According to Plan

A light wind picks up as the glassy portal arch opened for the new world. The group of Equestrians, along with their little dragon companion, stepped through to the other side. The moment their feet touch the ground, the portal closed behind them, leaving them in a new world with a mission to accomplish. They looked around their new surroundings, noticing something rather odd about this place.

They were completely surrounded by large stone buildings, its architect resembling a very Victorian style, cold and severe. Its streets are entirely cobblestone and its landscape was so... gray. Much like their first arrival in Kansas long ago, there was hardly any color minus a deep gray. All the hues here were muted and grim. It honestly sucked all the good feeling out of the atmosphere, replacing it with a feeling of gloom and despair.

"Wow!" Rainbow remarked. "This is officially one of the most depressing places I've ever seen. Even the townspeople look like zombies!"

"What ya talkin' about sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

"Take a look!"

Rainbow gestured with one hoof down the cobblestone street, all the others having a glance at all the people crossing the streets. Much like this town, they were all gray, depressive looking, and above all stiff. Many of them slugged by their days in dreary fashion, nodding very formally, and without warmth when they pass each other. A church bell chimes the first of four strokes. One townsperson, the town crier, strides into the squares and rings his big hand ell.

"FOUR O'CLOCK AND ALL'S WELL!!!" He shouted.

As the group studied the area, its shops making up the whole town, none of the other townspeople looked any better:

The grocer arranging fastidious little piles of withered onions; the watchmaker checking and re-checking the large clock hanging in front of his shop, resetting the second hand as it ticked in a monotone fashion; the baker wearily adding another plain brown loaf to the pyramid standing in his window; two completely lifeless men chopping fish, their arms rising and falling mechanically; and a seamstress sitting among bundles of cloth, all shades of gray. Trixie gasped as she looked upon all the gloomy people.

"Such a dreary looking bunch," She observed. "Perhaps a little show by the Great and Powerful TRRRRRRRRIXIE will lighten their moods."

Trixie pulled of her hat, reaching in to pull out a gigantic anchor with her glowing horn. She proceeded to hurl it backward, a loud crash erupted upon landing. This caused every pony, Spike especially, to glare angrily toward her.

"Trixie! What are you doing?!" Twilight hissed. "We can't draw too much attention to ourselves!"

"But that's the whole point of Trixie's presence. To make everyone gaze at her in adoration!"

"Yeah well if you keep it up, I'll do a little trick of my own," Rainbow threatened. "One where I make [i]you[/i] disappear!"

Trixie immediately placed her hat back on her head, a fearful smile formed as she nodded her head. Meanwhile... Maud just stood there.

"Personally, I think this is one of the more interesting adventures I've witnessed since the discovery of the television," She said lazily.

This caused every pony, minus Pinkie Pie, to glance at Maud in confusion.

"Seriously Darling?" Rarity asked in awe. "More interesting than a magical castle filled with witches, wizards, and all manner of magical creatures?"

To which Maud simply nodded.

"Or a demon witch that nearly killed us all?" Spike asked.

"A talking sponge and starfish among other sea creatures?" Fluttershy added.

"Oh! Oh! Don't forget Mr. Wonka's super-duper chocolate factory!" Pinkie piped excitedly.

And again, Maud merely nodded at all the suggestions. This caused every pony, again minus Pinkie, to roll their eyes. Only Maud Pie could find sluggish, dreary looking things interesting. However, Pinkie merely wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulder with a bright smile.

"I'm just excited you get to come on one of our adventures Maud!" She said excitedly.

"What about Trixie?" Trixie asked.

Pinkie extended her arm to great length, drawing Trixie to her side as well. Even the magician found herself shocked by Pinkie's abilities.

"Oops! Sorry Trixie, I'm happy you can come too!" Pinkie smiled. "Hmm... I wonder what'll happen to us while we're here... *GASP!* Maybe it'll be a swashbuckling tale about wacky pirates! Or maybe a cheese-loving inventor and his dog! Or... or... OR... maybe a bunch of mice that live in a big city under the sewer!"

Every pony slowly turned, with utter confusion toward Pinkie Pie.

"Huh?" They all said, in unison.

"Oh sorry, went a little ahead of schedule!"

Pinkie reached into her mane and drew out a list entitled: [i]Future Cinematic Adventures[/i].

[i]How did she get that?! I thought you changed the safe combination![/i]

[i]I did! But she keeps getting in somehow...[/i]

[i]Do we have to start keeping it in the pool with the sharks with the laser beams attached to their heads?[/i]

[i]Don't mock me! You laughed when I suggested that idea...[/i]

[i]Ugh! Hold on... *Snaps fingers*[/i]

All of a sudden, the paper disappeared in a flash much to Pinkie's confusion. She just shrugged it off and bounced along smiling.

It was only then Fluttershy noticed that very same butterfly, the only really colorful thing in view AND the very same one they followed through the portal, flew around them. Being the caring animal lover, Fluttershy gently held her hoof and the tiny insect landed with grace.

"Why ever did you lead us here little butterfly?" She asked sweetly.

The little butterfly just fluttered its wings again, off the Pegasus's hoof and down the street. Until eventually, it flew up through the window of a large-looking house.

"I think the butterfly wants us to follow it," Fluttershy informed the group.

"The one we followed here?" Spike asked.

"Mm-hmm," Fluttershy nodded.

"But we don't even know what's in there!" Twilight objected.

Though Fluttershy had to admit that Twilight had a point, and the thought already scared her slightly, she couldn't help but feel it was leading them toward that house for a reason.

"I'm not sure why... but I have a feeling it's leading us to where we need to be," She insisted.

The butter-yellow Pegasus strolled down the street, much to the town residents' surprising ignorance. Every pony watched on with confusion, till Twilight sighed in defeat. With a single gesture, she beckoned every pony to follow her. They made their way down the street after Fluttershy before finally resting at the foot of the house.

"Okay, now what do we do?" Rainbow asked. "We walk in and be like, '[i]Hey, we're a bunch of talking ponies who followed a butterfly through a magic portal. Can we please come into your house?[/i]'"

The sarcasm was thick in her voice, much to the chagrin of one Twilight Sparkle.

"Don't worry Rainbow," She assured. "We won't need to walk through the front door."

Lighting her horn with her magic, she and every pony vanished in a flash of purple light. They transported to the top room where the butterfly flew through the window. After shaking the teleportation feeling off themselves, Fluttershy noticed the butterfly hovering around the Victorian-style room. The group looked around and saw it was filled with numerous drawings and paintings of all sizes, mostly of butterflies. Only one prominent painting presented a man with a friendly-looking dog. Then at last, the butterfly floated next to a large glass dome covering an exact replica butterfly inside.

"Oh dear!" She gasped. "The poor creature's trapped in that glass dome like a prisoner!"

"You mean to say we got dragged up here just to free a butterfly?" Rainbow asked annoyed.

"I think it's more complicated than that," Twilight answered.

"Oh, I simply must get it out of there," Fluttershy said.

"Well hurry it up sugar cube," Applejack ushered. "We just gotta figure out why we came here."

Fluttershy nodded quickly as she walked toward the glass case atop the desk it sat. She reached her hoof out to pull the case away... when the door to the room suddenly opened. Every pony, except Maud, froze fearfully as a young man walked in.

A rather handsome, but also skinny young man, approximately nineteen years old with a gentle, slightly dreamy quality. He wore a very nice-looking suit, his dark hair done up rather nicely. He strolled right into the room carrying a piece of parchment under his arms.

"Well hopefully I can finish this drawing before..."

His words cut off when his huge eyes caught sight of the group of pastel-colored ponies and their little dragon companion. Though his pupils were not particularly large, they shrunk even tinier when he saw them. For a moment they all just stood there, him staring at the group and they staring back. Finally, Pinkie Pie waved her hoof excitedly.

"Hi, how are ya?!" She asked loudly.

The young man gasped loudly, as he fell to the ground and scrambled back into a corner. Twilight held her hooves up, as she slowly approached him.

"Whoa, hey! It's alright. We're not here to hurt you, I promise."

The poor man just sat there, shaking his head as fear completely overtook him.

"Goodness gracious, I've finally gone round the bend!" He muttered. "The stress of this wedding is now making me hallucinate to the point where I'm seeing colorful, talking ponies!"

"Well, least he got [i]that[/i] right," Rainbow nodded, with a shrug.

Twilight glared at Rainbow before turning back toward the frightened man. She slowly inched closer, as the man tried to pull back even further. She then held out a hoof toward the man, as his eyes grew wider.

"Sir, I promise," She said. "Neither me nor any of my friends are here to hurt you."

For what felt like an eternity, the young man sat there staring in fear. Then slowly, he reached a trembling hand toward her. His fingers barely touched her hoof when he flinched, expecting the worst to happen. However, he slowly relaxed and looked back as instead he felt nothing but warmth and kindness from her soft fur. After another moment, he slowly got back to his feet, towering over the pony princess as she looked up at him with a warm smile.

"See?" She smiled. "There's absolutely nothing to worry about."

The young man looked from her to all the other ponies and the tiny dragon who all smiled at him, except for Maud. The man turned back toward Twilight, shaking his head.

"Am I dreaming?" He asked her.

"No," Twilight shook her head, slowly. "I'm sorry but you're not."

"But—but—how is this even possible?"

"It's a bit of a long story," Twilight chuckled.


(2 Hours Later)


"... and that's basically all there is."

The young man sat upon his bed listening to her and her friends explain the situation to him. As he listened, he couldn't help but be fascinated. Not just because they were talking ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns...


... [i]and[/i] Spike... but also because they actually proved it by performing such amazing feats for him.

"I must say this is quite an interesting surprise," He said amazed. "What are your names?"

"Well, I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight introduced herself. "This is Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Trixie..."

"You mean the 'Great and Powerful' TRRRRRRRRIXIE!!!" Trixie exclaimed dramatically.

Twilight rolled her eyes, groaning to herself. Then Pinkie shoved Maud in front of the group, smiling brightly.

"And this is the best big sister in the history of big sisters forever and ever, MAUD PIE!" Pinkie shouted joyfully. "Just look how excited she is to come and meet you!"

The young man looked down at the gray pony, who looked at him with the same blank stare plastered upon her face.

"Hi," She said.

The young man merely bowed his head for her, as he stood back on his feet.

"It is quite lovely to make your acquaintances," He said kindly. "My name is Victor, Victor Van Dort."

One by one, he shook each of their hooves, in Spike's case his claw.

"Mighty nice tah meet ya Victor," Applejack tipped her hat.

"Charmed darling," Rarity greeted with a bow.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is honored to meet you," Trixie stated.

"Sup!" Rainbow waved.


Everyone quickly faced the door, as the sound of footsteps made their way quickly toward the room.

"Oh no, it's mother!" Victor said fearfully. "You must hide quickly!"

Twilight quickly lit her horn and in another flash of light every pony turned invisible just as the bedroom door flew open. There stood Victor's mother, Mrs. Nell Van Dort, a rather pump, pushy Victorian matron wearing a dark gray dress and a hat. She strolled into the room, staring at her son with narrowed eyes.

"Victor, why aren't you getting ready?" She asked sternly. "We're expected at Everglot Manor in the next half hour!"

"Just getting ready mother," Victor responded nervously.

Mrs. Van Dort eyed the boy up and down before looking around the room.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked suspiciously. "I swore I heard voices."

Victor's eyes darted back and forth, nervously thinking of an excuse.

"Er—no one mother," He said quickly. "Just talking to myself you know. Trying to calm myself of these wedding day jitters."

"Well stop talking and get ready! We've come too far now and so close to the life I've always wanted. The carriage will be here in half an hour and you best be ready by then!"

With that, Mrs. Van Dort quickly left and shut the door behind her. Victor sighed with both relief and frustration as he walked over to the desk. By then, Twilight and the others became visible again.

"What the hay was all that about?" Rainbow asked.

"That's just my mother for you," Victor sighed.

"Wut in tarnation was she talkin' 'bout?" Applejack asked.

Victor gazed out his bedroom window before taking a deep breath and faced the group.

"I'm to be married tomorrow," He answered.

This made all the girls and Spike, minus Maud, smile joyfully.

"That's amazing Victor!" Twilight declared happily.

However, Rarity took one look at his expression and noticed the sad, scared expression on his face.

"Yet you don't seem happy about the idea," She remarked.

Victor shook his head slightly.

"It's just I've never even seen her before. Never even spoken to her."

Now every creature seemed confused.

"Wait one apple pickin' minute," Applejack said abruptly. "Y'all mean tah say yer marryin' some girl y'all never even met or talked to before?"

"It's an [i]arranged [/i]marriage," Victor explained. "For years now, my parents have always intended for me to marry the daughter of Lord and Lady Everglot. Their family is considered high in nobility here in England."

In an instance, every pony went from confused to straight up sad with despaired looks.

"That's terrible!" Fluttershy whispered.

"Trixie agrees with Fluttershy," Trixie nodded. "One should never marry if not for love and adoration."

Both Pinkie and Rarity really had to agree with that statement. Having both married wonderful, caring stallions (Though in Erik's case, he only became one after leaving his world). The mares completely understood how terrible Victor must feel.

"We're so sorry Victor," Twilight said sadly.

Victor merely sighed, as he strolled toward the desk. He unfurled the parchment he brought with him, observing the butterfly in the glass case.

"Perhaps a bit of drawing will help ease my nerves," He said.

"You'll let the poor creature go free after you finished, right?" Fluttershy asked.

"But of course," Victor nodded. "That was [i]always[/i]the plan... [i]according to plan[/i]..."


For the next half hour, the group sat alongside Victor and continue to talk while Victor worked on drawing the butterfly in the case. He outlined every detail on the butterfly, from the gentle curve of its wings to the delicate pattern shimmering in lakes of color. Finally, after a while, the sketch was finished and looked perfect. After admiring his handy work, Victor opened the window of his room and lifted the glass case allowing the tiny butterfly its freedom.

The tiny creature flew through the town, as its denizens went about their business. As they do so, a nice man dressed in a fancy suit and hat strolled through town while the town crier delivered his daily news.


That last bit made the newcomer stop in his tracks, shooing the butterfly away as it flew past him. Just then, a carriage riding through town stopped in front of the Van Dort house. Victor looked on as the front door opens, and out steps Mrs. Van Dort along with her husband, Willian Van Dort. He's a slouch-shouldered gentleman who spoke from behind his drooping mustache as the gentle voice of reason.

"Where is Victor?" Mr. Van Dort asked. "We might be late!"

Victor leans from the upstairs window, with zero enthusiasm...

"Coming, Father!" Victor called out.

"Right, right. Very good."

His parents stroll from the house with more festive moods, as they gaze across town toward the Everglot Mansion with its two imposing gables. So festive the pair were, they began to sing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]It's a beautiful day![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]It's a rather nice day.[/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]A day for a glorious wedding![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]A rehearsal my dear, to be perfectly clear...[/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]A rehearsal for a glorious wedding![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Assuming nothing happens that we don't really know.[/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]That nothing unexpected interferes with the show...[/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]And that's why everything,[/i]
[i]Every last little thing,[/i]
[i]Every single tiny, microscopic, little thing must go...[/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]According to plan![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Our son will be married,[/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]According to plan![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Our family carried,[/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Elevated to the heights of society![/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]To the costume balls![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]In the hallowed halls![/i]

Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Rubbing elbows with the finest![/i]

Mr. Van Dort (sings):
[i]Having crumpets with Her Highness![/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Van Dort (sings):
[i]We'll be there, we'll be seen,[/i]
[i]Having tea with the queen,[/i]
[i]We'll forget everything[/i]
[i]That we've ever, ever been...[/i]

The Equestrians and Victor watched as Mrs. Van Dort attempted to step into the carriage. Unfortunately, she found herself stuck in the door. So mush so that her husband and the driver, Mayhew, struggled just to push her in. Rainbow Dash didn't even try to hide how amused she looked.

"Come in now dear," Mr. Van Dort groaned.

"It's not me, it's my dress that caught!" Mrs. Van Dort replied. "Where is Victor? We might be late!"


Meanwhile, on the other end of town, there were a few people not very happy with the whole arrangement. Inside an enormous room furnished with high wing-backed chairs, an elaborate gray sofa, curlicue side tables and heavy drapes lived an imperious Victorian Matron, Maudeline Everglot. She stood by the window, with extremely high hair and an imposing bosom, watching the Van Dort carriage approach across the square. By her side was her round, importantly-frowning husband, Finis Everglot.

"Ugh... fish merchants!" Lady Everglot spat, groaning in disgust.

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]It's a terrible day![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Now, don't be that way...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]It's a terrible day for a wedding![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]It's a sad, sad state of affairs we're in...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]That has led to this ominous wedding![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]How could our family have come to this?[/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]To marry off our daughter to the nouveau riche...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]They're so common...[/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]So coarse...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Oh, it couldn't be worse![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Couldn't be worse! I'm afraid I disagree,[/i]
[i]They could be land-rich, bankrupt aristocracy,[/i]
[i]Without a penny to their name,[/i]
[i]Just like you, and me...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Oh dear![/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]And that's why everything,[/i]
[i]Every last little thing,[/i]
[i]Every single tiny, microscopic, little thing must go...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]According to plan![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Our daughter will wed...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]According to plan![/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Our family led...[/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]From the depths of deepest poverty![/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]To the noble realm...[/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Of our ancestry![/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]And who'd have guessed in a million years[/i]
[i]That our daughter with a face,[/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Of an otter in disgrace![/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Would provide our ticket to a rightful place![/i]


Upstairs in her room, Victoria Everglot was being laced into tight corsets by her elderly maid, Hildegarde. Despite what her family thinks, she's a pretty, sweet young girl for sure and any man would be lucky to have her by his side. However, much like Victor, she too was having doubts about the wedding.

"Oh, Hildegarde, do loosen it a tiny bit," Victoria requested.

Hildegarde hesitates, then quickly loosens the corset. Victoria turned toward a gray high-collared dress prepared for her to wear.

"Hilde, I'm nervous," Victoria said worriedly. "What if Victor and I don't like each other."

Before the old maid could response, there was a shocked, severe laugh from the doorway. Victoria and Hildegarde whirled and spotted the imposing figure of Maudeline, with Finish at her side, standing there looming in disapproval.

"Ha, as if that has anything to do with marriage!" Mrs. Everglot sneered. "Do you suppose your father and I [i]like[/i] each other?"

"Surely you must... a little," Victoria replied.

Both Everglots just looked at each other, wide eyed and disgusted.

"Of course not!" They both replied.

"Get those corsets laced properly!" Mrs. Everglot snipped. "I can hear you speak without gasping!"


Back at the Van Dort house, Victor gazed down toward the carriage then back toward the group.

"Well, I suppose it's time to go," He said sullenly. "Perhaps I will see you all again later."

Victor made his way from the room and down to the carriage where his parents waited. As he did so, every pony looked down through the window sharing great concern.

"This isn't right," Twilight stated.

"No kidding!" Rainbow nodded. "I don't know nothing about marriage or even love for that matter, but I know you should [i]really[/i] learn to love some pony before you get married."

As they watched the carriage roll through town, an invisible lightbulb went off in Twilight's head.

"Maybe this is the reason we were sent here!" She realized.

"What do you mean Twilight?" Trixie asked.

"Think about it! We come here through the portal, we hear about Victor's arranged marriage, and that's just supposed to be a coincidence?"

"Ah gotta admit, ya got a point," Applejack nodded.

"What'll we do?" Spike asked curiously.

"We follow them as best we can. This way we can learn about this situation and figure out the best way to solve this problem! Come on, every pony!"

Without hesitation, the group stood beside Twilight Sparkle and one zap of her horn they instantly teleported from Victor's room to the cobbled streets outside the house. They quickly galloped their way after the carriage, with Spike riding atop Twilight's back. Again, any nearby townspeople simply ignored the group passing by as if they were too caught up in their own routines. Course, for one unicorn in the magician's costume, there are times she wished they were showering her with attention.


Back at Everglot Manor, Finis and Maudeline Everglot step down the grand stairway sneering. All the while, one of the butlers continued to clean as he worked his way dusting down the stairs. It's cold and imposing, feeling more like a financial institution than a home. The Everglots are the very image of old world high society.

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Marriage is a partnership. A little tit-for-tat,[/i]
[i]You'd think a lifetime watching us,[/i]
[i]Might have taught her that...[/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Might have taught her that...[/i]
[i]Everything must be perfect...[/i]

Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Everything must be perfect...[/i]

Mr. Everglot (sings):
[i]Everything must be perfect...[/i]

Mr. and Mrs. Everglot (sings):
[i]Everything must be perfect! Perfect![/i]

As the Everglots reached the bottom of the stairs, the Van Dorts stand before the massive front doors of the manor. Twilight and her friends rush as fast as they could, quickly running low on breath.

Van Dorts and Everglots (sings):
[i]That's why everything,[/i]
[i]Every last little thing,[/i]
[i]Every single tiny, microscopic, little thing must go...[/i]

[i]According to plan![/i]

As the song reached the end, Twilight and her friends skidded to a halt merely a few feet from the unsuspecting Van Dorts. The Equestrians, apart from Spike, were heavily exhausted (Though again, difficult to say for Maud). Most of the group were sweating profusely, breathless as they panted with their chests puffing in and out. So dehydrated from having to gallop for what seemed like an eternity for these group of friends, they could barely stand at all.

"Ta-da..." Trixie sighed. "Made it... according to plan... aaaahhh..."

Finally, Trixie could no longer keep it in as she leaned forward and crashed against the cobbled street, passing out against the cold rock. The group just glanced at Trixie as she laid on the floor, her eyes swirling. Maud's expression retained its stone-faced appearance, slowly blinking as she looked at Trixie. But should they think that this was exhausting, none could prepare them for what was still to come...

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