The Very Secret Diary

Two weeks passed since the Polyjuice scenario, and our heroes have spent a majority of that time checking on two specific friends at the hospital wing. Following their Equestrian friends, while staggering under the weight of the library books in their arms, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley made their way to Hermione's bed which was covered in... books.

"Oh, good!" Hermione smiled with satisfaction. "Put those anywhere."

The boys look but unfortunately find no 'anywhere' to place the books. They face each other for a few seconds and they just... drop them with a heavy 'SPLAT!'. Twilight Sparkle couldn't help but cringe.

"Gently boys... gently..." Twilight Sparkle sighed, composing herself. "Anyways, Madam Pince asked us to relay a message to you, Hermione.

"She'd appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school."

"I've got to keep up, haven't I?" Hermione asked innocently.

"I respect your commitment to your studies with light reading, Hermione," Twilight voiced understanding. "But do understand that there are 'other' students who want to excel as much as you do. Everyone, and every pony, deserves a fair chance."

"Heh... light reading she says," Smolder chuckled.

Just then, Hermione's tail twitched into view. This hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Is that thing ever going away?" Ron joked.

"Any day now, according to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up fur balls."

"We all are, believe me," Silverstream assured.

"What about the Chamber of Secrets?" Hermione asked. "Any new leads?"

"Unfortunately, nothing," Ocellus shook her head.

"And has it gotten any better, Harry?" Hermione asked Potter. "I mean... is anyone speaking to you?"

"Neville asked to borrow a tubeworm in Potions yesterday," Harry explained. "I suppose that's something."

"It's better than the silent treatment from every pony else," Fluttershy replied. "I offer the students any questions during my classes... barely anyone answers. It's too quiet even for me."

By this point, Ron takes a get-well card from under Hermione's pillow.

"'To Miss Granger'," Ron read. "'Wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher Gilderoy Lockhart'.

"You sleep with this under your pillow?" Gallus remarked.

"Of course not," Hermione remarked. "I don't know how that got there. Now go! I still have six hundred pages to read in Transformation Through the Ages."

"We understand," Sweetie Belle replied. "We'll check on you later."

Understanding Hermione's needs, the group depart from the Hospital Wing. By the time they left, dinnertime had passed, and the sun was waning into evening with moments. As the group mounted the stairs, Sunset Shimmer emerged to join them without their knowledge. Fortunately, Sunset had recovered much faster than Hermione, but the transformation still took time to fade. Accompanying Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, the students mount the grand staircase and into a hallway.

"I know Hermione's mental, but can you believe she falls for that smarmy nonsense of Lockhart's?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Well, there comes a point where you sacrifice common sense for intelligence," Sandbar shrugged.

"It does remind me of the time Twilight panicked to send Princess Celestia a friendship problem letter by the end of the day," Fluttershy lightly giggled.

"Do I have to be reminded?" Twilight frowned.

"Oh yeah, I remember that!" Scootaloo chuckled.

"And there was that time she tried to scientifically figure out Pinkie's Pinkie Sense..." The yellow Pegasus continued.


"And that one time Twilight drove herself mad with a visit from her future self—"

"How'd you know about that?!" Twilight called out.

"Spike has been swapping stories with us girls," Fluttershy admitted. "He happened to bring up that one, and Pinkie backed that up."

The others exchanged laughs over the princess's expense, to which Twilight's frown deepened to the point it nearly sagged her entire face. It was around that time Whisper Dream happened to come across the very same stairwell. She couldn't be more relieved to see Hogwarts again after the holidays. Suffice to say, spending Christmas with the Malfoys was anything but pleasant. Working in the bitter cold for hours, with little to no breaks, as cruel as that was... she'd grown used to it by now.

Today, Whisper Dream was just excited to see her friends before Draco dragged her away... again. But for a brief moment, none of that matter upon seeing the group down the hallway.

"CMCs! Guys!" Whisper gasped with delight. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Hi Whisper!" Sweetie Belle smiled. "You seem in better spirits today. How was everything at Malfoy Manor?"

"... About the same, but... I got through it," Whisper spoke cautiously. "Master Draco is bringing his luggage back to Slytherin tower; I wanted to come check on you. Did you figure out who opened the Chamber of Secrets yet?"

"One thing for sure... it's not Malfoy Jr.," Scootaloo frowned. "What a waste of time..."

"Not entirely, Scootaloo," Ocellus chirped. "From what Draco told us, his father mentioned that the Chamber of Secrets was opened fifty years ago."

"Based on what Ocellus told us, the last time that happened... a muggle-born died," Sandbar added, cringing squeamishly.

"And that's just about it," Ron Weasley added. "Nothing else. Not even his dad told him who opened it."

"Either Lucious doesn't know who opened it," Sandbar theorized. "Or he does know, but he won't talk. Not even to his own son. Either way, we still don't know who the Heir of Slytherin is..."

"... And the teachers won't leave sensitive information like that in the library," Whisper pondered. "Except for the restricted section, but it's called that for a reason."

"We're aware of that," Smolder replied. "Last time we went there, we barely avoided getting caught. That was stressful."

"Man, if Hermione wasn't coughing up furballs," Gallus groaned. "She'd give us an idea for our next move. Now we're back to square one again."

"Hermione coughing up furballs?" Whisper blinked in confusion. "W-What exactly did I miss while I was gone?"

The Student Six, along with the CMCs, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley couldn't help but snicker.

"Let's just say... there wuz a mix up," Apple Bloom giggled.

"Instead of turning into Slytherin students," Smolder began, holding back a laugh. "Hermione is... or was... she turned into a cat girl! Professor Sunset Shimmer, she... what did she call herself?"

"A furry?" Harry Potter guessed.

"I heard that..."

It was about that time the students turned around and finally acknowledged a certain Equestria Girl-turned-anthropomorphic fox.

"Don't... say... a word," Sunset spoke slowly. "My ears are still ringing from Professor McGonagall chewing me out..."

"I-I think you look cool, Miss Sunset," Whisper smiled. "Foxes are one of my favorite animals."

"Thanks, Whisper," Sunset smiled lightly. "At least it's better than being laughed at."

"If it's any consolation... I don't think Harry is the Heir, and I definitely don't think you're a Sith Miss Sunset," Whisper assured, her ears pinned slightly. "The evidence doesn't exactly look the best in the world, but... I know good people and ponies when I see them. That's why... I want to help, despite what Master Draco says."

"Are you sure, Whisper?" Scootaloo asked. "There's no going back when you agree to this."

"I've never been sure of anything in my life," Whisper nodded sincerely. "I've been pushed around too long, and it's time I finally fight for what's right... for me. So... what happens next?"

"I don't know," Sunset sighed. "With Malfoy checked off, we'll just have to look around for more clues."

"Speaking of which, is it just me or is it getting... wet around here?" Smolder asked.

It was then every pony paused and looked down, realizing they were standing in puddles of water.

"What's that?!" Ron asked.

He and the gang climbed up the stairs into a hallway and realized where the water was coming from. A great flood of water streamed from the girls' bathroom. From within, they could hear a familiar moaning. Though while everyone else treaded through the water, the winged companions were smart enough to take to the air... even Fluttershy.

"Yuck!" The gang exclaimed in disgust.

"Looks like Myrtle's flooded the bathroom," Harry deduced.

"Someone better call a plumber," Sunset noted.

"Gross!" Gallus and Smolder declared, hovering in mid-air. "Jinx! Double jinx!"

I hope she's okay..." Whisper voiced concern. "I ran into her a few times and she's actually really nice."

"Come on," Twilight ushered the group. "Let's see why she's upset."

The others nodded their heads and set off down the hall. As Harry splashed off toward the bathroom, Ron stepped lightly and the disgust on his face was as plain as the nose upon his face. As they entered the bathroom, huge, wracking moans echoed off the dreary tile. All the taps were running, streaming like tiny waterfalls. Every rotund sink in the middle were turned on, spilling over their bowls.

I thought I heard the sound of running water," Sandbar remarked.

The floating ones slowly lowered themselves, hiding their embarrassment. Twilight used her magic to turn off the taps; in doing so, she made an audible noise more coherent. On the window overlooking the stalls at the back was Moaning Myrtle herself, sobbing. As they stepped toward the last cubicle, Myrtle spun accusingly and noticed the gathered group.

"Come to throw something else at me?" she demanded.

Suffice to say, the question left the group confused.

"No...?" Smolder said.

"Myrtle, you don't have to worry," Ocellus said with a smile. "We just want to help."

"Could you tell us what happened?" Whisper asked.

"Why would we throw something at you?" Harry asked.

"Don't ask me," the ghost replied. "Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me..."

"That's just mean," Fluttershy said, "Bullying you still after... y-you know."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Smolder spoke up. "It can't hurt if someone throws something at you."

Most of the group members shook their heads, not liking where Smolder was going.

"Yona think that not good idea—" Yona began.

"Yeah, I mean, it'd just go right through you, wouldn't it?" Ron added.

At that, Myrtle swooped down right in front of the pair, startling everyone present.

"OH SURE!! Let's all throw books at Myrtle, because she can't feel it! Ten points if you can get it through her stomach!" She punched her ghost arm through Smolder's stomach. "Fifty points if it goes through her head!"

The ghost finished off with the same arm but through Ron's head.

"Okay, okay, we're sorry!" Smolder yelped, jumping on top of Ocellus. "Just please don't do that again!"

"Please get off me," the changeling groaned

"Guys, guys, calm down!" Twilight said.

"I'm sorry someone thought to bully you, Myrtle," Fluttershy approached cautiously. "I promise we are not here to do that."

"Myrtle... I know how you feel," Whisper joined in. "And I'm sorry that happened to you. But... do you think we could see the book that hit you? Maybe we could figure out who it belonged to, so it never happens again."

"Myrtle, who threw it at you anyway?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Myrtle answered, calming down. "I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend, thinking about death and it fell through the top of my head."

She pointed to the stall in question. Harry was the nearest to it. On the wet tiled floor was an old black book. He picked it up and analyzed it. It appeared familiar to him. On the bottom of the cover was a name etched in what looked like golden letters.

"It's just an old book," Ocellus noted.

"Strange item to leave in bathroom," Yona added.

"I've seen weirder," Sunset said.

"Hey Whisper," Sweetie Belle ask the bat pony. "Seen anything like this before?"

"Uh-uh," Whisper shook her head.

" Let's look for someone who might know," Scootaloo suggested. "Maybe Moondancer can help!"

"Good idea!" Apple Bloom agreed.

As the friends were about to turn and leave, Gallus smirked and looked toward Sandbar.

"Hey, fifty points if you get it through her nose," Gallus whispered.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Myrtle screamed.

Everyone scrambled to escape the bathroom. Fluttershy sighed, face-hoofing.

"I'm sorry about them, Myrtle. It's really hard sometimes. Take care!"

Without another word, she rushed to catch up with the others. Silverstream was admonishing her boyfriend, smacking him upside the head with her talon.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I thought it was funny!"

"Evidently, it wasn't," she replied.


Moments later, Harry examined the book as he and his friends marched. By now, the remainder of Twilight's friends arrived upon hearing the news.

"It's still strange to find that of all things in a bathroom," Twilight said.

"This is a diary, and it's old..." Harry examined, mid-walk.

"It's a diary, it's old...and was most recently in a toilet, Harry," Ron deadpanned.

"That's disgusting..." Scootaloo stuck her tongue out.

"Would not make sense to throw in garbage?" Yona asked.

"Or set it on fire?" Smolder added.

"Obviously, someone wanted to get rid of this if they thought to throw it in the toilet," Ocellus pointed out.

Harry shrugged. He then decided to open it, when Ron vehemently stopped him.

"Are you mad? That could be cursed. Dad once told me about a book the Ministry confiscated that burned the eyes out of anyone who tried to read it."

"Sounds like someone had a grudge against books," Gallus remarked. "Maybe it was that Mike Teavee kid."

"Ron's right, Harry," Twilight spoke worriedly. "Like Ocellus said, someone wanted to get rid of this thing. Who knows what spells it might have on it?"

"So what should we do?" Scootaloo asked.

"Studying books is Moondancer's specialty," Spike suggested. "If what Scootaloo suggests is true, this is what she's hired for, besides teaching history."

"Y'know, come to think of it," Pinkie Pie began. "We haven't seen much of Moondancer lately since the 7th chapter or so. Either she's been absent for a reason, or the author is very bad at remembering the secondary characters."

Scootaloo simply waves her hoof in circles, making the coo-coo gesture, advising Whisper not to question Pinkie's...logic.

"I'll take my chances..." Harry spoke undeterred.

With a smirk, Harry slowly opened the book, and suddenly started screaming like a banshee.


Everyone screamed in response, and Sunset violently swatted the thing out of his hands. Unbeknownst to them, images flashed within her mind as she stumbled back. Places of old and yet familiar. Amongst them all was a man in robes, holding a wand towards her general direction. Something about the man's face unnerved her; it was a force of dark magic that chilled her to her very soul

She was pulled back to reality as quickly as she left it. Nobody had noticed her spell, as they were all focused on Harry, who stopped altogether and began chuckling. Ron, frozen in terror, stared at Harry in bewilderment.

"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron heaved. "That wasn't funny!"

"Not cool, Harry!" Silverstream gasped, flustered.

"Uncool to max!" Yona added.

"My life flashed before my eyes," Ocellus muttered. "It was very boring."

As Harry reached down to pick it up, he noticed Ginny standing at the end of the corridor. The girl, who had seen and heard everything, looked from the diary to Harry – utter terror on her face -- then turned and dashed off.

"Ginny! I was only joking—"

But it was too late; she was long gone.

"I'll go check on her!" Fluttershy said.

And just like that, she ran ahead and disappeared as fast as Ginny did. Harry cursed himself and turned to Ron.

"Brilliant. Even your sister thinks I'm the monster now."

"Who doesn't at this point?" Smolder remarked. "That was a good one, by the way. Ya got me good, dude."

Ron frowned suddenly when he noticed something, and he ran a finger over the letters on the cover. On the first page on the diary, embossed letters spelled out a single name...

"Tom Marvolo Riddle?" Ron read. "Hang on, I know that name..."

Ron took a pause to think, then it came to him.

"Of course! The night I had detention... My job was to polish the silver in the trophy room. I remember because I kept burping slugs all over Tom Riddle's trophy. I must have wiped slime off his name for an hour."

"Wow! He was a Hogwarts alumni and a winner?" Silverstream perked up.

"This place has trophies?" Smolder slobbered.

"Stay in the light, Smolder," Ocellus said. "We've seen the trophies."

After the new info on the diary's name, who would not be intrigued about the artifact in his hand? Harry then opened the cover... fanned the pages... only to find every single page to be completely blank. Not just waterlogged; there was simply not a single essence of any writings to be found within.

"That's odd. He never wrote in it."

Harry turned it over. On the back read: WAXFLATTER'S BOOKSELLERS. 422 VAUXHALL ROAD. No doubt it was the address of the store it was purchased from.

"Who would have a diary and never write in it?" Sandbar asked aloud.

"Maybe whoever threw this away killed this Tom Riddle beforehand," Gallus joked.

Unfortunately, the griffon's humor only ushered in yet more glares from everyone, and especially from Silverstream. The embarrassed griffon shrank.

"Shutting up now."

"Maybe Hermione might have insight?" Yona suggested.

"About an old blank book?" Smolder replied. "As far as I can tell, there's nothing noteworthy about it."

"No there isn't! Absolutely not!" Sunset shrieked. "I saw something! Something when I touched it."

Everyone stood back in surprise.

"What did you see Sunset?" Twilight calmly replied.

"I... I don't know. It looked like Hogwarts but... different. Older, maybe. And there was... there was someone. I don't know who it was but he...he looked and felt...wrong. Twisted and crooked and... evil. That's the best that I can describe him. There's someone... someone that appeared from that book, and he is evil!"

"Now we definitely see Moondancer," Yona nodded.


Later that night, the group sat with Moondancer in the moonlit classroom. The unicorn studied the diary curiously.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle..." Moondancer pondered. "And Ron said he won an award fifty years ago?"

"What was that trophy for again?" Sandbar asked curiously.

"Special services to the school or something –" Ron recalled.

"Fifty years ago?" Moondancer emphasized. "You're sure?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't you remember what Malfoy told us?" Ocellus reminded Ron. "The last time the Chamber was opened was –"

"Fifty years ago!" Harry realized. "That means –"

"Tom Riddle was here, at Hogwarts, when that happened!" Ocellus explained. "What if he wrote about what he saw? It's possible he knew where the Chamber was, how to open it, even what sort of creature lives in it. If so, whoever's behind these attacks wouldn't want this diary lying around, would they?"

"It's a brilliant theory, Ocellus," Harry agreed. "But there's just one flaw."

"There's nothing written in this diary," Moondancer pointed out.

Moondancer flipped through the pages, demonstrating that they're all blank.

"It might be invisible ink," Silverstream thought, pulling out her wand. "Aparecium!"

She tapped the diary three times, but nothing happened. Silverstream kept tapping on the book multiple times over, and would've kept going had Gallus not stopped her. For all their efforts, all the pages remained blank. Frowning, Moondancer passed the book back to Harry.

"Sorry I couldn't be much help to you guys," Moondancer sighed. "And after what happened to Storm Shield, I feel more helpless than ever."

"What're we supposed tah do now?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I don't know, Apple Bloom," Moondancer shook her head. "But I think you should be careful with this. Something tells me Ron might be right. Whatever that book is, I have a feeling it could be dangerous."

"You don't think I'm dangerous, do you, Miss Moondancer?" Harry asked concerned. "I mean, you're not scared... of me?"

"I'm scared, Harry. But not of you."


Nighttime came ever since Harry found the mysterious diary in the abandoned Girls' bathroom. The boy had been occupied with looking at it ever since he and friends went back to the Gryffindor Common Room. By now, his fellow Gryffindors Seamus, Neville, Ron and Dean were asleep, but Harry spent the night flipping through the blank pages of the diary.

By now, most of the Equestrians had grown tired and Twilight Sparkle decided it was best to approach Harry, the boy sitting at his desk. But unlike the Assistant Professors, all tired and sleepy, the nine Equestrian students were still wide away. They too were occupied with curiosity over the diary, so Harry wasn't entirely alone.

"Harry, I know that you found the diary but look at it," Twilight sighed. "There's nothing special about it; maybe someone just dropped it, I don't know. Even Moondancer was stumped when we showed the book to her."

"Come on, sugarcube," Applejack yawned. "Y'all can just forget that darn diary and focus on important things... like sleep. You need your rest."

"I'm not tired yet," Harry said.

"No offense Harry, but it's already past ten," Spike pointed out. "You got school tomorrow."

"Come on, we're not tired yet!" Apple Bloom argued. "Can we at least stay a bit longer? Please?"

The equestrian students begged their assistant professors with the biggest puppy dog eyes they could muster. The Mane Six faced each other; for the longest time, it looked as though they'd say 'no'. But after pondering, a collective sigh escaped their lips and apparently, they seemed to be caving to their demands.

"Okay, you can stay and keep Harry company," Fluttershy nodded. "But... we don't want you making noise while the others are sleeping. Is that clear?"

"Thanks, Flut—I mean Professor Fluttershy," Apple Bloom corrected herself. "We swear upon Celestia's good word we will not make a ton of noise."

"That goes for all of you," Pinkie faced the group. "Not one single... noisy... sound. You must Pinkie Promise not to stay up after eleven. Understood?

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," The kids spoke in unison.

"Good," Sunset Shimmer nodded. "We expect all of you in bed by then."

"Yes, Professor Sunset!"

"Glad that's settled," Rainbow Dash nodded. "Now if you excuse me, gonna go catch me some zee's."

"I could agree more, darling," Rarity sighed. "Us girls need our beauty sleep."

The Assistant Professors left for the girls' dormitories, while Spike made his way to the Boys' stretching his arms back. The Young Six and the CMC eyed Harry, who flipped through the pages of the mysterious diary. All he could find was the same name of the owner, written on the back cover with gold and bold letters.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle..." Harry read.

"Who is he?" Apple Bloom. "Or even... who was he?"

"No clue, Bloom," Smolder shook her head.

Harry pondered over what to do until he began to set the diary aside. Then he noticed a bottle of ink sitting on the desk and an idea flickered. Taking his quill, Harry dipped it, and hesitated. As he did, a drop of ink hung, suspended like a tear, then... dropped.

The ink blazed briefly, then... vanished... as if it were sucked into the page. Not a single mark or smudge remained in the diary itself. The Equestrian Students were shocked over what they saw.

"Yona knows eyes not fooling," Yona broke the silence. "But did Yona see ink disappear?"

"Yeah, we saw it with on very own eyes," Sandbar nodded.

"Quick H.P., write something!" Smolder ushered.

Harry's reaction, the same as his Equestrian Friends, tried to find the blot but couldn't. He determined to ask this mysterious Tom Riddle if he knew something about the Chamber of Secrets. Excitedly, without thinking, Harry dipped his quill again, and this time, he flipped on another page and wrote:

My name is Harry Potter.

The words blaze and vanished just as quickly. Slowly, oozing out of the page, a response emerged...

Hello, Harry Potter. My name is Tom Riddle.

"Whoa..." Gallus gasped. "That's freaky."

"Okay, we're communicating," Silverstream nodded slowly. "Now what?"

Harry's mind was already racing. Determined for answers, he muttered the next words he wrote...

"'Do... you... know... anything... about... the... Chamber... of Secrets?"

The ink disappeared again, and in its place came the answer:


"Guys," Sweetie Belle whispered excitedly. "We might be close on answering this puzzle."

"Let's not get carried away, Sweetie Belle," Ocellus advised. "We must proceed with patience."

"'Can... you... tell... me?'" Harry wrote.

The ink vanished, and the group saw an answer... with disappointment.


Harry frowned, sighing with disappointment over the diary's answer. Silverstream, on the other hand.

"Seriously?! No?!" Silverstream raged. "Are you kidding me! We were this close –"

"Wait!" Gallus interrupted, pointing. "Take a look!"

"What is it?" Scootaloo asked.

And then... slowly... new words oozed along the surface of the page.

But I can show you... let me take you all back fifty years ago...

Though confused, wondering how a diary could take them back, Harry and the Equestrian students waited with intrigue. Then, suddenly... something shocking happened. The diary pages started to flutter wildly, vigorously all by themselves until it stopped on another blank page. All eyes saw a date appear on the right corner of the diary, which read 'June the 13th'. On the page, a tiny square shimmered... like a window.

Confused at first, Harry lifted the diary in front of his face for a closer look. Then it happened, the very center of the diary's page started to glow. Soon they were pitched forward, spilling through the widening window, into a whirl of color and shadow, and every student was sucked inside the diary.


The students tumbled onto their feet into a torch-lit corridor. Everything seemed de-saturated, save for Harry and his friends, the group retaining the true, rich colors of the presents. They glanced about, disoriented, wondering was going on and why they were sent here... to a Hogwarts fifty years before their time.

"W-Where are we?" Apple Bloom wondered.

"Is this... H-Hogwarts?" Smolder gasped.

"I guess so," Harry answered uncertainly. "Come on."

Deciding to follow Harry, the group walked forward until they spied a boy, at the age of sixteen, at the end of the corridor and peering around a corner. A flurry of shadows danced along the wall beyond the boy, revealing the presence of others, unseen, in the adjoining room. The group advanced, low voices emanating from the shadows. They approached the boy, hoping to ask him a question straight away.

"Excuse me," Harry spoke to the boy. "Could you tell us where we are? Hello...?"

But the boy doesn't respond, so Harry tried again.

"Are you Tom Riddle?" Harry asked again. "Hello? Can you hear us?"

"Maybe he's deaf," Smolder remarked.

"No..." Ocellus realized. "We're in a flashback; this is before our existence."

"Wait!" Apple Bloom looked up. "Look!"

All heads turned toward where Tom was looking, eyes staked to the activity in the adjoining room... which the group saw was now in the Entrance Hall. A group of elder witches and wizards – Hogwarts Professors – talked amongst themselves, then... abruptly went silent. They made way for a pair of young wizards, bearing a stretcher. Upon it was the body of a witch, a girl found dead.

Overlooking the activity was Albus Dumbledore, Celestia, and an unfamiliar unicorn. One with a white coat, brown mane, and a tail tied into a bon wearing a red ascot, square glasses, and a cutie mark of a pen and ink bottle And the pony's name... Raven Inkwell. They looked at the body somberly, as the wizards carried the dead body past the unseen students. The Equestrian students' faces went pale seeing the dead girl's arm limply hanging on the stretcher. Just then, an all-too-familiar voice called out to Tom.

"Riddle! Come!"

The boy wheeled... and looked right through Harry and his friends. The group too turned, and they saw Dumbledore... fifty years younger. And by his side, Princess Celestia herself.

"Professor Dumbledore," Tom Riddle spoke. "Princess Celestia."

"Dumbledore? Celestia?" Harry repeated.

"No way!" Sandbar's eyes widened. "That's Celestia and Dumbledore?"

"Yona knows it's them," Yona nodded.

"It's not wise to be wandering around this late hour, Tom," Celestia spoke firmly.

"Yes, Professor and Princess," Tom nodded. "I suppose I – I just had to see for myself, if..."

Riddle glanced toward the young wizards, watching them carry the stretcher out of the Hall and into the night.

"... the rumors were true," Tom concluded.

"I'm afraid they are, Tom," Albus confirmed. "They are true."

"About the school as well?" Tom Riddle asked. "I don't have a home to go to. They wouldn't really close Hogwarts, would they, Professor? Princess?"

"We understand, Tom," Celestia sighed. "But I'm afraid Headmaster Dippet may have no choice."

"Sir? Your Majesty? If it all stopped. If the person responsible was caught..."

"Is there something you wish to tell us, Tom?" Albus asked.

"No, sir," Tom answered, after a long beat. "Nothing."

Celestia and Dumbledore examined Riddle, studying the boy for a moment.

"Very well then," Celestia shrugged off. "Hurry along."

"Goodnight, sir," Tom Riddle bid farewell. "Goodnight, your majesty."

"Goodnight, Tom," Celestia bowed, facing Raven. "Come, Raven."

"Yes, your majesty," Raven Inkwell bowed in respect.

Celestia and Raven walked away, while Albus looked at Tom with curiosity. But ultimately Dumbledore decided to head towards his office, striding directly past Harry and his friends. They still couldn't believe the old wizard didn't see them. When Dumbledore was gone, Riddle moved quickly toward the dungeon steps. As Harry and the students followed, Harry faced the kids.

"Guys, can I ask you all a question?" Harry asked curiously.

"What is it?" Ocellus asked back.

"Who was that Unicorn next to Princess Celestia?"

"If I recall one of our field trips to Canterlot, Headmare Twilight's birthplace, that was Princess Celestia's personal secretary, Raven Inkwell," Ocellus explained. "I heard that when the princesses stepped down as rulers of Equestria, handing their duties over to Headmare Twilight, Raven will become her personal secretary till she can no longer continue. Eventually she'll retire, which means Headmare Twilight will have to find a new personal secretary to assist with her royal duties."

Harry nodded on, as they followed Tom's steps along the many twists and turns of Hogwarts. Until finally, they came to a stop as what they saw next would prove shocking for the entire group. Up ahead, a splinter of light leaked through a door. Riddle put his eye to the crack, and inside someone was talking.

"C'mon, Aragog. Gotta get yeh outta here... c'mon now... in the box... it's gonna be alright."

Tom drew his wand out of his pocket as he pushed the door clear. Harry and friends saw a second, smaller room. As he entered the room, Tom turned his back to see if no one was watching, then he entered the room. Crouched by a box was a huge boy... a young Hagrid. A strange clicking stemmed from the boy, as Hagrid tried to comfort the figure inside.

"Evening, Hagrid," Tom confronted the half giant.

Hagrid slammed the door shut, not knowing Harry and the Equestrians were inside. Tom's wand was pointing directly at Hagrid, in case he'd make any moves.

"I'm going to have to turn you in, Hagrid," Tom stated bluntly. "I don't think you meant it, to kill anyone –"

"No, yeh can't!" Young Hagrid argued. "Yeh don' understand!"

"Hagrid... the dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow," Tom warned. "The least Hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered."

"It wasn' him!" Hagrid spoke defensively. "Aragog never'd kill no one! Never!"

"Monsters don't make good pets, Hagrid. Now... stand aside..."


"Stand aside, Hagrid..."


Undeterred, Riddle pointed his wand at the chest.

"Cistem Asperio!"

The group watched in shock as Riddle blasted the closed door off its hinges, extinguishing the torches within. A gasp escaped Harry and his friends' lips when a low-slung creature with a tangle of black legs, a gleam of many eyes and a pair of razor-sharp pincers scuttled out of the shadows. Riddle pointed his wand at it, fired another spell at the beast...

"Arania Exumai!"

The spell was cast, but the boy missed the shot.

"Aragog, Aragog!" Hagrid called out.

But Tom Riddle pointed his wand menacingly toward Hagrid, preventing the half giant from taking a step further.

"I can't let you go," Tom informed Hagrid. "They'll have your wand for this Hagrid; you'll be expelled."

Hagrid hung his head in shame as Harry and the Equestrian Students tried to reach out for him. But suddenly, a strong force pushed them back as they looked toward their half giant friend, threatened by Tom who kept his wand toward him and held him back. They tried to call out to them, but to no avail... for the past was sending them away.

"Hagrid!" They called out in unison.

As the door closed in front of them, they called to him again.


A blinding light engulfed the group; soon enough, the closed diary glowed again as the pages flipped vigorously...


Once more, Harry was pushed back into his chair while the Young Six and the CMC tumbled to the floor. The entire room was spinning off its axis, spinning, the group returning back to a world of color and shadow as the students laid flat on their backs upon the floor of the Gryffindor Common Room. Eventually the ceiling slowly stopped spinning as they eyed the diary with shock and awe. For before their own very eyes, they were witnesses of a Hogwarts flashback, possibly leading to clues about the Chamber of Secrets and the creature terrorizing the school... or so they thought.

"Whoa!" Harry gasped.

"We've got a whole load to tell the Assistant Professors, as well as Hermione and Ron," Smolder declared.

"Oh, shoot guys!" Silverstream pointed at the clock. "It's half after ten; we should've been in bed by now."

"Well, that settles it," Gallus yawned. "Good night, everybody."

"Goodnight," Sweetie Belle answered.

"I'm beat..." Scootaloo yawned. "'Night."

Soon, they all went to their separate dorm rooms for a long night's rest. One thing was certain, the group had a strong lead over who opened the Chamber of Secrets. Soon as they woke up the next morning, they intended to share their friends their findings from that very night. But little did they know, the one most responsible for opening the Chamber of Secrets was not who they believed. For certain, they did encounter a certain owner of the diary and come next morning a chain of events would be unearthed. The like of which will lead them through a sea of problems still to come, and ultimately... the identity of Hogwarts' true culprit...


As the sun rose high over the castle, students were hurrying to their classes. Amongst the activity, Harry, Ron, Hermione and the Equestrian students walked together across the grounds with the Assistant Professors beside them. By now, Hermione and Sunset's conditions had vanished and were back to normal. But now a new problem has emerged.

"It was Hagrid," Harry explained. "Hagrid opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago."

"And you know this from reading a blank diary?" Rainbow Dash asked skeptically.

"That's just it, we weren't even reading it," Sandbar reiterated. "It talked to us... through words it wrote itself... right before it pulled us into its pages. Next thing we know, we found ourselves reliving the past from fifty years ago!"

"... Uh huh," Rainbow Dash nodded skeptically. "I believe you, sonny..."

Rainbow Dash quickly turned to Applejack.

"I believe he's got a few screws loose..." Rainbow Dash whispered to her marefriend.

"I don't think Sandbar is crazy!" Sunset butted in. "If these kids know what they saw, as odd as all this sounds, it must mean something. It's no coincidence if Harry and I both saw something."

"Right," Harry vouched for the Jedi Sorceress.

"It can't be Hagrid," Hermione replied. "It just can't be."

"We don't even know this Tom Riddle," Ron added. "He sounds like a dirty, rotten snitch to me."

"The monster killed someone, Ron," Harry argued. "What would any of us have done?"

"... I don't think Hagrid ever meant to kill anyone," Sunset spoke up. "He's always had a fascination for these things. Three-headed dogs, dragons, hippogriffs... and now add a giant spider on the list. Still, this is Hagrid we're talking about. Maybe he just... lost control of it."

"How can we be so sure it was Hagrid, Sunset?" Twilight asked. "For all we know, it could be another manipulated memory made to make it look as if he was the culprit."

"I'm not suggesting it was Hagrid," Sunset replied. "But he was harboring a giant spider as a pet. It got loose, and a student got killed. That's got to be the monster from the Chamber of Secrets..."

"There must be a logical explanation," Twilight continued. "For now, we shouldn't make any rash decisions until we have more evidence."

"Uh, I hate to break it to ya Twi," Rainbow spoke up. "You're talking to the girl who spent four years hunting us down, mostly to kill you, over an edited video."

"I learned my lesson!" Sunset barked at Rainbow Dash. "Quit bringing it up!"

"I'm just saying!" Rainbow Dash shrugged. "We can't make the same mistake again!"

"You know what? Maybe I wouldn't be MAKING that mistake to begin with if YOU MADE THE EFFORT TO SAVE ME!!!"

"Made... an effort?!" Twilight exclaimed, flabbergasted. "I tried to find you, Sunset! How was I to know where to even look? How could I have known you were tortured? Your boyfriend gave us that holographic video, where you told us not to worry! You said you were going to find... us!"

"I know what I said!" Sunset frowned. "But then what did you say? That I didn't need to be saved? Did you ever think about how bad that would sound taken out of context? And it took you HOW LONG to realize I was in DEEP TROUBLE?! Where were you those last four years?"

"Helping Luke and the Resistance!" Twilight explained. "The Death Star would've killed him and everyone else if we hadn't stopped it first! What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know... SPLIT UP?!" Sunset replied. "Half the team helps Luke, the other actually mounting a rescue?! If you had thought of that, it would have saved us trouble! This is just like WrestleMania when you decided to abandon Spike to Malakai Black!"

"Please leave me out of this one..." Spike begged.

"Fluttershy was in trouble!" Twilight argued. "She was kidnapped; she needed all of us to save her! I wanted to save Spike, but—"

"You didn't even step in the ring to save him!" Sunset barked angrily. "Your coltfriend, Grandmaster Storm Shield, saved him! Urgh! I swear even as the Princess of Friendship, you're a terrible friend! I spent four years as a prisoner on the dark side. FOUR YEARS! I had no one but four Force Ghosts of the Ancient Masters to regain control of myself and I still have nightmares! I didn't need you then, I don't need you now!"

The rest of the Mane Six, the Students and Gryffindors included, stared in shock.

"Sunset..." Twilight gasped tearfully.

"... Uh, can we get back to the Hagrid topic?" Ron asked. "Like what are we supposed to do now?"

"Look... Hagrid's our friend," Hermione began. "Why don't we just go ask him about it?"

"That'll be a cheerful visit," Ron rolled his eyes skeptically. "'Hullo, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately'?"

"Mad an' hairy? Wouldn' be talkin' 'bou me, now would yeh?"

Hagrid's booming voice sent the group wheeling, spotting the half giant grinning at them. They instantly looked guilty.

"No!" They answered in unison.

Hagrid looked at them curiously. Harry nodded to the strange canister in his hand.

"What's that you've got, Hagrid?"

"Flesh-Eatin' Slug Repellent," Hagrid explained. "Fer the Mandrakes, yeh know. Accordin' ter Professor Sprout, they still got a bit o' growin' up ter do, but once their acne clears up, we'll be able to chop 'em up, stew 'em, an' get those people in the hospital un-Petrified. 'Till then, you best watch yerselves, all righ'?"

All heads nod, watching Hagrid lope away. Just then, Neville came running up. He looked pale with fright.

"Harry! Professor Twilight!" Neville gasped.

"What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know who it did, but... you'd better come."


The Gryffindor Tower Dormitory, Harry's living space... a disaster. Trunk riffled, drawers flung open, bedclothes strewn on the floor. To say the group was shocked was an understatement.

"It's like a hurricane swept through here," Smolder observed.

"Wut in tarnation's goin' on?" Applejack questioned.

"It had to be a Gryffindor," Hermione observed. "Nobody else knows our password."

"Unless..." Ocellus pondered. "It wasn't a student..."

"Well, whoever it was, they were looking for something," Ron replied.

"And they found it..." Harry confirmed. "Tom Riddle's diary is gone."

"Oh no!" Silverstream gasped.

"Oh no!" Gallus groaned.

"Oh no!" Sandbar added.

"Oh--!" Ocellus began.


From out of nowhere, Bulk Biceps jumped through the wall. All eyes stared blankly at the muscular pony, who blinked awkwardly and slowly stepped back through the massive hole he left behind.


Later that day, students were streaming into the Quidditch Stadium. Harry, dressed in his Quidditch robes, dashed down the marble staircase with Ron, Hermione, and the students. Down below, the Mane Six, including Spike and Sunset, stood waiting for them. But after the argument from earlier, the atmosphere between the group was awkward. Sunset turned for a moment and briefly caught Ginny.

"Hey, Ginny!" Sunset greeted. "Going to the match?"

Ginny looked up, startled, then shook her head and made her exit. By the time Ron came down, he shook his head as he watched his sister leave.

"I tell you; she gets weirder and weirder by the day..." Ron replied.

'Kill this time... Let me rip... Tear...'

Harry froze. Ron, Hermione, and the students stopped and turned toward him. Rainbow Dash instantly knew the face...

"No... don't tell me..." Rainbow moaned.

Harry turned, as if following the sound, absently touching his fingers to the wall as he glanced around. Hermione studied him with great interest – studying his fingers – then, abruptly, Harry turned and shook his head. Whatever Harry felt, it was gone now. Hermione looked up, eyes vaguely upon Harry, but her mind miles away.

"Harry... guys... I think I've just understood something!" Hermione realized.

"What do you understand?" Ocellus asked.

"I can't tell you just yet," Hermione answered. "I've got to go to the library for some research!"

"Want us to go with you?" Silverstream asked.

"Actually... I'd like Princess Twilight to come with me," Hermione pointed. "If that's okay."

"Of course, Hermione!" Twilight replied. "I think some heavy reading is exactly what I need right now."

"We'll tag along," Rainbow Dash offered. "We could all use a breath of fresh air."

With that, the Mane Six and Spike followed Hermione to the library leaving Sunset along with the other students. She looked on in puzzlement until they were gone.

"The library..." Sunset replied. "That's Hermione. When in doubt, go to the library."

But when the fiery Jedi turned toward the kids, she was met with some disappointed glares... mainly from the Student Six.

"What?" Sunset shrugged.

"Don't think we forgot what happened," Gallus frowned. "You've got a lot of nerve talking to Princess Twilight like that. She's done nothing but look out for you, to make up for her mistakes, and this is how you repay her?!"

"Do you have any idea of the trouble she went through for you?" Sandbar added. "Or even the bigger trouble you put her in because of one edited video?"

"We get what happened to you was cruel and unfair!" Smolder added. "We saw everything in Discord's Theater. But don't think Princess Twilight ever gave up on you; she was worried to death! We all were!"

"I even assembled a cheer squad just for you!" Silverstream added. "I mean I didn't know if you'd hear it or if you'd come to your senses... but it wasn't without trying!"

"Every pony tried to rescue you!" Ocellus pointed out. "Even Discord... and he hates you with a passion! Don't think we haven't been paying attention to his antics."

"You want to talk about no effort?" Gallus challenged. "Start with us! Ask Princess Luna, who risked getting captured just to save your sorry butt?"

"Everyone tried to save Sunset!" Yona concluded. "But Sunset not thankful for effort!"

No reply emerged from Sunset's lips. The words from these students left her stunned in a deathly silence. It was as though she was processing everything laid onto her.

"Uh... guys?" Harry spoke up. "Quidditch?"


Meanwhile, in the Hogwarts Library, Hermione and the Assistant Professors sat together along a table. Among them was a humongous stack of books, a collection they studied in hopes of uncovering anything they could about the mysterious monster lurking in the elusive Chamber of Secrets. They needed to know what was causing the attacks within Hogwarts, the method to defeat it, and how to end this threat for good. Frustration only added to the stress the group carried, knowing all they found was useless information. Time was running out, there was only so much to do, and they were on the verge of giving up.

"Ugh!" Rainbow groaned exasperated. "We've been studying for hours and have nothing!"

"Tell me about it, darling," Rarity sighed. "And we've already read the entire stack!"

"We can't just give up!" Spike spoke up. "All of Hogwarts is at stake with all these recent attacks."

"AAAAAAHHHHH... It's hopeless!" Pinkie popped out of nowhere. "Stormy's going to be petrified... FOREVER!!!"

"SHHHHHH!!!" Pince hissed.

"Pinkie darling, not so loud!" Rarity scolded quietly. "We're in a library!"

"Sorry..." Pinkie smiled awkwardly.

"Maybe we should take a break," Fluttershy suggested. "It's been three and a half hours now. We should be at the Quidditch field for the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor game."

"Shoot! I forgot about that!" Rainbow realized. "We gotta go—"

"I found it!" Hermione called out.

"Found wut, Hermione?" Applejack asked.

All eyes looked toward the page Hermione pointed to. When they studied the page, all expressions turned pale.

"It can't be..." Applejack shook her head.

"It is..." Hermione whispered silently, tearing the page.

"Are you sure, Hermione?" Fluttershy asked nervously. "You're breaking a rule in the library."

"I know, Professor Fluttershy. But we need this information, right Professor Twilight?"

"She's right," Twilight confirmed. "We must tell the others at once!"

Without another word, as soon as Hermione got hold of the page, she proceeded to write down the identity of the Chamber of Secrets' mysterious monster and how it attacked without being caught. In her hands now laid the answers Harry and friends needed. But as they prepared to leave the library, it was then... disaster struck.

Percy's girlfriend, Penelope, took out her mirror when the monster's eyes appeared. But there were no screams, just the sound of the floor disturbed by a cluttering. This activity caught the eye of Pince instantly and she stormed toward the Headmaster's office to report the attack. What news she'd deliver was going to be shocking for the others once word of the latest victims of the petrification attack...


While Hermione went to Hogwart's library with the Mane Six for studying, Harry and Smolder marched with their team toward the Quidditch tower. Cheers of the crowd were heard as they prepared for their face-off against Hufflepuff. Oliver Wood led his team to their pitch tent, to hype them up for the upcoming game.

"All right, listen up now," Oliver Wood explained. "We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker, and smarter."

"And not to mention, they're dead terrified that Harry'll petrify them if they fly anywhere near him," George spoke up.

"Will you cut that out?" Smolder huffed to the Weasley prankster.

Just as the Gryffindor team was on their way out, when Professor McGonagall approached them.

"Professor McGonagall," Oliver greeted.

"This match has been cancelled," The Head of Gryffindor announced.

"What?!" Smolder exclaimed. "Are you kidding me?!"

"I wish I could say she was," Sunset Shimmer sighed, as she and her fellow Gryffindor cheerleaders approached.

"But she wasn't," Ocellus frowned.

"And I combed my hair to look good for Gallus too!" Silverstream huffed, throwing down her pom-poms.

"Cancelled!" Wood bellyached. "They can't cancel Quidditch –"

"Silence, Wood!" Professor McGonagall said sternly. "You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower, now."

As the Gryffindor Quidditch Team left, dejected that their game was stopped, the professor turned to look solemnly at Harry and Smolder.

"Potter, Ms. Smolder," Professor McGonagall began. "The rest of you and I will find Mr. Weasley. There's something that all of you have to see."


Before long, McGonagall was leading Harry, Ron, Sunset, and the Student Six into the Hospital Wing, where they found the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike, and Sonata Dusk waiting for them. Among them, Fluttershy stood with dry eyes as though she had been crying. When she turned to the approaching kids, she sighed heavily and approached...

"Oh, kids!!!" Fluttershy wrapped her wings around them.

"Wut's happened, Professor McGonagall?" Apple Bloom asked worriedly. "Where's Applejack?"

"And Rarity?" Sweetie asked frightened.

"Rainbow's okay, right?" Scootaloo spoke anxiously. "Somepony tell me she's okay!"

"I warn you, this could be a wee bit of a shock," Professor McGonagall cautioned.

McGonagall opened the door slowly. Harry and their friends stopped abruptly, when they saw what Professor McGonagall meant. Laying in the hospital beds, with horrified expressions frozen on their faces were Hermione Granger, Princess Twilight, and the remainder of the Mane Six. Leaving Fluttershy, by some miracle, the only survivor of the attack.

"Hermione..." Ron exclaimed in horror.

"Oh no..." Sunset gasped, as if she was about to cry. ""

"Applejack!" Apple Bloom sobbed into her sister's chest.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Scootaloo wailed, hugging her petrified sister-figure.

Sunset looked over and saw a certain Slytherin girl, crying, while clutching the frozen hands of her Ravenclaw friend. Sunset struggled to swallow a lump in her throat, before she turned to Sonata, who looked at her sadly.

"They were in the library," Sonata croaked. "...I was in the kitchen, with Spike, making tacos. We were on our way back to bring them lunch...when we found them like this."

"We were so lucky to find Fluttershy," Spike added. "Somehow in all the chaos, we found her hiding under one of the desks. The beast must've just missed her."

"It was horrible..." Fluttershy whimpered. "So... so horrible..."

"They were found along with this," Professor McGonagall added, holding a mirror up to Sunset Shimmer. "Does it mean anything to you?"

Sunset Shimmer took the small circular mirror, examining it closely. But she merely shook her head, as she hadn't the foggiest clue.

"No..." Sunset answered silently.

Sunset Shimmer turned and looked to see Harry gently stroking Hermione's stiff hand. Clinched tight in her stiff knuckles, barely visible, a piece of paper. But instead, Sunset looked to see the Student Six sharing their grievances with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, over what had become of their beloved sisters and professors. But her heart went out to Twilight Sparkle the most. It pained Sunset Shimmer to see Twilight so vulnerable and so helpless at the same time. And the last time she spoke with Twilight Sparkle... they argued.

Sunset had never felt so scared in her entire life. Even more than she ever felt, even when she was a prisoner of the evil Galactic Empire. How she counted on Twilight to rescue her. To always be there to provide the answers to all her problems. But now, once again, Sunset Shimmer was at a loss. For, in another cruel twisted way, Twilight has left her to figure the problems out on her own.

And worse still, Sunset Shimmer never got the chance to even apologize to her for their recent argument. Sunset Shimmer dipped her head down in shame. She looked to the right and saw Spike, huddling up in a corner, with his knees to his chin, his tail wrapped around him, crying. No doubt, he was just as hurt as everyone is. And why wouldn't he? Like Sunset, he's just as close to Twilight. But closer...

The princess was his whole world; his home, his family, his sister, his mother, his life, everything! And now that Twilight's gone, a piece of him was gone with her.

Sunset walked over to the sad dragon, dipping her head.

"I'm sorry," Sunset apologized.

But Spike said nothing. He just stood up, placed a gentle claw on Sunset's shoulder, before he walked over to Twilight's petrified form, giving her one last stroke.

"Sonata, can you look after them?" Sunset asked Sonata.

"Of course," Sonata complied.


Later, the Gryffinodrs were all gathered in their common room, when Professor McGonagall and Professor Fluttershy entered.

"Could I have your attention, please?" The Gryffindors all looked to their professor. "Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately."

Professor McGonagall then reads off a piece of parchment to the somber Gryffindors:

"All students will return to their house common rooms by six o'clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions."

With that, Professor McGonagall sets the parchment aside, before Fluttershy also added this one keen detail.

"I should tell you this," Fluttershy began, clearing her throat. "Unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed... forever..."

Fluttershy burst into tears again and flew away as McGonagall turned to follow the Pegasus. The news left every student exchanging their concerns with each other. It was then Neville suddenly spoke up.

"Haven't any of the teachers noticed that the Slytherins are all safe?" Neville asked. "Isn't it obvious all this stuff's coming from Slytherin? The Heir of Slytherin, the monster of Slytherin – why don't they just chuck all the Slytherins out?"

"They can't close Hogwarts," Seamus argued. "Where would we all go?"

"I don't care what anyone says," Dean Thomas declared. "As long as Dumbledore's here, Hogwarts will be here."

Amidst all the chaos, Harry leaned in toward his remaining friends.

"We've got to talk to Hagrid, you guys," Harry explained. "I can't believe it's him, but if he did set the monster loose last time – even by accident – he'll know how to get inside the Chamber of Secrets, and that's a start."

"I still say it's a bad idea," Apple Bloom frowned. "I like Hagrid. He's too friendly to be the Heir of Slytherin..."

"I'm starting to doubt it as well," Sunset Shimmer added. "I should know better than to trust my eyes. Obviously, Hagrid is innocent in all this and... I should've listened to Twilight! I'm so stupid! And because of me... she's in trouble! And it's all my fault!"

"Hey, what's done is done," Gallus consoled the Jedi Sorceress. "Beating yourself up isn't going to get us anywhere. But we should at least talk to Hagrid..."

"But you heard McGonagall," Ron spoke up. "We're not allowed to leave the Tower except for class."

"I think it's time to get my dad's old cloak out again," Harry suggested.

"Well..." Sandbar shrugged. "Here we go again."

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