didn't get as close.

"And look at the half-moon shaped bone in the wrists. No wonder these guys learned to fly."

This statement caused a majority of the assembled group to laugh, much to Grant's surprise.

"No, seriously!" Alan continued. "Show of hands. How many of you have read my book?"

Everyone stopped laughing and looked away. Ellie raised her hand supportively, along with the volunteer. Alan turned toward the Equestrians, but the way they looked at him said enough. A sigh escaped his lips.

"Great... well, maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they do with reptiles. Look at the pubic bone - it's turned backwards, just like a bird. Look at the vertebrae - full of hollows and air sacs, just like a bird. Even the word raptor means 'birds of prey'."

"That doesn't look very scary!"

Everyone drew their breath and stepped aside, revealing a kid standing alone.

"Boy-howdy, that kid's a pistol..." Applejack muttered.

"More like a six-foot turkey," The kid added critically.

Some folks got a laugh out of the statement, but the Equestrians faced Grant nervously. The man turned toward the kid, lowered his sunglasses, and stared at him like he just came from another planet.

"A turkey, huh?" Alan grinned, strolling toward the kid.

"Oh, no," Ellie groaned. "Here we go..."

"What? What's happening?" Spike asked, confused.

"Okay. Try to imagine yourself in the Cretaceous period," Grant began. "You'd get your first look at this 'six-foot turkey' as you enter a clearing. But raptor, he knew you were there a long time ago. He moves like a bird; lightly, bobbing his head. And you keep still, because you think that maybe his visual acuity is based on movement, like a T-rex, and he'll lose you if you don't move.

"But no. Not Velociraptor. You stare at him, and he just stares right back. And that's when the attack comes -- not from the front, no, from the side, from the other two raptors you didn't even know were there."

The Equestrians looked silently as Grant walked around the kid. Ellie merely rolled her eyes, knowing where this was going.

"Because Velociraptor's a pack hunter, you see," Grant continued. "He uses coordinated attack patterns, and he's out in force today. And he slashes at you with this --"

Grant takes out the raptor claw he found, tucked away in his pocket. He held it in the front of the raptor's three-toed foot. The boy's eyes grew large with shock."

"-- A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the middle toe," Grant explained. "They don't bother to bite your jugular, like a lion, no, no. He slashes at you here, here--"

Grant pretended to slash the boy's mid-torso, the thigh, around the groin region.

"Oh, Alan..." Ellie muttered disapprovingly.

"Oh... my..." Fluttershy whimpered worriedly.

"-- Or maybe across the belly, spilling your intestines," Alan emphasized. "The point is, you're alive when they start to eat you. Whole thing took about four seconds."

The Equestrians couldn't help but eye the kid, who was on the verge of tears.

"So, you know, try to show a little respect," Grant suggested.

"Okay," The boy whimpered, glassy-eyed.

And with that he walked back across the camp, returning to the skeleton. Ellie and the Equestrians hurried to catch up with him.

"You know, Mr. Grant, if you really wanted to scare the kid you could've just pulled a gun on him," Daring Do suggested.

"I beg your pardon!" Rarity gasped horrified.

"What? Happens all the time in the field... me, I never get scared."

"And that's why I'm such a big fan of your books!" Rainbow Dash grinned widely.

"Don't forget... I introduced you to those books," Twilight reminded.

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Daring Do does make a valid point, Alan," Ellie agreed.

"Yeah, I know," Alan muttered. "Kids. You want to have one of those?"

"Well, I don't want that kid. But a breed of child, Dr. Grant, could be intriguing! I mean, what's so wrong with kids?"

"Oh, Ellie, look. They're noisy, they're messy, they're sticky, they're expensive."

"Wow... spoken like a true cheapskate," Spike shook his head.

"I'll have you know Mr. Grant that while I agree with only two-thirds of that statement," Pinkie rambled. "Rarity and I happen to be mothers ourselves and not all of it's as bad as it seems."

"They smell," Grant added.

"Oh my god!" Ellie gasped. "They do not smell!"

"Some of them smell!"

"Oh, give me a break!"

"Babies smell!"

"Actually... Grant makes a fair point," Rarity agreed reluctantly. "It's never easy during those first few years."

"Tell me about it," Pinkie nodded. "When I was babysitting the Cake Twins when they were first born... whoo-wee! That was a doozy."

"Alright, the one on the airplane had an accident," Ellie admitted. "But usually babies don't smell."

"They know very little about the Jurassic Period," Grant pointed out. "They know less about the Cretacious."

"Anything else, you old fossil?" Rainbow smirked, shaking her head.

"Yeah, plenty," Grant nodded. "Some of them can't walk!"

"I'd be careful about what you say Mr. Grant," Fluttershy advised patiently. "Even a few grown ponies back home aren't able to walk on their own. But they manage to get around just fine."

"You know, if I didn't know any better, you two argue like you're a married couple," Pinkie Pie speculated. "You two ever dated outside of work."

To which the two turned toward Pinkie Pie silently, not really answering the question. To which Pinkie Pie nodded in understanding then kept going.

"I don't see what any pony's complaining about," Rainbow Dash remarked cockily. "I'm pretty sure I can handle being around kids."

"Hon, treatin' a filly like an honorary sister ain't the same as raisin' youngin's," Applejack pointed out. "They're a mighty big responsibility."

"Probably why Applejack was just a shy higher than you when the Cakes were scrambling about looking for foal-sitters even though I repeatedly volunteered in the first place," Pinkie Pie recollected. "But fourth place isn't a bad spot."

"Yeah, whatever," Rainbow crossed her hooves. "That doesn't make me... HEY! Wait a minute! Now I can understand Fluttershy being the top pick for a foalsitter, and Rarity... well, back then I wouldn't think she'd be interested in kids."

"HEY!" Rarity frowned.

"So, who was number two?" Rainbow questioned.

To which all heads turned toward the princess herself, Twilight Sparkle. The pony merely glanced at the group and shrugged her wings with a sheepish smile and a light giggle. Rainbow Dash stared blankly at Twilight Sparkle, then shook it off.

"Anyways, you just wait A.J.," Rainbow Dash challenged. "When the opportunity comes, I'll prove I can be a great parent for children. Why, I'll be parenting so hard, you may as well be calling me the 'Iron Pony of Parenthood'. Now, that's a title I can be proud of."

"Ya know that ego of yours frustrates me so much... that ah love you just the same," Applejack smiled. "Even if ya make me wanna strangle ya right now!"

"Oh yeah?"

Rainbow Dash playfully took off Applejack's hat, who gasped then charged toward Rainbow Dash as they rolled about on the ground causing a slight dust storm. But soon their grunting and groans turned into laughter as they eventually rolled down the hill toward the very bottom. The Equestrians merely shook their heads at the scene as they saw their friends stop at the bottom. After the pair calmed down, their eyes met, their faces softened... and they started to lean in for a kiss.

All of a sudden, a strange wind started to whip up drawing the marefriend's attention. Grant, Ellie, and the remainder of the ponies (Spike included) looked around in confusion. The wind started growing stronger, blowing dirt and sand everywhere, filling in everything they'd dug out, even blowing the protective canvasses off. Their ears flicked up as they heard a familiar roar, all eyes darted toward the sky and that's when they saw it—

A huge helicopter, descending onto the camp.

"Great wickering stallions!" Dr. Whooves gasped.

"Girls, Spike, get down there and grab some canvasses!" Ellie ordered. "Cover anything that's exposed!"

"You got it, Ellie!" Twilight nodded. "Come on, every pony!"

The ponies and Spike were already making their way down the hill, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash picked themselves up and bolted for the camp. Alan and Grant raced down the hill, shouting toward the volunteers and the pilot.

"Cover the site!" Ellie shouted.

"Cover up the dig!" Grant ordered.

"Tell them to shut down! Shut down!"

"Cut the machine!"

"Hurry! Cover it all up!" Applejack ordered. "Pull them canvasses over!"

Rainbow Dash and Applejack had already arrived, helping the volunteers in their desperate attempt to protect the skeleton they've been excavating. By the time their friends joined in to help, Twilight Sparkle and Dr. Grant looked up toward the helicopter, the latter shaking his fist shouting for the pilot's attention.

Down at the base camp, the pilot had already landed near the camp. By then, Grant and Twilight Sparkle raced toward the aircraft like Moses and his follower steaming. They tried to get the pilot's attention, wildly ordering him to turn off the blades.

"JUST CUT IT WILL YA?" Grant yelled over the noise. "CUT IT OUT! SHUT-IT-DOWN!"

The pilot pointed timidly toward the mobile home across the camp.

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted.

The pilot pointed rapidly and their heads finally turned toward his direction. Together, they raced toward the trailer, punching away a pair of jeans hanging up on a line. Whomever was responsible for interrupting their dig, somehow Twilight knew what Grant was intending. This man was about to give an intruder one-for, and she hoped to stop him before he did anything rash.

By the time they arrived at the trailer, Grant slapped the door open and stormed inside. As Twilight Sparkle followed him in, she only had a quick glimpse of the trailer's interior which served as the dig's office. Several long wooden tables were set up, every inch covered with bone specimens neatly laid out, tagged, and labeled.

Farther along are ceramic dishes and crocks, soaking other bones in acid and vinegar. There's old dusty furniture at one end of the trailer, and a refrigerator. A man rooted around in the fridge, his back towards the man and pony. They could hear him grumbling about the contents, which appear to be mostly beer until...

"Ah hah!" The man declared.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in here?" Grant asked, confrontationally.

The man turned around as his fan fell across a bottle of expensive champagne in the back, popping the cork like a celebration (Luckily Grant avoided it). He's a seventy-ish old man, sprightly as hell, with bright, shining eyes that say, 'Follow me!' and all dressed in white clothing, glasses, and a straw hat. Twilight was unsure what to make of it, but Grant was staring incredulously at the guilty-faced man holding his champagne bottle without an invitation.

"Hey, we were saving that!" Grant pointed out.

"For today, I guarantee it," The man replied, in a Scottish accent.

"And who in God's name do you think you are...?"

"John Hammond," The man shook Grant's hand. "And I am delighted to finally met you in person Dr. Grant."

Grant was struck silent. He shook Hammond's hand, staring dumbly. The old man noticed all the sand and dust on his hand and casually blew it off. Grant and Sparkle were silent as Hammond looked around the trailer approvingly, at the enormous amount of work the bones represented.

"Mr. – Hammond?" Grant broke the silence.

"I can see my fifty thousand a year has been well spent," Hammond smile, facing Twilight. "And you... you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"W-W-W-Wait a minute," Twilight Sparkle sputtered, surprised. "You... know who I am? Have we met?"

"Not till today, but I am in touch with a few associates who've told me so much about your exploits... and your friends. But if I hadn't seen you for myself... well, I'd say this makes today extra special."

Suddenly, the door slapped open again as Ellie stormed in, just as pissed off as Grant.

"Okay, who's the jerk?" Ellie asked, steamed.

"Uh, this is our paleobotanist, Dr. Ellie..." Grant stammered.

"Sattler..." Ellie paused.

"Dr. Sattler. Ellie, this is Mr. Hammond... John Hammond."

"Did I say jerk?" Ellie smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I'm to assume he's responsible for disrupting that fascinating dig site," Twilight pointed out. "No offense, Mr. Hammond sir."

"I'm sorry for the dramatic entrance, but I'm in a hurry," Hammond replied casually. "Will you have a wee bit of a drink now and then?"

"I'm not really much of a drinker," Twilight admitted. "But I'm all for conversation; I do have lots of questions."

Hammond began to walk into the kitchen, making himself at home. Ellie followed him trying to help, as Twilight helped Grant settle behind the table hearing him mutter 'Hammond... Hammond...'. From what Twilight could see of this mysterious man, she noticed he walked with a slight limp and used a cane – either for balance or style, difficult to say or imagine.

"Come along then, we don't want it to get warm," Hammond rambled. "Come along, sit down! Sit down! I'll just get a glass or two it's a – No, no, no, no! I can manage it; I know my way around a kitchen."

Ellie goes around towards Grant and Twilight. She grabs a bottle of water nearby. The three looked toward each other, really aback by this guy's bravado, and sat down. Hammond dried the glasses that were used to hold several stones.

"Pardon me for interrupting Mr. Hammond," Twilight spoke up. "But what are you doing here anyway?"

"Well now, I'll get right to the point," Hammond answered, facing the scientists. "I like you. Both of you. I can tell instantly with people; it's a gift.

"I own an island. Off the coast of Costa Rica. I leased it from the government and spent the last five years setting up a kind of biological preserve. Really spectacular; spared no expense! It makes the one I had in Kenya look like a petting zoo—"

"You mean like an animal sanctuary that one of my friends run at home?" Twilight guessed.

"Miss Fluttershy? Well... almost," Hammond grinned. "But there's no doubt that sooner or later our attractions will drive the kids out of their minds."

"And what are those?" Grant questioned.

"Small versions of adults, honey," Ellie joked.

Grant gave Ellie a dirty look for the cheeky comment.

"I think he's referring to those 'attractions'," Twilight spoke up. "How do they cater to the kids?"

"Not just kids, Miss Sparkle – for everyone," Hammond emphasized. "We're going to open next year, that is if the lawyers don't kill me first! I don't care for lawyers, do you?"

"Well, actually uh..." Twilight pondered.

"—Don't really know any," Alan & Ellie answered in unison.

"Well, I'm afraid I do," Hammond sighed. "There's a particular pebble in my shoe, represents my investors. Says they insist on outside opinions."

"What kind of opinions?" Ellie Sattler asked.

"Well you're kind, not to put too fine a point on it. I mean, let's face it, in your particular field, you're the top minds – and if I could just persuade you to sign off on the park – you know, maybe pan a wee testimonial – I could get back on schedule – schedule."yh C

"Why would they care what we think?" Ellie questioned.

"What kind of park is it?" Grant added.

"Well, it's right up your alley," Hammond smiled, facing Twilight. "And you, being clever and all, have had your own share in your studies... am I right?"

While Hammond was handing Grant and Ellie their drinks, Twilight Sparkle looked around the trailer to determine what the old man was referring to. She had a guess what he was referring to but wasn't quite sure.

"Well... there was this one incident at a museum when my friends and I visited a town called Coolsville," Twilight admitted.

"And you would say it was a living attraction?" Hammond hinted.

"... not exactly..."

"Mm-hmm... I tell you what, why don't the pair of you come on down for the weekend? I'd love to have the opinion of a paleobotanist as well! And you Miss Sparkle, I trust you didn't come alone. I would be honored to have you and your friends come along to serve as a 'test audience' for my park."

"Well, we would love to come if I can talk with my friends about it," Twilight replied. "But I don't know if that helicopter will fit everyone. I mean, we wouldn't take up too much room and some of us can fly on our own, but..."

"Oh, no need to fret yourself, my dear," Hammond smiled. "I'll have suitable travel arrangements to compensate for your friends. I've got some jets standing by at Choteau."

"No, I'm sorry, that wouldn't be possible," Grant shook his head. "We've just discovered a new skeleton, and –"

"I could compensate you by fully funding your dig," Hammond offered, pouring himself a drink.

"And this is a very unusual time—" Grant pointed out.

"The timing is—" Ellie added.

"... for a further three years," Hammond concluded.

Twilight Sparkle turned toward Grant and Sattler who were clearly taken aback by this offer. Three years of funding to support their dig was the biggest offer they've been granted, and this would benefit the work not just for themselves but for the scientific community. As for Twilight Sparkle, she was still curious as to how Hammond already knew about her and her friends and not once seemed nervous. It was as though he had been anticipating their arrival for some time.

Could that have been the reason they were sent here in the first place? To meet Mr. Hammond and visit some park connected to their new friends in some way? Twilight felt there was something else going on, but still... this does sound like a hard opportunity to pass up. At least it would give the group something to do for the weekend: Seeing the attractions, all the arrangements made, and not having to worry about villains for a while. If anything, they could use a relaxing vacation.

"Where's the plane?" Twilight asked.

"Why don't you bring the rest of your friends over?" Hammond suggested, smiling. "And all will be explained in due time."

"Yes sir!"

Twilight Sparkle proceeded to race out of the trailer, as the three humans cheered the prospect of this trip. Grant and Sattler were so excited for this offer, they couldn't help but hug each other like giddy school kids. All the while, Hammond looked on approvingly as he slowly sipped his cup as if knowing this would be the start of a very productive venture.

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