Knockturn and Diagon Alley

A/N: As always, Drama is the best editor and friend in the world for all his hard work on the chapter.

Also thanks to CortezDude, ponydog127, and Phantom Dragon for their wonderful quotes in this chapter.

Also Whisper Dream is not an OC of mine, she belongs to ponydog127


A golden hue blanketed the green pastures of the English countryside. As the sun rose high over the air of a bright sun-filled morning, the only sounds were the rumbling two vehicles, the flying Ford Anglia and Discord's magic flying limo. Together they soared high above the air over Devon, London, too far for mortal eyes to see. The two vehicles, along with the occupants within, soared all through the night after having broken Harry and the Equestrians away from the clutches of the Dursleys hours prior. The Equestrian group sat in Discord's limo, peeking out the windows to catch a glimpse of the lovely English landscape they flew over.

"Yee doggies, this here landscape's mighty pretty," Apple Bloom commented, smiling. "Reminds me of Sweet Apple Acres."

"Without the endless rows of apple trees as far as the eye can see," Scootaloo added.

"I agree with the squirts over there," Gallus nodded. "This beats Griffonstone by a landslide."

"It's the kind of place I'd love to live in one day," Silverstream spoke dreamily.

Silverstream leaned closely toward her boyfriend, resting her head upon the crook of his neck. Gallus smiled as he placed a talon around his girlfriend, as they continued looking out the window.

"Maybe one day, Sil," Gallus chuckled.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie sat near the front of the limo playing with the window controls connected to Discord's driver's seat. She continuously pushed the button, making the window go up and down much to her amusement.

"He-he-heh! Up and down!" Pinkie giggled. "Up and down, up... and down."

In the driver's seat, an annoyed expression hung upon Discord's face as he piloted the car. He had to listen to Pinkie toying with the window for over an hour and it really started to get on his nerves. Finally having enough, Discord turned his head around like an owl and sent a heated glare toward the pink party pony.

"What?" Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"Pinkie, how many times have I asked you to stop playing with the window?!" Discord asked, annoyed.

"Hmm... let me think..." Pinkie replied.

The party pony reached into her mane and pulled out a calculator, pen, and a pad as she began punching numbers and writing equations.

"Let's see... eighteen multiplied by four, carry the nine, divided by three to the square root of..."

"Ugh! Why do I bother asking?" Discord facepalmed.

His annoyance, however, was quickly diminished when a certain yellow Pegasus with the brightest pink mane scooted across the seat toward him. His expression shifted to joy as the pony positioned herself near the window and faced him with the most soothing smile.

"It was really sweet of you to help us out of that situation, Discord," Fluttershy spoke sweetly.

A blush formed along the Lord of Chaos' face, which was so red that it proved difficult to hide.

"Uh, well... I... just did what any good friend would do," He stuttered nervously.

To which Fluttershy giggled cutely.

"Whatever the case, thank you Discord."

She soon leaned in and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek. The draconequus froze in place as his eyes bugged out. After a moment, the eyes quickly shattered like glass and hearts flew from the empty sockets, as a huge dopey smile appeared along his face.

"You're welcome, Fluttershy!" Discord sighed happily.

"Yo Discord!"

A loud voice snapped Discord from his goofy state, as he turned toward the rainbow-maned Pegasus addressing him.

"Where exactly are we heading anyway?" She asked. "We've been flying all night and I'm tired of sitting in this limo for so long."

"Don't get that pastel tail in a twist, Dashie," Discord retorted. "As a matter of fact, we're just arriving at our location."

The moment Discord spoke, the remainder of the group quickly made their way toward the windows to peek out toward the landscape. Sure enough, as both the limo and the Ford Anglia began its descent through a pink sky, a haphazard mess of a house, built around a towering central chimney, appeared below. This large bungalow looked as thought it had once been a large stone pigpen, with extra rooms added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held together by magic (Which, Harry reminded himself, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. By the road, a lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read: 'The Burrow'. Around the front door lay a jumble of rubber boots and a very rusty cauldron.


The Ford Anglia touched down in a whirling cone of dust, scattering a group of fat brown chickens around the yard, and fishtailed to a halt. As the limo came close to the ground, with a quick snap of his fingers, Discord's appearance shifted into a flight attendant's uniform as he held a microphone with one claw.

"Thank you for choosing Discord's flying limo service for all your travel needs," He announced femininely. "Don't stand until the car has come to a complete stop."

Eventually, both vehicles touched down as the limo stopped alongside the burrow. Discord quickly transported himself outside the vehicle and opened the back door beckoning everyone to emerge in single file.

"Thank you, goodbye now," He waved. "Goodbye, goodbye, thank you, goodbye!"

Once everyone, including the Weasleys and Harry, spilled quickly from the cars, they all stared in amazement upon the large house as Ron smiled proudly.

"Welcome to the Burrow, everyone!" Ron announced.

"This is your house?" Spike asked, in awe.

"Yep! Been in our family since the 70s or something," George replied. "We come and go as we please... or at least till we grow old and move out. Helps we're near off the grid, far from any muggles for miles."

"Now hurry! Let's nip inside before Mum wakes up!" Fred whispered urgently.

"Well, I suppose we mustn't... wait..." Rarity realized. "What did he say?"

But the Weasley boys already took the lead, sneaking everyone inside, while gently closing the door.

"Do you think it'd be all right if we had some of this?" Ron asked, sneaking a roll.

"Yeah, Mum would never know," George half-smiled.

Harry and the Equestrians' eyes gazed over all the magical objects surrounding them, breathing in the atmosphere. A clock displayed various chores for each family member present. A pair of needles were knitting a sweater by themselves. A stack of playing cards shuffled themselves, proving a cooling breeze for Ron's aging rat, Scabbers.

"Now why didn't Harry just get sent here?" Smolder asked.

"It's not much," Ron shrugged, averting his eyes self-consciously. "But it's home."

"I think it's... brilliant!" Harry marveled.

"It's more than 'brilliant'," Rainbow smirked. "It's..."

"Awesome?" Sunset Shimmer finished slyly.

"Hey, that's my line!"

Ron looked up, seeing the mesmerized expression on everyone's face, and slowly... he grinned.

"WHERE... HAVE... YOU... BEEN?!"

The group nearly jumped out of their skin and the Equestrians turned toward the source of the shout. Mrs. Weasley stood in the doorway, furious beyond words. While the boys hid the breakfast rolls behind their backs, Mrs. Weasley smiled sweetly toward Harry and the Equestrians.

"Harry! Twilight! How wonderful to see you, dears," Mrs. Weasley greeted, before facing her sons. "Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!

"Of course, I don't blame you, dears," Mrs. Weasley assured the guests.

"No need to blame the boys, Mrs. Weasley."

All eyes turned toward a new voice as none other than Storm Shield himself strolled casually from the kitchen. The Prince of Peace, with an apron around the middle and covered in flour, still held a sense of benevolence as Twilight's face flushed.

"S-S-S-Storm?!" Twilight babbled in confusion. "How long have you been here?"

"Two days," Storm shrugged casually. "Been helping the missus preparing a nice big breakfast."

Speaking of whom, Storm Shield turned his attention to the woman in question.

"In truth Mrs. Weasley, there's no need to blame the boys or even Discord," Storm continued.

"I can do without the audio commentary your highness!" Discord called out.

Storm acknowledged the face of the draconequus leaning his face upon the window, before turning back toward Mrs. Weasley.

"Anyways... I personally asked them to travel to Surry to spring Harry and the others out of trouble," Storm insisted. "Good thing I did too."

"It's true," Ron nodded in agreement. "They were starving him, Mum! There were bars on his window!"

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley!" Mrs. Weasley warned, before softening instantly. "Care for a spot of tea, dears?"

"Why tea sounds absolutely smashing!" Rarity smiled. "I admire that generosity."

"Well, come along then. Let's get you lot tucked in."

"Mummy! Have you seen my jumper—"

All of a sudden, a small, red-headed girl raced down the stairs. The moment she saw the guests, specifically Harry, she froze and stared wide-eyed.

"Yes dear," Mrs. Weasley answered. "It was on the cat."

"Hello!" Harry greeted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Twilight nodded. "I'm Twilight Sparkle; what's your name?"

The girl squealed and dashed up the stairs, to which Ron frowned with annoyance.

"W-What did I do?" Harry asked concerned.

"Ginny," Ron shook his head. "Been talking about you all summer. Dead annoying, really."

"Aw, looks like someone's got a crush on you Harry," Sweetie Belle smiled.

"The poor girl's shy," Fluttershy observed.

"Reminds you of something, Twilight?" Sunset teased her friend.

"I reckon if she had a bit for every time that she greeted a shy friend who barely answers a greetin, she'd be gettin' three bits," Applejack replied. "Which ain't a lot, but you'd be surprised..."

"Hardy-har..." Twilight chuckled sarcastically.

"Morning, Weasleys!" A new voice called.

"Dad's home!" George announced.

The front door opened, and Arthur Weasley entered. He was a tall man with red hair, his robes appearing dusty, and travel worn.

"Morning, Dad!" The Weasley boys greeted.

"Morning, Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley greeted sweetly.

"What a night!" Mr. Weasley groaned. "Nine raids! Nine!"

"Raids?" Harry asked Ron.

"Dad works at the Ministry of Magic," Ron explained. "In the Misue of Muggle Artifacts Office."

"The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts...?" Ocellus questioned.

"That's when wizards bewitch something to drive muggles mad," Storm Shield explained. "Like this one time, one of my old mates shrunk his muggle dad's door key because he wouldn't let him attend a party with friends... that kind of thing."

"Dad loves Muggles," Ron emphasized. "Thinks they're fascinating."

"Sort of like Sunburst's fascination with Equestrian antiquities," Pinkie Pie piped in. "Wasn't a fun trip for our old buddy, Starlight."

Mr. Weasley proceeded to hang up his cloak and turned.

"Well now, ah..." Mr. Weasley glanced at their guests. "And who are you?"

"Oh, sorry sir," Harry apologized. "I'm Harry, sir, Harry Potter."

"Good Lord, are you really?" Mr. Weasley spoke surprised. "Wait now, don't tell me. That means you lot must be..."

"Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship," Twilight greeted Mr. Weasley. "And these are all of my friends."

"We're pleased to meet you officially Mr. Weasley sir," Sandbar spoke up.

"The Twilight Sparkle? Leader of the Equestrian Heroes?" Mr. Weasley gasped. "Mr. Shield and Ron's told us all about you, and Mr. Potter of course. When did they get here?"

"Only this morning, Mr. Weasley," Storm shrugged.

"Your sons flew that enchanted car of yours to Surrey and back last night," Mrs. Weasley added darkly.

"Yona no think it fair to blame it all on boys," Yona spoke up.

"Oh no, please," Discord entered casually. "Blame it on the boys; no need to take all the credit. Ooh! Rolls!"

Discord was about to reach in and grab a roll, until Mrs. Weasley slapped his paw. The draconequus frowned as he massaged his paw, while Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo giggled at his expense.

"Did you really?!" Mr. Weasley gasped, fascinated. "How'd it go?!"

"Arthur!" Mrs. Weasley groaned.

Mr. Weasley caught Mrs. Weasley's eye, and the Hippogriff paused instantly. The Weasley boys, along with Harry, tried and failed to hide their laughter. The only one who wasn't even laughing was Molly, who was quiet the whole time.

"I... I mean... that was very wrong, boys," Mr. Weasley spoke. "Very wrong of you."

"Ooh... that's a bummer for you!" Smolder teased Gallus.

"Why are you pointing at me?" Gallus frowned, annoyed.

"So, Harry," Mr. Weasley continued. "You must know all about Muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"

"Oh, umm..." Harry pondered.

"They do make bath time lots of fun," Pinkie interrupted. "There's a whole song dedicated to it."

"Now 'parking meters' on the other hoof..." Sunset Shimmer began.

But just as Sunset was about to share her piece, a screeching in the distance drew their attention to the window.

"Well, that'll be Errol with the post," Mrs. Weasley confirmed.

It was then they noticed an owl, Errol by name, soaring right toward the kitchen window. But to Harry and Fluttershy's horror, the owl doesn't pull up. It just flies... SMACK!... into the glass.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped. "Is he okay?!"

"Never mind Errol dear, happens all the time," Mrs. Weasley confirmed. "Oh, fetch it will you Percy, please?"

"Ooh! Didn't see him there," Spike replied.

Percy got up and approached the window muttering 'Errol' as he rose up.

"But seriously... is Errol okay?" Spike asked.

"He's always doing that," Ron assured.

Percy took the unconscious Errol and absently laid him on a draining board. He took the letters clutched in the owl's claws and examined them.

"Oh look, it's our Hogwarts letters!" Percy confirmed. "And they've sent us Harry's, as well as to a group called... the Student Six."

"That'll be us," Silverstream replied, taking the letters. "Wait... how did they know to come here?"

"Dumbledore must know you're here," Mr. Weasley confirmed. "Doesn't miss a trick, that man."

"Oh, hey girls, these must be for you," Ocellus passed the CMC their letters.

"Let's see what we got," Scootaloo examined the letter, her eyes widening. "Ooh... boy!"

"This lot won't come cheap, mum," Fred confirmed to Mrs. Weasley. "The spell books alone are very expensive."

"I'd blame inflation," Gallus remarked.

"We'll manage," Mrs. Weasley assured. "Right then. There's only one place to get all of this..."

"Diagon Alley!" The Mane Six declared.

"You girls are definitely in for a treat," Rarity assured the CMC.


Later, everyone and every pony gathered before a large fireplace in the house. From there, Mrs. Weasley proceeded to pick up a pot off the mantel.

"You first, Harry dear," Mrs. Weasley gestured.

Mrs. Weasley offered Harry the flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust, much to Harry's confusion.

"But Harry's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum," Ron pointed out.

"Floo Powder?" Harry questioned.

"We ain't gettin' sick from this, right?" Applejack asked, concerned.

"Not to worry," Percy assured. "It's the fastest means of getting to Diagon Alley."

"Compared to... a simple teleportation spell Headmare Twilight can do?" Smolder remarked.

"It's not really as simple as it sounds," Twilight warned.

"Percy. Would you mind going first?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "Just so Harry and the others see how it's done?"

"Certainly mother," Percy nodded. "Don't worry, it's simple enough."

Percy takes a pinch from the pot, and calmly walks straight into the fireplace, assuming the position.

"Diagon Alley!" Percy announced.

Within seconds, Percy pitched it into the fireplace and bright green flames roared high over him. Just like that, Percy vanished before their very eyes.

"Oh... my..." Fluttershy gasped nervously.

"You see? It's quite easy, dears," Mrs. Weasley assured.

"Great..." Gallus nodded slowly. "So... who's going next?"

"Ah, what the heck?" Smolder stepped forward. "One of us has got to have some guts."

"You better go along with her, Ron," Mrs. Weasley advised Ron.

"Right mum.

"Yes. In you go. That's it."

Smolder and Ron assumed the position in the fireplace, as Ron proceeded to take a pinch of Floo Powder.

"Catch you on the flip side," Smolder pointed to the group.

"Diagon Alley!" Ron announced.

Much like his brother, Ron threw down the Floo Powder and both he, along with the orange dragon, disappeared in a burst of green flames.

"Don't be afraid, Harry," Mrs. Weasley gestured into the fireplace. "Come on. Come on. In you go."

"We'll go with Harry if it'll make him feel better," Apple Bloom volunteered.

"We?" Sweetie Belle raised a brow.

"Now hold on there," Applejack objected. "I don't think you oughtta..."

"Ah, give your sister some space," Rainbow Dash nudged Applejack. "They'll never learn if they don't give it a try."

"But hun..."

"No... your friend has a point," Storm Shield agreed. "There might come a time when something prevents unicorn and alicorn magic from being in use. If we must consider floo powder as an alternative, the girls can learn something. I promise they'll be okay."

"... Well, all right," Applejack shrugged. "But I don't have tah like it."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, albeit reluctantly on Sweetie Belle's part, followed Harry Potter as Mrs. Weasley led them into the fireplace.

"That's it... mind your head... that's right..." Mrs. Weasley muttered. "Now, take your Floo powder."

Tentatively, Harry reached into the pot and grabbed a handful.

"That's it, very good," Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Now, remember to speak very, very clearly, dear!"

"And mind you get out at the right grate!" Discord suggested.

"Why? What happens if they—" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"Diagonally..." Harry and Sweetie Belle spoke.

"WAIT!!!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shouted.

But it was too late! The moment Harry dropped the powder into the fireplace and the green flames erupted, they disappeared before they could move.

"SWEETIE BELLE!!!" Rarity shouted.

"LITTLE BUDDY!!!" Rainbow Dash reached out.

"What did he say, dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked her husband.

"Diagonally..." Mr. Weasley spoke.

"I thought he did."

Fuming, Applejack slowly turned toward Storm Shield. The prince sheepishly chuckled and slowly turned toward the kitchen.

"Don't..." Twilight Sparkle spoke.

"I jus' wanna talk to him..." Applejack muttered, approaching Storm.

"Applejack, wait!" Fluttershy followed.

"I jus' wana talk to him! I JUS' WANNA TALK TO HIM!"

"Now come on, let's not be so hasty!" Pinkie Pie called out. "So, they said the wrong word! Maybe they'll just get transported back!"


Unfortunately, Pinkie Pie couldn't be all the more wrong. The sound was deafening as Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders hurtled forward through a burst of smoke and dust. They all spilled out of the fireplace, squinting against the sting of whirling soot and the mad, flicking lights of passing fireplaces. Harry Potter fell face forward onto a stone heart, as the CMC picked themselves up and discovered they were in a shop of sorts.

"A-A-ACHOO!" Scootaloo sneezed, facing Harry. "Are you okay, Harry?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Harry replied.

The girls proceeded to help their friend, the boy covered in dirt and very dizzy. Looking around, Sweetie Belle found his glasses and lifted them with her magic.

"Oh no! Your glasses..." Sweetie Belle winced, spotting a crack in the lens. "I think they've been scratched a bit."

"I'm afraid they're the least of our problems now," Harry replied, looking around. "Ron? Smolder? Anyone here?"

"Hello?" Apple Bloom asked.

As the Earth mare looked around, she yelped with fright when she walked toward a row of skulls on display.

"EW! What is this place?"

"I don't know," Harry replied. "I don't think we're in Diagon Alley. I'm afraid I've... botched the Floo Powder..."

"No, it's my fault," Sweetie Belle shook her head. "I may have stuttered the word and... HEY! Maybe there's Floo Powder around here; we can use it to really get to Diagon Alley."

"That's a good idea, Sweetie Belle," Harry replied, facing the fireplace. "Except... there is no Floo Powder here..."

Disheartened, but undeterred, the Crusaders looked up with determination.

"Well, until our friends find us, we should take a look around," Scootaloo suggested. "If we can find out where we are, maybe we're not too far from Diagon Alley."

"Maybe we can find our school supplies here," Apple Bloom said hopefully.

Harry nodded as he and the Crusaders proceeded to take a look around what appeared to be a wizard's shop, but decidedly creepy. Unfortunately, nothing they found seemed likely to be on any Hogwart's school list. There were glass cases containing shriveled heads, and skulls with rotting skin. Evil-looking masks seemed to stare down from the walls, along with an assortment of human bones upon the counter, and rusty, spiked instruments hanging from the ceiling. Worse still, the dark, narrow street Harry and the girls could see through the dusty window was definitely not Diagon Alley.

Harry proceeded to walk toward a glass case, containing what appeared to be pygmy skulls, all piled together. He gave a few taps, but the skulls didn't so much as react. Meanwhile, Apple Bloom backed away from what assumedly was the exit when a withered hand resting on a cushion caught her eye.

"EW!" Apple Bloom stuck out her tongue, before reading the tag. "The Hand of Glory. Interesting... ah wonder what it does..."

Nearby, Sweetie Belle studied an opal necklace gleaming from inside a glass case. Transfixed by it, Sweetie Belle studied the inscription below the case.

"'Caution: Do not touch'," Sweetie Belle read. "'Cursed—Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date'... yeah, girls I don't think we should—"

But Apple Bloom, driven by curiosity, placed her hoof along the hand, gently stroking its rotten fingers upon inspection. Without warning, the hand suddenly came to life, grabbing Apple Bloom's hoof tightly, holding her in place. The filly pulled with all her might, but it felt as though her hoof was caught in a bear trap.

"AAAAH!!!" Apple Bloom screamed, trying to pry the hand off. "GUYS!!! HELP!!!"

"Apple Bloom!!!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo yelled.

"Hang on!" Harry called out.

The two girls and Harry quickly ran over, struggling to pry the hand off their friend. At that exact moment, Harry turned his head toward the window to see the last person he'd ever wanted to meet when lost: Draco Malfoy. With an increasing reason to pry the hand off, Harry mustered all his strength until he finally loosened the hand's grip along Apple Bloom's hoof.

"Wut in tarnation!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"No time!" Harry said urgently. "We have to hide now!"

Turning toward what appeared to be a large black cabinet, which resembled more like a coffin, Harry quickly ducked into it while the Crusaders quickly dove under a nearby shrouded table just as the door opened with the sound of a ringing bell. From their hiding places, Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders witnessed the figure coming through the front doors and looking around. Dread filled the eyes of the girls once they saw the figure in full.

Draco Malfoy, the blonde-haired pest who gave Harry, Ron, Hermoine, and even the Young Six trouble last year. The very sight filled the three girls with dread.

Draco reached forward to touch a weird statue, when an older blonde-haired man stepped inside with Draco and swatted his hand away with a snake-headed walking stick. The Cutie Mark Crusaders shuddered over the way man gave a look toward the boy.

"Don't touch anything, Draco," The man warned.

"... Yes, Father," Draco answered, slightly ashamed.

The Crusaders and Harry's eyes grew wide... this man was Draco's father?! Speaking from Harry's experience, Draco's dad seemed worse than Draco... by a LONG shot. The man, known far and wide as Lucious Malfoy, looked around the shop when he realized someone else was missing.

"WHISPER DREAM!!!" He yelled.

The mere volume of the shout was enough to make the entire shop rumble. As Harry and the crusaders braced themselves amidst the shaking, someone else entered the shop... and that someone was...

"Is that... a pony?" Apple Bloom whispered.

Indeed, it was a pony, but a few years younger than the Crusaders themselves. She had a pastel pink body with grayish pink hooves with a bat wing styled membrane. She also had the sweetest cobalt blue eyes with slits, along her flank was a cutie mark resembling a shooting star. Around her neck, she wore a blue-and-white collar with a gold tassel... something similar to something Sweetie Belle saw Coco Pommel wear.

However, a pony being there wasn't what threw Harry and the Crusaders off. It was a matter of how 'scared' this pony looked. Silently, they watched as Whisper Dream stood beside Lucious, her ears pinned before speaking in a quiet, yet barely audible voice.

"Y-Yes, Master Lucius?"

"I've told you to stay where I can see you, you ungrateful brat!" Lucius snapped.

"I'm sorry master," The pony whimpered. "I-I-I was only just—"

"And another thing..." Lucius interrupted, regaining his composure. "You are to stay quiet while I conduct my business here."

"O-O-Of course, sir," Whisper nodded obediently.

Lucius glared at the pony before moving away, taking the lead as Whisper quietly trudged behind. From the smallest corner of Harry's hiding place, the boy couldn't help but sympathize with the poor filly. He too knew how it felt to be horribly mistreated by one's own family. However, given his circumstance, he couldn't comfort her... at least not yet.

"I don't know who that pony is, but we should definitely tell Twilight about this," Scootaloo whispered. "Especially about... him."

"So... that's Malfoy's father," Sweetie Belle whispered back. "But what are they doing here?"

"And why would they come here?" Apple Bloom wondered. "This don't look like a place to buy school supplies..."

Just then, a stooped man emerged from the back room. The man, most likely the shopkeeper, made his presence known at the cashier desk. In the cabinet, Harry watched silently, unaware that the walls around him were... slowly closing in.

"Mr. Malfoy! What a pleasure to see you again," The man greeted. "And young Master Malfoy, too. Delighted. I must show you, if I may, just in today and very reasonably priced—"

"I'm not buying today, Mr. Borgin," Lucius Malfoy interrupted. "But selling."



In response to his father's command, Draco put the box on the desk.

"You have heard, of course, that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids on private houses," Mr. Malfoy confirmed. "There are even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act..."

"Pure wizard blood is counting for less everywhere, I'm afraid," Borgin replied.

"Not with me," Draco's father spoke venomously.

Opening the box, Lucius revealed its contents to Borgin.

"Anyway, I have a few... ah... items from home that might prove, uh... embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like..."

"Hmm... yes," Mr. Borgin observed. "I see..."

From under the silhouetted table, the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to have a good look at all the items in the box that the Malfoys wished to sell to the shopkeeper.

"See anything?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nothing," Sweetie Belle replied. "It's too hard to see from down here..."

In the meantime, Borgin sorted through all the items the Malfoys had brought to sell him, when he happened upon one such item of interest. Harry couldn't tell what it was from the coffin, but judging by the look on Borgin's face, he seemed keen on buying it.

"Look at that!" Borgin gasped breathlessly, wide-eyed.

"That... particular item is not for sale," Malfoy spoke, stopping Borgin.

"... I understand," Borgin replied. "It has unique qualities. One wouldn't want to see it fall into the wrong hands."

Once he determined the items, of which he was willing to buy, Borgin reached to the side to take out a box of money to pay what he perceived to be a reasonable price to the Malfoys. However, Lucius decided otherwise as he reached into the box and took a large amount of gold Galleons.

"You can keep the box," Draco's father said.

Borgin simply sneered in response but was not one to argue.

Inside the cabinet, Harry realized the walls were closing in. His eyes shifted upward, as he saw that the ceiling was dropping. Outside, Draco happened to face the coffin where Harry was hiding. Just as he leaned close to investigate, Whisper Dream drifted toward the Hand of Glory. Curious, she reached out... and the hand grabbed her. Whisper Dream shrieked, but managed to slip free, taking deep breaths. Draco turned toward Whisper Dream, but rather than approaching her instead he eyed the hand with malicious glee.

"Father, can I have this?" Draco asked.

"Ah, the Hand of Glory," Borgin smirked. "Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir."

"Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin," Lucius replied. "Though if his marks don't pick up—"

"It's not my fault the teachers have favorites!" Draco argued. "That Hermione Granger—"

"I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam—"

"What if he asked her... to be his tutor?" Whisper Dream spoke.

The Malfoys's eyes turned toward the timid pony. To suggest that Malfoy senior was displeased to hear her speak up was an understatement.

"WHAT did I say?" Draco's father asked.

The man slammed his walking stick on the coffin's door. Inside, Harry's knees are practically up under his chin. When the Malfoy's back was turned, Borgin sneakily swiped one gold Galleon away from Draco's father and pocketed for himself.

"Stay quiet while you conduct your business," Whisper Dream muttered.


"Sorry master."

Pulling his cane away from the coffin, a stern expression still written on his face, Draco's father beckoned for his son and the pony to follow. Borgin checked off one last time, then returned the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nodded.

"Very good," Lucius nodded. "I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, you two. We're going."

Together, taking the money, the two Malfoys and the pony took their leave as Borgin looked on.

"It's a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Malfoy," Borgin bowed his head repeatedly. "Always a pleasure."

Taking the box, Borgin slunk into the back part of the shop, disappearing into the shadows while the Malfoys left the shop. Once certain that the coast was clear, the Crushing Cabinet's doors flew open, and Harry leapt free. Inside, the walls, floor, and ceiling snapped shut. The Crusaders crawled from under their hiding place.

"Thank Celestia, it was getting cramped down there," Scootaloo groaned.

"C'mon, let's follow them," Harry told the girls. "Maybe they'll lead us to Diagon Alley."

Both Harry and the Crusaders were just about to leave the shop, when they were suddenly ambushed by Borgin, who unexpectedly appeared from their right.

"Looking for something?" He asked suspiciously.

"N-N-No we...!" Harry stammered frightfully. "We were just in the wrong place."

"Sorry for causing any trouble," Sweetie Belle panicked. "We're just leaving."

Though suspicious, blinking curiously at the kids, he released them.

"Thank you!" The frightened friends said.

The man watched as they raced out of the door and resumed his business in the shop.


Once outside, Harry fit his broken glasses to his face, while the Cutie Mark Crusaders followed behind. Apple Bloom eyed a street sign which read "KNOCKTURN ALLEY".

"We're definitely not in Diagon Alley," Apple Bloom confirmed.

"Gee... what gave it away?" Scootaloo replied sarcastically.

As they strolled down the alley, they noticed that all the vendors clearly catered to the Dark Arts. There were shrunken heads in one row, with poisonous candles along the other. One window was even teeming with spiders. They looked around nervously at this dark, dreary place. All of a sudden, a creepy witch leapt upon them.

"Not lost are you, my dears?" The Aged Witch asked.

The kids wheeled, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit witch. She held a tray of human fingernails, much to the horror of the ponies.

"I'm fine, thank you," Harry said, backing away. "We're just—"

Several equally creepy people proceeded to surround the kids.

"Come with us," The witch beckoned. "We'll help you find your way back."

"No, please!" Sweetie Belle begged.

"WE NEED AN ADULT!!!" Scootaloo called out.

"I am one!" The witch sneered.


The crowd parted, revealing the hulking figure of a familiar friend of Harry's... Hagrid.

"Hagrid!" Harry sighed with relief.

"Boy, are we glad you showed up mister!" Apple Bloom sighed.

"What d'yer think yer doin' down 'ere?" Hagrid questioned.

Hagrid knocked the tray from the cursing Witch's hands, then seized Harry by the scruff of the neck and steered him away as the girls followed behind him.

"Yeah, you're lucky he showed up!" Scootaloo spoke cockily. "Or else I'd have given the ole Rainbow Special! HA!"

Scootaloo proceeded to wave her hooves before the creepy group with a snort and nod of her head before quickly following the others. As Scootaloo caught up, Hagrid swatted Harry's sooty clothes.

"Yer a mess!" Hagrid observed. "Skulkin' 'round Knockturn Alley? Dodgy place, kids. Don't want no one ter see yeh down there. People'll be thinkin' yer up ter no good."

"I was lost, I—" Harry explained, then realized. "Hang on, what were you doing down there?"

"Me? Oh, I was, um, I was looking for a Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent," Hagrid answered. "They're ruining all the school cabbages."

"Well, whatever the case, we're just glad to see a familiar face," Sweetie Belle sighed.


Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked up, spotting Hermione Grander standing at the top of Gringotts' white steps. She raced down to meet them.

"Hello, Hagrid," Hermione greeted. "Oh, it's wonderful to see you again."

"Well, it's great to see you too," Harry smiled.

Hermione stopped then, cocked her head curiously at Harry.

"What did you do to your glasses?" Hermione smirked, raising her wand. "Oculus Reparo."

Instantly, Harry's glasses are mended.

"I definitely need to remember that one," Harry chuckled.

"Say, I remember the three of you," Hermione acknowledged the CMC. "You came to visit during Christmas last year."

"It's good to see you again too, Hermione," Apple Bloom shook Hermione's hand. "Actually, we're starting our first year at Hogwarts this year."

"We kind of got mixed up in the wrong place," Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously.

"You'll be all right now then, kids?" Hagrid asked.

"No problem, Hagrid," Scootaloo nodded. "And thanks again for the aid big guy."

"Right, I'll leave you to it," Hagrid departed.

"Okay, bye!" Hermione waved.

"Bye Hagrid!" The CMC called out.

"Come on, everyone's been so worried!" Hermoine said, leading the group away.


Hermione proceeded to lead them to Gringotts, where Hermione's rather nervous-looking Muggle parents stood with the Weasleys and the Equestrians.

"So, you're dentists!" Mr. Weasley asked. "Fascinating! I understand other Muggles quite fear you. Why is that?"

"There they are!" Twilight Sparkle pointed.

Soon as the CMC saw their sisters, for Scootaloo being sisterly-like for Dash, the trio raced toward them, and the older ponies hugged them with great relief.

"You ain't wanderin' off like that again, ya hear me?" Applejack spoke rapidly.

"I'm sorry A.J.," Apple Bloom drooped her head.

"Ah, c'mere..." Applejack hugged tightly. "Jus' glad yer safe."

"It's going to be all right, Sweetie..." Rarity hugged her sister.

"I'm fine, Rarity! Really!" Sweetie insisted. "Just misquoted that's all."

"An understatement of the century... but we're all together now!"

"So, how'd it go down there?" Rainbow Dash asked Scootaloo. "Any broken bones? Anyone lose a tooth?"

"Nah, it was nothing!" Scootaloo replied. "Those bums wouldn't dare get close to me!"

"Hmm... reckless yet brave... now that's cool!"

"Oh, kids. Thank goodness," Mrs. Weasley sighed, dusting Harry off. "We'd hoped you only gone one grate too far!"

"You're lucky Storm Shield and I were able to track you girls down," Twilight Sparkle confirmed. "From now on, I hope you girls truly understand the emphasis on following directions."

"Sorry Twilight," Sweetie Belle apologized. "It won't happen again."

"Come on then, no harm no foul," Storm replied calmly. "We must be off to Flourish and Blotts. Lots to buy..."

"Isn't it thrilling girls?" Hermione asked the CMC. "Gilderoy Lockhart's going to be there! We can actually meet him! I mean, he's written almost the whole booklist!"

As Mrs. Weasley and Hermoine dashed off, Harry and the CMC frowned.

"Uh Applejack... who's Lockhart?" Apple Bloom asked Applejack.

"Beats me, sugar cube," Applejack answered honestly. "But I reckon we're about to find out."

"So... we're just going to ignore the part about Hermione's parents... being here..." Spike pointed out, giving up. "Okay then..."


"Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!" A man announced.

Gilderoy Lockhart... a handsome, golden-haired wizard with stunning pearl-white teeth. He smiles toward his public, winking at the flash of cameras. But of course, this was just the image of Lockhart in a moving photograph propped along the window. A placard declares: 'HERE TODAY! SIGNING COPIES OF HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY, MAGICAL ME... GILDEROY LOCKHART!'

Harry and the Equestrians thread their way through a chattering throng of middle-aged ladies, all craning their necks for a view of the real Lockhart. Stepping into view was the flamboyantly dressed Gilderoy Lockhart himself, taking a seat to sign books at the rear of the shop. At the sight of him, Mrs. Weasley pats her hair.

"Oh, there he is!" Mrs. Weasley sighed.

"That... is Gilderoy Lockhart?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "What's so great about him?"

"Mum fancies him," Ron answered.

For this, Mrs. Weasley gave Ron a playful jab in the shoulder. A short man with a camera bumped past.

"Out of the way! Make way there, please!" The short man called out. "Let me be, madam, thank you. Excuse me, little girl, this is for The Daily Prophet!"

Instantly, Lockhart looked up and flashed a smile, when...

"It can't be... Harry Potter?" Lockhart gasped. "And thePrincess Twilight Sparkle!"

"What does that make us? Chopped liver?" Gallus questioned.

The crowd whispered excitedly as the photographer dove forward, seizing Harry and Twilight Sparkle, pushing them up the front.

"Nice big smile, you two," Lockhart spoke under his breath. "Together, you and I rate the front page."

Twilight Sparkle gave a nervous smile, but Harry didn't at all. Still, the photograph snapped the picture anyway.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Lockhart announced loudly. "What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry and the Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle, stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, 'Magical Me'..."

Hermoine and the majority of the crowd excitedly applauded, yet Ron just looked bewildered. Unbeknownst to everyone, Draco watched from above sneering at the display before him while Whisper Dawn stood close behind.

"Well, I do love a good book as much as any pony," Twilight chuckled anxiously. "But actually, we were just—"

"Which, incidentally..." Lockhart continued, ignoring the princess. "... is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List – they had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge!"

"I insist we... did you say... free collection of works?" Twilight's eyes widened.

As the crowd clapped, Lockhart caught the eye of a flunky and, before they knew it, a towering stack of books were shoved into Harry's arms. Luckily Twilight used her magic to catch her own stack, hovering them in mid-air.

"Thank you," Harry mumbled quietly, mortified.

"Heh-heh... can't say no to free books, right?" Twilight chuckled nervously.

Slipping free, Harry and Twilight Sparkle drifted back into the crowd, red with embarrassment.

"Harry, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed," Mrs. Weasley took the books. "All of you wait outside. That's it, Ron."

"Just can't say no when it comes to books, right headmare Twilight?" Smolder smirked; arms folded. "You'd accept them from strangers now?"

"Now Smolder, I perfectly intend on buying my own books," Twilight replied, placing the books down. "But... doesn't mean a little extra research wouldn't hurt."

"And I was given a hard time during Christmas shopping at Whoville?" Rarity pouted.

As Harry Potter and friends made their way out of the bookstore, a certain unfriendly blast from the past made his presence felt before the heroes.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" Draco scowled from the stairs. "Famous Harry Potter. Can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page."

"Well, if it isn't 'Dragon Mouthful'," Gallus squawked. "You haven't changed a bit."

"I see Potter is still friends with a bloody chicken," Draco shot back. "No... make that two of them."

"Call my friends chicken again, and I'll roast you as far back as the Ming Dynasty!" Smolder threatened.

"Yeah... what she said!" Sandbar nodded in agreement.

"Just 'try'... maybe you'll fetch a hefty price," Draco threatened. "I hear dragon scales are on the market these days."

"Leave them alone!" Ginny Weasley bravely confronted Malfoy.

"Oh look, Potter!" Draco snarked. "You've got yourself a girlfriend!"

At that moment, a large silver ornament, shaped like a snake's head, came down upon Draco's shoulder. The ornament belonged to the walking stick of an elder man, the very same man Harry and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had seen at Borgin and Burke's—Draco's father.

"Now, now, Draco, play nicely."

The man urged his son away, before turning to Harry and friends. The man extended his hand out for Harry, who shook cautiously as the man introduced himself.

"Mr. Potter... Lucius Malfoy, we meet at last. Forgive me..."

Lucius Malfoy leaned forward to gently play his fingers over the fringe of Harry's scallop, revealing Harry's lightning bolt scar. At his touch, Harry withdrew, ever so slightly.

"... your scar is legend. As, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."

"That wizard was a murderer!" Ocellus spoke up. "He killed Harry's parents."

"Yes, a pity about your parents," Lucius addressed Potter. "Curious that you yourself should escape with a mere flesh wound. Curious, too, that your friends spoke of him in the past. Surely, you don't think He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is gone forever."

"His name is Voldemort," Harry said poisonously.

Those within earshot gasped as Harry uttered the word, even Lucius himself was taken aback.

"You must be very brave, Mr. Potter, to dare speak his name," Lucius presumed. "Or very foolish."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself," Hermoine stated matter-of-factly.

Lucius Malfoy's eyes slid, finding Hermoine staring defiantly.

"You must be... Miss Granger," Lucius analyzed. "Yes, Draco's told me all about you... and your parents. Muggles, aren't you?"

Mr. and Mrs. Granger nodded nervously. Lucius Malfoy could barely disguise his distaste for them. Sensing trouble, Sunset Shimmer hurried over.

"Is there a problem with that, Mr. Malfoy?" Sunset Shimmer asked defensively.

Lucius turned to look at Sunset, squinting his eyes for a closer look. The expression on his face indicated as though he had seen a familiar face.

"Problem?" Lucius asked rhetorically. "Not at all. You've seen one muggle; you've seen them all. But you... you look very familiar."

Sunset herself felt tense as Lucius eyed her up and down, as though he could see through her clothes... or trying to look inside her mind or soul.

He was definitely doing the X-Ray thing...

DUDE! There are 'children' reading this!

"Lightsaber? Tattered clothes... the garbs of a Jedi..." Lucius analyzed. "And yet... you have a rather... magical air of your presence. Equestrian... yet... you are human. Red-yellow hair like fire... moderate cyan eyes... there is no mistake. You are Sunset Shimmer, Equestria and the Wizarding World's most wanted criminal."

"Pardoned criminal, Mr. Lucius Malfoy!" Twilight Sparkle spoke in Sunset's defense. "Whatever crime she's done in the past is over now! Sunset Shimmer is my friend; as Princess of Friendship, I'm willing to give her another chance."

"Is that so?" Lucius raised a brow. "We'll see about that, princess..."

Lucius turned toward the remainder of the heroes present.

"Let's see. Pastel colored ponies – unicorns, Pegasi, Earth ponies – and with Princess Twilight... you're the Equestrian Heroes, the Elements of Harmony...

"And you... must be Twilight's stooges," He eyed the dragon. "Spike the Dragon... my how you've grown."

As if it wasn't uncomfortable enough, Lucius eyed students standing behind Harry.

"A griffon, a hippogriff, a yak, a changeling, a dragon, and a pony... you must be Mr. Potter's Equestrian friends."

"I don't like this guy," Sandbar whispered to Gallus. "He reads minds!"

Finally, he turned toward Ron, along with his brothers and sister.

"Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions..." Lucius reached in, taking a book from Ginny's cauldron. "... tatty, secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys."

At that very moment, Arthur Weasley walked over toward the front of the store.

"Children! It's mad in here," Arthur Weasley exclaimed. "Let's go outside."

"Well, well, well – Arthur Weasley," Lucius greeted.

"Lucius," Arthur returned the greeting, stiffly.

"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids," Lucius taunted. "I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this..."

Malfoy held Ginny's book for emphasis: A very old, battered copy of 'A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration'.

"... Obviously not. Dear me. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it."

"Disgrace?!" Applejack barked, with Rarity and Rainbow holding her back.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Lucius," Arthur replied.

"Clearly," Lucius glanced at the Grangers. "The company you keep, Weasley. And I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work."

Lucius Malfoy tossed Ginny's battered textbook back into her cauldron.

"Here, girl. Take your book. It's the best your father can give you."

Lucius then turned toward Princess Twilight and curtly bowed his head to her and her friends.

"Good day to you, Princess of Friendship. And to you... Seraphina."

Sunset Shimmer gasped in shock at Lucius mentioning her Sith name. It was one thing for him to identify her as a past criminal. But to be mentioned by her 'Sith' name... how could he possibly have known about that?

"I'll see you at school," Draco spoke to Harry's group.

"WHISPER BREEZE!!" Lucius then yelled loudly.

The small pony from earlier before slowly came up beside Mr. Malloy with the same frightened demeanor she'd had at Borgin and Burkes

"H-Here, M-Master Lu-Lucius." She stuttered.

Lucius then proceeded to give her a rather hard swat on the flank with the blunt end of his walking stick.

"Ow!!" Whisper Dream cried out in pain.

"We're leaving!" Lucius snarled at her. "And make sure you carry my son's supplies with care or you will be whipped severely! Understood?"

"Y-Yes, Master" Whisper croaked in fear.

"Good." Lucius growled.

He kicks her flank in which she whimpers and proceeds to carry the school supplies they bought and walk out of the store. Harry, the Equestrians, the Weasleys,& Hermione all watched them leave the store and they all glared at both father and son on their mistreatment on the poor pony.

"Why that no good, long-haired jerk!" Rainbow snarled angrily. "I oughta deck him in the face just like I did to that pathetic Muggle excuse of an uncle to Harry!

"I just can't withstand the abuse of that poor filly by those ruffians." Rarity said appalled. "Why do they treat her so anyway?"

"We were actually wanting to talk to you all about that." Sweetie Belle informed them. "When we landed in Knockturn Alley, we saw Malloy and his dad come into the store we hid in. She was there too and the way Mr. Malfoy treated her was just awful."

"And I thought the Dursleys' treatment on Harry was worse" Gallus commented.

"I'm not gonna argue on that, Gally" Silverstream agreed.

As they continued to watch Draco and Whisper Dream follow his father out of the shop, Twilight Sparkle approached Sunset Shimmer and put a soothing hand upon her shoulder.

"Just ignore him, Sunset," Twilight advised. "No Malfoy's worth listening to."

"Yeah, those girls are rotten to the core!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "... Not the song, just the whole family... being bad... really bad... they don't know nothing about our bestest buddy!"

As much as Sunset Shimmer wanted to feel pleased for her friends standing up for her, a troublesome thought refused to leave her mind. All she could think about was how Lucius, a man she didn't even know had known so much about her history. Had her actions really been known that far and wide? How much did her story actually reach up to? The uncertainty of the matter made her feel more uncomfortable.

"Don't they...?" Sunset asked herself.

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