The Rogue Bludger

A few days had passed yet Hogwarts was still reeling over the writing upon their walls. Not to mention the horror of discovering the petrified Mrs. Norris and Storm Shield. With the knowledge of the Chamber of Secrets being opened, many students and the various faculty were on edge. Never before had anything like this ever happened at Hogwarts in the last thousand years; and yet, McGonagall's lesson rang true to the ears of those willing to listen.

At this very moment, Twilight Sparkle sat on a chair in the hospital wring alongside the petrified Storm Shield laying in bed. She stared toward the petrified Prince of Peace with tears streaming down her face like waterfalls. To this day, she still couldn't believe such an incident could ever befall upon one of her closest friends... especially the Princess's son.

"Storm... I'm so sorry," Twilight wept. "This shouldn't have happened to you."


The lavender alicorn gasped and stood straight up, reeling about toward the source of the voice. And ever so suddenly, her eyes were locked with the magenta gaze of Princess Celestia herself.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight gasped, straightening out. "I'm so sorry about all this. If I had known, I would have never..."

But Princess Celestia merely raised her hoof, and her former pupil went silent. Celestia slowly approached her son's bedside, leaned her head down, and planted a kiss upon his petrified forehead. Eventually, she turned her attention toward her most faithful student.

"Twilight, you have no reason to apologize," Celestia assured. "There was no way you could possibly know something like this would happen."

"But I should've done more to ensure his safety," Twilight replied, dejected. "Not only his, but the safety of every pony! It's my responsibility to ensure their safety on these missions... and I feel like a failure."

Celestia extended one of her great wings, gently placing it around Twilight's shoulders.

"Not even a princess can ensure nothing will go wrong," Celestia informed her. "No matter how hard you try, bad things are bound to happen. You can't place all the blame on yourself."

Twilight Sparkle gazed toward her teacher with a halfhearted smile. Though she was still confused over what she learned recently, specifically what happened between Celestia and Chrysalis so very long ago, she was willing to put that all aside. All that mattered was basking in the familiar comfort her teacher provided and was still willing to do.

"Celestia, what if he...?"

Celestia quickly placed her hoof along her pupil's lips before she finished.

"I won't hear such talk, Twilight," Celestia scolded mildly. "Albus assured that Storm Shield will be just fine. Professor Sprout is already at work on the Mandrake Draught, and soon we will have him back in no time."

Though still incredibly worried for her friend, Twilight took comfort in knowing Celestia's words rang true. As they spoke, many people were at work crafting the very potion that should revive both Storm and Mrs. Norris. Provided, of course, that nothing else went wrong.

"I really hope so," Twilight sighed, gazing at Storm.

Celestia observed the manner of how Twilight was looking at Storm Shield. The princess couldn't help but smile to herself. For that gaze was the exact manner of how she used to look at Cosmic Galaxy many moons ago; she knew exactly what it meant. Her most prized student cared so deeply for her son, it was plain to see it was more than just mere friendship. Deciding not to question the manner, however, Celestia instead chose to change the subject.

"I think we should be attending the Quidditch pitch," Celestia suggested. "It's Gryffindors' first game of the season and you wouldn't want to miss that. Don't worry, Storm will still be here when the game is over."

Twilight giggled slightly before facing her teacher with a smile.

"You're right," Twilight nodded.

"Follow me my student," Celestia spoke warmly.

Celestia proceeded to lead Twilight Sparkle out of the hospital and through Hogwarts' corridors. As they passed a nearby corridor, Celestia gave a quick glance and a nod, a series of silent signals Twilight hadn't noticed. On cue, four figures snuck around the corner right as the two princesses left the area. This figures consisted of Quill Cast, Curtain Call, Mirai, and Draxus, all entering quickly into the hospital wing and gathered around Storm's beside.

"Got what we need?" Curtain asked Quill.

"Don't I always?" Quill remarked.

Quill Cast reached into his pocket and pulled out a vial of potion.

"We only have enough of this for one dose," Quill informed. "We need to make this count."

Quill quickly placed the vial over Storm's lips, allowing the potion to slide down the stallion's throat. When the whole potion had been consumed, he backed away while the group stared with anticipation. A few moments later, Storm's eyes slowly fluttered, and his limbs started to twitch one by one. The prince then violently sat up with a heavy gasp, struggling to catch his breath as he confusedly looked around his surroundings.

"... Where am I?" Storm asked. "What happened?"

"Relax sire, you're in the hospital wing," Quill replied calmly. "You've just been petrified by Slytherin's monster, along with Mr. Filch's cat."

"Can you remember what happened?" Curtain questioned.

"The other day... Discord was stirring chaos during our History of Magic class," Storm explained, massaging his head. "Moondancer wasn't happy with having to pick up all the books after our 'skirmish', so I told her I'd find Mr. Filch to help us clean. Then I heard voices coming from the halls and so I went to investigate. That's when I noticed some water all over the floor and..."

A gasp escaped Storm's lips as he quickly snapped his head toward his allies.

"No... it can't be..." Storm shook his head.

"Yes... I'm afraid it's true," Curtain confirmed. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened again; we have to accelerate our timetable quickly. If we don't find what we're looking for, it could very well mean the end of all Muggleborns."

"And the end of all mankind," Mirai added.

Storm quickly swung his legs off the bed, landing upon the cold floor. But the stallion started to lose his balance and leaned along the bed for support. He slowly stepped forward, steadying himself as his legs hadn't fully recovered from their petrified state. It felt as though his limbs were numb, compressed in their previous position for too long. Fortunately, Draxus came to the prince's aid and steadied his movements.

"Thanks Drax," Storm thanked the large man.

To which the prince was only met with a grunt from the seemingly savage person.

"What are we waiting for?" Storm asked. "We must work fast!"

As Storm marched, Quill quickly held out one arm to stop him.

"Forgetting something?" He asked, gesturing to Storm's empty bed. "No one can know you're up and walking about. If they do, our cover's blown."

Storm realized that his friend was right, and he knew just what to do. Igniting his horn, he conjured his magic to create an exact replica of himself in his petrified state upon the bed. A slightly duplicate trick he'd learn from Discord of all creatures, one of the only 'useful' spells he ever learned from the draconequus.

"That should last until our task is complete," Storm voiced determination. "Come on, let's go!"

In seconds, Storm cast an invisibility spell on himself to conceal his identity at least till they were in the clear. Soon the five members of the Legion of Light quickly departed to begin their work. They could only hope with this growing problem they'd be able to succeed in time.


Cheers and applause echoed over the air surrounding the Quidditch pitch, as all of Hogwarts gathered just to watch the first game of the season. Once again, it was Slytherin against Gryffindor, a rematch of sorts from the previous year. The members of Gryffindor are currently assembled in their team tent, working out a strategy for the upcoming game. Smolder sat alongside Harry as their team captain, Oliver Wood, proceeded to go over the plan.

"Before we make for the entrance of the stadium, I must inform all of you," Oliver told his team. "After what happened to me last year, I've decided that in the event it happens again someone will be the temporary captain."

"Temporary captain?" Fred and George asked simultaneously.

"What for?" Angelina asked curiously.

"Should I end up out of the game, someone will need to take command to ensure we can still win," Oliver explained. "And I know just the one to do this."

His attention soon turned toward the sole dragon player on the team. Confused, Smolder slowly turned around but saw no one sitting behind her. She turned back toward Wood, whose gaze was purposely toward her.

"Me?" Smolder pointed to herself.

"That's right Smolder," Woo confirmed. "I want you to be captain."

To say Smolder was beyond shocked by this announcement would have been an understatement, her eyes grew wider as though she were still processing this announcement.

"W-What?!" Smolder stammered in shock. "N-No, no, no, no! I can't be captain! Why even me? Couldn't you pick someone more experienced?"

"I had been watching your training last year, and you took my advice to use your skill against our rivals," Wood explained to her. "You hold a key advantage as a very special chaser. I knew you'd be perfect to be our temporary captain should anything happen to me."

The remainder of the team eyed Smolder, as the dragon girl tried to avert her gaze from all of them.

"Wood has a point, Smolder," Angelina agreed. "When you surged your broom last year, it was nothing I've ever seen before."

"You'd be the perfect temporary captain," Katie agreed.

"It's only necessary if Woods gets taken out," Harry assured his friend. "You'd be great, Smolder."

Smolder turned her gaze back to her teammates before sighing with a roll of her eyes.

"Alright, I'll do it," She relented.

"That's the spirit!" Wood cheered confidently. "Now let's win this game!"

"YEAH!!" The team cheered in unison.

With that settled, the Gryffindor team grabbed their brooms and departed from the tent. They made their way toward the stadium, not only ready to fight... but to win.


Soon, the Quidditch match had just reached the halfway mark. Needless to say, Gryffindor was not doing well against Slytherin. Though they tried their best, Slytherin seemed to be more on top of their game to start the season. The fact they all now had Nimbus 20001 brooms didn't help the fact either. The crowd roared watching Slytherin's Chasers, bent low over their new brooms, jetting past the overmatched Gryffindors. Slythern was in the lead with eighty points, while Gryffindor only had thirty. Watching from the stands, Sunset Shimmer, Hagrid, Ron, and Hermoine, along with the remainder of Gryffindor, looked worried as they stared across the stadium, seeing Slytherin students holding up a sign that said MALFOY in big letters.

"Gallopin' Gorgons!" Hagrid remarked. "Slytherin's flyin' like they got dragon fire in their brooms..."

"They'll do anything just to prove their better than Gryffindor," Sunset observed.

"I hope that Malfoy gets hit in the head with a Bludger..." Ron muttered, eyeing the signs.

"You and me both," Gallus smirked with agreement.

Gallus looked toward the field, spotting Silverstream leading the Gryffindor cheerleading team she formed just last year. He smiled with that lovey-dovey expression, eyeing his girlfriend's cheer.

"Rick 'em, rack 'em, rock 'em, rake! Stick the quaffle to the snake!" The cheerleaders cheered.

"Seriously, why does that chant sound familiar?" Silverstream muttered to herself.

Nonetheless, Silverstream just shrugged to herself and continued cheering with the remainder of her team. Back in the stands, Yona, Sandbar, and Ocellus eyed the game intently as they watched Smolder and Harry play.

"How do you think it's going?" Ocellus asked Sandbar nervously.

"Not looking good for them at the moment," Sandbar answered matter-of-factly.

Sure enough, the Slytherins zoomed around at high speed, dominating their opponents with their superior brooms. And in just a matter of seconds, they scored yet another goal.

"Another goal for Slytherin!" Lee announced, updating the scoreboard. "They lead Gryffindor ninety to thirty!"

The Slytherin players cheered, flying around the stadium in a victory formation just to rub it in their opponents' faces. Ron fumed at the sight, looking as though he took their dominance personally. Taking Hagrid's giant binoculars, he trained them on the faculty box – where Lucious Malfoy sat alongside Professor Snape.

In the meantime, Harry circled high above the pitch, searching for the Golden Snitch. Suddenly, Malfoy streaked by overhead.

"All right there, Scarhead?" Draco mocked.

Harry turned, eyeing Malfoy malevolently. Flying near him, Smolder turned and her eyes went wide when a bludger began to streak toward his head.

"HARRY WATCH OUT!" Smolder shouted.

Harry wheeled and, at the last possible moment, slipped the whistling bludger. CRACK! Before the bludger aimed for Smolder, George swooped down and batted it away. Harry and Smolder turned, watching it soar away as Oliver Wood came into view.

"Watch yourself, Harry!" Oliver shouted.

Just then, Smolder and Harry's eyes blinked with surprise. The bludger suddenly turned and streaked right back at him, toward Wood.

"Wood, look out!" Harry shouted.

The bludger struck Oliver's broom as it took off after Harry, sending him jetting around the stadium. Smolder looked down and saw Oliver slowly descending toward the ground, unable to stay in midair. Smolder turned toward Harry and wanted to stop that bludger, but she also knew that without someone to guard the hoops, Gryffindor was vulnerable to potential scores. It was then Smolder knew what she had to do, as she faced several Gryffindor players nearby.

"You two! Increase the defenses!" Smolder ordered. "And you! Try to help Harry as best as you can! I'll guard the hoops!"

The players nearby nodded and assumed their positions on the field, as Smolder took Oliver's position and guarded the hoops. She turned toward Harry, nervous as she watched the bludger soar after Harry, and all the while wondering what was going on.

"Blimey, Harry's got 'imself a Rogue Bludger!" Hagrid shouted from the stands.

"Rogue Bludger?" Yona asked, confused.

"He's right!" Sunset confirmed. "Someone has tampered with the bludger!"

Sur enough, Harry executed a series of zigs, zags, loops and rolls, trying to shake the Bludger, but the Bludger proved relentless.

"I'll stop it!" Ron declared.

Ron instinctively drew his wand, pointing it toward Harry and the Bludger, when... Hermione's and Gallus's hand/talon interceded. They glanced knowingly at Ron's fractured wand.

"You're joking, right?" Gallus asked.

"Even with a proper wand, it's too risky," Hermione added. "You could hit Harry."

As Harry frantically dipped and dove, Malfoy cruised by.

"Training for the ballet, Potter?" Draco called out.

Harry glanced at Malfoy's sneering face. Suddenly, buzzing inches above Malfoy's left ear was... the Golden Snitch. It flew literally next to Draco, but he didn't notice. After ducking the Bludger coming at him again, Harry charged forward. Malfoy gulped, swung clear, and watched Harry rocket past. It was then Malfoy realized what was happening.

As Harry chased the plummeting Snitch, Malfoy followed in hot pursuit. Draco shoved Harry aside and pulled ahead of him. The snitch lead the two seekers downward, the pair trailing the hissing snitch deep into the trench circling the pitch.

"You'll never catch me, Potter!" Draco mocked.

Shoulder to shoulder, they raced madly, driving and dodging the wooden support beams that crisscrossed their path. Directly behind them, the Bludger followed, shattering the beams as it dogged Harry. Up ahead, Colin Creevey snapped a photograph of Harry and Draco as they flew over him. He turned back and gasped as the Bludger was heading for him. But this hadn't gone unnoticed.


Shouting desperately, Smolder snatched Colin away just before the Bludger hit the boy. The boy gasped for breath, as he found himself in the arms of the determined 'temporary captain', who flapped her wings high over the air overlooking the game. The way she hovered over the air, her silhouette glowing with the sun behind her, it was though Smolder looked like an angel. The dragon herself looked down toward Colin with an annoyed expression.

"You have pretty eyes," Colin spoke softly.

"Yeah, yeah, back to the stands for you kiddo!" Smolder rolled her eyes.

Smolder carried Colin back to the stands, and once the boy was safe, Smolder saw the tensions rising in the trench. Unable to see her friend in any danger, she knew she had to do something. Quickly flying down into the trenches, she soared behind the rogue bludger.

"So... you want to play 'foul' huh hardball?" Smolder called out. "Time to introduce you to my favorite game... FIRE BALL!!!"

With one shout, Smolder blasted a ball of flames against the bludger which sent it bouncing uncontrollably off the walls. Harry briefly turned behind him, and the dragon gave her friend a thumbs up. Suddenly, Malfoy kicked Harry, forcing him to the edge of the trench. Harry brushed the wall, battling for control. Malfoy turned, snickering, then looked back... and found himself heading smack into a wooden beam. Panicked, he tried to pull... but it was too late!

Broom met beam, and Malfoy spiraled out of the trench, losing control and – THWUMP! – the boy fell flat on his back in the middle of the pitch. Much of the crowd was alarmed, but Lucius just seemed coldly disappointed by his son's performance. Needless to say, as Harry and Smolder flew by, the latter merely shook her head.

"Serves you right," Smolder declared.

Smolder and Harry flew side by side, the ladder closing on the Snitch, fingertips only inches from catching it... when... everything happened so fast. The Rogue Bludger not only smashed into Harry's arm, but just as Smolder saw it the bludger struck the dragon along the shoulder and sent her hurdling toward the pitch. Harry cried out, clutching his right arm to his chest, but still he steadied himself. With one brilliant, acrobatic maneuver, Harry snatched the snitch out of the air with his good hand. Unable to control his broom with his shattered arm, he hit the pitch with a sickening thud and coincidentally landed beside a groaning Smolder.

"Friends in trouble!!!" Yona called out.

"Let's go!" Hermoine called out.

Ron, Hermoine, Hagrid, and the Young Six proceeded to leave the stands to reunite with their friend. Wincing, Harry rolled onto his shoulders. As he laid upon the mound, he held the snitch in his good hand and smiled weakly.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch!" Lee Jordan announced. "Gryffindor wins!"

"HARRY, LOOK OUT!!!" Smolder and Sunset shouted.

Squinting up, a black dot – growing rapidly larger – plummeted from the sky, directly towards him. It's... the rogue Bludger. The celebration cut short, Harry and Smolder spun away, grimacing in agony, as the bludger struck the ground like a sledgehammer, violently tattooing the pitch again and again, only inches from the pair.

"Harry!" Twilight exclaimed.

The princess rushed to the field to save the boy. Sunset Shimmer was just out at the field when she saw that the bludger was now turning toward her equine friend.

"TWILIGHT!!!" Sunset screamed.

The fiery haired girl jumped in between the alicorn princess and the bludger, taking the shot to the chest and she could hear her ribs crack. Time seemed to slow down as a gasp of air escaped Sunset's lungs, as Twilight looked on with horror.

"SUNSET!!!" Twilight screamed, horrified.

Quickly, Hermione strode forth, aiming her wand at the Bludger.

"Finite Incantatem!" Hermione shouted.

The Bludger hung briefly in the air, slowly its spinning ceased, and it dropped heavily to the pitch igniting to smithereens. Once safe, Harry exhaled with relief, only to recall the searing pain in his arm. Everyone crowded around their injured friends, concerned faces swimming above them.

"Smolder!" Ocellus exclaimed, aiding her friend. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay," Smolder groaned. "But Gryffindor's going to need a new temporary captain; I'm really grounded for a while..."

"Sunset..." Twilight leaned toward her friend. "Are you crazy?"

"I've done crazier things... heh-heh... Ow!" Sunset groaned, clutching her chest. "Shouldn't laugh... how's Harry?"

Twilight gently picked Sunset up, slinging her arm around her neck, and they walked over toward Harry. His friends, including Hagrid and Sonata were inspecting Harry's injuries.

"Harry, are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned.

"No," Harry winced. "I think... my arm's broken."

All of a sudden, one particular face pushed through the crowd.

"Not to worry, Harry," Gilderoy Lockhart proclaimed. "I'll fix that arm of your straight away."

"I was afraid of that..." Spike muttered.

"No... no..." Harry shook his head. "Not you."

"I can help, sir," Sunset offered.

But the poor girl didn't get very far when she collapsed upon the ground, or at least would hadn't Twilight caught her in time.

"Sunset, no..." Twilight shook her head. "You're hurt..."

"I appreciate your assistance, Miss Sunset," Lockhart replied, pulling back Harry's sleeve. "But I assure you, this won't hurt a bit..."

"Are you sure?" Sonata asked.

The Siren exchanged a worried glance alongside Ron and Hermione, as all eyes looked toward Hagrid. The groundskeeper gave a reassuring look as Lockhart pulled out his wand and twirled it toward Harry's arm.

"Brackium Emendo!"

Harry braced himself as Lockhart's wand emitted a blue light, which then receded... but nothing seemed to happen. Blinking his eyes, Harry looked up toward the faces – which included all his Equestrian friends – looking horror-stricken. And for good reason, for as Lockhart dropped his wand and lifted Harry's arm, it was now limp and slushy much to everyone's and every pony's disgust.

"Gross!" Gallus exclaimed in disgust.

Sandbar shielded Yona's eyes as his face turned... greener. Upon seeing Harry's arm, Sunset immediately fainted out of Twilight's grip and collapsed on the ground. It was then 'Professor' Discord appeared, shaking his head while clicking his tongue.

"Get up you pansy!" Discord barked at the unconscious Jedi.

Sonata tried to keep her mouth closed, but ultimately lost all the tacos she just had for lunch. All the while, Lockhart appeared rather sheepish.

"What the hay is that?!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Trying to save face, Lockhart moved Harry's limp right hand back, which disgusted everyone further.

"Ah. Yes. Well, that can sometimes happen," Lockhart stammered. "But uh... the point is... you can no longer feel any pain. And, very clearly, the bones are no longer broken."

"Brok'n?!" Hagrid exclaimed in outrage. "He doesn't 'ave any bones at all!"

"Much more flexible though," Lockhart said, as Harry's right hand fell back.

From the sides, Whisper Dream watched as several people surrounded Harry along the Quidditch pitch. She too was worried over the injuries Harry sustained thanks to that rogue Bludger. However... there seemed to be some students who noticed her hesitancy and her leaving the pitch. The CMCs, the first to gallop after her, stood in her path and she stopped with a gasp.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Whisper whimpered frantically. "I swear I don't know anything!"

"Calm down a second there," Apple Bloom reassured. "We know you ain't done nothing."

Whisper tried to move away, only for the Young Six to approach from behind leaving her cornered with nowhere to run... much less fly.

"I shouldn't be talking to you," Whisper said desperately. "If I'm seen with you, Master Draco will be furious!"

"Yona and friends want to help Whisper," Yona told her gently.

"The way Bad Mouth and Bad Mouth senior treat you... that's wrong," Smolder nearly sneered. "Besides, we want nothing from you."

"Isn't that what school's all about?" Ocellus asked in agreement. "Making friends?"

"... Not to me," Whisper shook her head. "It's just another place for me to survive."

"Well... maybe we can help," Sweetie Belle offered. "Tell us how you ended up with the Malfoys, and we can convince Twilight to get you away from them."

Whisper Dream quickly turned away, trying and failing to hide the terror as plain as the muzzle on her face.

"I... can't talk about that" She whimpered terrified.

"Why not?" Apple Bloom asked concerned. "Y'all wanna get away from them good fer nothin' Malfoys, ya gotta let us in on it!"

"They're the worst human beings on this planet," Gallus stated boldly. "And you know they are! I know you do, kid."

"They're... not all bad!" Whisper answered hesitantly. "Master Lucius and Master Draco are awful, yes. But Lady Narcissa... she's very kind to me."

"Narcissa?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.

"Name doesn't ring a bell," Sandbar shook his head.

"Master Draco's mother," Whisper explained. "Lady Narcissa doesn't speak to me often, unless to give an order. But she's far kinder than Masters Lucius and Draco put together. She treats me better and, though she's never said it, deep down she cares about me."

"A Malfoy who isn't terrible?" Sweetie Belle asked herself, almost surprised. "That's a shocker."

"Still, if ya don't like being pushed around by Malfoy and his pa, ya gotta stand up fer yerself," Apple Bloom advised Whisper.

"Otherwise, they're just going to push you around forever like the bullies they are," Silverstream added. "Believe me, I know what it's like to live under the shadow of a terrifying figure. Our family couldn't leave the sea because of a terrible king running rampant. But you'll never know what you are capable of if you don't 'try' to fight back."

"It doesn't have to be physical," Ocellus suggested. "But sooner or later, you have to speak up."

But she only lowered her head further, her body slightly shaky.

"I just... can't..." She nearly sobbed. "I'm sorry..."

The Crusaders gathered around Whisper Dream, placing their hooves collectively around her. It was as though they were putting a barrier around her, as the pony was clearly having a panic attack. For the Young Six, this was a difficult scenario to watch.

"Don't y'all worry none, Whisper," Apple Bloom voiced determination. "We're gonna teach ya how tah stand up fer yerself!"

"No pony deserves all the grief those Malfoys give you," Scootaloo agreed.

"And we're never leaving your side for a moment," Sweetie Belle declared. "We promise."

Though she was still very hesitant, terrified of the idea, Whisper Dream slowly looked up showing a tiny smile spreading along her face. For the first time in her life, she actually felt something other than fear and trepidation. For once in her life, she felt safe in the comforting arms of what true love and care represent. And maybe, just maybe, perhaps things were going to change for the better.


Later that day, in the hospital wing, a dazed Malfoy slumped out in a hospital bed, moaning in bed. The only guests were Crabbe, Goyle, and one of his teammates who sat at the bedside next to him. Ron, standing by Harry's bed along with Hermione, grinned at the sight. And then, all eyes watched as Madame Pomfrey poured a steaming beakerful of liquid from a bottle of skele-gro into a glass. A group of Gryffindors, including teammates and the Equestrians, stood nearby.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy!" Pomfrey rolled her eyes. "Stop making a fuss; you can go."

She quickly moved towards Harry's bed, brushing past the concerned group.

"Out of my way, out of my way!" Pomfrey ordered, frustrated. "He should have been brought straight to me! I can mend bones in a heartbeat – but growing them back..."

"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly, but it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business."

Harry took the steaming cup and drank it. Disgusted by the taste of it, Harry spat it out and winced.

"Well, what did you expect – pumpkin juice?" Pomfrey shook her head, putting the glass on the table.

"I think I'd prefer that over what... that is supposed to do," Smolder groaned, massaging her shoulder.

FLASH! Harry and Smolder blinked the moment they saw Colin Creevey standing there.

"That was brilliant today, Harry! Brilliant!" Collin grinned, before facing Smolder. "And you Miss Smolder... you saved my life! I'll never forget it!"

"Yeah, I'm a real hero..." Smolder chuckled. "Just gimme a purple heart and we'll call it even."

"Out! All of you!" Pomfrey ordered. "This boy's got thirty-three bones to regrow!"

The majority of Gryffindor were ushered out to give Harry some space, and just as soon as Smolder's friends made sure she was okay. The two Gryffindors found themselves in bed beside Sunset Shimmer, who was taped heavily around the chest.

"I'm starting to suspect Gilderoy's not as good as his books claimed..." Sunset muttered.

"Not going to argue on that one," Smolder agreed.

"Easy for you to say," Harry grumbled. "You're not the one who lost every bone in his arm, Professor Sunset..."

"Hey, I've been hurt... worse," Sunset frowned. "Let's leave it at that.

The Jedi Sorceress, the Gryffindor Seeker, and the temporary captain stayed in bed for almost an hour now. The sun had just set across the sky, which meant night was looming over. After a period of awkward silence, Sunset Shimmer broke the ice.

"How many bludgers did your dad get hit by when he was your age?" Sunset spoke.

"I... don't know," Harry shrugged. "I've never asked."

"I'm sure he's never been hurt this bad," Smolder grimaced.

"Well, everybody's been hit by a Bludger now and then..." Sunset recalled, remembering last year's game. "Remember when Oliver Woods took one hit to the face. Ouch! Bet that smarts."

"Hmmm..." Smolder nodded in agreement. "Hey... at least Harry caught the Snitch!"

"And with just one arm," Sunset lightened the mood. "Second time in a row you beat Slytherin, Harry. That's got to be something to be proud of."

"Doesn't feel like it," Harry muttered.

"Still... if your dad was here, he'd be proud of you!"

Harry smiled at Sunset's praise, which dwindled into a sad frown just thinking of his father.

"Did... you know my father?" Harry asked.

"... Not personally," Sunset shook her head. "But from what I've heard, he sounds like a great man! Like you are!"

"No... I don't think I am," Harry shook his head. "I was only a baby when he and my mother died... because of Voldemort..."

"I'm really sorry about that, Harry," Smolder butted in. "We all are."

"He's the reason they're dead," Harry continued. "And why I ended up with the Dursleys... and why I'll never know what having a mother and father's love really feels... he ruined me."

Sunset and Smolder eyed Harry with sympathy, the former appeared as though she were about to cry over the poor boy's grievances. To the entire Wizarding World and beyond, he seemed to be a celebrity with the famous 'The Boy Who Lived' title. But at the core, he was just a lost boy, alone and in need of the guidance of loving parents. In some way, when Sunset looked at him, it was as though she saw herself.

"Fathers are kind," Sunset Shimmer began. "Fathers protect you; fathers raise you. That's what a real father is supposed to do. I should know because... my dad was always that way with me."

Harry and Smolder turned toward Sunset, as she continued her story.

"Most ponies value Celestia and Luna as their heroes, even Starswirl and his closest allies, but my dad was the only one for me," Sunset smiled nostalgically. "He was a very powerful unicorn wizard. Not at Starswirl's level but he was one of Princess Celestia's trusted councilors. He was kind, caring, and encouraging. While my brother, Sunburst, would stick to books and spend most of his time with Starlight Glimmer, my dad and I would go out into the fields together to work up some of his amazing spells in the works. It was such an empowering feeling to know he trusted me enough to let me work alongside him. And in return... I trusted him... to always be there for me."

"He sounds amazing," Harry replied. "But... what happened?"

"... He died..." Sunset spoke solemnly, looking down. "On an ambassador trip..."

"Sunset..." Smolder reached out.

"NO!" Sunset snapped, quickly calming herself. "Please... don't do that... I don't want to talk about it anymore..."

Sunset Shimmer turned her gaze away from the kids, and that was the last she spoke of her father that night. Despite the manner of how Sunset lashed out, Harry and Smolder couldn't help but feel bad for their professor. Even with her tempers, she always seemed rather cool that nothing could ever truly hurt her. But she was hurt, in more ways than she was letting on... but for the time being, it was best that they respected her privacy. She just needed... time...


Later that evening, Harry was sleeping in his bed... or at least trying to. The young man began to fidget in the dark, half-asleep, then... his eyelids flutter slowly open as he heard a voice calling to him...

"Harry..." A female voice spoke. "Harry...?"

Awake, Harry picked himself up and put on his glasses. Before his very eyes, the Young Six, including a bandaged Smolder, stood before him.

"Hey guys..." Harry smiled.

"Just came to check in on you," Gallus informed.

"Harry feeling better?" Yona asked.

"Been better..." Harry shrugged.

"Well, you're still talking," Sandbar pointed out. "That's good to hear."

"Yeah... but I have to take that Skele-Gro again in the next few hours. But, urgh... what a horrible taste."

"Reminds me of the medicines I had to take," Smolder shuddered.

"Me too!" Silverstream nodded in agreement. "But hey, I'm sure Harry's bones will grow back in a few days."

Just then, Harry heard another voice... a foreboding one. It caused him to look around, from the shadows that clung to the ceiling... to the latticework of moonlight burning softly along the walls around him. Everywhere he looked, he heard the voice repeating the same word...

"Kill... kill..."

"Do you guys hear something?" Harry asked, looking around.

To suggest that the Young Six were confused was an understatement.

"Hear what?" Yona asked.

"I don't hear anything," Ocellus shook her head.

"Me neither," Sandbar added.

"Time to kill..."

Harry wasn't sure why, but he could sense something... a strange presence so mysterious... yet so familiar all the same...

"I really am hearing something," Harry insisted.

"Harry, what's gotten into you?" Smolder asked.

The group looked up toward the ceiling, trying to see if they could hear the chilling, monstrous sounds that Harry could hear. All the while... Harry felt five bandaged fingers starting to sponge his brow...

"Come on, Harry," Gallus insisted. "There's nothing up there but a ceiling..."

Just then, as they simultaneously lowered their heads... Dobby, sitting on the edge of the bed, smiled at Harry.

"Hello," The house elf greeted.

"AAH!!!" The Young Six shrieked.

"YOU...." Smolder pointed, then grimaced. "Ow..."

"Dobby?" Harry spoke, somewhat surprised.

"What are you doing here?" Sandbar asked.

"Harry Potter came back to school, Dobby warned him," Dobby rambled. "Harry Potter should have listened to Dobby. Harry Potter should have gone back home when he missed the train."

"How did you know Harry would miss the train?" Silverstream asked, confused. "Are you sure you're not psychic?"

"Wait a minute... you don't suppose..." Ocellus assumed.

It didn't take long for all eyes to turn toward Dobby with sudden realization.

"It was you!" Harry pushed Dobby away. "You stopped the barrier from letting Ron, the Crusaders and me through!"

"Indeed yes, sir," Dobby admitted timidly. "Dobby hid and watched for Harry Potter and sealed the gateway."

"So... Dobby was the one who blocked the barrier all along?" Gallus realized, stunned.

"Yona didn't see that coming," Yona gaped.

"You nearly got Ron, the Crusaders, and me expelled!" Harry confronted Dobby angrily.

"That's right!" Smolder joined in. "Why would you do that? Did Harry do something wrong?"

"Oh no, no, no, no!" Dobby shook his head. "Harry Potter has done nothing wrong, madam."

"Then why are you trying to make me expelled?" Harry asked.

"At least you would be away from here," Dobby explained, approaching Harry. "Harry Potter must go home! Dobby thought his Bludger would be enough to make Harry Potter see..."

"Your Bludger?" Harry's anger rose. "You made that Bludger chase after me?"

"Your Bludger that put me in the hospital, just when I was named captain?!" Smolder fumed.

"Dobby feels most aggrieved," Dobby waggled his fingers. "Dobby had to iron his hands..."

The Young Six were stunned that all this time the stalker that had been following them was Dobby. Not only did he block the barrier while they were on their way to the Hogwarts Express, but it was him who made the Bludger chase after Harry during the Quidditch match with Slytherin.

"I can't believe Dobby has been stalking us!" Sandbar spoke.

"But why would he try to scare us away?" Ocellus asked.

"There has to be some explanation," Silverstream implied optimistically.

"All I know is that house elf is getting on my last nerve," Smolder groaned angrily.

"You better clear off before my bones come back, Dobby, or I might strangle you!" Harry warned Dobby.

"Dobby is used to death threats, sir," Dobby smiled weakly, hopping off the bed. "Dobby gets them five times a day at home."

Harry got out of bed and approached Dobby, who backed away until something blocked his way. He turned around toward and gasped. For standing over him was Professor Sunset Shimmer, her hands on her hips, and had heard nearly everything.

"You're one to blame for everything," Sunset pointed out.

"Oh..." Dobby cringed frightened.

"Let me tell you a few things we've been through," Smolder explained. "First Harry's uncle put bars around his window back home preventing him, Twilight and the rest of us from going to Hogwarts. Then you magically blocked the barrier and those of us who couldn't get through had to use Ron's father's car just to even get here, but our professors were so mad those kids got detention! And thirdly, you forced a Bludger onto Harry.. and Smolder... and me... and for what?!"

"P-P-Please, madam," Dobby begged frightened. "Dobby was doing this for Harry Potter's own good!"

"Maybe you should've thought before you acted you little--!" Smolder growled, enraged.

Before Smolder could get her claws on the house elf, the remainder of the Young Six pulled her away.

"Hey! Lemme at 'em! Lemme at 'em! LEMME AT 'EM!" Smolder snapped.

"Easy Smolder, he gets the idea," Gallus pulled Smolder way.

"I'm not finished with him!" Smolder struggled.

"Calm down, Smolder!" Ocellus insisted.

"Deep breaths..." Yona instructed.

Harry and Sunset Shimmer watched as the Young Six tried to calm Smolder down, then they addressed Dobby.

"I don't suppose you could tell me why you're trying to kill me?" Harry interrogated.

"Not kill you, sir, never kill you!" Dobby insisted, backing away. "Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named'. We house elves were treated like vermin, sir. Of course, Dobby is still treated like vermin..."

The house elf sobbed uncontrollably as Harry and the others looked on, then honked his nose on the filthy pillowcase he wore.

"What a wimp!" Gallus shook his head.

"Why do you even wear that thing, Dobby?" Sunset asked patiently. "You couldn't afford a uniform?"

"This, madam?" Dobby pointed out. "'Tis a mark of the house elf's enslavement. Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes. The family is careful not to pass Dobby so much as a sock, sir, for then he would be free to leave their house forever."

"... I don't know why but that actually makes sense," Sunset spoke slowly.

Dobby's ears quivered, detecting... footsteps. A banging sound coming from outside, his eyes glanced toward the infirmary door. The Young Six, Sunset, and Harry heard the banging as well, glancing toward the door.

"Someone's coming!" Silverstream whispered.

"Oh..." Dobby whimpered.

The house elf leapt onto the bed and beckoned Harry closer.

"Listen... listen..." Dobby whispered. "Terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts! Go home, Harry Potter. Go home."

To which the Young Six immediately came to Harry's defense.

"Harry not going anywhere!" Yona declared.

"He's staying no matter what happens," Gallus argued.

"And don't even think you can stop Harry again," Smolder warned.

"Or make him go home," Silverstream added.

"You've caused enough trouble for one day, Dobby," Sandbar spoke bluntly. "Just leave us alone!"

"But it's not trouble, sir," Dobby insisted. "Harry Potter must not stay here now that history is to repeat itself!"

"Repeat itself?" Harry repeated, surprised. "You mean, this has happened before?"

Dobby gasped, covering his mouth with his hands, but the truth spilled out.

"I shouldn't have said that!" Dobby grabbed the Skele-Gro bottle, and beat himself with it. "Bad Dobby!"

"Dobby... stop that right now!" Sunset ordered.

She grabbed the bottle from Dobby, set it aside, and held him aloft by the pillowcase.

"You know something, Dobby," Sunset interrogated. "You said this happened before... who's doing it now?"

"Dobby cannot say, madam," Dobby insisted. "Dobby only wants Harry Potter to be safe."

"No, Dobby!" Harry shook his head. "Tell me! Who is it?"

CRACK! Just as a door opened in the background, drawing the Young Six's attention, Dobby snapped his fingers and vanished into thin air.

"He's gone again," Ocellus sighed.

"Safe, huh?" Gallus groaned.

"I've had enough of house elves for one day," Smolder crossed her arms, going back to bed.

Just then, Harry and Sunset turned toward the doorway spotting shadows flickering beyond the curtain encircling Harry's bed. Sunset turned back toward the remaining Six.

"You kids better hide!" Sunset warned. "Now! Hurry!"

"You heard what the professor said!" Silverstream faced the others. "Quick!"

While Smolder just got back into bed, the others tried to find a place to hide while Harry and Sunset slumped down in their own beds. They faced the opposite direction of whomever was coming, so they didn't appear to be awake. Curious, Sunset peered through a slit in her curtains and that's when she saw them.

Professor Dumbledore at the lead, and following him were Professor McGonagall, Madame Pomfrey, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. Together they walked into the hospital wing. Two medics, ponies in tartan robes, appeared to be carrying a small statue toward the nearby bed.

"Put him here," Pomfrey instructed worriedly.

Smolder peered slightly and her eyes went wide with shock. As it turns out, it was not a statue lying there... but one of the students. This particular student carried in was none other than Colin Creevey himself. Much like Storm Shield and Mrs. Norris, he apparently had been petrified, his camera still clutched to his eye. Princess Celestia used her magic to carefully lift Colin onto the bed.

"What's happened?" Pomfrey asked.

"There's been another attack," Dumbledore replied.

"Two attacks within only a few days," Celestia said worriedly. "This has to be a bad omen."

"We agree wholeheartedly, sister," Luna nodded. "Never in the history of Hogwarts have we had something such as this happen... and in such short time."

"I think... you know that I think he's been petrified, Madame Pomfrey," McGonagall told the nurse witch. "Perhaps he managed to get a picture of his attacker..."

"If he did, we have a clear look at who's behind all this," Cadence spoke up. "We can stop them before they strike again."

Dumbledore carefully took Colin's camera from his hands, showing a somewhat frightened look on his face. Dumbledore opened the film compartment, and it discharged a burst of smoke, a jet of stream hissing forth. The staff were in shock by such a calamity.

"It's as if the camera itself has been petrified," Celestia gasped in shock.

"What does this mean, Albus?" McGonagall asked fearfully.

"It means... our students are in great danger, Minerva," Dumbledore replied seriously. "Mr. Creevey was fortunate. If not for this... he would surely be dead."

"What should we tell the staff?" Cadence asked worriedly.

"Tell them the truth," Dumble instructed. "Tell them Hogwarts is no longer safe. Tell them it's as we feared. The Chamber of Secrets is indeed open again."

Harry Potter, Sunset Shimmer, and Smolder were in shock upon hearing the most dreadful news. None more so than the Young Six in hiding, every figure trying so hard not to make a sound. Ocellus slowly looked toward Smolder, and to her surprise, the dragon appeared to be fighting to suppress herself... trying to stop a tear from falling down her eye. Just hours ago, she had been approached by this kid who'd been nothing but thankful to her even when he put himself in danger. And in an instant, for whatever reason he was out in the middle of the night, he had been petrified while she was lying in bed with her other injured friends. All of which begs another set of questions...

What must they do? And how do they stop it?

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