Wedding Rehearsal
A pair of light purple eyes steadily fluttered open as they slowly spun from disorientation. Trixie's vision spun, her gaze blurry, following all the running she had done. True she spent her time pulling a wagon from town to town, but it had been so long since she 'actually' ran so fast and so quickly too. Above her the rest of the Equestrians and Spike stood over her, Twilight waving her hoof over Trixie's face.
"Are you alright Trixie?" She asked concerned.
"Can you hear us darling?" Rarity added.
"Is she even alive?" Spike asked the group.
"Hey!" Rainbow yelled. "Instead of playing twenty questions, get her some water already!"
Twilight nodded and quickly used her magic to conjure a glass of water, which she gently leaned down so the liquid could trickle down Trixie's throat. As Trixie drank, slowly but surely, her senses returned one by one. Soon as she was finished, she sat up quickly with a gasp and breathed heavily.
"Thank goodness!" Fluttershy sighed in relief. "We were worried you might not wake up."
"Ah don't know 'bout that Fluttershy," Applejack disagreed. "Might be takin' it a bit too far."
"Either way, we're just glad you're feeling better," Twilight said. "You are better, are you?"
Trixie took a few more breaths, recomposing herself as she looked at all the others around her.
"Trixie hasn't run like that in such a long time," She said breathless. "I had no idea how out of shape I've truly become."
"Maybe you could do a trick to make that extra weight disappear," Rainbow joked.
She laughed at her own humor, but quickly stopped soon as she noticed every pony and Spike, minus Maud, glaring at her.
"I'll be quiet..."
Twilight turned toward the steps to the Everglot mansion, noting Victor and his parents entering. Quick as a whip, she conjured her magic to turn herself and her friends invisible once more, silently gesturing them to follow. They quickly make their way through the door as the Everglot's butler, regarding the Van Dorts with barely concealed disdain, closed the door behind the guests.
Once inside, the girls all got a good look around the mansion's interior. Much like the rest of London, it was dark and gloomy, overall 'very' depressing. Many portraits lined the walls, many of which were Mr. Everglot's ancestors, a majority of which resemble the toad-faced man. A grand piano stood off the corner of the foyer, near the grand staircase which Mr. and Mrs. Everglot stood at the bottom of.
"I rather enjoy the fine décor of this fine establishment," Rarity commented quietly. "But I do believe a bit of color would really living things up."
"Yer not kiddin'," Applejack nodded. "This place is 'bout as lively as a tomb."
"Actually, tombs might just be a little livelier," Rainbow corrected.
"It r-r-really just g-gives me c-chills," Fluttershy shook fearfully.
Pinkie Pie bounced merrily over her frightened friend, placing a comforting hoof around her.
"Aww it's alright Fluttershy," She assured. "There's nothing scary about this place. I mean aside from the darkness... and the creepy echo of footsteps... and that freak shadow racing across the walls every now and then..."
Fluttershy squeaked and hid herself deep within her mane, trembling harder than before. Pinkie noticed this quickly, realizing the mistake she made... again.
"Oopsie, sorry about that," She apologized. "Didn't mean to startle you Flutters! Just remember the song I taught you all that time ago..."
Suddenly, some upbeat music began to play in the background and Pinkie starts getting in the groove
"Oh don't tell me she's going to..." Twilight began.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Pinkie Pie (sings):
When I was a little filly, and the sun was going down...
"Yep... she is," Rainbow groaned.
Pinkie Pie (sings):
The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...
I'd hide under my pillow
From what I thought I say,
But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way
To deal with fears at all...
"Then what is?" Trixie asked.
Pinkie Pie (sings):
She said, "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall
Learn to face your fears.
You'll see that they can't hurt you
Just laugh to make them disappear."
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Pinkie took a deep breath, for a giant gasp of air, as the group waited in anticipation.
Pinkie Pie (sings):
So, giggle at the ghostly,
Guffaw at the grossly,
Crack up at the creepy,
Whoop it up with the weepy,
Chortle at the kooky,
Snortle at the spooky,
And tell that big dumb scary face
to take a hike and leave you alone
and if he thinks he can scare you
then he's got another thing coming
And the very idea of such a thing
Just makes you wanna... ha-ha-ha-ha... heh...
After Pinkie concluded one of her famous songs, Fluttershy slowly peeled her head out from her mane and looked toward her smiling friend. Hearing the familiar tune, along with seeing Pinkie's infectious smile, Fluttershy felt slightly better. Slowly, she sat up and put on a teeny tiny smile.
Amazing that the occupants of the manor did not even hear that...
Don't ruin the moment.
"See, that's better," Pinkie smiled. "Even Maud got into the spirit of the song. See how happy she is?"
Every pony turned toward Maud, who just stared stone-faced at one of the motionless portraits. It almost seemed like she was in a never-ending staring contest with the frozen face in the picture. Neither one backing down, neither one blinked, the anticipation ran thick as every pony wonder which one was going to...
Are you being serious right now?
No! It's just so boring I had to 'try' to make it fun.
Well, guess what?
It's not working.
I know...
Anyways... while the ponies and Spike preoccupied themselves, the Van Dorts made their way toward the staircase where the Everglots waited for them.
"Oh my goodness!" Mrs. Van Dort admired. "Oh, such grandeur. Such impeccable taste!"
"Oh, beautifull innit?" Mr. Van Dort asked.
"It's not as big as our place, dear."
"Bit shappy really, innit?"
"Shut up!"
As they went back and forth, Emil, the butler, quickly made his way between the two families to make the introductions.
"Lord and Lady Everglot," He gestured to them. "Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort."
Mrs. Van Dort gave a courteous bow to the Everglots, while Mr. Van Dort took off his hat in respect. He then attempted to charm the pair, but sadly failed miserably.
"Why, you must be Miss Victoria," He said to Mrs. Everglot. "I must say you don't look a day over twenty! No. Oh yes."
Mrs. Van Dort merely nudged her husband's side with her elbow, glaring as she cringed with embarrassment. Meanwhile, Mrs. Everglot just sneered and whispered to her husband.
"Smile, darling, smile," Maudeline told Finish, under her breath.
"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Finish whispered back.
Mr. Everglot's lips quivered, shaking with tremendous effort as he forced himself to twist his mouth into a huge, fake, and very forced smile to the Van Dorts. Clearly to hide the fact he really did not care for them in the least.
"Well hello!" He greeted through his teeth. "What a pleasure. Welcome to our home."
"Thank you!" Mrs. Van Dort thanked.
The parents come together in an awkward ritual of handshakes, bows and air-kisses. The two mothers offer each other false smiles. Then Maudeline turned toward the Butler.
"We will be taking tea in the west drawing room," Mrs. Everglot announced. "Do tell Victoria that the Van Dorts have arrived."
The Butler tipped his head before turning away to inform the young Everglot.
"Oh, do come this way, it's just through there," Mrs. Everglot informed the Van Dorts.
"Oh, I love what you've done with the place!" Mrs. Van Dort praised.
The parents turn as a group and made their way down the hall into the west drawing room, leaving Victor and the Equestrians to themselves standing in the foyer, completely forgotten. Soon as the coast was clear, the room completely empty, Twilight Sparkle switched off her spell and she, along with the group, are visible once more. Applejack approached Victor's side, shaking her head as they watched the two familiars leave.
"Ah ain't never seen such phony-bolonga in all mah years," She remarked. "Ya can clearly tell them Everglots ain't too keen on this wedding one bit!"
Trixie nodded, as she and the others stepped forward.
"Trixe may put on an act herself, but hers is always with good intentions of wowing the audience. These folks give us show-ponies a terrible name!"
"You said it," Rainbow agreed.
"Indeed!" Rarity nodded.
"I may not be very expressive, but at least you always know I'm honest about what I say," Maud piped in.
Victor sighed, shaking his head as he stood unsure of what to do. He still wasn't all too glad about this whole arrangement still, even more so than the Everglots themselves. Least he had something in common with his future parents-in-law. Looking around nervously, his eyes glance around the large dreary room with drab, formal paintings. As he rested his hand down, a single note played and he looked down to see he stumbled onto the grand piano, about the size of a small boat. Irresistibly drawn to it, wanting to relieve himself of some tension, Victor sat upon the bench and glanced over the keys.
"Do you play darling?" Rarity asked.
"Indeed I do," Victor nodded. "Mother always wanted me to take up an instrument as a boy. She believed when I marry one day, it would be polite of me to entertain guests for myself and my future bride."
"Forgive me for saying this Victor," Twilight apologized. "It just seems your mother has always been more concerned about marrying you into nobility more than actually being a parent."
"No offense taken," Victor sighed. "I've already known for the longest time."
"That's just awful," Fluttershy whispered.
"Sorry to hear about that Victor," Spike said. "At least you learned a pretty cool skill with the piano. How good are you?"
Victor looked upon the tiny dragon and the ponies, offering a slight ghost of a smile.
"I'll show you."
Victor touched the keys caressingly and begins to play, at first haltingly, then losing himself in the music. His song is sad but dreamy, a very beautiful and haunting melody. On the piano, a small vase holding a single stem of winter jasmine sat in place.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
His nimble fingers glided gently over the ivory keys of the piano with a sense of grace and poise. Every pony and Spike sat as they listened to him play. They couldn't help but sway along to the beautiful song.
Rarity immediately though of her husband Erik, noticing how Victor played with the same sort of musical elegance her beloved usually would when working on his latest masterpieces. Applejack and Rainbow sat side by side as they listened to the boy play. As he went on, Applejack slowly leaned her head right along the crook of Rainbow's neck. Rainbow's eyes darted over to the country pony leaning onto her, but rather than pushing her off, she smiled and rested her head atop of Applejack's as they both smiled. Even Maud, normally showing little to no emotion, had a tiny glimmer of a smile curl up in the corner of her mouth. As it turned out, they weren't the only ones enjoying the performance.
From her room, Victoria Everglot was finished with making herself presentable, as she nervously adjusted her dress and tied her hair into a tight bun. She looked in the mirror, admiring her appearance in her dark-gray, wine-red striped dress. Just then, the sound of music floated toward her and she stopped, transfixed. With her attention caught, she quickly made her way out to see where the music was emanating from.
She reached the top of the grand staircase, looking down to see Victor playing the piano. She cannot help but smile a little. With a lady's grace, she slowly ascended the stairs with her arms behind her back, as voices speak from the doorway of the drawing room where the parents are gathered. William Van Dort was in the midst of relating a rather boring tale, much to Nell's chagrin.
"I never understood why men needed black shoes and brown shoes, when a quick coat of paint can turn one into the other!"
Crossing past the door, Victoria quietly walked behind Victor, seated at the piano and his back turned to her. He continued to play, lost in his music.
"How lovely," Victoria spoke.
Startled, Victor turned to look back at the Equestrians only to catch sight of Victoria, who looks as pretty as a picture, standing behind him. Victor stumbled and nearly knocking over the small flower vase.
"Oh... I... do forgive me," He obliged, catching the vase.
Victoria just giggled slightly, as she gazed at the young man. She had not taken notice of the ponies or the dragon, who all sat looking at her in anticipation of what she will do when she sees them.
"You play beautifully," She complimented.
Then Victoria turned toward Victor's side and noticed the group of Equestrians. Already they were expecting her to scream, perhaps even run and inform her parents. Thy all, minus Maud, flinched and awaited a loud, shrilling scream... one that never came. They all opened their eyes again, looking back at her only to find her smiling toward them all.
"How do you all do?" She asked politely.
This caught them all, even Victor, by complete surprise. When he came into contact with them the first time, they had to stop him from almost having a heart attack. However, Victoria looked at them as though this was completely normal. Wanting to test this, Twilight spoke up.
"You're not scared of us?" She asked nervously.
To which Victoria just shook her head.
"Not at all," She answered. "As a matter of fact, I am most humbled and honored to meet you."
"Okay, wait a minute!" Rainbow interrupted. "How are you so cool with this? Everyone else we've ever met for the first time, we've either had to stop them from screaming, fainting, or a combination of both. You're the only one that hasn't done either yet."
"Terribly sorry for the interruption," Victor spoke up. "But I'm afraid I must agree."
Victoria just knelt down, holding out her hand before them. Hesitantly, Twilight inched her way forward till she felt Victoria's slender fingers scratching under her chin. It felt so good she couldn't help but twitch her leg as she sighed in contentment. Spike, and every pony else (Again, not Maud), had to stifle their laughter as they saw Twilight behaving like a common dog.
"When I was a child, I had this strange connection with animals," Victoria explained. 'Whenever I walked through town with my parents and came upon any animal, I would always stop and talk to them. Never could understand why but they always listened intently, and I could understand them."
"It doesn't even bother you some of us are Pegasi and Unicorns?" Rainbow asked.
"Or a dragon?" Spike added.
"I will admit it is a little unusual yes, but I love all manner of creatures just the same."
This caused everyone to smile, calming themselves. There was not a single trace of falseness in her words nor any indication she was joking. Victoria truly did seem like a kind, down-to-earth young lady. Eventually, she stopped scratching Twilight's chin and the lavender alicorn Princess stopped twitching.
"My name is Victoria by the way," She introduced herself.
"It's very nice to meet you Victoria," Twilight said kindly. "I'm Twilight and this is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Trixie, and Maud."
Twilight looked down toward Spike, seeing his arms crossed.
"And my favorite little assistant Spike, of course."
Spike nodded, as he scampered onto Twilight's back.
"Very lovely to meet you all," Victoria said, with a slight curtsy.
With introductions in order, Victor finally spoke up over what just happened.
"I-I-I do apologize, Miss Everglot," He apologized. "How rude of me to—well—excuse me..."
Once again, Victoria giggled a little as she herself walked over to the piano impetuously.
"The song... what is it called?" Victoria asked.
"Oh, it was..." Victor stammered. "Just something I came across."
"Came across where?"
"Well... it was inside of me, I guess."
"How nice you found a way to let it out."
Victoria's fingers slide across the keys.
"Mother won't allow me near the piano," She continued. "Music is improper for a young lady. Too passionate, she says."
"No offense or anything Victoria, but your mother sounds horrible," Rainbow said bluntly.
"RAINBOW!" Applejack yelled.
"SHH!!!" The Equestrians hushed, checking the drawing room door.
"What? It's the truth," Rainbow said defensively.
"If I may ask, M-Miss Everglot, where is your chaperone?" Victor asked nervously.
Victoria merely smiled, as she slowly approached Victor.
"Perhaps, in view of the circumstances, you could call me, 'Victoria'," She said sweetly.
Victor chuckled nervously, rubbing his knees as he slowly backed away.
"Yes, yes, of course," He chuckled. "Well, Victoria..."
"Yes, Victor?"
"Tomorrow, we are to be... m—m—"
"Married?" Victoria guessed, with a smile.
"Yes, m-married," Victor nodded.
Once again, Victoria walked back over to the piano and sat along the bench.
"Since I was a child, I've dreamt of my wedding day," She said fondly. "I always hoped to find someone I was deeply in love with. Someone to spend the rest of my life with. Silly, isn't it?"
"Yes, silly," Victor chuckled, quickly realizing his mistake. "N-No. No, not at all."
"It's not a silly idea at all Victoria," Rarity said. "Coming from some pony who met and fell in love with an amazing man such as myself, marrying the one you love is the most magical moment of all."
"Abso-positive-olutely!" Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "Love is even better than chocolate cake covered in molten layer peanut butter and topped with red chili flakes."
Everyone looked at Pinkie with raised eyebrows in confusion.
"The Great and Powerful Trixie has no idea what you're talking about," Trixie spoke.
"Oh, that's right!" Pinkie giggled. 'Guess those pregnancy cravings never really left."
The others just shook their heads, Victor and Victoria laughing nervously as they moved a tad closer. Victor leaned on the piano a little too far and accidentally knocked over the tiny vase and the flowers in it.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry," He apologized quickly.
Seeing the mess, Pinkie Pie pulled out a handkerchief from her mane and handed it to Rarity, who hastily cleaned the spill. But as she looked up toward the Lady Everglot, she slowly stopped and seemed surprised.
Victoria, however possible, didn't seem to mind as she picked up the flowers and smiled as she took in their scent. She handed the flower to Victor who smiled as he took it. Every pony else smiled over the cute scene unfolding before them. Two people, who before today had no prior meetings or communication, yet the way they interacted just now felt as if they've known each other forever. That perhaps they actually might have something a little more, and...
"What impropriety is this?"
The moment was ruined, as everyone quickly turned spotting Mrs. Everglot standing there and looked upon Victor and Victoria with a look of upmost disapproval. Thankfully, Twilight casted her spell quickly so every pony and herself were out of sight before the lady could see them.
"You shouldn't be alone together! Here it is one minute before five, and you're not at the rehearsal. Pastor Galswells is waiting. Come at once!"
Mrs. Everglot proceeded back into the drawing room, as Victor and Victoria looked after her in dread. Eventually, they found their feet under them and started towards the drawing room as well. Twilight and the others watched them walk off and couldn't help but feel sorry for them.
"Why'd that old crone have to come and wreck the moment?" Rainbow grumbled.
"I agree!" Rarity nodded. "It really felt like they were actually bonding there. Perhaps even starting to fall for one another."
"I say we follow them in," Twilight suggested.
"Ah agree with Twilight on this one," Applejack agreed. "Who knows wht kinda tomfoolery them parents ah them'll put them poor kids through?"
"The Great and Powerful Trixie for one think spying on them would be quite rude," Trixie piped in.
"Don't worry guys," Twilight assured. "We'll just go in and watch them rehearse, then we'll be gone. We'll be in and out in no time."
*Deploy Three Hours Later here*
The group gathered in the drawing room to rehearse the wedding ceremony. Seated are Finish and Maudeline, William and Nell. The front of the room has been set up as a makeshift altar. An elaborately carved table holds a pair of candles and a chalice. Pressure is high. It's the social event of the decade, and Maudeline Everglot has left nothing to chance, obsessively planning to the tiniest detail. An event... that feels like three hours of torment for one alicorn mare.
Twilight banged her head on the floor of the west drawing room, wishing this would just end already. Everyone else slumped along the floor, completely bored out of their minds. Normally, a wedding rehearsal doesn't take this long. However, with a nervous groom like Victor Van Dort, you better be ready for a long road ahead.
"Three... whole... HOURS!" Twilight groaned.
"I told you we should've just left and waited elsewhere after the first half hour!" Spike told her.
Twilight slowly turned and glared at the little dragon, who upon seeing her heated gaze slowly stepped backward and whistled awkwardly.
"Somebody please just strike me down now before I die of boredom!" Rainbow moaned.
"Normally I'm all for the beauty of a wedding rehearsal," Rarity sighed. "However, three hours is just far too long."
While they laid upon the floor, slowly wasting away, the rehearsal continued up in the front of the altar. Pastor Galswells, a rather large and skinny man in priest's robes holding a crook, overlooked the rehearsal. He was generally a tame man but did not like having his time wasted. Right here and now, with a stern, forbidding glare, his patience was being pushed to the limit as Victor trembled in nervous agony.
"Master Van Dort, from the beginning... AGAIN!" He said impatiently. "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I shall light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
They had gone over these vows for the longest time and still Victor was yet to even make it past the first line. Each time he looked back at his parents, they tried to be as supportive as they could while still wanting him to move along. Then there was the Everglots, looking completely annoyed and upset. Needless to say, not really a whole lot of support and motivation to get this right. Nevertheless, he tried his best to move on.
"Let's try it again," Pastor Galswells said.
"Yes, yes sir," Victor nodded. "With this candle..."
Victor attempted to light the ceremonial candle, but for whatever reason it refused to light.
"This candle..."
But again, the candle refused to light.
"This candle..."
Still nothing...
"Shall I get up there and do it for him?" Mrs. Van Dort whispered harshly.
"Don't get all aflutter, dear," Mr. Van Dort answered quietly.
"Poor Victor..." Fluttershy whispered, sympathetically.
"Just... give him a chance..." Rarity replied, anxiously. "
"Rarity, he's already stumbled over the hand lifts and the steps," Rainbow grumbled. "How many more chances can he get?"
The priest cleared his throat, drawing Victor back to the front of the altar as he once more tried to at least pass the candle bit. And to his amazement, the candle actually lit to his relief.
"With this candle..."
A chuckle escaped Victor's lips, which accidentally doused out the tiny fire. Moans and groans were heard from the parents, even Trixie twisted her own hat anxiously. While Maud Pie... well it was difficult to tell what she was thinking.
"Continue!" Galswell called out.
The large doorbell of the Everglot's door rang, Galswells's right eye twitched over the unwanted interruption.
"Get the door, Emil!" Mr. Everglot gestured.
Emil the butler parted from drawing room and made his way to answer the door.
"Let's just pick it up at the candle bit," Galswells grumbled.
Before they can proceed on schedule, Emil quickly returned to Mr. Everglot's side with a single card in his right hand.
"A Lord Barkis, sir," Emil spoke, handing the note.
Mr. Everglot takes the notecard from Emil, who quickly scampered away. Reading the note was the name 'Sir Barkis Bittern'. Suddenly, another set of footsteps draws the Equestrians to a stranger approaching the front of the alter. A handsome, yet mysterious man who resembled that of a lawyer judging by the way he dressed. They wondered what manner of business he had and if he were in relation with that of either the Van Dorts or the Everglots.
"I haven't a head for dates," The man replied smugly. "Apparently, I'm a day early for the ceremony."
Mrs. Everglot took the note sharply from her husband's hand, reading the name as Mr. Everglot leaned beside her.
"Is he from your side of the family?" Mr. Everglot questioned.
"I can't recall," Mrs. Everglot replied. "Emile, a seat for Lord Barkis."
Barkis leaned down as Emile quickly grabbed a chair and positioned it for the man to sit. He brushed the knee of his pants, as Victor and Victoria looked on anxiously. Even the Equestrians studied the man very deeply, eying some sympathetic disapproval (A sense of a private scheming thought).
"Do carry on," Barkis gestured.
"Let's try it again, shall we, Master Van Dort?" Galswells asked Victor.
"Yes. Yes, sir," Victor nodded. "Certainly..."
Victoria managed to light Victor's candle while no one else was looking or even paying attention. An action that did not go unnoticed by Twilight Sparkle, who smiled a bit for the bride to be. Holding the candle in his right hand, Victor lifts his left.
"Right," Galswells muttered.
"Right," Victor nodded, realizing his mistake. "Oh, right!"
Victor quickly switched the candle to the other hand and lifted his right hand, as the Equestrians looked on nervously.
"With this... this..."
"Hand!" Galswells reminded.
"With this hand..." Victor stumbled, escorting Victoria forward. "I... with..."
Victor's knees accidentally hit the table. The Equestrians, minus Maud, cringed while they watched.
"THREE STEPS, THREE!" Galswells explodeded. "Can you not count? Do you not wish to be married, Master Van Dort?!"
"No! No..." Victor answered.
"You do not?" Victoria asked in surprise
"No! I meant, no, I do not-not wish to be married. That is, I want very much to..."
Pastor Galswells hits him with the crook right on his head.
"PAY ATTENTION!" Galswells called out.
"Ooh... I can't bear to watch!" Pinkie moaned, covering her face.
"You and me both," Spike nodded, biting his nails.
"Have you even remembered to bring the ring?" Galswells asked.
"The ring... yes!" Victor remembered. "Of course..."
Victor pulls the ring out from his pocket, Mr. Van Dort giving a thumbs up slightly. A bit of hope raised for the Equestrians hoping the boy will get it right. But unfortunately, Victor fumbled and dropped the ring. The moment it touched the ground, everyone, but Maud, gasped at this sacrilege.
"Dropping the ring!" The Pastor thundered.
"Oh no!" Twilight moaned.
"He dropped the ring!" Fluttershy added.
"This boy doesn't want to be married!" The pastor spoke to the heavens.
Victoria looked on worried as Victor raced for the ring.
"I'll get it!"
Victor scrambled on his hands and knees, desperately grasping for the ring as it rolled under Mauddeline's chair. He reached, fumbling blindly under the hem of her long dress as she gasped and stared at him with barely contained outrage. Even Rarity gasped, as she fainted before Applejack and Rainbow Dash caught her. Victor scrambled to his feet, holding up the ring triumphantly.
"Got it!"
As he does this, Victor accidentally knocked over the other lit candle and Maudeline's dress caught fire. Finnis quickly raced to his wife.
"Out of the way, you ninny!" He cried, shoving Victor aside.
Everyone desperately tried to put out the fire, Finnis Everglot stomped on the flame while Mrs. Van Dort fanned it.
"Oh, dear! Oh, my!" Mr. Van Dort cried. "Giddy on, there's a woman on fire! Help! Emergency!"
"Oh, I hope it doesn't stain," Mrs. Van Dort replied.
"Stop fanning it, you fool!" Mrs. Everglot cried out.
Amidst all the chaos, Pastor Galswells sighed heavily as he slapped his book shut, shaking his head in utter shame. The Equestrians could only look on in horror as all the relatives tried to get the flames out, but to no avail.
"Get a bucket!" Mrs. Van Dort ordered her husband. 'Get a bucket!"
"I'm on my way, dear," Mr. Van Dort assured. "Yes. Oh, dear."
As Mr. Van Dort searched for a bucket of water, a single hand with the cup of wine held out over the fire... and tipped down. The wine fell upon the flame, dousing it instantly to a simmering smoke, and left a slight stain on the hem. The Equestrians looked and saw Barkis, holding the cup, casually tossing it aside while Emil caught it with a tray in hand. The man merely rubbed his finger along the neckline of his suit, as Twilight and her friends studied him.
"Show off!" Rainbow muttered.
"Takes one to know one," Applejack replied.
"ENOUGH!" Galswells called out, furiously. "This wedding cannot take place until he has properly prepared!"
The Pastor slowly turned toward the timid groom, as a bony finger pointed directly toward the door.
"Young man, learn... your... vows!"
Victor looked toward the furious Priest, then toward the Everglots, who merely stared at the boy. They glared at the young Van Dort with a look of disdain. Even his own parents looked on, the father a slight concerned but the mother... mortified that her own child would embarrass their family name. Humiliated, the boy backed away toward the door, fumbling for the door handle, until his hand clasps upon the knob, and he breaks out of the room. The Equestrians looked toward him with pity and sympathy.
"We better follow him," Twilight informed the group. "To make sure he's okay."
They all nodded in unison and quickly made their way out of the Drawing Room while the door was still open. The only pony who didn't leave was Maud, who had been staring out front the entire time... mostly toward the gentleman Barkis.
"Well, he's quite the catch, isn't he?" The man asked, with a hint of sarcasm.
All Victoria could do was look on as Victor rushed away in a panic. Maud glanced at the pair, with a face unreadable, barely blinking once.
"Hmm..." Maud uttered.
Then Maud slowly turned away and followed her sister and her friends at her own pace, departing from the Everglot Manor and made off to follow Victor Van Dort. Without a doubt, the rehearsal have proven to be a rather disastrous moment for both families.
If the rehearsal is bad, I can't say I'm confident about the wedding...
Not now, sir...
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