Familiar Faces & Screwball Scrat
Bright were the ethereal rays of the sun, shining from the very heavens above. The sky was blanketed in a clear blue sky, only a few small clouds dotted along an otherwise 'perfect' atmosphere above the town of Ponyville. Despite the multitude of recent events many of whom witnessed, the ponies of this quaint little town continued their daily routines.
Meanwhile, in a large cabin between the outskirts of Ponyville and the Everfree forest, two stallions were hard at work. Following the 'Jurassic Park' scenario, Curtain Call and Quill Cast had been digging into whatever schemes the Dark Order have been manipulated. Granted, most of their resources were limited and in their pony forms it was slow progress. However, they refused to let anything stand in their way. In that moment, Quill searched through a series of books covering dark magic while Curtain studied every file concerning the members of the Order itself.
"You find anything in those books yet?" Curtain asked his partner.
"Not really," Quill sighed. "I've read almost every book and can find nothing that suggests what they're after. You?"
"No such luck," Curtain shook his head. "Everything in these files is exactly what we already know of these guys. Pretty straight forward facts: Their development and design, depictions, merchandising, appearances, personality, quotes, galleries, even their 'canon' fates. They're not even hiding the fact they want to control allworlds not just their own."
A groan escaped Quill's lips as he slammed one book shut and placed his head in his hooves.
"There must be something that'll give us the upper hand," Quill muttered impatiently. "We've been working this case for weeks; it'd be great if we could at least figure out who's running this operation."
"As far as we know, it has to be someone with a connection with Lord Voldemort," Curtain replied, skimming the files.
"That covers about half the Wizarding world. It could be anybody."
A sudden sound of a ringing cell phone caused the two stallions to snap their heads toward the nearby coffee table, where Quill Cast's phone rested. The stallion in question leapt from his seat and raced over to answer. A bit tricky clutching the phone with only his hooves, but he made it work.
"Hello?" He greeted on the phone.
"Quill, it's Amethyst! You and Curtain need to get here right now!"
"Whoa, whoa, hold up there Am," Quill responded. "What's going on?"
"Just get here as soon as you can. I'll explain when you get here!"
But before Quill could question further, the call went dead.
"What's happening?" Curtain asked curiously.
"Amethyst needs to speak with us ASAP," Quill responded.
"About what?"
"No idea," Quill shrugged, grabbing his saddlebag. "She only said she'd tell us when we get there. It must be something important if she wants us there quickly."
"Alrighty then," Curtain nodded, grabbing his own bag. "Let's go!"
With their saddlebags slung over their backs, the two quickly gathered everything they assumed they'd need and raced out the front door of the cabin towards Ponyville. They had no idea what was going on or why Amethyst said it was of great importance. All they could hope for was that whatever was needed of them, it wasn't anything 'too' serious.
Mares and stallions, fillies and colts, ponies of all ages crossed the streets of Ponyville performing their regular day-to-day activities. Two in particular, Twilight Sparkle and her faithful dragon assistant, Spike, hiked along the streets of town square. Along the way, they noticed every pony else bowing out of respect as they walked by. Obviously, it was because of Twilight's status as a princess. But due to recent news of their adventures, not to mention their victories in other worlds, they were becoming famous themselves. Even if today they were just running a few errands, indicated by the sack of coins around Spike's waist and some supplies in Twilight's saddlebag.
"Wow! I haven't gotten this much attention since saving the Crystal Empire," Spike chuckled, waving at the ponies. "Almost forgot how awesome it is. Don't you think so? Twi?"
Spike looked toward the lavender pony princess, who just walked on with a somber expression on her face. The same one she wore since returning from their traumatizing experience with Sweeney Todd. Needless to say, after returning two weeks prior, most of the group needed intense therapy sessions just to get over all the horror they experienced. Most of their friends were starting to get better, but Twilight Sparkle...
"You okay, Twi?" Spike asked concerned.
"I'm alright, Spike," Twilight nodded nonchalantly. "It's just... I don't know if I can ever look at Princess Celestia the same way again."
Who could blame Twilight Sparkle for feeling this way? The revelation Chrysalis showed them during the end of their previous adventure had been stuck on Twilight's mind like glue. As hard as she tried to deny everything, the thought wouldn't leave her alone. The very thought of her own teacher, the very princess Twilight looked to and thought so highly of, would actually be so cruel to Chrysalis and her first love... it was more than she could bare.
"Twi, you've got to learn to see past all that," Spike insisted. "Applejack confirmed Celestia was telling the truth having little to no memory of those events. Maybe she got hypnotized. Perhaps mind-control, I don't know."
Twilight had toyed with the notion in her head for a long while. It wasn't possible one could simply do something so horrid and have absolutely no memory of it whatsoever, even after a thousand years. She wanted to believe Celestia wasn't in control of her actions... but still...
"That may be true Spike, and I do believe her and Applejack, it's just..."
"You can't imagine Celestia doing something like that?" Spike guessed. "Even if she wasn't in control of herself?"
To which Twilight Sparkle nodded her head slowly.
"From the moment she became my teacher all those years ago, I looked at her with such high regard and respect," Twilight explained. "I always thought if there was ever any pony who could do no wrong, no matter the case, it would be Celestia. But now after all this, while I still believe in her and trust her, I feel like that image has been tarnished entirely for me. How do I go back after that?"
Once more, Twilight cast a downtrodden look toward the ground as they walked on. It wasn't until she felt a scaly arm around her that she turned over toward Spike, who knelt beside her and looked her straight in the eyes.
"Twilight, you and I both know that's not true," Spike told her seriously. "You think the world of Princess Celestia, and that's never going to change. I agree all of this new information has everything all upside down; I'm still trying to comprehend this myself. But we do what we always do: We deal, we cope, and move on. Once we find out the truth, we'll make things right for every pony... especially Celestia."
As Spike's words sunk in, all Twilight could think of was how much Spike had truly grown up. She still remembered the day so clearly when she hatched him from his egg and how he became part of the family. Even as he grew older, he was still the same little loyal dragon he'd always been... only taller now. The thoughts alone brought a smile to her face after what felt like such a long time.
"You truly are amazing, Spike," Twilight smiled. "You know that right?"
"I try," Spike grinned."
Twilight released a giggle and playfully punched her assistant/brother along the shoulder before he assumed his full height. As they continued their way through town, they could spot some familiar faces just before their eyes. It was none other than the collective group that made up the remainder of the Mane Six: Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. The five girls were gathered together, and the moment they saw the approach of Twilight Sparkle and Spike, they waved toward their two friends with great smiles.
Suddenly, just as Twilight and Spike were about to greet them, Twilight's ears fluttered as a shrilling whistle of sorts drew her to look up. But she wasn't alone, for the sound was so great that the remainder of her friends looked up with alarm.
"What's that sound?" Twilight asked nervously.
"Ah don't know," Applejack replied. "But it sounds mighty close."
"Look! Up in the sky!" Pinkie Pie pointed up.
All eyes turned toward Pinkie Pie's direction spotting what appeared to be an unknown object descending as rapidly as a meteorite. It hurtled towards them, before descending away from the town, and crash landed toward a field closest to Ponyville.
"Oh, dear goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed.
"I wonder what it is," Rarity voiced her curiosity.
"We better investigate," Twilight Sparkle declared. "Come on every pony!"
Soon, Twilight Sparkle, including her friends and dragon companion, raced off to investigate the crash. They soon arrived at the large smoldering crater, where a large hold could be found within the very center.
"That must be where it went in!" Spike pointed.
"Stand back guys."
All eyes turned as another pony made his way toward the crater. It was a familiar pony whom they partially knew from Discord's Theater, a pony by the name of... Phantom-Dragon (Or 'Doc' to some denizens of Ponyville). The lone pony proceeded to investigate the crash, carefully placing one hoof into the hole.
"Hmm... feels like a bunch of broken sticks... wait a minute. UGH!"
The pony exclaimed with disgust as he reeled his hoof back, waving it side-to-side rapidly.
"What is it, sugar cube?" Applejack asked.
"There's something soft... and squishy in there," Phantom-Dragon brushed his hoof, turning to the group. "We should fill this hole."
"No way!" Rainbow Dash replied. "Let's have a look first."
"Hold on! Something's coming!" Twilight Sparkle pointed out.
Sure enough, all eyes turned back toward the center of the crater as the mound of dirt slowly moved aside to reveal... the hindquarter of a pony. But whether it was male or female, based on what little they could see it was difficult to say.
"Hi, Mister!" Pinkie Pie greeted. "Did you have a lovely flight on the way here? Because your face looks..."
"Pinkie... that's not the face," Phantom-Dragon corrected. "That's the rear end."
"Oh! I knew that."
"Better check its cutie mark," Spike advised. "Maybe that can tell us who it is."
Phantom-Dragon carefully brushed the soot off the flank, revealing a cutie mark of bubbles.
"Huh... now what kind of pony has bubbles for... DERPY!"
Exclaiming with realization, all the ponies (And Spike) proceeded to pull the trapped mare out of the dirt. Sure enough, it was indeed Derpy Hooves, the resident mail-pony in Ponyville, her derpy eyes rolled around as she tried to readjust herself.
"Oh, my Faust! What a flight!" Derpy exclaimed dizzily. "Oh! Hiya, Doctor Ph.D! Glad you're here. Can you help me deliver a message?"
"Derpy, we've been through this... I'm 'not' a doctor!" Phantom-Dragon rolled his eyes. "But I'm willing to help just the same. What's the 411?"
"You know where I can find somepony named Spike?"
"Right behind you."
"Hi Derpy!" Spike greeted.
"Oh! There you are!" Derpy smiled, relieved. "Boy, I sure made good time!"
"What's up?"
"I bring a message straight from Griffonstone, from a miss Gabby Griffon herself."
"Gabby?!" Spike exclaimed.
Spike and Phantom-Dragon exchanged looks, and then back toward Derpy, who merely smiled.
"Eeyup! A romantic sing-a-gram just for you!"
"Ooh! Romantic, huh?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Now this I must hear!"
"Oh no you don't, Pinkie," Phantom spoke, pulling the party pony away. "I think you and the girls best be on your way... that goes double for you, Rarity."
"Me?!" Rarity exclaimed, shocked. "Why?"
"This is a private moment for Spike," Phantom continued, ushering the girls away. "Now come along now."
"All right," Twilight Sparkle nodded understandingly. "Come on girls."
"Spoilsport..." Rainbow Dash muttered.
As soon as Phantom-Dragon and the girls disappeared from view, that just left Spike and Derpy Hooves alone.
"Alright Derpy, let's have it," Spike gestured.
"Just as soon as I have the right pitch," Derpy replied.
Derpy Hooves proceeded to pull out a pitch pipe from the pocket of her uniform, blew the whistle for the right pitch, cleared her throat, and proceeded to sing:
Derpy Hooves (Sings):
Oh, Spikey my love,
It's for you I pine!
We'll meet at Discord's Theater at a Quarter pass nine~
I so long for your strong arms to hold me tight!
Got my heart aflutter anticipating tonight~
By the end of the sing-a-gram, Spike collapsed onto the floor, fainting in a loving daze.
"Happens every time," Derpy commentated. "Completely captivated by my voice."
"Oh, thank you!" Spike thanked dazily. "Thank you!"
"That'll be four bits please!"
Spike had enough sense to reach into his little bag and pulled out four bits which he gave to Derpy, even as he still lay along the ground. Derpy gave a cheery smile in return before flying off to finish her mail route for the day. As Spike lay on the grass, tiny hearts soon replaced the pupils in his eyes. But it wasn't long till Rainbow Dash returned, fluttering over Spike with a smirk along her face before helping him up.
"Come on Romeo, get up," She chuckled. "Don't want to be late for your girlfriend."
Spike was merely rambling nonsensically, as Rainbow Dash shook her eyes and pushed the tall dragon along back toward the theater. And it wouldn't be long before a rather special surprise would present itself for the dragon.
Discord's Theater... a pillar of social gathering amongst the denizens of Ponyville and the clans around Equestria. The place where the television was connected to provide a wider viewer-going experience, while Twilight and her friends would embark through the portal to unknown worlds. A theater that has had it share of mishaps, tons of renovation, repair fees to put in order, and a surprising amount of food to hold in supply. This was where Twilight and her friends were hanging out for the arrival of some special guests to appear.
But whereas the girls were all lounging about in the theater itself, Spike stood by the concession stand waiting for Gabby Griffon. His claws tapped along the glass containing the snacks nervously, as he tightened what appeared to be a glittery, thin black bowtie around his neck. It had been a while since Spike and Gabby had spent any time together, and what little they had to spend their 'dates' were often interrupted by the random trips through the television either to solve a problem happening there... or prevent the multiverse from falling apart. And usually by the time they get back, Spike was so flustered from the trips that he'd be too tired to complete their dates. Now his special griffon was coming just to see him, and Spike was more anxious than ever.
Just then, his eyes went wide as he spotted a silhouette of a griffin making a landing by the windows of the theater doors. It was difficult to tell if it was Gabby or not, but Spike was quick to action. Pulling himself behind the concession stand, the dragon teen quickly went to work. He proceeded to take a small canister of mouth spray, and quickly pressed a few spritz into his mouth. Then he raised his arm, cringing at the smell of his armpit odor and quickly pulled the top off the spray and just lathered the remains in his pits for extra freshness. He looked toward the glass of the stands, cleaning bits of his teeth with his tongue and then tried to brush his scales back for a more handsome look... only to groan when the scales drew upright. He then reached in and grabbed some mints from the stand, leaving a few bits on the table, and then stuffed the contents down his mouth for extra freshness. He took a breath, and his fire seemed to glow blue with an icy, minty effect as he sighed with satisfaction. He heard the doors open and quickly turned his back with a message he'd been preparing for this moment.
"Hello..." Spike recited to himself. "You know you're my best griffon friend, right? I never want anything to get in the way of that. So, after hearing your message, I've had a lot to think about and... I want to go all the way with you—"
Spike quickly turned around expecting the loving face of his beloved Gabby, but his face dropped with shock for the griffon standing before him was 'not' Gabby... but Gilda Griffon. It had been a while since Spike had seen Gilda, but he could never forget her. Like all Griffons, she was half-eagle and half-lion, with a moderate gamboge coat, along with a white head with pale, light grayish heliotrope feathers. Moderate gamboge wings and brilliant gold talons made up the remains of her features. She eyed the dragon with those light brilliant amber eyes.
"Very sweet Spike," Gilda remarked amused. "But I'm not that kind of girl."
"Oh... Gilda!" Spike exclaimed, flustered. "Oh, how embarrassing. I'm surprised that you'd even be here."
"You thought that I would be Gabby."
"... is she here?"
"Oh... yeah, about that," Gilda hissed, turning away. "Actually... something came up."
"Oh... oh, I see..." Spike sighed glumly. "Well, that's too bad. After everything that's gone on, I thought for sure that she would..."
All of a sudden, Spike was pounced by a rapid force, tackling him onto the floor and skidding along the surface. Spike looked up with surprise as another griffon stood on top of him. Her moderate turquoise eyes staring gleefully into Spike's, as the dragon was captivated by the artic bluish gray coat and feathers, with a cyanish gray head with light cornflower bluish gray chin and light cyanish gray markings. Never minding the fact, he was pinned down by the dark azureish gray wings and brilliant gold talons, for this griffon was exactly who he wanted to see.
"Hi, Gabby!" Spike groaned yet smiled.
"Aw, Spike!" Gabby smiled gleefully. "That was the sweetest thing a dragon has ever said!"
Gabby practically pecked Spike's face with rapid kisses along his cheeks and lips, while the dragon laughed from such affection. Gilda merely just eyed the romantic scene with annoyance and a roll of her eyes. As soon as Gabby leaned back to give Spike some breathing room, Spike sighed as his face was covered with kisses from the griffon. He then returned his attention toward Gilda, with a shake of his head.
"You tried to play a mean trick on me, didn't you?" Spike playfully accused.
"Guilty..." Gilda shrugged, nonchalant.
"Actually, it was my idea," Gabby admitted sheepishly. "I wanted to do something unexpected for you, and I just had to ask Gilda to come help me out. And besides, Grampa Gruff said I could only go if Gilda came along."
"I had nothing better to do," Gilda responded. "Just making sure Gabby doesn't get in any trouble."
"It's really great to see you Gabby, and yes even you Gilda," Spike replied, picking himself up.
"I'm always happy to see you, Spikey," Gabby smiled, giggling at his tie. "My, you certainly decided to take the fancy approach."
"Oh, uh... is this too much?" Spike asked, chuckling nervously. "Um... thank you, Bow. You may leave."
As it turned out, Spike's bowtie was actually a breezie with black wings that soon fluttered away.
"I thought it was a nice touch," The breezie spoke, in its language.
"Eh heh... let's pretend we didn't see that," Spike suggested, brushing his brow. "So, what brings you all the way to Ponyville."
"Well, you know how I often worry about you seeing you go off on those adventures," Gabby explained. "And yet I find you and your friends have so much fun together, even with all the monsters and the danger and the people freaking out seeing dragons and ponies and—"
"Can we fast forward to the point, Gabby?" Gilda interrupted, tapping the wrist of her talon.
"—So, I thought it be nice if I got to go along on a trip with you this time," Gabby suggested. "It would be like an uninterrupted date."
"A date through the television screens huh?" Spike nodded. "Well, I'm sure my friends could put together a little something. Let's go talk to them."
Just like that, Spike and the two griffons proceeded to enter through the doors and into the theater with all the seats, the projector, the screens, and the works. Sure enough, all the girls were sitting together in the front row, chatting amongst themselves when Spike and the griffons arrived. Naturally, the girls were always happy to see the mail carrier from Griffonstone, considering how friendly she is to every creature. But there was no mistaking there was an awkward tone in the air as Gilda and Rainbow Dash shared a glance, along with a slightly nervous Fluttershy.
"Rainbow Dash..." Gilda greeted plainly.
"Gilda..." Rainbow Dash nodded.
"PINKIE!!!" Pinkie bounced in, gleefully.
The party pony wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash and Gilda, pulling them toward her as they were gasping for breath and struggling in Pinkie's tight grasp.
"Look at us girls! Together again!" Pinkie continued excitedly. "Seems funny how one moment we were meeting for the first time, having a party, and seeing each other to help put smiles on the faces of Griffonstone! It's so great to see old faces again, am I right Flutters?"
Suffice to say, Fluttershy remembered Gilda all too well... but not to seem rude, she shyly nodded her head.
"Yes..." Fluttershy answered softly.
"Pinkie... need... room... to breathe!" Rainbow gasped.
"Oops!" Pinkie realized, letting go. "Sorry girls. You okay, Gilda?"
Gilda grumbled and groaned briefly as she cracked her neck, gasping for air while facing Pinkie.
"Peachy..." Gilda answered, bluntly.
"We're happy the two of you can come for a visit, girls," Twilight spoke up. "So Gabby, what did you and Spike have in mind for today? A nice dinner? A walk through the park? Perhaps a trip to the beach?"
"Well actually, Princess Twilight," Gabby began. "Spike and I were talking, and we thought it be nice if we could spend our date by having a trip together... through the television."
"It was just a suggestion," Spike added.
Spike's pony friends glanced at the pair blankly, a few of them blinked every few seconds. When they faced each other, they could see the hint of uncertainty on each other's faces. It was clear they all had the same idea, especially concerning the use of the T.V., even for personal enjoyment.
"Spike... you know how happy I am that you want to do things with Gabby, and you're grown up to make decisions," Twilight spoke up. "But you realize using the television gets very dangerous, do you? We barely survived the last trip."
"I still wake up in a cold sweat just thinking about it..." Rarity shuddered. "That dreadful place... the blood... the rainy streets... the pies..."
"Don't even get me started on the pies!" Rainbow Dash groaned.
"You've been against pies since you were a filly, Rainbow Dash," Gilda pointed out.
"Look girls, I know typically I'm the dragon who does what you say and carries the bags," Spike replied. "But it's not like I want to spend our date saving the world and fighting evil. I just think it be nice if we could go to a place where we can have a nice casual trip. Yes, the television mainly sends us to places where folks are in need or if, Celestia forbid, the villains attempt to break the timeline. But never does it specify it can't take us to someplace 'fun' once in a while.
"And I can trust Spike to keep me safe if any trouble does come up," Gabby assured. "I've seen him hold his own out there, and we could help each other."
"And Gilda happens to be with you guys, because...?" Rainbow gestured.
"I'm only tagging along just to make sure these two don't get into trouble," Gilda clarified. "Not like I have anything better to do around this town... is that 24/7 title still available..."
"... Not until four," Pinkie specified.
"Dang it!"
"And even if we do find trouble, I'm sure it's nothing that can't be done in half an hour," Spike insisted. "We'll barely be gone for long, I promise!"
For a moment, Twilight Sparkle just eyed Spike as if she were struggling to feel convinced. It was like seeing her younger brother going off into the cold, grim world unaware of the danger ahead. Even as a teenager, Spike eyed Twilight back with a 'pleading' gaze even mouthing the words silently. Against her better judgment, Twilight Sparkle just couldn't say no to that face.
"Well, as long as it's a nice peaceful location," Twilight pondered. "I guess a half hour wouldn't hurt. I'll go see about setting the coordinates..."
"Ooh, ooh, ooh!" Pinkie bounced like a spring. "Can I pick the destination, Twilight? Can I? Can I? Can I?"
"All right, Pinkie. All right. Just try not to send them to any place 'complicated' this time."
"What kind of wild, zany party pony do you take me for?"
Pinkie Pie proceeded to bounce her way up the flight of stairs toward the projector room looming above the theater. Gilda merely shook her head, as she massaged the brow of her feathered head.
"The sooner we're someplace quiet, the better..." Gilda sighed.
It didn't take long for Pinkie Pie to make her way toward the projector room. Inside, this was where the television was wired up along the controls so any pony could put in the coordinates for any place in the multiverse to go. Usually, it would be toward wherever there's a signal where a dire need for help arises, but otherwise it was possible to input a location to a particular place. The only trouble was... there were so many buttons on the panel to work with.
"Wow, these controls get more complicated almost every story..." Pinkie remarked. "Still, I'm sure I can figure this out."
Pinkie Pie proceeded to approach the panel and slowly pushed some random buttons.
"I... want... Hawaii..." Pinkie spoke slowly, pushing buttons. "Love... Pinkie Pie..."
The controls started blaring up as a 'warning' signal started to blink red before her eyes. She had no idea what she did, but something was happening.
"Huh... maybe if I push everything..."
Pinkie Pie proceeded to press all the buttons randomly and suddenly a spark ignited off the controls. All at once, the projector started to shake violently drawing Pinkie's attention. Thinking it was about to explode, Pinkie Pie raced out of the booth.
"GIIIIIIIIRLLLSSS!!!" Pinkie screamed frantically.
"PINKIE PIE!!!" Rarity gasped. "What did you do now?!"
"I'm sorry, I was trying to input a lovely vacation spot for Spike & Gabby," Pinkie explained rapidly. "I started pressing buttons, everything turned red, the projector's about to blow up..."
"You did WHAT?!?!" Twilight Sparkle snapped.
Suddenly, a beam of light exploded from the booth and all at once a portal quickly opened up before the stunned group. Before any pony, or any creature, could say a word, a force began to draw the group toward the entryway like a vacuum. Despite the group's best efforts to hold on, the portal's suction proved too great and the Mane Six flew right through the portal one-by-one. By the time Gilda was hovering into the portal, flapping fruitlessly against the draft, Spike clutched onto one of the chairs with a claw while holding Gabby with another. Spike held onto Gabby as tightly as he could, as she held on while trying to avoid gazing at the portal.
As the dragon teen tried desperately to pull himself forward, the cushion of the chair seat broke apart and the two were sent screaming into the portal after their friends. 'Where they were going?', they didn't know for sure. But as they fell through the portal, they started to feel a 'chill' within the portal as if wherever they'd be going the portal was sending them somewhere... cold?
Moments after the Mane Six, Spike, and the griffons were thrust through the portal to what strange world lay ahead, Quill Cast and Curtain Call raced across the streets of Ponyville. Upon receiving the urgent call, the pair of stallions ran to town as quickly as their legs could carry them. Eventually, they skid to a halt before the local townhouse. They quickly entered the house to meet with their loyal assistant, Amethyst Star, as well as Quill's fiancé, Atalanta, and their adopted daughter, Cotton Swirl.
(Check the link for picture)
Upon seeing her father, and her favorite uncle, entering the house, the little filly instantly ran over to hug them.
"Daddy!" She yelled happily, wrapping her hooves around Quill.
"Hey sweetie!" Quill greeted. "Have you been helping mommy and Auntie Am?"
"I sure have!" Cotton nodded. "Since I'm still too little, I just bring them stuff. I can't wait till I'm bigger and can help out more."
"I wouldn't worry about that for a while, kiddo," Curtain smiled at her. "You have youth; you should enjoy it. But one day, you'll be doing fieldwork with us in no time."
"But until then, what you're doing is just fine," Atalanta assured, crossing the room.
"So, what's so urgent?" Curtain asked curiously. "You called us up saying you wanted us here as quick as possible."
Amethyst spoke no words, instead reaching under the table she stood at. When her hoof came back up, it held a strange looking object. Upon further examination, it was revealed to be a totem carved from petrified wood. The totem itself depicted some hideous looking beast.
Seeing the strange totem before them made the stallions' eyes grow wide.
"Is that what I think it is?" Quill asked nervously.
"It's back, Quill," Amethyst spoke slowly.
"That's not possible," Curtain said confused. "I thought we defeated it during that job in Vancouver. Boy, what a mess... so many bodies..."
"It's found it's way back," Amethyst answered, worriedly.
"Where'd you find this?" Quill questioned.
"Zecora found this and brought it to me," Amethyst replied. "She said she's found multiple others and what remains of its... dinner."
All this new information seemed confusing for the young Cotton Swirl.
"I don't get it," Cotton Swirl tilted her head. "What's this all about?"
Atalanta merely used her magic to lift her daughter into the air, planting her upon her own back.
"You needn't worry, honey," Atalanta assured her. "It's not something you ever have to deal with... I hope."
"What're we supposed to do now?" Curtain asked Quill.
Studying head to toe of the totem sitting on the table, eventually Quill faced his partner with a look of determination.
"We do what we always do," He responded. "Track it down and finish the job for good."
"How?" Curtain questioned. "We don't even know where it's gone this time."
"Actually, I do," Amethyst spoke up. "Zecora found this totem at the edge of the Everfree, near Fluttershy's cottage. If I were to guess, I'd assume it's going to wherever the ponies are going."
"Well, that's just great!" Quill sighed.
Hearing this, Atalanta stepped right alongside them.
"I'm going with you," Atalanta volunteered.
"I don't think that's a good idea, babe," Quill argued. "Last time Curtain and I fought this thing, it nearly ripped us both apart. You should stay here with Cotton while we deal with the monster."
"No way! I'm not letting you go alone!" Atalanta responded sternly.
"You do realize I happen to tag along with Quill on these ventures—" Curtain began.
But one look from Atalanta, staring daggers toward the theatrical stallion, and even Curtain Call knew it best to stop while he was ahead.
"... Please continue," Curtain gulped, backing away.
"Quill... we made a vow to each other we'd be with each other forever," Atalanta informed Quill. "No matter what you say, I'm going with you and that's all there is to it."
Despite how much Quill wanted to protest against his fiancé, of the very idea of coming along with the boys on this hunt, he knew it would be pointless to argue with the Changeling princess. And it was clear to see she loved him enough to willingly throw herself into the battlefield to help. Even against a creature on such a dangerously high level.
"Alright, you win," Quill nodded.
"I'll come too!" Cotton smiled.
"No baby, you can't," Atalanta shook her head. "We're going after a very dangerous creature, and we can't have you around it. You must stay here where it's safe."
"Aww, that's no fun!" Cotton pouted cutely.
"Don't worry, honey," Quill ruffled her mane. "How about if Amethyst takes you over to hang with Doc at the theatre? You can help him run the place?"
Cotton's initial disappointment refreshed to excitement in a blink of an eye.
"Okay!" Cotton squealed excitedly.
"That's my girl!" Quill smiled, with approval.
Both he and Atalanta leaned down to plant a kiss upon their daughter's cheek. They hugged her goodbye and made their way for the door. Curtain Call followed, but leaned down toward Cotton's level when the pair weren't looking.
"We're still on for our little 'training' seminar when we get back, kay?" Curtain whispered.
"Yes, Uncle Curtain," Cotton whispered back.
Patting his niece upon her head, Curtain Call followed Quill Cast and Atalanta toward the door.
"One more thing!" Amethyst called out.
The three paused just inches from the door and turned back quickly.
"What's up?" Curtain asked curiously.
"This place you're going to, it's not just the creature that's there," Amethyst informed them. "Another old ally of yours was banished there, for reasons I haven't discovered yet. If you happen to come across him, perhaps you can try to convince him to come back and join the fight."
The two stallions and the changeling princess looked at each other with curious expressions, all wondering what their companion was talking about.
"Which old ally?" Quill questioned.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
It was a calm, chilly day as snow slowly fell along a snowy mountain range from the clouds above. A gentle breeze passed through, blowing snow across the land. A cold place with little to no life around, all... but for one small creature. The blistering winds didn't stop him from hopping about in search of something. A small, saber-toothed squirrel with a brown acorn in its grasp. This saber-toothed squirrel, Scrat by name, was seeking a place to store his acorn in this seemingly endless winter.
Scrat hopped around the flat, icy grounds occasionally stopping to dig through the ice. But each time he pushed his acorn into the ground, it wouldn't go in. Scrat would hop a few inches away, trying again and only getting the same result each time. Scrat would perform this ritual about three times, but no matter how hard he tried the ice was just too thick. Thinking this was not the right place to store his acorn, Scrat hopped away. He sniffed through some cold, dry grass, but found nothing. He peeked his head above the grass, his eyes surveying the land. He dug through some more ice, but pushing his acorn through it clearly wasn't working.
The squirrel hopped off, continuing his search, when he noticed the ice, he stood on wasn't as thick as before. Squealing with delight, Scrat shoved his acorn into the ice. It didn't go far in, but at least it dug into the ground. But Scrat refused to leave it like that. He shoved his acorn deeper and deeper down the ice, scrunching it in with all his might. He leapt onto it, stomping on it desperately. But upon doing so, the acorn jolted into the ground, leaving the squirrel confused.
Thinking about 'why' it happened, a crack crept from the acorn's hole and travelled across the ground behind him. Scrat looked underneath him, seeing the crack climb an icy wall. It reached the top of the cliff, zigzagged across the ground, passing ice formations and eventually reached a glacier. Only this time, as it reached the top... the glacier got loose. Unable to sustain stability, the glacier broke off and slowly crept down its path... right towards Scrat. Seeing what he had unintentionally done, he quietly squirmed as if thinking, 'Oh no...'
Seeing the glacier coming toward him, Scrat took off to run. But then he stopped and realized his acorn was still stuck. Yelping with shock, he rushed back to retrieve it. He grabbed the acorn and pulled hard, trying to get it out. Unfortunately, it wouldn't budge and Scrat started panicking. After one mighty tug, the nut finally came loose landing into Scrat's paws. Unfortunately, the worst was still to come, as the glacier toward over him ready to run him over!
Screaming loudly, as the glacier drew closer, Scrat made a mad dash for his life. Falling pieces of ice flew toward him from the moving glacier, which kept charging toward the squirrel, demolishing everything in its path. Scrat kept running, hoping to get far enough away. But suddenly, he spotted another glacier coming towards him from the opposite direction somehow. Trapped between two massive bodies of ice approaching, Scrat made a run for it just as they collided and started closing in.
Seeing no time to run, Scrat slid on his acorn, screaming loudly as the two walls were closing in like two boxes crashing together. Scrat slid until he reached the edge, where the two glaciers started squishing him, locking him in place. Scrat pushed his acorn out of the way, while trying to push himself out. On the verge of unconsciousness, his body squeezed tightly, Scrat was finally pushed out, along with his acorn. Now midair, he grabbed for his acorn and embraced it, only to realize he was now falling from a very high altitude.
Scrat landed along an ice wall, sliding down into a dirt wall. A ledge launched him into the air again, only this time Scrat crashed on the wall as it slid to the ground. Bouncing off the dirt, the squirrel landed on the ground, his teeth dug into it. Eventually, he pulled himself free and looked around, hoping his acorn survived the crazy experience. But his acorn was nowhere in sight.
It seemed to be a heavy loss for Scrat... when his acorn landed on his head and slid onto the ground.
Scrat squealed with happiness upon seeing his beloved acorn intact. He hugged it tenderly and began to walk off in search of a place to store his food...
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant mammoth foot stomped on Scrat, who lost his grip on his acorn. Flattened by the massive weight, Scrat picked himself up as the mammoth walked off. But then, another prehistoric mammal, a Brontothere, stepped on him. Then another mammoth and even a dodo bird. Soon, another foot landed on Scrat, only this time, the poor squirrel was stuck on it and was carried away from his acorn groaning in pain.
This foot belonged to a Macrauchenia, a prehistoric mammal part of an enormous migration of mammals heading away from the northern regions in search of warmer climates. They had no idea just where this warmer climate could be found or how long they'd have to travel. But one thing was absolutely certain... an ice age had begun.
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