The Writing on the Wall
A warm, yellowish-orange glow blanketed the plains of the Scottish Highlands as the sun began to set over the horizon. As the sun descended behind the hills alongside Hogwarts, the gigantic castle cast an enormous shadow upon the mountains. This would mark the end of the first day of the new terms for Hogwarts in general. The entire student body, along with their professors, filed into the Great Hall for another magnificent feast. Unbeknownst to them, however, a sinister plot was being formed beneath their feet.
Deep below the school, in a giant chamber within the tunnels, the Dark Order gathered at the base of a large stone statue depicting Salazar Slytherin. The Dark One and the Mysterious Benefactor gazed upon the giant stone head, evil intent stirring upon their minds.
"At last..." The Dark One declared eerily. "After so many years of waiting, the time has finally come!"
"I've waited for this day for nearly a thousand years," The Benefactor replied. "Too long the Wizarding World and Equestria have been a festering pool of decadence. Soon, we'll finally rid not only this world, but all worlds of the filth and scum of existence."
Behind the two evil figures, the remainder of the Order shared skeptical gazes staring at one another in the eye.
"Then why have you two waited this long for it to happen?" Adagio questioned. "No offense, but we've spent the entire time getting our butts kicked by those miserable ponies. If this secret weapon of yours is so great, why not release it ages ago?"
"The time wasn't right to set it loose upon the worlds," The Benefactor replied simply.
"Then you certainly took your sweet time," Aria snarked.
"Your delays have allowed those so-called 'heroes' to grow stronger, haltering our plans at every turn," Zoe added.
"SILENCE!!!" The Benefactor replied.
The three sirens merely scoffed, rolling their eyes over the sharp reply. Beside them, Darth Andromedis and Demetria hovered their lightsabers in their force grips never turning their gaze away from the two dark figures.
"Need I remind you I now control the Eternal Throne and the thousands of ancient alien war ships at my command?" Andromedis reminded them. "You need simply give the order and I can arrange for the Eternal Fleet to crush this Equestria along with any worlds you wish into a pile of slag."
"I don't think that's the best course of action, Master," Demetria responded. "As easy as it be to wipe these cretins off the face of the galaxy, I prefer they suffer first. Especially that traitorous wretch, Sunset Shimmer..."
A hand upon her shoulder and Demetrias' connection with the force ceased, and her lightsaber dropped from her hand. She turned with a heated glare towards Joseph Seed, who's merely been smiling at her.
"Worry not, child," He spoke calmly. "I've heard the word of God, and I assure you he has blessed us on our holy mission to purge those sinners from all worlds. However, as Rome was not built within a day, this mission could take years to achieve. Patience is key."
"I do not WISH to be patient!" Demetria snapped. "I want to watch the light leave Sunset Shimmer's eyes when I drive my lightsaber through her chest!"
It was then Cozy Glimmer and Tirek walked alongside them.
"You and me both sister!" Cozy Glow chuckled.
The sound of scrapping metal drew all eyes toward the side, spotting Sweeney Todd sharpening his razors with Chrysalis by his side.
"Soon they will all die," Sweeney said grimly. "Their blood will flow like a raging river."
"Indeed, my sweet," Chrysalis smirked wickedly.
"Regardless of what we think of these plans, you've forgotten one thing," Regina spoke up. "This game has been rigged since the beginning. The story always pans out the same; the heroes win, the villains always lose."
"Don't be cynical, Regina," Cora told her daughter. "For once, we finally have the power within our reach. So long as things continue to go the way they are, the story will be rewritten."
"I for one am prepared to start playing a completely different game," Cersei smirked. "One where you either win... or die."
A sudden loud metallic 'CLANG' upon the chamber's stone floor made everyone silent. All eyes turned toward the Dark One, the Staff of Hermes in their grip. It emitted a powerful glow upon its hilt banging the ground, gaining the full attention of their Order.
"Enough of this foolish rabble," They spoke. "The time has finally come."
The figure cloaked in black slowly approached the large statue, slowly reaching out to place a gloved hand upon the cold stone. Suddenly, the eyes of their mask glowed a bright green and the status shook. The mouth of the statue slowly began to lower, opening before them. From deep within, a very low hiss could be heard as two giant glowing yellow eyes appeared from within the darkness.
Hours later...
It was late evening in Lockhart's office, its walls lined with framed photographs of... Gilderoy Lockhart. Harry Potter, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Lockhart himself were working by candlelight at an ornate desk. Bleary-eyed, Harry and the ponies were addressing envelopes, while a cheery Lockhart placed his signature on the stack of glossy photos bearing his image.
"Harry, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie," Lockhart chuckled. "Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fan mail?"
"Honestly...?" Apple Bloom forced a smile.
"Not really," Harry answered.
"No," Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"I can name two or three things I'd rather do in detention," Scootaloo replied, reading a letter. "'Send me pictures of your...'"
"FEET!" Lockhart finished, grabbing the letter. "It's another one of those requests, heh-heh... I'll go over this one later... much later."
Scootaloo looked on incredulously as Lockhart quickly opened a drawer and violently shoved the letter inside before slamming the door shut.
"The things you do for your fans, right professor?" Sweetie Belle implied.
"Fame is a fickle friend, little pony," Lockhart replied. "Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that."
Harry and the girls nodded, glancing gloomily at the towering stack of envelopes that remained. Dipping his quill, he began to write, when suddenly... a chilly voice villed the room.
"Come... come to me..."
"What?" Harry asked aloud.
"Sorry?" Sweetie Belle glanced up.
"I was saying, six solid months at the top of the bestseller list!" Lockhart replied. "Broke all records!"
"No... not you," Harry corrected. "That... voice."
"That... voice. Didn't you hear it?"
"What are you talking about, Harry?" Lockhart asked. "I think we're getting a bit... uh, drowsy. And great Scott – and no wonder – look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours!"
"FOUR HOURS!!!" The girls screamed.
"Dinner will nearly be done!" Scootaloo realized.
"If we don't hurry, they'll eat all the pudding!" Apple Bloom added.
"Well, can't let that happen, can we?" Lockhart chuckled. "You kids run along and have your fun. Spooky how the time flies when one's having fun!"
"Spooky..." Harry glanced up.
It was clear the boy was still thinking about the creepy voice that supposedly only he can hear. The girls eyed their friend worriedly but followed him just the same.
Moments later...
Soon as they concluded answering Lockhart's fan mail, Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders left the room. By luck they happened to find Sunset Shimmer waiting for them outside. The Jedi Sorceress was playing with her gecko friend, Ray, when she saw the four students. She picked herself up as Ray perched himself upon her shoulder.
"Ready to go back to Gryffindor Tower?" Sunset asked.
"I'm just glad to be out of there," Scootaloo sighed. "That guy's mountain of fan mail is the size of his ego!"
"It could've been worse, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom replied. "We could've been sent to the Dark Forest for detention..."
"Don't jinx it," Sweetie Belle cautioned.
"What's done is done," Harry sighed. "Anyway, I'm hungry. We were just going to head for the Great Hall to get a snack."
"Then I better go with you," Sunset replied. "I can use some eats myself. What do you say girls?"
The CMC nodded in agreement, as they all turned to head for the Great Hall. On the way, Sunset Shimmer turned back toward the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. A few brooding thoughts were clearly in her mind.
"Who died and made that guy Professor?" Sunset asked herself. "I should be teaching that class, I mean... I've dealt with the Dark Side before. I know how to fight against it... a little."
The group passed quickly through the lengthening shadows of the empty corridor, when the ponies suddenly bumped into Harry, who stood entirely still.
"Hey Harry, what's the hold up?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Shh!" Harry shushed. "There it is again!"
"... There is what again?" Sunset asked.
"Blood... I smell blood..."
Sunset Shimmer stopped cold with a gasp, looking around the hall for the source of the voice.
"Who said that?" Sunset asked.
"You heard it too?" Harry asked the Jedi Sorceress.
"Uh huh..." Sunset nodded.
"What is it?" Apple Bloom asked.
"Let me rip you... let me kill you..."
Both Harry and Sunset stepped toward the wall, playing their fingers along the stone wall. Then they began walking, slowly at first, then more quickly, as if following something and determined to keep track of it. They moved faster and faster, rounding the corner with the Cutie Mark Crusaders following behind. The more they followed, the louder it sounded, meaning they were getting closer.
"Kill... kill... KILL!"
Both Sunset Shimmer and Harry Potter stopped in their tracks, when they looked up, seeing Hermoine and Ron standing before them, accompanied by the Student Six, Spike, and the Mane Six.
"Whoa there, Sugar cubes!" Applejack exclaimed. "Y'all looked like ya've seen a ghost!"
"Technically, ghosts are normal here at Hogwarts," Gallus commented.
"Did you hear it?" Harry asked.
"Hear what?" Ron asked, confused yet concerned.
There was... a voice," Sunset Shimmer answered.
"Voice? What voice?" Twilight asked.
"I heard it first in Lockhart's office," Harry explained, eyes darting around.
"But then we heard it in the hall, just—"
Sunset Shimmer stopped mid-sentence, when she and Harry heard the voice talking again. But this time, it was farther away than before.
"Kill... Time to kill..."
As they stiffened, the group studied their friends curiously.
"It's moving!" Harry exclaimed. "I think it's going to... kill."
Harry ran through his friends and the Assistant professors, the majority exchanging a glance.
"Kill?" Ron asked.
"Harry, wait!" Hermoine called out. "Not so fast!"
As the Equestrians and the others gave chase, Harry and Sunset dashed madly, taking the steps three at a time along the marble staircase. They made the landing, rushing through the archway, and sled to a stop, listening: Nothing. Slowly, they peered down. Water oozed over the stone floor of the second floor corridor, surrounding their shoes. Their own reflection appeared and, behind it, undulating like a dream... words. Their friends soon arrived, huffing up a storm just to breathe.
"Where'd all this water come from?" Spike asked.
"Wouldn't surprise me if it's one of Discord and Peeves' pranks," Gallus commented. "Knowing those jokers, I bet they're in cahoots with Fred and George for something big and funny."
"Guys... how do you explain... that?" Ocellus pointed.
Everyone's attention shifted toward the window: Near the topmost pane, spiders scuttled up a silvery thread, fighting to get through a crack in the glass.
"Dude, that's creepy!" Sandbar cringed.
"Strange..." Harry spoke up. "I've never seen spiders act like that."
"Neither have we," Twilight added.
"They look scared," Fluttershy frowned, concerned.
"Yeah, look at that..." Smolder examined, facing Ron. "Ron...? What's up?"
"I... don't... like... spiders," Ron grimaced, backing away.
"Yona not like spiders either," Yona agreed.
Everyone turned towards the floor and were startled by what they saw.
"What's that?" Ron asked.
All eyes gazed toward the puddle of water, where they could see what appeared to be bloody writing. Shimmering on the wall were foreboding words written in blood which hermoine read:
"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened," Hermoine began. "Enemies of the Heir... beware."
"It's written in blood!" Rarity said squeamishly.
"Ew..." Ocellus and Apple Boom remarked.
"What's that?" Rainbow Dash pointed to her left. "Hanging underneath?"
"Oh no..." Harry muttered in horror. "That's Filch's cat. Mrs. Norris..."
The cat hung stiffly by her tail from a torch bracket, eyes open and blank. But that wasn't the only thing they saw. Twilight Sparkle gasped violently, clasping her hooves upon her mouth at the additional sight. Beneath the cat was Storm Shield lying on his side, his head appeared to have been looking down and his mouth hung open.
"STORM!" Twilight Sparkle cried out, racing toward his side. "Storm... what happened? Storm, talk to me!"
"What in tarnation's goin' on here?" Applejack asked.
All of a sudden, the stairwell was alive with voices and, seconds later, dozens of students stream forth, chattering... when they stopped, seeing the wall and the group standing before it. A thudding silence fell upon all the students from different houses, Percy Weasley keeping a group of Gryffindors back. All eyes gazed at the bloody writing, Mrs. Norris, and Storm Shield. Amidst the horrified group, Madame Pomfrey expressed horror and shock. Colin got his camera ready, but Percy stopped him.
Amidst the Slytherins, Draco Malfoy pushed forward, eyed the wall, and grinned nastily. Whisper too wiggled through the crowd of students, joining Draco at the front. She gasped at the sight of Mrs. Norris just hanging there.
"Enemies of the heir, beware!" Draco read.
"Is... is she...?" Whisper asked timidly.
"We're not exactly sure," Ocellus shook her head. "We just... found her like that."
"And whatever happened to Mrs. Norris got to Storm Shield too!" Smolder pointed out.
"But... that message on the wall," Whisper pointed with one hoof. "Enemies of the Heir, beware? What does that mean?"
"It means the Mudbloods are next," Draco interrupted, glaring at Hermoine then Whisper. "And unless you want the same, you stay quiet!"
"What's going on here?" Filch called out, pushing through. "Go on now! Make way..."
The supposed Caretaker stopped dead in his track, glaring towards Harry and Sunset Shimmer.
"Potter... Shimmer... what are you...?"
Filch looked up and was horrified upon seeing what had become of his previous cat.
"Mrs. Norris?" The squib spoke heartbroken.
And then, his expression turned to anger as he shifted his gaze towards Harry and Sunset.
"You! You murdered my cat!"
"No... no!" Harry shook his head, in denial.
"We didn't do any of this!" Sunset added. "We were just—"
But Filch was having none of it, as Twilight ceased her sobbing to look toward her friends while Draco and his cronies grinned with amusement. The caretaker cracked a sinister smile, trembling with murderous intent as he reached for Sunset and Harry.
"I'll kill you!" Filch screamed. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
NO!" The Equestrians shouted, taking the defensive stance.
Filch immediately released Harry and Sunset as the students stepped aside. Professor Dumbledore marched forward, along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, McGonagall, Snape, and Potion Nova amongst a phalanx of teachers, Lockhart included. A few teachers saw the wall, their faces darkened.
"What is going on here?" Celestia demanded.
"Argus, I..."
Dumbledore's words faltered when he too saw the writings on the wall. The expression on his face gave away the fact that something horrid had just occurred.
"Everyone will proceed to their dormitories immediately!" Princess Luna announced.
Everyone and every pony made to leave, when Professor Dumbledore stopped the heroes.
"Everyone except... you three... and Princess Twilight's companions."
As the corridor emptied, the heroes complied and stayed in place. Dumbledore stepped to the wall and, with extreme gentleness, removed Mrs. Norris. In the meantime, Princess Luna ordered her Nightmare Knights to assemble the other students to their respective houses.
"Stygian, you go with the Ravenclaws," Princess Luna instructed. "Tempest, the Slytherin. Capper, the Hufflepuffs. Trixie, the Gryffindors."
"Ravenclaws, follow me!" Stygian instructed.
As the students were escorted to their houses, Lockhart walked over to inspect Mrs. Norris and Storm Shield. The latter was held gently under the wings of his mother, Princess Celestia, who stared tearfully as her sister stroked one wing across her back for comfort.
"Storm... my poor darling!" Celestia whimpered. "What did this to you?"
"It was definitely a curse that killed them," Lockhart confirmed. "Probably the Transmogrifian Torture. Encountered it myself once, in Ouagadougou. The full story's in my autobiography..."
"They're not dead, Argus," Dumbledore explained to Filch. "They've been Petrified."
"Ah! Thought so," Lockhart recovered, boasting. "So unlucky I wasn't there. I know the very counter-curse that could've spared them..."
"Yeah... sure you would..." Sunset expressed skepticism.
"But how they've been petrified... I cannot say," Dumbledore continued.
"Ask them!" Filch accused Sunset and Harry. "It's them that's done it. You saw what they wrote on the wall! Besides, they knows I'm – I'm a Squib."
"It's not true, sir!" Harry argued. "I swear!"
"You can't just accuse us randomly!" Sunset explained defensively. "Besides, none of us ever touched Mrs. Norris! Or Storm Shield!"
"We don't even know what a Squib is!"
"Rubbish!" Filch scoffed. "He saw my Kwikspell letter!"
"Princess Celestia, I swear!" Sunset faced Celestia. "I wouldn't... at least... not anymore. You believe me, right?"
"Of course I believe you," Celestia nodded solemnly.
"If I might, Headmaster..."
Everyone turned as Professor Snape and Potion Nova separated from the shadows.
"Perhaps Potter, Miss 'Sparky' Shimmer, and their friends were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time..." Snape spoke up.
"Professor Snape vouching for us?" Gallus blinked. "How often has that ever happened?"
"However..." Snape began.
"Ah... there it is," Smolder rolled her eyes.
"The circumstances are suspicious," Professor Snape continued. "I, for one, don't recall seeing Potter, or his new first year friends, at dinner."
"And isn't it a coincidence Sunset Shimmer was absent when Storm Shield got petrified?" Potion Nova added.
"I'm afraid that's my doing, Severus and Potion Nova," Lockhart spoke up. "You see, Harry and the... Crusaders were helping me answer my fan mail..."
As Snape's lip curled in disgust, Hermoine leapt in.
"That's why we went looking for him, Professor," Hermoine spoke up, on her friends' behalf.
"Uh, yeah! Right!" Applejack played along. "I was just on my way to pick up Apple Bloom."
"As I with Sweetie Belle," Rarity added.
"Me and Scoots," Rainbow Dash joined in.
"Yeah, yeah! We found them with Sunset Shimmer!" Pinkie Pie jumped in. "That was when they said... when they said..."
In a rare instance, Pinkie's words faltered, to which she turned to the remainder of the group for answers.
"Yes, Ms. Pie?" Snape pressed on.
"When they said... what?" Potion Nova raised her eyebrow.
"When I said I wasn't hungry," Harry answered. "We were heading back to the Common Room and... found Mrs. Norris and Professor Storm Shield."
Everyone and every pony nodded in agreement. Professor Snape, however, remained suspicious. He eyed Harry coldly, knowing he was lying. Harry turned away... and found Dumbledore studying him as well.
"Innocent until proven guilty, Severus," Dumbledore added.
"He's got you there, boss," Potion Nova told Snape.
"My cat has been Petrified!" Argus Filch trembled. "I want to see some punishment!"
"With all due consideration, Mr. Filch," Princess Celestia spoke up. "I'm just as upset as you are. My son has been petrified, along with your cat. But there's no reason to accuse anyone without evidence. Especially concerning a group clearly at the wrong place at the wrong time. I would appreciate if you refrained from accusing Sunset Shimmer who has my full confidence."
"Princess Celestia..." Sunset whispered, in silent admiration.
"We will be able to cure them, Argus," Dumbledore added. "As I understand it, Madam Sprout has a very healthy growth of Mandrakes. When they have matured, a potion will be made which will revive Mrs. Norris and Professor Storm Shield."
"Yeah, for sure!" Potion Nova smiled. "We'll have a Mandrake potion ready to revive these two before you can say Friendship is Magic! Right boss?"
Professor Snape faced his assistant with the same stoic expression, the same he gave to just about everyone.
"Your optimism is commendable," Snape told his assistant. "But you lack the realism of the situation. Mandrakes require several months to reach full maturity. They are currently seedlings meaning their potency for such an antidote would be... inefficient."
"And in the meantime," Dumbledore began. "I strongly recommend caution... to all."
A bit later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine walked down the corridor toward the Grand Staircase, conversing as the numerous staircases changed positions.
"So... wut was all that talk about Filch being a Squib?" Apple Bloom asked curiously.
"A Squib's someone who's born into a wizarding family but hasn't got any powers of their own," Ron explained. "It's why Filch is trying to learn magic from a Kwikspell course."
"No wonder why he hates us so much," Scootaloo realized. "The years of seeing us performing magic yet having none of his own would make any pony bitter."
"I'd hate to imagine any pony who'd share a hatred for magic," Sweetie Belle whimpered. "Least, none we already know."
Hermoine, who's only been half-listening – as if trying to unravel something in her mind – finally spoke up.
"Harry..." Hermoine began. "This voice. You said you heard it first in Lockhart's office?"
"Yes," Harry nodded.
"And did he hear it?"
"He said he didn't."
"Maybe he was lying," Scootaloo replied.
"Did you or your friends hear the voice?" Hermoine questioned.
"Well... uh, no... but this Lockhart guy..."
"I hardly think someone with Gilderoy Lockhart's credentials would lie to one of his students, Scootaloo," Hermoine assured. "Besides, if you recall, we didn't hear anything either."
"But Professor Shimmer heard it too!" Harry argued. "Not in Lockhart's office, but on our way out. You do believe me, don't you?"
"'Course we do," Hermoine assured. "It's just... it's a bit strange, isn't it?"
"You hear this voice, a voice only you can hear, and then... Mrs. Norris and Professor Shield turn up Petrified. It's just... strange."
"I can't explain it – it was... scary," Harry frowned. "D'you think I should've told them, Dumbledore and the others, I mean?"
"Are you mad?!" Ron exclaimed.
"No, Harry," Hermoine disagreed. "Even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign."
As Hermoine turned and walked away, a man's face in a portrait turned to them.
"She's right, you know," The painting replied.
The other kids glanced at each other, then eventually walked along determined to get back to their dorms before they ran into any further trouble.
The following morning, Professor McGonagall stood before her class. Resting on the desk in front of each student was a different animal.
"Could I have your attention, please?" McGonagall called out. "Right. Now, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so."
She tapped the bird in front of her, three times, with the tip of her wand and said 'Vera Verto'. A stream of magic emitted from her wand, transfiguring the bird into a beautiful crystal water goblet. All the other students expressed amazement, while Draco shrugged.
"Now it's your turn," McGonagall declared. "Who would like to go first... Mr. Weasley?"
Ron nodded and cleared his throat. Silently, he tapped his wand towards Scabbers three times.
"Vera Verto!" Ron spoke.
His wand caused Scabbers to transform into a furry goblet with his tail moving around while squeaking. Harry and the other students grinned, barely containing themselves from laughing.
"You must replace that wand, Mr. Weasley," McGongall picked up the Scabbers-goblet.
Ron nodded sheepishly, eying his broken wand he tried so hard to mend. McGonagall saw Hermoine's raised hand, yet her animal remained untouched.
"Yes, Miss Granger?" McGonagall acknowledged.
"Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermoine requested.
Draco gave Hermoine a surprised look and, after a second or two, Whisper found the courage to voice her peace.
"Actually... I've only heard the name of this chamber," Whisper spoke up. "But... I never knew exactly what it was. Maybe... it might be better to know about it in case something were to... you know?"
Whisper felt Draco's eyes on her, but the little pony didn't care. A hush fell over the entirety of the class.
"My subject is Transfiguration, Miss Granger and Miss Dream," McGonagall reminded.
"Yes, Professor," Hermoine complied. "But Miss Whisper is right. There seems to be very little written about the Chamber of Secrets. For those of us with a personal interest in the subject, that is... disturbing."
Malfoy regarded Hermoine with chilly amusement. McGonagall considered the girls' question for a long moment, eyeing the rest of the kids who began sharing interest as well. Finally, she nodded with relent.
"Very well," McGonagall sighed. "Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the combined unison of the three tribes of Equestria and the four greatest witches and wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously with our Equestrian allies. One did not."
"Three guesses who?" Ron glanced at his friends.
"I could tell you in one," Gallus whispered back.
"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall continued. "He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families. In other words, purebloods. He also believed that rather than align with the Equestrians, they should instead be enslaved to serve wizard-kind."
Hermoine and Draco spared each other a cold glance before Professor McGonagall proceeded.
"Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Well, shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the Chamber of Secrets and unleash the horror within, and by doing so, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic."
"So... basically all Muggle-borns," Ocellus implied.
"Yes," The professor addressed the changeling. "Well, naturally the school has been searched many times for such a chamber. It has never been found."
"Professor McGonagall?" Whisper slowly raised her hoof.
"... one word more, you brat, and Father will have your hide!" Draco tugged her leash fiercely.
Whisper gulped nervously, but saw the Professor turn around to face her. There was no going back now regardless of what consequences lay in store for her.
"Um... I merely meant to ask... what exactly does the legend tell us about what lies within the Chamber?"
"Well, the Chamber is said to be home to something which the heir of Slytherin alone can control," McGonagall explained. "It is said to be home... to a monster."
"What kind of monster?" Sandbar asked.
"Alas... no one knows," McGonagall shook her head. "... now, back to our lesson."
Hermoine could feel a sense of dread at those words; a horrified Ron shifted around to face Draco, who sat calmly with a smug grin to himself. The Student Six eyed the boy suspiciously, perhaps suspecting he knew something he wasn't letting on.
Later that day, Harry, Hermoine, Ron, and the Student Six thread their way through the teeming corridor. Up ahead, Malfoy walked along with his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle.
"D'you think it's true?" Ron asked. "D'you think there really is a Chamber of Secrets?"
"Yes. Couldn't you tell?" Hermoine questioned. "McGonagall's worried. All the teachers are."
"Tell me about it," Smolder replied. "Princess Celestia and Head Mare Twilight hasn't left Storm's side after that incident the other night. They look as though they haven't slept in weeks."
"But if there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and it's really been opened, that means..." Harry implied.
"The Heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogwarts," Hermoine confirmed. "The question is, who is it?"
"Let's think..." Ron mocked puzzlement. "Who do we know thinks Muggle-borns are scum?"
"If you're talking about Malfoy –" Hermoine eyed the Slytherin.
"You heard what he said," Sandbar reminded. "'You'll be next, Mudbloods'!"
"Plus, that boy literally screams 'bad guy'!" Silverstream emphasized.
"I heard him," Hermoine responded. "But Malfoy? The Heir of Slytherin?"
"Well, maybe Ron's right, Hermoine," Harry spoke up. "I mean, look at his family. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin for centuries."
"That little filly Whisper Dream would know if he's the Heir," Gallus theorized. "But so long as he's got that pony on a leash, as messed up as that sounds, she won't be able to tell us anything. Who'd be willing to talk to us?"
"Crabbe and Goyle?" Yona guessed.
"Yeah... Crabbe and Goyle must know," Ron agreed. "Maybe we could trick them into telling..."
"No. Even they aren't that thick," Hermoine disagreed. "But there might be another way. Mind you, it would be difficult. Not to mention we'd be breaking about fifty school rules. And it would be dangerous, verydangerous."
Late at night, the students gathered in a dark nook within the library. They huddled round a book entitled "Moste Potente Potions'. The spotted pages are littered with disturbing illustrations.
"Here it is," Hermoine presented, reading the passage. "'The Polyjuice Potion. Properly brewed, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to transformer himself temporarily into the physical form of another...'"
"You mean, if Harry and I drink some of this stuff and we turn into Crabbe and Goyle?" Ron emphasized.
"Yes," Hermoine nodded.
"And since he trusts those two, Malfoy will have to tell the guys anything!" Silverstream grinned.
"Exactly," Hermoine smiled slightly. "But it's tricky. I've never seen a more complicated potion. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed. And, of course, we'll need a bit of whoever we want to change into too."
"Hang on now," Ron realized. "I'm drinking nothing with Crabbe's toenails in it."
"Ooh... that's a bummer for you buddy!" Gallus grinned mischievously.
"How long will it take to make?" Harry asked.
"A month," Hermoine answered reluctantly.
"A month?! But if Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin... he could attack half the Muggle-borns in the school by then. Maybe even any of the Equestrians."
"You didn't have to tell me that," Ocellus shuddered.
"I know, but it's the only plan we've got," Hermoine replied.
"In the meantime, we need to keep our eyes peeled and it would be best to stay in groups," Smolder replied. "As long as that monster is on the loose, none of us will be safe. It could go after any of us."
"... Why can't we ever just have a normal adventure?" Silverstream pouted.
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