Polyjuice Potion

Cold and dark, two words which best describe the old ruins of these very corridors. The likes of which the Legion of Light currently found themselves traveling down. However, none showcased an inkling of fear as they traversed the cobweb-filled corridor which they hoped would lead to Salazar Slytherin's hidden scriptorium. Within this hidden study, our five warriors hoped to find information that would aid in their combat against the darkness.

Currently, Quill Cast led the way, his Holly wand in hand. The glowing light of the wand illuminated the dark passage ahead.

"This place is the incarnation of creepy," Quill commented.

"No kidding!" Curtain Call nodded. "Next time you find valuable knowledge for us, can it be in Hawaii or someplace nice?"

"Grow up boys!" Mirai rolled her eyes. "I'm only seventeen and you two don't see me complaining."

"To be fair Mirai, you literally have dragon blood coursing through your veins," Storm Shield pointed out. "Sure you're not a real dragon, but bravery and determination are etched in your very being."

Though not saying a word, Draxus only released an agitated groan from the back-and-forth banter between his comrades.

"Hold up!"

Quill stopped right in his tracks, causing the others to halt behind him. All eyes looked toward a giant dark iron door looming before them. The depictions on the door resembled faces twisted in agony. Needless to say, it was an eerie sight. A pile of bones lay just before the door, alongside wording carved into the corridor floor. Quill knelt alongside the bones, studying the word for a few seconds when a sigh escaped his lips.

"What is it?" Curtain Call asked.

"The Cruciatus Curse," Quill responded solemnly. "I know what we have to do to proceed into the scriptorium."

It took a moment for it to sink in for everyone else, their expressions dropping.

"One of us must cast it toward the other," Storm realized.

"Salazar Slytherin wanted to ensure that only those willing to deal with maximum pain and suffering would enter his scriptorium," Quill confirmed.

"He really was a pure-blooded crazy maniac," Curtain said in disgust.

"That just leaves us with a quandary," Quill said, facing the others. "Who will cast the curse and who to cast it on?"

All eyes looked amongst each other, everyone contemplating the question. In order to proceed into the scriptorium, one must be willing to deliver torture upon another. The very thought was enough to make them sick to their stomachs. However, knowing there wasn't much choice, a reluctant Storm Shield stepped forth.

"Cast it on me," Storm demanded.

"Are you sure about this?" Quill asked Storm. "This curse will cause you great pain and agony."

"I've faced worse in my past adventures," Storm voiced determination. "I can handle it. Let's just get this over with so we can get in and find what we're looking for."

Curtain Call and Quill Cast faced each other, acknowledging the concern in their eyes before slowly nodding. Quill positioned his wand at the ready, as Storm stood waiting.


Red sparks flew from Quill's wand, striking Storm in the gut. The prince suddenly cried out in agony, falling onto the floor corridor. It felt as though a million knives tore at his innards. As the curse took hold of him, more sparks flew from him and struck the iron door. The sparks proceeded to melt the door, revealing a hidden archway into the scriptorium. The Legion quickly raced over to Storm's aid.

"You okay, Storm?!" Curtain asked concerned.

"Ugh... the worst pain I've ever experienced!" Storm groaned in pain. "I'll be alright... it's starting to pass."

"I'm sorry, man," Quill apologized. "It was the only way."

"Don't worry," Storm assured Quill. "Let's just get what we need."

Draxus used his strength to lift Storm onto his shoulders, carrying him as they entered the scriptorium. Needless to say, the room itself was as dark and sinister as the very man who built it. Bookcases with ancient books lined the walls, a curving double staircase led to a higher balcony, and a large stone bust of Salazar Slytherin hung upon the wall.

"This place... feels so... evil," Mirai said nervously.

"Because it is," Quill replied. "Let's climb the stairs and check out what we can."

The Legion climbed the curved staircase and entered the higher study. Immediately, they found Salazar's desk which seemed lined with old documents. Quill picked up one, examining what appeared to be a journal entry.

I fear we shall never come to an accord. I cannot persuade even one of them to listen to reason. I had dared hope that Godric's thoughts were aligned with my own; that he understood why the caliber of students needed to be exceptional. But he has fallen prey to the ridiculous notion that Muggle-borns are somehow as capable as pure-bloods. He was furious when I expressed my displeasure at his thoughts on the matter – thoughts he had not yet put voice to.
I tire of the discord and can no longer bear witness to the corridors full of inept children masquerading as witches and wizards.
It is with heavy heart that I now know I must go from here.
I shall place the creature into a deep sleep in its chamber until it can be awakened by one who shares my views: a descendant willing to reverse the damage that the others have so carelessly wrought; one who shall rid the school of those unworthy of Hogwarts that would serve only to stain my legacy.

"Salazar Slytherin... what an evil man," Quill voiced disgust.

"Guys, I've found something!" Curtain shouted urgently.

The group quickly gathered around Curtain Call, a piece of paper in his hands.

"What is it?" Storm asked curiously.

"It's about Spike's mother," Curtain responded, showing the paper. "It says when Slytherin's forces captured her, she was locked within the Chamber of Secrets itself to keep her hidden away. But according to this document, it would be until such time when Salazar's heir would release her and use her powers to bring forth a creature of great power to purge the world of the non-magical."

"So she's been held captive inside the actual chamber all this time?" Quill asked. "Does it say anything about how we can get her back?"

"There is... but it's not easy," Curtain replied. "The only way to release her... is to kill the creature."


Christmas Day came quickly for Hogwarts. The students drifted into the snow with their trunks, all heading home for the holidays. Several of whom crossed the frozen lake by sleighs, pulled by the most majestic white horses ever seen. As Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sunset Shimmer, the CMC and the Student Six soon appeared, Ernie and a few others cast wary glances. Sunset Shimmer merely looked ahead, keeping a stone face the whole time clearly attempting to pay them no mind.

"Hey, look everyone!" Fred called out. "Make way for the Heir of Slytherin!"

"Be careful, seriously evil wizard coming through!" George teased.

The only one amongst the group grinning with amusement was Ron, the lad seemed to pay no mind of his brothers' teasing. Then he saw Harry Potter – anything but. The boy stewed over the way the boys spoke about him. Needless to say, the other Equestrians weren't taking too kindly over it.

"How can you let your brothers talk to Harry like that?!" Smolder confronted Ron.

"Oh, c'mon, Smolder," Ron replied. "Fred and George are just having a laugh."

"They're the only ones," Harry muttered.

"Okay, so half the school thinks you're nipping off to the Chamber of Secrets every night," Ron admitted. "Who cares?"

"Because that's supposed to make us feel so much better," Gallus remarked sarcastically.

"Maybe they're right," Harry sighed, heading back inside.

"Harry!" Hermione called out, reproachfully.

"Oh, come on Harry!" Silverstream called out. "You're not really going to let a bunch of gossip and rumor get the best of you, are you?"

While the group still followed Harry, the boy stopped and turned to face them. Immediately they came to a halt.

"Look, I didn't know I could speak Parseltongue!" Harry voiced frustration. "What else don't I know about myself? Maybe you can do something... even something horrible... and not know you did it."

"You don't believe that, Harry, I know you don't," Hermione assured. "And if it makes you feel better, I just heard Malfoy's staying over for holiday, too."

"Holiday with Malfoy?" Sandbar replied. "Not a holiday story anyone would want to read."

"Why would that make anyone feel better?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Because in a few days, the Polyjuice Potion will be ready," Hermione reminded. "In a few days... we may truly know who the Heir of Slytherin is."

"That's right!" Sunset realized. "In all this insanity I nearly forgot about that. All right, I'll gather Twilight and the others, and we'll all meet later tonight to discuss final preparations. You kids try to keep a low profile until then."

"Gee, keeping low against a whole house who thinks we work for the heir," Scootaloo remarked. "No problem..."


Later that evening, those who stayed behind joined together for the Christmas Feast in the Great Hall. The Hall itself glimmered grandly as snowflakes tumbled from the ceiling. Harry and Ron sat with the Equestrian students and Hermione. Before long, Sunset Shimmer arrived with the Mane Six and Spike.

"Everything set, Hermione?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Yes Professor," Hermione confirmed. "We just need a bit of who the boys are changing into."

"Crabbe and Goyle," Harry confirmed.

"We'll also need to make sure the real Crabbe and Goyle can't burst in on us while we're interrogating Malfoy," Sunset emphasized.

"How?" Ron asked.

Hermione held up a pair of small cakes.

"I've got it all worked out," Hermione assured. "I've filled these with a simple Sleeping Draught, simple but powerful."

Ron and the students glanced at Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, who presently were eating everything in front of them.

"Knowin' how greedy Crabbe and Goyle are, I reckon they won't leave the Feast till every last drop of trifle are gone," Applejack observed.

"Now, once they're asleep, hide them in a broom cupboard and pull out a few of their hairs," Hermione instructed.

"And whose hair are you ripping out?" Ron asked.

"I've already got mine," Hermione displayed a small vial. "Millicent Bulstrode, she's in Slytherin. I got this off her robes."

"I was able to procure some hair from another student within Slytherin," Sunset added, showing her own vial. "Had a little help from some friends on the inside, the only ones who don't believe in my dark past."

"All right then..." Hermione rose up. "I'm going to check on the Polyjuice Potion."

Before leaving, Hermione pointed toward the cakes in front of her.

"Remember. Just make sure Crabbe and Goyle find these."

As Hermione made her exit, Ron looked toward Harry and the others.

"Have you ever heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong?" Ron asked worriedly.

"Only every time we go on an adventure," Pinkie Pie shrugged. "But who's counting?"


Later, deep within the entrance hall, Harry and Ron, lurking behind a suit of armor, prepared to set their plan into motion. The Equestrians stood close by, watching as Ron cleared his throat and prepared his wand.

"Ron, maybe I should do it," Harry suggested.

"Yeah... right..." Ron answered sadly, acknowledging his broken wand.

"Ron get next time," Yona patted Ron's back.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Harry spoke.

Within seconds, the two small cakes floated up into the air. All eyes watched as Crabbe and Goyle exited the Great Hall, their arms full of similar cakes. Goyle spied the cakes instantly and grabbed them, though reluctantly surrendering one to Crabbe. In unison, they stuff the cakes into their mouths... and they pause. For a brief moment, they look toward each other... and keel flat onto their backs.

"How thick could you get?" Ron remarked.

"C'mon, let's get 'em!" Harry ushered.

Harry and Ron dashed out, with the students in tow, dragging Crabbe and Goyle across the floor and into a cupboard.


Moments later, the remainder of the Equestrians stood waiting in the girls' bathroom. Hermione and Sunset Shimmer, wearing Slytherin robes, hovered over a smoking cauldron. Harry, Ron, and the Equestrian students soon entered.

"Well, did you get it?" Hermione asked.

Harry and Ron held up their hands, each holding a tuft of hair. Sunset pointed to a pair of Slytherin robes.

"What are those?" Ron asked.

"Slytherin robes," Sunset rolled her eyes. "Had to sneak them from the laundry; it was my night."

Harry and Ron nod, as they glanced at the cauldron. The potion itself resembled a thick, dark, bubbling mud. They eyed the goopy potion with disgust. Hermione proceeded to pour the potion into four goblets, one for herself, Harry, Ron, and Sunset Shimmer to drink.

"Are we going to drink that?" Harry asked uncomfortably.

"I'm sure we've done everything right," Sunset assured uncertainly. "It looks just as the book said it should."

"Once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves," Hermione explained further.

Spike approached the cauldron and took a curious sniff of it.

"Phew!" Spike groaned. "Smells like Green Emeralds!"

"The book didn't exactly say it would taste like pumpkin juice," Hermione replied. "Besides, you're just lucky you don't have to drink it."

"For once, this is one trip I'm glad I'm missing out of."

Smolder too walked over to sniff the potion.

"Blech!" Smolder stuck her tongue out. "Thanks for doing the potion brewing, Hermione..."

"Smells like dead skunk basted in expired milk," Gallus added.

"There's just one more idea I have," Hermione pointed out.

"What you got?" Yona asked.

"I figured it might be a good idea if at least one of you went along with Harry and Ron," Hermione explained to the Student Six.

The six young Equestrians widened their eyes as they looked amongst each other.

"Whoa, hold up!" Sandbar spoke up. "You want one of us to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room? Who'd be crazy enough to do that?!"

"I was hoping... Ocellus could do it," Hermione responded.

"Me?!" Ocellus squeaked in fear.

"As a changeling, you have the ability to transform without the need for Polyjuice Potion," Hermione pointed out. "It seems only right you go with Harry and Ron.

"But... who could I possibly be?" Ocellus asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I've already thought of that," Hermione replied. "You'll take the form of Pansy Parkinson. Draco trusts Pansy as much as he trusts Crabbe and Goyle."

"I... I don't know if I can do this," Ocellus replied unsurely.

"It won't be as difficult as you think," Hermione assured her. "Just go along with the boys and listen to what Draco has to say. As far as getting Draco to trust you, all you have to do is act like you're madly in love with him."

"... I was afraid of that."

Once the four goblets were filled, Hermione passed three of them to Harry, Ron, and Sunset to drink, before holding her own. By now, Harry and Ron have changed into the Slytherin robes.

"Now what?" Ron asked.

"Now we add the hairs," Hermione instructed.

While Hermione put Millicent Bulstrode's hair into her own cup, Harry and Ron grimaced as they placed their hair samples into their own. The potion turned into shades of yellow, brown, and khaki.

"Ugh!" Ron groaned. "Essence of Crabbe..."

"Just... pretend it's cotton candy..." Sunset Shimmer repeated to herself. "Pretend it's cotton candy. Pretend it's cotton candy..."

"I love Beezlebub!" Pinkie Pie squeaked, nearly startling Sunset. "She knows how to throw some wild parties! That says a lot coming from me!"

"... What are you talking about?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know."

"Cheers," Hermione called, beckoning the four to click their cups together.

"Bottoms up!" Sunset cringed.

Together, they drank the potion from their cups. Judging by the expressions on their faces, however, it didn't taste any better than it smelled. Around the four, their friends voiced their concerns.

"Y'all feelin' okay?" Applejack asked.

"Think I'm gonna be sick!" Ron exclaimed.

Ron dropped his cup and made a beeline for the bathroom stall. Harry looked sick and stepped toward a cracked mirror. Hermione paused, seemingly worried. She could sense something was wrong. She looked toward her arm, patches of fur began to spread across her wrist and arm.

"Me too!" Hermione quickly followed.

Terrified, she ran into a stall as Sunset Shimmer hunched over, struggling to keep herself from losing her lunch.

"URP!" Sunset Shimmer belched. "That's the worst cotton candy I've ever eaten!"

Sunset too made a beeline for a bathroom stall, with Twilight following to check on her. Harry himself was succumbing to the terrible taste of the potion. His friends crowded around him as he keeled over against the sink.

"Harry?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are ya okay?"

"I told you the Boomslang Skin in Snape's private storage was expired!" Sweetie Belle told Scootaloo.

"How can it be expired?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Let's not accuse any pony!" Applejack butted in.

"Oh dear goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

All eyes looked back toward Harry, as he looked himself over. He watched the skin on his face starting to bubble, almost as though he was being liquified, contorting heavily. Everyone stood back, watching as Harry's whole features turned thick until he resembled Goyle and even his iconic scar completely vanished. Inside one of the stalls, Ron bent over the toilet, watching his reflection morph into Crabbe. Once the transformation reached its end, everyone and every pony were aghast.

"It worked!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, facing Applejack. "So! How many points do I get for brewing a complicated potion?"

"I dunno," Applejack replied. "Considering we're breakin' a lot of rules... and breakin' into another common room... I don't think this is something tah get points from..."

"But it worked!" Goyle/Harry exclaimed, touching his face.

The transformed Gryffindor stood up from the sink, turning around as Ron emerged from his stall. Only now, he was a dead ringer for Crabbe.

"Harry?" Ron gasped.

"Ron?" Harry replied, as they looked themselves over.

"Bloody hell!" Crabbe/Ron commented.

"We still sound like ourselves," Harry noted. "You need to sound more like Crabbe."

"Uh... Bloody hell," Ron adjusted his voice.


"Bloody hell," Ron deepened his voice.

"Less intelligent."

"Bloody hell!" Ron dumbed it down.


"So... it changes looks, but not voices?" Gallus raised an eyebrow. "Sure, that makes sense."

"Sunset?" Twilight knocked on the stall door. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah... just fine, Twilight," The Jedi Sorceress answered.

Sunset Shimmer emerged from the bathroom stall, only to meet the cringing looks of everyone present. The only exception being Fluttershy, who looked as though she'd been lovestruck.

"What?" Sunset asked. "What is it?"

"Aw! So cute!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"N-Nothing..." Twilight stammered. "D-Don't look in the mirror!"

"Why?" Sunset asked.

The Jedi Sorceress turned toward a nearby mirror, only to see a fox staring back at her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!" Sunset Shimmer screamed at the top of her lungs.

"I told you not to look in the mirror!" Twilight protested.

"What have you done to me?!" Sunset moaned. "I look like I just came from a furry convention!"

"No need to get your tail in a knot," Gallus rolled his eyes. "This stuff only lasts about an hour, and you'll look like yourself again..."

"And you make a lovely fox!" Fluttershy squeaked, as she galloped over to pet her ears.

"How am I supposed to get into Slytherin looking like a fox?" Sunset scowled.

"...Just tell 'em that a student hexed you!" Smolder suggested. "C'mon, at this school, magic's the answer to everything."

"And risk getting my face blown off at an attempt of a counter-curse?" Sunset shook her head. "No way. I think I'll pass..."

"But we need you Sunset," Apple Bloom added. "All you had to do was grab Malfoy by the hand, look into his memory, and then poof! Tell us whether or not he's the Heir of Slytherin!"

"DANG IT!" Scootaloo smacked her hoof against her forehead. "Why didn't we think of that, instead of wasting a whole month for this potion?"

"Well, it's too late for that now," Rainbow sighed.

"What's done is done," Harry brought up. "Anyway, we need to carry on with our plan and find out if Malfoy is the Heir of Slytherin."

"Sorry guys," Sunset sighed. "Guess you'll have to go on without me."

The rest of the present heroes were about to put their plan into action, when Ron noticed someone was missing.

"Hey... Where's Hermione?" Ron asked.

"I – I don't think I'm going," Hermione called out from inside her bathroom stall. "You'll have to go on without me!"

"Hermione?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Are you okay?" Goyle/Harry asked.

"Just go! You're wasting time!" Hermione replied.

Sunset Fox turned to the others, beckoning them to go on.

"You guys go ahead," Sunset beckoned. " I'll stay here with Hermione."

"Correction," Twilight spoke up, on behalf herself and the Mane Six, plus Spike. "We will stay with you and Hermione."

"We are?" Rainbow asked.

"YAY!" Fluttershy clapped her hooves excitedly, before she composed herself, "I mean...Of course we are. Why?"

"If Hermione is sick, then as Assistant Professors, we should at least be present to look after her," Twilight explained. "Besides, a large number of Slytherin Students out and about during nighttime would attract too much unwanted attention. And the last thing we want is Professor Snape to get suspicious of us..."

" I guess we're on our own on this one then?" Harry spoke on behalf of Ron and Ocellus

"I reckon so," Applejack nodded solemnly. "Just be careful."

With that, Ocellus cast her spell to transform herself into the spitting image of Pansy Parkinson.

"C'mon!" Goyle/Harry lead the way.

Once the Mane Six, Spike, and Sunset were left to themselves, with Hermione in the stall, Fluttershy was the first to break the silence.

"You know, Sunset?" Fluttershy began. "I like you better as a fox."

"Oh shut up..." Sunset Fox scowled in annoyance.

The poor girl sighed knowing she would have to spend an entire hour putting up with Fluttershy doting over her.


And so, after leaving Hermione and the Assistant Professors behind in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, Harry Potter and his friends, in Slytherin disguises, were rushing through the school halls, searching for the Slytherin Common Room.

"Don't swing your arms like that," Ron instructed Harry. "Crabbe holds them sort of stiff."

Annoyed, Harry goes a bit more 'Neanderthal'.

"Yeah, that's better," Ron approved.

"I think the Slytherin common room's this way," Harry-Goyle pointed to the left.

"Okay," Ron-Crabbe replied as he and his friends followed.

"Let's just get this over with quickly." Ocellus-Pansy added.

They moved quickly, when suddenly...

"Excuse me!"

A familiar voice and footsteps drew their attention. Everyone stopped in their tracks and turned around. Seconds later, Percy appeared at the end of the corridor.

"What are you doing down here?" Ron asked.

Percy squinted, confused by Ron's voice, eyeing the boy with skepticism. Harry elbowed Ron, who cleared his throat and spoke in a lower voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"I happen to be a school prefect," Percy proclaimed proudly. "You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night. It's not safe these days."

Harry, Ron, and Ocellus nod, afraid to speak. Percy squinted again.

"What are your names again?" Percy asked.

"Uh, I'm..." Harry faltered on his words, when a familiar voice spoke up.

"Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been?"

Everyone turned their attention to see Draco Malfoy entering the corridors and was walking towards them, acting all high and mighty as usual, carrying an article of the Daily Prophet.

"Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?" Draco asked, before he stopped in front of Harry/Goyle with a rather confused expression, "Why are you wearing glasses?"

Harry quickly took his glasses off, stammering as he came up with the excuse.

"Oh, um... I was...reading."

"Reading?" Draco asked, to which Harry/Goyle nodded. "I didn't know you could read."

With an impressed look on his face, Draco turned and took notice of the Ocellus in her Pansy Parkinson form and gave a smirk in her direction.

"There you are, Pansy." Malfoy smirked at her. "I was wondering where you'd run off to."

Knowing that she had to play her part in all of this, Ocellus swallowed her fear and nervousness and did her best to act flirty towards Malfoy.

"I'm terribly sorry to worry you, Draco." Ocellus-Pansy said in a flirty way. "I'd heard that Millicent had wandered off to the Great Hall with Crabbe and Goyle but when I got there, I only found these two fools. So I knew I had to bring them back."

Malfoy appeared to nod in understanding, while having a suspicious look on his face, before he turned towards Percy with a look of disdain.

"And what are you doing down here, Weasley?"

"Mind your attitude, Malfoy," Percy responded through gritted teeth. "You want to show a little more respect to a school Prefect!"

"Come on," Draco instructed. "Weasley thinks he's going to catch Slytherin's heir single-handed."

Percy merely steamed at the remark. After the tense moment, Draco sneered and led the three 'Slytherins' back to their common room.

After the tense moments between the two, Draco leads Harry and friends away. From a corner, the remainder of the Student Six and the CMC watched from a corner.

"The rat has taken the bait," Smolder confirmed.

"And now... we wait," Scootaloo declared.


Upon arriving in the Slytherin common room, Draco lounges on a sofa. He turned to look and sees that both Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy were still standing.

"Well, sit down," Draco beckoned.

To which, Harry and Ron both nodded and sat on the couch across from Malfoy. Ocellus was about to sit down when Malfoy grabbed her hand.

"Why sit all the way over there, Pansy?" Draco asked coyly. "Sit here with me."

Ocellus turned her attention to Harry and Ron and showcased her disgust and fear at the idea. They just shot her assuring and pleading looks that wouldn't draw Malfoy's attention and she reluctantly sat down next to Malloy, who placed his arm around her.

"My father's just sent me this, listen to this!" Draco read the front page. "'Arthur Weasley, Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office, was today fined fifty Galleons for bewitching a Muggle car. "Weasley has brought the Ministry into disrepute," said Lucius Malfoy, a governor of Hogwarts. "He is clearly unfit to draw up our laws and his ridiculous Muggle Protection Act should be scrapped immediately."'

Grinning, Malfoy glanced over the paper at Harry, Ron, and Ocellus.

"Er...Fifty Galleons?" Ocellus asked. "Yikes! That's like a fortune, huh?"

"Fortune...hardly," Draco looked up from the newspaper with a mocking smile, "Funny, don't you think?"

"...Er, yeah...funny," Harry-Goyle reluctantly agreed.

"Arthur Weasley loves Muggles so much he should snap his wand in half and join them," Draco scoffed. "You'd never know the Weasleys were purebloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding World, all of them!"

Crabbe/Ron clearly didn't like the sound of that, as he clenched a fist and growled angrily, ready to punch Draco in the face for that remark. Harry elbowed Ron, but this didn't go unnoticed.

"What's wrong with you, Crabbe?" Draco asked.

Goyle/Harry had to nudge his friend to calm down before he completely blows their cover.

"Stomachache," Ron excused lowly.

"Well, go to the hospital wing and give all those Mudbloods a kick in the arse for me!" Draco chuckled. "And we have those three Hufflepuff first years and that bimbo calling herself a Jedi to thank for it. Goes to show those little ponies and their friends are more trouble than they're worth to the Wizarding World. Father's right you know. It was a mistake to form any sort of alliance with them.

"And some Jedi Grandmaster of theirs he turned out to be. He's the son of Princess Celestia, he was only here for a couple of days, and then what? He got petrified! Ha!"

Harry, Ron, and Ocellus all scowled, clenching their fists, wanting so badly to punch Malfoy for insulting Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's son, and themselves. But they knew that if they were to react badly on the spot, it would scuttle the whole mission. So they struggled to keep their ire in.

"You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks yet," Draco continued. "I suppose Dumbledore and those two alicorns are trying to hush it all up. And who can blame them? If words got out that there have been attacks at the school, and that Princess Celestia was the first victim, it would make them look bad. Father always said that they're the worst thing that ever happened to this place."

"You're wrong!" Goyle-Harry shouted angrily, startling everyone around him.

Taken aback, as if he was being challenged, Draco stood up on his feet.

"What? Did you say that I was wrong?" He questioned Goyle-Harry. "You think there's somewhere here who's worse than Dumbledore? Well? Do you?"

Goyle-Harry struggles to think of an answer that wouldn't jeopardize the whole mission, until one answer comes to mind.

"Harry Potter?"

"Oh! Yeah!" Ocellus nodded in agreement, with Crabbe/Ron joining in. "Yeah! Of course! Harry Potter! He's worse than Dumbledore. Don't you agree?"

Everyone else joined in agreement, hoping that Draco would buy it, which thankfully, he did.

"Good one, Goyle!" Draco agreed, spitting in disgust. "You're absolutely right! Saint Potter. He's another one with no proper wizard feeling, or he wouldn't go around with that Mudblood Granger. And people actually think he's the Heir of Slytherin."

Harry, Ron and Ocellus exchanged glances, wondering what Draco could mean. Harry leaned closer to Malfoy.

"But then you must have some idea who's behind it all?" Goyle/Harry spoke up.

"You know I don't, Goyle," Malfoy frowned, as he got up and walked over to a table. "I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?"

The boy picks up a Christmas present, gives it a shake a few times.

"Is this yours?" Draco asked.

In response, Goyle/Harry shakes his head and Draco stuffs the box into his robes, before he continues.

"But my father did say this: It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me whoopened it, only that they were expelled. The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died. so it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger."

This was the last straw for Crabbe/Ron, who quickly rose to his feet, intending on slugging Draco. But Harry and Ocellus quickly restrained him.

"What's the matter with you?" Draco asked, taken aback by his friends' odd behavior. "You're acting very... odd."

"It's his... stomach ache," Goyle/Harry excused, before he turned to Ron!Crabbe. "Calm down."

Draco Malfoy then got out the Christmas Present and started to unwrap it. Seeing his attention was no longer on them, the heroes in disguises then turned to each other and started to gossip amongst themselves. It was at that moment that both Ocellus and Ron both had shocked looks on their faces as they saw something very familiar forming on Harry's face.

"What?" Harry asked, noticing the weird looks everyone were giving him.

"Scar!" Ron pointed at Harry's forehead.

Sure enough, Harry's thunderbolt scar began to surface beneath the skin of Goyle's thick forehead. But that wasn't the only thing happening.

"Hair," Harry pointed to Ron's hair.

Indeed, Crabbe's hair was... beginning to turn red again. Realizing that their time was up, Harry and their friends immediately turned and fled the Slytherin Common Room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Draco called out to the group, watching them disappear out of sight.

"Uh, Crabbe's stomachache is getting worse," Ocellus quickly excused. "So... we really need to see a doctor! Thank you so much for telling us, Draco! Good night!"

With that, Ocellus turned and followed her friends out of the Slytherin Common Room.

At the same time, as the trio raced toward the stairs, the broom closet burst open and a woozy Crabbe and Goyle staggered out. Just as they were heading back to the Slytherin Common room, they happened to run into a trio of strange Slytherin students. However, there were two specific Slytherins who stood out.

One of them has Goyle's face, but Harry's hair, while the other has Crabbe's face, but with red hair. Before either Crabbe or Goyle could respond, the imposters in Slytherin robes turned and leave.

"What just happened?" Goyle asked Crabbe.


Harry, Ron and Ocellus sprinted toward the desecrated wall, their bodies metamorphosing, until finally... the boys are fully themselves again. With the coast clear, Ocellus reverted back to her changeling form breathing a sigh of relief.

"Hello there," Gallus greeted.

Ocellus's friends soon emerged from the corner, as the trio took a moment to catch their breath. After a brief while, they continued their way toward the girls bathroom.

"That was close," Ron gasped.

"Too close!" Sandbar added. "A few seconds more and Professor Snape would probably give us detentions until we're in our 90s!"

"At least you guys are back to normal," Sunset frowned, as they entered. "Look at me! I'm still a fox! What's going on?!"

"Never mind that," Ocellus replied to the Jedi-turned-fox. "We need to talk to Hermione!"

"Did ya find anythin' about the Chamber of Secrets?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I sure hope so."

"Hermione, come out," Harry said to the bathroom stall. "We've got loads to tell you."

"Go away!" Hermione shouted.

At this point, everyone present knew that something was definitely wrong with their muggle-born friend. Harry and Ron, on the other hand, exchanged puzzled glances.

"Hermione?" Applejack asked. "What's the matter? Are ya okay?"

At that moment, Moaning Myrtle flew in, with Discord and Peeves.

"Oh, wait 'til you see," She grinned impishly. "It's awful!"

"Naughty, naughty, Hermione Grange-y," Peeves wagged his fingers. "Bad thing she did. Made an oopsey!"

"You could say she's in a... hairy situation," Discord joked, as he and his two ghost cohorts stood behind the group.

Moaning Myrtle giggled as Harry put his glasses on.

"Hermione, are you okay?" He asked, while slowly sliding open the door to Hermione's stall.

"Do you remember me telling you that the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations?" Hermione asked, with her back turned. "It was cat's hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes."

Soon, the truth was made clear when Hermione turned around, revealing her transfigured face of a cat...cat-woman. Or is it, woman-cat? Werecat? In any case, even in shadow, all eyes could see it: Hermione's face was covered in fur, her eyes yellow, and pointed ears poked through her hair.

"Look at my face," Hermione meowed.

"Look at your tail," Ron exclaimed, while Discord, Peeves, and Moaning Myrtle were all laughing their heads off.

"It's the classic dynamic duo!" Discord announced, pointing at Sunset Shimmer and then Hermione. "The Fox and the Cat and I'm Pinocchio! But there are no strings on me~ HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!"

"...I'm glad you're having fun at our expense," Sunset frowned at Discord and the ghosts. "But how does that explain us not turning back?"

Gallus soon took out the textbook, to read the recipe for the Polyjuice Potion, reading the fine print.

"There was a warning here," Gallus read. "Do not attempt animal transformation. Otherwise, the potion will take a long time to wear off. Seek medical attention immediately..."

"Oh. Now you tell us," Sunset frowned.

"Don't worry you two," Rainbow Dash snickered. "We'll get you both back to Madame Pomfrey and... hopefully she'll turn you back to normal."

"Did I mention that I prefer Sunset to stay a fox a little longer?" Fluttershy asked.

"I wholeheartedly agree," Discord smiled, appearing at Fluttershy's side. "You two look adorable together! Also, if you don't mind my saying, Emma Watson. But you make an even lovelier cat than the 2019 uncanny valley..."

"HMPH!" Sunset and Hermione huffed at the draconequus's statement.

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