Back to Hogwarts
September 1st of 1992, this date meant only one thing...
A brand new school year for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has officially begun. At King's Cross Station, the flying Ford Anglia invisibly made to land. Amid a neat line of cars, the Anglia sat at a decidedly odd angle, as if its driver were not the most skilled motorist. But soon the Weasleys, along with Harry Potter and the Equestrians, quickly pushed large trolleys to have their bags placed. They made a mad dash for the barrier, and by the time they reached Platforms 9 & 10, they knew they were entering rush hour to board the train before its departure for Hogwarts. They were just passing the large clock when Mr. Weasley noticed the time.
"10:58!" Arthur called out. "Come on!"
"Oh dear!" Mrs. Weasley gasped worriedly. "The train'll be leaving any moment! All together now!"
Hurryingly, they race for Platforms Nine and Ten.
"Fred, George, Percy, you first!" Arthur instructed.
Quicky, the three brothers stride briskly toward the stone barrier of which divided the platforms – and simply disappeared.
"Go on, Ginny," Mrs. Weasley beckoned. "You know what to do."
Ginny, looking a bit nervous, rushed toward the barrier, closed her eyes, and sled her way into the other side.
"After you, Dear," Arthur gestured to his wife.
Together, the two Weasleys materialized by Ginny's side, the little girl gazing toward the Hogwarts Express.
"Come, Ginny," Mrs. Weasley led her daughter. "We'll get you a seat. Hurry!"
Meanwhile, back at King's Cross, the other Equestrians were preparing to venture into the barrier for another school year.
"I call dibs on the window seat!" Smolder called out.
"Not before I get there first!" Sandbar smirked.
"Yona says, 'Bring it on'!" Yona hopped excitedly.
"Come on, partners," Applejack beckoned calmly. "No time for dillydallying."
"Mustn't be late for school," Rarity added.
"Especially your first day, Crusaders," Rainbow Dash smirked.
"We're going to Hogwarts!" The Crusaders cheered in unison. "We're going to Hogwarts!"
Within a matter of seconds, the Mane Six, including Spike and the Student Six raced through the platform and vanished completely through the wall. Only Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Sunset Shimmer, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were left behind. Ron glanced anxiously at the clock.
"We better hurry," Ron suggested.
"Let's go!" Harry declared.
"Right behind ya partner," Apple Bloom spoke determinedly.
With a nod, Harry Potter took the lead running full speed to the wall with Ron, Sunset, and the Crusaders in tow, practically leaning onto his trolley. But then... something weird happened. The minute they raced towards the wall, all of a sudden – CRASH! – they hit the barrier and bounced back into each other. As if for some strange reason, the gateway to Platform 9 ¾ was sealed by some magical force. Soon bodies were flying over trolleys, crashing hard upon the ground along with a mix of Hedwig's hooting alerting the surrounding passengers, including the station guard.
Fortunately, whilst the guard eyed the boys suspiciously, the magic spell concealing the Jedi and three fillies kept them out of sight from the surrounding muggles. The guard, meanwhile, confronted the two boys for all the ruckus they caused.
"Oh! What in blazes d'you two think you're doing?" The guard questioned.
"Sorry, um... lost control of the trolley," Harry answered.
"And what about those two other trolleys?" The guard pointed out.
"Um... they're extra stuff we need for..." Ron stammered nervously. "Uh... a trip to... SCOTLAND!"
The guard merely shook his head before he turned and walked away with a huff. Standing beside the boys, out of sight from the busy muggles, Sunset Shimmer and the Crusaders sighed with great relief.
"Nice save, Ron," Sunset complimented.
"No kidding," Scootaloo agreed. "Our goose was almost cooked!"
"You're welcome," Ron sighed.
"Guys, why can't we get through?" Harry questioned.
"I dunno," Ron answered, feeling the barrier. "The gateway's sealed itself for some reason."
As Ron pressed his ear to the barrier, while the Crusaders and Sunset tapped a few times with their hooves and hand – DING! – chimed the clock to which caught their attention. All eyes turned toward the station clock, which now read 11 o'clock.
"The train leaves at exactly eleven o'clock," Harry informed panickily. "We've missed it!"
"Well that's just great!" Sweetie Belle complained. "First time going to Hogwarts and already things are going wrong. If we're late, no doubt the Professors will scold us!"
"Worse yet... our sisters," Apple Bloom replied.
"That's the last thing I want to hear right now," Scootaloo cringed.
"Guys," Ron thought suddenly. "If we can't get through, maybe Mum and Dad and the others can't get back."
"What are we supposed to do now?" Sunset asked.
Harry puzzled and puzzled, trying to formulate some formulate a plan of sorts.
"Maybe we should go wait by the car," Harry suggested.
To which Ron addressed his friend with a quizzical glance.
"The car!?" Ron questioned.
"Harry, you're a genius!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed excitedly. "We can use the car to fly to Hogwarts!"
"Well then, let's go!" Scootaloo cheered. "We've got a train to catch and fast!"
"Whoa, hold on now guys!" Sunset spoke uncertainly. "That might not be the best—"
But Sunset Shimmer didn't have time to finish. The Crusaders and the two boys were pushing their trolleys madly before them. By the time Sunset Shimmer caught up, pushing her own supplies along the way, she found the group had made a dash for the car, loading all of their belongings into the Ford Anglia's boot.
"This is mad!" Harry argued. "We can't drive to Hogwarts!"
"Who says we're driving?" Ron replied.
"You don't mean—" Apple Bloom guessed.
"Ron, no!" Sunset Shimmer objected. "Twilight Sparkle and the others will be furious if they catch you doing this!"
"Look, who knows when the others will get back?" Ron explained. "And we've got to get to school, haven't we? And even underage wizards are allowed to use magic if it's an absolute emergency. Least that's what Fred and George always say..."
"Coming from those two... I don't know," Sweetie Belle second-guessed.
"We can't be late on our first day of school, Sunset!" Scootaloo whined. "Come on, I really want to make a great impression on Rainbow Dash. Please..."
Soon the three Crusaders were giving Sunset Shimmer the puppy-dog stare, while the boys looked on with concern. A heavy sigh escaped Sunset Shimmer's lips, but she knew when she'd been beaten.
"Something tells me we're going to regret this," Sunset Shimmer shook her head. "Then again, beats any trouble I've had in Canterlot High... Fire away!"
With that settled, with all of their stuff jammed in the car and the trolleys returned to the rack, the four Hogwart students and Jedi were all gathered in the car. With no Muggle in the vicinity, Ron tapped his wand along the dash of the car and the Anglia burbled to life.
"Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?" Scootaloo asked.
"Yeah, Ron," Sunset agreed. "You're twelve years old and you're flying your Dad's car. Are you qualified for this?
"No problem," Ron replied.
Ron shifted the gear and with a great jolt, the car lifted off the ground.
Indeed, the car proceeded to take flight toward the location of the Hogwarts Express. But little did our intrepid adventurers realize that there was still someone determined to stop them. And that someone was willing to do whatever it took to prevent Harry and his friends from returning to Hogwarts. Even if it mean putting some innocent students in jeopardy just to bail them out.
"There we go!" Ron sighed. "See. Now, I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple."
Harry nodded, although he wasn't entirely convinced.
"Ron, if we survive this and somehow you get a driver's license..." Apple Bloom began. "I'm taking a Taxi or the Bus."
As Harry peered out the window, down below he spotted two pedestrians staring in disbelief.
"Ron, look out!" Sweetie Belle squealed.
"We're gonna crash!" Scootaloo screamed.
Luckily, Ron managed to swerve just before the car headed for the large clock tower. But it wasn't the obstacles in the car's path that Harry was concerned with. Here they were, a group of students and the closest to a chaperone in Sunset Shimmer, exposed to the Muggle World with a Magical Flying Car in full view. No doubt this will greatly stir a commotion amongst the Muggles in an instant, if not already.
"Ron, I should tell you," Harry spoke up. "Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a Flying Car."
"Harry's Right, Ron," Apple Bloom agreed. "We're exposed here."
"Uh, right!" Ron nodded.
Ron proceeded to press a tiny silver button along the dashboard and in a matter of seconds... they disappeared. Down below, the baffled pedestrians blinked wondering precisely just what they saw. But at the very least the Ford Anglia could safely vanish through the sky, out of view from wandering Muggle Eyes.
Speaking of views, the invisible car sailed through the closes, passing through the stunning green landscape of Scotland's fields. But after flying for such a lengthy period, the Ford Anglia's engine puttered softly and – POP! – the car suddenly reappeared. Harry, Sunset, and the Crusaders gazed down towards the hills in view while Ron jabbed the silver button... but to no avail.
"What happened?" Sunset questioned.
"Oh no!" Ron gasped. "The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!"
"This is bad!" Sweetie Belle grimaced. "What do we do now?!"
"Well, come on then, let's go lower," Harry advised. "We need to find the train."
"Okay!" Ron concurred.
Ron shifted the car to fourth gear lowering the car along the ridge of a cliff.
"Any sign of the train?" Apple Bloom called out.
"There! Up ahead!" Harry pointed. "Look..."
Along a steep bridge, a single line of train tracks came into view.
"Brilliant, Harry!" Sunset congratulated. "Ron, take her down!"
Ron shifted, gliding the car down, until the Ford Anglia was only a few feet above the tracks. The boys and girls peered ahead, looking for the train. But the tracks seemed empty and not an inch of the train was in sight... or so they thought.
"Now all we need to do is catch up with the train," Harry declared.
"It must be around here someplace," Sweetie Belle looked around.
"It can't be far behind," Ron assured.
Just then, the group heard the unmistakable whistle of the Hogwarts Express through the Ford Anglia's rear window. The group perked up, beaming at the thought of finally catching up with the train, which they intend to follow to Hogwarts to the castle grounds and be just in time for the sorting ceremony... and an incredible feast.
"Do you hear that?" Harry asked.
"We must be getting close," Ron said hopefully.
"That doesn't make any sense," Sunset pondered quizzically.
"What do ya mean Sunset?" Apple Bloom asked.
"If we were getting closer to the train, shouldn't we have seen it by now?" Sunset replied. "Or at least spot the smoke coming from the spout?"
"You know, she makes a good point," Sweetie Belle agreed. "You'd think we'd see some sign of the train by now."
"Agreed!" Scootaloo nodded. "It doesn't even sound like it's coming from in front of us. It sounds more... like..."
Everyone and every pony froze, their eyes widened with horror upon realizing what Scootaloo nearly said.
"Hold on!" Harry realized.
Then, at precisely the same moment, Ron looked at Harry, the Crusaders looked at each other in horror as they registered the direction of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one, and their eyes widened at the horrifying sight: The Hogwarts Express was growing huge in the rear window, coming at them fast. The group wasn't following the train; the train was following them.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!" The group screamed.
As the train speeded towards them, Ron spun the wheel, put his foot to the gas and – at the last possible second – whipped the Ford Anglia out of the train's path uncontrollably to the left. The car waffled, toppled upside down briefly, before tilting onto its side. Ron tried to regain control, as the car was jetting under the bridge and the girls were screaming with fright before appearing along the train's right side. Harry slid down across his seat, into the door, and... out.
"HARRY!!!" Everyone screamed.
Harry Potter had accidentally opened the left door of the car and now found himself dangling upside-down dangerously from the open door, watching the Hogwarts Express zip past and, in one window, glimpsed Smolder and Ocellus, the latter's mouth opened in astonishment. Harry tried to hold onto the car door, but his grip was nearly slipping as Ron flew the car away from the train. The three Hogwart students knew they had to act now or risk their friend falling to his death.
"Hold on!" Ron called out.
Not that Harry had any other plans in mind. The boy could only look on in horror at the ground below him, all while the train continued toward its destination. Ron eventually stretched his hand out.
"Take my hand!"
Harry gripped Ron's hand, eyeing the train steaming far below. He knew that if he let go now, it would be quite a drop to the surface below. Unfortunately, Harry's fingers began to lose their grip.
"Hold on!" Ron called out.
"I'm trying!" Harry answered back. "Your hand's all sweaty!"
"Keep the car flying, Ron!" Sunset instructed. "The girls and I got this!"
"Hold tight, Harry!" Sweetie Belle called out. "We'll save you!"
Sunset Shimmer reached out her hoof and quickly grabbed hold of Harry, just as Apple Bloom bit her teeth along the back of Sunset's robes, with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pulling her tail. Straining with all their might, they yanked Harry back inside, leveling off the car. Harry quickly shut the door and buckled his safety belt as the girls fell heavily back in their seats. When all was said and done, at least they could catch their breath after such a harrowing experience.
"I think we found the train," Harry sighed.
"Yeah!" Ron nodded.
"No offense Ron, but a little advice if you will," Sunset Shimmer spoke sternly. "Lock the doors before you drive!"
"Sorry Sunset," Ron apologized. "Forgot to do that."
Ron proceeded to lock the car doors, as the Ford Anglia flew past the train...
... And Hogwarts Castle came into view. Inside the Ford Anglia, the group was in great relief to see a familiar sight.
"Welcome home, Harry!" Ron declared.
"Now this is how you make an entrance at school!" Scootaloo smirked.
"You know... I actually won't argue with that one," Sunset replied.
Harry and the girls were all smiles at the very sight of the school. Just then... the Ford Anglia groaned.
"Uh... Ron, just outta interest," Apple Bloom spoke nervously. "Have you ever landed a car before?"
"Well... no," Ron admitted. "But, until a few hours ago, I'd never taken off in one either."
"... Oh no," Sweetie Belle cringed.
With that, the car lurched, the nose dropped, and soon the car was pitching through the night. As Ron raked the gears, they hurtled madly toward the castle wall. But it seemed as though the car had a mind of its own, flying uncontrollably even at the risk of getting its passengers killed.
"Up! UP!" Harry shouted.
"Ron, pull up!" Sunset insisted.
"IT'S NOT WORKING!" Ron stepped on the pedals, to no avail.
"WHAT?!" The Crusaders shouted, shocked.
Harry grabbed hold of Ron's hand along the stick, shifting desperately as the girls screamed in terror. The Ford Anglia lurched up, barely clearing the castle wall. The boys exchanged a look of relief, when... the car groaned again, lurching... downward. Soon the four students were closing in toward a tree unlike anything they'd seen before. Down below, the giant Whomping Willow tree loomed, and they were about to crash into it!
"Up, Ron! Mind the tree!" Harry shouted.
Ron shifted the gear, but nothing happened. Harry reached over and, together, the boys spun the wheel. But it was useless. The car was heading straight for the tree.
"WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!!" Sweetie Belle screamed.
Desperately, Ron whipped out his wand and whacked the dashboard.
"STOP! STOP! STOP!" Ron shouted.
But after whacking the wheel three times, the wand snapped in two as the broken end dangled before his eyes. The group screamed in horror and – CRUNCH! – car meets tree. It crashed through its branches, falling until the car came to a stop before several branches. Harry blinked, while the girls hung dreamily, the car itself balanced along the highest limb. Ron broke the silence as he gazed at his now broken wand.
"My wand! Look at my wand!" Ron whined.
"Be thankful it's not your neck," Harry replied.
THWUNMP! Something heavy struck along the door, sending a shudder through the car.
"Guys, what's happening?!" Scootaloo looked around.
"I don't know," Harry shook his head.
"THE TREE!!!" Apple Bloom screamed.
A growl emerged from nowhere and then, as they slowly looked up in disbelief, one of the tree's largest branches pulled back, curled into itself, and lashed forward like a massive fist. THWUMP!
"AAAAAAHHHH!!!" The group screamed.
The Ford Anglia tilted crazily, sliding backwards and free-falling through the air and... landed on a lower grid of branches.
"What kind of tree is this?!" Sweetie Belle shrieked.
Before anyone could respond, the tree began to pummel the car from all sides, tossing its passengers about like popcorn. Windows shattered; heavy dents appeared along the roof above their heads. Then the car fell again, slamming heavily to the ground. Instantly, the tree's lower branches shot through the front and rear windscreens and, gaining purchase, began to shake the car back and forth.
"LOOK OUT!" Sunset Shimmer screamed.
The tree pitched the car into the air. And as the Ford Anglia slammed down again, bobbing on its squealing shocks, the engine burbled back to life. Harry looked up, peering through the shattered windscreen. The willow's branches, as one, reared back, ready for one last punishing blow.
"Come on! Go fast!" Harry cried out.
"Punch it, Ron!" Scootaloo screamed.
"Hurry! Reverse! Reverse!" Sweetie Belle urged.
Ron shifted the car into first gear, and it shot backward. The willow pummeled the tread-marked ground the group just vacated. Safely clear, the doors fly open, the seats tip sideways, and the group are ejected. As they hit the ground, their trunks fly from the boot, Hedwig's and Scabbers' cages rockets out the back window, and the boys manage to catch them in mid-air. Sunset Shimmer spotted Ray's tank flying in mid-air and managed to catch it before it hit the ground.
"Scabbers, you're okay," Ron sighed with relief.
All of a sudden, its taillights blazing angrily, the battered car seals the doors and speeds off.
"The car!" Sunset Shimmer shouted.
"Catch it!" Sweetie Belle pointed.
Driving all by itself, the car sailed forth as the group tried to catch it but to no avail. Driving far from the castle, it fishtailed into the Dark Forest... and beyond that, who knows?
"Dad's going to kill me," Ron groaned.
"Ya think?" Apple Bloom replied.
Suddenly, they hear a tremendous groan and turn back. The Whomping Willow assumed its natural form, waiting for its next victim. But there was no time for pondering the tree. They needed to get inside the castle in hopes of attending the sorting ceremony in time. But compared to the events occurring today, our heroes were in for some further trouble just ahead. Unbeknownst to the group, their little episode made today's headlines in the local newspaper, the Evening Prophet, and one particular professor, who hated the group, watched from the shadows waiting for their arrival.
At some point, the group had split up with the boys going one way to drop their luggage and the girls heading in another direction. The CMC hadn't gotten very far when a groan caught the girls' attention. The crusaders gathered around Sunset, concerned upon noticing her rubbing her head.
"Are you okay, Sunset?" Apple Bloom asked. "Your head looks swollen!"
"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Sunset reassured. "I've had worst... can't say crashing into a Whomping Willow has been a pleasant experience."
"I doubt any of us want a ride like that again..." Scootaloo frowned.
"All I wanted was one ride on the Hogwarts Express!" Sweetie Belle pouted. "But then that stupid wall locked us out! How'd that happen?"
"We'll figure that out later," Sunset replied, clutching Ray's tank. "Let's just find Twilight and your sisters. No doubt they're in the Great Hall by now."
"What about Harry and Ron?" Apple Bloom asked.
"We'll meet up with them later. We have to get you girls sorted while there's still time. Come on, the Great Hall should be this way."
Sunset Shimmer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were soon exploring the castle halls. Until at last, they came upon some stained glass and peeked inside.
"Check it out girls!" Apple Bloom pointed out. "That must be the Sorting Ceremony. That's when the Sorting Hat decides which houses to send the new students, right?"
"You're a very smart filly, Apple Bloom," Sunset Shimmer complimented. "Every new student goes through that... well except me, Wallflower, and Juniper. We were handpicked by Discord..."
"Look! Ginny's next!" Apple Bloom spotted.
"I wonder what house she's in?" Sweetie Belle wondered.
"I hope we get sorted in the same house as hers," Scootaloo added. "Hey! We should be there right now! C'mon! Let's get sorted!"
The girls were just about to turn and leave with Sunset Shimmer to the Great Hall, just then Sweetie Belle stopped.
"Hold on!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "There's an empty seat at the staff table... where's Professor Snape?"
"Judge Turpin's grumpy wizard cousin or whatever?" Scootaloo asked. "What about him?"
"He's gone!" Sweetie Belle answered. "I don't see him anywhere."
"Maybe he's sick?" Apple Bloom guessed.
"Or maybe... he got fired!" Scootaloo smiled. "Y'know, I never liked that guy. Never very nice, good riddance for that Potion Master."
"Now Scootaloo, I'm not a fan of him either," Sunset shook her head. "But I happen to know Potions wasn't the class he ever wanted to teach. He's always been more interested in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Maybe he quit after failing to get the position."
"Or perhaps he's been waiting to hear how you four are late..."
Startled, Sunset Shimmer and the Crusaders turned to the source of a familiar voice. Standing before them, like a bat out of hell, was the Potions Master and Head of Slytherin himself, Professor Snape.
"P-P-Professor Snape!" Scootaloo stammered. "We were just talking about you! All good things, all good things..."
Slytherin's professor turned his head toward Sunset, who shivered at the piercing gaze of his cold eyes.
"Sunset Shimmer," Snape said slowly. "Not exactly how Princess Twilight Sparkle described you. If this is your attempt at a first impression, I'm very disappointed.
"Sir, if you let me explain—" Sunset began.
"Save it," Professor Snape scowled. "First, we need to find Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley."
Speaking of whom, Harry and Ron, filthy and bruised, just arrived at the main entrance to set their luggage down amongst a mountain of student trunks and caged pets already brought up from the train.
"See you, Hedwig!" Harry told his owl.
The boys literally had to drag themselves up the steps after tonight's activities. To say they were confused by the day's turn of events was a gross understatement.
"So, a house elf shows up in my bedroom, we can't get through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, we almost get killed by a tree..." Harry listed. "Clearly someone doesn't want me here this year."
"Well, take a good look, lads..."
The boys stopped and stood face-to-face with the grim caretaker, Argus Filch, standing atop the landing and his cat, Mrs. Norris, twitching her tail at his feet. The man glared at them with a malicious smile.
"This night well be the last you spend in this castle," Filch gloated wickedly. "Oh dear, we are in trouble."
Harry and Ron both glanced nervously at each other, knowing what this meant.
The Evening Prophet and with it its headline: FLYING FORD ANGLIA MYSTIFIES MUGGLES. Below the fold was a photo showing Harry, Twilight, and Lockhart at Flourish and Blotts. Professor Snape stood at his desk, newspaper in hand, as Harry and Ron stared with dread. But the boys were not alone in that office. Sunset Shimmer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders also stood in wait, while Filch lurked in the doorway, eying them with pleasure.
"You were seen! By no less than seven muggles!" Snape furiously hurled the paper, glaring. "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on a Whomping Willow that has been on these grounds for hundreds of years."
"Honestly, Professor Snape, I think it did more damage to us," Ron spoke in their defense.
"Silence!" Professor Snape barked angrily. "I assure you, were you in Slytherin and your fated rested with me, all of you would be on the train home tonight! As it is—"
"They are not!"
Harry and friends, including Filsh and Snape, turned. Albus Dumbledore himself stood in the doorway. Alongside him is a distinctly annoyed Professor McGonagall, along with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and even the Mane Six.
"Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall..." Harry greeted.
"Twilight!" Sunset and the Crusaders called.
"Girls! What happened?" Twilight asked. "Our students told us you were seen flying the Weasley's car outside the train."
"Headmaster, Princess Twilight," Professor Snape pointed. "These five have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. All of which have been observed by this delinquent of a Jedi! As such..."
"I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus, having written more than a few myself," Professor Dumbledore replied. "However, as Head of Gryffindor House, it is for Professor McGonagall to determine the appropriate action. As it is for Princess Twilight to decide the fate of Sunset Shimmer, our representative of the Jedi Order I've been told about."
"We'll go and get our stuff," Ron rose gloomily.
"What are you talking about, Mr. Weasley?" Professor McGonagall asked.
"Well, you're going to expel us, aren't you?" Ron asked.
"Please don't expel us!" Apple Bloom pleaded. "We only just started our First Year! We haven't even been sorted yet!"
"You're not really going to expel us, are you Professor?" Sweetie Belle asked timidly.
Gryffindor's Head Professor eyed the boys and their new filly friends before she determined the most appropriate response.
"Not today, Miss Sweetie Belle," Professor McGonagall replied.
The answer brought much relief not just for Harry and Ron, but the Crusaders as well.
"Oh! Thanks Faust!" Apple Bloom sighed.
"For a second there, I thought you were gonna—" Scootaloo added.
"But... I must impress upon all of you the seriousness of what you have done," Professor McGonagall spoke sternly. "I will be sending owls to your families tonight. And you will each get a detention."
All smiles dropped as the Crusaders whimpered, casting their eyes down in shame.
"And we're still in trouble," Scootaloo sighed.
"Ain't like the first time it's happened to us," Sweetie Belle shook her head.
"Least we ain't gettin' kicked out of another school... again," Apple Bloom pouted.
"As for you Miss Shimmer," McGonagall addressed Sunset sternly. "I would expect you to set a better example for my students from now on."
Sunset Shimmer cringed with embarrassment for having made such a bad first impression toward the Head of Gryffindor. She turned toward Twilight, hoping for her to speak in her defense. But the alicorn princess turned away, also rather embarrassed. As for Harry and Ron, one gaze toward the pure venomous stare from Professor Snape... and that's all they needed.
"Splendid," Dumbledore spoke up. "And now, I suggest we return to the fest. There's a delicious-looking custard tart I want to sample. And we must hurry if we're to have our three newest students sorted before the night is up."
Dumbledore and McGonagall departed from the office, along with the majority of the Mane Six and Snape following behind. The disapproving facial expression was plainly obvious to spot on the Head of Slytherin. Rising, Harry Potter, along with Ron and the Crusaders were passing Filch. Just then, Scootaloo noticed an envelope on the floor. Picking it up, she read the back: "KWIKSPELL. A CORRESPONDENCE COURSE IN BEGINNER'S MAGIC." And it happened to be addressed to "MR. ARGUS FILCH".
"Uh, Mr. Filch, you dropped this," Scootaloo informed the man.
Filch turned, eyed the envelope with embarrassment, then snatched it from Scootlaoo's hoof and stuffed it into his pocket. While Harry and friends passed on, Sunset and Twilight were the last to follow.
"Tell me what happened, Sunset," Twilight asked her friend, concerned.
"Where do I start?" Sunset replied.
Eventually, the group followed Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall all the way to the Grand Staircase. They made their way up the ever-changing stairs, eventually arriving at the two large doors which led to the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore then turned back towards McGonagall.
"Professor McGonagall if you wouldn't mind waiting a mere moment while the Equestrian Professors and I take our places at the teacher's table," He informed the elder witch. "Also Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Shimmer need take their places at Gryffindor table."
"Of course, Professor Dumbledore," She nodded, before addressing the group. "Ladies, Spike, please follow Professor Dumbledore."
"Sure thing, professor," Spike nodded.
"What about us?" Apple Bloom spoke up.
"Why can't we go in?" Scootaloo pointed out.
"Worry not, young ones," Dumbledore assured. "Once we're all in place, Professor McGonagall shall escort you three inside and we'll have you sorted shortly. Speaking of which, I believe it is time we begin."
Soon, Professor Dumbledoor opened one of the doors every so slightly so he could make his way into the hall. The CMC could hear the sounds of other students conversing within and just the very idea they would soon be walking in there before them all to be sorted honestly made them nervous.
"Oh boy, this is actually happening," Sweetie Belle said nervously. "To tell you the truth, I'm scared."
"There's no need to be nervous, Sweetie Belle," Rarity assured her sister. "We will be right in there waiting for you. Just be calm and be yourself."
"Same goes for you, squirt," Rainbow wrapped a wing around Scootaloo. "Just remember, no matter what house you're sorted into, you're Scootaloo. That's never gonna change."
"Thanks Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo smiled, nuzzling her idol's side.
"Ah just hope we don't get sorted into Slytherin," Apple Bloom spoke up. "Ah fer one ain't wantin' tah spend a year with Malfoy."
"Don't you worry none, sugarcube," Applejack assured her. "Knowin' you and yer friends, ya won't be sorted anywhere near Slytherin. Even if there's a small chance ya are, ah know y'all are tough enough to make it through anything."
Apple Bloom smiled and gave her sister a nod of affirmation.
"Well girls, we should probably get in there so this can start," Fluttershy informed the Crusaders. "Good luck girls."
"Thanks Fluttershy," All three said in unison.
"I know you'll do great things this year," Twilight encouraged.
"Who knows how much fun is in store for us this year?!" Pinkie said excitedly.
The Mane Six and Spike gave the girls one last wave before following Professor Dumbledore into the Great Hall. This left Harry, Ron, and Sunset standing with the girls.
"I suppose we best get in there as well before all the food is gone," Ron spoke up.
"Great pep talk Ron," Sunset said sarcastically, eyes rolling.
"I was getting to it," Ron replied, facing the girls. "Here's hoping you get into Gryffindor."
"Here's hoping," Apple Bloom nodded. "Though ah wouldn't mind if we were sorted into Hufflepuff."
"Or Ravenclaw," Sweetie Belle added. "I mean we're all pretty smart."
"As long as it's not Slytherin, I'm good with whatever," Scootaloo said.
"No matter what happens, we're still your friends," Harry smiled. "Good luck."
"Best of luck to you girls," Sunset nodded.
The three eventually entered the Great Hall and made their way toward the Gryffindor Table taking their seats beside the Student Six and Hermoine.
"Where in Merlin's name have you been?" Hermoine asked, as they sat down.
"When you guys didn't board the train, we got worried," Silverstream added.
"It's kind of a long story," Ron chuckled.
Before they could proceed, the Great Hall's doors opened, and all eyes turned as Professor McGonagall led the Cutie Mark Crusaders through the hall. The Student Six gave them assuring smiles as they passed by, which the young fillies happily returned. As they followed McGonagall down the end of the hall, Sweetie Belle looked over toward the Slytherin table noticing Malfoy and his goons staring daggers at them. However, that wasn't what upset her most. It was that small glimpse of the Whisper Dream bat pony from before. She sat on the floor behind Malfoy, all scared and sad, feeling as though she didn't belong... even amongst the other students.
"Poor girl," Sweetie Belle frowned.
Eventually, McGonagall and the three filles made their way to the very front of the Great Hall where the Sorting Hat sat upon its stool. Standing before the remainder of Hogwarts' student body, McGonagall gave her class a few taps to get their attention.
"Your attention please!" She announced. "Before we continue with the feast, we have three students yet to be sorted this evening. But before we commence, Professor Dumbledore and the princesses of Equestria have a quick announcement to make."
The elder witch stood to the side as Dumbledore stood from his chair. As he began his speech, Princess Celestia and Luna made their way to his side.
"As Hogwarts and Equestria come together through this shared bond, we have experienced a great many changes since the past year," Dumbledore began. "The arrival of our newest students and ambassadors from Equestria have made quite an impression upon what Hogwarts stood for and by being here proved to be a great help in our need. Now I wish to continue this newfound tradition with a few new changes.
"Firstly, I understand there are those among you who haven't known of Equestria and the livelihood of its inhabitants, both ponies and creatures alike. In a sense, they shared similar magic to our own yet live their lives differently. It is a land of great heroes and villains, stories that have stood the test of time through generation upon generation and thousands of years since. In speaking of a thousand years, since Professor Binns will not be joining us this year, I can think of no experienced pony to service as History of Magic Professor... than Celestia's own son, Prince Storm Shield."
Applause erupts in the halls along with murmurs of awe and surprise as Storm Shield himself climbs the stand. He gives a hug toward his mother Celestia and his aunt Luna before he makes his way toward Dumbledore, shaking his hand as they share a silent thanks. The applause continues as Storm Shield makes for the head of the stand, holding his hoof up in the air with a smile on his face.
"Thank you... thank you..." Storm thanked, as the crowd died down. "Thank you to all of Hogwarts for this tremendous opportunity. As some of you may or may not have known, I had spent a thousand years trapped within the mystical Philosopher's Stone... or the Sorcerer's Stone, whichever you prefer. Since my reawakening, I've seen so much change both in Equestria and Hogwarts alike. The biggest I've seen to date is herds of all shapes and sizes joining together just as Celestia dreamed of and seeing how strong our magic has grown.
"As your newly assigned professor, I carry with me a great deal of stories surrounding this magic which to this day still remains a mystery as it continues to evolve over the years. But I recognize that it is such a huge topic that even a Prince such as myself can't teach it alone. Which is why, after much deliberation, I've recommended a pony who harbors a great love for learning with a lifetime of knowledge she's studied. A pony who some say would make a great professor; a pony who I think will benefit for this year's assembly of promising wizards and witches..."
All heads leaned with anticipation, eyes widening as they anxiously waited for the news. Amongst the Mane Six, the girls and Spike started getting some ideas and turned towards Twilight Sparkle. The alicorn's cheeks began to blush slightly, and her wings briefly fluttered. And the prince himself was just about to declare the name before the entire school...
"Moon Dancer..." Storm Shield announced. "Would you please join us?"
Just then, a female unicorn pony appeared before the group and in a way almost resembled Twilight Sparkle. Only she had a light yellowing gray coat, a majority of it covered by a neatly ironed Hogwarts uniform, a red mane and tail with purple highlights, purple eyes covered by a pair of glasses with its center heavily bandaged, and a cutie mark with a crescent moon and three stars. The audience was stunned at first... but then erupted in applause to welcome the second professor, as she shyly stood up front as she shook hands with the Prince of Peace himself. Twilight Sparkle, though slightly disappointed, still clapped knowing that the Prince would be working with a very good friend of hers.
Once the announcements were made, Dumbledore took his place while Storm Shield and Moon Dancer joined the Mane Six and Spike.
"Thank you, Storm Shield, you and Moon Dancer will be right at home in our school," Dumbledore replied, clearing his throat. "Now then, after the events of the sorting ceremony last year, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and I have reached a decision which henceforth will move forward. Starting this year, any group of students who share a bond as close as blood may select one student to sort them all to the same house."
This additional announcement caused murmur amongst the students over this new revelation. New teachers, ponies nonetheless, and now suddenly a group's housing can be determined by one student. There was just so much to take in.
"After seeing the bond six of our students last year shared between one another, it only seemed fitting the same applies for any students from here on out," Celestia added.
"This new rule not only applies to Equestria students alone," Luna continued. "Any students, Equestrian or human, have full rights to this new ruling as all the others."
"Thank you," Professor Dumbledore concluded.
The rest of the Great Hall gave a small round of applause as their headmaster and the princesses once more took their seats. McGonagall then grabbed the sorting hat, turning her attention to the three fillies.
"Now I must ask you three which of you will be the one to be sorted?"
The girls looked amongst each other, silently discussing who would be best suited for such a high honor. Both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked toward Apple Bloom, their smiles saying enough. To which Apple Bloom nodded in understanding.
"Ah suppose that'll be me, Professor," Apple Bloom spoke up.
"Then please step forth, Ms. Bloom," McGonagall gestured.
The rest in attendance in the Great Hall, especially the Mane and the Student Six, watched with anticipation. Apple Bloom slowly made her way up and hopped onto the stool. McGonagall lowered the Sorting Hat onto the little filly's head, and it sprang to life.
"Ah, another Equestrian student I see," The hat spoke. "More seem to come by the year. You come here with preferences and preconceptions—certain expectations."
Apple Bloom looked out amongst her fellow crusaders; all the other students looked toward her as she considered the hat's words. Indeed, she and her friends did come with such expectations for their first year at Hogwarts.
"Ah'm really lookin' forward to mah first year here at Hogwarts," Apple Bloom spoke happily. "Ah can't wait tah explore the castle grounds and meet all mah professors."
"Indeed..." The hat nodded. "Much can be gleamed from having an adventurous spirit. Just remember, you have much to learn along the way. But first, we must decide where to put you."
"Wherever ah end up Mr. Sorting Hat, ah'm just glad ah'll be with mah friends," Apple Bloom responded.
"I see," The hat contemplated. "Your dedication to your friends seems to be your most outstanding quality. In fact, I believe it is what delayed your arrival this evening. You share a bond with them as though bound by blood. Not to mention you do not give up easily. You are undaunted by challenges that lie ahead. These traits show you are best suited in... HUFFLEPUFF!"
The entire room erupted into cheers and applause, especially from the Mane Six, Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Storm Shield, Moon Dancer, and the Student Six. After McGonagall took the hat off her head, Apple Bloom excitedly jumped off the stool and raced to embrace her two best friends in a massive group hug. They made their way over to a section of the Hufflepuff table where they could sit close to their friends in Gryffindor house.
"Now then, let the feast proceed," McGonagall announced.
Everyone returned to their meals as the Crusaders looked toward the teachers' table. They saw Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash looking toward them with pride as the same as their friends. They turned toward Student Six, all smiling and waving, and Smolder even gave a claw up. While this year had started off with a rocky start, perhaps there was still a chance this year would turn out alright.
Following the conclusion of the feast, all the students piled out of the Great Hall as they followed their prefects toward their common rooms. The Cutie Mark Crusaders walked alongside the Student Six who gave them so many congratulations on being sorted into Hufflepuff.
"That was awesome guys!" Sandbar said excitedly.
"Though I must ask, why were you guys not on the train?" Silverstream asked curiously. "When you guys didn't come through the platform, we were worried. Headmare Twilight and the professors almost didn't board the train because they were determined to wait for you. And how do you explain why Smolder and Ocellus saw you guys in the Weasley's flying car?"
"Yeah... sorry about that," Sweetie Belle apologized. "We ran into some trouble with the wall."
"More like running smack dab into the wall!" Scootaloo shook her head.
"How'd that happen?" Yona asked. "We run through wall no problem. How ponies have trouble?"
"Can't really explain it, Yona," Apple Bloom shrugged. "When we couldn't get through, we flew in the car and crashed into some weird angry tree that tried tah flatten us. I dunno if I'll ever be buckin' trees the same after today."
"Sounds like you squirts had quite the journey," Smolder smirked.
"I'm just thankful you're alright," Ocellus voiced relief.
In that moment, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack approached the Crusaders and enveloped each of them with huge hugs.
"I'm so proud of all three of you," Rarity spoke teary-eyed. "Seeing you sorted in your house; it made me so emotional. You're all growing up so fast."
"No kidding!" Rainbow chuckled. "Never been prouder of you."
"Ah second that!" Applejack agreed. "Ah'm just thankful y'all got here in one piece. When ya didn't come through, we tried tah get back but for some reason we couldn't."
"It was quite perplexing," Rarity nodded in agreement. "Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall are trying to figure out exactly what happened to the barrier as we speak. But the important matter is that you're all here, safe, sound, and official students."
"As am I."
Hearing the new voice caused the ponies to turn to their side as a short, plump witch approached. She wore gardener style robes and a hat, which they noticed as she walked by. This was Professor Sprout, the Herbology Professor, and head of Hufflepuff House."
"Pleased to meet the three of you," She greeted warmly. "I am Professor Sprout, head of your house. Professor Dumbledore asked if I might personally escort you to the common room."
"That's very kind of your Professor Sprout," Rarity thanked her. "Mind if myself, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash accompany you?"
"We'd sure love tah show our sisters where they'll be stayin'," Applejack added.
"Of course not, dears," Professor Sprout smiled.
"Sweet!" Rainbow smirked, facing the Student Six. "You dudes follow Percy back to the common room and get a good sleep tonight. You start the day with Herbology tomorrow."
"No problem, Professor Dash," Gallus nodded.
"Goodnight girls," Silverstream waved. "Hope you enjoy your first night at Hogwarts."
The Student Six followed the rest of Gryffindor house through the Grand Staircase while Professor Sprout led the Crusaders and their sisters down a big winding staircase to the lower corridors. After taking a few twists and turns, they eventually arrived at the end of the passage with a few casks stacked upon one another with three larger wine casks to the left.
"Ah here we are, the entrance to Hufflepuff common room," Professor Sprout announced.
"This is the entrance?" Sweetie Belle asked quizzically.
"Indeed!" Professor Sprout nodded. "I shall explain what to do but you must remember this combination exactly. One small mistake could result in you being doused with vinegar."
"Ew!" Scootaloo cringed.
"Yes, most unpleasant," Sprout nodded. "Now then, you must tap the barrel. Two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of Hel-ga Huff-le-puff."
"Some passcode," Rainbow said impressed.
The three Crusaders looked amongst each other.
"Who's gonna give it a shot?" Apple Bloom asked.
"I'll give it a go," Scootaloo replied.
Scootaloo stepped forward and looked at the barrel that would gain them entry to their common room. She tapped the panel in the order as instructed, causing the last giant cask to fold open and reveal the entrance to the common room itself.
"Excellent work, dears!" Sprout congratulated them. "Now, I think you should all head inside and get some sleep. You have a big first day ahead of you tomorrow."
"Thank you, Professor Sprout," All three spoke simultaneously.
The head of Hufflepuff nodded before walking off down the corridor. Soon the Crusaders and their sisters were left standing at the entrance.
"Well, guess this is it," Applejack said teary-eyed. "Yer all grown up now and startin' yer learnin' at Hogwarts."
Apple Bloom smiled and hugged her sister tightly which Applejack reciprocated. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo did the same with Rarity and Rainbow Dash.
"We'll be right back here bright and early to lead you to your first lessons," Rarity told them. "Don't want you getting lost on your first day."
"And make sure you all get some sleep," Rainbow advised, then face Scootaloo. "That means you too, squirt."
For the last time that night, the three older mares gave their sisters a warm hug.
"Good night you three," Rarity told them.
"Good night," The crusaders said together.
Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash soon walked off down the hall and eventually out of sight. The Crusaders faced the entrance to the common room and slowly made their way inside. When they got in, they all gasped with wide eyes at the sight before them. The Hufflepuff common room resembled a very cozy burrow with an assortment of plants everywhere. It looked so warm and inviting for the three fillies.
"Wow, this place looks amazin'!" Apple Bloom smiled. "Reminds me of our tree house."
"You can say that again," Sweetie Belle nodded.
"Reminds me of our tree house."
"Girls, I think we're going to fit in just fine," Scootaloo spoke up.
Elsewhere in the castle, Twilight Sparkle and Storm Shield found themselves walking through the corridors of the fourth floor for the History of Magic classroom. The earlier announcement of Storm Shield taking Professor Binns' spot from here on out was definitely a surprise for everyone and every pony, especially Twilight Sparkle. Ultimately, she was happy Storm had been granted the position. Yet she still wasn't certain of Moon Dancer being assigned as his assistant professor. True, Twilight and Moon Dancer rekindled their friendship long ago and have since been on good terms, but Twilight would be lying if she wasn't the least bit jealous. She'd talk with Moon Dancer, but she left for her own room and wouldn't be available till the start of classes tomorrow, so Storm decided to make his way to his room near the classroom.
"Pretty exciting that you'll be teaching at Hogwarts now," Twilight spoke up. "How'd that come about anyway?"
"Mom and Auntie Luna thought it be a good idea since I've lived through a good deal of history in both Equestria and other worlds," Storm responded. "They talked to Albus about me taking over the position since Binns is retiring, and he thought it was a great idea."
"I still find it odd Professor Binns is retiring," Twilight said curiously. "How exactly is a ghost supposed to enjoy retirement?"
"He'll probably visit his old haunts," Storm replied.
Hearing the joke made Twilight giggle a bit, but she quickly turned away to hide the blush on her face. It was then Storm turned toward her.
"Gotta say Sparky, when I saw your reaction to my announcement earlier, you weren't thrilled with Moon Dancer being the assistant professor," Storm observed.
"What?! NOOO... it's cool," Twilight smiled nervously. "It's great she's getting the chance to teach. I actually wish she'd been given an opportunity to teach a class of her own considering how she spends her days studying. I always thought maybe Astronomy, all the way up on the tippy top tower of the school... far away from this floor."
This caused Storm Shield to grin mischievously at her.
"Why Twilight Sparkle, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous."
"What?! No—totally not jealous!" She chuckled nervously. "Definitely no jealousy here. Oh hey, I see your room down there. Here we are!"
Twilight quickly increased her trotting speed to get ahead of Storm so he wouldn't see her blush intensify to the point her face now resembled a tomato. Storm merely chuckled as he trotted forward to catch up with her. There was no fooling this prince, he knows a jealous pony when he spots one... especially the super-jealous type. But eventually, the two stopped outside Storm's room and they both looked at each other with a smile.
"Thanks for accompanying me to my room, Ms. Sparkle," Storm thanked her.
"No problem," Twilight responded. "I should probably head back to the Gryffindor common room. Pretty big day ahead of us tomorrow."
"That we do," Storm nodded. "Hope you have a great night's sleep, Sparky. And... you may want to work a little harder on controlling that blush of yours."
Twilight's eyes widened to the size of saucers, and she quickly turned away again.
"Oh um—yeah that—I wasn't—I'll see you tomorrow."
She quickly lit her horn with her magic and zapped herself to the Gryffindor common room before she embarrassed herself further tonight. Storm chuckled at her cute quirkiness before turning the door handle to his room and stepped inside. Once inside his room, he looked around to make sure not a soul was in sight before shutting the door and eyeing the empty room.
"Alright, coast is clear!" Storm announced. "You can come out now."
Upon making things official, Quill Cast, along with Curtain Call, Mirai, and Draxus emerged from hiding.
"You're sure no one else knows we're here?" Quill asked Storm.
"No one besides me, my mom, my aunt, and Dumbledore," Storm assured. "But who's counting?"
"Good, because we have our roles to play and they have theirs," Curtain informed. "Long as we keep them on the path they're meant to head down and we manage our business, the Multiverse stays in balance."
"We still have members of the Legion out there we need to find," Mirai reminded them. "Didn't you say a few more will be arriving before too long?"
"Hopefully they'll be here soon," Quill nodded. "No idea when exactly, but we can always count on them."
"In the meantime, we should get some sleep," Storm suggested. "Won't do us good to save the universe if we're tired."
"Good point," Curtain nodded. "Besides, if I don't get my eight hours, I'll be cranky all day."
"... He's not exaggerating."
Storm made his way toward his bed, getting himself situated for a good night's rest. The other individuals made themselves as comfortable as possible on the floor.
"Thanks again for letting us room with you Storm," Quill expressed his thanks. "At least only temporarily."
"Well, there was no way I'm letting my friends sleep out in the cold," Storm replied. "Mi casa su casa as the old saying goes."
"Hey Mirai, remember that jam you wrote back in Skyrim?" Curtain asked the young girl.
"How can I not?" Mirai nodded.
"How's about setting the atmosphere for old time's sake?"
Mirai released a giggle before sitting up and reaching into her things. Soon, she pulled out a lute and began to strum a pleasant little tune that she eventually began to sing:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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