Dueling Club
The girls bathroom of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy... a most gloomy place for our assortment of heroes. With cracked mirrors, chipped sinks, and guttering candles, it appeared to be in more terrible shape than the Halloween night when a troll was let loose in the school. Yet this was where Harry, Ron, the Student Six, and the CMC huddled together, over a small, bubbling cauldron, as Hermione added some strange ingredients. One would think that the students had the whole place to themselves, under the noses of the professors currently undergoing their own concerns over the previous course of events...
At least, that would be the case, had Professor Sunset Shimmer weren't part of this gathering alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle and the remainder of the Mane Six. When they heard word over what happened with Colin Creevey and the discussion shared amongst Dumbledore and the princesses over the Chamber of Secrets, they knew something was going on. The very topic in general still swam over their heads as they tried to process this new input.
"Again?" Hermione questioned. "You mean, the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?"
"From the sound of it, yeah," Sandbar confirmed.
"And the teachers were really worried," Ocellus voiced concern.
"That would make sense," Rarity nodded understandingly. "We've never seen them this spooked before."
"They're always watching over their shoulders," Sweetie Belle added. "Constantly checking on every student before and after classes."
"But why hasn't any pony found it?" Twilight questioned.
"Because it's... a secret?" Rainbow Dash presumed sarcastically.
WHACK! A swipe from Applejack's tail left a huge red mark along Rainbow's flank, and the Pegasus reared in pain before glaring at her mare friend, while massaging a very tender wound.
"Don't you sass there, Rainbow," Applejack scolded.
"I think I know what Twilight meant," Sunset Shimmer theorized. "If the Chamber of Secrets was a big deal back then, why hasn't any pony or anyone made a mission to find it? If something horrible is still down there, who's to say that the Benefactor and his group won't go down there if that's what they're looking for?"
"The Benefactor could be a her," Pinkie Pie corrected. "We don't know it's a man."
"From what Celestia and Dumbledore informed me," Twilight Sparkle answered. "When Salazar Slytherin made the chamber, he built it to ensure no one would ever find it. It must be someplace no one would ever think to look."
"But wouldn't they have archives on something like that?" Smolder pointed out.
"Yona no think they do," Yona shook her head. "If chamber open back then, teachers try to cover up incident."
"Yona's right!" Silverstream gasped in realization. "If every student's parents found out about it, they'd stop sending theirs and future students here. Hogwarts would end up becoming an abandoned castle like the Castle of the Two Sisters!"
"Of course! Don't you see?" Ron butted in. "Lucius Malfoy must've opened it when he was at school here, and now he's told Draco how to do it."
"It does sound scary," Fluttershy whimpered.
"Hmm... ah'm not sure about that," Apple Bloom pondered. "Somethin's really off."
"What do you mean?" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow.
"Ah'm not sure, but somethin' tells me the chamber must've been opened... long before Lucious was born. Ah could be wrong, ah don't know..."
"Besides, Draco's too much of a wimp," Sunset Shimmer added. "He couldn't even man up when I demanded his apology after what he said to Hermione, or when he only pulled a muscle after that fall at the Quidditch game."
"Now that you mention that..." Gallus thought. "Lucius seems more like that one guy who lets other people do his dirty work instead of animals."
"Maybe," Hermione replied. "But we'll have to wait for the Polyjuice Potion to know for sure."
"I could still help," Twilight offered. "I know transfiguration spells."
"You know why we can't, Twilight," Sunset reminded.
"Yeah, ever since the Legion of Doom and the Benefactor broke into the school with that Quirrel guy, tons of magical wards were in place," Pinkie Pie rambled. "Anyone finds out outside magic is in use, they'll get suspicious."
Twilight groaned with a hoof against her face, just realizing she had forgotten that one key detail. But of course, leave it to Pinkie Pie to bring up past events with that insane memory of hers.
"Enlighten me," Ron spoke nervously. "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight, in the middle of the girls' lavatory? Don't you think we'll get caught?"
"Relax Ron," Rainbow Dash brushed off. "There's like 'ten' different bathrooms in this castle on a bajillion floors! Or did you forget about that one the when the Troll came along?"
WHACK! Again, Applejack gave a swift smack to the rear like a whip against a bull's hide.
"Will you stop doing that?!" Rainbow Dash frowned, in annoyance.
"Sorry Rainbow," Applejack replied. "But as yer special some pony, it's mah job to make sure y'all don't do nothing reckless."
"You're one to talk..." Rainbow muttered.
"Professor Rainbow's remarks aside, she has a point," Hermione spoke up. "No one ever comes in here."
"From the sound of it, not in many years," Twilight observed.
"Why?" Ron asked curiously.
"Moaning Myrtle," Hermione answered.
"Who?" Ron & Gallus asked simultaneously.
Out of nowhere, a ghost in the form of a girl floated out of nowhere. Those among the group who saw her coming were shocked beyond words.
"Who the heck is she?" Gallus asked.
Suddenly, there was a loud, piercing screech as the ghost of a young girl raced out of the wall. Soon, the griffin and Ron were face-to-face with the ghost itself and to suggest they were startled was an understatement.
"I'm Moaning Myrtle!!" Myrtle declared, floating over everyone. "I wouldn't expect you to know me. Who would ever talk about fat, ugly, miserable, moping, moaning Myrtle?"
Myrtle sobbed loudly, crying and wailing whilst flying into the air. Till eventually, the ghost dove headfirst into one of the toilets.
"Uh... wow," Gallus uttered, stunned.
"She's a little sensitive," Hermione pointed out.
"The poor dear," Rarity shook her head.
"A bit too sensitive if you ask me," Scootaloo muttered.
"You mean how you three were when you desperately wanted your Cutie Marks?" Spike reminded.
"Don't remind us," The CMC sighed simultaneously.
It was later in the day and many students were gathered together in the Great Hall where they took note of a noticeboard, which said: DUELING CLUB! First Meeting Tonight. A golden stage has been erected in the middle of the hall. Gilderoy Lockhart strutted atop it. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and a good number of other students stood by to watch.
"Gather round!" Lockhart called out. "Gather round!"
All at once, the students gathered around that very stage. The showboating wizard proceeded to strut his way across the stage like a snooty fashion supermodel strutting across the catwalks of Manehatten.
"Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?" Lockhart asked.
"Some of us are half-eagles!" Gallus called out. "We can see you a mile away!"
"Excellent!" Lockhart smiled in response. "In light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on countless occasions."
"You're not the only one, Professor Lockhart," Sunset Shimmer spoke up, approaching the stage. "I happened to have had experience facing rogue Equestrian magic from another world, in another time."
"Was that before or AFTER you fell to the Dark Side, Seraphina?" A Slytherin called out.
"How about when you crashed Potter and Wesley in the Whomping Willow?" Another followed. "Was a tree too much for you, Jedi?"
"More like a housefly!" A Slytherin joked. "She couldn't even protect that other Jedi who got himself petrified!"
Soon the Slytherins exploded in laughter, a majority pointing fingers toward an irked Sunset Shimmer. She could feel the urge to force-choke every one of these students for rubbing salt upon an old wound.
"You little..." Sunset gritted her teeth.
The laughter was brought to an abrupt silence within seconds. Suddenly, appearing onto the stage, amidst the flash of lightning and rumble of thunder, Princess Luna herself stood in position. The lunar princess gazed down upon Slytherin house with a fierce stare, the like of which would make even the fiercest demons quiver with fear.
"That is ENOUGH, Slytherins!" Princess Luna hollered with her Royal Canterlot voice. "There shall NOT be disrespectful TALK to one of our ASSISTANT PROFESSORS! TO ANY JEDI! AND CREATUERS ALIKE! Whilst my sister and I cannot overlook Sunset Shimmer's past crimes, I speak on her behalf that she has been pardoned, in light of her recent heroism, at great personal risk. She's no more than a Sith than I was as Nightmare Moon. If any of you wish to challenge us otherwise, come onto this stage and SAY SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!!!"
Just like that, none of the Slytherins dared to comply. They back down, keeping their mouths shut for fear of angering the Night Princess further. The princess herself nodded with silent approval, as she turned toward Sunset Shimmer, who bowed respectively toward the dark alicorn.
"Thank you, Princess Luna!" Sunset Shimmer thanked.
"Think nothing of it," Princess Luna replied. "But next time, I might not be here to help you..."
"Ah, Princess Luna!" Gilderoy exclaimed, overcoming his shock. "To what do I owe for such a grand visit from your greatness today?"
"As you know, my nephew, Jedi Grandmaster Storm Shield, is currently bedridden along with Mrs. Norris and Colin Creevey in the Hospital Wing," Princess Luna explained. "Therefore, I have taken the liberty of substituting in his absence, for I shall assist Sunset Shimmer in today's demonstration of what our students expect to learn from your Dueling Club."
The students and teachers present were all in shock. The surprise of hearing such a revelation sent them exchanging gossip that expanded all across the hall.
"No way!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Princess Luna going head-to-head with Sunset Shimmer?"
"Will Sunset be... okay?" Hermione asked with great concern.
"Don't worry," Spike shrugged. "Princess Luna's our friend and Sunset's too. She'll go easy on her... I think."
"Sparky's going to die..." Peeves smiled.
"Oh hoo-hoo-hoo!" Discord chuckled. "I'm going to need more popcorn!"
All eyes watched as Princess Luna and Sunset Shimmer engaged in a staring contest, eyeing one another with strict examination.
"So... Princess Luna?" Sunset began. "First off, Anakin sends his regards... all good things. And second, no hard feelings. Right?"
"... Don't hold back," Princess Luna grinned. "Impress me."
Soon, both Sunset Shimmer and Princess Luna marched several paces away from each other. Their heads never turned away from one another, their eyes remained locked as if bound by a magnetic force. At the ready, Gilderoy held his wand out and prepared to count.
"One... two... THREE!"
At three, Sunset Shimmer ignited her doubled-bladed lightsaber and performed an astonishing flutter kick, flipping herself in the air before she swung her lightsaber toward Princess Luna. The princess merely moved her head back toward the side, ducked down, and dodged the blades with no need for either her magic or her wings. All the while, the princess looked calm... and rather bored. At one point, Princess Luna merely threw a hoof out and struck Sunset upon the chest, sending the Jedi back at a great distance.
Sunset screamed as she hurtled head-over-heels in the air until she made toward the stage. Fortunately, Sunset caught herself and landed on one hand to set herself back in place.
"I said impress me," Princess Luna challenged.
Feeling rather annoyed, Sunset Shimmer split her lightsaber into two separate blades. She spun them in circles, putting her skills to display. Then she pointed one of them toward the princess.
"Everte Statum!" Sunset Shimmer shouted.
A spell ignited toward Princess Luna, who flapped a wing open to repel the spell toward a wall.
"Hmm, somehow you've found a way to merge a wand with lightsaber technology," Princess Luna raised a brow. "You need to do more than that..."
All at once, Sunset Shimmer charged toward Princess Luna, slashing her blades furiously toward the princess. But no matter how hard she swung, the princess blocked and evaded every parry, a neutral expression still planted on her face.
"I'm a Jedi Master... and I'm hardly putting a dent in Princess Luna?!" Sunset Shimmer thought to herself. "No wonder Anakin spoke highly of her. Still... I can't let her beat me! Not in front of these students! What will they think of me?!"
Finally, deciding enough was enough, Princess Luna swept the stage with her legs sending Sunset falling on her back and she dropped her lightsabers on impact. Before Sunset could recover, Princess Luna placed a single hoof on Sunset's chest.
"... Temper, temper, Sunset Shimmer," Luna shook her head, before addressing the students. "And remember: Never lose your temper. If you fight with anger, it burns your mind and soon the body will follow. Every being, be it pony, wizard, witch, or even Jedi, must never let anger cloud their judgment. If you don't learn to let it go, anger retains a firm hold on you, and you lose sight of everything in front of you... and all around."
The students and staff present exchanged murmur and praise toward Princess Luna's demonstration. Sunset Shimmer, thought pouting over her humiliation, gratefully accepted a hoof from Princess Luna, who graciously helped her up.
"I almost had you that time," Sunset Shimmer remarked.
"I hold the record of kicking Ani's butt a thousand times in Jedi school," Princess Luna grinned mischievously, walking off the stage.
"Ha! I'd have loved to see that," Sunset grumbled.
Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone far however when she saw Fred and George Weasley collecting money from their fellow students. Amongst them, Gallus handed bits toward the twins.
"You bet against me?!" Sunset gasped.
"He did!" George Weasley pointed at Gallus.
"WHA—" Gallus huffed with shock. "Snitches..."
Twilight walked over to give her bits to Gallus, when she turned toward Sunset Shimmer.
"If it's any consolation, Sunset," Twilight consulted. "I betted on you..."
But Sunset Shimmer wouldn't hear another word about it. The Jedi was already off the stage in a huff, as Twilight Sparkle looked on with deep regret.
"An excellent performance from two of our Equestrian friends!" Gilderoy applauded. "Of course that's nothing compared to the many adventures I've had to embark on my quest to fight against evil – for full details, see my published works."
Gilderoy hurled off the cape he wore and tossed it toward the crowd, where a swarm of fangirls caught it and were fighting over it like excitable cats. A boy next to Harry Potter and company, a Hufflepuff, turned toward him.
"That Lockhart's something, isn't he? Awfully brave chap," The boy spoke, before offering his hand. "Justin Finch-Fletchley. Hufflepuff."
"Oh, nice to meet you!" Harry smiled, shaking hands with the boy. "I'm—"
"I know who you are!" Justin interrupted, grinning agreeably. "We all do! Even us Muggle-borns."
"What a coincidence!" Silverstream smiled. "We happen to have a Muffle-Born for a friend too! Hey Hermione! Come over!"
But at that moment, Lockhart called out to the students, drawing everyone's attention toward him again. In that moment, the menacing Potions Master, Professor Snape, joined Lockhart.
"Let me introduce my assistant Professor Snape," Gilderoy introduced. "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him, never fear!"
"What's the fun in that?" Ron remarked.
"Oh, this ought to be good," Smolder grinned, crossing her arms.
"Never thought I'd say this, but..." Gallus muttered. "... Go get him, Lockhart."
All eyes watched as Lockhart and Snape faced each other, held their wands toward their faces, swung them to the side, and bowed their heads to each other in the following order. They turn, the two men walking ten paces away from each other, and then... they spin... wands poised like swords, two men assuming fighting stances.
"As you can see," Lockhart explained. "We are holding our wands in the accepted combative position. On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."
"I wouldn't bet on that," Harry muttered, eyeing Snape.
"One-two-three –" Lockhart counted, beginning the duel.
"Expelliarmus!" Snape shouted.
A dazzling flash of scarlet light burst forth and blasted Lockhart off his feet and into the wall behind. The man struggled to get back on his feet, while everyone looked on, unsure of what they witnessed.
"Over already?" Discord asked.
"Yona not impressed," Yona frowned.
"Do you think he's all right?"
"Who cares?" Ron and Gallus smiled.
"Uh, Mr. Lockhart?" Fluttershy asked, checking the professor. "Are you alright? That was a nasty hit!"
"Indeed!" Rarity exclaimed, aiding the man. "Surely, you'd know Professor Snape would fire a spell that powerful. Why didn't you do anything to prevent it?"
Ha-ha..." Lockhart chortled half-heartedly. "Simple... it was merely a demonstration."
This made the Equestrian Heroes, including several students, rather skeptical over the answer.
"... A demonstration?" The Equestrian heroes asked.
"Well, there you have it," Lockhart continued, standing unsteadily. "That was a Disarming Charm. As you see, I've lost my wand."
Hermione Granger picked up Lockhart's wand and returned it to him without haste.
"Ah, thank you, Miss Granger," Lockhart sighed. "Yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you, it would have been only too easy..."
"Too easy?" The Student Six and Harry asked each other.
"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor," Snape suggested.
"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape," Lockhart continued. "Let's have a volunteer pair. Potter, Weasley, how about you?"
"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells," Snape pointed out. "We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox."
To which Ron appeared rather embarrassed, unable to ignore the fact the professor was making him look stupid... again.
"Might I suggest someone from my own house," Snape continued. "Malfoy, perhaps."
Snape gestured for Draco to climb onto the stage. Malfoy and Harry eyed each other malevolently as they took their places onstage.
"Good luck, Potter," Lockhart said.
"Thank you, sir," Harry replied.
Grudgingly, they faced each other.
"Wands at the ready!" Lockhart commanded.
Harry and Draco raised their wands.
"Scared, Potter?" Draco smirked.
"You wish," Harry retorted.
The boys turned, walked ten paces, and then whirled; their wands poised toward each other.
"When I count to three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent – only to disarm," Lockhart emphasized. "We don't want any accidents here. One, two –"
"Everte Statum!" Draco shouted.
Malfoy fired early, knocking Harry off his feet with a blast of white light. Ron and Hermione looked alarmed, while Crabbe just laughed. Harry jumped up, pointing his wand toward Malfoy.
A jet of silver light struck Malfoy dead in the stomach, and he flung backward, landing at Snape's feet. Several students laughed as Drcao looked up toward Snape. The professor pulled Draco to his feet, the boy wheezing for air as Snape pushed him forward.
"I said disarm only!" Lockhart shouted, as Draco raised his wand.
To Harry's horror, the tip of Malfoy's wand exploded, and a long black snake slithered forth along the playing field. As Harry lowered his wand, Snape smiled with amusement.
"Don't move, Potter," Snape replied. "I'll get rid of it for you."
"Allow me, Professor Snape!" Lockhart offered, stopping Snape in his tracks. "Alarte ascendare!"
Lockhart flicked his wand. Bang! The snake flew into the air and then fell back down. Hissing in rage, the snake slithered straight towards the students... specifically toward Justin Finch-Fletchley. As the students screamed, Harry – oddly calm – approached the snake. It rose, its fans exposed, poised to strike Justin.
"Sya – hassa – she," Harry commanded. ('Leave them alone...')
The snake looked into Harry's eyes, then turned toward Justin with a hiss.
"Sya – hasi – heth," Harry commanded. "Sya – hasi – heth..."
Snape watched suspiciously as the snake turned toward Harry again. Harry wasn't sure what made him do it; he wasn't even aware of deciding to do it. All he knew was that his legs carried him forward as though he was on casters. That he was trying to coarse the snake into leaving with some strange choice of words.
"STOP!!!" Sunset Shimmer shounted.
She pointed toward the snake and miraculously, inexplicably even... the snake hovered a moment more, then – miraculously – slumped to the floor, docile as a thick, black garden hose, its eyes now on Harry and Sunset respectively. The Mane Six also stepped in as Fluttershy leaned toward the creature.
"Calm down now... there's no need to be afraid..." Fluttershy cooed. "I know it's scary being taken away... but we're all here to help you... no need to hurt anybody..."
To the Equestrians watching in assemblance, they were calming the snake down. But, as Twilight looked up for a brief moment, expecting relieved faces... her expression chaned when people were showing the precise opposite... one of shock, surprise, and... fear?! Before she could ask, Snape approached and waved his wand.
"Vipera Evenesca!"
The spell connected as the snake reacted and vanished. Fluttershy gasped as she looked up.
"I-I wasn't do-h-huh?" Fluttershy muttered.
It was at this moment that the group FINALLY noted the terrified expressions of the students surrounding them. Harry blinked, as if coming out of a trance, grinning curiously toward Justin, and offered his hand to the Hufflepuff.
"WHAT ARE YOU ALL PLAYING AT?!" Justin shouted.
Terrified, Justin backed away. Harry was confused, not expecting him to be angry... scared even. But as he looked around, Harry's eyes acknowledged the faces around him. Malfoy looked shock. Seamus and Neville's eyes glittered with fear. Ginny made a bolt out of the room. Snape merely waved his wand, and the snake vanished in a puff of black smoke, then regarded Harry with a look both shrewd and calculating. Before Harry could say anything, Justin dashed for the doors.
"Justin, wait!" Sunset shouted.
But the boy had already left the room, and unfortunately this wasn't the last of it.
"Is this one of your Sith mind tricks?" A Ravenclaw shouted angrily. "And Professor Fluttershy... you should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!"
"I-I-I don't understand..." Fluttershy spoke, terrified. "What did I—"
Confusion and tension grew as voices started to murmur. It was at this moment Harry noticed that Ron and Hermione motioned for him and the others to follow. Harry turned as he whispered to Sunset, who grew increasingly uncomfortable with all the looks. Not just toward her, but all her friends... even the kids. They quickly followed Ron and Hermione out the door as the people around them backed away from both sides, as though afraid they'd catch something.
"What the heck's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked in confusion. "Why is everybody looking at us like we caught a disease?"
"Ah don't know, Rainbow," Applejack shook her head. "But ah have a weird feeling it's not good..."
"Ah don't get it," Apple Bloom said. "All Harry, Sunset and Fluttershy did was spoke to a snake."
But nobody else said anything. The Equestrians quickly followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione all the way into the empty Gryffindor common room. Harry glanced up, spying Ginny Weasley staring down at him from the top of the stairs. As their eyes met, she turned for the girls dormitory before the other girls could call out.
"Harry... Sunset... Fluttershy... you're parselmouths!" Ron said fearfully. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"We're... what?!" Sunset blinked.
"Parsel—what now?" Rarity asked, still confused.
"Your friends can talk to snakes!" Hermione explained.
"That?" Fluttershy blinked. "That's not weird. I speak to animals all the time!"
"It's true!" Twilight nodded. "Fluttershy has a gift for talking to 'all' animals, including snakes. It's not THAT weird..."
"This is the first I'm hearing of it..." Sunset said.
"As for Harry... well, it's only the second time he's ever done it," Smolder said.
"It's true," Harry nodded. "I mean, I already know I can speak to snakes... I accidentally set a python on my cousin Dudley at the zoo once..."
Ron and Hermione looked alarm upon hearing all this, as if they suddenly didn't know their friends anymore.
"Friends were there too!" Yona said.
"We all witnessed it..." Spike explained. "And it's not like Harry didn't mean to..."
"I wasn't quite there for that part..." Sunset pointed out."
"Both Harry and Fluttershy spoke to the snake that day," Twilight explained. "That's how we learned Harry was a wizard... sort of."
"It was telling us that it was missing its family in Burma..." Fluttershy added.
"A snake told you it was missing its family... in Burma?!" Ron repeated finatly.
"So?" Fluttershy asked.
"What's the big deal?" Harry argued. "I bet loads of people here can do it."
"No, they can't!" Hermione said. "It's not a very common gift, Harry... this is bad."
"What's so bad about it?" Sunset frowned. "Seriously, what's wrong with everyone in this school?!"
"Professor Sunset is right," Harry agreed frustrated. "If I hadn't told that snake not to attack Justin –"
"Oh, that's what you said to it?" Ron asked in surprise.
"What are you talking about?!" Fluttershy narrowed her eyes.
"You were all there!" Sunset frowned. "You heard me tell that snake to stop! You heard Fluttershy calming the snake down!"
"We heard all three of you speaking Parseltongue," Ron explained. "Snake language!"
"Snake... language?" Twilight asked, her eyes widening. "Wait... when we came to Harry's world the first time... before we all set out to explore... I cast a spell around all of us so if we ever met people who spoke a different language, one we didn't understand... it would automatically translate for us! The spell must have translated what Harry said to us, because... wait... what did you two hear when Harry, Sunset and Fluttershy spoke?"
"Like... a creepy, hissing sound..." Ron shuddered. "Like it was made of nightmares..."
Harry, Sunset, and Fluttershy stood there, stunned with a chilly silence as Twilight started putting the pieces together.
"That explains it," Twilight confirmed. "If I didn't cast that spell, we would have heard that hissing from Harry earlier..."
"Without that language barrier," Applejack realized. "They coula been tellin' that snake anythin'..."
"No wonder Justin panicked," Sandbar voiced concern. "He must have thought Harry, Professor Fluttershy and Professor Sunset were egging the snake on!"
Sunset just stood there; her mouth dropped with awe.
"I was... speaking another language?" Sunset asked. "But—I didn't realize—"
"How is it possible?" Fluttershy asked, shocked. "My gift for talking to animals has always been a good thing! I never knew it was perceived as something... bad?"
"How can we speak a language without knowing we can?" Harry asked, equally shocked.
"Can somebody please explain to me what's wrong with stopping a huge snake from biting off a child's head?!" Sunset frowned. "Why does it even matter how we even did it?! Why can't any pony just be happy we saved his life?!"
"Everyone, listen to me!" Hermione whispered harshly. "I don't know what any of you said. But however you said it... it was... creepy."
As Gryffindors streamed into the room, their eyes warily stared toward Harry and the girls. Even Seamus, Neville, and Dean Thomas, the closest friends amongst Gryffindor, walked by without uttering a single word.
"Listen, there's a reason the symbol of Slytherin house is a serpent," Hermione explained quietly. "Salazar Slytherin was a Parselmouth. He could talk to snakes too."
"What?" Spike whispered, shock.
"And being a Parselmouth is also seen as dark magic..." Ron explained.
Everyone's mouths fell open with shock. Sunset's eyes went wide with horror, while Harry appeared nervous.
"Dark... magic?" Sunset asked slowly.
"Exactly!" Ron nodded. "And now, the whole school's going to think Harry's his great-great-great grandson or something."
"But I'm not!" Harry complained. "I... can't be."
"He lived a thousand years ago," Hermione said sadly. "For all we know... you could be."
As if that wasn't painful enough, her eyes turned toward Sunset and Fluttershy with regret.
"Maybe... you two should try to avoid talking to snakes... just for a while."
"If it's for the best..." Fluttershy winced, looking down.
But for Sunset Shimmer, however, it was a very different story.
"So what? Just because I spoke to 'one' snake, I'm going back to the Dark Side?" Sunset asked, increasingly anxious. "That's what you think is going to happen to me, is it?"
"Professor..." Hermione reached out.
"NO!!!" Sunset Shimmer snapped. "I am not going through this again! I am not Darth Seraphina... I'm never going back to that awful place..."
She turned her back away from a remorseful Hermione, hiding the tear threatening to emerge from her eye.
"All that hard work I put in... and it's never going to be enough!" Sunset muttered.
Everyone was silent after that, every person and every pony trying to process this new information. Twilight Sparkle was the most silent, letting this information stew in her brain. She couldn't quite explain it, but somehow, she just knew things were about to get worse before it got better. She didn't know how, but it was a gut feeling... the worst was still to come.
Later that afternoon, a heavy snow began to fall. Alone, Harry sat atop one of the towering hills facing Hogwarts. Eventually his gaze turned toward the sky, the sun about to set and so much stewing in his mind. A sigh escaped his lips as he looked down sadly... before a familiar hoot drew his attention. He looked over to his faithful pet, Hedwig, the owl having flown over to sit beside him. She could sense something was wrong with her master, her eyes alone expressed her feelings. With a small smile, Harry pat the owl's head to assure he was... mostly okay. With so much going on, he felt as though he felt nothing to get over his waking sadness.
"Who am I, Hedwig?" Harry whispered softly. "What am I?"
Harry jumped as he turned to see an approaching Twilight, alongside Fluttershy and Sunset. The purple furred alicorn gave a small sigh of relief.
"So, this is where you've been?" Twilight confirmed. "Gallus said you went out, but we couldn't find you..."
"I'm sorry," Harry apologized sadly. "I'll be in soon. I just... needed to be with my thoughts right now..."
Sunset and Fluttershy both realized what Harry was thinking about. The girls looked toward Twilight, who also seemed to recognize the line of thinking as Sunset sat down.
"Do you... want to talk about it?" Sunset offered. "After all, me and Fluttershy are pretty much in the same boat here..."
Harry looked at the pair in confusion, before realizing what his fellow professor was referring to.
"It's about what happened back at the Dueling Club..." Harry sighed deeply. "And... the whole... Parseltongue situation..."
"I don't blame you," Sunset groaned, holding her head. "I've been thinking about it too. It's like things just keep getting complicated... I thought it would be as simple as that, getting rid of all my dark thoughts... but now learning you have a dark ability... it just bites you where it hurts, you know?!"
"Same goes for me..." Fluttershy sighed sadly, sitting down. "For the longest time, I thought my ability to speak to animals was a good thing... but the fact one language involving snakes is forbidden and seen as evil... does that make me evil?"
"Of course you're not, Fluttershy," Twilight shook her head. "If you were, we'd know about it... besides, you'd never have the heart to commit such atrocities. Not ever."
"Well... at least you still have faith in me..." Fluttershy sighed with relief.
"I'm sure people will get to you, Fluttershy," Sunset assured. "But... with the way things are going for me... I mean with all of my past brought up like this... NOW the fact I speak some crazy snake language?
"I thought I was FINISHED with all this dark side stuff! All of it! But... the fact people know I was a Sith, the fact Draco and his group accused me of hitting one of them on purpose even if it was a straight accident... and the whole Parselmouth ordeal... it keeps reminding me of everything I went through back in the Galaxy and... and..."
Sunset bit her lip, as she began to feel the anxiety increasing by ten folds.
"I am THIS close to a panic attack right now!" Sunset clutched her chest, breathing heavily.
"Sunset, deep breath!" Twilight instructed.
It took a few calming, deep breaths before the orange haired girl got it together. It was at that moment Harry Potter stepped up.
"I may not know much about your situation, Sunset," Harry admitted. "But... I think I have it worse than yours... I mean, could I really be a descendant of Salazar Slytherin? I don't know anything about my father's family after all. Even the Dursleys forbade talk about my wizarding relatives."
"That's just the Dursleys' opinion, Harry," Twilight sighed. "You can't let what anyone says overwhelm you. We know you're not evil; you just have to believe in that yourself."
"You know, I tried to see if I could say something in Parseltongue... in private," Harry clarified. "For some reason, I couldn't even form the words..."
"Same for me too," Sunset nodded in confirmation. "I thought I could try something simple like, 'Hello!' or 'How do you do?' in Parseltongue... privately, of course... but they all came out in English. It's like I'm saying the 'actual words', but for whatever reason the Parseltongue part wasn't working."
"That's because you have to 'look' at a snake in order to speak it," Fluttershy explained. "I'm very well an expert when it comes to animals. The way you 'look' at an animal lets them know you're not just 'talking' to them, but you are 'listening'."
Sunset, Twilight and Harry took a pause to look at Fluttershy, pondering her words as they flowed through their ears as smoothly as butter.
"I guess that makes sense..." Sunset nodded, sighing. "Still... everything's been going all wrong since I got here. I'm a Jedi, and I shouldn't be thinking about my Sith past. I wouldn't have died or visited the Jedi Counsel or even came back to life if I were still evil..."
"Not only that, but I'm also a Gryffindor!" Harry exclaimed. "The Sorting Hat wouldn't have put me in Gryffindor if I had Slytherin blood..."
"I don't know about that, Harry," Twilight pondered. "Didn't you say at one point how the Sorting Hat wanted to put you in Slytherin?"
But the moment she noticed Harry winced and the manner of how he turned his head, a yelp escaped her lips as she realized her mistake.
"I didn't mean it that way!" Twilight shook her head. "Look, all three of you obviously got into some controversy. But we're forgetting one thing: Justin Finch-Fletchley, whom I admit don't know very well, is just as much a victim in all of this..."
Fluttershy looked towards Sunset and Harry, then towards Twilight Sparkle.
"So, what you're saying is, if we just explain to Justin that we were only just calling the snake off, and not egging it on—"
"—which ANY IDIOT SHOULD HAVE REALIZED!!!" Sunset screamed in anger, punching the ground.
Sunset Shimmer breathed heavily as her eyes darted towards her two Equestrian friends, and by some extent Harry Potter. The three were slightly taken aback by Sunset's anger, intimidated to say the least. Realizing what she did, Sunset quickly composed herself, brushed off her hand, and straightened her hair while clearing her throat.
"Please continue," Sunset gestured to Fluttershy.
"Thank you," Fluttershy nodded, then continued. "—and try to smooth things out, maybe it'll be one step closer to clearing all this misunderstanding."
"You know Professor Fluttershy... you're right," Harry smiled. "We just got to make things right with Justin."
"Yeah... once we talk to Justin and calmly explain what really happened..." Sunset explained. "Maybe he can tell the others it was all a misunderstanding, and the whole 'Dark Side'/'Heir of Slytherin' thing will be swept under the rug.
"Thanks, Twilight," Sunset grinned at Twilight. "I think we all needed this..."
"Yes, thank you, Professor..." Harry thanked Twilight, before facing the sun. "Maybe we should do it tomorrow. It's already past curfew..."
"Then it's all settled," Twilight declared to her friends. "We'll talk to Justin tomorrow. I understand there's a Herbology session that day, and that may be the best time."
It seemed Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Harry had a plan set for the next day. Soon, all three made their way back to the castle where they hoped everything will be settled... unfortunately for them, tomorrow's Herbology class was about to be cancelled. Because as it just so happened, a terrible blizzard was in development that very night and plans were about to change...
By the next morning, class was indeed cancelled much to the chagrin of Harry Potter and his equestrian friends. Professor Sprout, and a certain assistant of hers, were more focused on fitting socks and scarves on the Mandrakes, a tricky operation that they entrusted to nobody but themselves. After all, it was important for these Mandrakes to grow quickly if they hoped to revive those petrified by forces beyond all of their control.
With Herbology class cancelled, it pretty much turned into a free period for the students. Most of them were gathered in the study hall, trying to catch up on some schoolwork. Fluttershy, however, disappeared a while ago saying she'd try to locate Justin when she noticed he wasn't with the other Hufflepuffs for breakfast. But the fact of the matter is: That was hours ago, and not even Fluttershy came back. This left all the other students sitting down as Sunset Shimmer passed by to check on everyone... especially Harry.
Amidst the typical trio in their studies, Harry was burdened by dark thoughts and he sighed as he looked toward Sunset. She didn't speak to him at that moment, but merely shrugged. It was then a groan caught their attention and they addressed Gallus amongst the Student Six.
"Come on, you two!" Gallus huffed impatiently. "Just get up and ask about Justin. Even the Crusaders are with the other Hufflepuffs; maybe they know something..."
"He's right, Harry," Sunset nodded. "We can't sit around and wait for Justin to come to us. We'll just have to find him ourselves, hopefully..."
Sunset paused and looked toward the students staring at her, all of them quickly turning away. But she knew what was up without having to ask.
"Maybe we better do it soon..." Sunset continued anxiously. "I hate having to turn my head when people are pretending that I'm not even here... and afraid of us..."
The students didn't even have to show it, but the body language definitely suggested that some were regretting what they did... but were still too afraid to admit it. That being said, Sunset Shimmer and Harry turned towards Ron and Hermione. Ron smiled at Harry, then seconds later, Hermione did the same – something forced about it all. Harry looked around, noting all the suspicious looks the students gave him, before turning back toward their work. Even Madam Pince met his gaze all the way from her desk. Harry and Sunset then turned over to Ginny Weasley, tired and pale, who quickly looked away from them and scribbled furiously in her small black book.
Unable to bear it, Harry gathered his books and stood up from his table with a sigh.
"We should go, Professor Sunset," Harry said, facing his friends. "I'll see you guys back in the common room."
Ron and Hermione nodded as Harry gestured to Sunset, who acknowledged in return. They started their walk towards the classroom exit, noting the glances from the students meeting their gaze. However, as Harry was about to take a left, Sunset pulled him back and leaned forward towards the classroom.
"Professor, what are—" Harry began.
But Sunset hushed him swiftly, pointing towards a group of students talking to one another. From inside the room, the voices of a group of Hufflepuffs could be heard. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sat not too far from them and the trio were engaged with this particular conversation between two students, Ernie and Hannah by name.
"So, anyway," Ernie began. "I told Justin to hide up in our dormitory. I mean to say, if Potter's marked him down as his next victim, it's best he keep a low profile for a while."
"But why would he want to attack Justin?" Hannah asked.
"Yeah, Harry didn't even know him til this year," Apple Bloom pointed out.
"Justin let it slip to Potter that he was Muggle-born," Ernie reminded.
"And that matters to us because...?" Scootaloo inquired.
"You seriously believe Potter's the Heir of Slytherin?" Sweetie Belle questioned. "And you're still convinced that Sunset Shimmer and Darth Seraphina are the same pony... person?"
"Harry Potter is a Parselmouth!" Ernie insisted. "Everyone knows that's the mark of a dark wizard. And you girls admitted that Sunset Shimmer was a Sith."
"Fine, maybe we let it slip about mistakes Sunset isn't proud of," Scootaloo admitted. "But what about Fluttershy? You're lucky you even have a professor as nice as Fluttershy, and you treat her badly just for talking to a snake!"
"Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes?" Hannah asked. "They called Slytherin himself 'Serpent-tongue'."
"Remember what was written on the wall," Ernie whispered darkly. "'Enemies of the Heir Beware'. Potter had some sort of run-in with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first-year Creevey's been annoying Potter, then Creevey's attacked."
"So that's it then!" Apple Bloom confirmed. "You do believe Harry is evil!"
"He always seems so nice, though," Hannah admitted. "And, after all, he is the one who made You Know Who disappear."
"That's probably why You Know Who wanted to kill him in the first place," Ernie declared. "Didn't want another Dark Lord competing with him."
Sunset Shimmer felt as though her heart could break hearing such talk. She turned her gaze toward Harry, and it was plain to see he doesn't need to hear anymore. They slipped quietly away so they could attend to their own affairs. But had they stayed a little longer, they would've heard the very next thing spoken by a certain trio of close friends.
"You two are the most unbelievable students I've ever been with," Scootaloo confronted the Hufflepuffs. "And we had to deal with Snips & Snails!"
"We get yer just scared of what's goin' on," Apple Bloom spoke gently. "But talkin' so lowly about Harry, and our friends, is a new low... even for students like you!"
"But we're only stating the facts of the case," Hannah insisted.
"You're stating opinions!" Sweetie Belle argued. "You only think Harry committed those acts, but none of you were there when it happened. You only judge Sunset Shimmer for everything she did in the past, but you refuse to recognize what she's tried to do today! She sacrificed herself to save Twilight Sparkle multiple times!"
"And Fluttershy's the nicest pony you'd ever meet in your life!" Scootaloo added. "And all you're doing is treating her like garbage!"
"So, that's it then!" Ernie huffed. "You trust your friends more than your own house!"
"That's not what we're saying!" Sweetie Belle insisted.
"You know what! Say what you want!" Scootaloo challenged. "Maybe we do 'trust' our friends because we actually 'know' them, we spent 'time' with them! If trusting them makes us terrible to you, then maybe that doesn't make us friends at all!"
"Miss Scootaloo!" Pince called out.
Groaning with frustration, Scootaloo merely stepped away from the desk and stormed off in a huff as her two friends looked on with concern.
"Scootaloo, Ernie didn't mean it..." Hannah pleaded.
"We'll talk to her..." Sweetie Belle assured.
"Come on!" Apple Bloom gestured.
The two ponies too left the desk, following Scootaloo out of the study hall. Hannah looked on worriedly, wondering if perhaps she was a bit harsh. But as she looked at Ernie, the lad stubbornly looked down at his books and wanting nothing more to discuss. Tensions were at an all time high even amongst the Hufflepuff house, everyone else can see how rattled everyone has been. Suffice to say, it was during these desperate hours that things were only getting worse...
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