
Back in the Land of the Living, things weren't going smoothly in regard to the upcoming wedding. The Village Square was dark, except for a few lights coming from Everglot Mansion. All was silent, except for the hacking cough coming from Mayhew, who sat shivering on the Van Dorts' carriage parked in the drive.

After Victor ran away from rehearsal, needless to say the Everglots were certainly not happy. Currently they sat with the Van Dorts in their lounge drinking tea as they waited for Victor to return. The Everglots were very cross with the whole situation from earlier and honestly they'd rather call off the wedding. However, knowing their financial troubles, they were hesitant to do so.Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort were able to stall the Everglots for a while in hopes they could keep them occupied till their son returned.

Victoria, meanwhile, just stood at the window sewing together several patches of material to make the corner of the quilt. So far, it's only as big as for lap. Hildegarde attends her, clearly concerned for the girl. As she sewed, Victoria looked out toward the cold night sky, waiting for Victor.

"Perhaps the Pastor was right," Victoria sighed. "And Victor doesn't want to marry me."

But just as quickly, she cast her patchwork aside.

"I'm being silly. He's bound to have turned up by now. Right?"

"Victoria, come away from the window!" Her mother ordered.

Hesitantly, Victoria backed away from the window and made her way to the center of the Drawing room where her parents and the Van Dorts drank their tea by the fire.

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be back shortly," Mrs. Van Dort assured. "He's terrified of the dark. In fact, when he was a boy, he used to wet his combinations regularly. Didn't he, William?"

Before Mr. Van Dort could answer his wife, a loud knock at the door caused them to turn in its direction.

"Enter!" Mr. Everglot called.

The doors slowly opened as Lord Barkis entered the room with a smug look upon his face.

"Ah, Lord Barkis," Mrs. Everglot acknowledged. "I trust the room is to your liking."

"Thank you," Barkis nodded. "You've been a most gracious hostess. Which is why it pains me to be the bearer of such bad news."

This drew everyone's attention as they looked at the newcomer, wondering what he could be talking about. With a snap of his finger, Barkis beckoned the Town Crier into the room.

"Would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?" Barkis asked.


The Town Crier's loud voice actually made the teacups in the Everglots' and Van Dorts' hands quake.


Then within a moment, the Town Crier stopped yelling, his bell ceased ringing, and instead begam speaking in a more calm, low voice.

"And now for the weather. Scattered showers—"

"Enough!" Barkis interrupted loudly. "That will be all."

With that, the Town Crier made his way from the room and out of the manor. This left the Everglots and Van Dorts rather shocked over this newfound revelation. Victor on the bridge with a mystery woman? That just did not make sense to any of them.

"Mystery woman?" Mrs. Van Dort asked. "He doesn't even know any women!"

"Or so you thought," Barkis retorted. "But alas, he has gone. Doc all for me if you need my assistance... in any way."

Barkis eyed Victoria, the same way a cat looks at a pet parakeet. Then he slinked from the room, slowly sliding the doors shut behind him.

"Victor..." Victoria spoke softly.

"Oh, the humiliation!" Maudeline cried out, in distress. "Who else knows about this? Good heavens Finish, what should we do?"

"Fetch me musket!" Mr. Everglot barked angrily.

Now for the first in a very long time, the Van Dorts actually seemed quite concerned for the well-being of their son.

"Oh William, do something!" Mrs. Van Dort said frantically.

Thinking quick, Mr. Van Dort quickly leapt to his feet as Emil returned to the room with a loaded musket. Just as he was about to hand it over to Mr. Everglot, Mr. Van Dort quickly snatched it to himself as he chuckled nervously.

"Uh look, the Town Crier probably just had a slow news day," He tried to explain. "You know how it is. We all need something to cry about—"

"Regardless, we are one groom short for the wedding tomorrow!" Mr. Everglot shot back.

"Not to mention the financial implications," Mrs. Everglot added. "A most scandalous embarrassment. And with my relatives due to arrive, this is most dreadful."

"Oh give us a chance to find him," Mrs. Van Dort begged. "We beg of you!"

"Just give us until dawn," Mr. Van Dort implored.

Mrs. Everglot frowned greatly over the idea, wanting nothing more than to throw them out and never see them again. However, she knew what was at stake and decided to take no chances.

"Very well... 'til dawn!"

She rings for the butler and the Van Dorts hastily get up and back out, bowing in unison.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Mrs. Van Dort replied. "I am sure there must be some explanation. We will find him... and when we do—"


The doors shut in their face quickly, and the Van Dorts bolt from the manor toward their waiting carriage outside. Once they climbed in, they were off to find their missing son. From the dark shadows of the foyer, Lord Barkis stepped for with a wicked smirk on his face. Thus far, his plan was working perfectly. Granted, he had not planned for the boy to up and run away, but it certainly played into his favor. Beside him, the Mysterious Benefactor emerged from the shadowy depths.

"Very well played," The Benefactor approved.

"I do hope when the plan is successful, you and the others will see fit to welcome me into the Order," Barkis mentioned.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Barkis. Your plan is working so far; however, our business is not yet complete. If you wish to be part of the Order, you have much to do."

"Ah yes," Barkis chuckled evilly. "Marry the Everglot girl... and deliver a bundle of dead ponies to you."

"Indeed," The Benefactor nodded. "Complete these tasks, and you shall be welcomed to our Order."

Barkis smirked once more, as he looked out into the night.

"Let us not waste any more time then..."


Applejack, along with the rest of the Mane Six, stood staring in complete shock and awe. Bright MacIntosh and Pear Butter, Applejack's parents, stood not even six feet away from them now. From what Applejack could recall, they looked just as they had the last time she had ever seen them. The two Apple parents stared right back in equal shock, as they gazed upon their daughter for the first time in so long.

"Ma? Pa?"

Bright Mac and Pear Butter slowly stepped forward toward Applejack, and she in turn did the same. They stood exactly in front of each other, staring at one another. Tears slowly formed in all their eyes, the eyes never leaving one another's gaze.

"I-I-Is it r-really you?" Applejack croaked.

Bright Mac and Pear Butter gave no response, simply grabbing hold of Applejack and drawing her into a huge hug. They both cried heavily, as they held their precious daughter once again. Though Applejack was hardly one to cry, except on the inside, she couldn't help but bawl her eyes out as she fully embraced her parents again.

"Y-Y-Yeah sugar cube," Bright Mac wept. "It's us."

"We've missed you so much little Apple Pie," Pear Butter cried.

Applejack cried even harder hearing her mother call her by the old nickname she used to call her by. It helped her to believe even more that all this was very real. Her parents were indeed holding onto her right now, that alone making her so happy. Off to the side, the rest of the Mane Six, along with Spike, Trixie, and even Maud, watched the family reunion before their eyes.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Twilight said amazed.

"How is this even possible?" Rainbow asked confused.

"Considering we're in a land filled with dead people, makes sense to me!" Spike pointed out.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Applejack and her parents pulled back from their hug and wiped the stray tears out of their eyes.

"H-H-How is this possible?" Applejack stumbled. "Ah thought y'all were dead."

Bright Mac and Pear Butter both looked at each other, then back at Applejack sadly.

"We are dead dear," Pear Butter confirmed.

"We have been for a long time now," Bright Mac added.

Then the two widened their eyes in shock when they realized something.

"Are you--?"

"No," Applejack assured, shaking her head. "No, ah ain't dead and neither are mah friends. It's kinda a long story as to why we're here, but that can wait a bit. What I wanna know is how did youget here?"

Bright Mac and Pear Butter both looked at each other again, contemplating whether or not to actually tell Applejack how they died. Then Bright Mac placed his hoof over his wife's shoulder, silently nodding his head. Pear Butter nodded, as they both turned back toward Applejack.

"What you gotta understand first sugar cube is how this here place works," Pear Butter explained. "Ah know yer probably wonderin' why we're here and not in some better place. You see, this here land represents the endless wandering between life and death. It's a place where yer neither in heaven nor hell, just forgotten... stuck. The reason fer bein' that ya had unfinished business when ya died."

As every pony took in the information, it made them stop and think. If what Pear Butter said was true, then this land represents what is known as the Underworld. In here, you're neither bound for heaven or hell. All you can do was wander aimlessly till you discover what is your unfinished business, and only then would you be able to finally move on.

"So, what happened to ya both?" Applejack asked again.

"Well... it all started on our way back to the farm..."


Bright Mac and Pear Butter trotted down the path toward the Apple family farm just as they had done many times before. Bright Mac pulled a big empty cart which when they had left was full of apples. They had gone into town that day to sell the apples that had been gathered on the farm and were now on their way back after a long day. Night already began to set upon the sky as they walked.

"Boy howdy, talk about a long one," Bright Mac commented.

"Ah know, that's what worries me," Pear Butter said concerned. "We ain't never left the kids this long before. Especially little Apple Bloom. She's only a month old after all."

Bright Mac just chuckled at his wife's constant worrying, placing a hoof around her as they walked.

"Don't go worrying too much now Buttercup," He smiled. "Ma's taking good care of 'em. We'll be back home with 'em in just a bit."

Pear Butter nodded as they continued down the path through the patch of forest leading to the farm. As they walked, Bright Mac looked back toward his wife and could see the pain in her eyes. Slowly he pulled the cart to a halt and looked at her with great concern.

"Are y'all alright?" He asked.

Pear Butter gave no verbal response, just closed her eyes and stared upon the ground. As she did so, a series of tears fell from her eyes. Unable to stand to see his love cry, Bright Mac pulled her close to him allowing her to cry into his chest.

"Come on now Buttercup, what's wrong?"

After a few more sobs, Pear Butter finally answered.

"Ah sent another letter to Daddy a week ago," She sobbed. "That's the hundredth one ah've sent him since he left and still ain't respondin' to 'em. Ah don't think he ever will. It just breaks mah heart so much that he can't accept the fact ah love you. He ain't never even met the kids. Ah don't even know if he wants to."

As Pear Butter continued to cry, Bright Mac brushed a hoof along her back trying to comfort her. It had been many years now since Grand Pear left town and started off somewhere new. Years without seeing his daughter, never responding to any of her letters, nothing. It truly was as if he had no intent of wanting anything to do with her anymore. Bright Mac placed a hoof under his wife's chin, slowly lifting her head so her teary eyes could gaze upon his.

"Ah'm sure that ain't true Buttercup," He assured her. "He just needs time tah process and accept it."

"It's been years Bright Mac," Pear Butter croaked. "If he wanted anything tah do with me, you, or even the kids, he'd try and at least contact us somehow."

"Ah know yer hurtin' darling, but if ya keep thinkin' like that, yer only gonna make yerself feel worse. Ah guarantee someday, you and Grand Pear are gonna make things right. Just gotta keep yer chin up."

Pear Butter gazed into her husband's eyes, seeing the kindness and sincerity in his words. She actually managed to form a slight smile, as he held her tightly. He always knew exactly what to say just to make her feel better.

"Come on, let's get back home," Bright Max smiled.

Pear Butter nodded and together they started walking back towards the farm.

Suddenly, they heard a strange sort of sound coming from the skies above. Looking up, they saw what looked like multiple streams of black smoke heading their way. They had no idea what this meant, but knew they had to get out of there right away.

"RUN!" Bright Mac yelled.

Both ponies took off down the path running as fast as they could. However, no matter how fast they ran, the black smoke kept up with them and even caught up with them. Eventually the smoke encircled them, completely disorienting the pair. Finally, as the smoke cleared, both Bright Mac and Pear Butter regained their composure and looked around in horror at the figures in black cloaks and skulls masks surrounding them.

"Who are y'all?" Bright Mac asked horrified.

"What do ya want?" Pear Butter asked.

One of the figures drew a long stick-like thing from their robes and pointed it directly at them.


All of a sudden, both ponies felt a tremendous surge of pain coursing through their bodies. They both screamed in agony and turmoil as the pain rocketed through them.

"Stop, please!" Pear Butter begged.

But the figures ignored their pleas and the unending torture continued. After a long, painful torture the figure relented and lowered their wand. Bright Mac and Pear Butter gasped and groaned in pain, as they slowly crawled their way toward one another. This moment certainly was a horrible, frightening one for them as they realized this very well could be the end. They'd never see their children again, never see Granny Smith or even Grand Pear ever again. When they were in each other's hooves, they closed their eyes tightly and silently prayed.

"Dear Celestia, please watch over Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Applejack..."

Once more, the figure raised their wand and aimed at them with murderous intent.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Then there was a bright flash of green... and then there none...


"—and next thing ya know, we end up here," Pear Butter finished.

By the time Pear Butter finished the story, to say Twilight and her friends were stunned was putting it rather mildly. Bright Mac and Pear Butter, a pair of ponies they knew to be Applejack's parents but never having actually 'known' much about them or even as ponies Applejack was willing to talk about. Course eventually they had heard about how her parents lived and how they met, but never before had they ever learned how her parents supposedly passed away. But even after finally hearing the story... it's no wonder they were deeply disturbed.

"Sweet Celestia..." Rarity gasped silently, tears in her eyes.

"That's messed up..." Rainbow muttered, looking down.

Poor Fluttershy mentioned not a single word. The emotional wave overwhelmed the sensitive Pegasus, hearing the terrible tale of the passing of a friend's family. Only they never passed away... they were 'taken' from her friend. She could only hide her face behind her mane, hiding the teary-eyed face. All Spike could do was stand by her side and silently pat along her side.

"Ms. Pear Butter... forgive me for asking this," Twilight stepped up. "The creature that attacked you and your husband, did they... stand on two legs?"

"Yes..." Pear Butter nodded.

"How could this have happened?" Twilight spoke, in shock. "If what they say is true, the only other being that would murder them had to have been a wizard. But Celestia said that the portal was closed for a thousand years and given how old Applejack and her siblings were the day their parents died... they should not have been able... Applejack, what do you make of this?"

But answer there came none and Twilight Sparkle looked on greatly concerned.


Twilight Sparkle turned the moment heavy breathing filled the air. The other members of the Mane Six and the rest of their friends turned as Applejack stood there, puffs of air snorting out of her nostrils. Her teeth grind side to side, her eyes furrow deeply and heavily, the veins seemed to pop from her face. Whatever emotions Applejack was trying to keep bottled up, now at once she was slowly boiling over.

"Who was it?" Applejack growled silently.

"Now Apple Pie, please try to understand—" Pear Butter spoke up.

"WHO... WAS IT?!?!" Applejack shouted louder.

The rumble of Applejack's voice was loud enough to draw some attention from the other patrons in the facility. Even some of the creepiest looking zombies slowly edged away.

"It was a wizard, ain't it?! Some pony who don't believe in the alliance between Equestria and Hogwarts, wasn't it? Is that why you have unfinished business?"

"We wish we can tell ya, Applejack," Bright Mac admitted. "But we honestly don't know. We never saw their face."

"All these years..." Applejack stewed, scuffing the floor. "All these years I thought it was timberwolves... I blamed them for yer death! But it was murder!"

"Hey, hey, take it easy A.J." Rainbow approached. "No pony else could've known—"

"Ya don't understand, Rainbow!" Applejack snapped. "These are mah parents we're talkin' about! Two of the most important ponies in our entire lives... and they were takin' from us... from me!! If I had been there, I coulda done somethin'... I coulda... what could you even know Dash? You can't possibly understand what it's like to lose a family!"

Rainbow Dash was taken aback by the harsh tone in Applejack's words. Granted, they've had their share of disagreements in the past and they've had their moments of intense anger. But in this case, Applejack words were as harsh as the snap of a bullwhip. Rainbow Dash stared at Applejack for a moment, as the latter breathed heavily.

"I see..." Rainbow nodded, backing away.

Rainbow Dash turned away as the others looked upon their two friends with great concerns. Whereas it was easy to tell just how every pony else was feeling, even Spike, Maud just stared blankly at the scenario the whole time.

"To lose a family is the toughest loss," Maud stated bluntly.

While Applejack took a moment to compose herself, as her friends gave their country-bumpkin friend the extra space, a figure slowly approached from behind and placed a hoof over her shoulder. Applejack slowly turned around and her saddened eyes caught sight of Bright Mac, looking down upon his daughter. Not upset for the way she acted, but instead of understanding.

"I know you're angry," Bright Mac spoke softly. "You have every right to be. But what happened to your mother and I was not yer fault."

"We know you have questions," Pear Butter added. "Yer father and I will do our best to answer them. But all that matters now is havin' a chance to see you again. So please don't be upset... not even for us."

Even with Pear Butter's words were meaningful and understanding, it only did so much to lower Applejack's temperament. Still, if she hoped for answers over an even bigger mystery than she expected to encounter, she had to trust her parents. After all, it has been so long since Applejack got to see her parents... so long. How she would explain this to her siblings... or Granny... or even Grand Pear... that was going to be quite a bundle.

"I do reckon y'all might be missin' somethin'?" Bright Mac guessed.

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped, in realization. "Victor!"

"We nearly forgot all about him!" Trixie added.

"And he's all alone with a bride who thinks he's his husband in a land with undead, scary monsters!" Spike concluded, smiling sheepishly. "No offense..."

"None taken," Bright Mac shrug.

"We have been around this land for quite some time," Pear Butter spoke. "Allow us to be yer guides while we're all here."

"We could use all the help we can get," Twilight replied. "Considering you know this place better than we do. Provided it's okay with A.J. of course..."

They all turned toward Applejack, who turned her gaze to all her friends for a moment. Until eventually, after a sigh escaped her lips, she made her decision.

"I reckon we need all the help we'll need tah find Victor, clear this misunderstandin', and get him safely home," Applejack confirmed. "Sooner we get that done, the better."

"Then y'all just stick with us," Bright Mac smiled. "This'll be quite a bonding experience."

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie Pie raised her hoof. "I do have a quick question before we get underway!"

"Oh yes... Pinkie Pie, wasn't it?" Pear Butter guessed. "What would y'all like to know?"

A smile formed on Pinkie Pie's face as she slowly leaned toward the ghostly apparitions.

"Where do you stand on the possible relationship between the Apples and the Pies?"

Bright Mac and Pear Butter stared blankly toward Pinkie Pie, then toward each other. But neither one had an answer to that question. An awkward silence commenced between the pair.

"Boy, this is going to be a long trip," Rainbow sighed.

"Tell me about it," Spike shrugged.

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