Whoville & the Grinch

A flurry of fresh falling snowflakes blew through the air of a cold winter's day where our story official began. Of the many falling snowflakes, one in particular was special in every way. For this very snowflake was no mere droplet of frozen water blowing across the wind. This snowflake held a story far greater than anyone could possibly imagine.

"Inside a snowflake, like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe..."

"You know I really must say we're very glad to see you again old friend."

"Haven't seen you since the League's last meeting together."

"Indeed gentlemen. I'm quite pleased to make your acquaintance again as well. Now if you please excuse me, I must narrate the story as it progresses."

"Oh pay us no mind, old friend. We're just here to offer our own insists as we go."

"Yes, well anyway... *Clears throat* Way up in the mountains in the high range of Pontoos lay the small town of Whoville: the home of the Who's..."

Inside that very same falling snowflake laid a land vaster than anyone would originally believe. A giant mountain with a curved peak overlooking a tiny little town at the foot of its basin. This was Whoville, and its residents were currently in the process of preparing for their most favorite time of year ever: Christmas. Many Who's traveled the streets with box and bags full of gifts, others decorated the town with many varieties of ornaments.

"Ask any old Who and they'll have this to say: 'There's no place like Whoville around Christmas Day'. Every window was flocked, every lamppost was dressed, and the Whoville band marched in their Christmasy best."

Through the snowy streets of Whoville, a band of Who's walked the streets as they sang and played a variety of odd instruments. They waved at other Who's as they passed by, and everyone would shout 'Merry Christmas!' to one another in such a friendly tone. The tuba player of the group walked on, casually playing with the rest of the band till a teeny, tiny little tuba player emerged from the instrument with a tiny trumpet and began to play. The tuba player rolled his eyes before sucking in on the tuba and the forceful air pulled the tiny tuba player back inside.

In the dead center of town, there stood a gigantic Christmas tree that reached high into the sky. A tree taller than even the tallest buildings in all of Whoville. It just really showed just how much the Who's truly loved the Christmas season.

"Arbor Day was fine, and Easter was pleasant, and every Saint Fizzin's day they ate a Fizz pheasant. But every Who knew from their twelve toes to their snout, they loved Christmas the most without a single Who doubt."

Completely unbeknownst to the Who's too preoccupied preparing for Christmas, a small ball of light fell from the sky just off Mt. Crumpit until it eventually fell behind a couple buildings. Soon as the ball of light faded, a very groggy group of ponies, and a teenage dragon, stumbled about in a daze. They travelled to many worlds in the past and it was certainly never easy. But this... this was entirely different.

Twilight Sparkle had the irises of her eyes spinning wildly as she stumbled about. Rainbow Dash practically had to hold in the vomit threatening to come out. And every pony else were dizzy beyond description.

"Okay, some pony stop spinnin' the farm!" Applejack spoke dizzily.

"Ooh boy..." Rainbow groaned. "I don't think I can—"

Before she could finish, she quickly raced off behind another building and emptied the contents of her stomach into a snowbank. When she came back out, every pony could see that the usually cyan blue coat was paler, and the sickly mare seemed completely out of it.

"Any pony got a mint?"

Pinkie Pie, the only pony who wasn't dizzy, merely reached into her mane and pulled out a small wooden chest containing a large assortment of colorful mints.

"Let's see," She observed. "I've got peppermints, altoids, ice breakers, lifesavers, mentos, or if you're looking for something really fancy I recommend—"

"Thanks Pinkie!" Rainbow answered quickly.

Pinkie merely smiled as she watched Rainbow grab a large amount of mints and shoved them down her mouth. As she placed the box back in her mane, every pony else took a moment to get themselves together before having a good look at their surroundings. Looking around together, to say they were a slight confused was an understatement.

All the buildings around them were much different than they'd seen in other realms before. Many of them shaped in weird curves and different shapes. The town itself seemed more cartoonish in comparison to the more realistic texture of their previous visits.

"Okay, it's official," Rainbow spoke up. "The places we go to are just getting weirder and weirder."

"On that note I must agree with you dear," Rarity nodded. "While I for one am a fan of the many different designs and layouts of this place, from an artist's perspective, this place is most certainly odd indeed."

"I like it!" Pinkie answered happily. "It's all kooky, upside down, and all around! Just makes this place much more... funtastic!"

"Guys, I think we're losing sight of the big picture here," Twilight spoke up.

"She's right!" Starlight nodded. "We need to figure out where Cozy Glow went before she causes all sorts of chaos and destruction."

"Excuse me."

A sudden voice from behind them made the entire group jump and turn with fright. Their worries quickly diminished upon noticing a little girl, no more than nine or ten years old, staring back at them. The little girl had the sweetest little face in the world, with two of the biggest blue eyes they've seen to date. Her blonde hair was done up in such a strange style of many braids and different shapes. She was most certainly a cute little girl, one who seemed very interested in the ponies and dragon.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you?" She asked curiously. "You don't look like a Lorax, Sneetch, Yook, or even Zooks."

"Uh... you're not going to scream or run?" Spike asked nervously.

"Why would I do that?" The girl responded.

"Because we can... talk?" Fluttershy asked. "Aren't you afraid?"

"Should I be?"

Every pony looked back and forth between one another, slightly confused themselves. Surely the girl had to have heard them speaking and yet didn't seem either surprised or scared at all. Many folks in their previous adventures were so scared seeing colorful talking ponies and a dragon, but in this case it was weird to encounter a girl who didn't seem to mind. Then again, why argue with the fact that for once someone wasn't completely freaked out? So Twilight Sparkle decided to introduce herself and every pony else.

"I suppose not," She smiled. "I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer."

"Wassup!" Rainbow nodded.

"Howdy little lady!" Applejack tipped her hat.

"Nice to meet you little dear," Rarity bowed.

"Um, uh, hi!" Fluttershy whispered.

"How's it going?" Spike waved.

"Pleased to meet you," Starlight greeted.

Pinkie suddenly bounced toward the little girl and got right in her face with the craziest level of enthusiasm she could muster.

"Hi, how ya doin'?" She asked excitedly. "My name's Pinkie Pie, the most super-duper party planner ever! Well, now me and my husband Cheesy are the 'two' best party planners in all Equestria. AnywaydoyoulikepartiesbecauseIlovepartiesandanyponywholikespartiesis—"

Twilight quickly encased the blabbering Pinkie in a magical bubble to put a halt to her constant ranting.

"You know I was actually going to suggest you do that," Rainbow smirked.

The little girl merely giggled in response.

"It's really nice to meet you all," She spoke kindly. "My name's Cindy Lou Who."

"It's really nice to meet you Cindy," Twilight replied. "Um... by any chance, you didn't happen to see another one of us come through here? Small little filly, pinky coat, blue mane, a Rook cutie mark on her flanks, and... crazy eyes?"

"Nope, sorry," Cindy shook her head.

"That means Cozy Glow is still here somewhere," Starlight observed. "We must find her and quick!"

"Is she a friend of yours?" The girl asked curiously.

"Uh... 'friend' is a bit of a strong word," Applejack answered honestly.

"Considering she's clearly spreading chaos by now, probably won't be too hard to find her," Spike added.

"Cindy Lou!"

Everyone turned toward the sound of yet another voice, as a man in a postal worker's uniform came around the corner. He wore tiny round glasses over his eyes, which certainly made him look rather goofy.

"There you are honey," He said to Cindy.

"Dad, I met some new friends!" Cindy told him.

The man in question looked at the pastel-colored ponies and the teenage dragon with wide eyes at first. But in seconds, they quickly went back to normal, and the man smiled with one hand out to them.

"Nice to meet you all," He greeted. "Name's Lou Who, but you can just call me Lou."

One by one, the ponies and Spike shook his hand. They were still beyond confused over how he and Cindy seemed so cool with them being talking ponies...


... and talking Dragon.

"It amazes me how you can look at us without freaking out," Rainbow said amazed. "Don't get me wrong, it's a good change. It's just... so confusing."

"Ah think nothing of it," Lou assured. "After all, Whoville and the borders beyond have a variety of strange creatures. Believe it or not, you aren't even the strangest we've seen."

Lou looked down at the watch on his wrist and his eyes widened in shock.

"Oh gosh, look at the time!" He said urgently. "Come on Cindy, we've still got Christmas shopping to do before we get you to school."

Cindy nodded toward her father, before facing the group of Equestrians.

"Would you guys like to come shopping with us?"

"That sounds really fun Cindy dear," Rarity responded. "Sadly though, we're in the midst of trying to find some pony."

"We have to go through town in order to get where we need to be," Cindy pointed out. "Seeing as we have to go through most of the town, maybe you'll find who you're looking for."

Everyone looked at each other once more, contemplating over whether it was a good idea or not. After all, Cozy Glow was undoubtedly running rampant somewhere and the sooner they found her the better. Then again, they know nothing about Whoville so sticking with Cindy and Lou would be a good idea as far as knowing their way around. Ultimately, the choice was pretty much unanimous.

"Alright, we'll go with you guys," Twilight agreed. "But it's mainly because we need to find Cozy Glow as soon as possible."

"Remember every pony, we're looking for Cozy and not going shopping," Starlight reminded. "That means 'you' too Rarity."

"Oh, don't be silly darling! I'm perfectly capable of staying focus on the task at hoof."


"I MUST HAVE THESE!!!" Rarity squealed.

The whole group found themselves walking through a department store somewhere in Whoville, while Cindy and Lou were still Christmas shopping. The store was filled to the brim with an assortment of Who's shopping as well. It was certainly a jam-packed placed where one could scarcely move. Not only that, but all it took was one step into a shop to send Rarity on a shopping spree.

Currently, Spike was lugging around a whole bunch of bags he held with each limb of his body. Being a bigger dragon meant he was more easily able to handle such a heavy load. But Rarity still wasn't making it easy on him, as the dragon was nearly buried under a mound of bags.

"This is your idea of staying focused?" Starlight glared.

"I've combed every inch of this store looking for Cozy Glow darling," Rarity defended. "If I happen to purchase a few items along the way, so be it."

Meanwhile, Lou pulled out a list from his pocket to ensure he'd gotten just about everything they needed.

"We got a snoozlephone for your brother Drew and a snoozlephone for your brother Stu, a muncle for your uncle, a fant for your aunt, and a fandpa for your cousin Leon."

Every pony else was completely confused with all the stuff he just listed.

"Did any pony catch anything he just said?" Rainbow asked.

"Hon, ah've pretty much given up tryin' tah figure it out by this point," Applejack sighed.

"The Who's sure seem to take their Christmas shopping seriously, don't they?" Fluttershy asked.

"No kidding!" Pinkie Pie agreed. "I mean I love, love, LOVE picking out Hearth's Warming gifts as much as any pony else, don't get me wrong. But even I have to say this is absolutely bonkers!"

For Pinkie Pie to actually admit something was crazy (Or any word reminiscent of 'crazy') was a very shocking thing to hear indeed. With Pinkie, nothing was crazy.

"So we just need—"

Lou looked around for his daughter, but quickly realized he'd lost track of her in all this chaos.

"Cindy?" He called. "Cindy Lou?"

He finally caught a glimpse of her behind a crowd of people holding a giant mound of wrapped Christmas gifts. It was honestly amazing the little girl was able to carry it all. He quickly walked over to her, pulled the middle box out of the jumble, and made a little window so he could see his daughter's face.

"Dad?" She said.

"Yes honey?" Lou responded.

"Doesn't this seem like a bit much?"

"This is what Christmas is all about!" Lou smiled. "Can't you feel it?"

Cindy merely gave a tiny smile and a head nod; despite the fact she absolutely did not feel it in the slightest. To her, she had this feeling Christmas was much more than a whole bunch of presents. Speaking of which, she was surprised when a magical aura lifted much of the presents from her hands. She turned and smiled toward Twilight Sparkle, who was currently helping her carry the presents with her magic.

"Thank you Twilight," She spoke gratefully.

"You're welcome Cindy!" Twilight responded.

Then things 'really' started getting crazy in the store. The shopkeeper was having a truly difficult time keeping up with the rush of customers.

"Merry Christmas... thank you for shopping at Farfinles... wait a second... don't forget your change!"

Then, a loud bell rang throughout the town. An elderly timekeeper read out how much time remained until Christmas.

"Another minute closer to Christmas!"

In addition, a Zoot suit Who standing in the street with a candy cane... cane was trying to drum up some business.

"And for the next five minutes only... 99 percent off!"

Things started to boil into chaos in the town with Who's running left and right and to and fro. This left the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike struggling to keep themselves balanced in all the commotion.

"How're we ever going to find Cozy Glow in all this confusion?" Twilight asked.

"I've no idea," Starlight answered. "I can only imagine where the hay she even is."

"OUGHTTA MY WAY BOYS!!!" Rarity shouted, maniacally. "Those 99% off deals are mine! MINE! MUAH HA-HA-HA!!!"

The girls and Spike were taken aback as Rarity was running about maniacally, her eyes glowing red and her teeth seemed razor sharp. As if getting caught up in the insanity wasn't bad enough, Rarity charged through the crowd and started bashing through other Who's trying to get her hooves on anything she could snatch for herself. To say the group were slightly startled by Rarity's maniacal side coming out was an understatement.

"This is going to be a long day," Spike shuddered.


"Yes, every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch who lived just North of Whoville... did not."

Up upon the north edge of Whoville laid the mighty Mt. Crumpit, which overlooked the tiny city in all its splendor. What the citizens of Whoville believed more than anything was that this mountain was famous, well 'infamous', for the terrifying entity within the mountain walls. A creature who hated Christmas with a passion, as it watched over them from the mountain. And this terrible monster was known simply as... the Grinch. Everyone in Whoville feared the Grinch immensely, so no one ever dared venture up the mountain lest they received the Grinch's wrath.

However, that did not stop a select few Who teenagers from testing the myth themselves. Two such teenagers in particular were Cindy Lou Who's older brothers: Drew and Stu. They, along with two other Teenage Who girls, Christina Whoterberry and Junie Who, were currently in the process of climbing their way up the mountain.

"Come on girl, all the good mistletoes at the top!" Stu called out. "Hey Drew, I'll race you!"

"Not if I beat you first!" Drew called back.

"Last one to the top is a stinky old Grinch!"

They continued their ascent up the mountain, but very quickly Junie started to get a bad feeling about going further.

"You guys, where are we?" She asked nervously. "I think we should go back."

Drew and Stu both looked at her like she was crazy.

"Wait?" Stu laughed. "You're scared of the Grinch!"

Drew jumped off a rock toward the two girls, trying to scare them as part of a joke.

"They say he lives up here in a big cave," He spoke menacingly. "And he only comes down when he's hungry for the taste of... Who flesh!"

The last bit he said rather loudly, which made the two girls gasp.

"Oh Drew!" Christina groaned, lightly punching his shoulder.

"You're scared of the Grinch!" Stu teased, climbing up. "You're scared of the Grinch!"

"We are not!" Christina yelled.

"Are too!"

Junie tried to keep up with the group as best as she could, when her eyes caught sight of a flash of light. But by the time she looked up, it disappeared just as quickly. Seeing she was already falling behind; she resumed her run trying to meet with the others.

"Wait for me!" Junie called out.


Along the edge of a cliff, a tiny head popped out of the snow with a heavy gasp. Shaking the snow off her blue mane, Cozy Glow struggled her way out of the snow until her little body was free. Brushing off the rest of the snow, she took a long gaze around her surroundings. Miles upon miles of snow were in every direction and mountains as far as her eyes could see. And the only sign of any situation at all came from what appeared to be a tiny town which would be a lengthy climb for normal Earth ponies... but maybe a simple flight for a Pegasus (Longer being she's a mere filly).

"Snow! That's all I need... more snow!" Cozy grumbled. "Should've known rushing would get me nowhere."

A commotion stirred her back to reality and she realized a group was coming up the mountain. Thinking it might be Twilight and the others, Cozy quickly ducked along the sides of the mountain hoping to use a corner to hide. After a lengthy period of climbing, the Who teens had reached the top where they believed the mistletoes were abundant. But as the girls finally caught up, they noticed Drew and Stu standing there.

Judging by the looks of their figures, they appeared to be shivering very heavily. Their teeth chattered greatly as if the area around them was super cold even with their winter apparel. But being Who's, they're used to the chilly atmosphere during this time of the year so feeling cold was the last thing on their mind. No... instead what they saw before them made the two outspoken, rambunctious boys shiver... with fear.

Looming before them was a foreboding looking door, a ghastly green door with an even smaller door as if for a much smaller creature to emerge from. It was strange to see such a doorway along the side of a mountain but for these Who's it also confirmed their worst fears. They had stumbled upon the entrance to the Grinch's lair itself, ergo enough evidence that the Grinch was no mere ghost story. The boys tried not to show it to the girls, but they were actually terrified.

"Go on, touch it. Touch the door!" Christina coaxed. "Do it for me, Stu."

The way Christina was flirting toward the nervous Stu, there was no way he was going to back out of this now. Gazing toward one another, the two brothers nervously approached the door while their girlfriends sat behind watching them. The anticipation was nerve-wracking, so much so that Junie was scared of what could happen next. Once they were close enough to the door, Stu timidly reached his hand out to either knock on the door... or at least touch it.

From her hiding spot, Cozy Glow watched all the activity before her wondering what these strange creatures were up to. She leaned in for a much closer look when suddenly...


The door burst wide open and emerging from the cave, growling with hunger, a vicious beast appeared. Seeing the glowing red eyes, razor sharp teeth, green-fur, and a red tongue flapping about, the Who's screamed in terror. Even Cozy Glow squealed at the sight of the monster and briefly ducked back, thankfully with all the commotion neither of them heard her. The boys, frightful for their lives, jumped off the edge of the mountain with the girls following in tow. And just like that, the Who teens ducked and rolled across the heavy snow screaming and hollering their way back to Whoville.

Peeking out of her hiding spot, Cozy Glow nervously made for another look at the monster. But when she was able to get a closer look, her expression of fear drifted to utter confusion. While indeed there was a head of a monster... something about its appearance seemed off. As she fluttered out of her hiding spot, Cozy was able to confirm that it was fake... like some prop that was hoof-made... or handmade... or whichever way this world used it. As she studied the prop head, which continued to make growls, she checked behind the head... and her suspicions were confirmed.

Connected to the back of the head, barking through a horn to emanate the effect of a roaring beast, was some form of mutt. Cozy did not know dogs rather well, so she couldn't know what breed it was, but it was definitely the scruffiest one she'd seen. The dog at least had to be well-trained to even bark like that behind a prop.

"Are you what all the fuss is about?" Cozy asked.

The dog stopped for a moment and merely looked at her with a face that resembles confusion. Either the dog had never seen a talking pony with wings before... or the fact it was specifically talking to Max like giving any form of relevance. Either way, the dog barked a light reply.

"Pfft! Those goofs must be really stupid to be scared of you," Cozy smirked. "Now then... where's your owner?"

"Well done, Max!"

A deep voice drew Cozy Glow toward the entrance of the lair. Curious, the little filly fluttered off the ground and ventured inside the dark cave. The dog, Max by name, tried barking to Cozy as if trying to convince her to come out. But she was too far deep inside to pay much heed, for she wanted to meet the owner of this hidden lair in the cave with her own eyes. Looking around, the cave itself had this unwelcome feeling in the air which almost reminded her of home. Even the smells hanging in the air gave off a terrible air that disgusted her.

Her search for the mysterious owner led to a pile of trash of sorts, where rotted fruits and vegetables sat in a clump. Peering closely, she saw a creature of sorts digging through the pile and a most unusual creature at best. A furry, pot-bellied, pear-shaped, snub-nosed creature and entirely yellow-green.

"Serves them right, those Yuletide-loving, sickly-sweet, nog-sucking cheer mongers!" The creature muttered.

Finally, after digging through all the spoiled morsal in the pile the beast finally settled for what appeared to be an onion, possibly the only fresh treat in the mound. It lifted the vegetable toward its catlike face still thinking about those Who's daring themselves to enter his domain.

"I really don't like them. Mm-mmm... no, I don't."

The creature, most likely the Grinch, took one huge bite out of the onion and started chewing the bits of the smelly vegetable so messily. The scent emanating from the onion was so great Cozy cringed as she moaned from the smell. But that proved to be a big mistake, as the beast's head quickly lifted up as if it managed to catch the faintest hint of her voice.

"WHO'S IN MY CAVE?!?!?!"

Cozy Glow's eyes went wide, and at first she tried to take a step back. But the creature quickly turned around, his feet skidding along the cave, and spotted the little intruder before she could step farther. Cozy found herself standing there, frozen stiff, the rare instant where she seemed intimidated... if not scared of the creature before her. It stepped toward the filly till its feet was within inches from Cozy Glow's, it then leaned forward eyeing her with a sinister glare and his hands on his hips.

"Well... look what we got here," The Grinch sneered. "A bit early for a 'filly' cheesesteak... but maybe this day wasn't a complete waste!"

The creature was about to reach out and grab the filly. That was when she quickly snapped back to her senses, knowing that there was no way she came all this way just to be some nasty creature's mid-morning snack.

"Buddy... you're making a very big mistake!" Cozy warned, cringing. "Urgh! And you clearly don't know a thing about personal hygiene."

The creature leaned back, as if slightly startled by this discovery as its eyes widened with surprise. That was when the Grinch was able to get a closer look at this pony seeing there was more that meets the eye. If not for the fact she spoke to him was surprising enough, he could clearly see some wings sticking out of its back... unless years living in a cave are flying playing tricks on him.

"Well... didn't see this one coming," The Grinch muttered, speaking aloud. "You better have a good reason why I wouldn't think to eat you about now!"

"Because... I'm... cute?" Cozy smiled.

The Grinch merely stared at her for a few seconds, slowly blinking his eyes.

"Urgh... so sweet it's sickening! Probably some Who's prized Christmas pony who wandered off..."


The Grinch's eyes rolled with annoyance, hearing the confusion in the pony's lips.

"What? You don't know what Christmas is?" The Grinch asked. "The yuletide holiday of... urgh, cheer! And goodwill towards—oh God, I can't even finish it!"

"You mean like... Hearths Warming?" Cozy remarked, crossing her hooves. "Heh! No thanks! Can't stand that holiday. And if this 'Christmas' thing is anything like the holiday I have at home... I'd want nothing to do with it."

Hearing such talk from one so small and young drew a bit of interest out of the Grinch. Certainly none the likes of anything he'd been expecting. And yet he was not about to let his guard down so easily, no matter how adorable this pony tried to act.

"Do you not know what I am... little girl?" The Grinch asked. "They call me the Grinch... I am the most feared creature known through all of Who-dom! The very name itself strikes fear and terror to the hearts of even the bravest of creatures!"

"I've spent my living in a cave surrounded by the most vile, dangerous creatures in all Equestria," Cozy Glow bragged. "You think I'd be standing in this cave, your cave mind you, and feel the least bit terrified of your presence. I don't think so."

"... I'm confused. Who sent you?"

"Like I said, I'm in league with a very powerful group," Cozy continued. "They're all into the scary business, every day running meetings plotting their next schemes. I hate meetings; I usually don't get to butt in. They'd have me sitting in a corner, that's boring. But my 'boss' dropped me off here, sent me to fulfill my share of the work... so I won't cause mischief with the big boys. And buddy, sometimes I do get into mischief."

The Grinch eyed the filly closely, who seemed to relish in her moment to talk a big game (Even if most of what she was telling the Grinch was a gross exaggeration).

"We all do!" Cozy smiled, shrugging.

"Hmm... so you like mischief huh?" The Grinch nodded slowly. "What's your name little horse?"

"First of all, I'm a pony not a horse," Cozy Glow corrected. "The name's Cozy Glow! Mischief and Mayhem is pretty much my middle name. And buddy... after seeing those mean old Who's trespassing on your land, disrespecting your front porch I might add, how can you possibly tolerate such delinquent behavior? Hmm?"

"Hmm... Cozy Mischief and Mayhem Glow? That's a mouthful..."

It was then the Grinch turned toward the side.

"MAX!!!" The Grinch called out. "Get my cloak! Make that two!"

The dog Max went to fetch the cloak upon command as the Grinch himself made his way to the door, with the onion in his grip. The little pony, Cozy Glow, followed closely behind.

"You're right about one thing pony girl," The Grinch spoke. "I've been much too tolerant of these Whovenile delinquents... and their innocent, victimless pranks."

As they made their way the door, Cozy Glow stood by and saw the dog Max trudging along carrying some cloaks dropping them by her hooves. Cozy took one cloak and gave a deep whiff out of curiosity... the filly cringed from the smell. But she knew it would have to do... 'for now'. She turned toward the Grinch, who proceeded to rub a whole onion across his armpits before discarding the whole thing off the cliff.

"So, they want to get to know me, do they?" The Grinch continued. "They want to spend a little 'quality time' with the Grinch."

He then turned toward Cozy Glow, so the pony could have a better look at his feline-like face.

"I guess I could use a little... social interaction."

And then, one look into each other's eyes, and a smile formed between the pair. As if they knew that somehow, they were both sharing the same crazy idea... for a little disorderly conduct.

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