First Day and the Howler
The next morning, following last night's incident with the Whomping Willow, all the students and staff awoke for the start of the new school year. By the time Harry Potter and friends parted ways with their fellow Gryffindors, the CMC made way to attend their first lesson of their first year while the Assistant Professors departed for their own lessons. As dawn shined upon Hogwarts Castle, the Whomping Willow sulked in the courtyard, with slings strung about its injured branches. Over the castle walls lay the exterior of Greenhouse Three, where the students hurried inside for the beginning of class.
This was the class where the CMC would tackle their first Herbology assignment, a class taught by Professor Pomona Sprout. All the second year students consisted of a mix of Gryffindors and Slytherins also in attendance. The Gold Trio, including the Young Six, made their way inside waiting for both their Professor and assistant professor to arrive. Along the way, they decided to chat about their friends to pass the time. But of course, the biggest subject was recent events that had apparently spread across the school.
"Detention. On the first day?" Neville began.
"That must be some kind of record," Seamus joked.
"We're just lucky that's all we got," Sweetie Belle sighed.
"You'd think these guys would mind their own business," Scootaloo pouted.
"Settle down, girls," Apple Bloom advised. "Let's just try to get through today."
Suddenly, in the nick of time, Professor Sprout, a squat little witch, arrived to set the new school year off at a bright, fresh start. But she was not alone, as the assistant professor this class revealed herself... Apple Bloom's own sister herself, Applejack.
"Morning everyone!" Sprout called out, tapping the pots with her wand. "Good morning, everyone!"
"Good morning, Professor Sprout!" The students greeted in unison.
"Morning', y'all!" Applejack greeted.
"Morning, Professor Applejack!"
"Welcome to Greenhouse Three, Second Years," Professor Sprout began. "Now gather round, everyone."
The witch proceeded to beckon the students around a gathering of pots.
"Today, we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Now, who here can tell us the properties of the Mandrake root?"
"Yes, Hermoine Granger?" Applejack acknowledged.
"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been transfigured or petrified to their original state," Hermoine explained. "It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."
"Excellent!" Sprout nodded. "Ten points to Gryffindor."
All the Gryffindors smiled for Hermoine, the girl giving them a stellar start. Meanwhile, all the Slytherins eyed them with envy.
"Now, as our Mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet," Sprout explained. "However, they will knock you out for several hours—"
"Hold on, Professor Sprout," Applejack interrupted, catching Ocellus. "Yes, Ocellus. Do you have a question?"
"How dangerous is a young Mandrake's cry?" Ocellus asked nervously.
"Excellent question!" Applejack smiled with approval. "Like what Hermoine said, their cries won't kill you... yet. Which is why we've given each of you a pair of earmuffs for auditory protection. And now, we're about to find out just how loud is a young Mandrake's cry. I think it's time, Partner.
"I agree, Applejack," Sprout nodded. "Students, could you all please put them on right away? Quickly. Flaps tight and watch us closely."
While everyone gets their earmuffs on, Scootaloo turns to the side and her snickering causes her friends to look where she's pointing. Frowning, Ron had gotten a bright pink fluffy pair. The girls couldn't help but deem it funny, if only to take their minds off their upcoming detention. Seeing the class ready, Professor Sprout and Applejack led the class further down the garden area.
"All eyes and ears here, every pony and everyone," Applejack beckoned. "No talking. Professor Sprout?"
Nodding in confirmation, the two processors proceed to grab two Mandrakes while the stout witch continues the lecture.
"You grasp your Mandrake firmly," Sprout instructed. "You pull it sharply out of the pot—"
The professors proceed to grasp one of the tufty plants before them... and pull. Gasps erupt as eyes get a glimpse of the mandrakes. Instead of roots, they were small, muddy, and extremely ugly babies popping out of the Earth, leaves growing right out of their heads and their cries giving off an ear piercing pitch. Some of the students tried to cover their ears, while most were cringing over the noise but thankfully their professors knew what they were doing.
Eventually, Sprout and Applejack proceed to place both Mandrakes into their own separate pots.
"And now you dunk it down in the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep them warm!" Sprout practically shouted.
The professors plunge the bawling creatures deep into the pots and proceed to sprinkle some soil along the little beasts. All of a sudden, Nevill and Sandbar's eyes roll back, and they instantly faint in shock. As the professors remove their earmuffs, everyone, save Neville and Sandbar, follow suit. The professors sigh unamused seeing the boys stretched along the ground.
"Hm... looks as though Mr. Longbottom and Sandbar's been neglecting their earmuffs," Sprout observed.
While the Slytherins smirked, shaking their heads in amusement, Seamus leaned over to study the unconscious fellows.
"No, ma'ams," Seamus corrected. "They just fainted."
"Very well," Sprout nodded understandingly. "We'll just leave them there then."
Seamus looks toward the professors then back toward the boys with disbelief as their mentors proceeded to continue their lecture on the proper method of Mandrake planting.
"Right, on we go," Applejack continued. "Four to a tray, plenty of pots to go round. Remember: Grasp your Mandrake and pull it up."
One by one, every student (Minus Neville and Sandbar) pulled their Mandrakes out of the pot. The entire student body cringed in disgust or in pain over the noise these young Mandrakes were making. Draco decided to play with one of the Mandrakes by tickling the creature, even attempting to put his finger into its mouth. The action caused the Mandrake to bite his finger while Draco pulled it out and immediately placed the plant back in the pot.
Gallus laughed at Draco's misfortune, as the boy quickly removed Gallus' earmuff with one hand and grabbed the Mandrake with another, holding it so close to the griffin's ear making the young one cringe in pain over the screeching ringing through his eardrum.
"Ooh... a funny man, huh?" Gallus nodded.
Gallus proceeded to grab his own Mandrake and leaned him toward Draco's nose, and the creature clenched his teeth along the bridge. Draco screamed in agony as his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, tried to pry the beast off of their leader. These shenanigans caused a few of Gallus's friends to laugh in amusement, even a particular pony in the corner couldn't help but giggle slightly at the scene.
Eventually, the bell rang loudly, signally the end of the lesson. Soon everyone scurried out of the room, as quickly as possible, all heading towards the Great Hall. Of course, just when they think the day has reached its end, what they didn't know is that this day has only just begun.
Deep within the lower dungeon of Hogwarts, barely illuminated by the fire in the fireplace, the Potion Master Severus Snape was sitting in his office reading the Daily Prophet. Just then, a knocking upon his door interrupted his reading and yet he didn't even bother to look up.
"Show yourself, Discord," The head of Slytherin ordered.
In a flash of light, the master of chaos, found of his theater in Equestria, and self-proclaimed Hufflepuff professor appeared before the unamused potions master.
"Is that anyway to welcome a guest?" Discord huffed. "I should be docking points from you, Mr. Snake-in-the-grass. No, no... that's too polite... Mr. Stick in the mud! Oh yeah, that's a good one!"
"What do you want, Discord?" Snape grumbled.
"Well, for starters, you might want to hire someone to clean this place up," Discord observed. "Honestly, the vibes here are... depressing. I'm put-off by this gloomy goth phase you've got going on."
Snape, on the other hand, remained stone-faced despite the kooky draconequss's antics.
"Fine. Have it your way, stone-face," Discord mocked. "Luckily for you, being the suave, talented, and marvelous Hufflepuff Professor I am, I'm offering to do you a favor. Free of charge."
"A favor?" Snape raised an eyebrow.
"Of course!"
In a flash, Discord snapped his fingers and a table with a pot and teacups appeared between the Snape and Discord.
"I suppose you know by now, the alliance of Equestria and the Wizarding World has just been renewed," Discord explained. "There's even this new alliance forged between the Jedi from some galaxy far, far away via Grand Master Storm Shield. In other words, we'll be expecting a growing number of new students visiting our school... which you're fully aware of, no doubt?"
"And your point is?" Snape asked.
"More students mean a demand for more teachers. You need an assistant, Mr. Snape."
"... Out of the question," Snape waved his wand making the tea set vanish. "I'm perfectly capable of performing my job as professor; I require no assistance from you."
"Uh... perhaps you misunderstood," Discord dusted himself. "I'm not asking to be your assistant nor am I asking you to get one. You are getting an assistant, whether you want one or not."
Professor Snape glared at Discord, but somehow there was no room for argument with this mischievous creature.
"Seeing as how you refuse to take no for an answer, I'll consider it to amuse you," Snape spoke. "But you should know I have standards to meet. If this... assistant you recommend does not meet them, I will have them let go without hesitation."
"Excellent!" Discord smiled. "You won't be disappointed!"
With a snap of his finger, the fireplace suddenly lit up in a blazing green inferno. Instantaneously, a pony appeared covered in soot. Discord walked over to pick up said pony and dusted off all the soot until the pony itself was fully revealed.
A unicorn, white with a pastel mane color of purple, pink, and blue. Her mane and tail were curly, her eyes a lovely shade of blue. Her cutie mark was that of a pink bubbling potion in a beaker.
"This little darling is Potion Nova!" Discord introduced the unicorn. "A graduate of Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns, long before Twilight even lost her first tooth. A potion master since the age of five with a bonafide degree to show for it!"
"Hi! I'm Potion Nova!" The unicorn smiled, shaking Snape's hand. "Sweet Celestia, it's nice to meet a new face!"
Professor Snape remained stone-faced, turning his eyes toward Discord, who merely beckoned him to interview the unicorn.
"Miss Potion Nova?" Snape began. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"
"That's an easy one!" Potion Nova smiled. "You get the Draught of Living Death! Which is a powerful..."
"Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Snape continued.
"From the stomach of a goat!" Potion Nova answered. "And if I'm not mistaken, the stone itself is an antidote for most poisons?"
"Yes..." Snape raised an eyebrow, then continued. "What are the ingredients of a Polyjuice potion?"
"Let's see..." Potion Nova began. "Lacewing flies, stewed for exactly 21 days, powdered bicorn horns, shredded boomslang skins, knotgrass, fluxweek picked at a full moon, and leeches... Oh! You need a hair from someone you want to impersonate."
"Impressive..." Snape admitted slightly. "You know your potions, Mrs. Nova. But do you know how to use them? How many drops of Veritaserum is required for the drinker to spill out their darkest secrets?"
"Three!" Potion Nova answered proudly.
"Well, I see you two have formed a bond," Discord chortled, preparing to leave. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd best be off to prepare for my class. Discord out!"
With a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished in a flash of light leaving Snape to further test Potion Nova's extensive knowledge... mostly to see if he could get the pony to make 'one' mistake.
Meanwhile, the Great Hall is alive with activity as lunch hour has commenced. Percy entered in the company of a Miss Penelope Clearwater, just as Nearly Headless Nick glided by.
"There's Nearly Headless Nick!" Penelope pointed.
"Hello, Sir Nicholas," Percy greeted.
"Hello, Percy," Nick tipped his 'head'. "Miss Clearwater."
At the Gryffindor table, Hermoine has her nose buried in Gilderoy Lockhart's Travels with Trolls. Ron tried running gobs of Spellotape over his broken wand to stick the pieces back together. The poor boy shook his head grimly, seeing the wand looked as though it had seen better days.
"Say it, I'm doomed," Ron frowned.
"You're doomed," Harry told Ron sympathetically.
Sitting across the boys, one individual was having it worse with her head lying in a bowl of salad. Poor Sunset Shimmer had been wallowing in her sorrow for what felt like hours. Her pet gecko, Ray, nuzzles his head against her cheek trying to cheer his owner up. Harry, Ron, the Student Six, and especially the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at the Jedi Sorceress with worry.
"How long has she been like that?" Gallus asked the crusaders.
"All morning," Apple Bloom answered.
Sandbar blew a whistle, surprised over the revelation. Nevertheless, the Earth pony approached the solemn Jedi master.
"Hey... Sunset?" Sandbar reached out. "How are you feeling?"
"Uhhhhhh..." Sunset groaned in response.
"... Good talk," Sandbar concluded.
"What's going on here?"
Just then, Twilight Sparkle, along with the Mane Six and Spike, came over to check up on Sunset Shimmer.
"Poor Sunset's still a little bummed..." Apple Bloom explained. "About you know what."
Twilight and her friends exchanged looks, realizing the severity of the situation. Together, they approach Sunset Shimmer, with Twilight sitting by Sunset's side.
"Sunset, are you okay?" Twilight asked.
Finally, Sunset Shimmer picked her head out of the salad as bits of lettuce still hung in her hair.
"Yes... I'm fine," Sunset answered glumly. "Just... meditating."
"You were?" Twilight nodded.
"In a bowl of salad?" Fluttershy pointed out innocently.
"It's my stress salad, Fluttershy," Sunset answered.
"Is this about what happened with the car and the whomping willow?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"No... I've ascended beyond nerves," Sunset replied. "I'm just contemplating my untimely doom, all because I embarrassed Grandmaster Storm Shield, and Ben, even Sabine in front of the entire wizarding world! Back in Canterlot High, I was the top of my art class and a pretty good gamer. In those days, I almost thought I could be a game designer, creating artwork for games. Now I sit here knowing no one will ever let me live down the biggest mistakes of my life.
"Trying to murder Twilight Sparkle... TWICE, my past crimes as a Sith Lord, and on TOP OF ALL THAT... in cahoots with stealing a car, exposing the wizarding world to muggles, crashing into a Whomping Willow, and endangering five kids under my watch! HAVE I LEFT ANYTHING OUT?!"
"Uh..." Spike raised a claw.
"Please, don't answer that Spike..."
With a heavy sigh, Sunset Shimmer slammed her head back into her bowl of salad to wallow in her sorrows.
"Wow... that's a lot when you say it all at once," Pinkie Pie commented.
"She's definitely got issues," Rainbow Dash added.
"Girls, please!" Twilight begged, placing a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "Look Sunset, if you're really having a problem, I think we can..."
"Hiya Harry!"
Without warning, a flash of light nearly blinded Harry Potter and caught everyone's attention. As Harry blinked his eyes, he found that the light and the excited voice came from a camera belonging to the hands of a rather small boy, a first year Gryffindor student excited to meet Harry Potter. This was...
"I'm Colin Creevey!" The boy introduced himself. "I'm in Gryffindor too!"
"Hello, Colin," Harry greeted. "Nice to meet—"
"Say, do you think your friends here could take a photo of me and you, standing together?" Colin asked. "Y'know? To prove I met you? It's for my dad. He's a milkman, y'know, a Muggle, like all of our family's been until me. No one knew all the odd stuff I could do was magic till we got my letter from Hogwarts. Everyone just thought I was mental."
Harry merely glanced at Ron and Gallus; the former looked positively homicidal.
"Imagine that..." Ron commented.
"You're not alone, kid," Gallus commented. "It's been a lot for us to take in as well—"
"Post is here!" Dean Thomas announced.
Mercifully, owls proceeded to stream into the Hall. One after another, the birds swoop gracefully down, clutching letters from home. Just then, an owl screech drew their attention.
"Ron, isn't that your owl?" Smolder pointed out.
Everyone looked up to see Errol flying into the Great Hall... and plopped beak-first into a bowl of chips, right in front of Ron. The crash was so tremendous Sunset Shimmer bolted from her stupor, with Ray clinging onto her cheek. All the way from their tables, all the Slytherins, minus one Wallflower, laughed.
"Bloody bird's a menace," Ron groaned.
Ron reached over and took a damp red envelope from Errol, who immediately took off and flew away. The moment Ron eyed the envelope, he knew exactly what it was.
"Oh, no!" Ron moaned.
"What is it, Ron?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously.
"Heads up, everyone!" Seamus exclaimed. "Weasley's got himself a Howler."
Once more, the Slytherins burst out laughing over Ron's misfortune.
"I don't get it," Apple Bloom scratched her head. "What's a Howler?"
"Go on, Ron," Neville beckoned. "I ignored one from my Gran once... and it was horrible."
The Student Six gently patted Ron on the back, showing their support. The boy's face was pale, and his hands were shaking. With the envelope in hand, he slowly opened it, and...
Mrs. Weasley's voice thundered and shrieked, sending plates and spoons rattling. Everyone and every pony eyed the Howler widely, as Sunset Shimmer held onto Ray protectively between the cusp of her hands. Like a mother protecting her child from images not meant for innocent eyes, Sunset took the full blunt and watched as the envelope rearranged itself into a floating mouth.
Scared out of his wits, all Ron could do was nod his head gingerly, while the Howler turned toward Ginny... but with a smile.
"Oh, and Ginny dear," The howler spoke softly. "Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud!"
Ginny, sitting a bit apart from the others, looked up shyly, then returned to the small black book she was scribbling in. The CMC couldn't help but notice that the girl appeared as though she'd rather crawl in someplace and die from the embarrassment of being praised. Meanwhile, Ron watched as the Howler turned its attention to him, stuck its tongue at him, and ripped itself to pieces before enduring the howls of laughter from the other house tables. Colin Creevy snapped a few photos, while the CMC remained wide-eyed.
"That's 'kind of' a letter I would expect to get from Rarity for causing mischief," Sweetie Belle spoke meekly.
"Least they didn't mention our involvement with the car," Apple Bloom told Sunset meekly.
"Great... I feel so much better..." Sunset spoke sarcastically.
"Look at it this way guys," Scootaloo replied optimistically. "How much worse can things get?"
"I wouldn't have said that..." Pinkie answered, singsong.
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