Hearths Warming Horror
Disgust... hatred... the only two words which best described the feelings of one tiny little foal sitting and shivering in the darkness of the caves she called home since arrival. Cozy Glow shook vigorously, nearly freezing to death in the cold darkness. The land of Equestria had officially turned to winter. The usually dark, cold cave she and the remainder of the Dark Order resided in was now colder than ever, the freezing air blowing briskly through the caverns.
"I-I-I h-h-hate w-w-winter..." She shook.
"Oh, quit your griping, will you?!"
Cozy turned with a glare toward Tirek, who looked down upon her. The giant minotaur merely glared back toward the little filly, as he walked off towards the center of the cave where the Dark Order usually met. Cozy picked herself upon her shaky hooves, strolling against the cold and followed closely behind him.
"You know Tirek, I personally hate the idea of Hearth's Warming Eve," Cozy told the minotaur. "I mean... a bunch of ponies gathering around giving presents and singing songs. Like that really keeps the Windigos at bay?"
Tirek merely groaned while clutching his aching head. For the past few weeks, since winter arrived in Equestria, he'd listen to Cozy Glow complaining about winter and especially Hearth's Warming. She just never seemed to shut up about how much she despised the season.
"I sear, if I have to hear even 'one' more complaint out of you over the season I'll sew your mouth shut!" Tirek threatened.
"As if!" Cozy scoffed. "You know as well as I do the Benefactor needs all of us for what's coming. Meaning you can't do anything to me."
"What is it you hate about the holiday so much anyway?" Tirek asked her. "Celestia forbid you don't get enough presents overflowing in your own house."
"I don't know..." Cozy shrugged. "I just hate it."
"Hmph... fine, I didn't even want to know anyway."
At that moment, the Mysterious Benefactor strolled into the area and as usually arrived with a robe covering every possible semblance of their being. Following behind the Benefactor was their newest addition to the group: Chickenstein. Following a successful experiment with the Randomonium, the seven-foot chicken monster was now their most obedient servant... a creature of very few words. Once the Benefactor stopped, Chickenstein loomed around and drew out a tiny brush from its inside vest pocket and proceeded to dust off the throne chair before the Benefactor could take their seat.
"Congratulations Cozy Clow," The Benefactor told her. "You've been granted an assignment that will be just perfect for you."
"Oh yeah?" Cozy perked, with interest. "What might that be?"
"You are to sneak to that wretched nest of filth they call 'Ponyville' and wreak as much havoc as possible."
This made Cozy Glow's face light up like the lights on a Hearth's Warming tree.
"Now that sounds fun!" Cozy grinned maliciously. "So... what am I targeting exactly?"
The Benefactor grinned beneath their hood as they thought of the perfect place to strike to ensure some chaos. Somewhere chaos thrived itself into its very foundation and required to go less it brought everyone together to learn what they have in store next.
"Discord's Theatre..."
The crisp air blew a cold breeze across all of Equestria, as a thick white blanket of fresh fallen snow littered the grounds. In the town of Ponyville, a feeling of merriness and joy could be felt as every pony prepared for a glorious Hearth's Warming Eve. Little foals raced amuck, playing games in the snow, and enjoying all the happiness the holiday had to offer. And such joy and splendor on this merry time of the year, as ponies decorated their homes with wreaths and lights or laying out fresh warm pies along the window, every citizen in town broke out in song.
Ponies (Sings):
Ponies' voices fill the night
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Happy hearts so full and bright
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Oh, what a sight
Look at the light
All for tonight
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
In the midst of all the excitement for the holiday, a single small figure dressed in a heavy-set robe strode through the merry assembly of singing ponies and other creatures visiting for the holidays. The figure hardly paid little heed to the chariots carrying little foals delivering bags of toys for other kids in need or even the one group of Hearths Warming carolers in the midst of the square. Shadows loomed over the robed visitor, who quickly ducked along the side of a house and looked up.
Spreading snowing clouds across Ponyville, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were hard at work helping the other Pegasi set the clouds together for a light snowfall. Like the ponies passing across the surface below them, they too were dressed in winter coats to keep extra warm and were also happy knowing that with the arrival of Hearths Warming Eve it shan't be long till the big day tomorrow.
Fluttershy (Sings):
Clouds arranged so they're just so
Pegasi (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Rainbow Dash (Sings):
Gonna make some awesome snow
Pegasi (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash (Sings):
The chill wind blows
Making a show
Snowflakes aglow
Ponies (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Rainbow Dash's eyes soon spot something in town and dives toward the ground. The hooded figure froze anticipating she was coming to it. But instead, Rainbow zipped by and landed right under a mistletoe, where her dear mare-friend Applejack stood. They smiled upon seeing each other and gave a kiss to each other.
A flash of light and a click draws the pair around as Pinkie Pie stood within six feet with a camera in her hooves. She knelt it down and chuckled merrily as her two friends shook their heads with annoyance. Pinkie suddenly saw a passing Griffon strolling casually across town and quickly put on a Hearth's Warming hat on his head before letting him go. And strolling by, other ponies were walking about carrying warm trays of pies and pastries to bring to their families for a lovely feast.
Pinkie Pie (Sings):
A day that's filled with songs to sing
Chorus (Sings):
Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding
Applejack (Sings):
Cakes and pastries we shall bring
Chorus (Sings):
Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding
We're so busy making merry
Windigos should all be wary
Male Cast (Sings):
As our mighty voices carry
Chorus (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
While every pony else seemed distracted, the tiny, robed figure tried to quickly pave their way through the swarm of merriment and cheer. In such a hurry they nearly bumped into a pony carrying a box of ornaments and other decorations. But the pony in question kept going as he met with another group in town square where a huge Hearths Warming tree stood. Every pony and every creature volunteering were hanging decorations and ornaments. And no other pony was more fit for the job than one Miss Rarity herself, with her husband Erik and sister Sweetie Belle helping out.
Rarity (Sings):
Decorations we shall make
Chorus (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Erik (Sings):
Perfect you just cannot fake
Chorus (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Rarity, Erik, & Sweetie Belle (Sings):
Not one mistake
Don't let that break
Rarity (Sings):
Oh, goodness' sake!
Chorus (Sings):
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a—
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again!
In town, there were two foals in particular enjoying this holiday: Pound and Pumpkin, the Cake twins. Currently, they were in the process of building a giant snow pony right outside Sugarcube Corner. The two little twins had certainly grown in recent years, from two tiny babies who once drove poor Pinkie Pie bonkers when she first babysat to the foal and filly they are now. Sure, they still drive the mare stark-raving mad occasionally, but now they were more mature and didn't do so as often.
Currently, the two tiny ponies were wrapping up their work on their snow pony. Pound carefully placed two coal eyes on the face while Pumpkin wrapped a long orange scarf around it. Stepping back, the two children admired their work.
"Pumpkin, this just might be the best snow pony we've ever made!" Pound admired.
"You're welcome," Pumpkin smirked.
Pound turned and glared toward his sister.
"Don't you mean 'thank you'?" He asked seriously. "I'm the one who did most of the work!"
"Nuh uh!" Pumpkin shot back.
"Uh huh!"
"Nuh uh!"
"Uh huh!"
This went on for a good five minutes before things between the twins quickly got physical. Pound leapt onto his sister, as they rolled about the snow passing the perplexed hooded figure (If any pony could see their face). It watch both foals duking it out, trying to gain the advantage over the other. But it was clear they were equally matched and yet it was such a spectacle the hooded figure could barely stifle a light chuckle.
All of a sudden, the sound of some pony clearing their throat put a stop to their senseless fight. The twins looked up and saw their mother and father glaring toward them. They quickly picked themselves off one another and dusted themselves off before grinning toward their folks with the biggest, most innocent smiles they could make.
"Hi mommy!" Pound greeted innocently.
"Hi daddy!" Pumpkin added.
"Now we've told you two time and time again," Mr. Cake warned. "If you two can't play outside without fighting, no playing outside at all."
"Aww, but daddy—" Both twins whined.
"Your father's right you two," Mrs. Cake agreed. "If you can behave, you lose certain privileges. Now apologize to each other."
Both twins groaned a bit before turning toward one another and mumbled a tiny apology. From behind Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Pinkie Pie arrived with Lil Cheese on her back. The little tyke was a year old now, so full of energy and just as rambunctious as his parents. From behind Pinkie, Cheese Sandwich and Diamond Tiara arrived.
Since the day the young filly chose not to follow her parents, the day they got banished from Ponyville, she'd been living happily with the cakes. When she 'did' hear from her parents, apparently the Riches set a new branch in Manehatten and were living as prosperous as ever. But Diamond Tiara could care less about their financial status, for she was much happier where she was now.
"Momma, snowy!" Lil Cheese babbled, pointing at the snow pony. "Snowy! Snowy! Snowy!"
"That's right little cheesy-wheezy!" Pinkie said happily. "The biggest snow pony your cousins ever made."
"Actually, I was the one that—" Pound started.
A quick glance from his parents made the young foal zip his muzzle shut before he got himself in further trouble. Diamond Tiara walked over to the snow pony, studied it up and down, and nodded with approval.
"It's coming along nicely," She complimented. "But there's something missing."
"There is?" The twins asked, in unison. "What?"
Diamond Tiara quickly raced back to Sugarcube Corner before coming back a minute later with a top hat in her teeth. She quickly chucked it up atop the snow pony's head before stepping back and smiled with admiration.
"No snow pony is complete without a top hat," She said.
"Not bad Diamond," Cheese complimented. "But don't you think it would be even more funny if it had big red shoes and crazy-looking hair. I mean when I was a wee colt, I loved making snow clowns for Hearth's Warming. Funniest thing about them was rigging them to throw snowballs at passing ponies. One year, I got so creative I made one throw a snow 'pie' instead."
To emphasize his point, Cheese Sandwich pulled out a cart of pies made entirely of snow and turned toward the twins and Diamond Tiara. The three all had wide eyes of fear before running away screaming, with Cheese running after them and trying to pelt them with pies. This caused everyone around them to laugh while watching Cheese and the children run amuck.
At that moment, the rest of the Mane Six gathered together in Sugarcube Corner, all dressed in their winter apparel. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked cute together, walking up with a big scarf wrapped around both their necks which practically held them together. Fluttershy was dressed in winter boots, a scarf, and a fuzzy pai of earmuffs over her cute little ears. Rarity was dressed in a fancy ensemble of winter gear that seemed to be made of some type of white fur, 'fake' of course but still fashionable. Twilight wore boots and a scarf, while her now much larger dragon assistant Spike wore nothing.
Being a dragon meant he was already warm enough himself.
Lucky guy...
"Hey guys!" Rainbow greeted. "How's everything going?"
"Oh Cheesy's just chasing the kids around with a cart of snow pies," Pinkie replied casually.
"Sounds like somethin' ol' Cheese Sandwich would do," Applejack nodded, with a chuckle.
"Madame Rarity!" A voice called.
Every pony turned quickly as Rarity's assistant, Parfaite, raced towards them. The young mare had worked with Rarity since Applejack and Rainbow Dash found her half dead in the forest the year before. She'd been attacked viciously by Timberwolves and amazingly managed to survive the ordeal. From what she told them she'd been forced from her home in Prance and came to Ponyville looking to start a new life prior to the attack.
Rarity, being the generous pony she was, graciously offered her to stay with her in the shop and work as her assistant till she got back on her hooves. However, in the year she'd been living with her, Parfaite had come to learn she actually liked working with Rarity. Ergo, she decided to make her residence permanent to continue working for Rarity.
"Parfaite, why are you in such a rush darling?" Rarity asked her.
"Monsieur Erik asked me to bring zis to you," Parfaite responded.
The cream-coated Pegasus handed Rarity a beautiful baby blue scarf that seemed to be made from a very fine fabric. Rarity smiled and took the scarf with her magic, wrapping it around her neck.
"Well thank you Parfaite dear," Rarity thanked her. "I must have forgotten it in my rush."
"Oui mademoiselle!" Parfaite nodded. "Your husband feared zat you might get cold without it. I ran as I could so zat I may get it to you on time."
"Erik's so sweet to think of my well-being," Rarity smiled. "And you Parfaite are the sweeting thing ever, running all the way out here just to give it to me."
"Sank you madame," Parfaite nodded. "I suppose I should return to ze boutique now."
"Oh, don't be silly darling," Rarity said quickly. "Why not stay with us awhile?"
"Oh, I vould not wish to be a bozer," Parfaite shook her head.
"Ah don't sweat it Parfaite," Spike assured her. "You're part of the gang now. You can spend as much time with us whenever you'd like."
"Hey guys!"
The addition of another new voice drew every pony toward Starlight Glimmer walking behind them. The lilac purple unicorn mare with the matching mane and teal blue stripe down the middle trotted toward her group of friends decked out in her winter apparel.
"What's going on Starlight?" Twilight asked her apprentice.
"I just wanted to invite you guys to my big Hearth's Warming Eve party I'm throwing later tonight," Starlight said excitedly. "It'll be so cool!"
"Ooh! Ooh! Will there be cake?" Pinkie asked.
"You bet!" Starlight nodded.
"Uh... yeah?"
"Uh huh!"
Before Pinkie could say more, Rainbow quickly shoved her hoof over her mouth.
"Pinkie, I think it's safe to say anything you'd find at a party will be there," She groaned.
"YIPPEE!!!" She cheered, muffled.
The party pony grabbed her son off her back, into her hooves, and spun him around excitedly much to the little colt's amusement. Everyone else shook their heads yet smiled because in the end they love their rambunctious friend.
"Anyway, who'd have thought Starlight Glimmer would be hosting a Hearth's Warming Eve party of her own this year?" Spike asked.
"It's all thanks to you and Twilight for showing me how much this holiday really means to Equestria," Starlight replied. "I realized I'd been a stick in the mud about it for so long... figured I'd make up for lost time—"
Suddenly, all eyes turned, and their nostrils flared to the smell of smoke. The sound of screaming citizens drew the entire group to the side where they noticed a gigantic cloud of black smoke rising high into the air. And beneath the smoke, a bright glow came over the horizon.
"What's going on over there?" Fluttershy asked.
"I don't know," Spike answered. "But black smoke and screaming ponies usually never ends well!"
"Let's get over there fast!" Twilight said urgently. "Ponies could be seriously hurt!"
"Parfaite, run back to town as fast as you can!" Rarity instructed Parfaite. "Gather as much help as you can and meet us there."
"Oui, madame!" parfait nodded.
Parfaite galloped at full speed through town as fast as she could. The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight raced toward whatever was going on at the opposite end. Soon as they reached the grove and saw what was really going on, they were all horrified. Discord's Theatre engulfed in a blaze of fire, flames rising high into the sky. Many ponies raced about in separate directions as they ran from the theatre just to escape the fiery blaze. The group quickly raced down the theatre, trying to help as many ponies escape as possible.
"What happened here?!" Twilight asked a stallion.
"A-A pony... in a hood s-showed up..." The stallion coughed. "Set the whole b-building on fire!"
"A pony in a hood?"
The stallion merely nodded, while coughing the smoke out of his lungs. After the group ensured every pony had been evacuated safely, they gathered together to investigate the reasoning behind the flame. While looking around, Spike spotted something caught under a burning piece of wood. Being a dragon, Spike was easily able to get it out of the flame and when he looked at it, he held a partially scorched hood as green as the bristles on a wintry tree.
Before he could come to some conclusion, Starlight noticed a tiny figure making their way down a dirt path behind the theatre. Upon closer inspection, she recognized a tiny filly appearing to be hauling a cart with all her might. And sitting in the midst of the cart was the magical television itself.
"Guys... it's Cozy Glow!!!" She yelled. "And she's got the television!"
"COZY GLOW?!?!?!" The group shouted.
"C'mon, every pony!" Applejack called out. "After her!!!"
Everyone charged behind Cozy Glow, who ran with all her might down the trail. But being so small, it did not take long for the group to catch up with her.
"Stop right there, Cozy Glow!" Twilight yelled.
The filly in question did indeed stop and turned back toward the group of ponies and the dragon standing behind her. A wicked grin spread across her face as she stared them down.
"Why Princess Twilight Sparkle, how nice to see you again!" She said sarcastically. "You know, I really have to say that theatre's really cool. You might even say it's the 'hottest' thing in town right now!"
"You've gone too far this time Cozy Glow!" Twilight spoke angrily. "Tormenting ponies is one thing but setting fire to an entire building of ponies is a crime even terrible for you!"
"Oh, I'm really going to enjoy bashing your flank kid!" Rainbow growled, cracking her hooves.
"Well... pretty tough to hurt me if you can't... catch me!" Cozy smirked.
She quickly turned the dial on the television and the portal sprang to life. Cozy laughed madly as she jumped through the portal. Without hesitation, the group raced in behind her. To say that Hearth's Warming was ruined was perhaps the biggest understatement so far, but they were determined to catch Cozy Glow and set things right. They screamed and flew through the portal, twirling and swirling in the winding tunnel of light and sparkles. They fell until all their bodies turned to microscopic size before they flew farther... and farther... and farther... till they flew toward... a snowflake?
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