Into the Chamber

A faint orange-yellow glow began to blanket the Scottish Highlands as the sun rose above the mountains. The light of the sun covered the entire landscape, including Hogwarts castle and the Black Lake. Through the halls of the gigantic magical school, the Legion of Light traversed through the twisting, winding corridors of the castle. With the hour still early, no students walked the halls which helped the Legion remain inconspicuous. Needless to say, after one night in the Forbidden Forest against an army of monsters and evening the odds with the Winchester brothers, the group were more than ready for the end of this mission.

"It's really good seeing you guys again," Quill Cast told Sam and Dean.

"No kidding!" Curtain Call nodded. "I don't think we've seen you guys since the shapeshifter job in Michigan."

"I remember that one," Dean recalled. "As I recall, Sammy almost banged one of them."

"That was you, Dean!" Sam eye rolled.

"Oh yeah..." Dean chuckled.

"Come on guys, we've got a child present!" Quill groaned.

"I'm seventeen!" Mirai replied.

"Still a child!"

"You know what I never understood?" Storm asked. "How is it that you guys are friends again? Isn't it their job to hunt down monsters?"

"The trick is that we're not entirely 'monsters'," Curtain replied. "We merely harness their powers thanks to these katanas."

Quill and Curtain reached behind their backs, drawing out their katanas at full display. The one Curtain held was darkened steel imbued with dark red and orange hues.

Quill's katana was made of a much lighter, almost white silver that perfectly matched the tang.

"My blade's imbued with the power of the vampire," Curtain explained. "It can absorb the life essence of anyone I cut down with it and the best part... the blade can ignite in a blaze!"

"Mine was forged under a full moon," Quill added. "It can allow me to transform into a werewolf at any time... even in daylight. A common misconception is that werewolves only change during a full moon, but actually the moon just gives them extra energy."

"As for those two, we met them years ago during our battles with the Leviathans," Sam added. "We've worked together ever since."

"And thankfully those two can pitch in for their own burgers!" Dean chuckled.

The sound of footsteps made everyone turn their attention down the hall. The group quickly ducked behind a nearby counter, hoping to avoid being seen. Peeking around the corner, Quill and Curtain noticed Sunset Shimmer walking down the hallway. After having saved her life from the Soul Chaser and his monsters, they told her to run back to her friends with the promise they'd be in touch. So, imagine their surprise when she suddenly appeared to them just now.

"It's Sunset," Quill assured everyone.

"What should we do?" Curtain asked his partner. "We told her we'd be in touch, but Celestia and Strange specifically said to keep our mission as separate from the ponies as possible."

"We've already revealed ourselves to her, it's a little late for that," Quill replied. "You know as well as I that she holds a vital key to our mission. We need her."

The two looked at each other for a moment or two before nodding in unison and making their way out from behind the corner. The remainder of the Legion followed behind as they made to follow the pony-turned-human.

Note to self... Sunset Shimmer is 'human', any reasons for her being a pony in some scenes must be justified.

... Now can we move on?



Sunset Shimmer stopped in her tracks and quickly turned to the source calling out to her. Her eyes widened when she noticed the mysterious strangers who saved her in the Forbidden Forest the night before.

"You!" She spoke, confused. "Look, it's already been a long, stressful night! I really don't know how much more I can take."

"We understand," Quill told her. "That's why we want to explain so you have a better understanding of what's going on. If you'll let us, that is."

Sunset looked back and forth between each member of the Legion. Eventually, her eyes landed suddenly upon... Storm Shield!

"Storm!" She exclaimed in shock. "I thought that was you! You... you were petrified!"

"Yes, I was," Storm replied. "Thankfully, these guys showed up no long after and woke me up."

"Then why didn't you come to us and let us know?" Sunset asked, confused and angry. "Do you know how devastated Twilight was?"

"I can only imagine," Storm replied somberly. "I wanted to talk to all of you, to assure you all I was alright. But I needed to keep my involvement in complete secrecy. It was the only way to ensure your safety."

Sunset gripped the bridge of her nose, breathing in and out the air of frustration.

"This is just too much for me..." Sunset groaned, stressed out.

"Look Sunset, give us the chance and we'll explain everything," Curtain assured her.

Sunset gazed back toward the Legion members, examining each of them as closely as possible. Undoubtedly, she tried to determine just how trustworthy these members were. Taking a deep breath, she released an audible sigh.

"Start talking," She relented.

"First off, my name is Quill Cast," Quill introduced himself. "And these are my friends: Curtain Call, Mirai, Draxus, and the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean. And of course you already know Storm Shield."

"And who are you guys exactly?" Sunset questioned.

"We represent an ancient order known as the Legion of Light," Curtain responded. "Our order was first established by Merlin himself after he founded his own. While the Order of Merlin focused on bridging the gaps between Wizards and Muggles, he sought to create a secret order dedicated to combating darkness across all worlds."

"... Meaning?" Sunset asked, still confused.

"Surely you're familiar with the legend of King Arthur?" Quill asked. "Especially the part where he pulled Excalibur from the stone?"

"Sort of?" Sunset merely nodded.

"One thing left out from the legend was Excalibur had actually been forged from the melted remnants of the Holy Grail," Quill continued. "Saint Michael forged Excalibur as his primary weapon to cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Once he sent the devil to Hell, he placed the sword in the stone until a time came for a true warrior of light to pull it out to aid in their fight for good."

"I'm not really big on all that religious stuff myself," Curtain Call admitted. "I just personally think it's a pretty wicked sword."

"And... you're saying the warrior of light... was King Arthur?" Sunset asked.

"Indeed..." Curtain nodded.

"But that still doesn't explain what you're doing here."

"After Merlin founded the Legion, he passed down the order's leadership to one deemed the 'Sorcerer Supreme'," Quill added. "That is our current master... Doctor Stephen Strange. He believes this Dark Order you're fighting against has unknowingly unleashed the powers of Hell onto Earth. That drew the Soul Chaser and these monsters here."

"To put it simply... war is coming," Curtain surmised.

This was far too much for Sunset Shimmer to process at once. She thought her only issue was this Heir of Slytherin, but now there's a holy war in the works.

"So... why come to me?" She asked.

"Believe it or not, you hold a key piece of the puzzle needed to prevent this war from occurring," Quill answered. "We can't really explain more at this time because we have a mission to finish. However, once this is over, all will be known."

"So what happens in the meantime?" Sunset asked.

"For now, go about your business with your students and the others," Curtain instructed. "Once all is said and done, we'll find you again."

Quill turned his attention from Sunset to Storm Shield.

"Actually, why don't you go with her?" Quill informed Storm.

"What?!" Storm exclaimed in surprise. "I don't understand. You told me my mother wanted me to aid with your mission. Why the sudden change?"

"Because the best way to help us is to help the others locate the Chamber of Secrets," Quill responded.

"And how do I justify how I suddenly wasn't even petrified?" Storm asked. "There's ponies and creatures who are going to have questions, they're going to demand investigations!"

Curtain merely reached into his pocket and handed a vial to Storm.

"This is what remains of the draught used to wake you," He explained. "Unfortunately, it's not enough to wake any of the others. However, it's enough to convince the others that it woke you. Now go... both of you."

Storm grabbed the vial from Curtain before the Legion members quickly departed down the corridor... and out of sight. This left Storm and Sunset looking at each other in confusion.

"So... that just happened," Sunset said confused.

"Yeah... I'm not even going to try to understand this," Storm declared.


A while later, Sunset and Storm quickly made their way to the hospital wing just before anyone else arrived. Storm quickly used his magic to dispel his magical double from the bed, quickly taking his spot before holding the vial to Sunset.

"You know what to do right?" Storm asked her.

"I think so," Sunset replied, taking the vial. "The kids should be here soon to visit Hermione and the others. We tell them Madam Pomfrey brought a small bottle of Mandrake Draught as a test. It woke you, but it's not enough for the others... yet."

"Let's do this," Storm said determined.

As Storm assumed his petrified state, Sunset Shimmer turned just as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley arrived. Harry took the dried flowers from the vase next to Hermione's bed, replacing them with fresh new white flowers. He sat on the bed, with Ron standing on the other side. Not too far away were Spike, the Student Six, the CMC, Sonata Dusk crowding around the petrified Mane Six's bed. Sunset Shimmer casually joined the group just as Madam Pomfrey barred the doors, frowning toward the group.

"There's no point in talking to a petrified person," Madam Pomfrey informed. "They won't hear a word you're saying."

To which the statement made Ron shift uncomfortably.

"We know that Madam Pomfrey," Ron answered. "It's just... well... you see... we thought... maybe... we could..."

"What Ron means is... we want to be with them for a bit," Sunset Shimmer answered. "They're our friends, and... even if they don't hear us... not even Twilight... it shouldn't hurt to be there for them, can it?"

To which the group actually nodded in agreement with Sunset Shimmer. A glint of sympathy flickered in Pomfrey's eyes.

"Very well then. But be quick about it."

As Pomfrey departed, the boys stepped to her bed. Absently, Sonata Dusk picked up the circular mirror laying on the nightstand and all the while eying Lockhart's Get Well card.

"You don't think Lockhart could be the heir of Slytherin, do you?" Sonata asked innocently.

To which the way the group eyed Sonata Dusk confirmed it.

"Never mind... forget I said it."

Turning back toward Hermione, Harry studied the expression on her face.

"Wish you were here, Hermione," Harry sighed, facing Princess Twilight. "We need you... and Professor Twilight. Now more than ever."

But the only response everyone got was deathly silence.

Sunset Shimmer couldn't help but cringe, shutting her eyes tightly. The guilt of her attempted last conversation with Twilight still hung heavily on her mind. She'd never be able to live with herself if that was truly the last encounter they shared. But how can she? Nothing had gone right since Sunset's arrival.

"We have to find that Chamber of Secrets!" Scootaloo declared. "We stop the Heir of Slytherin and their pet monster then we can save our friends!"

"How do we do that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "We don't even know where to look or what the monster looks like. Aragog was clearly no help, and when we asked Fluttershy... she was so upset she could barely talk."

"Whatever this monster is, even Aragog's scared of it..." Apple Bloom stated.

"Nothing scarier than spiders!" Yona chattered her teeth.

"Can't argue on that..." Ron commented.

"Are you sure you're over those fears?" Sandbar asked concerned.

"YAKS RELAPSE TOO, OKAY?!" Yona freaked out.

"Okay, okay... it's all right," Sandbar replied patiently. "These things happen..."

"Well, we can definitely rule out giant spiders!" Scootaloo stated. "But what's scarier than a giant spider?"

"More giant spiders?" Ron guessed.

"Ron..." Harry shook his head.

"A... big ugly bat?" Sweetie Belle suggested.

"The Storm King!" Silverstream added.

"A rock?" Smolder guessed.

"Uncle Flako?" Sonata spoke randomly. "Always gave me the creeps..."

Amidst all the guessing, Spike turned and noticed Sunset Shimmer sitting by the window as dismal as ever. Taking a deep breath, Spike sat beside the Jedi Sorceress.

"So... any ideas?" Spike asked, striking up a conversation.

"What ideas?" Sunset asked. "Every time I think up a plan, it just backfires..."

"... You're saying you're giving up?"

Sunset merely closed her eyes and nodded sadly, as tears started raining down her face.

"What more can I do, Spike?" Sunset sobbed. "Since coming back from the Galaxy, I just make everything worse. I couldn't save the children from crashing into the Whomping Willow; I embarrassed Storm Shield in front of Dumbledore and the entire Wizarding World; and on top of everything, almost all of our friends are bedridden from petrification. Hagrid's imprisoned for a crime he didn't do, and... and..."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Sunset," Spike consoled. "None of that was your fault. We know you never meant any of it..."

"... Doesn't change the fact that... the last time Twilight spoke to me... she tried to say something important, but I threw it in her face!"

Sunset Shimmer slumped against the wall, resigning herself to her fate.

"The aurors will be here soon. Might as well let them take me away to Azkaban."

"You can't give up, Sunset!" Spike argued. "You're not a criminal! You didn't do any of this; we need you!"

"You... need me?" Sunset cried. "After all the 'Cinematic Adventures' you had without me? I've watched you guys, thanks to Discord. You've been doing just fine... who am I to get in the way?"

The remainder of her friends gathered around Sunset as the heartbroken Jedi vented out her frustrations.

"I stayed back in the Galaxy to become a Jedi Master, to help and save innocent lives. But instead... I'm a failure."

"You're not a failure," Spike objected.

"I am! Ask Demetria next time you see her. She looked up to me... and I failed her. And Ben... he deserves a different master. I don't want him to turn out like his grandfather, or me, because I don't have what it takes anymore..."

Sunset Shimmer took out her lightsaber, and merely dropped it on the floor.

"At first... I thought staying behind in the Galaxy meant I can grow and be better..." Sunset continued. "But now I realize... maybe Malfoy was right. I'm too much of a coward to come home and face the consequences of my crimes. Instead I run away from my problems as always... well, that's going to change once I'm away in Azkaban. Least I can keep Hagrid company... and apologize for even 'thinking' he could hurt anyone."

Sunset slumped again, till Sonata walked over and wrapped her arms around Sunset in a tender hug.


"If you're going to jail...then take me with you," The reformed siren said.


"I'm not the smartest of the sirens, but I'd never abandon friends. I was part of the worst moments of your life, and I'm forever guilty about it. We could've been friends from the start, but I wasn't. I was too busy trying to please my sisters than actually 'caring' for others... like you..."

"Not like I had friends in the Empire to begin with..." Sunset frowned.

"Not true! You have Galen Marek and... me."


"Where else did Galen get those medical treatments to heal you from all the tortures? He certainly didn't just walk into an apothecary or anything. I've been wanting to be friends with you for so long, sisters...

"Look, I failed being your friend back when, but not again," Sonata explained further. "Twilight's my friend now, I'm you friend. And as your friend, I'm here to help whether you want me or not!"

"Sonata's right," Spike added. "We're all hurting from this. Whatever happens, we must stick together. We're the only hope for Twilight and everyone else right now...

"Everybody makes mistakes; you should never feel alone about that. As Twilight's trusted assistant, neither you nor Sonata are going to jail..."

Sunset Shimmer found herself conflicted with emotions. Part of her was scared for her friends, with strong desires to protect them at all costs. Even if it meant abandoning them. However, part of her didn't want to do that again... stuck in this world or not. The last thing she wanted now was to manage things alone.

"I just... don't want to lose my family," Sunset said quickly. "Not like how I lost my dad..."

But Sunset Shimmer didn't have long to think of it. It was then she heard singing and looked down to see Sweetie Belle approach her.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sweetie Belle (Singing):
What is the key to a family?
What is the key to a home?
What is the part that I'm missing?
To help me find where I belong

Spike (Singing):
I'm searchin
I'm lookin' for somethin'
Somethin' that comes from the heart

Gallus and Sandbar (Singing):
Cause sometimes you need something to lift you up
And help to reignite your spark

Sonata Dusk, Silverstream, and Sweetie Belle (Singing):
Even when it feels so confusing
When you're alone

Harry Potter, Spike, Gallus, and Sandbar (Singing):
You know we've got each other
To find our own way home

Harry Potter, CMCs, Student Six, Sonata Dusk, and Spike (Singing):
Cause I've got you
And you've got me
We're closer than close friends
Yeah, we're a family
If you're feeling low or incomplete
You've always got me
Yeah, we're a family

Sunset Shimmer smiled slightly. Even without Twilight or the Rainbooms, she still had friends to count on. She looked on, catching sight of a Slytherin girl she knew very well. Sunset approached her, reached out her hand – not to look inside her memory – and silently offered the girl to join the dance. And together, Sunset Shimmer and the lone Slytherin danced during the following verse:

Spike (Singing):
Together when there are good times
Together when times are tough

Smolder (Singing):
Together when things need celebrating
And when you think that you've had enough

Sandbar (Singing):
Cause I
I know you better
Than any pony else

Sandbar and Sonata Dusk (Singing):
And you know me better than I know myself

Sonata smiled fondly, remembering when Jim Gordon rescued her from Arkham Asylum. She refuses to dishonor his confidence in her.

Harry Potter, CMCs, Student Six, Spike, and Sonata Dusk (Singing):
Cause I've got you and you've got me
Cause when you're with your friends
Yeah, you're with your family
Keep em in your heart
Cause that is the key
Oh when you're with your friends
You're with your family

Sunset Shimmer smiled tearfully, before she raced toward her new friends – the CMCs, the Student Six, and Harry Potter – and wrapped them all in a hug.

Sunset Shimmer (Singing):
I've got you

CMCs, Silverstream, Smolder, and Ocellus (Singing):
And you've got me

Everyone (Singing):
Cause we aren't just friends
No we're a family
When you're feeling lonely or incomplete
Don't forget about your friends
Yeah, they're your family

Everyone except Sunset Shimmer: (Chorus)
Oooh whoa! Oh oh! Oh! (x3)

Sunset Shimmer broke away from the group hug, before approaching a nearby glass tank containing her precious pet gecko, Ray. She reached in to pet Ray with a loving smile. Though it broke her heart, knowing her fall to the Dark Side made her forget her 'ray of sunshine', he just eyed her with silent forgiveness. She held the gecko to her face, snuggling her cheek against his head. She never wanted this moment to end...

Everyone (Singing):
Cause when you're with your friends
Yeah, you're with your family

After the song, Sunset gently set Ray down, before she turned to Sonata.

"Thank you, Sonata," Sunset smiled. "I really needed that."

"Well, Pinkie Pie would do the same, I'm sure..." Sonata shrugged.

A smile upon her face, not looking where she placed her hand, Sunset Shimmer set one upon Hermione's frozen hand. Just then, in the light of the late afternoon sunlight, Sunset Shimmer's geode triggered, and her hand briefly cast a jagged flame across Hermione's hand. Harry watched the light dance over Sunset's fingers... all while the girl was able to quickly glimpse into Hermione's memories. Returning to reality, a gasp of realization escaped.

"What's the matter, Sunset?" Spike asked, catching the Jedi.

"Quick!" Sunset ushered Harry. "Check her hand! The other one!"

Harry took a closer look at Hermione's clenched fist. It was then he saw the paper clutched there.

"What's that?" Ron asked.

"... Everyone," Harry began, catching his breath. "This is why Hermione was in the library when she was attacked! Come on!"

The group aimed to race out of the hospital wing to investigate a vital clue to this mystery... when Sunset Shimmer skid to a halt.

"Wait!" Sunset Shimmer realized. "I almost forgot!"

Confused, the group turned back as Sunset Shimmer dug her fingers around one of the pockets of her vest. Before their eyes, Sunset revealed the vial containing the 'mandrake draught'.

"I managed to get this from Madam Pomfrey," Sunset Shimmer explained. "This can help remove the petrification from our friends... but it's just enough for 'one'."

"Well go on, there's more than enough to bring Hermione back," Ron insisted.

"Or Twilight!" Sweetie Belle suggested. "We need her just as much for this mission!"

"All great ideas I promise you," Sunset assured. "But I have a better idea..."

Sunset Shimmer slowly turned her head, and the others simultaneously followed her gaze. It wasn't long until they acknowledged that Sunset Shimmer's attention was on one specific pony... Storm Shield.

"Are you sure?" Gallus asked, uncertainly.

"Trust me... I'm sure I'm right about this one," Sunset promised.

With little to no argument, the group silently permits Sunset to move forward with her plan. Carefully, she slips the 'contents' of the vial down Storm Shield's open mouth and they wait anxiously for any results. But within a matter of seconds, Storm Shield starts to twitch and turn as his muscles start to spasm as 'side effects' from the drink. Then he quickly lurched forward with a heavy gasp, though unknowingly to the group he was merely catching his breath from holding onto it so long. His head slowly turned toward the stunned group; their eyes widened with surprise.

"Hiya kids..." Storm wheezed.

Overcome by emotions, the equestrian kids raced toward Storm Shield hugging the Prince of Peace as Harry and Ron looked on. Storm merely chuckled as he embraced their comfort, acknowledging the relief amidst their tear-stricken faces. He then turned toward Sunset Shimmer and casually embraced her while the kids gave the pony and human some space. Storm leaned toward her left ear, and whispered very quietly...

"For the record, you can never embarrass me..."

And Sunset Shimmer had no witty remarks or comeback from that statement, knowing full well Storm was awake long enough to hear it all. She was merely relieved that for once amidst all this chaos, she finally did something good for her friends.


By the hour of dusk, Harry, Ron, and the Equestrians ducked into an alcove. Once they were in the clear, Harry Potter took out the crinkled paper, which was torn from a library book. The remainder of the group gathered around as Harry began to read its contents aloud, yet quietly:

"'Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk, known also as the King of Serpents. This snake, which may reach gigantic size, and live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg, hatched beneath a toad. Its methods of killing are most wondrous, for aside from its deadly and venomous fangs, the Basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death. Spiders flee before the Basilisk, for it is their mortal enemy, and the Basilisk flees only from the crowing of the rooster, which is fatal to it.'"

"Spiders flee before it?" Yona exclaimed. "Like Aragog and spiders?"

"Yona! You're a genius!" Sandbar exclaimed.

"I am?" Yona blushed. "I mean... of course! Yona is genius!"

"That definitely would explain all the spider activities we've been seeing lately," Scootaloo added.

"But then... that would mean..." Sunset gasped as she and the group shared an epiphany.

"This is it! The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk!" Harry Potter exclaimed. "That's why I can hear it speak. It's a snake!"

"And that must've been the very monster Fluttershy saw when her friends were attacked," Smolder realized.

"For realsies?!" Sonata asked.

"But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead?" Ron asked.

Harry frowned, contemplating the facts surrounding the beast. Along with his friends, they tried to think of some rash reasoning to the question at hand. Then he caught their reflection along the opposite window.

"Because no one did look it in the eye," He hypothesized. "Not directly, at least..."

Harry started walking off, with the group following as he went over how each of the recent victims were petrified.

"Colin saw it through his camera. Justin... Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick. Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost. He couldn't die again. And Hermione, Princess Twilight, and the others... had the mirror! I bet you anything they were using it to look around corners in case it came along."

"Well, it did little good for them," Gallus grumbled. "Not like it saved them. They still got petrified anyway..."

"Look on the bright side, Gallus," Silverstream consoled. "At least they're not dead."

"Not yet anyway," Sonta frowned. "If we don't hurry soon, the Dark Order will definitely come back to try and finish the job! And I don't think the guards can keep up..."

Getting back on topic, Apple Bloom and Ron Weasley both brought up two more victims who have yet to fit the puzzle.

"What about Storm Shield?" Apple Bloom asked.

"And Mrs. Norris?" Ron asked. "I'm pretty sure they didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry."

"Not to mention a ghost to look through," Apple Bloom added.

Harry pondered for a moment, figuring out how both Storm Shield and Mrs. Norris could've been petrified. It was then Storm Shield decided to step up.

"It was the water..." Storm recalled. "There was water on the floor the night Mrs. Norris and I were petrified."

"They only saw the Basilisk's reflection in the water," Harry and Sunset said together.

"Exactly!" Storm nodded quickly.

The group all nodded their heads in agreement, and sharing the same relief of solving a large fragment of the mystery.

"And now that I think about it..." Sunset scratched her chin. "Remember when we ran into Hagrid, just before we found Justin? One of his roosters was killed! All of his roosters have been killed! And why? Because the Heir of Slytherin knew that the Basilisk wouldn't go anywhere near roosters!"

The group then gathered at a nearby torch for Harry to better read the page.

"Spiders flee before it! It all fits!" Harry exclaimed.

"But how's the Basilisk been getting around?" Ron asked. "A dirty great snake, someone would've seen it..."

Sunset Shimmer took another look at the page, before she pointed to a single written word on the bottom.

"Looks like our friends answered that, too!" Sunset pointed to the word: "Pipes."

"Pipes?" Ron exclaimed. "It's using the plumbing!"

"For realsies?!" Sonata exclaimed in surprise, with her face flustering in embarrassment. "But I've been showering! It's...not a peeping Tom, is it? I... don't like it if someone was watching me when I shower."

"Uh, I... wouldn't worry about that, Sonata," Sunset pinched her temples. "I'm sure this thing's not too keen on spying anyone showering..."

"Oh, what a relief!" Sonata sighed.

"Hey, can we focus on the issue right now?" Smolder asked. "Like... how do we find this thing? All we know is that it comes from the Chamber of Secrets. So where do we find that?"

"And when we do find it, how do we stop it?" Apple Bloom asked. "How do we fight something we can't even look at?"

"... Maybe we don't have to fight it at all?" Silverstream figured. "I mean... when you think about it, a basilisk is like... a cockatrice? Right? My friend, Edith, is a cockatrice and she's pretty friendly when you get to know her!"

"I don't think it's that simple, Silverstream," Storm shook his head. "We're talking about a giant snake that has a stare that's even more dangerous than a cockatrice, or even Fluttershy's eyes."

"Not to mention that it was trained by Salazar Slytherin to be a killing machine," Gallus added.

"We'll figure it out later," Scootaloo spoke up. "Right now, we need to know where it is. Do we have any clues on where the Chamber of Secret is?"

The group all had a moment of silence, until Harry brought up a rather important clue.

"Remember what Aragog said about that girl fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom. What if she never left?"

"You mean a ghost?" Sweetie Belle asked.

At which point, everyone gasped in realization of where Harry was getting.

"Moaning Myrtle!" Everyone said at once, with Harry nodding.

"We have to get to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom! Quickly!" Sunset exclaimed.

The group were about to head for the bathroom, when Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly boomed around the hallways, magically magnified.

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

Harry Potter and the remaining friends all looked at each other, wondering what was going on now. They all headed off to the second floor corridor to investigate, while avoiding being seen by the professors.

Upon arriving at the designated corridor, Harry and friends hid behind a wall, out of sight of Professor McGonagall, who stood before the desecrated wall, surrounded by the rest of the staff. The group crept up the stairwell, silently watching the professor directing her colleagues' attentions to the new message on the wall.

"As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message," The frightened Head of Gryffindor said worryingly. "Our worst fear has been realized! A student has been taken by the monster, into the Chamber itself."

Professor McGonagall turned to look at the other staff members present, noting the reactions of every single face present.

"I'm afraid we shall have to send the students home. I'm afraid... this is the end of Hogwarts."

The rest of the Hogwarts staff all exchanged worried looks with one another. Even the stoic Professor Snape has a gleam of worry in his eyes, which he and Potion Nova both shared.

From their hiding spot, Harry and his friends all looked sadly towards Professor McGonagall, seeing how worked up and sad she is at the possibility of Hogwarts' upcoming shutdown. Sunset Shimmer felt the worst of them all, feeling responsible for all the trouble that the school has had to endure, up to this moment.

Just then, who should walk onto the scene, wearing a big smile, like nothing has happened, was none other than Gilderoy Lockhart.

"So sorry... Dozed off," Gilderoy chuckled. "What have I missed?"

"What's he smiling about?" Scootaloo whispered.

"Himself, probably," Sweetie Belle frowned. "Can't he learn to read the room?"

"Shhhh," Sunset shushed to the girls.

"Just the man," Snape spoke nonchalantly. "A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last."

In the blink of an eye, Lockhart's smile disappeared, and he stuttered on his words...

"My... moment?"

"Weren't you saying just last night you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape inquired.

"Whoa, for real—OOF!"

Sonata was quickly silenced by Harry and Ron putting their hands over her mouth, before she inadvertently gave them away.

"Shhhhh!" Both boys shushed.

"Hey, Professor Sunset?" Sandbar asked. "Is it true? Does he actually know where the Chamber was the whole time?"

"I don't know," Sunset whispered in response. "Besides, if he knew all along, why didn't he tell me?"

"You mean you didn't even bother using that Geode mind trick of yours to look into his head or something?" Smolder asked.

"...Why didn't I think of that?" Sunset facepalmed herself.

Back in the conversation, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape seemed to share an agreement while a nervous Lockhart stood eerily still.

"D-Did I? I don't recall..." Lockhart stammered.

"That's settles it," Professor McGonagall nodded, but with a hint of sarcasm in her tone. "We'll leave it to you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend."

"Uh..." Lockhart stammered, looking as if he was sweating a storm. "But former assistant, Sunset...What about her? The... The Aurors are here, and... I had given them my word that I would assist them in her apprehension the moment I find her!"

"Yes, but the school is protected by a magical barrier and surrounded by heavily trained Aurors," Snape reminded. "Meaning she can't get off the school grounds. Furthermore, to doubly insure she wouldn't attempt to escape to another world, from within the school's halls, we had already deployed our most... difficult of spells insuring that she remains trapped. She can't get far. She will be found."

"In the meantime, you should be more concerned about rescuing the girl and destroying the monster," McGonagall added.

Lockhart looked between the two professors, before he had a look that seemed to be resigning himself in defeat.

"V-very well," Lockhart replied. "I'll just be in my office, getting, uh... getting ready."

With that, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor turned and walked away, leaving the other staff members to resume their conversation.

"The rest of us should go and inform the students what has happened," McGonagall advised.

"Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madame Pomfrey asked worryingly.

Professor McGonagall turned to look at the school nurse, with a worried look, until she finally answered dreadfully.

"Ginny Weasley."

From their hiding spot, Ron's knees gave way. As Harry caught him, their friends were horrified to learn that Ron's sister was taken by the monster. The Student Six could feel the horror in Ron's voice. By the time the teachers departed, the remaining heroes looked toward the new bloody message, which read:

"Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever".

Ron, who had read the message aloud, was beyond devastated and horrified at his sister's abduction.

"Ginny..." He said worryingly. "She knew something... she'd found out something about the Chamber of Secrets. That's why she was taken. I mean, she was – is – a pure-blood. There can't be any other reason!"

"We'll get her back, Ron!" Sunset promised the boy, with her voice breaking up as well. "We have to!"

"We will!" Apple Bloom joined in. "And we must!"

"We may be Hufflepuffs," Sweetie Belle added. "But Ginny is still our friend! And friends don't quit on friends!"

"No Faust forsaken way!" Scootaloo added. "C'mon, let's get to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom while we still can!"

"But first thing's first," Sunset turned in Lockhart's direction. "I think we should have a talk with Gilderoy..."

Sunset Shimmer quickly took the lead as the heroes made their approach to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. On the way, they happened to run into Princess Luna's Nightmare Knights, who were on guard duty.

(Go on Fimfiction if you don't know what this is.)

"AH-HA!" Trixie shouted. "Darth Seraphina! Pray for mercy, because you have been arrested and apprehended by the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!"

"Trixie, we don't have time for this," Sunset sighed. "We need to— "

"Nuh-uh!" Trixie interrupted.

The magician threw a smoke bomb at Sunset, before it cleared up to reveal Trixie had bound her hoof to Sunset's hands.

"You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say or do will and can be used against you in a state of Wizarding Martial Laws and the Equestrian High Council! And don't count on Phoenix Wrong to save you. Even he's not dumbed enough to defend a Sith traitor!"

"Trixie..." Sunset rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"You've got it all wrong Trixie!" Storm Shield stepped up, in Sunset's defense.

"S-S-Storm!" Trixie gasped, in shock. "But-but-but-but..."

"Hold on, Trixie," Stygian advised. "Let's hear what Sunset and Storm have to say first."

"Okay... for the records," Trixie complied, releasing Sunset from her handkerchief bind.

"Go ahead," Stygian beckoned.

"First off, yes it's all true," Storm began. "I have been unpetrified... and I truly can confirm that Sunset Shimmer is not the woman or pony this school or any creature thinks she is."

"I know this looks bad," Sunset explained to the former Pony of Shadows. "And yes, Ginny's abduction is definitely not helping my case. Which is why I must go down to the Chamber of Secrets to clear my name!"

"And why we're going to meet Gilderoy," Harry added.

"But didn't your head professor, Minerva, gave you strict instructions that all students must return to their dormitories immediately?" Capper asked. "If we let you guys run loose at this hour, it'll look bad for us."

"You seriously want to talk about how bad it looks for you lot, when you should be thinking more about me?" Ron frowned. "My sister's been taken by a villain's pet monster! And the only one who evens knows where the Chamber is some loudmouth, blowhard, who doesn't even know his A's to his B's!"

"What Ron mean is, we're running out of time!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Ginny's been kidnapped! We must find and rescue her before it's too late! But we can't do it without Lockhart! You guys have got to let us through and help us!"

The Nightmare Knights all exchanged looks, pondering whether what was right or wrong in this case. Thankfully for our heroes... it didn't take long for a decision to be made.


Soon Harry, Ron, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, the CMCs, the Student Six, and Sonata Dusk ran into the Defense against the Dark Arts room.

"Are you sure that he'll help us?!" Ocellus asked.

"It's not like we have any other choice, Ocellus!" Smolder replied.

"Lockhart may be a brainless git," Harry Potter shouted as he leads the remaining heroes. "But he's going to try and get into the chamber!"

"That's right," Sunset added. "At least we can tell him what we know!"

"If he's willing to listen!" Smolder replied.

"That guy's ego is as big as the school's library!" Gallus commented.

"Or the library back at Canterlot City!" Storm added. "Mom and I spent many trips there once upon a time!"

"For realsies?" Sonata asked.

"Guys, d'you think there's any chance at all she's not, you know..." Ron surmised.

The group knew what Ron was referring to. The Prince of Peace glanced over, studying Ron's tortured eyes.

"I promise you, Ron," Storm assured. "We will find her; Ginny is going to be fine."

Ron nodded, smiling shakily, and turned away. As he did, Sunset caught Storm's face changing, sensing trouble. If even the prince didn't believe entirely what he said... who knew what ill fate awaited the little girl?

Soon enough, everyone barged into Lockhart's office.

"Professor!" Harry shouted. "We have some information for you!"

"Something that could help us in the chamber," Sandbar added.

Suddenly, the group stopped in their tracks. Lockhart's office was stripped to the shelves. Two large trunks stood open. In the middle of the calamity, Lockhart... was packing his luggage and belongings?!

"Wait... what are you doing?!" Sunset asked.

Pretty soon, everyone got suspicious of what he was doing.

"Are you going somewhere?" Harry asked.

"Well, uh, yes," Lockhart stammered. "Urgent Call. Unavoidable. Gotta go!!"

"I'm no Applejack," Sonata scowled. "And I may not be the brightest of sirens. But I know a lie when I hear one. And that's definitely a lie..."

"Teacher not helping?!" Yona exclaimed in outrage.

"You're running away?!" Sunset Shimmer gasped.

"What about my sister?!" Ron added.

"And everyone else that the Basilisk might kill?!" Spike joined.

"Not to mention our friends and fellow students who have been petrified by that thing!" Apple Bloom added.

"If that thing gets lose, it'll kill everyone and every creature in its path!!" Ocellus continued.

"And the Dark Order will come back for another attempt on our friends' lives while they're bedridden!" Scootaloo added.

"Well... as to that, most unfortunate," Lockhart continued as he tried to get his stuff together. "No one regrets more than I!"

"Really?" Silverstream huffed. "Cause from the looks of it, you don't care one bit!!"

"You're the Defense against the Dark Arts teacher!" Ron added in outrage. "You can't go now!"

"Yeah! And no offense to you Sunset Shimmer," Sweetie Belle assured Sunset, before she turned to Lockhart. "But we need a lot more help if we're dealing with a Basilisk!"

"And as Defense against the Dark Arts teacher, it's your responsibility to help those in need!" Apple Bloom added.

"They're right," Sunset continued. "If you leave, you leave innocents to die, and it will be on your head!"

"And I doubt the ministry of Magic won't take kindly to a wizard who abandons his post!" Spike added.

"Even Dragons don't take kindly to cowards!" Smolder crossed her arms.

"Same with Yaks!" Yona stomped her hoof.

"And with Griffons and Hippogriffs!" Gallus scowled, with Silverstream nodding agreement.

"Well I must say," Lockhart continued, while stuffing a wig inside a handbag. "When I took the job, there was nothing in the job description about–"

"Excuse me, not in the job description?!" Silverstream exclaimed outraged.

"It's part of the contract when you become a wizard!" Ocellus added.

"And when you apply for jobs like this, you idiot!" Sandbar continued. "Even half my class knows better than that!!"

Lockhart then tried to leave, but Harry and friends continued to bar him.

"You're running away?!" Harry Potter continued. "After everything you did in your books?!"

"Your accomplishments, your adventures?!" Storm added.

"And you're going to run away just because of some snake?!" Gallus added.

"A snake that can kill you just be looking at you," Sonata brought up.

"Not helping, Sonata," Sunset shook her head.


"The point is, you're a hero in your books!" Ocellus continued.

"Books can be misleading!" Lockhart replied.

"You wrote them!" Harry brought up.

"And the writing's all proof of it!" Sunset Shimmer added.

"My dear folks, do you ever use your common sense?!" Lockhart snapped in frustration. "My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I've done all those things! No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all..."

Everyone gasped at that and realized something.

"If you..." Yona began. "Lockhart!!!"

"You're a fraud!" Harry shouted. "You've just been taking credit for what other wizards have done!"

"That is a complete scandal!!" Sweetie Belle screamed.

"It all makes sense now!" Sunset Shimmer waggled her finger. "Half the spells you cast always backfired because you stole them, and you didn't know how to cast them!"

"Not to mention the story of you 'deliberately' taking a hit from Professor Snape's Expelliarmus spell," Scootaloo added. "It never made much sense, if you claimed you knew how to block it to begin with..."

"For realsies?" Sonata asked.

"It all happened in the Dueling Club," Silverstream explained to Sonata. "You had to be there to see it."

"Ladies, gentlemen..." Lockhart argued defensively. "There was work involved. I had to track these people down and ask them exactly how they managed to do what they did. No, it's not all book signings and publicity photos," Lockhart insisted. "You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long, hard slog."

"Is there anything you can do?" Ron asked.

"Yes, now that you've mentioned it. I am rather gifted with memory charms," Lockhart admitted. "Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would've gone blabbing, and I wouldn't have sold another book."

"As in, you've erased their minds?!" The changeling gasped.

"Right you are my dear," Lockhart confirmed.

"Oy, it's deja vu all over again," Sunset Shimmer pinched her temples.

"Deja what?" Sonata asked.

"I'll tell you later..."

"So let me get this straight," Sandbar began. "You've been plagiarizing the works of every wizard and witch's accomplishments, just to sell a few lousy books?! And then you steal their memories so they wouldn't even remember their own accomplishments and expose you as the fraud you truly are?!"

"That is correct," Lockhart confessed. "And the same goes for that Derring Do Pegasus when I swiped her artifacts for my own profits, before I turned her over to that Cora Mills character from the Dark Order... oops.

The remaining heroes all gasped in horror at the revelation. But none were more outraged than the Equestrian Heroes, especially Scootaloo.

"You... did... WHAT?!" Scootaloo screamed. "Oh, wait till Rainbow Dash hears about this!"

"On the contrary, my dear," Lockhart said smugly. "She won't know a thing, because you won't remember to tell her this."

Lockhart turned his back, walking over to his suitcase, where his wand was resting. Ron nodded as everyone agreed with the silent gesture.

"In fact uh. I'm afraid...I'm gonna have to do the same to all of you, lest you do the same..."

Lockhart pulled his wand out to cast his memory charm. However, just as he turned around, he was shocked to see that everyone had their wands out, with Sunset Shimmer and Sonata igniting their lightsabers, drawn toward him angrily.

"Don't even think about it," Harry threatened.

"When this is over, you're going to tell everyone what you know about Daring Do and the Dark Order..." Sunset Shimmer scowled.

Harry motioned Lockhart to drop his wand, which he did reluctantly. However, the Cutie Mark Crusaders walked up to him. They were really angry.

"What are you..."


Everyone winced and widened their eyes in shock as Apple Bloom bucked her hooves against Lockhart's groin. As he clutched himself over the pain, Sweetie Belle swung her hooves so hard they blasted him backwards, toppling into one of the open trunks.

"That's for making us autograph and organize your photos you faker!" Sweetie Belle scowled.


Lockhart clutched his nose after Scootaloo punched him.

"And THAT'S for Derring Do!" Scootaloo huffed.

"Speaking of which..." Apple Bloom concluded.

The mare turned to wave her wand to pull out all of Lockhart's photos, before casting a spell.


Within a split second, all of the pictures were burnt up and the pieces fell to ashes. The Crusaders all sighed in relief.

"That feels good," Apple Bloom sighed.

It was then that she and her friends noticed the shocked expression on the others' faces.

"Too much?" Scootaloo asked.

"Uh, no. We're okay with that," Sonata smiled.

"I would've done that actually," Sunset Shimmer spoke up. "But... I award 100 points to each of you."

Sunset looked to the side to see Lockhart trying to crawl away to escape.

"Hey! Where are you going? Carpe Retractum!"

A retractable cord of light was fired from one of Sunset Shimmer's lightsabers, the one containing her wand, ensnaring Lockhart, by the leg, and pulling him back towards them.

"You're coming with us!" Sunset snarled.

Lockhart nodded in fearful compliance having nowhere else to go. By then, the doors opened up as Stygian stepped in.

"We're ready to follow you into the Chamber..." Stygian stopped, upon noticing the group, with Lockhart tied up. "What's going on?"

"Let's just say those Dueling Lessons came in handy after all," Harry replied.


In the girls bathroom, late in the night, Lockhart walked ahead of Harry, Ron, and the Equestrians. Their wands, lightsabers in the case of Sunset and Sonata, were pointed toward him in case he tried to escape. Moaning Myrtle floated above the cistern, crying as usual, when she suddenly heard their entry.

"Oh? Who's there?"

She turned, seeing Harry and friends, with the Nightmare Knights following.

"Oh, hello, Harry," She smiled warmly at him, before asking, "What do you want?"

"To ask you how you died," Harry replied.

"Sorry if it's a touchy subject to ask," Sunset Shimmer added. "But it's important that we know how."

"Oh..." Moaning Myrtle complied, flattered. "It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then... I heard somebody come in."

"Who was it, Myrtle?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Myrtle choked on her words. "I was distraught! But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language, and I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away, and... I died."

"You just... died?" Silverstream asked.

"For realsies?" Sonata joined, as she and Silverstream exchanged looks.

"No fight? No struggles Not even a glance to see who the perpetrator was?" Tempest ranted, before receiving weird looks. "Too detailed?"

"You just died?" Smolder repeated.

"Just like that?" Harry continued. "How?"

"No idea. I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes, over there, by that sink..."

Moaning Myrtle pointed toward the bank of sinks, before she flew away.

The boys hurried over, while the remainder guarded Lockhart. They examined the pipes below, the tile above. Harry reached up to the circular stone above the sinks, then moved his hand downward to the sink in front of him. He turned the tap, but n o water came out. And then... something else caught his eye. Looking more closely at the tap, he spotted it: Etched on one of the copper taps was a tiny snake. The symbol of Salazar Slytherin.

"This is it," Harry exclaimed. "This is it, everyone. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets."

"For realsies?" Sonata asked. "But how do we open it?"

"Stand back!" Trixie boasted. "Let the Great and Powerful Trixie work her magic."

Trixie stood in front of the sink, before she held her hooves out.


But nothing happened.

"Huh, that usually works..." Trixie muttered.

"Stand back, Lulamoon," Tempest Shadow scowled.

Tempest wound up one of her hooves, going in for a punch, and hurled it forward.


"... OOW!!" Tempest shook her sore hoof, waving it from the recoiled damage.

"Stand back everyone!" Sunset Shimmer called out.

The Jedi ignited both of her lightsabers up, before she slashed them across the sink, only to be stunned to see that there was hardly a dent, or a scorch mark.

"Not a scratch!"

"Hold on, I have theory," Stygian spoke up. "If this was designed by Salazar Slytherin to only be accessible by his heir, a Parslemouth, like him, then maybe it can only be opened by Parseltongue."

"Worth a shot," Apple Bloom shrugged.

Everyone turned to Harry, beckoning him to speak Parseltongue.

"Say something," Ron beckoned, while still keeping his wand close to Lockhart's throat. "Harry, say something in Parseltongue."

Harry thought for a few moments, standing in silence, until he finally spoke the Parsletongue command for "Open" which sounds like, "Hesha- Hassah."

With that, the circular stone above the sinks rises, then all the sinks begin to move outwards. Everyone backed away slowly as the sinks moved, while the sink with the snake carved on its tap descends into the floor, where a grating slides over it. Lockhart steps towards the opening that the sinks concealed and looks down into a very wide black hole.

Reaching into her pockets, Sunset Shimmer flipped a coin, which fell down the hole, disappearing out of sight, until a faint clink was heard.

"Are we seriously going down there?" Scootaloo asked.

"We have to," Apple Bloom replied. "Ginny's down there, and we need tah save her!"

"And stop that Basilisk," Sweetie Belle reminded.

"Excellent, Harry. Ah, good work," Lockhart complimented. "Well, then, I'll just be, uh... there's no need for me to stay."

The cowardly wizard tries to make a run for it, but Harry and friends all grabbed ahold of him.

"Oh, yes there is!" Harry grunted.

He and his friends mustered up all their strength to push Lockhart backwards toward the passage before drawing their weapons.

"You first."

"Now, everyone, what good will it do?" Lockhart asked.

"A bloody lot of good if it's a two-hundred-foot drop into jagged rocks," Sunset answered bluntly.

"Better you than us," Ron barked, with Harry nodding in agreement.

"Um, but... obviously, yes..." Lockhart stammered.

Lockhart nervously turned around and gripped the sinks as he looked down into the passage before glancing over his shoulder at the heroes again.

"Sure you don't want to test it first?"

Rolling their eyes in annoyance, Sunset Shimmer and Sonata both waved their hands, using the Force to push Lockhart, sending him into the passage. The man screamed as he disappears into the darkness. After about a second later, a crash was heard.

"Is he dead?" Trixie asked.

"It's really quite filthy down here," Lockhart's voice echoed.

"Not... yet..." Capper answered.

"I would've liked him dead," Tempest rolled her eyes.

"We still need him alive, so he can tell Rainbow Dash and the others what happened to Daring Do," Scootaloo frowned.

"We'll worry about that later, Scootaloo," Storm comforted the Pegasus. "But first, we need to rescue Ginny!"

"Then let's go already," Tempest began.

Just as she was about to jump, Spike stopped her.

"No!" Spike stopped the unicorn veteran. "We'll go down into the Chamber of Secrets. The rest of you need to go and send an owl to Princess Luna and report to her what we've found!"

"What?!" Stygain exclaimed. "But... you can't possibly... you need us!"

"We still do," Sunset nodded. "But I think Twilight and the others need you guys more than ever right now. You go and get Fluttershy, tell her to meet you guys at the wing. If we're not back... well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Trust me, if Auntie Luna was still here, she'd say the same thing," Storm reminded.

The Nightmare Knights all exchanged looks, knowing that Sunset Shimmer had a point. While she and her group ventured off into the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny, and find a way to destroy the Basilisk, someone needed to protect Twilight and the others, in the Hospital Wing.

"...Well, it seems that they do," Tempest sighed, recalling Twilight's favor. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get a move on! We'll defend Twilight and the others with our lives!"

"All right," Harry turned to Ron. "Let's go."

But just before the heroes could jump, Moaning Myrtle spoke up.

"Oh Harry? If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet."

Everyone looked rather unnerved at the ghost girl's flirtatious approach.

"There's a girl who needs to get out more," Trixie whispered to the Slytherin girl present.

"Uh... thanks, Myrtle," Harry smiles awkwardly at her.

The boy then turned to the opening, and jumped into it, with Ron following.

"C'mon girls!" Apple Bloom turned to her fellow Crusaders. "Let's do this!"

"FOR EQUESTRIA!" The Crusaders shouted as they jumped down the opening together.

"YAKS JUMP!" Yona jumped.

"Geronimo!" Sandbar jumped.

"Look out below!" Smolder followed.

"BANZAI!" Gallus and Silverstream shouted together.

"Wait for me!" Ocellus jumped.

"Last one in's buying me a TACO!" Sonata Dusk jumped.

And the last ones to follow are Storm Shield, Spike and Sunset Shimmer, who exchanged glances and nodded.

"Let's do this!" Spike said.

"For Twilight!" Storm agreed.

"May the Force be with her," Sunset added. "May the Force be with us all."

"Friendship is MAGIC!" The trio shouted as they slid down the chute.

The heroes were all screaming as they slid wickedly fast down a slide.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" They screamed.


"WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Sonata cheered happily, before her eyes widened to see they were coming towards several openings up ahead. "WHOOOOOOOAAAAAA!!!!"

Soon, the heroes were all split up into random tunnels, going off in separate directions, messing them up. It was a hair-raising vertical plummet, every now and then they each took glimpses of one another, smaller pipes branching off in all directions, twisting and turning until the pipe leveled off, and finally they dumped onto the damp floor of a stone tunnel. A small pit, filled with animal bones. It was most likely the Basilisk's feeding area.

There, Lockhart stared miserably at the muck dripping from his robes, all while brushing the dirt off when the heroes arrived. They immediately got to their feet and pointed their weapons at him.

"Ew!" Sweetie Belle cringed in disgust, looking at all the bones they were stepping on.

"Gross!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"I know a basilisk's got to eat, but... ugh!" Scootaloo frowned.

With Lockhart on guard, Harry took a torch from the wall and poised his wand.


The torch bloomed with a bright orange flame.

"Now, remember," Harry instructed. "Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away."

Harry led the way down the tunnel CRUNCH! They looked down: A rat's skull. All around them, the ground was littered with tiny skeletons. They turned into one passageway after another, Harry beckoning the group to follow.

"This way."

Ron squinted and saw something huge and curved lying ahead. When his spoke, his voice was hollow with dread.

"What's this?" Ron asked, pointing at the shed skin.

"It's reptilian," Sunset examined, crouching down.

"It looks like a... snake," Lockhart gulped nervously.

"Maybe it's asleep?" Ocellus guessed.

Ron drew his wand as they approached, squinting. Harry shined his light, revealing... a gigantic coil of empty skin.

"It's a snakeskin," Harry confirmed.

"Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long," Ron estimated. "Or more."

"For realsies!" Sonata exclaimed. "It must have a healthy diet to live this long!"

At that moment, there was a thud on the floor, to which the heroes turned their attention to see Lockhart had fainted, most likely from fear.

"Heart of a lion, this one," Ron said in sarcasm, pointing at Lockhart.

Ron knelt by him, when suddenly... without warning, Lockhart's eyes opened and, quick as a fox... he snatched Ron's wand and scrambled to his feet.

"STOP!" Sunset shouted.

Sunset sprung toward Lockhart, igniting her lightsaber alongside Sonata. But Lockhart was already on his feet, putting some distance between him and the surrounding heroes. He breathed heavily with a wicked smile on his face and pointing the wand at Harry and friends. Storm's weapon was also out, but he tried a less violent approach.

"You don't have to do this, Lockhart..." Storm advised calmly. "We can talk this out..."

"Too late! The adventure ends here, my friends," Lockhart smiled wickedly. "But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl."

Lockhart pointed his wand towards Ron, threateningly.

"How you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body."

Lockhart grins even more evilly as he pointed at Sunset Shimmer.

" I caught Darth Seraphina in the act of murdering Jedi Grandmaster Storm Shield, his students, with the aid of Sonata Dusk. And how she had slain Princess Twilight's per dragon, Spike, for a new leather jacket. I'll even being a limited edition in this snake skin."

"No!" Sunset gasped in horror. "You wouldn't!"

"Oh yes!" Lockhart chuckled. "That's what I'll tell the Aurors. And in your despair, you will be taken to Azkaban, sentenced to a fate worse than death! The Dementor's Kiss!"

"You horrible monster!" Smolder exclaimed angrily. "You are a thieving scoundrel!"

"And dear, Sonata," Lockhart addressed her. "You'll be a brand new siren. Your sisters will welcome you back, a clean slate, once I'm done with you. And the Dark One will reward me."

"You'll never get away with this, Lockhart!" Scootaloo frowned.

"I've been getting away with it my whole life, my dear," Lockhart grinned. "As for Daring Do... she's dead.


"In a way. The Daring Do you know has lost her memories, her identity, and her sense of purpose. For all I know, she could be a prisoner of the Dark Order, or she's lost, somewhere, in the Multiverse. I can't imagine what an amnesiac like her would be worth to you.

"And you're telling us this now because...why?" Smolder frowned.

"Oh, I just thought it'd be sporting of me to confess one of my deepest darkest secrets, before I wipe your memories."

Lockhart pointed the wand towards Harry Potter.

"So... You first, Mr. Potter. Say farewell, to your memories."

Everyone nearly wanted to panic. However, Gallus realized something when he looked at the wand Lockhart was holding. It was Ron's wand. Gallus remembered what happened whenever Ron cast the spells. He suddenly smirked and crossed his arms. He hovered in front of Harry and blocked Lockhart.

"Go ahead... Fire away," Gallus smirked. "I triple dog dare you."

Everyone was shocked by what he was doing:

"Gallus!!" Smolder exclaimed. "Are you crazy!!"

Gallus looked at his friends and winked, which confused the whole group.

"No, let him cast it," Gallus continued. "He thinks he's such a big brave wizard, and yet what have we've seen the whole time? He's nothing but a coward, hiding behind that phony smile. He can point a wand all he wants, and yet he'd still wet his pants at the first sight of a troll."

Lockhart's eye began to twitch from the anger, whilst everyone was worried.

"And you know what?" Gallus continued. "I don't know what's sad. The fact that you think holding a wand makes you look like a tough guy. Or the fact that you, a human who could steal all the spells in the world, and still finds a way to screw things up.

"So come on, Locky," Gallus continued to egg on the wizard. "Give it everything you got."

Lockhart growled angrily, as he complied...

"You first. And then Potter."

Everyone closed their eyes, whilst Gallus kept his smirk with his arms crossed.


Ron's wand exploded like a small bomb, blasting Lockhart off his feet and spitting great jets of green fire into the rock above. The man crashed against the wall and collapsed just as quickly.

"Uh...what just happened?" Spike asked.

Silverstream turned to Gallus and frantically shook him by the shoulders.

"Quick! What's your name?" Silverstream asked.

"Gallus?" Gallus answered.

"What's my name?"


"And what's my most embarrassing secret that I never told anyone, except you?"

" never told me any secret," Gallus replied.

"YAY! You remember!" Silverstream hugged Gallus tightly, threatening to crush his bones.

"" Sonata asked.

Suddenly, there was a rumble, and the group looked up to see the entire room caving in.

"LOOK OUT!" Sonata shouted.

She grabbed the Crusaders, jumping to the other side, and protecting the fillies from the rubbles. Sunset, Spike, Storm, Sonata, the CMC, and the Student Six were trapped on one side with Harry, while Ron and Lockhart were on the other.

"Well... that could have gone better," Storm muttered.

"Harry!!" Ron called out. "Harry!!"

Harry climbed to the top of the rubble, peeking through the gap at the top.

"Ron!!" Harry shouted. "Ron are you okay?!"

"I'm fine!!" Ron replied. "This git's not, though."

"What happened to Lockhart?" Scootaloo asked.

"He got blasted by my wand!" Ron answered.

Just then, Lockhart sat up, dazed and light-headed. Ron turned to him and went defensive, ready for a fight.

"Hello," Lochart greeted in a chipper tone. "Who are you?"

Everyone present were a little confused by this...

"Um... Ron Weasely?" Ron answered.

"Really? And uh...Who am I?"

Everyone was shocked by this.

"Lockhart's memory charm backfired!!" He exclaimed to Harry. "He hasn't gotten a clue who he is!!"

"Heh... I knew that would work," Gallus boasted.

Everyone staring at him in shock.

"Wait, what?" They shouted.

"For realsies?" Sonata asked.

"Wait, Gallus knew?!" Yona asked. "How?"

"Well, yeah, because he had Ron's wand," Gallus answered.

"Yeah, so?" Sandbar asked.

"Ron broke his wand, right?" Gallus grinned. "But he tried to fix it with duct tape. But every time he cast spells, it backfired on him, which resulted in him belching slugs, and he couldn't cast a spell to turn an animal into a goblet. All because of the tape, which also has a part plastic surface."

"Wait... so you're saying...?" Smolder exclaimed.

It didn't take long for Smolder and her friends to realize where Gallus was getting at.

"Duh, plastic's impervious to magic," Gallus stated. "Why else did you think the spells backfired when both Ron and Lockhart casted them?"

Within a split second, it dawned to not just the Young Six, Spike, the CMCs, Sonata, and Sunset, but to Harry and Ron as well, leaving them surprised, with Ron the most surprised of all.

"Well bloody hell, that explains a lot!" Ron smiling at Gallus.

"You sly griffon!" Sunset smiled. "That's definitely worth 50 points or more, for paying attention and being resourceful."

"Oh yeah?" Sonata scoffed. "I say 60!"

"You know what?" Smolder grinned. "Now I'm really glad you didn't trade your wand...yet."

"Uh, girls?" Gallus spoke up. "Can we please focus on the current situation?"

"It's an odd sort of place this is, isn't it?" Lockhart said as he tosses the rock in his hand then glances at Ron. "Do you live here?

Ron took the rock from Lockhart, "No."


Before he had time to ask another question, Ron smacked Lockhart on the back of the head with the rock, knocking him out cold.

"Oof!" Sunset winced. "I'll bet that's smart."

"Eeyup!" Harry and the others agreed.

Ron looked up towards Harry and the others through the opening.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked.

"You wait here, we'll go on," Harry called out. "We'll find Ginny... and if we're not back in an hour..."

"Harry... we've already established that," Sunset reassured.

"I'll try and shift some of this rock," Ron called out. "So, you can get back through. And guys..."

"We know Ron... you've done us good," Storm assured. "See you in a bit."

With that, Harry resumed his lead as he and his group continued through the rescue. On the way, the group continued to congratulate Gallus.

"Nice move there, Gallus!" Sandbar smiled.

"For realsies!" Sonata smiled. "You totally tricked that fraud!"

"He definitely had that coming," Silverstream playfully nudged Sonata's shoulder.

"Still, the nerve of that guy!" Smolder scowled. "Stealing our memories was bad enough. But then he threatened to frame Sunset, murder Storm Shield, and making her take blame for it!"

"And get her arrested to Azkaban to get the Dementor's Kiss?" Sweetie Belle added. "Ew!"

"Still...what's a Dementor anyway?" Apple Bloom asked. "What's so bad about its kiss?"

"I prefer you kids never have to find out..." Storm warned. "It's not a pretty picture..."

Just then, Scootaloo let out a sad sigh, which the others took notice.

"What's wrong, Scootaloo?" Harry asked.

"I... I can't help but think...about Daring Do," Scootaloo sighed. "She and Rainbow Dash are really close. And... imagine how heartbroken Rainbow will be when she learns what Lockhart did. What the Dark Order have done to her...and all the evidence we could get from Lockhart... gone. With all his memories.

"Don't be so sure, Scootaloo!" Sunset smiled reassuringly. "I knew Lockhart would try something like this, so I had this ready for him."

Sunset said, holding up a holographic device that replayed Lockhart's confession.

"'How you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body....And the Dark One will reward me...'" Lockhart's recording said. "'The Daring Do you know has lost her memories, her identity, and her sense of purpose. For all I know, she could be a prisoner of the Dark Order, or she's lost, somewhere, in the Multiverse. I can't imagine what an amnesiac like her would do. Say goodbye, to your memories.'"

Sunset then turned the device off and tucked it safely away in her jacket.

"Looks like it's his words against him," Sunset smirked.

"You see, Sunset..." Storm smiled proudly. "You didlearn something from the Galaxy."

"That's great, Sunset!" Scootaloo cheered. "Now he's really going to get it."

"Way to go, Sunset!" Sonata smiled, patting Sunset on the shoulder.

"I don't care what Discord says," Silverstream chirped. "You're A-Okay!"

"And you're definitely not stupid," Harry Potter added.

"Thanks guy," Sunset smiled sadly.

Storm could see she was still thinking sadly of Twilight and the fight(s) they had. To which Storm Shield laid a gentle hoof on Sunset's shoulder.

"You'll have your chance to talk to Twilight when this is over," Storm Shield assured. "I will see to it personally that you'll have your chance. You deserve this."

Sunset Shimmer nodded her head slowly, as she wiped the single tear off her cheek.

"'May the Force be with us all,'" Sunset Shimmer murmured.

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