Dobby's Reward & A Fairytale Wedding

For a moment, all was silent amongst the collective group consisting of Harry Potter, Ron and Ginny Weasley, Gilderoy Lockhart, Sunset Shimmer, Sonata Dusk, Storm Shield, Spike, Fluttershy, the CMC, and the Young Six. There they stood by the doorway of Dumbledore's office, covered in muck, slime, and (in Harry and Sunset's case) blood. Suddenly, there was a scream.


It was Mrs. Weasley, who sat crying in front of the fire. She leapt to her feet, following closely by Mr. Weasley, both hurling themselves toward their daughter. Everyone else, however, looked past them.

Professor Dumbledore stood by the mantlepiece, beaming with pride. Beside him was Princess Luna, who seemed proud, and Princess Celestia, who contrarywise seemed dumbfounded just to see Storm Shield standing tall, all fine and well. Amongst the trio was Professor McGonagall, who took great, steady gasps while clutching her chest in shock. Fawkes, Philomena and Peewee flew past the group as they landed upon the respective shoulders of Dumbledore and the Princesses.

All of a sudden, Mrs. Weasley gave a huge embrace toward Harry, Ron, and Sunset while she gave tears of joy.

"You saved her!" Mrs. Weasley cried, tears streaming down. "How did you do it?!"

"I think we'd all like to know," Professor McGonagall spoke weakly

"Along with the fact my son stands before me when the Mandrakes are still an HOUR away from being ready," Celestia noted. "... When he should be PETRIFIED... AND IN BED!"

One short glare from his mother and all Storm Shield could do was chuckle nervously initially.

"Sorry mom, I didn't mean to worry you..." Storm Shield smiled shyly. "But I was with... some friends... some you may 'know'."

"Hmm... we'll discuss that later," Celestia concluded.

Sunset and Harry approached, with the latter laying down the Sorting Hat and sword respectively. Sunset, meanwhile, pulled out and laid before what remained of Riddle's charred diary.

"I think it's best we start from the beginning," Sunset proposed.


In nearly a quarter of an hour, Harry and Sunset had explained everything. They had spoken in rapt silence, with their friends popping in on occasion. They had covered everything from the mysterious voice, Hermione and Twilight's realization surrounding a basilisk in the pipes, following the spiders into the forest, Aragog's reveal of the last known victim fifty years ago, confirming it was indeed Moaning Myrtle, and on top of all that, the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets... in the girls' bathroom. After all that time, the pair were lucky to have a moment to breathe.

"Very well..." Professor McGonagall prompted. "So you found where the entrance was—breaking a hundred school rules along the way, I might add—and three teachers 'encouraging' said behavior—"

To which Fluttershy and Spike chuckled nervously in response.

"But how did you all get out of there alive?" Professor McGonagall asked.

Harry and Sunset, the voices hoarse by this point, explained the timely arrival of the Phoenix trio, of the Sorting Hat granting them the Sword, to when the Young Six explained getting the Elements of Harmony to work... upon Sunset's new element activating. But by then... they faltered. The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Young Six were speechless as well, all eyes looking toward Sunset and Harry. Thus far they had avoided any mention of Riddle's diary nor Ginny's involvement in all of this.

Speaking of whom, they turned back toward Ginny herself. The poor girl cried along her mother's shoulders, all while the matriarch comforted her daughter... the scene along made Sonata sigh sadly. Worriedly, they realized that any mention of Ginny could risk having her expelled. And after what happened with the diary, seeing it no longer works... how were they to prove her innocence?

But then they turned back toward Dumbledore, who merely offered a small smile towards Harry and Sunset. The princesses gave a small nod, allowing the headmaster to proceed.

"What interests me most—" Dumbledore spoke gently. "—is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny."

"Yes, how did he do it?" Celestia nodded in agreement. "My sources tell me he's hiding in the forests of Albania."

Harry and Sunset were initially relieved the three would give them out. Mrs. Weasley stopped crying as she looked up, her face giving off the impression she is just as stunned.

"W-What's that? You-Know-Who? Enchant Ginny? But she hasn't—she isn't... has she?"

"It was the diary," Harry answered, pointing toward it. "Riddle wrote in it when he was sixteen."

Celestia picked up the diary with her magic, examining it as she looked at it.

"Interesting... very interesting..."

"Indeed..." Luna agreed. "Ingenious, simply... ingenious."

"Ahh... brilliant," Dumbledore spoke softly. "So, this is how he did it. Very few people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom Riddle."

"Indeed. My sister, Albus and I taught him fifty years ago," Celestia explained. "Tom Riddle was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. He disappeared after leaving the school; after he left, we'd occasionally hear stories of his activities and his travels far and wide..."

"Dark rumors," Luna explained. "That he became SO infused with the Dark Arts and became associated with the worst kind of wizards... even changing his appearances through the Dark Arts to the point he became... barely recognizable. But after a while, even the rumors stopped.

"Then when he finally resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, most people had completely forgotten the clever Head Boy he'd once been. But then, nobody ever connected Lord Voldemort with that boy..."

"But what does our Ginny have to do with him?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"His d-diary..." Ginny sobbed. "I've been writing in it, and he's been writing back all year—"

"Ginny!" Arthur Weasley gasped, flabbergasted. "Haven't I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its' brain? Why didn't you show the diary to me, or your mother? A suspicious object like that is clearly full of Dark Magic!"

"I-I didn't know whose diary it was, I swear!" Ginny sobbed. "I found it inside my cauldron, the day we all went to Diagon Alley. I-I just thought someone left it in there and forgot about it—but I understand if... given all the trouble I've caused... if you! —"

"I think Miss Weasley should go to the hospital wing straight away," Princess Celestia suggested. "It's clear she went through a terrible ordeal..."

"Don't worry, Ginny..." Princess Luna assured with a small smile. "You will not be punished."

"That's right," Dumbledore nodded, opening the door. Older, wiser wizards than you have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort, Miss Weasley. I think you've endured quite enough.

"I would suggest a bit of bed rest, however. And perhaps a large mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up."

"You see, Ginny?" Sonata patted the young girl's head. "There's been no harm done."

"That's right, you all had a long night..." Princess Celestia agreed, facing McGonagall. "Minera, will you show Arthur and Molly up to the hospital wing?"

"Certainly, Celestia," Professor McGonagall nodded.

As McGonagall exits with the Weasleys, Princess Celestia turned toward Fluttershy and Ron.

"Madame Pomfrey should still be up and she's just giving the Mandrake juice..." Celestia added. "Our petrified victims will be up and about any moment now—"

"Twilight and my friends!" Fluttershy smiled. "They're okay!"

"Hermione's okay, too!" Ron smiled brightly.

"Although, there's one thing I'm curious about..." Luna paused, raising an eyebrow. "One of us has been keeping quiet on his part of the adventure. Why so modest, Gilderoy?"

Sunset Shimmer and Harry Potter leapt in response, having completely forgotten about Lockhart. They turned, their eyes spying on Lockhart standing in the corner of the room, still wearing his vague smile. The moment Luna addressed him, Lockhart looked over his shoulder to address the mare speaking to him.

"Princess Luna—" Apple Bloom began. "There was an accident in the Chamber of Secrets. Professor Lockhart—"

"Am I a professor?" Lockhart asked, mildly surprised. "Goodness! I expect I was hopeless, was I?"

"You have NO idea," Gallus answered deadpan.

"He tried to do a Memory Charm... on us, may I add..." Silverstream explained. "And the wand backfired."

Professor Dumbledore and the princesses took a momentary pause, before breaking out in a chuckle.

"Looks like somebody's been hoisted by their ownpetard," Celestia giggled.

"I knew he was always suspicious," Luna smirked. "But looks as though karma finally caught up to him."

"Dear me, impaled by your own sword, Gilderoy?" Dumbledore shook his head.

"Sword?" Lockhart asked dimly. "Haven't got a sword. That boy has, though. He'll lend you one. Or maybe she'll give you one of her glowing swords."

"Lightsaber," Sunset rolled her eyes.

"Celestia, we shall need an escort to carry Professor Lockhart to the hospital wing as well," Dumbledore said. "And we'll give an announcement for a celebratory feast. I do suggest princesses that we continue our discussion... in my office."

"Of course," Celestia nodded.

One quick gesture and a pair of Royal Guards approached Lockhart, took him by each arm, and carried him out to the hospital wing.

"All right... follow us... all of you," Celestia instructed. "And Harry, bring the sword and hat. Sunset, keep hold of the diary. We have much to discuss... and Storm Shield?"

Storm Shield looked up with a nervous smile.

"You still owe me an explanation..." Celestia frowned. "But we'll save that for when we get to Dumbledore's office..."

Everyone looked worried as they followed the princess and Dumbledore down the hall, as Sonata followed the group from behind. Upon arriving at the office, Dumbledore was already waiting for them, with Fawkes sitting on his perch, and the two princesses at his side.

"You all realize, of course, that in the last few hours, you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules?" Dumbledore asked sternly.

"Yes, sir," Harry and Ron agreed, shamefully.

"And that there is sufficient evidence to have you all expelled?" Dumbledore continued, facing Sunset Shimmer. "As there is for your arrest, Miss Shimmer?"

Sunset Shimmer simply shut her eyes, cringing her face. There she stood, bracing herself for what's to come from the great wizard.

"I've heard a great deal about you, Sunset Shimmer," Dumbledore began. "You were once a prized pupil of Princess Celestia, until you dabbled in the Dark Arts, ran away from home, attempted a coup d'tat, went on records to attempt murder of Princess Twilight... twice! Revoking your allegiance to Equestria! Betraying your friends for your service in the Galactic Empire! Risking the exposure of the Wizarding World! Endangering the lives of children!"

"Go easy on her, please, sir?" Spike pleaded. "She did help us rescue Ginny."

"She's realized her mistakes," Harry added. "She's been very helpful."

"More than Lockhart ever was," Ron snarked.

"And for the record," Sonata spoke up. "The Galactic Empire was my fault as well. For realsies, I'm as much to blame than Sunset."

"Thanks for trying to help... but I can't keep running from my mistakes..." Sunset frowned sadly, bowing her head. "Whatever you decide Headmaster, I humbly accept your decision."

Dumbledore turned to Celestia and Luna, then Storm Shield, before he turned to Sunset and friends. The younger heroes cringed, bracing themselves for Dumbledore's final decision.

"Therefore, it seems only fitting..." Dumbledore declared, eyes twinkling. "That you all receive Special Awards for Services to the School. And – let me see – yes, I think two hundred points apiece, which, I believe, should be more than enough to secure Gryffindor or perhaps Hufflepuff the House Cup."

Upon hearing they were being awarded, rather than arrested, Harry and friends looked at each other with smiles before turning back toward Dumbledore.

"For realsies?!" Sonata asked with sparkling eyes.

Dumbledore, Celestia, and Luna nodded in confirmation with smiles. Erupting in cheers, Sonata threw her arms around Sunset for a big hug, much to the latter's discomfort.

"YAHOO!!! We're not being arrested!" Sonata cheered.

"Ow! Easy Sonata..." Sunset groaned. "I only got one good arm left..."

"Oops! Sorry."

"Thank you, sir!" Ron grinned gratefully.

Dumbledore smiled at the young heroes, before he stood up while handing some papers to Ron and Sonata.

"Now, Mr. Weasley, if you and Miss Sonata would, have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban," Dumbledore suggested. "I believe we... we need our gamekeeper back."

"For sure!" Sonata smiled, happy and excited to see her boss Hagrid again.

Ron took the envelope and departed while the Siren followed behind.

"Mind if we tag along?" Apple Bloom asked. "We all want to be there to welcome Hagrid back too!"

With one gesture from Dumbledore himself, the CMC were granted permission to follow their friends out of the office.

This left Harry, along with the Student Six, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike to continue their discussion with Dumbledore, the princesses, and Storm Shield.

"First, Harry..." Dumbledore began. "I want to thank you and your friends here. You must've shown me real loyalty down in the Chamber. Nothing but that could've called Fawkes, Philomena, and Peewee to you."

"I'll say!" Spike smiled, patting Peewee's stomach. "Nice of you to come through for me, buddy!"

"I honestly don't deserve such praise," Sunset spoke modestly, petting Philomena. "But... I'm grateful to you for believing in me."

"You sell yourself very short, Sunset..." Luna said bluntly. "Just live in the moment..."

"Well... I..."

"Secondly, I sense you're troubled by something, both of you," Dumbledore continued, concerned. "Am I right?"

There was no sense in fooling Dumbledore at this point. Harry stepped forward, the first to speak up.

"It's just, you see, sir," Harry began. "I couldn't help noticing certain things. Certain similarities. Between Tom Riddle and me."

"You can speak Parseltongue, Harry, because Lord Voldemort can speak Parseltongue," Dumbledore replied. "Unless I'm much mistaken, he transferred some of his own powers to you the night he gave you that scar."

"Voldemort put a bit of himself in me?" Harry asked amazed.

"Not intentionally, but... yes," Dumbledore replied.

"It would appear that way," Luna expressed her opinion.

"So, the sorting Hat was right," Harry frowned sadly. "I should be a Slytherin."

"Don't say that, Harry!" Gallus shook his head.

"Harry is great Gryffindor!" Yona exclaimed. "Better than Slytherin!"

"Gryffindor has never had a better student than you," Sunset placed her hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Gryffindor has never had a better student than you," Sunset puts a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"It's true, Harry," Dumbledore replied. "You do possess many of the qualities Voldemort himself prizes: Resourcefulness, determination, and if I may so, a certain disregard for the rules. Yet why then did the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor?"

"Only because I asked it to," Harry answered.

"Exactly, Harry, exactly," Dumbledore smiled. "Which makes you very different from Voldemort. It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, Harry. It's our choices, and if you want proof why you belong in Gryffindor, Harry, then I suggest you look more closely at this."

Dumbledore picked up the bloodstained sword off his desk and handed it out for Harry to examine.

"Be careful," Dumbledore cautioned.

With great care, the book took the sword by the blade with his left hand, and its hilt with his right. Harry examined the blade until he spied an engraved name glimmering above the ruby-encrusted hilt.

"'Godric Gryffindor'" Harry read.

"Whoa!" Smolder exclaimed, as the others crowded around. "As in the big man himself?"

"Only a true Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the hat," Dumbledore nodded knowingly.

"You guys hear that?" Gallus smiled. "We're all true Gryffindors!"

"Even Jedi Sorceress Sunset Shimmer true Gryffindor!" Yona exclaimed.

Sunset simply blushed, rubbing one arm sheepishly. A gentle touch along the shoulder had her turn towards Celestia and Luna. Celestia herself held the Sword of Harmony a.k.a. Excalibur.

"Storm Shield told us you were instrumental in the creation of this in the Chamber," Celestia smiled.

"I know what this means to you, Sunset," Luna whispered quietly. "Your father would've been very proud.

Sunset looked up at both sisters before she bowed her head, hiding a tear falling from her eyes. Then it was time for the group to ask a serious question that had been plaguing their minds since a crucial discovery from the previous night.

"Now there's something else very important we need to discuss," Sandbar said seriously, looking at Princess Luna. "Specifically with you, Princess Luna."

"With me?" Luna asked confused. "Whatever do you mean, young Sandbar?"

"The Mysterious Benefactor finally revealed themselves to us last night," Sandbar explained. "So you can imagine our surprise when we saw that it was none other than Nightmare Moon."

At the mention of the revealed name of the Benefactor, both Celestia and Luna widened their eyes in surprise.

"What did you say?" Celestia asked in shock.

"We wouldn't have believed it if we hadn't seen it ourselves, your highnesses," Gallus spoke up. "But it's true. Nightmare Moon is up and walking with a form of her own."

"What we want to know is how that's even possible," Silverstream added. "I mean from what we were told is that Professor Twilight and the others used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon and turn her back into Princess Luna."

Celestia and Luna both turned to look at each other before their shocked expressions became somber and they turned back to the group before them.

"What you have heard is true," Luna explained. "However, I'm afraid there is more to the story than what you were originally told..."


(Sometime after the events of S1 Ep1 of FIM)

High within the towers of Canterlot Castle, Princesses Celestia and Luna stood on a balcony overlooking the land of Equestria. It had only been a few short days since Luna's return from the moon and their meeting with Dumbledore and McGonagall when they first met a baby boy named Harry Potter. The alliance between the Wizarding World and Equestria had once again been re-established and now it was only a matter of time. It would take some time before Twilight Sparkle and the new Elements of Harmony would complete all of their adventures in Equestria and the final battle would begin. At the moment, however, there was something else entirely on the minds of the two pony princesses.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Luna?" Celestia asked her sister worriedly.

"Yes Tia, of course I am." Luna nodded.

"You don't even truly know what this potion could do," Celestia warned.

"I don't care." Luna replied determinedly. "I will never again allow the darkness that Tom Riddle manipulated me into letting it turn me into Nightmare Moon again. If that means splitting myself from that darkness, then that is what I will do."

"But Luna, Nightmare Moon is physically a part of you," Celestia spoke uncertainly. "What if by separating you from it, it kills you?"

Luna merely looked up at her older sister with a sad smile on her face.

"Then that is the chance we will simply have to take," She replied.

Celestia merely shook her head as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"I just got you back, Luna," She wept. "I don't want to risk losing you again."

"Do you trust me, Celestia?" Luna asked.

"You know I do."

"Then trust me when I say that this will work."

Celestia took a deep breath and let out a sigh before reluctantly nodding her head slowly.

"Do what you must do," She agreed.

Luna nodded in understanding before lighting her horn in her magical aura and procuring a vial of a light red potion. Bringing it to her lips, Luna quickly drank the contents of the vial, cringing at the awful taste of it. The two royal alicorn stood waiting for a few moments as nothing seemed to happen for a while. All of a sudden, Luna hunched over and cried out as a sudden sensation within her felt as though her innards were being ripped apart.

"LUNA!!!" Celestia screamed.

She quickly raced to her sister's side to try to help her when suddenly, a dark hoof thrust its way through Luna's chest. Both alicorns looked on in horror as one soon followed and before too long, the entire top half of Nightmare Moon had split itself from Luna. After a few more moments, Nightmare Moon ripped herself entirely from Luna and turned to face her better half.

"Look at what you've become!" She said in disgust.

Nightmare Moon ignited her own horn and made ready to attack, but Celestia relied on her quick thinking to cast a spell of her own to freeze Nightmare Moon in place.

"Do it now, Luna!" Celestia said urgently, "Destroy her!"

Luna regained her composure and stared right into the dark soulless eyes of Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon merely let out a wicked chuckle as she stared down Luna.

"Destroy me?" Nightmare Moon said mockingly. "You don't have what it takes."

Luna kept looking at Nightmare Moon as her darker side continued to taunt her and she took a few cautious steps forward.

"You're weak!" Nightmare Moon snarled. "No matter what you do, you can't destroy our darkness. Deep down inside, you know the truth. You need me."

Luna shut her eyes tightly as she let the words of her worse half sink in. For so long, she felt exactly as Nightmare Moon had described. She had always felt so weak and unimportant compared to her older sister which caused her to turn to the darkness and create Nightmare Moon.

Suddenly, a newfound determination seeped into Luna's heart as she snapped her eyes open.

"No, I don't!" She growled.

She then lit her horn and cast a powerful blast of light magic that struck Nightmare Moon dead on. The Mare in the Moon screamed in agony as she was literally turned to dust from the impact of the light over her darkness before turning into ash and blowing off into the distance.


"When it was all said and done, we had assumed that Nightmare Moon had been destroyed entirely," Luna finished. "All had been quiet for the last nine years."

"However, it seems that she never truly was destroyed," Celestia added. "Instead, she must have been bidding her time, waiting for the opportunity to strike back."

"Well, it looks like she's not only found that time but an army as well," Gallus spoke up.

"It seems that way, young Gallus," Celestia nodded. "However, Nightmare Moon has made a grave error in revealing herself."

"What would that be?" Ocellus asked.

"All of the mystery she had generated as the Benefactor is now gone," Luna replied. "Now that's she's revealed herself, we know who our enemy is and how to combat them."

"What about the Dark One?" Sandbar asked. "We still know nothing about that one."

"There is still much mystery about that creature," Celestia replied. "However, we now have one piece of the puzzle revealed and that should help us form a proper plan."

At the same time, suddenly, someone had entered through the door, with the others watching. It was then Lucius Malfoy appeared and a face they never thought they would expect.

"Dobby!" Harry gasped in surprise.

The others were just as surprised. But indeed, it was Dobby... dragged by the ear by his very cruel master. And approaching beside him, Whisper Dream, who still looked sad and uncomfortable as ever.

"So, this is your master?" Harry realized. "The family you serve are the Malfoys!"

"Yes..." Whisper Dream confirmed. "Like me."

Dobby whimpered, nodding with chagrin, as Lucius looked at the pair sternly.

"I will deal with you two later," said Lucius harshly.

The latter moved with Dobby and Whisper following afterwards as he looked around, with Lucius pushing Harry out of the way.

"Out of the way, you lot!" Lucius ordered, before turning to the others. "So, it's true, you have returned."

"Yes. When the Governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been taken into the chamber, they saw fit to summon me back," Dumbledore smiled wryly.

"And when they heard of the Dark Order's involvement," Princess Celestia added. "They allowed us to send our forces here to help secure the Castle and to ensure that the students remained safe."

Lucius then noticed Sunset standing with the group.

"And why is Seraphina not arrested?" Lucius sneered.

"Her name is Sunset Shimmer," Princess Luna corrected sternly. "And she is not a Sith anymore, nor behind the attacks."

"We have presented the evidence to the Ministry, those who are levelheaded, mind you." Princess Celestia confirmed. "And showed that Sunset Shimmer was nowhere near where the attacks had occurred as she has many alibis. And though the Lightsaber was present, it's crystal was not. And though it had fingerprints, it was not hers, considering she wore gloves during her dark days, and that she buried it in the Galaxy Realm after she was rescued."

"And how could you possibly know any of that?" Lucius asked.

Celestia and Luna took a peek from one of the rooms, which revealed to be Quill Cast and Curtain Call, both of them winking and smiling at them before disappearing.

"Let's just say," Princess Luna smirked. "You are not the only one with friends in high places."

"And as such, the Ministry wishes to apologize to Sunset, as well as reward her, by giving her a full pardon and diplomatic immunity," Princess Celestia declared.

"You cannot be serious!!" Lucious objected incredulously.

"Oh, but she is," Dumbledore assured. "In fact, considering that the Dark Order have set their sights on our world, and enemies from the Galaxy and Equestria are involved, they wish to establish diplomacy for both sides, as well as more to come, should the threats arise."

"This is ridiculous!" Lucius muttered.

"Curiously, Lucius," Dumbledore continued, with a suspicious gaze. "Several of them seemed under the impression that you would curse their families if they didn't agree to suspend myself, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in the first place."

"As well as you bribing a handful of Aurors to hunt down Sunset so that she would be removed from Hogwarts," Princess Celestia spoke sternly.

"And bribing some of the key members of the Ministry to turn a blind eye when the dangers arise," Princess Luna added.

"How dare you!" Lucius argued, insulted.

"I beg your pardon?" Dumbledore raised an eye.

"From the beginning, my sole concern has always been and always will be, the welfare of this school," Lucius assured before leering at Harry and the others. "And of course, it's students."

"You mean everyone, or just the pureblooded wizards?" Smolder asked rhetorically.

"If I remember correctly, you didn't like the idea of muggles being in Hogwarts or mingling with Wizard-kind," Ocellus recalled.

"Or that Equestrians should be slaves to serve Wizard-kind instead of being friends with them," Silverstream added.

"Quiet you..." Lucius muttered.

"I'm afraid they have a point, Lucius," Dumbledore concurred.

"Everyone knows you have no love for Muggle-born and half-blooded magic users, and only saw us as slave labor despite us being a civilization," Princess Luna explained. "And because of your poor conduct, the Ministry doesn't want to make Hogwarts look bad, considering it's the only school that's under their control in their region and it would reflect poorly on other wizardly governments and schools all over the world, and would ignite a war between our kingdoms, something we try to avoid."

Princess Celestia stepped forward and looked Lucius in the eye.

"And I will tell you what I told my Chancellor years ago," Princess Celestia spoke sternly. "Magic and friendship doesn't belong to just one race, it belongs to everyone. And our foundations were built on such matters, and we cannot simply maintain it, by ignoring what it stands for. And seeing that you did just that, the Ministry saw fit to sack you from your job position, and will be replaced by one, who actually will be putting students first."

Lucius, shocked to hear the news, aimed to retort. But he stopped when Celestia leaned forward, and their faces were merely inches apart.

"And If you ever attempt to hurt both of my students, who happen to be like daughters to me," Celestia warned. "You will see just how destructive an Alicorn can be first hoof."

"Like you were with Chrysalis when you fought her during your niece's wedding?" Lucius retorted.

Celestia said not a word, only snorted in the man's face before moving back to Dumbledore's side.

"I assume the culprits have been identified?" Lucius asked Dumbledore.

"Oh yes," Dumbledore nodded. "Many of them, in fact."

"The Dark Order opened the chamber first and awoken the beast underground, from what our investigators told us," Princess Celestia informed. "But another was also involved."

"And... who is it?" Lucius asked.

The headmaster and Princesses looked at Harry and the others, with the latter looking back at them. Together, the Headmaster and Princesses looking back at Lucius.

"Voldemort." The three replied.

From where she stood, Sunset could see Lucius appeared nervous. He seemed to be hiding something, the question though... What was it?

"Only this time," Dumbledore added. "He chose to act through somebody else. By means of... this."

Dumbledore presented Lucius with the destroyed remains of Tom Riddle's diary.

"The very same diary that we locked up in our most secured vaults in Equestria, where no creature could find it," Princess Luna explained. "But when we saw it, we rushed over and found out that it had been under attack by a dark entity."

"And somehow it ended up in the unfortunate hands of a student," Princess Celestia added. "By someone, who might have slipped it among their belongings."

Lucius was greatly nervous as he saw the book, the very book he had slipped in, had been destroyed.

"I see," Lucius nodded slowly.

Dobby then secretly gained Harry and the others' attention, pointing at the one responsible for slipping the diary into Ginny's hands, which they caught on and were surprised, but chose to stay quiet.

"Fortunately," Dumbledore continued "Our young mister Potter, miss Shimmer and the rest of our Equestrian exchange students discovered it."

"And because of our students' bravery, they were able to help them put a stop to it," Princess Luna added.

"And because of the fact that both Potter and Sunset were able to destroy the Basilisk, the Ministry didn't want any punishment as the media is now on their side," Princess Celestia clarified. "And if anyone would attempt to ruin them, they would lose all dignity and credibility."

"And one should hope," Dumbledore spoke chillingly. "That no more of Lord Voldemort's old school-things should find their way into innocent hands."

"And with the Ministry's blessings, we were able to cast spells all over the Castle, to ensure that if they do, the items will be immediately destroyed," Princess Celestia stated.

The more the princesses and Dumbledore spoke, the more it appeared that Lucius was losing his composure at risk of giving himself away.

"Indeed," Dumbledore nodded. "And the consequences for the one responsible would be... severe."

Lucius Malfoy stared icily at Dumbledore, then turned away fearing he was about to lose it.

"Well... let us hope that Mr. Potter, the Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer, and their students, will always be here, to save the day."

They looked back at Lucius sternly.

"Don't worry, we will be," Harry assured.

"As will anyone else who has the courage to stand up to evil," Sunset Shimmer declared.

"Come, Dobby," Lucius ordered. "We're leaving."

As Dobby and Whisper scuttled toward the door, Lucius Malfoy kicked Dobby through it and swatted Whisper with his cane before exiting himself. Harry and his friends stared at the empty doorway as Dobby's painful squeals echoed from the corridor. The remainder of the Equestrians watched the sight with pity, realizing there was more to the house elf than they realized. Potter turned toward Dumbledore, placing the sword back on the desk.

"Sir? I wonder if I could have that," Harry indicated the diary.

Dumbledore looked up, following Harry's gaze to the diary...


Moments later, as the elevator opened, Harry and the group dashed out and eventually caught up with Lucius.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Harry called out. "We have something of yours."

The group came up running, the boy thrusting the diary into Malfoy's hand.

"Mine?" Lucius questioned. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Actually, I think you do, sir," Sandbar spoke up. "We know you slipped it into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day in Diagon Alley."

"You do... do you?"

Malfoy merely shoved the diary into Dobby's face, then leaned closely toward the group.

"Why don't you... prove it!" Lucius whispered, grinning nastily.

Harry and the group said nothing as Lucius turned away. As Dobby looked sadly back, clutching the diary in his hand, Sunset Shimmer leaned toward the house elf and mouthed the words...

"Open it."

Dobby opened Riddle's diary curiously, and inside he found... a sock. The sight made him gasp.

"Dobby, come!" Lucius called out. "Dobby!"

"Master has given Dobby a sock," Dobby spoke in wonderment.

"What?" Lucius stopped, turning around. "I didn't give you a –"

But there was no mistake. In Dobby's grasp, the diary opened, there was that sock as plain as day.

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes," Dobby declared. "Dobby is... free!"

Lucius wheeled, seeing Harry stand with one leg crossed: His right ankle bare. Sunset and the students smirked toward the enraged Malfoy, the former with her arms folded.

"It's over Lucius... you've lost," Sunset declared.

Instantly, Malfoy charged forth.

"You've lost me my servant!" Lucius yelled angrily.

Lucius pulled his wand out from his walking stick and walked threateningly toward Harry. The boy and his friends braced themselves, the Equestrians standing in Harry's defense. But then, to their surprise, Dobby stepped before them.

"You shall not harm Harry Potter!" Dobby declared, holding his hand out.

"Dobby, what're you doing?!" Ocellus called out.


But before Lucius can complete the spell... BANG! Dobby hit Lucius with a spell and flung the Malfoy backward, sending him flying across the hallway. He landed in a crumpled heap, as Dobby folded his arms and glared angrily at Lucius. Rising, Lucius Malfoy glared at Harry and the students.

"Mark my words, Harry Potter..." Lucius spart. "You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days. They were meddlesome fools too."

He turned toward Whisper, who still quivered with fear.

"Come Whisper... least I have you," Lucius turned to leave.

"Actually... you don't."

Lucius and whisper turned upon the timely arrival of the Assistant Professors, with Spike and the CMC walking beside them. Sunset Shimmer's face beamed at the sight of her awakened friends.

"Professors!" You're all okay!" Whisper exclaimed.

The mare rushed to meet with the formerly petrified assistant professors.

"I was so worried! I-I mean... um..."

"Don't worry now, sugar cube," Applejack spoke comfortingly. "This man's not givin' ya any trouble."

"Or he'll have to deal with us!" Rainbow Dash punched her hoof into the other.

"Not like that, Rainbow," Twilight rolled her eyes, facing Harry and the kids. "Harry, take Dobby. We wish to have a word with Mr. Malfoy... alone."

"Yes, Professor Twilight," Harry nodded.

Potter, along with the remainder of the kids, took Dobby to the other side of the hall. Twilight approached Lucius with two scrolls in hand.

"Mr. Malfoy, these are two very important documents not only signed by me, the princesses and Dumbledore, but by EVERY member of the cabinet."

Lucius skimmed over the documents for a few moments, his eyes going wide and his face going pale.

"From this moment onward, there is an EXTREME restraining order on you and your son to not be anywhere within 10 feet of Whisper Dream," Rarity said with a serious frown.

"And the other one," Spike crossed his arms. "This is an order demanding that Whisper be removed from your household immediately."

"Wha... but how... how did you get these signed?!" Lucius spat.

"Simple-- we told them the truth, along with magical memory evidence," Scootaloo smirked. "They were quite surprised to hear you had been torturing this poor young bat pony after everything she had been through."

"I've lost one servant today... I won't lose another!!" Lucius screeched. "Whisper, we are leaving!"


Every pony grew stunned at the little bat pony's sudden act of defiance. Her eyes were narrowed, her wings were spread... and she actually seemed confident.

"What... did you just say...?" Lucius got in her face.

"I said no," Whisper said, taking a bold step forward. "You've kept me as your servant for long enough, Lucius. I'm staying here... with ponies who actually care about me."

"Mr. Malfoy..."

Everyone glanced just as Celestia and Luna approached, the former showing a very stern face.

"I suggest you leave," Celestia warned. "Before we have to take more... drastic measures."

Seeing that he was clearly outnumbered, and his servants against him, Lucius Malfoy turned and stormed off.

"Harry Potter freed Dobby!" Dobby smiled at Potter. "How can Dobby ever repay him?"

"Just promise me something," Harry requested.

"Anything, sir."

"Never try to save my life again."

Dobby gazed up at Harry with an admiring smile and – CRACK! – the house elf vanished just like that. Sunset Shimmer sighed with satisfaction, knowing two lives were saved at this very hour. And yet, as her eyes briefly darted back toward Twilight and friends, her satisfaction dropped. For she knew, at some point, she needed to talk to them.


By the very next day, fear and suspicion had completely vanished. The house tables are abuzz with excitement and anticipation... all except the Slytherins, who do not share the general feeling. Seated at the tables are the formerly petrified, revived students. Justin Finch-Fletchley joins his fellow Hufflepuffs. Colin Creevey snaps photos of the proceedings.

At the rear of the hall, standing near the entrance, Filch is reunited with Mrs. Norris. He pet his cat happily, in his own way, especially now that he got her back. At the same time, Sir Nicholas flew around, greeting everyone around them.

"Welcome back, Sir Nicholas," A student said.

"Thank you," Sir Nicholas smiled.

"Good evening, Sir Nicholas," The second student greeted.

"Good evening," Sir Nicholas tipped his head, floating towards the door.

"Good to see you, Sir Nicholas," The third student called out.

"Thank you!"

As Sir Nicholas greeted the next group of students with a casual 'Hello', who should appear from the entrance but none other than... Hermione Granger, Storm Shield, and the Mane Six respectively.

"Hermione! Storm Shield! Princess Twilight and friends!" Sir Nicholas greeted. "Welcome back!!"

"Thanks, Sir Nicholas," Hermione smiled.

"It's good to be back," Twilight sighed, relieved.

They searched the room for their friends but didn't have far to look until they saw the others sitting at the middle table of the dining hall. Neville turned his gaze toward the entrance and were surprised to see who arrived.

"Guys!!" Neville shouted, gaining their attention. "It's Hermione, Twilight, and the others!"

Harry and his friends turned toward the door, happy to see them, but none more so than the girls and Storm Shield. Sunset Shimmer, on the other hand, was quite nervous. No longer containing their excitement, Hermione and the others ran forward whilst the CMC and Young Six stood up with Harry and Ron. Hermione was the first to embrace Harry, whilst the CMC hugged their sisters and the Young Six embracing the other half of the mane six and Storm Shield. Spike, the most excited to see Twilight, held her the tightest.

Hermione turned to embrace Ron. They pause, an awkward moment between them and... instead of a hug, they shake hands.

"Wel... welcome back, Hermione," Ron stammered.

"It's good to be back," Hermione smiled, facing Harry. "Congratulations, I can't believe you solved it."

"Well, we had loads of help from you and our friends," Harry replied, the others nodding in agreement. "We couldn't have done it without you."


"We're so proud of you, Sugarcube," Applejack smiled.

"Heck yeah!!" Rainbow Dash agreed. "Fighting the Dark Order with your wits, you girls were awesome!!"

"Nothing we couldn't handle!" Scootaloo boasted, which the Young Six rolled their eyes.

"Rarity, after we get back," Sweetie Belle said to her sister. "If you're not too busy, maybe...can we go to the Spa after this?"

Rarity gasped, for those were the words she never heard nor imagined Sweetie Belle would ever say. The request alone made Rarity feel overwhelmed with emotions.

"You... me... a spa day?" Rarity slowly smiled. "Oh, Sweetie! Of course we can!"

As Rarity twirled her sister around and around with a tight hug, Twilight Sparkle turned toward her number one assistant.

"Good job filling in for me on my absence, Spike," Twilight smiled proudly.

"Well... I had a little help," Spike admitted. "But always my pleasure."

Sunset couldn't take it anymore, as she needed to get things off her chest.

"T-Twilight?" Sunset spoke nervously. "C-Can we talk?"

Twilight turned toward Sunset, who can see the extreme guilt and regret along her face. Not wanting to make a scene, she gestured to follow her, which she did. Seeing that they didn't want any drama, the rest of the Mane 6 and Storm Shield followed. However, being curious themselves, the Young Six, Spike, the CMC, Harry, Ron and Hermoine followed suit. They peeked outside just as Sunset, the Mane 6, and Storm Shield were close to the stairs.

Sunset stood there and at first, she didn't know what to say. Though some like Rainbow was skeptical, Fluttershy was the first to open up.

"Sunset?" asked Fluttershy, "Are you...?"

"I'm sorry."

Sunset turned around as a tear or two fell down, which surprised the Mane 6 and Storm. The others at the door just as concerned.

"I was wrong, okay, I was wrong..." Sunset began, her voice breaking. "I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to take my anger out on you. I should've trusted you more but instead I wasn't seeing the bigger picture. The truth is: I really do need you. You girls were the only ones besides my friends at Canterlot High, the only ones who were good to me and defended me when nobody else did. You were always looking out for me, and I took everything for granted. I just wanted to be someone or some pony you could be proud of, worthy to stand by you."

Sunset stood on her knees and kept her face lowered, which concerned the Mane 6 and Storm now.

"But all I ever did was lose myself to my emotions and hurt those I care about," Sunset continued. "Instead of facing my problems or even coming home, I ended up staying behind by running away from it. I'm sorry I let you down and failed as a friend. Friendship didn't fail me... I failed friendship."

Twilight suddenly gasped in silence, a hoof against her chest, as she remembered those words long ago.

'Friendship didn't fail me. I failed friendship...'

"Twilight Sparkle, can you ever forgive me?" Sunset pleaded.

No words were spoken between the silence. Slowly, Twilight Sparkle walked toward Sunset Shimmer and in place of words, she gently wrapped a wing around her in a hug. Sunset Shimmer was stunned, seeing the remorse on her friend's face.

"I'm sorry too, Sunset Shimmer," Twilight spoke softly.

"... Why?" Sunset asked. "I thought you'd be furious."

"I was disappointed by your words," Twilight admitted. "But I also recognized the truth. I'm sorry we couldn't save you in time. If we had acted sooner, known where you were, or even if the Dazzlings were involved, things could've ended differently."

"How did you...?" Sunset asked, shocked.

"Celestia and Sonata explained everything during our recovery," Twilight answered. "I'm just sorry we never saw the signs."

"But you couldn't have... I felt so helpless..."

"I know how you feel," Twilight interrupted. "Remember the last time we spoke of the Storm King? Well... I wasn't fully honest about it."

Breaking off the hug, Twilight sat herself next to Sunset, keeping her eyes toward the ground.

"When the Storm King invaded," Twilight began. "He turned Princess Celestia, Luna, and even Cadence to stone with magic I've never seen before. I mean he technically wasn't there at the time... but that's not the point. I never wanted to leave them, but I knew we needed help. During our travels, we faced a few mishaps and... I nearly lost trust in my friends. And that wasn't the first time, since I didn't trust them to explain how the Princesses bestowed their magic onto me when Tirek invaded.

"We arrived at Mt. Eris to ask Queen Nova for help, but it was due to Tempest Shadow she didn't trust ponies," Twilight continued. "I asked Pinkie to convince her that ponies are worth saving; instead, I abused their trust as a distraction... to steal their pearl that nearly started a way between our kingdoms. And it took me 'so long' to regain their trust after that."

Slightly surprised, if not shocked, Sunset Shimmer found it hard to believe what she heard. Even the CMC, along with the Young Six (Minus Silverstream and Spike), and their faithful Gryffindor friends were shocked to hear of this. Storm Shield leaned in during the conversation, with intrigue and surprise.

"Bloody hell, did she really?" Ron whispered in shock.

"It's true," Spike nodded. "I was there."

"My aunt Queen Nova and cousin Skystar told me that story," Silverstream backed up Spike.

"After we got kicked out, Pinkie caught on to my plan," Twilight proceeded. "I argued over how we weren't in Equestria, that what we did wasn't enough. I ended up shooting them down, believing they had no good ideas and pushed away a group just trying to help. Even after stating I was the last princess, I was the 'only' princess not to trust her friends... and when Pinkie called me out on that, I yelled at her face and thought I'd be better off without friends.

"Because of that, by the time I realized how wrong I was, I was captured and taken back to Canterlot. Pinkie was right; I'm a Princess. And princesses are supposed to be disciplined, have restraint, and trust in their subjects and the diplomacy. But I stabbed them in the back, abused their trust, lied and tricked a foreign dignitary, and even stole treasure just because I wasn't patient enough to see the bigger picture..."

Twilight Sparkled lifted her head, and Sunset was surprised to see tears stream down their eyes.

"I never felt so alone and helpless," Twilight sighed. "Princess Celestia always said we had all the magic we needed, but I was too stressed into pleasing and helping every pony. All of my problems could've been avoided if I was a better listener, but instead I...

"Let them down," Twilight and Sunset answered in unison.

To which the pair couldn't help but smile, whilst looking one another in the eye. But the smile faded off Sunset's face in a hurry, and she turned away.

"I'm so sorry Twilight," Sunset apologized. "I should've told you how I felt or been more open, instead I kept quiet about my problems."

Applejack walked over and placed a single hoof upon Sunset's shoulder.

"It's alright sugar cube," Applejack said. "Ah know what it feels like to not bein' open and the trouble askin' for help. But ah realized it's not fair doin' everything on mah own either."

"Yup!" Pinkie bounced next to Sunset. "We tend to get over our heads, but that's why we have friends. So we can continue these amazingest adventures or else a one-pony party would be meaningless... even boring."

"Life can be harsh at times, but that's why we need friends to anchor us whenever we have problems," Fluttershy added. "No matter how cruel it gets, all we need is a little kindness."

"The important thing is you've learned your lesson, and we forgive you," Rarity assured.

But not all was entirely finished. Minus Sunset, the ponies gave a certain rainbow-maned pony a look, one toward the pony who started what happened months ago. At first, Rainbow Dash wasn't getting why her friends were looking at her. Until one whack to the rump startled her, as she turned to Applejack, her eyes making it clear that she's responsible. A groan escaped her lips, but she knew she couldn't pretend not to know.

"The truth is... I'm the pony who should apologize," Rainbow Dash admitted. "I wasn't trying to start any fights, but I do have a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and I don't know why. Still, it was uncool of me... I'm embarrassed, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Sunset assured. "We've both said things we don't really mean. Are we cool now?"

"Yeah..." Rainbow smiled, hoof-bumping Sunset's fist. "We're cool."

The Mane Six gave Sunset a hug, which she gladly returned. Harry Potter, along with Ron, Hermione, and the remainder of their Equestrian friends were pleased to see a group of friends sorting out their issues.

"The important thing is you've learned a valuable lesson, Sunset Shimmer," Storm Shield spoke. "Every creature lets their emotions get the best of them, even when they don't mean to do it. You may be a Jedi, Sunset Shimmer, but that doesn't mean you stop learning. There are many secrets yet to be discovered, each of them connected as we grow, adapt, evolve, and teach. One day, you'll accomplish more than you can imagine. From what I've seen, you are worthy to be a Guardian of Harmony."

"Thank you, Master Shield," Sunset bowed.

"Just Storm Shield is fine, thank you," Storm Shield reassured. "Titles sometimes make my skin crawl."

They couldn't help but laugh at that, showing even Jedi have a sense of humor now and again.

"We better get inside," Twilight suggested. "Don't want to be late for the ceremony."

As everyone went back inside, Sunset stopped when her eyes spotted something. The Force Ghosts of Jedi's past stood before her from Master Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Windu, Satele, and even Anakin Skywalker. All silently smiling with approval, showing she did well in her endeavors. But she smiled brightly over the sight of a single pony amongst them, none other... than her father. The sight shocked her more than any pony can imagine.

"Well done, my little phoenix," Her father said. "I'm so proud of you."

And as quickly as they appeared, the ghosts vanished out of sight. And for the first time, it felt good for Sunset to allow a few tears to be shed. It had been so long since she'd been called by her nickname. She walked to rejoin the rest of the group, taking her seat just as McGonagall tapped her goblet and Dumbledore stood up.

"Before we begin our feast, let's give a round of applause to Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake Juice has been successfully administered to all those who had been petrified."

Applause rang out for the Head of Hufflepuff House, the loudest of course being from the aforementioned House itself. Malfoy and his cronies, of course, were the only ones not participating in the applause. He just glared at the Headmaster, then at the Equestrians, and finally at Whisper Dream, who was so wrapped up in the enthusiasm that she forgot to even glance in his direction. Malfoy continued to sneer, undaunted.

"WHOO!!! GO PROFESSOR SPROUT!!!" Apple Bloom cheered.

"Also, in the wake of recent events," The Headmaster continued. "As a school treat, all exams have been canceled."

That brought out the loudest cheer yet, this time from all houses. Gallus and Smolder even cried tears of joy, while sighs of relief echoed the cheering. Some of the professors were perturbed, but not by too much; most were indifferent. Of course, Hermione and Twilight were the most upset by the eleventh hour arrangement.

"Oh, no!" the Gryffindor student moaned.

"And I prepared those papers in advance!" The princess wailed, thumping her head against the table. "A whole year's worth of work for nothing!"

"There, there, Twilight," Spike comforted his sister. "There's always next year!"

At that moment, at the rear of the hall, the Great Hall doors banged open. The entire crowd went silent, as who else should enter, returning from a brief stint in Azkaban prison, but Rubeus Hagrid. Gasps rang from the Equestrians at their respective tables, while the half-giant himself looked rather embarrassed... if not nervous of all the eyes upon him.

"Sorry I'm late. The owl deliverin' my release papers got all lost 'n confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol."

Ron's face turned bright pink as he looked at Dumbledore, who simply kept his bright smile. Celestia giggled into her hoof, which Luna frowned at. Everyone else who knew Errol's owner laughed at the Weasley's expense. Sonata jumped to her feet, and with Sunset keeping her steady, hobbled over to Hagrid on her crutches and into a hug, not bothering to hold back her tears.


"Ah, it'll take more than a few ruddy prison guards to break my spirits!" Hagrid chuckled.


"Hagrid, I just wanted to say..." Sunset sighed sadly. "I'm sorry for being so quick to accuse you."

"Technically, it was our fault to begin with," Sandbar spoke up. "My friends and I owe you a really big apology."

"Ah, all water under the bridge now," Hagrid waved off, smiling. "I'm just glad to be back home...and to have me old job back."

The Headmasters and Princesses all smiled. The half-giant then let Sonata go from her hug, and stood back with a contemplative look, fumbling his hands.

"Speakin'a which...well, sittin' in prison, no matter how long, makes one think. So, I... I did some thinking, and... well, I realized that bein' the Keeper of Keys and Games at Hogwarts is maybe a job too big fer one person tah handle."

Sonata's eyes went wide at the ensuing suggestion. Sunset's smile grew wider.

"So, I thought about it and... I wanted tah ask ya, Sonata: would ya like tah be my assistant?"

"Y-y-y-you mean...?" The Siren's eyes welled up.

"I'd have tah expand my cottage ta fit another room in it fer ya, but I can go ahead an' build a separate cottage if that suits ya better—"


Even holding crutches to support her, Sonata could not help but bounce in place. Then she went quiet and embarrassingly turned to Twilight, her voice going quiet.

"I-I mean, if...i-if y-you don't mind that is, do you Princess Twilight?"

"I don't mind at all, Sonata," Twilight chuckled good-naturedly. "You can make your own decisions about your life now."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot I could do that!"

Sonata paused for a moment to contemplate, then shrieked in delight once more, jumping into Hagrid's big arms.


"An' if ye want, I'm sure I can find ya somethin' ta do in the Hogwarts kitchens," Hagrid smiled, almost crying.


The Equestrians laughed and applauded. The half-giant then turned to Harry and the others, struggling to keep his composure.

"I jus' want to say... that if it wasn't fer you, Harry... you an' Ron...and Hermione, Sunset, Sonata, and the rest 'o yer Equestrian pals...Well, I jus' want to say... Thanks."

"No problem, dude," Gallus replied.

"I owe you, Hagrid," Smolder smiled. "If it wasn't for you, I'd never have met the best thing that could ever have happened to me."

Norberta nuzzled her little mother, nearly crying herself.

"HAGRID RULES!!!" Scootaloo cried.

Harry stood up in front of his friend. The very first person, barring the Equestrians, who introduced him to the Wizarding World more than a year ago. A larger than life man, with a heart made of gold that was much bigger than all the grounds of Hogwarts itself. Nothing that Harry could have said justified the enormity of the thanks Hagrid deserved from him.

"There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid."

He then joined Sonata in hugging Hagrid, as did Sunset, and soon enough, most of the Equestrians bear-hugged the half-giant who did not bother to hide his tears anymore. Against the silent ambience in the Great Hall, Dumbledore stood on his feet and began applauding. McGonagall then joined in, as did Celestia and Luna. Then Harry and the others stood back and applauded. At last, the entire hall stood up and erupted in cheers and applause; even most of the Slytherins joined as well.

Trixie and Starlight in the back unfurled a banner that said: "WE LOVE YOU, HAGRID!!!"

Pinkie handed out party streamers and wooden ratchet noise makers, which Whisper Dream gladly took. Like before, she paid no attention at all to Malfoy, who of course did not join in the applause and had to forcibly drag Crabbe back from joining in. Goyle made no such attempt.

Capper and Seamus even whistled. Twilight even released a magic spell of rainbow sparkles against the backdrop of the outside weather displayed in the Great Hall. Soon, almost every student gathered around Hagrid. Even Colin snapped plenty of pictures and nobody batted an eye.

The groundskeeper could barely hold it together anymore. Even through his tears, he smiled as big as his stature, and held Sonata up in one arm, who screamed and cheered the loudest among all of them.

Well into that evening, all of Hogwarts was alight with cheers and applause to one of its most unsung members, one who held the spirit of the castle all together. One who, despite his scrupulous past, held his head high and kept pride and joy within the grounds itself, and remained a friend to the animals, even those who many others considered monsters. One who had whisked away a young and lonely Harry Potter to a wondrous world of magic, where he found friends, and a new family, a new home.

Nothing more could be said to encapsulate the complete emotional resonance of what Rubeus Hagrid meant for young Harry.


A few days later, after the school term had officially ended and the Equestrian heroes had all returned to Equestria, Twilight and Spike were in the grand foyer of the Castle of Friendship talking to Spikes mother, Daenerys Targaryen. While Daenerys had been given the opportunity to take on a pony form of her own, the Mother of Dragons instead chose to keep her human appearance.

"I just wish to thank you once again, Twilight Sparkle for all of these years of looking after my son," Daenerys smiled at the alicorn princess.

"I'm just so glad that Spike finally has his mother back," Twilight smiled back. "You have no idea how badly Spike has been wanting to find his parents. Then of course there was that whole Sludge incident."

"Sludge incident?" Daenerys asked confused.

"It's a long story...." Spike replied, shaking his head.

All of a sudden, a knock at the front door caught everyone's attention and Twilight quickly made her way to open the door. When she did, she was surprised to see Sunset Shimmer standing there in with a whole bunch of boxes in her arms. She walked inside and proceeded to set the boxes down much to the princess's confusion.

"Sunset?!" Twilight exclaimed. "What's going on? What's all this stuff?"

"Well, I've been thinking, Twilight," Sunset began as she gently set Ray's tank down on a desk. "After some talk with Master Luke, Storm Shield, and... well, a certain brony who's been looking out for me... I've decided to move in with you. If... that's alright..."

Twilight Sparkle looked at Sunset with stunned silence, before she turned to look at Starlight, then looked back at Sunset with the widest grin she could muster.

"YES, YES, YES, YES, YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!" Twilight exclaimed, as she wrapped her hooves around Sunset Shimmer and pulled her in for a tight bear hug.

"Easy there, Twilight!" Sunset coughed. "I'm still recovering from the Basilisk's bite..."

"Oh! Sorry," Twilight sheepishly apologized.

"But... what changed your mind?" Starlight Glimmer asked. "Any reason for deciding to move in?"

" I figured since Spike's now marrying Gabby, and they're off deciding their new life together, somebody's got to keep Twilight company," Sunset smiled. "Besides... Dr. Phantom-Dragon offered me a job as Head of Security at Discord's Theater."

"I'm not a doctor!" Phantom-Dragon poked his head through a doorway, before he disappeared.

"And also... for dad," Sunset smiled. "I won't dishonor his memories again. It's time I finally stopped running from my problems and faced them head on. And live up to his legacy... just like Harry Potter."

"Well, no matter what happens, Sunset," Twilight smiled, wrapping a wing around Sunset's hand. "Just know that you'll always have us beside you!"

Sunset smiled as she tenderly embraced Twilight's feathers.

"Thanks Twilight."

"Now with that's settled, there's only one last thing to do." Spike said happily.


The bells of Equestria's town hall and the Castle of Friendship rang loudly as everyone gathered in the middle of town for the wedding of Spike and Gabby. The entire town square had been set up so elaborately for perhaps the most amazing wedding they had ever seen. An entire array of attendants all sat in attendance and the Mane Sox all stood at the altar as brides mares. Spike stood all dressed up in a nice looking tuxedo as he waited for his blushing bride to come down that aisle and Princess Cadence stood at the podium to perform the ceremony. Finally, everyone stood up and turned to face the aisle as Gabby began to make her way down the aisle dressed in a lovely wedding dress.

(Courtesy of cheerful09)

By the time Gabby had stepped in place, to join Spike at the altar, the proceedings went accordingly. Both dragon and griffin said their vows, as all eyes watched the beautiful scene before them. Few amongst the crowd didn't bother to fight the tears streaming from their eyes. They knew this union between these two was a most anticipated event, and now that it was finally happening, all was worth the wait.

"As Princess of Love, and by the power vested in me," Princess Cadence declared. "I pronounce, Spike Sparkle and Gabriella Griffon, husband and wife!"

With that, Spike and Gabby pulled each other close, kissing each other full on the beak and lips, as the crowd all cheered happily for them.

"Way to go, Spike!" Phantom-Dragon applauded, with his wife, Rain Shine bowing her head happily, and their daughter, River Song jumping up and down happily.

"WAHOO!!!" Button Mash jumped.

"I've never been so happy!" Pinkie Pie cried tearfully.

Sunset Shimmer was happily applauding, when she turned to see Galen Marek crying.

"Galen?" Sunset grinned. "Are you crying?"

"What? No!" Galen wiped the tears away from his eyes. "I wasn't... Something... was in my eye."

"Wow!" Sonata giggled. "Big bad Starkiller... crying? At a wedding? I never knew you were such a softy."

Later that night, Spike and Gabby were having their first dance together as a married couple. But what's even magical is the fact that they're literally dancing together in the air, courtesy of their wings. It was a breathtaking sight to behold, a pair of friends now sharing a life together. Such a momentous occasion between the two, neither wanted this moment to end. Their friends, watching the dance before them, silently agreed that this was beautiful.

"I didn't teach him how to dance like that," Twilight stated, before she turned to Rainbow Dash. "Did you?"

"I thought you did," Rainbow replied.

"What does it matter anyway?" Rarity sobbed, both sadly and happily. "All that matters is that Spikey-Wikey is happy. And that's good enough."

"Indeed he has," Daenerys Targaryen smiled, before she turned to Rarity. "Also, Spikey-Wikey? You do remember that you're married, don't you, Miss Rarity?"

"Oh, pish-posh, and tut-tut," Rarity huffed. "I may be married to Erik, and I'm happy about it. But... my dear Spike will always have a special place in my heart... even though he's in better care with Gabby..."

Soon, the dance takes another turn for the upbeat wedding festivity, when Twilight took the mic and starts to sing a familiar song, with the Rainbooms providing musical back up.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Twilight Sparkle: (Singing)
Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
Two hearts becoming one
A bond that cannot be undone because

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us

During the song, Spike and Gabby continued to dance in the air, with everyone else dancing with them, together with their respective loved ones. Even the bronies and pegasisters all danced with their loved ones, be it background characters, secondary characters, someone from their world, or alternate versions of their favorite characters.

Phantom-Dragon was shapeshifting between his human and pony form as he dances with his wife, Rain Shine. In another part of the wedding, Postwar was dancing with human!Sunset Shimmer, twirling her into a dip, and they shared a passionate kiss. Princess Luna was also sharing a dance with General Supernova, who finds himself struggling to keep up with the Princess of the Night.

"May I take the next verse, Twilight?" Sunset politely asked.

"Be my guest!" Twilight smiled.

"Got room for one more?" Sonata asked.

"Sure!" Sunset smiled.

Sunset Shimmer and Sonata Dusk: (Singing)
Your special day
We celebrate now, the pony way
Your friends are all right here
Won't let these moments disappear because

Love is in bloom
A beautiful bride, a handsome groom
I said love is in bloom
You're starting a life and making room
For us

After the dance festivity was done, it was time for Spike and Gabby to begin their honeymoon.

"Present... ARMS!" The Crystal Guards announced, holding up their hooves in salute.

With that, the newly wedded dragon and griffon all ran down a carpet, towards a portal, ready to begin their honeymoon, and Gabby threw her bouquet in the air.

"MINE!" Shouted all the lovesick, craving bachelorettes.

Everyone watched as the bouquet flies across the air, until it lands in the arms of...

"Applejack!" Rarity said amazed. "You caught the bouquet."

"That means that you're the next one down the aisle!" Pinkie said excitedly.

Applejack just looked down at the wedding bouquet that landed in her hooves with wide eyes and a blush on her face before turning to look at Rainbow Dash who smiled at her.

"Oh yeah that reminds me AJ, there is something I wanted to ask you..." Rainbow smiled.

Applejacks blush grew larger and her eyes wider as she knew exactly what her mare friend was going to say.

"Oh boy," She said nervously.

While all that was going on, off to the sidelines, Daenerys slowly made her way over to the corner of a townhouse where Quill Cast and Curtain Call were waiting. Finally seeing her old colleagues again after so long, she gave them both a big hug.

"It's good to see you again, Dany!" Quill smiled at her.

"I honestly thought we'd never see you again," Curtain added.

"Well, it turns out you were both right about those six ponies," Daenerys replied. "They truly are the ones meant to combat the darkness threatening all worlds. They've stopped the forces of Slytherin twice already and freed me from my imprisonment."

"Yes, but they've still got a long way to go," Quill said.

"And now we've got our own problems to deal with," Curtain nodded. "The Soul Chaser is still out there somewhere. If he indeed plans to resurrect Lucifer himself, then what they face will be nothing in comparison to what's coming."

"Then it's clear what we need to do," Quill said determined. "We need to find God."

"How exactly are we supposed to do that?" Curtain asked his friend.

"We can worry about that tomorrow," Quill said, eyeing the wedding. "For now, let them have this night. Matter of fact, how about a nice gift from us to them?"

Quill then turned to break the forth wall and spoke directly to the readers of this story.

"Ladies and gentlemen... our special guest of this tale... Mr. Shane Filan."

Just then, a pony version of Irish singer, Shane Filan walked out onto the stage to sing a wonderful first song for Spike and Gabby to dance to.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Spike and Gabby held each other close as they danced to their first official song as husband and wife. Everyone watched as an aura of happiness blanketed each and every one of them for the end of another successful adventure and the beginning of a new life together for Spike and Gabby. But as they say in every story, as one story comes to an end, where one story is just the beginning... the adventure for Twilight Sparkle and friends... was far from over...

But for now...

The End

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