A New Year Begins
The lovely, cheerful twittering of birds echoed across the clear blue skies. Celestia's sun was at its brightest as it shined upon the town of Ponyville. Joy was plastered upon the face of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, as she strolled down the street with her loyal assistant always at her side, Spike. The two were hard at work planning for one of the biggest events Ponyville would ever see:
Spike and Gabby's wedding.
To think only one month prior when they had returned from their adventure into the Ice Age. That was the day Spike proposed to his girlfriend right in front of every pony and everyone. Much work still had to be done in preparation for the biggest day still to come. It was for those reasons why the pair were walking through town, trying earnestly to decide how everything should be set.
"I'm thinking we set rows of chairs over there," Twilight pointed toward town square. "We'll have Big Mac construct a magnificent arbor for the two of you to stand under. I'm also thinking of hanging some flowers around town. Speaking of which, what kind of flowers does Gabby like?"
"She really likes daffodils," Spike replied, mid-walk.
"Then we'll be sure to get dozens for the big day," Twilight smiled.
Spike looked toward his older sister figure, noting the tears in her eyes that she was proceeding to wipe away.
"Twi, are you crying?" Spike asked.
"Sorry," Twilight apologized, drying her eyes. "I just can't believe you're getting married. It seems only yesterday when you hatched from that egg for my entrance exam, just to apply for Princess Celestia's school."
Hearing the mention, Spike smiled as he knelt down and embraced her in a warm hug.
"Thanks Twilight," Spike spoke sincerely.
Soon as the pair pulled away, a sudden thought crossed Spike's mind. The like of which that sent his smile into a frown.
"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked curiously.
"Nothing really," Spike sighed. "It's just... there's a part of me that wishes to know who my real parents were. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for your love and how your family took me in and loving me like your own. It's just I wish I could at least know them, maybe ask them to come to my wedding."
Twilight's face saddened greatly for her faithful assistant. The princess always knew he'd been wondering about his past for his whole life. In the days since Spike's hatching, all the professors informed Twilight and her parents that they had no clear idea where the egg came from. They could only assume the egg itself was abandoned. There was that one time they met a dragon, Sludge by name, claiming to be Spike's father. Only it was an excuse for free labor out of him, and to this day Twilight hated that dragon for hurting her dearest friend and brother.
As Spike looked out toward the horizon, he felt a comforting hoof upon his shoulder. He turned over and found himself gazing into the eyes of his princess companion.
"I know you do, Spike," Twilight spoke sweetly. "I wish I could give you more. There is still one thing I do know. If your parents were here right now, they'd be very proud of the dragon you've become."
Another smile coursed its way across Spike's face, as he wrapped his arms around Twilight Sparkle for another hug. They hugged for what felt like several moments when Spike felt a sudden tapping on his shoulder. The dragon turned around to come face-to-beak with his fiancée.
"Sorry, hope I'm not interrupting the tender moment," Gabby apologized sheepishly.
"Not at all, Gabby," Twilight assured her.
"How's it going with the wedding dress?" Spike asked Gabby.
"Rarity and I have been working all morning, going from one design to the next," Gabby responded. "We've been sorting through fabrics, taking measurements, and so much more. But now I think we've finally got a good idea of what I'll be wearing."
"That's fantastic," Spike smiled. "I only wish we didn't have to wait so long just to get married."
"I know honey," Gabby giggled, hovering to kiss his cheek.
"Is there any way I can get a 'little' hint as to what you're wearing?" Spike smirked.
"Afraid not, darling."
Spike and Twilight looked behind Gabby, catching Rarity approaching behind the young griffin. She wore her little orange glasses and used her magic to hold a pair of scissors, fabric sheets, pin cushions, and other assortments of designing tools.
"Mustn't spoil anything before the big day," Rarity told Spike. "It's best to be surprised."
It wasn't long until the remainder of the Mane Six approached the rest of the group. For as it turned out, they too had been at Rarity's shop alongside Gabby, trying dresses of their own. After all, what are bridesmares without dresses?
"You know what I'm not surprised about?" Rainbow asked. "The fact I still don't like wearing dresses. Now I'm cool with being a bridesmare, but dresses make me feel like I'm wrapped in shrink wrap."
"Well ah fer one love when ya wear a dress sugarcube," Applejack smiled at her marefriend. "It hugs ya in all the right places."
"Back at ya, farm girl," Rainbow smirked.
The remaining girls merely rolled their eyes listening to their friends' talk.
"Oh, I'm ever so happy for the two of you," Fluttershy said happily toward Gabby and Spike. "I knew since the day you two met you'd be perfect for each other."
"Abso-positively!" Pinkie exclaimed gleefully. "This is going to be the bestest, most spectacular wedding ever! There'll be cake, and streamers, and cake, and flowers, and balloons, and cake! Did I already say cake? Well, the more cake the merrier!"
Seeing the energetic pink party pony going loco over the wedding, every pony else couldn't help but laugh. After all, Pinkie Pie was absolutely right this time. True, the wedding was still in the planning stage as of now. Yet they couldn't help but agree that this would be the most amazing wedding to date.
"Well, I for one—" Twilight Sparkle began.
Suddenly, Twilight's sentence was abruptly cut off by a swirling orange portal unveiled alongside the group. The winds picked up all around them as the group shielded their eyes from the strong current. The moment it finally passed was when they were finally able to uncover their eyes. When they did, their eyes widened with surprise and huge smiles spread across their faces. For standing before them, dressed in her Master Jedi robes, was their oldest friend... Sunset Shimmer.
"Guess who's back!" Sunset spoke casually.
They all raced toward Sunset Shimmer, engulfing her in the biggest group hug they've ever had.
"It's good to see you again, Sunset!" Twilight said happily. "It's been forever since we've seen you."
"Good to see you guys too," Sunset replied, gasping for breath. "Now if I could only breathe, that would be perfect."
Everyone quickly pulled back, allowing Sunset to take a few deep breaths to get some air back in her system.
"How have you been, darling?" Rarity asked.
"Not bad, I suppose," Sunset replied, getting her breath back. "So much has changed since you guys left. I'm a Master Jedi now and I've been training a whole bunch of younglings to become the next generation of Jedi. Including Leia and Hans' kid, Ben."
"They're married?" Rainbow asked in surprise.
"They sure are," Sunset nodded.
"And... you're training their son?" Pinkie Pie added. "That'll affect the timeline of events for future movie installments... not that it wouldn't be a bad thing or nothing."
"What?" Sunset asked confused.
"Never mind!" Pinkie responded quickly.
Before another word can be said, Twilight Sparkle quickly came forward and again enveloped Sunset with a massive hug, which the Jedi happily returned.
"It's so good to see you again, Sunset Shimmer," Twilight spoke happily.
"Couldn't agree more, Twi," Sunset chuckled.
When the two pulled away, Sunset walked over toward Spike and Gabby.
"And congratulations to you two on your engagement," Sunset smiled. "When I got the letter Spike sent me, I nearly leapt from my chair with joy. After everything that's happened thus far, you guys deserve some happiness."
"We're really glad to have you join us, Sunset," Spike replied gratefully.
"Rainbow Dash!"
Their attention was soon drawn to three new voices yelling toward them. The entire group turned just as Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo galloped their way toward them. From what they could tell, the three fillies were clutching three letters in their teeth. When they got close enough, the CMC skid to a stop and looked toward the group happily.
"Whoa now, what's got y'all three so excited?" Applejack asked curiously.
"We were just playin' in our treehouse when three owls flew through the window and dropped these," Apple Bloom explained through her teeth.
"We thought the owls were confused and dropped them there by mistake," Sweetie Belle added. "That is until we noticed our names on them."
"Acceptance letters to Hogwarts!" Scootaloo squealed.
"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock.
"Lemme see those," Twilight gestured.
The princess used her magic to grab the three letters, levitating them before her eyes which quickly scanned over them. Sure enough, they were three identical acceptance letters to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry signed by Minerva McGonagall herself.
"Wow, they really are!" Twilight gasped with shock. "Seems the new school year is beginning at Hogwarts soon and apparently the Ministry of Magic wants to bring in a few new students from Equestria!"
"This is amazing!" Sweetie Belle cheered excitedly. "I've been wanting to go to Hogwarts since your guys' last adventure there. And now we finally get the chance!"
"No kidding!" Scootaloo said. "Spell casting, potion brewing, maybe I can finally learn to fly!"
To which Rainbow Dash chuckled as she used her wing to draw Scootaloo closer to her.
"Good for you, squirt," Rainbow Dash complimented. "Just think, soon enough you'll be flying side by side with me."
"It's all I've ever wanted," Scootaloo smiled widely.
A large belch suddenly erupted out of Spike, as he released a green flame and a rolled-up piece of parchment fell out. All eyes turned toward the dragon as he unfurled the paper.
"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked.
"Princess Celestia wants us at Canterlot right away," Spike replied. "She's apparently called the Student Six there already and—"
Before Spike could proceed, a sudden blinding flash of light engulfed the Mane Six, along with Spike, the CMC, and Sunset Shimmer. When it faded, they all vanished from sight. This left Gabby standing in the heart of Ponyville, all by herself.
"Ooooh... kay..." Gabby spoke awkwardly. "Guess I'll gather everyone to Discord's theatre."
In the blink of an eye, the group were transported right into Canterlot Castle, specifically the throne room. The moment the blinding flash cleared was when every pony shook their heads to rid themselves of the dizziness before looking around. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both sat on their thrones and the Student Six were all assembled as well.
"... And getting here was easy," Spike concluded, with a shrug.
"Headmare Twilight!" The Student Six yelled simultaneously.
The students raced toward their professors and Spike, drawing everyone in a group hug.
"It's good to see you all again," Twilight said. "I trust you've been working hard since we've last seen you?"
"Of course!" Ocellus nodded smiling.
"I can't believe we're going back to Hogwarts again!" Silverstream screeched excitedly. "I've been waiting so long and now the time's finally here! I can't wait to see Harry, Ron, and Hermoine again!"
"Whoa, whoa, easy there Sil," Gallus said to his girlfriend. "Last thing we need is you passing out from over-exertion before we even make it there."
"I know, you're right," Silverstream nodded, taking deep breaths. "I just can't help it. It feels like forever since we've been there."
"Yona looking forward to new school year," Yona nodded. "Yona been practicing magic thanks to wand holder Hagrid gave me and Sandbar end of last year."
"It's much more effective than trying to hold our wands with our teeth," Sandbar agreed.
"I'm really looking forward to Quiddith again," Smolder cracked her knuckles. "This year, the Gryffindor team will crush any competition stacked against us!"
Hearing all the talk of another year at Hogwarts made Celestia and Luna chuckle as they extended their wings and flew down beside the group.
"We're both glad to see you're all excited for the new school year," Celestia smiled sweetly.
"Indeed!" Luna nodded. "I remember back when I was a young filly and every time the new year came about, I'd bounce off the wall with excitement."
Celestia turned toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders with a smile.
"I hear you three will be starting Hogwarts this year."
"Sure are," Apple Bloom nodded excitedly. "Been lookin' forward to it fer quite some time now."
"We hope the three of you will enjoy it," Luna added. "You only have 'one' first year at Hogwarts so tis best to enjoy it for all its worth."
Celestia soon turned her attention toward her former apprentice Sunset Shimmer. The biggest smile could be seen upon the princess's face.
"Sunset, it's good to see you again my student," Celestia declared, pulling her student into a hug.
"'Former' student, you mean," Sunset chuckled, hugging Celestia back. "After all, I am a Jedi master now."
"Indeed, you are," Celestia nodded, pulling back. "And you've done such wonderful things in that time. I couldn't be prouder of you."
"I did have a pretty amazing teacher after all," Sunset smiled, till she frowned. "I still feel pretty crumby for throwing your teachings away for so long."
"Sunset, you must stop being so hard on yourself," Celestia responded, with a comforting hoof along Sunset's shoulder. "All of that happened so long ago and you've done far more than enough to redeem yourself."
Hearing her mentor's comforting words brought a small smile to Sunset's face.
"Thank you," Sunset said.
Celestia gave another warm smile before rejoining her sister once more and addressed her attention toward the group.
"I've spoken with Professor Dumbledore about the new school term set to begin within a week," Celestia told them. "We've arranged for everyone's luggage to be transported to Hogwarts to avoid any unnecessary hassle. We'll send you all to Surry, England so you may join young Harry Potter once more."
Together, Celestia and Luna lit their horns with their magic and sent a few magical blasts toward a nearby wall. Within seconds, the crystal portal opened before them. The princesses soon turned back toward the group with smiles upon their faces.
"We hope you all have another wonderful year," Luna declared.
The group turned amongst each other and were just about to make their way through the portal. Before they could take a step, Sunset Shimmer placed a hand upon Twilight's shoulder.
"Hold up!" Sunset said urgently. "If you're going through, I'm coming with you."
"Are you sure, Sunset?" Twilight asked.
"Yeah! I've been wanting to come back to share another adventure with my friends for the longest time," Sunset replied, smiling. "You're not going anywhere without me."
To which Twilight smiled in return as she placed her hoof along her friend's hand. Once again, the two girls turned towards the portal and walked straight ahead along with the rest of the group through the portal. Soon as they stepped through, the portal closed behind them as they headed off for another year at Hogwarts.
The moment the portal closed, Celestia and Luna looked around the throne room to ensure they were entirely alone. Seeing no pony or creature in sight, they released a sigh of relief.
"Okay, you can come out now!" Celestia called out.
From behind the sun and moon thrones, Quill Cast and Curtain Call emerged from hiding. The two stallions proceeded down the steps to approach the two monarchs.
"You don't suppose they knew we were here?" Quill asked anxiously.
"I assure you they didn't," Celestia responded. "Though I do hate keeping this a secret from all of them. If we were able to tell them the truth, we'd accomplish far much more together."
"Sorry princess, but you know we can't tell them," Curtain responded, adjusting his specs. "They have their roles to play; we have ours."
"All this secrecy is quite overwhelming," Luna said nervously.
"Not as overwhelming as what's to come," Quill retorted. "I trust Doctor Strange has kept in touch with you both?"
"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "We've spoken with Albus recently. He's informed me that he had two of your allies working along with him for months trying to find what you're looking for."
"I certainly hope so," Curtain said hopefully. "Sooner we find it, the better."
"And what of... her?" Luna asked quizzically.
"No leads on her yet," Quill responded disappointedly. "There's been no sign of her since she gave us Spike's egg, insisting we bring him here to ensure his safety. I hated that she had to give him up in order to protect him, but I suppose it's what any mother would do. No worries though, we'll find her... we have to."
That being said, Quill reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a strange looking device, a gift of sorts from Doctor Strange himself. The device resembled a glowing baton with two demon heads at either end. A device simply known as... the Wand of Watoomb.
Holding the wand in his hoof, Quill closed his eyes and concentrated with a circular wave. Soon the wand opened a swirling orange portal and the two stallions proceeded to walk toward it. Just before they entered, they took one last look toward the princesses.
"Don't worry you two," Quill assured them. "All shall soon be revealed in due course."
Soon the two emerged through the portal and as it sealed behind them, their adventure toward the unknown was just beginning...
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