Elder Gutkneckt
Along with the entire Equestrian group, among them the recently reunited Apple family, Twilight Sparkle led the group through the back door of the tavern. Soon they were out along the streets, walking through the place known as the 'Land of the Dead'. Aside from Bright Back, Pear Butter, and Maud, everyone was a little shocked, if not somewhat scared of their surroundings.
Dead folk everywhere, walking along the streets just going about their daily undead lives. One guy was flat as a board from being crushed, a woman crawled along the streets dragging her dismembered lower half behind her, and a couple of zombies were almost completely skeletonized. Needless to say, everyone was practically uncomfortable in this dreary place.
"I-I-I think I m-much p-p-preferred it b-back in the t-tavern," Fluttershy shook fearfully.
"I must agree with you darling," Rarity nodded. "No matter how much we try, I don't think we'll ever get used to wandering about with the dead."
"Don't worry girls, everything's going to be alright," Twilight assured. "Right Spike?"
The little dragon in question peeked his eyes from behind Twilight's mane, quivering in fear.
"Y-Y-Yeah!" He chuckled nervously. "Nothing to worry about here."
Trixie, trembling as she walked, turned toward Maud, who's as stone-faced and emotionless as ever.
"Trixie cannot understand how you are so calm about all of this," Trixie spoke to her.
"You may not see it, but I'm frightened on the inside," Maud said plainly.
Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash quickly flew besides Applejack and her parents. As they walked, Rainbow gave a light nudge to Applejack's side.
"Hey A.J., can we talk for a moment?" She whispered.
"Not right now Dash," Applejack whispered back. "The sooner we find Victor and Emily, the sooner we get the hay outta this here place."
"I know, I know! But just before we came here, we were talking about something very important--"
"It's gonna have tah wait a little longer, sugar cube. Ah ain't too keen on spending a lot of time around dead folks."
Rainbow Dash sighed to herself, shaking her head.
"Forget it..." Rainbow brushed off.
She made to fly back to the rest of the group. But before she could, a single hoof reached out and onto her back. As she turned back, Rainbow saw Applejack's face, seeing the look of regret upon the country pony.
"Look Dash, ah'm mighty sorry about what ah said back at the tavern," She apologized. "Ah was just taken back by the information and seein' mah parents again. Ah was happy, sad, and angry all at the same time. I shouldn't have taken it out on ya like that."
Rainbow actually cracked a tiny smile, as she placed her hoof around Applejack.
"It's cool A.J.," She assured. "Tell you the truth, if I were in your hooves, I'd probably done the exact same thing."
"So no hard feelings?"
"Nah, I'm over it."
The two continued walking side by side with Bright Mac and Pear Butter, as they all made their way to the center of town. Once there, they all took a moment to look around and assess where they were.
"Any pony have any idea where they could be?" Twilight asked.
"Not a clue," Rainbow replied.
"This place is so gal darn huge, ah couldn't even begin to guess," Applejack agreed.
Every pony turned toward Pinkie Pie, who bounced enthusiastically with her hoof in the air.
"Ooh! Ooh! I know! I know! Pick me! Pick me!"
Twilight rolled her eyes before addressing her energetic party friend.
"Alright Pinkie, what have you got?"
"Emily's right over there!" Pinkie pointed.
Every pony, and especially Spike, turned toward the undead corpse bride herself, walking about the streets in search for Victor too. Twilight's eye twitched a bit as she slowly turned toward Pinkie Pie once more.
"Pinkie, how long have you known she was there?" She asked slowly.
"About twenty minutes," Pinkie responded happily.
"And why didn't you tell us?"
"I thought it was supposed to be a fun game of 'Hide and Seek'. I couldn't just tell you where she was; it's more fun to find them ourselves."
Twilight looked as if she were about to blow over, to say something she really did not wish to say. However, she took a few deep breaths and calmed herself.
"Go to the library," She spoke calmly to herself. "Just imagine yourself... peacefully reading in the library..."
Soon as she calmed down, Twilight lead the rest of the group in Emily's direction. The corpse bride walked about the square, trying to locate her missing groom.
"Victor, darling, where are you?" She called out.
"If you ask me, your boyfriend is kind of jumpy," The Maggot said, inside her head.
"He's not my boyfriend, he's my husband," Emily corrected.
The undead bride turned to see who just called out to her. Soon enough the group of Equestrians rushed toward her. More than anything, she noticed the two country ponies among them.
"Bright Mac!" She smiled. "Pear Butter!"
The two Apple parents raced toward Emily, who knelt down and embraced the two with a hug. This caused the rest of the group to look on in shock.
"Y'all know each other?" Applejack asked.
"We sure do Apple Pie!" Pear Butter smiled. "Why Emily here was the first one to help us settle in when we first came here."
"We were both so afraid and lost, we didn't know what to do," Bright Mac continued. "But Emily here showed us kindness and helped us learn to live with bein' dead. We've all been friends since."
"So what are ya lookin' fer darlin'?" Pear Butter asked.
"Ah'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume yer lookin' fer Victor," Applejack said.
Just then, Emily's eye popped out and Maggot peeked out.
"I'll keep an eye out for him," He said.
The sound of a comedic drum sound made everyone turn and see Pinkie sitting at a drum set. They all just looked at her, as she in turn shrugged her shoulders in response.
"Some pony had to do it," She replied.
As this went on, Victor snuck behind the corner of one building as he remained hidden from the corpse bride. Slowly, he tried to sneak away for a better place to hide. However, his motions did not go unnoticed by the Maggot.
"There he goes, there he goes!" He said urgently.
Everyone turned to see Victor running off down the street.
"He's—he's getting away! Quick, quick, after him!"
Emily popped her eye back into her head, as she lead the group down the street after Victor.
"Victor!" Emily called after him.
"Victor, come on back sugar cube!" Applejack called.
"Victor, it's alright!" Twilight added. "Nothing's going to happen to you! Come back!"
Victor paid no mind to their assurances; he kept running down the street. He raced right past a barrel full of disembodied arms. As Emily and the group came upon the same barrel, they all came to life and pointed toward Victor's direction.
"Thank you," She thanked them.
Everyone else looked at the barrel of arms wide eyed before continuing forward... except Pinkie.
"Thanks for the help boys," She thanked.
She gave each arm a high hoof before strolling down the path with her friends. They stayed behind Emily, as she kept calling out for Victor.
"Victor! Where are you?"
As Victor fled, he finally came upon a lengthy alleyway filled with coffins. The sight alone frightened him, but none more frightening than being chased by a walking corpse. Thinking fast, Victor positioned himself into one of the coffins and played dead. Thankfully, Emily just went right past him and didn't even notice him. Victor opened his eyes just as she disappeared down the alley. Just then, a black widow spider climbed down in front of him.
"Married huh?" She asked. "I'm a widow."
Victor gasped in shock before swiping the spider away and running back down the alley.
"Oh, how rude. He went that way!"
Victor continued to run and run till he finally came to a dead end before a large stone wall. Knowing Emily was undoubtedly behind him, Victor acted on instinct and began to climb. Finally ascending to the top, he grabbed hold of something to pull himself up. He was so relieved till he realized exactly what he grabbed onto. He looked up and saw Emily looking down at him with a smile on her face.
"You could've just used the stairs silly," She said.
She grabbed hold of Victor's arm, pulling him up so now he stood on the very same ledge overlooking the Land of the Dead. Once he was safely on his feet, he also noticed the group of ponies and the little dragon standing there as well.
"How did you all get here so fast?" He asked them.
"Teleportation," Twilight answered simply.
"Man Gallus has a point," Spike shook himself off. "Teleporting makes you feel like you left part of yourself behind."
"That's why I stick to flying little dude," Rainbow said, patting his head.
Emily gave a little spin, as she looked out at the view over the whole city.
"Isn't the view beautiful?" She marveled. "It takes my breath away. Well, it would if I had any."
Bright Mac and Pear Butter leaned against one another, as they smiled brightly while fond memories came to them of this place.
"It sure is a wonderful sight, ain't it?" Bright Mac asked fondly. "Matter of fact this here is where Buttercup and ah used to come all the time when we first came here."
"It helped us forget the pain of being dead and buried," Pear Butter nodded. "Just to feel alive again, if only for a few moments."
Applejack's heart ached hearing her parents say that. What she and her siblings went through without their parents was one thing. She couldn't even imagine what they must have been through seeing as they went for so long without her, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac. Not to mention the fact they were dead so they would 'live' with it for much longer.
"Isn't it romantic?" Emily asked.
"Dead..." Victor said, dreadfully. "Demised... expired... not that it matters anymore. I've kicked the bucket, shuffled off this mortal coil..."
"Technically you are not dead," Pinkie pointed out. "You're just married."
"Very funny," Victor frowned, sighing. "But how can a living person marry a dead person?"
"You made a vow," Maud spoke plainly.
"But I'm already supposed to marry Victoria!"
"Well, I'm sure she'll get over it," The Corpse Bride assured. "There are lots of living people up there."
Twilight and her friends looked toward each other in uncertainty. They didn't want to have to break it to Emily, but if she knew this woman like they do she wouldn't have said that. But still, seeing how unconvinced Victor is, the Bride took the more 'sympathetic' approach.
"This Victoria. Did you love her?"
"I never had a chance to find out," Victor said, slightly wistful. "Truth is, we hardly know anything about each other."
"Oh Victor..." Fluttershy spoke softly.
"The thing is, Victor," The Corpse Bride spoke. "I know a lot about you."
"You do?" Applejack asked.
"Say what?" Rainbow raised a brow.
"Oh girls, I've been watching Victor wandering through the woods. I always loved it when he sketches his pictures..."
"You have?" Victor asked, surprised. "When?"
"Haven't you ever felt like you weren't alone, even when you were? Or saw something out of the corner of your eye and you turned but it just wasn't there?"
"It was me," The Corpse Bride smiled.
"That's not creepy at all," Spike muttered, beneath his breath.
Rarity lightly shushed Spike, seeing how strangely touching it was coming from the undead bride. Even Victor felt strangely flattered by her words.
"We live in these two different worlds, but they overlap sometimes," The Corpse Bride continued. "I think we were meant to find each other."
"Look, I am terribly sorry about what's happened to you," Victor spoke regretfully. "And I'd like to help you, but I really need to get home. We really need to get home."
"This is your home now," She insisted.
"And I'm sure it's very lovely here," Rarity assured. "Much more colorful and... well animated than the place we came from. But this can never be anything like Equestria, we don't know any pony or anyone here other than Applejack's parents."
"I don't even know your name," Victor added.
"Well, that's a great way to start a marriage," The maggot replied.
"Shut up!" The Corpse Bride whispered, clutching her head.
Victor looked on silently, while the bride merely smiled at him.
"I can't believe... in all the excitement. It's Emily."
"Emily..." Victor repeated.
It was then the corpse bride suddenly realized something important.
"Oh, I almost forgot," She spoke, reaching down. "I have something for you."
From beneath the seat, Emily handed Victor a box with clattering items inside. The living Equestrians looked at the box, before facing Emily in confusion.
"What is it?" Twilight asked curiously.
"It's a wedding present," Emily answered.
"Well, Trixie knew that," Trixie replied smugly.
"Good grief!" Spike rolled his eyes.
Curiously, Victor lifted the box toward his ear and gave it a light shake. From the sounds of it, there appeared to be multiple items inside rattling about. Emily looked on nervously, as if concerned Victor may not like the present. The ponies and Spike, apart from Maud and the Apple parents, looked just as nervous too but more so as to how Victor will react and not so much the contents. Eventually, Victor slowly slid the lid off, and when the package was opened, he peeked inside and gasped.
"What is it Victor?" Fluttershy asked nervously.
Victor did not answer right away, but rather he stared inside the box. Slowly, Victor reached his left hand inside the box and from inside he revealed... a bone.
"Thank you," Victor thanked Emily, politely.
The rest of the group peeked inside the box, only to discover it wasn't just 'one' bone.
"My, I say..." Rarity smiled nervously. "You certainly took up quite a collection, Emily."
"It's a lovely present," Twilight nodded.
"Yeah, they'd be perfect for the Spikester," Rainbow added. "If he were in that dog form Twilight told us about."
"Don't even joke about that!" Spike frowned.
Suddenly, the box began to shake and rattle as Victor quickly slid the lid of the box back in place. But then the box hopped off his lap, crashing onto the floor as the group gasped. All the bones suddenly rolled out from the box into one big pile. They stared at the bones for a second or two, until the bones quickly shifted together to form... a dog, a dog that actually 'barked' at them.
The skeletal dog looked out towards the group, but mostly toward Victor. From the moment it saw him, the little creature wagged its tail excitedly. Victor gazed in confusion, as the dog skipped towards the living man with something in his jaws. It sat upon its hind legs as Victor reached over and carefully, cautiously even, took the little item from its jaw. Victor studied the item, which appeared to be a red collar with a single dog tag on it. And the moment he saw its name, his face brightened.
"Scraps?" Victor gasped.
"Scraps?" The ponies questioned.
The dog barked in response to Victor, very happy to see Victor. All at once, it suddenly dawned on the nervous man.
"Scraps! My dog, Scraps!"
The dog hopped onto Victor's lap and starts licking Victor. The group looked in awe as the young man hugged his former companion. The dog barked toward Victor, as he attached the collar around its bony neck while Emily softly giggled.
"Oh, Scraps, what a good boy!" Victor cooed his dog.
With manic energy, the little dog leapt from his lap and raced around the grounds before the group.
"That was your dog?" Trixie observed.
"Oh yes, he's mine..." Victor smiled. "Well, was... Scraps was my dog when I was a boy."
"I knew you'd be happy to see him," Emily smiled.
"Who's my good boy?" Victor asked. "Sit. Sit, Scraps, sit."
It takes a bit of time, but the dog followed his masters command as he sat upon his hind legs. The group sighed with awe at this cute scene.
"Good boy, Scraps. Roll over. Roll over."
And just like that, Scraps rolled its body across the floor while its head kept still watching Victor. Under normal circumstances, most of the ponies would be creeped out. But still, this touching reunion between a master and his friend made them forget for the time being.
"Good boy, Scraps. Play dead."
Only Scraps didn't play dead. The choice of words made the little dog whine slightly and the group turned their heads toward the man, who just realized his mistake.
"You went too far," Maud replied bluntly.
"Sorry," Victor apologized.
But the dog seemed quick to forgive, as he hopped back onto the bench as Victor and Emily petted the little dog. Even the ponies raced up to greet Victor's little companion, actually finding him rather cute.
"Aw, what a cute little puppy," Fluttershy cooed, scratching its head. "Oh yes you are! Yes you are!"
"You should have seen him with fur," Victor replied. "Mother never approved of Scraps jumping up like this. But then again, she never approved of anything."
"Well, it's her loss," Applejack replied. "Because this little critter is cute, I'll admit. I'd say Scraps would get along with Winona."
"Oh sure, course they'd get along," Rainbow nodded. "As long as Winona isn't in the mood for bones."
"Oh hush!"
"Do you think she would have approved of me?" Emily asked curiously.
"Heh! You're lucky you'll never have to meet her," Rarity replied. "We've seen how that woman behaved while we were, um... 'up top' for lack of better words. And while I understand upper class citizens tend to act that way, it don't excuse the fact that they can be... well, rather rude."
Little did Rarity know, but her saying about 'meeting her' drew Victor some inspiration.
"Well, actually... now that you mention it..." Victor spoke up, with false brightness. "I think she would."
"Huh?!" The group turned with confusion.
"What you talking about?" Spike asked, tilting his head.
"You really think your own mother would approve?" Trixie asked.
"Why yes. I do believe she would," Victor answered, turning to Emily. "In fact, since we're, you know, m... married... you should definitelymeet her. And my father too. We should go and see them right now!"
The ponies and Spike, the entire time, tried to process what Victor was going on about. While their intent was to find a way to get back to the mortal world, it was still baffling as to why Victor would suddenly even suggest introducing Emily to a mother he could barely tolerate. Victor waits nervously for her reaction. Slowly, but surely, a big smile comes over Emily's face.
"What a fantastic idea! Let's go find them. Where are they buried?"
"Ooh..." Applejack spoke nervously. "There is 'one' slight problem..."
"What is it, Apple Pie?" Pear Butter asked.
"They're not from around here," Victor answered.
"No?" Bright Mac raised a brow. "Well, where are they?"
Victor and the ponies point upward. It takes a moment for Emily and even Applejack's parents to realize it.
"Oh!!!" The parents nodded, understanding.
"They're still alive?" Emily asked.
"I'm afraid so," Victor shrugged.
"Gee... that's gonna be tough," Bright Mac pondered.
"That is a problem," Emily nodded, slightly crushed.
"How come?" Rainbow questioned. "We were all transported into this 'Land of the Dead' joint somehow, and that wasn't a problem before."
"I'm afraid drawing mortals here and the dead to the living world are two entirely different issues, dear," Pear Butter spoke up. "It's very rare for an undead soul, like us, to freely wander the Earth without reason. And never before have mortals ever come down to this place... and ever got back."
"So basically... we're all stuck down here," Spike summarized.
The Apple Parents nodded reluctantly, as the group sighed and plumped to the ground. Just then, Scraps started barking excitedly toward Emily. The group looked on wondering what they were talking about.
"What's that, Scraps?" Emily asked. "Oh no, we couldn't possibly..."
"Can I try, Miss Emily?" Fluttershy asked curiously. "I'm very good with animals."
"Oh yes, do try."
Fluttershy leaned her head and listened very carefully as Scraps repeated his message to the Pegasus pony.
"Oh! I see..." Fluttershy nodded. "Uh huh... uh huh... well, when you put it like that..."
"What?" Victor asked.
"Yeah Flutters, spill it out!" Rainbow spoke impatiently.
"He mentioned some figure named 'Elder Gutknecht' who he says can help us get back to the Living World," Fluttershy answered.
"Elder Gutknecht!" Emily gasped, excitedly.
"Elder... Gutknecht?" Trixie questioned.
Meanwhile, back in the Land of the Living, the night grows later along the Van Dort House. Mayhew sat on the carriage outside, sneezing and coughing amidst the pouring rain. As the rain hammered against the window of the Van Dort Drawing Room, Nell whimpered with an oversized handkerchief.
"They're the best family for miles and we were going to marry into them!" Nell wailed, her voice breaks. "Their manners and breeding—were going to be our manners and breeding! They're related to a Duke. A DUKE!!!"
"And we've lost a son, of course," William pointed out.
"Oh yes, that too..." Nell replied, dismissively.
"But... we haven't lost all hope."
"How so?"
"The Everglots agreed to have their daughter marry our son."
"Yes, yes! I recall!"
"But we never specified which son," William added.
Nell looked at him deeply perplexed, as if the man had finally lost his mind.
"William, we only have ONE son!"
"Or do we?"
"Yes, we do!"
With a 'wait-one-moment' finger, William left the room. A beat later, he returned holding a broom dressed in a dinner jacket, complete with a top hat perched on the straw.
"May I introduce Reginald Van Dort!" William introduced.
"He's a broom!" Nell yelled.
"He's tidy!"
"He's flammable!"
"And Victor isn't? Dear wife, with the proper flame, we all burn to cinders."
"And we will burn to cinders if we don't find Victor! Ooooh! You are so... so... URGH!!!"
Nell stormed out of the room, leaving William alone... with the broom.
"Your mother's very fragile," William told the broom.
Meanwhile, back at the Everglot manor, Victoria sits alone in her bedroom. She sews away her quilt—it now covers an entire armchair, looking slightly more unhinged. And every passing minute Victoria seems sadder and lonelier than ever.
Finally, she stands up and hurls the heavy shawl aside. With great effort, she pushes up the window and leans along the sill, gazing her eyes into the rainy night.
Back in the Land of the Dead, Emily, along with Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and Scraps, lead Victor and the Equestrians into a large study. The study itself is stacked from ceiling to the floor with crumbling books, scrolls, charts, and strange, medieval, scientific instruments. Rickety shelves bend under the weight of mysterious jars and boxes. Crows perch along the rafters. The whole place frosted with bird droppings, and the dust of untold centuries. The best way to describe the place is if Leonardo Da Vinci meets 'Sanford and Son'.
I LOVE THAT SHOW!!! :pinkiehappy:
Pinkie Pie... please...
"Elder Gutknecht... are you there?" Emily called out. "Hello? Is anyone home? Hello? There you are!"
The Equestrians turned their gaze toward Emily's direction and their eyes widen in shock. There before them is Elder Gutknecht himself, an ancient, gnarled skeleton, as bent and twisted as a tree root. He wears a scholarly cap and wire-rimmed glasses. He wandered between the stacks, removing something from one pile and carefully placing it on another when he acknowledged the visitors.
"Oh, my dear!" Gutknecht greeted. "There you are."
"Good evening to you, Elder Gutknecht," Bright Mac greeted. "We brought new visitors who've come to meet you. This is our daughter, Applejack."
Applejack stood before Gutknecht, tipping her hat with a light bow.
"Ah... so you're Applejack," Gutknecht observed, adjusting his glasses. "Bright Mac and Pear Butter told me so much about you."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance," Applejack replied. "And these are mah friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Maud Pie, and Trixie..."
"Ahem!" Spike cleared his throat.
"... and Spike," Applejack added. "And apparently... Emily's husband, Victor."
"What's that?" Gutknecht asked, surprised. "Husband?"
"Pleasure to meet you, sir," Victor greeted politely.
"I'm as surprised as you," Maud spoke plainly.
"We need to go up," Emily requested, pointing upward. "Upstairs? To visit the land of the living."
"More like wanting to go home," Trixie replied. "Trixie's too young and beautiful to live amongst dead folk... no offense, Mr. and Mrs. Apple."
"None taken," Pear Butter replied.
"Land of the living?" Gutknecht repeated. "Oh, my dear..."
"Oh please, Elder Gutknecht, sir!" Twilight plead. "I'm afraid there's been a slight misunderstanding; most of us aren't dead, and we must go back."
"Now why go up there when people are dying to get down here?" Gutknecht asked.
"Ah, heh-heh... dying to get down here," Pinkie giggled lightly. "Yeah... I totally get it..."
Victor, Emily, and the others exchanged a look. Of course, leave it to Pinkie Pie to find humor out of any situation.
"Sir, I beg you to help," Victor implored. "It means so much to me... us!"
"I don't know," Gutknecht replied uncertainly. "It's just not natural."
"It's very important she meets my family. Just a quick hello and we'll be right back."
"We will?" Rainbow questioned.
Applejack nudged against Rainbow's side; the Pegasus quickly corrected herself.
"I mean sure! Why wouldn't we want to come back?"
"Please, Elder Gutknecht," Emily begged. "Surely there must be something you can do."
Elder Gutknecht rubbed his head in deep thought, as a shower of dust drifted off his skull.
"Let me see what I can do."
Elder Gutknecht shuffled to a stepladder affixed to his bookshelf. The whole team watched as he hoisted himself along each step, knocking books off the shell as he goes.
"And I thought your libraries are messy," Spike chuckled.
"Oh hush, Spike!" Twilight frowned.
"Where did I put that book?" Elder Gutknecht looked around. "I left it here somewhere."
At the top of the ladder, he suddenly found a particularly large book.
"I have it! A Ukrainian haunting spell!"
"A what?" Victor questioned.
"Of course!" Emily replied.
The elderly skeleton struggled to reach for the book as Victor approached.
"Allow me, sir," Rarity replied.
Being the generous pony, Rarity retrieved the book with the aura of her magic. Slowly and gently, Rarity positioned the book on top of a nearby desk. The ancient skeleton proceeded to climb down the ladder.
"It's just the thing for these quick trips," Elder Gutknecht replied. "None of the fuss of corporeal travel."
"Such a thing is possible?" Victor questioned.
"Certainly. But not needed here. Now, let's see..."
As Gutknecht flipped through the pages, the group leaned for a closer look.
"So glad you thought of this," Emily told Victor.
"Me too," Victor replied.
Though judging by Victor's face, a twinge of guilt could be seen as if Victor knew something Emily didn't. As Applejack stared at Victor's face closely, she started to grow suspicious of Victor's intentions. But the moment is slightly broken when she feels something slightly touch her. She turned to the side and noticed how close she was to Rainbow Dash, course she paid such close attention to the book she didn't notice. A blush slightly formed on Applejack's face, which she tried to hide... though two particular ponies nearly caught it.
"Hmm..." Bright Mac thought.
"It certainly is dusty," Elder Gutknecht replied.
Course Gutknecht didn't realize most of the dust was coming from him. Rarity lifted a hoof to speak up but decided against it.
"I better not," Rarity spoke to herself.
"Now, then... where were we?" Gutknecht asked.
"The Ukrainian haunting spell?" Pear Butter pointed out.
"Ahh! Here we have it!" Gutknecht observed. "And we have everything we need."
Then he took a strange, speckled egg from a bowl along his desk. The group listened closely as the old skeleton began to mumble a strange spell. After a moment or two, he suddenly looked up.
"No!" Victor spoke nervously. "I don't understand how..."
"Just remember," Gutknecht interrupted. "When you want to come back, just say 'hopscotch'."
"Hopscotch?" Victor asked.
"Hopscotch?" Spike asked.
"Hopscotch?" The living Equestrians questioned.
"What is there an echo in here?" Trixie asked, looking around.
"That's it," Elder Gutknecht replied.
Elder Gutknecht suddenly cracked the egg above their heads. But instead of yolk, a strange, sparkling powder fell from the shell. And the moment it contacted everyone, the Equestrians both living and dead, even Victor and Emily, they instantly vanished.
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