To the Rescue

The skies were dark and cold, the usual shining sun over Equestria blocked out by gray storm clouds. Down at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack bucked with fierce determination along the West orchard of her farm. Big MacIntosh and Apple Bloom were working in the East field, which left Applejack to work by herself. She was of course okay with it, seeing as she usually preferred to handle things herself. The weather Pegasi of Equestria had a big storm planned for later, which is why she was currently out bucking right now to harvest as much as possible before it came.

Finally, after a couple hours in the field, she finished with the last tree in the orchard and gathered all the apples in her cart. She pulled the cart back to the barn to store the apples away for now, intending to sell them as soon as the storm passed. As she wiped the sweat from her brow, Big Mac came in pulling his own cart with Apple Bloom riding in tow.

"Hey big sis!" Apple Bloom waved. "Looks like we were able to get 'er done just in time, eh?"

Apple Bloom leapt from the cart and ran to nuzzle up to her sister, who nuzzled back affectionately.

"Ya got that right sugar cube," Applejack chuckled. "Any problems out in the East field Big Mac?"

"E-nope!" Big Mac responded simply.

"Good thing. Means we got the harvest in with no trouble. Or at least what we could before the storm."



The three Apple siblings looked outside where the yelling came from. They looked up only to see a certain cyan blue Pegasus mare flying toward the barn at top speed. Realizing the impending collision, Applejack's eyes widened.

"Ah reckon we better skedaddle, like now!"

The three quickly raced out the barn just as the Pegasus crashed right through the door. They slowly looked in and saw all the apples strewn everywhere. Beneath a pile of wood and mashed apples, a rainbow-maned mare emerged. Applejack groaned in irritation as she slowly walked over.

"Rainbow, wut in tarnation are y'all doin'?!" She asked loudly.

She pulled Rainbow Dash out from the pile and the Pegasus shook herself like a dog. She looked over at A.J. with wide eyes and a quivering lip, threatening to laugh as her shaking covered Applejack in apple mush.

"Oops, sorry A.J.," She apologized with a snicker.

Applejack quickly wiped the residue off her before placing her signature Stetson hat back on her head.

"It's alright Rainbow, but wut in the name of Celestia's royal hindquarters y'all doin'?"

"Well I just thought I'd come down and make sure everything was going well for you. What with the storm coming soon, I figured I'd see if you guys got your crop in. So... how's that going?"

Applejack uttered no words, only gestured with a hoof around the barn. Rainbow looked around the now very messy barn, broken wagons and a whole bunch of smashed apples all over the place.

"Oh..." She said awkwardly. "I really screwed up, didn't I?"

"Eeyup!" Big Mac said, through gritted teeth.

"Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as the three Apples stared angrily at her.

"Sorry about that."

Applejack shook her head, as the three turned hoof and started walking back to the house.

"A.J., wait!" Rainbow called out.

She rushed right in front of Applejack; an apologetic look plastered all over her face.

"Look, I'm really sorry for smashing your apples," She said sincerely.

"Ah know yah are Rainbow, but now wut are we supposed tah sell at the market when the storm passes?"

"How about I just pay you back however much they are worth?" Rainbow suggested.

This made Applejack chuckle a bit.

"That's mighty kind a yah Dash, but I don't think yah got 3,000 bits lyin round."

Rainbows eyes widened, her jaw actually hitting the ground.

"3,000 bits?!?!" Rainbow asked astounded.

"Well ya gotta taken into considereation all the baked goods them apples coulda made and how many folks wanted apples as they is. Altogether, that's the total price it woulda fetched."

Rainbow almost fell back, the thought alone of that much money simply for apples. Applejack once again shook her head.

"Don't worry 'bout it none, Rainbow. We'll figure something out."

But the stubborn Rainbow Dash just shook her head.

"No way A.J., I'll figure a way to pay you back. You can count on that."

Just as Applejack and the others were about to walk around her, to head inside the house, Rainbow placed a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Before you go, can I talk to you about something... in private?"

Applejack looked at the hoof on her shoulder, then at Rainbow Dash. Giving a heavy sigh and a head nod, she gestured her siblings to pass her and head to the house. Rainbow and Applejack then take a slight walk down the path toward Ponyville.

"Whatcha wanna talk about Rainbow?" Applejack asked.

"Well you see—it's just that—maybe we should talk about—you know—it," Rainbow answered nervously.

"Whatcha mean sugar cube?" Applejack asked confused.

Rainbow hid her face, so Applejack couldn't see the blush on her cheeks as she rubbed her neck nervously.

"You know... what happened... a week ago... Hogwarts?"

Applejack's confusion remained for a moment till her eyes widened and she herself had to hide a deep blush. It had been a week since returning from Hogwarts and their last adventure. During the final portion, while trying to pass the trials to reach the Stone, she and Rainbow had to do something... interesting just to pass the Devil's Snare plants. It wasn't the only time something like that happened, as similar actions occurred in all the adventures before that. Of course, they never really discussed these events before, though they kept them fresh in their minds.

"Ah—Ah see," Applejack responded nervously.

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded awkwardly.

"So—um—what do y'all think we should do 'bout this?"

"I—uh—well I—I really don't know. What do youthink?"

Before they could continue, however, a sudden loud scream drew them toward the nearby forest. It sounded like some pony was in grave peril. Looking toward each other for a moment, they quickly galloped in the direction the scream came from. Whatever talk they had in mind, it would have to wait.


Galloping as fast as their legs could carry them, Applejack and Rainbow followed the screaming in the direction it came from. Whatever was going on, it clearly wasn't good if they were screaming that way. After a while, they finally come upon a clearing in the middle of the forest and stared wide-eyed at what they saw. There, in the very center, laid a cream-colored Pegasus mare with a bright golden mane.

The poor thing was badly injured, many different cuts and bite marks lined over her body. Blood poured from the wounds inflicted on her and she looked completely devoid of life. Gasping loudly, both Rainbow and Applejack rushed to the mare's side.

"Is she dead?" Rainbow asked.

Applejack gently flipped the poor mare onto her back, leaning down and pressed an ear upon her chest to listen for a heartbeat. Her eyes widen even more when she could hear not a single beat.

"Ah don't hear no pulse!" She said fearfully.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Rainbow uttered loudly. "What'll we do? What will we do? WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!"


A hard slap upside the head snapped Rainbow to the side.

"First, we're calmin' down that's wut," Applejack said.

Rainbow took a few deep breathes, slowly calming down. Quickly she approached Applejack's side, as she turned the girl over and examined the scratch marks.

"This was a Timberwolf attack," She stated.

"You sure?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah, see them spots ah sap in the wounds?"

Rainbow peered closely, spotting the amber-like sap along the wounds.

"What do we do?"

"Ah need y'all tah go off and look fer green leaves with little red specks on 'em."


"Learned from Zecora they can be handy in helpin' tah heal some pony."

Rainbow quickly nodded, before zipping off into the woods in search for the leaves while Applejack remained with the mare. For a while, she quickly applied CPR until finally the mare released a few shaky breaths and a giant heartbeat could be heard. Sighing in relief, the mare started to breathe again as soon as Rainbow soared back with the leaves in her hooves.

"Okay I got the leaves," She said.

"Now come on over here and start applyin' 'em in them there cuts," Applejack instructed.

Rainbow quickly came over and applied the leaves upon the wounds. Soon as the wounds were dressed, both ponies breathed heavily.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Rainbow asked.

"She'll live," Applejack nodded. "But we gotta get 'er to the hospital quick."

"Well why didn't you just say so?"

Rainbow picked up the mare, placing her upon her back. She zipped into the sky and soared off toward Ponyville. This left Applejack galloping back through the forest back to town, where she hoped help would be waiting.


A short while later, Applejack and Rainbow sat waiting in the hospital waiting room for an update on the pony they saved. Applejack already sent word to the rest of their friends, whom still have yet to show. Just then, the doors burst open and the rest of the Mane Six, Spike included, burst into the room. Pinkie pushed Lil' Cheese in his baby carrier as they approached, and boy did she look frazzled. It appeared she hadn't slept in a week, the pink party mare extremely fatigued. Rainbow and Applejack stood up the moment their friends entered.

"Over here y'all!" Applejack called.

They all noticed the two ponies' presence and quickly made toward them.

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"We were walking back to Ponyville from Sweet Apple Acres when we heard this scream," Rainbow explained. "We ran off into the forest and we found a mare near dead from Timberwolf attacks. We did what we could to help her and brought her here. Still haven't heard an update on her."

"Oh my dear," Fluttershy said, frightened.

"How awful!" Rarity gasped.

Then Lil' Cheese started to cry, probably sensing the stress in the room. Pinkie quickly reached into her saddlebags, which she had with her, and procured a bottle for him.

"Oh no, no, no! It's okay Lil' Cheese," Pinkie spoke to her son. "Everything's okay, mommy promises. Would Mister Giggle Pants make everything better?"

Pinkie pulled out a tiny stuffed clown plushie from her saddle bags, honking its big red nose. Lil' Cheese stopped crying and started laughing, reaching his tiny hooves for his toy. Pinkie smiled and placed it next to the little colt, who cuddled the toy closely as he slumbered back down. Pinkie sighed and fell back into a nearby seat.

"Wow Pinkie, you've really got this whole mom thing down," Spike said impressed.

"Yep!" Pinkie nodded. "Being a mommy is great, just wish I had some sleep."

No sooner she said that when Pinkie's eyelids shut, and she started snoring. Every pony else chuckled as Doctor Horse finally approached.

"How's she doing Doctor Horse?" Twilight asked concerned.

"Personally, I'd say she's a very lucky mare," Doctor Horse answered honestly. "Had your friends here found her even a minute later, we'd be signing a death certificate rather than hospital records."

"So she's gonna live?" Applejack asked hopefully.

"Yes, she's going to live," Doctor Horse smiled. "Those Timberwolves must have done quite a number on her. The lacerations were quite deep, and she also has a few broken bones. She's very lucky to be alive. We have to keep her here for a few days for further observation, but it looks like she is going to make a full recovery."

Every pony breathed a deep sigh of relief upon hearing the news. Thank Celestia this mare was going to live to see another day.

"Can we see her by chance?" Rarity asked.

"She is awake right now, and I suppose maybe a few minutes. But I do recommend she really must rest. Room 225, down the hall."

Every pony made their way to the hospital room to check on the poor mare. All except for Pinkie Pie, who snored away while one of the nurses tended to Lil' Cheese. The rest of the Mane Six, along with Spike, slowly and quietly entered Room 225. There they could see the poor mare laid up in bed wrapped in bandages and casts. The mare in question turned toward them, her face instantly fearful.

"Non s'il te plait!" She spoke, in a thick Prench accent. "Please... do not hurt me!"

"Whoa hey, it's okay," Twilight spoke calmly. "We won't hurt you."

The mare slowly looked back at them, the fear quite obvious in her eyes. The girls slowly approached her with caution, so as not to frighten the poor girl.

"My name is Twilight," Twilight introduced herself. "Twilight Sparkle."

The young mare's eyes widened, not of fear but wonder.

"Ze Princess?" She asked.

"That's right," Twilight nodded.

"Zen would I be correct in assuming zat zese are ze rest of ze Elements of Harmony?"

Twilight nodded as she gestured her friends to come closer. More specifically, for Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"This here is Applejack and Rainbow Dash," She introduced. "They're the ones who saved you and brought you here."

The mare gazed toward Rainbow and Applejack with a look of utter appreciation.

"Sank you both so much," She thanked them.

"Eh, it weren't nothing really," Applejack smiled.

"Just doing our duty," Rainbow added.

Rarity and Fluttershy both made their way to the other side of the bed.

"What is your name darling?" Rarity asked kindly.

"Je m'appelle Parfaite," The mare answered in Prench.

Rarity extended her hoof forward, gently shaking Parfaite's good hoof.

"Well it is simply lovely to meet you Miss Parfaite," She said kindly. "Might I say your name fits you quite well. Aside from the injuries, your appearance seems perfect in every way. And I must say you speak Prench quite well. Is that your original place of origin darling?"

"Oui!" Parfaite nodded.

"Oh, that is amazing! You know my husband Erik is actually quite the eccentric Prench man himself.

"Oh oui, ze Phantom of ze Opera."

This made the whole group pull back a bit.

"Uh, not to sound rude, but how exactly did you know that?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Your tales in ze television, zey spread all over Equestria," Parfaite explained. "I hear all about zem as I leave from Prance."

"You left Prance?" Fluttershy asked. "Why would you leave your home?"

Hearing the question, Parfaite immediately shut down as tears emerge from her eyes. The tears rolled down her cheeks, as small whimpers could be heard. Instantly, Fluttershy felt guilt.

"Oh my goodness," She gasped. "I am so, so sorry! That was insensitive of me to ask. Oh please don't be angry with me."

"No, it is quite alright," Parfaite sobbed, shaking her head. "I left home because I have nowhere else to go. Me mére (mother) passed recently. I could no longer work in her doll shop and zey kick me out of my home. I am forced to move here with nowhere to go."

The girls felt sympathetic, sorrow even for the poor mare. To think a pony could be forcibly removed from her home following a mother's passing and no place else to go. It sounded like a dreadful situation. Even Fluttershy teared up over her story.

"Oh you poor dear," She croaked.

Though she had known this mare for more than a few minutes, Rarity instantly knew what to do. Being the Element of Generosity, she knew what had to be done.

"Well that just simply won't do darling," She spoke determined. "When you get discharged from here, you will come and live in my boutique with me and my husband till you are back on your hooves again."

Hearing this made Parfait smile, though she still shook her head.

"Oh no, I could not possibly ask zat of you. You are all too kind enough bringing me here to ze hospital."

Rarity gentled placed her hoof over the mare's mouth before she could continue.

"It is not a discussion for debate dear," Rarity assured. "I simply cannot allow a poor homeless mare to live in the gutter, especially one as beautiful as you. I shall make the necessary arrangements immediately and you shall stay with me till further notice."

Every pony smiled at Rarity. Truly her generosity astounded them all greatly. Only just meeting Parfaite and already offering her room and board in her own home. That is what they truly loved about their friend. A knock on the door shifted their attention, to Doctor Horse standing there.

"I'm sorry ladies, but I must insist you leave so our patient can get some rest," He said.

They all nodded before looking back at Parfaite one last time.

"Truly Miss Rarity, you do not mind?" She asked.

"Of course not darling," Rarity replied. "You may stay as long as you need to. If you feel you are taking advantage of my hospitality, please don't. However, if you'd please, I could really use another pair of hooves in the shop if you're looking for work."

Parfaite smiled brightly, as tears fell from her muzzle. What little strength she had left were more than enough to throw her hooves around Rarity in a hug.

"Sank you so much Miss Rarity!" She cried.

"You are most welcome," Rarity replied, patting the young mare's back.

The two eventually parted ways, as the Mane Six and Spike left the room. This left Parfait lying upon the bed, a huge smile on her face.


Shortly after leaving the hospital, the Mane Six and Spike found themselves walking through Ponyville on their way to Sugar Cube Corner. As they walked, they noticed a large cart parked off the side of the road and a gathering of ponies around it. On the stage of the cart was none other than the 'Great and Powerful' TRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE! The show pony was putting on quite the magic show, as all the ponies in town clapped and cheered.

"Come one, come all!" The show mare called out. "Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great... and Powerful... TRRRRRRRRRRRIXIE!"

Fireworks ignite across town, as the Mane Six chuckled at the display.

"Looks like Trixie's back in town," Rainbow remarked.

As the group stood and watched the eccentric show pony on stage, none of them took notice of another figure stepping from the crowd and right behind Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie's eyes widened, her mouth formed a huge 'O' shape as she quickly turned around, and stared face-to-'stone' face of her older sister, Maud Pie. Pinkie's face grew into a huge smile that looked like her head could pop right off. And then... she exploded.


The force of her scream nearly blew the crowd and Trixie's cart away, as Pinkie eagerly hugged her older sister, who hugged back. Some ponies still could hardly believe Pinkie and Maud were actually related. Pinkie was so energetic and full of life, whereas Maud... was not. Any pony who knew Maud knew the mare was a complete mystery.

She was always stone-faced and emotionless. One could never tell exactly what she was feeling. Not to mention, whenever she spoke, it was in this slow, monotone style that could put mountains to sleep. However, Pinkie loved her big sister more than life itself and eventually every pony got along with Maud rather well.

"OH... MY... GOSH!!!" Pinkie yelled. "What are you doing here, you silly filly?! You didn't tell me you were coming to visit."

Maud just looked at her sister with that same expressionless face.

"I wanted to surprise you," She replied, in the monotone voice. "Are you surprised? You look surprised."

"Are you kidding me?!" Pinkie said gleefully. I'm always super-duper happy to see my amazing older sister. And I know some pony else who's really excited to meet his auntie!"

Pinkie pulled Lil' Cheese's baby carrier closer, as Maud looked upon her little nephew. The colt giggled and babbled as he reached for her.

"He looks just like Cheese Sandwich," Maud said simply. "But with your hair."

"I know, right?!" Pinkie nodded. "I couldn't believe how much he looked like his daddy. But then I saw he had my hair, and I was like 'GASP!'. Oh, he's just the bestest little baby ever and very well behaved. I just wish he'd let me and Cheesy sleep at night. He just likes to keep us up, don't you Lil' Cheesy? Don't you? Yes you do! Yes you do!"

Lil' Cheese giggled and flailed about as his mother ticked him while speaking in baby talk. As this went on, Maud reached behind her and into her saddle bags. She pulled out a little present wrapped in dark-colored paper. Seeing this, Pinkie gasped loudly once more.

"What is that?!" She asked excitedly.

"I brought my nephew a gift," Maud answered.

"Oh, isn't that so sweet Cheesy-Wheezy? Auntie Maud brought you a present! What is it?"

Maud handed the present to Pinkie, who ripped through the wrapping paper. Fully unwrapped, she smiled brighter when she noticed it was a tiny baby rattle made entirely of rock.

"Aww, that's so sweet Maud!" Pinkie squealed.

"I hope he likes it. I sorted through every rock in my valley to find the right one. There was sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks..."

"Take it from me kiddo," Rainbow whispered to Lil' Cheese. "She knows a lot about rocks."


Her shout drew the group back toward Trixie, who cleared her throat and brushed off her hat.

"If we can just move on with the show, please?" Trixie spoke, pausing. "Thank you... and now, the trick for all of Equestria worthy of headlines in Las Pegasus! But first, do we have a volunteer? A lovely mare, perhaps?"

Trixie paused, looking around toward the crowd who eyeballed toward one another. While this went on, Twilight Sparkle studied the stage closely. There appeared to be two wooden closets designed with a similar color scheme as Trixie's outfit. Some fireworks stuck in between the two closets. After a moment, a smirk formed on Trixie's face as she stamped one hoof upon the stage. The closet on the right opened up, revealing her assistant, Starlight Glimmer, dressed in an outfit reminiscent of a Las Pegasus show mare (Or at least resemblance of a magician superhero).

"We have a volunteer!!!" Trixie declared, to heavy fanfare.

This sent all the ponies applauding, a handful of them actually whistling (Stallions and mares). Starlight Glimmer practically blushed over all the attention; she can tell her friends in the audience were trying so hard not to laugh. She forced herself to smile as she slowly approached Trixie.

"You said I wouldn't have to wear the outfit..." Starlight spoke, between her teeth.

"And you said you wanted to be more involved in the show," Trixie whispered, with a toothy grin. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is doing you a favor..."

A sigh escaped Starlight's lips as she made her way over to the opposite closet, while Trixie cleared her throat.

"Yes fillies and gentle-colts, as you can see my great and powerful assistant stands in this very cabinet. Trixie will now close the door and cross to the other cabinet..."

A moment after Trixie shut the left-hoof side closet and crossed to the right, a mischievous look formed on Rainbow Dash's face. Gesturing the group with her wings, she leaned them over to her and began whispering her plan to her friends. All of this seemingly going unnoticed by Trixie as she took her position by one of the fireworks and slowly removed her hat, which she casted aside.

"Trixie shall now fire one of her signature rockets!" Trixie continued.

With a spark from her horn, Trixie used her magic to ignite the rocket and sent it straight into the air.

"And what have we here?" Trixie asked, opening the second cabinet. "The little lady..."

Suddenly, the whole crowd went up in an uproar falling head over heels in laughter. Confused, Trixie stared at the crowd, slowly turned to the cabinet, and her eyes went wide. Inside the cabinet, while Starlight Glimmer was indeed in the cabinet... she wasn't alone. Sharing a chat with Trixie's friend/assistant, Spike leaned inside the cabinet casually. He then noticed the crowd staring at them.

"Hey, this is private!" Spike called out, closing the cabinet.

An awkward glance was plastered upon Trixie's face before she slowly turned back to the audience and laughed it off.

"Seems Trixie's assistant picked up a friend on the way!" Trixie chuckled awkwardly. "But I'll take him away from her. Again, Trixie fires her signature fireworks!"

The firework explodes into the sky with a shot of her magic. She then approached the left hoof cabinet.

"And we have here..."

Trixie opened up the cabinet and...


An explosion of confetti emerged from the cabinet, as Pinkie Pie popped out of the cabinet. Also inside were Starlight Glimmer and Maud Pie.

"It's the pie sister greeting song!!!!" Pinkie sung, gesturing to Maud.

"Hey!" Maud said dryly.

The crowd laughed wildly and applauded as if it were part of the act. Without showing it to the crowd, Trixie eyed Starlight with a 'Really?!" expression. Starlight's eyes faced Trixie and the girls that came into the act... and she just shrugged sheepishly. Taking a deep breath, Trixie forced herself to smile as she faced the crowd.

"Well, would you look at the time? Don't go away, we'll be right back after a quick intermission!"

Trixie slapped a hoof on the stage, reverting it back to her cart. In doing so, Trixie found herself with Starlight, the Pie sisters, and Spike inside a rather cramped compartment. She glared at the group of ponies, slapping her signature hat back on her head.

"You three better have a good reason for playing improv during Trixie's show!" Trixie spoke, annoyed.

"Just your show?" Starlight asked, raising a brow.

".. Trixie and Starlight's..." Trixie corrected, annoyed.

"Just to clear the air, this was not my idea," Spike spoke.

Suddenly, the rest of the Mane Six appear from inside Trixie's cart much to the stage magician's surprise. Rainbow Dash could barely contain her own laughter, as she fell head over heels. Applejack tipped her hat down to her face, while she shook her head.

"Boy Trixie, ya should've seen your face!" Rainbow chuckled.

"Terribly sorry about this Trixie," Applejack apologized. "Some pony thought it be a good idea to pull a few practical jokes on a 'friend'."

"Hmph... luckily for you girls, Trixie knows when a show must go on. Least your little stunt made the crowd believe it's all part of my ingenious act!"

"And it was a very good performance Trixie," Twilight assured.

"Good... but not quite great and powerful as I need it to be," Trixie replied. "Trixie must make sure we're in tip-top form for when we book our act for Las Pegasus."

"Las Pegasus?" Rarity asked.

"Trixie's been trying to book a show at that place for weeks," Starlight replied. "Though I think it's mainly out of a rumor that her father is a famous performer there."

"Trixie knows not what you're talking about," Trixie replied indignantly. "Trixie happens to know for a fact that my astounding feats of magic are made fit for a larger audience. There's only so many times we can perform in small towns."

"It's a little too flashy," Maud replied plainly.

Trixie scrunched her face in annoyance against Maud's dry expression.

"And you can name any feat of magic that is supposedly greater than Trixie's?" The magician challenged.

"Well, aside from Twilight's magic T.V. that lets us traverse between worlds, meet new friends, and fighting bad guys twenty-four seven," Pinkie replied. "Pretty much almost 'any' kind of magic really."

"Yes... the T.V.," Trixie pondered. "Trixie's seen your adventures at work plenty of times; needless to say, Trixie's interest is peaked. Care to show how it works?"

"Well, we mostly only use the television for when there is someone in need of help," Twilight pointed out. "But... we can at least show you how it operates."

"Oh! Goody, goody, goody!" Pinkie hopped up and down. "How about it Maud? Want to see Twilight's magic box at work?"

"... Sure," Maud replied dryly.

"Now hold on a minute," Starlight butted in. "Not that I'm against a good adventure, we've got a crowd out there who've already taken some time just to see our show. Trixie, don't you think it would be rude to end a show so abruptly?"

"Hmm... you make a very good point Starlight," Trixie pondered.

Then before Starlight could react, Trixie slapped her signature hat upon Starlight's head.

"Thank you for volunteering, you've just been promoted!"

"Wha—ME?!?!" Starlight gasped. "Now Trixie, I'm flattered you think highly of my magic! But I can't possibly—"

"Oh, no need to fret..." Trixie brushed off.

From her cloak, she reached into a pocket and pulled a thin version of her hat. Flapping it hard, a new hat opened up which she placed upon her mane.

"Trixie always carries spares for any occasion. You just keep the audience entranced with the act, while Trixie has a quick little peak at Twilight's T.V. You've got the finale of our act memorized..."

"Well yes, but..."

"So relax... you've got this! You are such a dear friend!"

Trixie then kissed both cheeks on Starlight's face before facing the others.

"Well, come on girls!" Trixie replied.

"Ahem!" Spike cleared his throat.

"... and Spike," Trixie rolled her eyes. "Show me your... magic television."

"Oh! We probably should stop by Sugar Cube Corner first," Pinkie pointed out. "Least we can do is arrange a sitter for Lil' Cheese..."

They made their way out the doors of Trixie's cart. But before Starlight Glimmer could approach and object, Trixie slapped the wall with a hoof converting it back to the stage. Starlight Glimmer was nearly taken off her hooves, as she slowly recovered. She found herself staring at the crowd, all of whom anxiously awaiting to see some feat of magic. Starlight smiled awkwardly before adjusting Trixie's hat.

The rumble of storm clouds draws Starlight to look up, reminded of the storm that the Pegasi were bringing in. A sigh escaped her lips but being a good friend she knew Trixie would expect her to keep the show going.

"Ahem... so..." Starlight began, straightening herself. "Care to see a trick involving a kite and a key?"


A short while later, Twilight and the group were already at her castle around the heart of Ponyville. In the one room, the little television box laid positioned with all the wiring attached around the box. Twilight stood by the panel while the rest kept a distance from the television just in case anything should happen.

"So it's all true Twilight," Trixie replied. "This is how you and your friends get around nearly every world outside of Equestria."

"Well not to toot my own horn," Twilight replied, chuckling. "We would never have been able to go to any of those places without this. Just showed up near the Everfree Forest while I was off on an errand, and it just stuck around."

"This baby's taken us to tons of places," Pinkie Pie replied. "Heck, I'll never forget that one trip when we went to explore Mr. Wonka's chocolate factory! All the best candies I've ever eaten outside of Equestria!"

"Yes... we all saw that from Discord's movie theater," Trixie replied bluntly. "How that klutzy draconquus got his own movie theater I'll never know."

"Now... whenever we do have the need to go anywhere," Twilight informed. "We merely need to only pull this lever, like so."

Twilight pulled the lever and the television instantly came to life...


A high pitched screeching sound emerged from the television, the screen itself brightly lit with heavy static. The shrilling noise caused the whole group to cover their ears as best as they could, though Maud hardly seemed phased by the commotion.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack called out.

"Has this ever happened before?!" Trixie cried out.

"This is relatively new!" Twilight winced. "No worries... probably just a bad frequency. Just have to make a few adjustments..."

Twilight Sparkle proceeded to fiddle with the controls, even turning some of the knobs on the television set itself. The screen barely changed as it retained the static nature. After a moment or two, eventually Twilight was able to tone down the ear-piercing noise until... a portal suddenly appeared. Only, not strong enough to suck the group inside like a vacuum. But rather... it just stood in place...

Then something else emerged from the portal. To the group's astounded gaze, a glowing, blue butterfly (Perhaps even a moth) fluttered through the portal. The little creature fluttered over to the group as they looked on in amazement, even Maud's eyes widened slightly. They silently watched as the butterfly fluttered around their heads, flew around the room, and then hovered just inches from the portal it came from.

"What's it doing?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"I reckon it wants us to follow," Applejack observed.

Sure enough, that seemed to be what it did as it fluttered back through the portal. The group looked at each other, till all heads turned back toward Twilight Sparkle.

"Well Twilight..." Trixie began. "Common occurrence for you and your friends?"

"This usually doesn't happen," Twilight replied. "I'm just as surprised as you are."

"But Twilight... it's just as you said," Rarity pointed out. "We'd only go through the television in the event of an emergency. Unless... perhaps that is a sign that something is either occurring or perhaps 'will' occur."

"Except we don't know where it came from," Rainbow reminded. "We don't even know where that portal will take us."

"Well girls, Spike, there's only one way to find out," Twilight declared. "We go through the portal, and hope whatever's going on isn't too big. Last thing we need is another attempt by the Benefactor and his troops to stir trouble."

"The Benefactor..." Maud spoke plainly.

"Some creepy guy dressed in a scary hood," Pinkie clarified. "Probably a scary lady... actually, we don't really know who or what the Benefactor is supposed to be."

"C'mon every pony," Applejack declared. "Let's see where this portal takes us this time."

One by one, Twilight and her friends slowly made their way through the portal to who-knows-where. Until during this moment, the only members of the group yet to go in were Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The two mares glance toward the portal where all their friends have gone through before they face each other. Not knowing where they were going or what to expect, they could see the uncertainty upon their faces.

But with tiny nods, determination formed upon their faces as they slowly approach the portal. A single wing wrapped around Applejack, who's face started to blush upon contact. Their silhouettes illuminate over the light of the portal shortly before they both step through the portal, into the unknown... and the portal closed the moment they entered.

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