Into the Forest

Following the fiasco at the wedding rehearsal, Twilight and the others made a mad dash from the Everglot manor in search of Victor. The entire scene that happened just recently certainly wasn't one that would help Victor work through his nerves any sooner. He had already made a complete fool of himself in front of his parents, the Everglots, and even Victoria. Not to mention he set his future mother-in-law on fire, certainly it couldn't get any worse. But even if it could, no doubt Victor could find a way.

But this wasn't entirely on Twilight's mind, or any of her friends, at this very moment. However, they rushed throughout the entire town trying to find one poor boy... only to come up empty.

"Victor!" Twilight called out. "Victor!"

"Where are ya sugar cube?!" Applejack yelled.

At some point during the search, the group split into two separate parties trying to find Victor quickly. Twilight lead a team consisting of herself, Spike, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy. Meanwhile, Rainbow lead a team consisting of herself, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, and Maud.

"Oh, I hope he's alright," Rarity said worriedly. "I can only imagine the shame and humiliation the poor boy must be feeling after all that."

"Ah know," Applejack nodded. "Not exactly like anyone tried to make him feel better. You'd think his parents would at least 'try' tah be supportive, but all they did was sit and glare at 'im."

"To be fair, he did set Mrs. Everglot on fire," Spike pointed out.

"That was just an accident Spike," Twilight responded. "If it were intentional, I'd understand everyone being upset as they were. But he was just nervous, he didn't know what he was doing."

"I just hope we can find him," Fluttershy added.

Just then, Rainbow and her team came running down from another street before screeching to a halt before the others.

"Any luck girls?" Twilight asked.

"No sign of him anywhere," Rainbow answered. "I've flown over this whole stinking town and I can't seem to find him."

"Did you check his house?"

"Nooooooo," Rainbow groaned sarcastically. "I'd never even bothered to think of that!"

"Trixie searched his entire room and everywhere else in the house," Trixie replied kindly. "But he's simply not there."

Twilight groaned in frustration. Clearly, this wasn't a very large town, something they picked up when they first arrived in this world. But why was it so hard to find one nervous groom?

"Would it help if I said I saw Victor running toward the bridge in the outskirts of town?" Maud asked emotionlessly.

This caused every pony, except Pinkie, to slowly turn and face the emotionless rock pony.

"And this is just coming up now because?!" Twilight asked irritated.

Maud just blinked slowly before responding.

"I assumed you knew," She replied simply.

"Well clearly we didn't!" Rainbow responded annoyed. "We've literally run and flew all over town trying to find him and you knew where he was all along? You realize it's already getting dark?"

"That's classic Maud for you," Pinkie giggled, bouncing away.

True to Rainbow's word, the night sky, already gloomy and grey, grew darker and darker by the minute. Soon enough, night would be upon them.

"C'mon every pony, let's go and find Victor," Twilight told them, before facing Maud. "And Maud, in the future, please just tell us if you see something."

Maud gave no audible remark nor even a change in expression, merely a slow nod of agreement. That said, Twilight led the girls and Spike as they rushed toward the gates that led out of town. As they stood under the stone archway of the city's stone wall, they could see Victor himself standing along the stone bridge.

The poor boy looked so defeated, so hopeless. Seeing the boy, it honestly made the group a little sad themselves. Slowly, they made their way toward the bridge and stepped toward Victor's side. The young man slowly turned his head to look down upon them before sighing and turning back toward the river.

"I am such a blundering idiot," He mumbled.

Though it was sharply audible, Twilight could still hear it. She looked sadly toward Victor, as she gently placed one hoof upon his leg.

"No, you're not Victor," She assured. "You were just nervous and scared, that's all."

"We've all had days like that darling," Rarity added. "I cannot even tell you how many times I've screwed up a huge shipment of dresses simply because of my constant pickiness and stress."

Victor gave a light chuckle toward the marshmallow unicorn's attempt to make him feel better. Sadly, it didn't quite work. Then, an invisible lightbulb went off in Trixie's head as she formed an idea.

"Trixie believes she has something that might cheer you up," She smiled.

Victor and the others turned to look, as Trixie removed her hat and waved her hoof over mystically. She reached deep into her hat and pulled out the very same winter jasmine flower Victoria had given to Victor. Letting a small ghostly smile form on his lips, Victor kneeled down and took the flower Trixie offered.

"I don't understand," He said. "How did you..."

"You must've dropped it when you ran out," Trixie explained. "Trixie could see how much you enjoyed it when Victoria gave this flower to you. She just knew she couldn't leave it there."

Victor stood back to his full height, as he smiled fondly at the little flower before looking back at Trixie.

"Thank you very much Trixie," He thanked her.

Trixie bowed her head slightly before putting her hat back where it belonged. Victor gazed with admiration at the flower before remembering everything that happened. His small smile quickly faded as he released a deep sigh.

"Oh Victoria," He sighed. "She must think I'm such a fool."

"No she don't sugar cube," Applejack assured. "We watched the way y'all looked at each other back in that there house. Really thought tah be a connection formin' there."

Pinkie popped up beside Victor with her usual giddy smile.

"You betcha!" She smiled. "The way you two looked at one another is the way I look at Cheesy and cupcakes. Well... maybe Cheesy a bit more because when I look at cupcakes, all I wanna do is eat them... although there was that one time..."

Before Pinkie could go any further, Rainbow quickly flew and lightly placed a hoof into Pinkie's mouth. This actually got Victor to chuckle a bit.

"Normally... I don't agree with Pinkie on many things," Rainbow replied. "But in this case, she actually has a point dude. Look at the bright side; least it can't get any worse!"

Just then, they could hear the yelling of the town crier as he made his rounds near the city gate.


Every pony and Spike glared and growled at the town crier, as Victor finally threw his hands in defeat and started off toward the forest. Once they'd finally stopped flaring, they decided to follow him so as not to lose him again. Before that, however, Rainbow turned back toward the town crier.

"Hey buddy!" She yelled. "Try yelling a little louder! I don't think they heard you... IN SPACE!"

Before the town crier could see who yelled at him, Rainbow quickly zoomed off. She, along with the rest of the Equestrians, slowly started to enter the forest. Looking up toward all the dark trees, the ponies and Spike all seemed slightly nervous, particularly Fluttershy.

"W-W-Why is t-t-there always a d-dark forest in a-all these p-p-places?" She shook.

Rarity merely patted Fluttershy's back for comfort, as they followed Victor through the forest. As he walked, he tried to think to himself on how to fix his problem.

"It really shouldn't be all that difficult," He said to himself. "It's just a few simple vows. With this hand, I will take your wine... Oh. No."

The further into the forest they went, the more eerie and creepy the scenery became. Victor paid no attention to the change in surroundings, as he kept trying to get his vows right.

"With this hand, I will cup your... oh goodness no!"

*Awkward silence between narrators*

DAMN! I can't believe they really snuck that into this movie...

You know, for kids!

Eventually, all the walking led the group to a large dead tree in the middle of the forest. The scenery was now completely dark as night took full effect on the atmosphere. As they walked, everyone started noticing the changing environment around them.

"Is it just me or are things getting a whole hay of creepy around here?" Rainbow asked.

"Ah hear ya sugar cube," Applejack said wide-eyed.

"Right there with you darling," Rarity said nervously.

Fluttershy said no words, her shaking and whimpering alone were enough to showcase her agreement. All that and still Victor paid no mind.

"With this—with this candle, I will—I will—"

Finally, he sighed in defeat.

"I will set your mother on fire. Oh, it's no use!"

He slumped onto a fallen tree, holding his head in his hands. It seemed no matter how hard he tried that it wasn't going to work for him. Maybe he just wasn't good enough for Victoria after all.


The sound of someone clearing their throat made him look up toward Twilight Sparkle, who stood before him.

"You can't just give up Victor," She said. "I know things seem really hard right now. But it's always when things seem hardest that you just can't quit."

Needless to say, this didn't seem to help Victor at all. Rather, he slumped down again with another sigh.

"Easy for you to say," He said quietly. "You have no idea what it's like being forced into an arranged marriage and being pressured into perfection."

Twilight nodded in agreement; she did think his words rang true. Indeed, she had never been forced into marriage or even been close enough to 'any' pony to consider marriage. She had no idea what must be going through his head, still she was determined to help.

"You're right," She agreed. "I don't know what you're going through. But you know I do know?"

Victor again slowly looked up and into Twilight's lavender eyes.

"I know exactly what it's like to feel pressured into being perfect. In the kingdom my friends and I come from, I'm next in line to take the throne. Believe me, I understand the pressure that's put on you to be perfect and do things right."

"So, how do you deal with them?" Victor asked.

"Truth be told... I don't really know. Honestly, I'm still feeling pressured. And given almost everything that's happened so far, it scares me just the same."

Then Twilight began to smile.

"There is one thing that helps me get through the day and make me believe I can do anything."

"What's that?"

Twilight turned toward her side, as the rest of her friends stepped beside her.

"My friends," She answered. "Whenever I feel so pressured and nervous, especially when things are beyond my control, I think of all my friends and all the amazing times we have together. Just thinking of them, how they've supported me no matter what, that alone gives me strength to know I can handle anything life throws at me."

Victor twerked his head to the side in confusion.

"How does that help me?" He asked.

"Maybe instead of thinking about getting the words right, you should try thinking about Victoria," Twilight suggested.

"That's right sugar cube," Applejack nodded. "Thinkin' bout her might just get ya through what ya need tah do."

Victor contemplated the idea for a moment, as he reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out the ring the ring and the winter jasmine flower. He held the flower to his face and took a deep breath, as he inhaled the pollen. As he did so, he thought of Twilight's words and his thoughts drifted to Victoria. He remembered their earlier conversation, the connection they seemed to form right off the bat. As he thought of her, he suddenly felt confident and renewing pride. With a serious and determined face, he quickly stood up and again attempted his vows.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine."

Feeling much better, he even flicked the ring into the air and caught it with ease. Twilight and the others couldn't help but smile at his newfound confidence.

"See? Now you're getting it!" Twilight smiled.

As he turned to the side, a smug grin formed on his face.

"Ah, Mrs. Everglot!"

The group turned toward his direction only to find that he was speaking to a tree branch, which he took as if he were shaking its 'hand'.

"You look ravishing this evening," Victor complimented.

He then quickly leaned toward a nearby stump, which resembled the size of Mrs. Everglot's husband.

"What's that Mr. Everglot?" He asked. "Call you Dad? If you insist sir."

Some of the ponies chuckled knowing deep down the Everglots would never be so swayed. But still, seeing Victor showing such renew vigor made the group very impressed. They looked on as Victor tore one tree branch and mimed a candle which he proceeded to 'light' another.

"With this candle, I will light your way in darkness..."

Victor, feeling his confidence renew, he takes the ring for his 'grand finale'. With a dramatic flourish, gathering up all his strength, he kneeled.

"With this ring..."

He slipped the ring along a small, twisted root extending from the ground.

"I ask you to be mine!" Victor concluded triumphantly.

The sound of hooves stomping drew Victor back, looking towards Twilight and her friends as they applauded for the young Van Dort with smiles. As they cheered for the man, Twilight Sparkle slowly approached Victor. For a moment, the two stare eye-to-eye for a couple seconds. Then Twilight placed one wing on Victor's shoulder, as her smile formed.

"Now you're ready Victor," Twilight declared.

All of a sudden, as the applause died down, the group looked around only to notice everything was... silent. Only a strong wind blew across the way, a slightly chilly brush of air against the ponies. Just then, they heard cawing which drew their heads upward... as the root beneath Victor seemed to twitch.

Perched along the nearby branches, overlooking the nervous group, all the crows glanced silently. A whole flock of them just stood there, while each of the Equestrians looked side to side. Apart from Maud, who just stared blankly at the birds.

"They're waiting," Maud observed.

"For what?" Rarity asked nervously.

"... Not what," Maud slowly answered. "Who..."

"C-C-C-Can we leave now?" Fluttershy stuttered nervously.

"Quite right, Fluttershy dear," Rarity nodded. "This place is starting to get spooky. Maybe we should just go back into town and—"

Just then, the root suddenly encircled Victor's wrist and proceeded to drag him down.

"VICTOR!!!" Twilight cried out.

"HOLD ON!!!" Applejack shouted.

Horrified, the Equestrians raced toward Victor, as the crows scattered with a cacophonous cawing, wings flapping. Each of the ponies, even Spike, grabbed hold of the young man, they tried to pull the thinly man free. Only to discover that it's 'not' a root, but it looked like the hand of a skeleton with a piece of blue fabric along the hand. And the skeleton proved very strong, as the Equestrians and Victor struggled to pull away as the hand kept hold. They pulled and pulled and pulled until...


The group fell back as the hand came loose from the ground, ripping a mass of roots and dirt from the ground. Spawling backwards, Victor sees the skeletal hand clamped around his wrist. Victor gasped in fright and tried to wriggle it off before Applejack raced over and bucked the hand off. The skeletal hand flew onto the snowy ground, as the group stared with wide eyed.

"What the buck is going on here?!" Rainbow cried out.

Just then, they heard a thumping noise and slowly inched their heads back toward where the hand reached out. All at once, the ground split open right before their very eyes. Fluttershy and Rarity hugged each other, shaking and quivering. Spike leaned against Twilight's side as she tried to act brave. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stood at the ready, while Maud stared blankly. And then it happened... a root-covered figure, wearing a tattered wedding gown, sprung from the frozen earth. Her veil sparkling in the moonlight, she slowly lifted the veil. Huge eyes dominate her pale face as she stared toward the group... but mostly, Victor.

"I do..." She whispered.

"Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z-Z—ZOMBIE!!!" Spike screamed.

"ZOMBIE!!!!!!!!" Pinkie screamed, her mane flying.

Trixie jumped in the air screaming, turned, and peddled away on her hind legs, as she ran for dear life. All the other ponies stood and screamed at the sight of the 'Corpse Bride' standing before them.

"WET YOURSELVES AND RUN!!!!!" Rainbow screamed.

Victor scrambled backward, turning and ran frantically, stumbling through thickets and branches. The ponies followed after him, the Pegasi taking to the air, while the others just ran as fast as their legs can carry him. The only pony who didn't quite run was Maud Pie, showing no fear whatsoever... or any other emotion for the matter. She watched as the Corpse Bride slowly stalked from its grave before seeing the arm come to life. It edged its way across the dirt before the Bride picked it up. And Maud barely blinked.

"That's new," Maud stated bluntly.

Just then Pinkie Pie zipped beside her.

"No time for games Maud!" Pinkie shouted. "We gotta get rolling!"

Pinkie practically lifted Maud onto her back and quickly dashed away with the bride right behind them. Victor and the Equestrians raced deep into the night before he fell and rolled down a slight hill. Looking up, he found himself tripped by a gravestone in an old, abandoned graveyard. And the Corpse Bride was moving toward him. Victor picked himself along the gravestone, staring gravely toward the approaching creature. Fortunately, Applejack raced back and helped him up.

"Come along, Victor!" Applejack cried out, lifting him up.

They raced for their lives, dodging the crooked tombstones in their path until...


Victor crashed blindly against a tree in his path. Victor held his head, as the pain seethed. Then his eyes widen, while his hazy vision caught the bride marching toward him with grave intent. Scared, Victor turned around...


And hit the tree again. Applejack had to push Victor to the side before he hit the bark again and together they ran till they caught up with the rest of the group. They raced down the hill before landing on solid ground. Victor barely turned around, spotting the bride, before he turned and ran... or at least 'tried' to. While the rest of the Equestrians went around, Victor found himself stuck on a bed of ice. His shoes skid along the ice and he wasn't getting anywhere. He helplessly watched as the bride drew herself closer, reaching out for him.

Before the bride could get closer, Rainbow Dash flew from behind Victor and lifted him away from the ice and onto firmer ground. While she takes off after her friends, Victor raced after them with the bride still in pursuit. They crashed blindly through the branches of the bare, brittle trees that seem to block their only escape. One branch even took a piece of Victor's suit as he pulled away. As they dashed blindly through the trees, the crows flew in their path. They reached the edge of the woods, sprinting toward the footbridge, and stopped to catch their breath.

They all turned back, peering through the dark forest. But the Corpse Bride wasn't in sight, and the night was oddly silent.

"W-W-W-Where did she go?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie never felt so scared... until now!" Trixie shuddered.

"Twilight, please tell me we did not just disturb the grave of a lost soul!" Rarity begged.

"I don't know what happened," Twilight shook. "Nothing about tonight makes sense!"

"I reckon we oughtta get as far from the forest as possible," Applejack suggested. "We head on back to the manor, we keep Victor under tight watch, and hopefully that bride'll just leave him be."

"Sure, we could do that," Rainbow nodded. "Not like tonight can't—"

"DON'T SAY IT!!!" The group shouted.

The group raced down the footbridge to get to town. Victor turned to run after them and froze in horror... as the strangely-alluring figure stood face-to-face with him. She approached him, as he backed toward the edge of the bridge just as the Equestrians turned back.

"VICTOR!!!" The group called out.

The Equestrians rushed to rescue their friend, only for the crows to burst from the trees and surround them, blocking their path. Twilight and Rarity tried to shoot beams against the birds, even Rainbow tried to swing her hooves toward them, but it felt as if they were hitting only the night air. Fluttershy and Trixie kneeled toward the ground, cowering against the birds while Maud stared blankly at the woman in the long gown reaching to embrace Victor.

The Corpse Bride moved towards the man, as more crows gathered and swirled around them. Overcome by fear, Victor stood motionless.

"You may kiss the bride," She spoke.

She leaned toward Victor, her bony hand caressing his chest as the crows encircle everything and everyone around them. The birds formed a solid field of black...

And then... there was none...

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