A Wedding to Remember
Back in the living world, the wedding reception for Victoria and Barkis could very well be considered a wake more than a celebration. The dinner party being held has all the formality of a funeral. Multiple salad forks, finger bowls, and everything placed just so. The only other sound aside from the occasional tinkle of glass and silverware was Hildegarde weeping as she brought out the extremely small wedding cake and set it down at the long table where all the wedding guests sat. Among them, Maudeline Everglot was in her element, working the crowd, who sit chewing the bland meal like wax statues. All of the guests sitting at the table shared the same bored, emotionless expressions.
At the head of the table, Victoria sat completely frozen and terrified. It was official that now she was a married woman, much to her utter horror. Her new husband, Lord Barkis, sat along the head of the table beside Victoria with the same smug look on his face. He tried to take Victoria's hand, but she merely pulled away.
Meanwhile, the village square is silent and still. The only person out at this hour was the town crier, lighting the streetlamps. Just then, the clatter of hooves on cobblestones drew the attention of the Town Crier himself. He looked up and saw Van Dort's carriage coming over the bridge, racing toward the village at a breakneck pace. It barreled through the gates, circled the square on two wheels, and then...
All the other villagers peered from the windows and their eyes widen with shock. The driverless Van Dort carriage smashed right into the statue, the horses trotting away into the night. Resorting to his default behavior, the Town Crier pulled out his bell and started ringing.
A second later, moaning and groaning draws the man's attention. The very shaken Van Dort parents emerged from the cabin.
"TWO SURVIVORS!!!" The Town Crier corrected himself.
"Our driver, Mayhew, expired while at the reins!" William explained.
"Hmph! Quite rude!" Nell spat, indignantly.
Before they could continue, the Town Crier rung his bell again.
"So much for impartiality," William replied to no one particularly. "Why the Dead crossing the streets are more subtle."
"Well, isn't this peachy!" Nell grumbled, absentmindedly. "First our son runs off late in the night. Then there's bloody talk of him eloping with a corpse of all things! My idiot husband replaces him with a broomstick! Ooh... if I ever get my hands on that boy, I'll... William, did you mention the dead?
Just then, a loud set of noises, like a jubilant carnival could be heard crossing down the streets. The disgruntled Van Dorts and the Town Crier turned around, and to their shock another wedding party was arriving. Only this wedding party was, for lack of a better word, 'dead'. So stunned, the Town Crier dropped his bell and the broomstick, of which William held, snapped at the head.
"Good... Lord!" Nell gasped.
Back at the Everglot Dining Room, Lord Barkis stood up with his wine glass for a toast. Normally, he'd have to wait for the room to grow silent. But frankly, it's already 'library' level quiet.
"Quiet down now, everyone," He announced. "Thank you. As many of you know, it was a quick courtship for Victoria and I. But love is like that—elegant, cultured, radiant, spontaneous, and unexpected. Unbridled even! Victoria has found a husband with all these qualities and more. Serendipity may have brought us together, but no force on Earth could ever tear us apart."
Just then, the entire atmosphere of the evening changed. The fireplace erupted with a giant green flame; a feeling of dead began to engulf the people in the room. All at once, everyone's eyes went wide and began looking around frantically. From behind the Everglots, Bonejangles and his bone crew slowly crept toward them in a menacing manner. Everyone gazed in horror as the skeletons approached, like a nightmare come to life. Just when all the skeletons stood behind the Everglots, Bonejangles' one eye fell out from his skull and right into Mr. Everglot's soup. Mr. Everglot dished the eye out and looked down at it curiously.
"There's an eye in me soup," He observed.
Then... all hell broke loose!
Everyone started screaming in pure terror, flipping the table on its side as everyone started running around in fear. One lady backed right into General Bonesapart and got stuck with the sharp end of the sword protruded from him.
"Oh, sorry," He apologized.
Lord Barkis held Victoria in front of him, eventually crawling under the table like a coward. Mrs. Everglot stood high along a chair as Scraps barked at her. Under the table, Lord Barkis took no notice of the two skeletal children till they were right beside him giggling. Mr. Everglot wasn't one to run in fright, he wanted to fight.
"Fetch me musket!" He yelled to Emil.
Emil, however, was already dressed to leave and opened the front door.
"Fetch your own musket! I'm off!"
Panic and mayhem continued to run rampant through the halls of Everglot manor. One slightly hefty woman ran right past Mr. Bonejangles, who just smiled his boney grin as she rushed by.
"Hey, hold on there. I love a woman with meat on her bones."
Maggot crawled along the shoulder of a bearded man with a huge top hat; the man looked extremely terrified that the slimy little creature was on his shoulder.
"Excuse me, you don't know me," He spoke. "But I used to live in your dead mother."
The Everglots, minus Victoria, made their way up the grand staircase and looked down in shock at all the events taking place in the foyer.
"Finis, who invited these people?" Mrs. Everglot asked. "Are they from your side of the family?"
"Certainly not!" Mr. Everglot answered. "Why if my grandfather Everglot could see this, he'd be turning in his grave."
Hearing the deep voice ringing out through the hall, both Everglots' eyes widened to the size of saucers as they slowly turned to look behind them. There, standing next to his portrait of his living body, was the skeletal grandfather Everglot himself.
"Where do you keep the spirits?" He asked, holding a glass.
The Everglots were about to scream until...
The Dead began to smash through the windows; among them, an undead spirit known as the 'Hanged Man', a finely dressed corpse with a neck bent with noose marks, pushed through hoping to restore calm.
"Sorry to bust in," The Hanged Man apologized. "But we need some tables. We've got a celebration of our own."
Skeletons and ghouls lifted several tables, carrying them right out the door, along with the plates and silver. Maudeline strove gamely to maintain her composure, till the Hanged Man lurched toward her and ripped his head through the painted portrait.
"We haven't been properly introduced, have we? It's me! The Duke!"
He struck the same heroic pose as his portrait, the frame hanging around his neck. The Everglots stood shocked and horrified... till Maudeline screamed, more from the horror of the revelation than anything else.
"You... the Duke?!" Maudeline gasped.
"Darling, how do you think you got this very grand house?" The Hanged Man questioned. "And all your lovely 'family heirlooms'?"
The Everglots just screamed, racing into a nearby room and slammed the door behind them, locking it. The Hanged Man merely shrugged before turning to those remaining in the manor.
"Come on, you stuffy buggers! The real party's happening down the hill!"
Eventually, the chaos started pouring out onto the streets as the guests ran out the front door with the dead patrons following behind. Just as all this was happening, the ponies, Spike, Emily, Victor, and Elder Gutknecht emerged from the portal to the Land of the Dead. They walked through all the mess and into the streets seeing the living people running away from the dead ones.
"Something tells me we're not going to get a warm reception here," Spike observed.
"Well, you had to expect this was going to happen!" Twilight pointed out.
"What other reaction could you expect with a bunch of dead people running around?" Rainbow asked, turning to the apples. "No offense..."
"Eh, we're numb to it by now," Bright Mac shrugged.
"I tell you darling, it's all about the delivery," Rarity explained. "It's all in the way you present yourself. If you come out all menacing, you are looking at the end results."
She gestured with one hoof toward the screaming, running masses as the town crier bellowed into the night.
"In other news... THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH!"
All the villagers screamed with fright, racing out of their homes as the dead chased them outside. Those out on the streets stood quivering with fear, the butchers shook as they held their cleavers and blades in defense. And old woman in black, with no weapon at all, stood her ground aiming her stretch against all the corpses and skeletons who merely stand frozen.
"Get back!" The woman barked. "Don't try and sneak up on me! Get back! I'll give you such a wallop."
"Well... least our undead friends have left quite an impression," Trixie smiled sheepishly.
"Not the time, Trixie!" Applejack moaned.
As all the villagers stood shaken with fear, as the undead slowly approached, one wide-eyed child peaked from behind his mother's apron and eyed the one corpse with the tall hat. Driven by a sense of curiosity, the child slowly left the safety of his family and approached them.
"No!" The mother cried out.
All they could do was watch as the child approach the horde of the undead. All the villagers flinch with fear, thinking this will be the end of the poor child. The undead spirit leaned toward the child, eyeing him with a sense of wonder. He then picked the child with his hands and lifted the child up toward his face. Watching in the background, the Equestrians watched nervously wondering what will happen next. The child eyed the creature, for a moment or two... when it suddenly dawns on him.
"Grandpa?" The child gasped.
"Grandpa?!" The Equestrians spoke.
And all at once, the atmosphere changes when the corpse hugged his grandchild and the child in turn returned the favor. Amongst the group of confused Equestrians, Bright Mac and Pear Butter nodded with approval knowing that somehow this would happen. As the humans looked on with surprise, one particular human was still on the offense against one of the corpses.
"Bounder! Monster! Cad!" The old woman yelled, swinging her walker.
"Sweetie Pie! Buttercup! Gertude!" The corpse called out.
And just like that... the old woman stopped and adjusted her glasses.
"Alfred?" The woman spoke, in awe. "You've been dead for fifteen years!"
"Frankly, my dear," The corpse replied, twirling her around. "I don't give a damn!"
"I love that movie!!!" Pinkie smiled.
"What movie?" Fluttershy asked.
"Don't ask..." Maud replied bluntly.
But it did not change the fact that an entirely different mood was taking shape. The living found themselves reuniting with old friends and family members come and gone. A husband and wife or a sister and a brother reuniting. Even Scraps the dog introduced itself to a living dog, with a traditional canine greeting...
You just don't want to mention what they do, don't you?
Don't ruin the moment...
Meanwhile, back at the Everglot manor, Victoria Everglot sat all alone amidst all the chaos that took place in her home. She alone having sat through a moment when undead beings came into her home, frightened away all the guests, and literally turned the world upside down. As if seeing one haunting figure was not enough for the girl, now a whole army of the undead have come.
Finally, Lord Barkis emerged himself from under the table and tried his best to recompose himself.
"Right! That's it," The man declared. "We're going to take whatever money we can and get out of here."
"Money?" Victoria questioned. "What money?"
"Your dowry. It's my right!"
"But my parents don't have any money. It's my marriage to you that will save them from the poorhouse."
To Lord Barkis' utter shock, the truth struck him like a big slap in the face. Suddenly, all the plans he had made for what this marriage had to offer... now all at once the tables turned on him.
"Th... The poorhouse?!" Barkis shouted, lifting her up. "You're lying! It isn't true! Tell me that you're lying!"
"Did things not go according to your plan, Lord Barkis?" Victoria replied, shoving him back. "Well, perhaps in disappointment we are perfectly matched."
As Victoria walked away, making her exit from her own home, Lord Barkis was left alone to allow the truth to sink in. He had come to the Everglots hoping to marry his way into the family fortune, with the promise of having more money than he could ever hope for. But as it turns out, he was marrying to the daughter of a poor family, who were actually expecting him to be a rich aristocrat to provide for them. And now... now he was about to risk spending a lifetime in the poorhouse? No... no, he shall not have it!
After realizing the undead mean no harm, the Living gradually warmed up to the situation. Soon the village square had been transformed beyond recognition. Once a dull, colorless world had suddenly become a brightly-colored, pulsating party zone in a manner of seconds. The Green Grocer's racks of lettuce heads now had skulls, while the skeleton children ran with bolts of fabric from Widow Munch's seamstress shop. To the consternation of the watchmaker, Wellington reset all the clocks to ring at once. Down the street, Paul the Head Waiter lead a crew of ghouls through the baker's shop, spraying frosting everywhere.
Amidst all the turmoil taking shape, the Equestrians look around as life seemed to come to London in comparison to their first time being here. Even Fluttershy, the shyest of all the ponies, found herself smiling in awe.
"You know girls... I'd used to be afraid of scenarios like this," Fluttershy replied softly. "But now that I'm giving this a chance... I like this place 'better'."
"So... does that mean you change your mind about Nightmare Night?" Pinkie asked hopefully.
"Baby steps, Pinkie... baby steps."
While watching the group, Victor and Emily turn around and Victor's eye widen with surprise. Swept away by the revelry, dancing with the Dead Dwarf General, Nell's eyes dropped in shock the moment she saw her son again. William joined his wife soon after, just as surprised.
"Are you...?" Nell asked.
"No Mrs. Van Dort," Applejack spoke.
Nell and William turned around, reeling back with silent shock. There before them was one of the ponies, only now they were no longer invisible before their eyes. Not that it mattered anymore.
"You're son's alive," Applejack assured. "And there will be a weddin'... on his own terms."
Deep down, Applejack was still not happy with the Van Dorts, given their treatment of Victor. But not wanting to tell them their son is about to die, she did feel they at least deserved one last look at their son before... well, she still couldn't find the heart to say it.
"Mother... father..." Victor spoke softly, addressing the Corpse Bride. "This is Emily."
The Van Dorts turn toward the Corpse Bride themselves, at first unsure what to believe. They heard the rumor that Victor had gone off and gotten hitched to a corpse. But of course, initially Nell would've scoffed at the idea that Victor would do such a thing. Only now, this was not a joke... Victor was seriously with this woman. The only downside was... it was very unlikely this woman was even a high class maiden.
"Well... we're very pleased to meet you," William spoke, going with it.
"Emily..." Nell repeated, looking at her. "What is your last name?"
The Equestrians turned back toward Emily, suddenly drawn by a sense of curiosity. Applejack looked back toward her undead parents, but they merely shrugged as well. Apparently, not even they knew whether Emily had a last name or not... and in turn the Equestrians never thought to ask. Then they turned back to Emily, waiting with sheer anticipation.
"Merrimack, ma'am," Emily smiled.
"Merrimack?" William questioned. "I say I don't seem to recall that name before..."
"Oh William, you dolt!" Nell replied. "Why the Merrimacks are a very good family. Their grandfather was an Earl!"
"An Earl?!" William gaped, turning to Victor. "Well done, my boy! I always knew you could do it!"
"... I really want to hit him in the face," Rainbow muttered.
"Just let them have this, Rainbow," Twilight sighed. "He won't have to put up with this, any longer."
"We're just about to get married..." Emily spoke quickly. "Again."
"Be gone, ye demons from hell! Back to the void from whence you came!"
The time had finally come for a proper wedding between Victor and Emily. Of course, the start of it wasn't very easy... especially from a certain pastor. Galswells tried to keep all the corpses and skeletal beings from entering his sacred place in the church, though they planned to have the wedding their regardless. None could blame the pastor for trying given his stubbornness.
"You shall not enter here!" Galswells demanded. "Back, back!"
"Sir... we're in a church," Maud replied bluntly. "We'd like you to be quiet, please."
Pastor Galswells looked down and his eyes widened in shock. Before his very eyes, a stone-faced pony... in a dress of all things... was just speaking to him. And she was not alone, she was amidst a whole group of colorful ponies, with symbols on their flanks, and manes of multiple colors. As he observed, some had horns... some had wings... a mixture of both... and some of them also wore garbs.
"T-T-T-Talking... ponies..." Pastor Galswells muttered, clutching his chest. "I need to sit down..."
The Equestrians watched silently as he walked away to find a space in the corner to sit down. Pinkie Pie merely shrugged absent-mindedly.
"He's nice..."
As the wedding progressed, everyone from the Land of the Dead was very excited for a happy union... well, 'almost' everyone. Twilight Sparkle and her friends could not help but share concern for Victor, a man willingly agreeing to trade is life just to spend an eternity with Emily. As Emily checked her outfit in the mirror, they approached her. Applejack tapped her hoof along her back, drawing the bride's attention.
"Yes?" Emily asked, turning around. "Oh Applejack! Girls, something wrong?"
"Well sugar cube, it's 'bout the wedding," Applejack explained. "We feel it's—"
"Wonderful, isn't it?" Emily interrupted, dancing around. "I get to be with Victor now! Oh how happy we'll be together, doing everything a new couple can do. I have so much planned for our future."
"Well, that's nice and all but... what about Victor?" Trixie brought up.
Emily faced the ponies, with confusion spread across her face.
"What about Victor?" She asked softly.
"You're a nice girl, Emily," Rainbow Dash explained. "But we just don't feel taking Victor's life is the right thing."
"But Victor said he'd give up his life for me. He said so himself."
"We know... we were there," Twilight added. "But still... either way, this is all wrong and you know it. Emily, we're your friends... we'd support you no matter what. But as your friends, you need to know Victor has dreams too: Having a family, playing with a pet, going to the park, and having sunshine on his face. A life is the most wonderful thing in the world, dead or alive. But what chance would he have to life... if he feels he has to give it away, like it means nothing?"
Emily stood quietly for a moment, the conflict weighing heavily. On one hand, she finally received a true love to spend a lifetime with. But then again... suppose these ponies were right? Was it right to take a man's life before he could even live? Can the undead truly live with making that man throw away his right to do so? All the girls could do was watch, as thoughts raced across their minds.
"What do you think she'll do, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.
"Honestly Fluttershy... I haven't the faintest clue."
With no other alternative, they followed Emily as the wedding proceeded. The citizens, living and dead, all packed into the church waiting for the processions to go on. Victor and Elder Gutknecht waited at the front of the altar in anticipation. Finally, the church organ sprung to life and all eyes turned to see Emily walking down the aisle, like the bride she was meant to be. Behind her, the ponies and Spike all walked as well as they all made their way to the altar. Finally, Emily stood across from Victor and the Equestrians all took their place behind them as Gutknect began the ceremony.
"Dearly beloved and departed, we are gathered here today to join this man and this corpse in marriage."
As they continued, Victoria made her way to the front door of the church. Looking inside, where the ceremony was taking place, she gasped the moment she saw Victor and the ponies all at the altar.
"Victor? Twilight?"
One of the bone crew turned back to shush her quiet. Victoria snuck along the side of the church, slowly making her way to the altar. When she got to the front, she hid behind one of the pillars and watched in shock.
"Living first," Gutknecht instructed.
Victor nodded, as he and Emily turned to each other. Victor raised his cup as he began to read his vows.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine."
Gutknecht then turned to Emily.
"Now you..."
The whole time, Twilight and the friends stood there in silence. Secretly hoping Emily would do the right thing.
"Come on Emily," Twilight whispered. "You know this isn't right."
Emily just smiled, as tears threatened to fall. She grabbed for the Wine of Ages.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrow. Your cup will never empty, for I will be..."
As the Corpse Bride spoke, she found her words cut off the moment she looked behind Victor. She could see Victoria observing from behind the pillar, watching with quiet horror. Emily gasped slightly, as if suddenly everything she wanted to say left her.
"I will be..."
"Go on my dear," Gutknecht encouraged.
Emily looked down toward Twilight and the rest of the girls. They could all see Victoria behind the pillar too. The Princess of Friendship shook her head, with a light smile toward Emily, as if signifying she already knew what had to be done.
"Your cup will never empty, for I will be..."
"I will be your wine," Victor finished for her.
He lifted the cup to his lips, ready to drink and take his life away. But then... Emily placed her bone hand atop the cup, pulling it back down. Victor looked at her in shock, as did everyone else in the church.
"What's happening?" Gertrude whispered.
"She's having second thoughts," Alfred whispered back.
Finally, Emily allowed her tears to fall as she looked back at Victoria and back at Victor.
"I can't!"
"What's wrong?" Victor asked.
Victor made to turn, to see where Emily was looking, but the bride gently guided his face back to hers with her hand.
"This is wrong..." She sighed sadly. "Twilight and the others are right. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. Well now... I've stolen them from someone else. I love you Victor, but you're not mine."
Twilight and the others smiled with approval, as Emily gestured Victoria to come forward. Victor turned and gasped the moment he saw her appear.
"Victoria!" He gasped.
"Victor!" Victoria spoke. "I thought you weremarried..."
"I heard you were too."
Victoria looked down upon her hand, revealing the ornate wedding ring. Shaking her head, she slipped the ring from her finger, held it out before Victor's eyes, and dropped it upon the floor. It was more than enough to say she no longer wants to be part of the marriage, only to be with the man who she truly loves... the one standing right in front of him.
Victoria stood alongside Victor and Emily grasped her hand gently before placing it into Victor's. Victor and Victoria looked at each other, smiling once more seeing they were once again reunited. Emily smiled at the two, as another tear rolled down her cheek. Bright Mac, Pear Butter, and the rest of the Equestrians made their way toward Emily's side as they all smiled warmly.
"I know this was a tough decision Emily," Twilight smiled. "But you did the right thing."
"Y'all gonna be alright hon?" Pear Butter asked.
"Yes..." Emily nodded. "I will be. After all, they deserve a lifetime of happiness."
Everyone else nodded, as they looked toward Victor and Victoria happily. But then, curiously, the Corpse Bride looked down toward the ring on the floor. Confused, she leaned down and picked up the ring to look closely. All at once her eyes widened, as she turned toward Victoria.
"Where did you get this ring?!"
"Oh how touching!"
Everyone gasped, as they turned quickly toward the entrance of the church. Lord Barkis himself strolled in, with a wicked smile on his face.
"I always cry at weddings," He said sarcastically.
"It's that scary Barkis guy!" Trixie cried out.
Everyone else looked at him angrily, as he slowly approached.
"Our young lovers, together at last. Surely now they can live happily ever after. But you forget... she's still my wife!"
Barkis roughly yanked Victoria back to his side, slowly backing away.
"I'll not leave here empty handed!" He growled.
Emily gazed at the mad man with almost a look of realization. If the ring was not enough, she looked at him as if she'd seen him before.
"You?" She gasped.
"You know this guy?" Spike asked.
Barkis turned toward the undead bride, his face turned to shock.
"Emily?" He asked.
"YOU!" Emily repeated angrily.
"But—but—I left you..."
"For dead."
Everyone all at once gasped again, one skeleton's jaw literally dropped to the floor. They heard the tale of how Emily had been left in the woods, murdered at the height of her youth. Only now, it's become perfectly clear that this man, Barkis, was the one that had been behind it all.
"You were the highwayman who strangled me!" Emily accused. "You took my ring!"
Barkis looked over toward everyone in the crowd, the living and the dead, all trying to process 'everything' this bride was saying.
"Nonsense!" Barkis denied. "I'm a respected attorney..."
"You're a fraud..."
Barkis quickly turned toward the new voice, his face widening when he sees the source. Maud Pie, once more speaking up. The pony staring blankly at Barkis, while the other ponies stared from behind. Though scarcely seen, her eyebrows barely drop to a slight frown.
"There's a darkness in you..." Maud added.
"The ring has my name on it," Emily continued. "Check the inscription."
Rarity took the ring from Emily's hand, as Pinkie Pie pulled out her work glasses from inside her mane. Handing them to Rarity, she placed her signature glasses over her eyes and read the inscription:
"'For Emily, with all my love'..." Rarity read, gasping. "You... you're a murderer!"
"This woman is obviously delusional!" Barkis yelled. "And those ponies... it's a trick! None of 'em are real! It's all in bad taste!"
Twilight and the others growled angrily, as they made ready to fight. But Barkis grabbed Bonesapart's sword and held it to Victoria's neck.
"Sorry to cut things short, but we must be on our way."
Victor started to slowly step forward, with a more angry, determined look.
"Take your hands off her!" He demanded.
Barkis glanced at him and actually chuckled, before drawing the sword toward him.
"Do I have to kill you too?" He asked.
"Hey butt-kiss!"
Barkis turned back toward all the ponies and Spike, stepping beside Victor and ready to fight.
"If you want him, you're gonna have to go through all of us too!" Rainbow challenged.
"Y'all ain't never messed with the likes ah us before," Applejack added.
Barkis stared toward the ponies for a moment before a sigh escaped his lips and an evil smirk formed.
"Maybe not..." Barkis replied. "But I know what you are... Miss Element of Honesty."
The ponies eyes widen the moment Barkis mentioned Applejack's title.
"You do know who we are?" Twilight asked.
"Yes... and for that I can't let you live. Once I put you all away... it will be all worthwhile."
Barkis cried out as Scraps bit him straight on the leg, allowing Victoria to break free and run away to safety. More annoyed than hurt, Barkis kicked his leg and sent Scraps flying away. Just as Barkis turned, he grunted loudly as beams of magic blasted him in the chest. Twilight and Rarity fired magic beams from their horns, not enough to kill the man... but enough to singe him. Fluttershy meanwhile lead Victoria to safety, so the others can fight.
Barkis held his grown, patting away a flame upon his shoulder and marched toward the girls...
A chocolate cupcake with white frosting struck Barkis square in the face, sliding off before plopping to the ground. The man's face covered with frosting.
"Was that a..."
A barrage of cupcakes cut him off, rapidly slamming against Barkis, who can barely block the 'sweet' offense. Pretty soon he was nearly covered in frosting or bits of the cupcake, much to his annoyance.
A teacup magically zoomed straight at the mad man's face, exploding upon impact, and spilling hot tea all over his face. The man screamed in utter agony, his eyes turning blood red from the steaming beverage. Pinkie Pie and Trixie stand side by side, the latter's horn dimly fading as she put her hat back on. The two girls smiled toward each other and shook hooves for a job well done.
A shadow loomed over them, drawing Pinkie's and Trixie's laughter to a complete stop. Wide eyed, they slowly turned heads only to stare at a very angry, very drenched Lord Barkis. Gritting his teeth, he quickly raised the sword over his head and the two ponies screamed in terror.
"HELLLLLPPPPPPP!!!" Pinkie screamed.
Lord Barkis swung his sword toward the ponies and...
A stiff uppercut sent Lord Barkis reeling, as Maud Pie appeared from nowhere. The stone-faced Earth pony landed on the ground in front of the two ponies, fierce determination forms upon her face as if life ignited within the rock pony.
"Don't... touch... my... sister!" Maud warned.
Before Lord Barkis could react, quick as a whip Maud zoomed forward and delivered a series of hoof shots against Lord Barkis, rapidly swinging her fists. They blows hit their mark, directly right toward the man's chest as everyone watched from their seats. This was not the first time the Equestrians suddenly saw this spark out of Maud, especially when Pinkie was in peril. But for Trixie, this was quite a surprise as she never saw Maud react this quickly.
Finally, with one quick turn, her cutie mark briefly appearing... Maud Pie delivered a stiff buck against Lord Barkis knocking him onto his back. He landed hard upon the floor, his breath knocked out and he clutched his chest in pain. Maud Pie soon approached Pinkie Pie, staring silently for a moment... before pulling her close to her and giving a warm hug.
"Could you teach Trixie that?" Trixie asked, shocked.
But as the group observed, Lord Barkis was far from finished as he forced himself on his feet. He used the sword to balance himself out as he stared angrily toward the meddlesome ponies. Growling, he raced toward the two Earth ponies and unicorn... only for his feet to catch a strung lasso and he fell forward to the ground. He looked back seeing Applejack and Spike reeling the lasso from opposite sides of the church.
"Whoops!" Spike shrugged.
Grunting, Lord Barkis once more picked himself off the ground...
A rapid punch struck Barkis along the face. Only instead of Maud Pie, a rainbow blur whizzed passed the man... and came back. It strikes Barkis again... and again... and again... the man barely standing on his feet. Near invisible to the naked eye, apart from her colors, Rainbow Dash strikes Barkis fiercely.
"Can you see me now? *WHAM!* Can you see me now? *WHAM!*" Rainbow teased, between blows. "How you gonna hit something you can't touch—"
Lord Barkis raised a fist slightly and Rainbow Dash crashed face first into his hand. Rainbow hovered for a moment, before dropping to the floor. Rainbow moaned, clutching her face as blood slowly spilt from her muzzle.
"That'll do it..." Rainbow moaned.
"You meddlesome beast!" Barkis growled.
He raised the sword high, ready to bring it down upon the stunned Pegasus.
Applejack dashed forward quickly, leaping in front of Rainbow Dash just before Barkis brought the sword down. Before Rainbow's shocked eyes, she saw Applejack jump right in front of her... seconds later, she slid across the stone floor. She groaned in pain, as blood began to seep from a wound upon her chest to the shock of all the witnesses.
"APPLEJACK!!!" Her parents cried out.
"NOOOOOO!!!" Twilight screamed.
"A..... J......!!!!" Rainbow screamed.
Rainbow quickly crawled toward Applejack, who struggled to keep her wound closed as she gasped. Spitting the ground near their feet, Lord Barkis turned away and stalked toward the other ponies and a shocked Victor. Seeing her friend hurt sent Rarity and Twilight in a rage.
"YOU MONSTER!!!" Rarity screamed, tearfully.
The unicorn and the alicorn fired their beams again toward Barkis. Only this time, the man was prepared as he angled the sword, so the beams struck the flat end of the sword. The beams hurled back toward the source... and sent Rarity and Twilight back, as Fluttershy looked back in shock. As the others raced toward their friends' aid, Lord Barkis repositioned himself, so he stood face to face with Victor. Quickly, Mrs. Plum pulled a blade from a corpse's back.
"Victor, catch!"
Victor reached out and caught his weapon... which turned out to be a fork, instead of a knife.
"A FORK?!?!" Trixie cried out.
"Sorry," Mrs. Plum apologized.
But Barkis gave Victor no time to change weapons. With a yell, he charged toward the timid groom and a fight ignited between the two mortals. Victor backed away from the blade and bumped into the table, nearly spilling the Wine of Ages... which Gutknecht himself prevented. Victor remained on the defense as Barkis swung his blade, intent to kill the man. They fight along a pillar as Victor ducks and dives. Seeing Victor in trouble, Spike released a fireball... right in the seat of Barkis' pants which made him gasp.
"That's for our friends!!!" Spike called out.
Angry, Barkis swung the blade around... only for Spike to dodge, while Paul's head leapt, and a corpse's hat was sliced clean off.
"Sacre bleu!" Paul shouted.
Victor tried to back away, as Barkis kept pressing onto the attack. The corpse that can split in half stood right behind Victor, as he blocked the sword with the fork, his sole means of defense.
"I say, you're not playing fair, sir!" The corpse spoke.
Barkis swung his sword and Victor dodged, while the corpse split itself in half. Barkis spotted Victor and swung again, but the man dodged, and the sword embedded itself on one of the benches. Just as Barkis pulled the sword free, Victor swung his fork and successfully hit the man... but only succeeded in tearing his suit. The motion infuriated Barkis, who swung the sword and Victor blocked with his fork. The murderous con man tried to push the sword down upon Victor's head, who surprisingly proved strong against the former's intent.
Victor managed to slip away and hide under a bench... but Barkis pierced his sword above him trying to reach the timid man. Barkis kept stabbing the table trying to reach him, until Victor stabbed his fork beneath the man's shoe. He yelped in pain as he fell head over heels, knocking a few benches toward the girls.
"Watch out!" Rarity cried.
She used her magic to draw Emily and Victoria back from harm's way, as the benches in front of them fell down. Victor quickly got up, looking around for Barkis. The group spotted Barkis emerging, going for the kill.
"Victor, behind you!" Fluttershy called out.
Victor turned and raised his fork in defense, but Barkis swiped it away and knocked Victor back with a stiff kick. Barkis stood over the fallen man, aiming the sword with intent to kill the man. Though Victor was frightened, he put forth a brave face as if to say, 'I'm not afraid to die'. Barkis reeled back for the killing blow, Emily gasped and rushed over. Barkis thrust the sword and...
The Equestrians gasped when the sword made its mark... but Barkis wrenched back with shock. For instead of Victor, Emily stood in front of him... glaring at Barkis, as the sword pierced through her decomposed body. As she pulled the sword from her body, the Equestrians (Minus Rainbow Dash, the ghostly Apples, and Applejack) stood by her side. The horns of the Princess and her two friends glowed, Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie stood together, Fluttershy sticking close behind, and Spike puffing smoke from his nostrils as he flew above. It was at this point Barkis realized he was completely outmatched...
"Touche, my dears," Barkis replied, smugly.
"Get out," Emily ordered.
"You heard her Barkis..." Twilight frowned. "We should destroy you for all the lives you have ruined, so you'll never harm another living soul here or anywhere else again. BUT... we're giving you 'one' chance. Surrender peacefully, turn yourself to the authorities, and atone for all the sins you committed. If you run... you will be pursued, word will get out, and you'll be captured."
"You lose either way," Maud stated plainly.
"Oh, I'm leaving, my little ponies..." Barkis replied, chuckling. "But don't think any cell can hold me. I have never been caught for my crimes before; I have no intent on surrendering myself now."
As Barkis circled around, he reached for the wine glass and fixed his hair.
"But first a toast, to Emily. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Tell me, my dear... can a heart still break once it's stopped beating?"
Emily did not answer the man's question, he merely chuckled over his own question. The Equestrians glare angrily toward the man and Maggot, Emily's one close friend, made haste to attack. But he didn't get far when Gutknect held a boney finger in front of him.
"Let me at him! Let me at him!" Maggot shouted. "No, don't hold me back."
"Wait!" Gutknecht shouted, to the undead. "We must abide by their rules."
"Gutknecht's right..." Bright Mac sighed. "Just as a livin' soul can't marry the undead... the undead cain't harm the living."
"We are... amongst the livin'," Pear Butter shook her head.
"Well said..." Barkis smirked, turning toward the ponies. "This isn't goodbye, little foals... especially you, Twilight Sparkle."
Twilight Sparkle frowned at the mention of her name.
"But because I am a gentleman, I will give you a small warning. No matter where you go, no matter where you sleep, I will not rest until I've hunt you down... and kill you one-by-one, just like your precious friend. Until then, I intend to do what I do best... lavishing in the luxury... of being alive."
Barkis tipped the wine glass mockingly toward the group before he sipped the wine down to the very last drop. Sighing, he hurled the mug aside and as it clattered against the floor, the group watched as he took his leave. But seeing as the 'type' of wine he just had, a confident smirk returned to Trixie's lips. For just as the man turned to leave, he stopped... clutched his chest and groaned as if his heart stopped pounding. Even the maggot looked very pleased.
"Not anymore..." He said sinisterly.
After a few seconds of moaning and groaning, Barkis turned around and to the shock of the group... his entire skin turned blue, his eyes a deathly yellow, and his breathing sporadic. Just as Gutknecht said would happen... Barkis had died.
"Yep, you're right," Gutknecht replied. "He's all yours."
Chuckling sinisterly, the horde of the undead slowly approached Barkis. The man gasped and tried to break through the door, but it wouldn't budge. Soon the undead overwhelmed the frightened man, Victor and Emily looked on in horror, Victoria hid herself from the view as did the others amongst the Equestrians. As they drew Barkis through the passageway, back to their world, Mrs. Plum turned back to them.
"New arrival..." Mrs. Plum declared.
Then she closed the door behind him, and just like that... Lord Barkis was gone, taken far into the deeps of the underworld. And with the Wine of Ages no longer needed, Gutknect sealed the bottle with a cork and lifted the mug back in place. The Equestrians released a deep sigh of relief.
"Well... let's see how he likes it," Rarity smiled.
The group turn around and their eyes turn to saucers when they are reminded of what happened. Quickly, Twilight and her friends raced toward Rainbow Dash's side, who had stood over the wounded Applejack, the blood seeping through her wound as her gasped in pain, crying in agony. Even Applejack's parents looked over with concern, shocked beyond words that their daughter was dying. And Twilight looked especially horrified, seeing one of her best friends... succumbing to a grave injury as everyone else looked on.
"Applejack..." Twilight spoke softly.
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