The Looney Bin
Later that same day, things grew more insane than they had been thus far on this adventure. Following the recent kidnapping of Dan Marino, the police station was in a frenzy. Police officers races all over trying to determine a solution to this mystery. Various headlines had already hit the newsstands: "MARINO KIDNAPPED", "STAR QB MISSING", DAN, WHERE ARE YOU?" and even the Global headline read: "MARINO ABDUCTED BY ALIEN FRANCHISE!". On the cover itself, Marino stood with several Space Aliens in football gear.
Not only that, but a mob of news reporters stood outside the doors seeking answers. Currently, Lt. Einhorn tried to make her way into the police station but was swarmed by zillions of reporters shouting all sorts of questions. It was complete, utter chaos.
"Lieutenant, have there been any ransom demands?" One reporter asked.
"There's been no communication with the kidnappers at this time," Einhorn responded casually.
"What's going to happen to the Super Bowl?" Another reporter asked. "Will it be postponed?"
"As of now, the game is going on as scheduled."
"Why wasn't the public told about Snowflake's kidnapping?"
"Secrecy was essential. We didn't want any public interference."
"Are the crimes related? And what about Roger Podacter's murder?"
"I'm sorry," Einhorn spoke abruptly, having enough. "I can't comment any further. Now if you'll excuse me."
Einhorn pushed her way through the crowd of reporters and into the police station. The moment she was inside, Einhorn barked out orders to the other cops on her way for her office.
"Emilio, get me the autopsy on Podacter!" She ordered. "Aguado, send out a memo. No one talks to the press... and somebody get me a cup of coffee!"
Einhorn entered her office sighing in frustration, completely oblivious to the fact that Ace Ventura had hid behind the door.
"Tonight on 'MIAMI VICE', Crockett gets the boss coffee!" Ace spoke jokingly.
Einhorn turned toward the Pet Detective with such disdain. If looks could kill, Ace would surely be dead on the spot. Meanwhile, Ace just stood casually in the office, popping sunflower seeds.
"Ventura, when I get out of this bathroom, you better be gone."
Einhorn proceeded to walk toward the private bathroom in her office.
"Is it number one or number two?" Ace asked quickly.
Einhorn turned and glared at Ace once again.
"I just want to know how much time I have," Ace spoke, throwing his hands up in defense.
Einhorn proceeded toward the sink and began washing her hands.
"Oh, by the way, I went ahead and solved that pesky, Snowflake/Podacter/Marino thing," Ace informed her.
"Oh yeah?" Einhorn humored him.
"Yeah, ever hear of a former Dolphin kicker named Ray Finkle?"
The water shut off and all was silent for a moment till Einhorn left the bathroom and sat in front of Ace.
"Alright Ventura, make it quick," She spoke.
"I found a rare stone at the bottom of Snowflake's tank," Ace informed her. "It's from a Dolphin '82 AFC Championship ring. It would have been a Super Bowl ring, but Ray Finkle missed the big kick. Blames the whole thing on Marino. We're talking paranoid, delusional psychosis. I saw the guy's room... cozy if you're Hannibal Lector."
"So how does Roger Podacter fit in?" Einhorn questioned.
"My guess is Finkle was snooping around. Podacter recognized him. End of story. As for Snowflake... they gave him Finkle's number and taught him how to kick a field goal. Finkle took it personally."
Einhorn seemed to listen with great interest as Ace continued his explanation.
"So where is Finkle, now?" She asked.
"He broke out of a mental hospital. Did a Claude Raines. He's been planning his revenge for years. Waiting for the perfect time to get back at the Dolphins. The time when it would hurt them the most... Super Bowl time! Man, I'm tired of being right!"
Einhorn took everything Ace told her into consideration and actually formed a small genuine smile. She proceeded to get up and walked right in front of Ace, sitting herself at the edge of the desk. Her demeanor now appeared much softer.
"Congratulations," She smirked. "You've done some fine detective work... Ace."
This actually caught Ace by surprise; Einhorn never called him by his actual name.
"Ahh, could you talk in my good ear?" Ace spoke, putting a hand to his ear. "I thought I heard you call me Ace."
"Maybe I was wrong about you," Einhorn answered seductively. "Maybe you are more than just a pet dick.
Suddenly, something happened that no one would ever expect to happen in a million years. Einhorn crashed her lips on Ace's and they both fell onto the desk in a heated make-out session. Objects fell off the desk as they leaned back. Eventually, Einhorn finally pulled away while biting Ace's lip in the process.
"Your gun's digging into my hip," Ace told her.
"What's wrong, Ace?" Einhorn asked. "Want me to read you your rights?"
"Maybe later."
Ace finally pushed her off himself and tried to regain his composure.
"What is it?" Einhorn asked dejected. "That bony little bitch, Melissa Robinson?"
"No, you just don't do anything for me," Ace responded defensively.
He quickly adjusted his crotch to conceal the erection. Einhorn withdrew with a coy smile.
"I'll be here if you ever want a real woman," She suggested with a wink.
Suddenly, there was a sharp knock at the door.
"What is it?" Einhorn asked irritated.
In response, Aguado opened the door and walked in.
"Everything okay in here?" He asked. "Heard some commotion."
"Fine, Sergeant," Einhorn responded casually.
"You want me to throw him out?" Aguado glared at Ace.
"Why don't you throw [i]yourself[/i] out," Einhorn responded.
"... Yes, ma'am," Aguado responded awkwardly.
As a crestfallen Aguado left the room, Ace and Einhorn were alone once again.
"Ace, I want you to leave everything to us," Einhorn told Ace sincerely.
"Can't do that, Lieutenant," Ace responded confidently. "I was hired to find Snowflake."
"When we find Marino, we'll deliver Snowflake."
"When I find Snowflake, I'll deliver Marino."
Ace proceeded to work his way out of the office and leave the police station, all the while Einhorn watched his every step.
Meanwhile, while Ace was at the police station, the Mane Six and Spike decided to visit Woodstock to determine if he had come up with anything regarding the case. A full on thrash metal band were cranking on stage when the group walked into the club. Kids leapt wildly into the moshing pit. The same Burnout still thrashed his head wildly to the music. Pinkie walked up and started thrashing her head along with him.
"Nice to see you again!" She shouted to him. "I bet the bands have been killer! You know, I've been thinking of starting my own band! Any advice?"
The Burnout just kept thrashing as the girls, and Spike, spotted Woodstock watching the band a bit further away. They quickly made their way to join them.
"Oh hey, little birds," He greeted with a smile. "How's it goin'?"
"I suppose you could say things have gone from weird to weirder throughout this entire mission, Mr. Woodstock," Twilight responded.
"Anything new on that dolphin?" Woodstock asked.
"We've been trying our hardest to find him and our missing friend but with little success so far," Fluttershy answered. "As for everyone else looking, all they've done is put his picture on some tuna cans. Seems no one else is taking this very seriously."
As they spoke, a singer roared on stage, sounding like a garbage disposal full of cutlery.
"Arroohhghhh! Myrrrooohghhh! Geroooghhh!"
The remainder of the group covered their ears with their hands, pressing with all their might.
"Sweet Celestia almighty!" Rarity cringed. "How can anyone call this noise music? Whatever happened to the fine art of opera?"
"I've heard better sounds from nails on a chalkboard," Rainbow groaned.
"We once cared for a pregnant cat on the farm," Applejack informed the girls. "She done made horrible sounds that didn't even sound 'this' bad when she gave birth."
"So, what can I do for you today?" Woodstock asked.
"We found our head suspect in this case," Twilight told him. "Do you know anything about a former Dolphin kicker named Ray Finkle?"
"Sorry birdie, I can't help you right now," Woodstock apologized, mid-groove. "I gotta watch this band! They are the shit!"
"Are they?" Spike questioned seriously.
"Aren't they?" Woodstock responded.
Everyone groaned in irritation over the fact Woodstock was so far not being helpful.
"Now what do we do?" Rainbow asked.
All of a sudden, an invisible lightbulb went off in Fluttershy's head. The girl approached Woodstock with as much calm a face as she could muster.
"Alright, we understand," She spoke casually. "I mean dolphins aren't exactly an endangered species. It's not like the whole food chain's going to be affected if one highly intelligent mammal dies a slow, painful death! After all, if the band is loud enough, you won't even hear its pitiful whimpering!"
Fluttershy soon performed her best suffering dolphin impression. All at once, Woodstock could no longer enjoy the band as he watched her.
"Alright, follow me," He spoke, as he walked away.
Fluttershy winked over her shoulder toward her friends, who smiled back. There was no mistake that they were impressed with their usually shy friend's cunning trick before following behind Woodstock.
Down in Woodstock's base of operations, the hippie fish protector was at his computer searching for any information on Finkle's whereabouts. The girls and Spike stood behind him, looking over his shoulder as Finkle's Social Security information appeared on the screen.
"This guy's last reported income was September 1982," Woodstock informed them.
"Okay, so we know he's incredibly thrifty," Twilight observed.
"Is he?" Woodstock asked.
"Okay, can we please stop with the whole 'Are they? Aren't they?' thing already?" Rainbow asked. "The first time was funny, twice is alright, but now you're just doing it over and over again! It's ridiculous!"
"Is it?" Woodstock asked.
Rainbow groaned in irritation, slapping a hand over her ace. Again, Applejack started to give her a little shoulder massage to calm her down. Meanwhile, Woodstock typed some more information and Finkle's TRW flashed on the screen.
"Well, I think we can be pretty sure he's involved in the kidnapping of the dolphin."
"Really?" Rarity asked. "What makes you say that?"
"There's 'two-thousand dollars' worth of smelts on his VISA card."
"Who would buy 'two-thousand dollars' worth of fish?" Pinkie asked. "The only ones I know with even 'that' many fish would be griffins and even they sound as though they'd spend that much on them."
"Pinkie, I think he was just kidding," Spike spoke deadpanned.
"Ooooooooooooh!" Pinkie realized. "Now that makes sense."
"Can ya please give us some information we can actually use here?" Applejack spoke up.
"Alright already," Woodstock responded. "The last time this guy used his credit card was June, '84. He rented a car from Avis. And... eww... he was a bad boy. They found it abandoned two months later in South Miami."
"Anything else?" Rainbow asked.
"Nope," Woodstock shook his head.
"Well... you did all you could," Rainbow sighed. "Thanks for nothin'."
"Hey man, according to this, your friend Ray Finkle doesn't exist."
"Well, that doesn't really help us out that much," Spike spoke disappointed. "Either way, thanks for the help Woodstock."
"No problem man," Woodstock nodded. "Good luck finding your guy."
The Mane Six and Spike proceeded to leave the basement and make their way back up top. It was then Ace Ventura walked into the club. The band was between songs, as Ace strolled by the burnout whose head had now stopped.
"Did you get all the spiders outta there?" He asked.
That's when he noticed the Mane Six and Spike making their way towards him.
"Did you guys find any info from Woodstock?" He asked them.
"Your hippie buddy doesn't have anything on Finkle," Rainbow spoke irritated. "All he's got is that he hasn't had any income for the last few years."
"How are we supposed to find anything on Finkle when no one has even seen or heard anything about him in forever?" Rarity asked.
"Um... guys?" Fluttershy interrupted.
"What is it Flutters?" Applejack asked.
"I think we have bigger problems," Fluttershy pointed out.
Everyone turned toward the front door of the club where Fluttershy was pointing and noticed the two thugs that took Marino standing at the exit. They spotted Ace and started towards him, reaching inside their coats. Suddenly, the music started up again as the burnout's head wailed. His manic gyrations interfered with the thugs long enough for Ace and the Equestrians to bolt. One of the thugs pushed the burnout violently against the wall as they pursued Ace.
"Thanks, man!" The burnout yelled. "You're a great dancer!"
Ace pushed his way through the crowd, with the Equestrians following behind. The thugs were not far from the group. Ace neared the stage just as things turned wild. People dove off and were getting moshed. Just before the thugs could grab them, the group ran up and hurled themselves from the stage. The insane crowd began to pass them around their heads as Spike looked toward the thugs and shrugged with a sheepish smile. The thugs exchanged a look, then dove after Ace, and a 'mosh' chase ensued.
The group were passed back onto the stage as the song reached its end. The singer laid there exhausted. The heroes noticed the crowd was starting to put the thugs down. Thinking fast, Ace grabbed for the microphone off the floor.
"ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, SPANK ME MOMMY!" Ace screamed out.
The audience looked at Ace for a second, while the Equestrians gave credulous looks. Then, the band members exchanged a look and went for it!!
It's a nightmarish little ditty. Ace sung like one of Satan's minions. While the Equestrians stood baffled, the crowd seemed to understand. They threw the thugs high in the air again and moshed them away from the stage. All the while, the thugs shot stray bullets the whole time trying to hit their targets.
The Equestrians watched in astonishment as Ace incited the crowd further, with a punching gesture. The crowd followed their new leader, punching with one hand and moshing with the other. The thugs got the living crap 'moshed' out of them. Once the song ended, Ace raised his fists in the air in victory. The cheering crowd violently dropped the thugs and they're out cold.
Ace and the Equestrians burst out the front door, collectively hopping into the car which peeled off down the road.
"Wow, that was crazy!" Spike spoke loudly.
"No kidding!" Rainbow agreed. "Luckily we got out of there."
"Now what're we supposed to do?" Twilight asked. "We still have nothing that could tell us where Ray Finkle is or where Snowflake, Phantom Dragon, and Dan Marino could be."
"That's not [i]entirely[/i] true," Ace smirked.
"What do ya mean Ace? Applejack asked.
"First things first... we need to pick up someone."
Later that night, Melissa Robinson was fast asleep in her bed after a long hard day. Ever sine Roger Podacter's passing and the disappearance of Dan Marino, things at her job only grew far more hectic. Unfortunately, she found her sleep interrupted by a loud banging at her door. Melissa awoke, turned toward her clock which read 3:32 am. Reluctantly, she dragged herself to the door.
"Who is it?" She asked tiredly.
"Ira," A voice responded from the other side.
"Ira who?"
"I refuse to do a 'knock-knock joke'. Come on, open up!"
Melissa opened the door seeing Ace and the Equestrians standing outside. Pinkie was on the floor, rolling over with laughter at Ace's joke.
"I refuse to do a 'knock-knock joke'!" She laughed. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Where do you come up with this?! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
"Okay seriously Pinkie, it wasn't really that funny," Rainbow groaned.
"Ace, what are you doing?" Melissa asked. "It's the middle of the night!"
"You have to commit me," Ace responded with a smirk.
The next day, the entire group found themselves driving down the highway in Ace's car toward their next destination. The whole drive there, Melissa questioned the group about their plan and where exactly they were going.
"So what exactly is it that we're doing again?" Melissa asked Ace.
"Finkle escape from Shady Acres in Tampa," Ace responded. "They still have some of his stuff."
"How do you know?"
"His parents told us," Twilight answered. "Finkle blames the Dolphins' Super Bowl loss entirely on Dan Marino and it sent him into a downward spiral into madness."
"He's completely obsessed with getting revenge on Marino and the Dolphins," Rarity added.
"We hoping that whatever he's planning, maybe he left some evidence in the mental hospital," Fluttershy finished.
"So you think they're going to let us just waltz in and look around?" Melissa asked skeptically.
"Not at all," Ace answered. "Thankfully, I'm a master of disguise."
"I can already tell this isn't going to go well," Spike sighed.
Later, the group found themselves at Shady Acres Mental Institution in Tampa. It was a rather large, old building that was just crawling with many mentally unhinged people. Currently, everyone found themselves in the reception area where Melissa and the Equestrians were meeting with one of the head doctors.
"Mrs. Robinson? I'm Doctor Handly," The Doctor introduced himself. "Now who is it that you'd like to have us look at?"
"My brother... Larry."
Everyone turned back toward Ace, who sat in one of the seats. The man wore a tutu; his hair was insanely wild. He had a look of absolute insanity on his face as he stared back at the group.
"I'm ready to go in, Coach," He spoke madly. "Just give me a chance. I know there's a lot riding on it, but it's all psychological. Got to stay in a positive frame of mind. Memorize the play book. Study the films."
Ace struck a dramatic pose and froze with a manic look on his face.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"I'm gonna execute a button-hook pattern in super slow-mo!"
He proceeded to go forth and perform a whole bunch of crazy running motions in slow motion, much to the amazement (and also confusion) of the Equestrian heroes. He continued for a few moments before coming to a freezing halt.
"Let's see that in an instant replay!"
Ace proceeded to do it all again in reverse before slumping back down in his chair and mumbling some incoherent things to himself.
"He's a former football player," Melissa explained to Dr. Handley. "Took a few too many blows to the head and now he's declared clinically insane."
"I see..." Dr. Handley nodded, noticing the Equestrians. "And how can I help you all today. Are you also here on behalf of Mrs. Robinson?"
"Oh no sir," Twilight shook her head. "Actually, we were hoping you might be able to look at our friend Pinkie."
Twilight pointed her thumb over her shoulder, and all eyes once more turned around. They saw Pinkie Pie sitting in a chair next to Ace. Only now, her hair was just as wild as Ace's, and she had a look of pure insanity on her face. A little drool hung over her chin as she gently rocked back and forth in her chair.
"Bell-bell, make bad men go bye-bye!" She spoke insanely. "Bell-bell, make bad men go bye-bye. Bell-bell, make bad men go bye-bye!"
Everyone just stared at the insane pink girl rocking in her chair, as Rainbow Dash shook her head.
"Somehow I always knew we'd end up in this situation eventually."
Dr. Handley proceeded to give Melissa and the Equestrians a tour of the facilities, all the while explaining all the work they do at the hospital. While doing so, Ace and Pinkie both continued to act completely insane. After all, this was a role that they were both oddly well suited for.
"Your brother won't be the first professional football player we've treated," Dr. Handley informed Melissa.
"Is that right?" Melissa asked.
"Yes," Handley nodded. "We've very sensitive to the emotion stress athletes have to endure."
Ace raced across the grounds screaming 'I'm open! I'm open!' as if trying to catch a football. Meanwhile, Pinkie was on a nearby bench in a crouching position much like a cat.
"Gotta catch those crooks, I must!" She muttered. "Won't let them get my treasure. No, no... I won't. They'll have to kill me first! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!"
She leapt off the bench and ran around in a circle, screaming at the top of her lungs. The rest of the group covered their ears from how loud she was being.
"Gotta give her credit," Applejack said. "She's one hay of a Bridleway actor."
"We'll have to do some preliminary evaluations, but I think your brother will fit in nicely here," Handley assured. "The same can be said for your friend, young ladies. We have a great staff well suited to handle any form of mental illness."
"I'd sure love to see them even try to handle Pinkie," Spike muttered.
"That's a relief, Doctor," Melissa smiled.
"It seems that your facility is very well suited indeed," Rarity nodded.
Ace took a 'snap' from a three-foot hedge and dove over it into the endzone. Melissa and the doctor stopped to watch him.
"He seems to have some difficulty letting go of the game. Has he had a long history of mental illness?"
"As long as I've known him," Melissa answered truthfully.
"Same can be said for Pinkie," Rainbow added. "I don't even think mental illness are the proper words to describe her. We might have to make up a new one."
Ace performed a wild touchdown dance with some of the other patients participating, while Pinkie Pie ran up and rolled on the ground much like a dog.
The tour continued with Handley leading the group inside, showing them the innards of the building. Ace walked alongside them adjusting his imaginary shoulder pads and Pinkie hopped along like a bunny rabbit.
"This is our therapy room... arts and crafts..." Handley explained, mid-walk. "That's the storage room. This hallway leads to another recreational area –"
Ace suddenly whistled loudly, gesturing like a referee.
"HALFTIIIME!!!" He yelled.
Ace stuck his head in the water fountain, then sat down on the bench outside the storage room. Pinkie soon walked up and observed a few birds flying outside the window.
"Ooh... look at the wee widdle birdies!" She smiled. "Ooh... maybe they're looking for a statue to land on."
She proceeded to freeze completely in place like a statue. Everyone looked at her and had to admire the fact she was completely unblinking and unmoving. It was like she was an 'actual' statue.
"He'll be fine by himself for the next twenty minutes," Melissa assured, referring to Ace.
"And Pinkie won't dare move until someone puts a bird on her head," Fluttershy spoke up.
"Well, why don't I show you the dormitories, then?" Handley suggested.
The girls and Spike nodded in agreement as they proceeded to follow the doctor towards the dorms. This left Ace and Pinkie utterly alone in the hallway. Ace suddenly snapped out of his insane act, as well as Pinkie. Together, they entered the storage room.
"Yowie wowie, that was fun!" Pinkie spoke cheerfully. "We should come back tomorrow and do this all over again!"
"First things first, we've got work to do," Ace responded.
Ace performed a quick search, locating several boxes marked 'FINKLE'. Ace searched through the first couple boxes only to find clothes. But by the third box, he hit the jackpot: He found sicko arts and crafts dedicated to Marino himself. Die-Dan potholders, shredded Isotoner gloves, and even a little diary. Opening it up, they discovered 'Laces Out!' insanely scrawled on every page.
"Obsess much?" Ace said.
All of a sudden, the door opened, and a janitor was about to enter before getting into an argument with a fellow employee. Thinking quickly, trying not to get caught, Ace climbed half-hazardously into the box to cover himself up. Pinkie, unable to find a hiding place, once more resumed her statue-like composure. Thankfully, the janitor left just as the box holding Ace completely fell apart.
"Phew! That was super-duper close!" Pinkie sighed in relief.
While trying to pull himself back up, Ace found a newspaper clipping with a heading which read:
"Hey Pinkie, take a look at this," He ushered.
Pinkie quickly approached his side to gaze upon the newspaper as well.
"What is it?" She asked.
"'A massive search ended today when rescue workers were unable to find the body of Lois Einhorn...'" Ace read.
"'... a camper reported lost since Friday...'" Pinkie continued.
"[i]Lois Einhorn...[/i] holy shit balls!"
Both Ace and Pinkie looked at each other, completely confused by the meaning of it all. Just then, something else caught Pinkie's eye. Kneeling down, she picked up what resembled a letter of sorts and read it quietly to herself. Ace took notice and looked over her shoulder.
"You found something else?" He asked curiously.
Pinkie just read the letter before her eyes turned wide and she slowly turned toward Ace.
"I think I've found out how Phantom Dragon fits into all this," She said.
She showed Ace the letter and they both read it:
[i]The time has come to test whether or not you are worthy of joining our cause. We shall provide you with an escape but from then on, you will be solely responsible for the outcome of this endeavor. A friend of the Elements of Harmony will soon enter this world, your task is to capture him and keep him in a secure location until the time is right. When all is said and done, we will judge whether or not you are fit to join us.[/i]
- [i]N[/i]
At the police station, the telephone rang at Emilio's desk, and he answered.
"Echavez," He answered.
Back at Shady Acres, Ace was on the phone in the hallways while some crazy guy hovered behind him.
"This is Chicken Little," Ace spoke urgently. "The sky is falling."
"What?" Emilio answered confused. "I don't get it. What's it mean?"
"It means she's involved in this," Ace explained. "The article's dated the day before Finkle disappeared."
"Before 'who' disappeared?"
"Finkle. Ray Finkle... the guy who took the dolphin? The guy you're supposed to be looking for?! Einhorn didn't tell you, did she?"
"Hey, Ace. I see where you're goin' with this and you're goin' alone."
A crazy guy stood next to Ace now, mimicking everything the man was saying.
"Come on, E!" Ace insisted. "I tell her about Finkle, she doesn't tell a soul. I have an article here that connects her with Finkle. You gotta' check her out—DO YOU MIND?!?!"
The crazy guy stopped and moved to one of the phones.
"Ace, I like my job," Emilio explained. "I get health insurance and benefits."
"I'm the Lindberg Baby," The Crazy Guy spoke into a receiver. "Come and get me."
"Emilio, Einhorn is involved," Ace insisted. "You're gonna' have to decide here. Listen, I gotta get off the phone. I think I just solved the Lindberg case.
It was then Melissa and the Doctor, along with the rest of the Equestrians, returned.
"Well, look who's trying to use the phone," The Doctor observed.
Ace covered the phone receiver and whispered to them in a heartfelt voice.
"Brian Piccalo is dead..." Ace whimpered.
As the man broke down, Melissa hung up the phone and lead him away. A thrash version to 'Brian's Song' played as they left the hospital.
Later that same evening, Emilio stood at the window watching Einhorn drive off. When the coast was clear, he snuck into Einhorn's office. He rifled through her filing cabinet, tearing through all the papers. Then he searched her desk and sure enough stuffed in the back of the drawer he discovered a personal note. The signature upon it belonging to one Roger Podacter himself, written only just a day before his death.
Meanwhile, Ace, Melissa, and the Equestrians pulled up in front of Melissa's apartment.
"Good job today," Ace complimented Melissa. "You're quite a dirty rotten filthy liar."
"Thanks," Melissa replied flattered. "Are you sure you don't want to stay here with me?"
"Nah, I got some thinking to do," Ace responded. "Besides, you'd be safer with Salman Rushdie."
Melissa stepped out of the car, then turned and leaned through the window.
"Listen... I know there isn't much time left," She spoke softly. "The game is tomorrow. But I know you've done your best. It's just an impossible situation. I don't expect..."
"Hey..." Ace interrupted, leaning over for a kiss. "... bet on the Dolphins."
After making contact, Melissa walked into her apartment as Ace and the others head back down the highway.
"That was quite the crazy day, wasn't it?" Rarity asked.
"In more ways than one," Spike nodded.
"I'll admit it Pinkster, that was some nice acting back there," Rainbow complimented, with a shoulder nudge. "You really had us going back there for a bit. Honestly, I thought you were going completely insane."
"I was supposed to be acting?" Pinkie asked confused.
Everyone snapped their heads toward Pinkie with confusion.
"Ya didn't know?" Applejack asked.
"Not at all," Pinkie shook her head. "If I did, I would've acted [i]completely[/i] crazy. Course, I'd need some cupcakes... and a volunteer... Rainbow...?"
"Uh... no!" Rainbow shook her head quickly.
"Wait a minute!" Spike spoke up. "You mean to tell us that everything you did today..."
Then before he could go on, they all came to a stunning realization: This was Pinkie Pie they were talking to. She was already crazy as it was just in a daily basis. With that in mind, they turned their heads forward as Ace continued driving down the road.
Out of their human disguises, every pony (And Spike) sat in the living room of Ace's apartment trying to figure out what they found at the hospital. Wiggles the dog approached the answering machine on the table and clicked the button with his little nose. The first message in the machine came from Mr. Shikadance, the landlord.
"[i]Venturaaaa? Your time is up! You're out! You hear me?! No rent... no roof![/i]"
The next message came from Emilo.
"[i]Ace, it's E. Got something you might find interesting. It's a note from Podacter to Einhorn, thanking her for a wonderful Saturday night. Something ain't stirring the kool-aid man.[/i]"
"Wiggles, rewind," Ace instructed.
Wiggles obediently hit another button and rewinds the phone tape. Ace, popping sunflower seeds, held some evidence aloft thinking. A bird ate the seeds out of his naval.
"What the hell does Lois Einhorn have to do with Ray Finkle?" Ace asked himself. "Come on, think!"
"Don't worry Ace," Twilight spoke comfortingly. "We'll figure this out."
"How?" Rainbow asked. "I mean sure we know Finkle is clearly behind this and 'somehow' he's in league with the Dark Order. But none of it matters unless we know where the dude is."
"Calm down sugar cube," Applejack grabbed Rainbow's hand. "We'll figure it out like we always done before."
"Hopefully soon," Rarity sighed. "I dread being away from my family and my husband for so long."
"Then let's get thinking," Pinkie smiled. "I know... what if we did a 'Noodle Dance'?"
"NOOO!!!" The group groaned.
"Just a 'suggestion'..."
Over the next few hours, Ace and the Equestrians worked endlessly to come up with some idea as to how it all fit together. Thus far, every idea they came up with started to sound more absurd than the last.
"Finkle and Einhorn..." Ace spoke to himself. "In it together. How? Why?"
"Where could they be keeping Phantom?" Twilight wondered.
"Why kill Roger Podacter?" Rarity questioned.
"And why can't I get my exploding cupcake formula to work?" Pinkie asked herself.
A small monkey sat in the same position, as if mocking Ace for his own amusement.
Even later still, Ace paced while jumping up and down. The Pet Detective was trying 'so hard' to get his intuitive juices flowing. The monkey, likewise, jumped along the mantle.
"Alright!" He spoke determinedly. "Here we go! Answer's right there! Just gotta get some blood to the brain! Finkle and Einhorn! Finkle and Einhorn! Finkle and Einhorn! Finkle and Einhorn!"
All the animals just watched him like he's crazy.
Eventually, the night turned to daybreak as Ace sat and stared at a picture of Finkle on the coffee table. The man was totally spent, practically on the verge of tears. Most of the girls, Spike especially, had since fallen asleep... except for Twilight, who was wide awake going over a pile of notes.
"Oh no, that doesn't add up," She muttered. "What about... no. Or maybe... no, not that either. Urgh! What 'is' it?"
"Finkle and Einhorn..." Ace whimpered. "Einhorn and Finkle..."
He turned to see the monkey and the others crashed out in a heap on the sofa.
"Quitters..." He grumbled.
Wiggles jumped up onto the coffee table now. But Ace couldn't be bothered with him.
"What do you want?" He asked irritated. "Huh? I got no food for you. You gotta have money to buy food; I gotta find the dolphin to get the money. I don't see any dolphins around here, do you?"
Wiggles whimpered at the tone of his voice, quickly hopping off before jumping up onto the coffee table and laid down. Ace slumped his head into his hands in defeat.
"Face it, it's hopeless..." He whimpered, defeated. "Your master is a LOSER."
"Don't beat yourself up Ace," Twilight told him. "There isn't anyone who could do as much as you've done so far. You found the prime suspect, you determined the motive, you've basically solved the whole case and just don't know it."
Ace cracked a sarcastic smile as he looked toward Twilight.
"That's all well and good Twilight," He said sarcastically. "Why don't I just pat myself on the freakin' back for a job well 'half' done?!"
"Don't get upset with me," Twilight countered. "Especially to 'us', who have been 'trying' to help you ever since this whole case began? We're the ones putting in the time for 'your' needs just as much as you put your time on 'us'!"
Ace sighed as he slumped back onto the couch.
"I'm sorry," He apologized. "I'm just so frustrated! The answer might be right in front of us, and we just aren't seeing it. Maybe everyone was right; I am a loser."
Twilight shook her head as she turned back toward her notes. However, as she did, something caught the corner of her eye as she slowly turned to the coffee table where Wiggles was laying. The way he laid, some of his fur covered the picture of Ray Finkle in a way that it almost made him look like...
It was then a lightbulb in Twilight's head went off.
"LOO... HOO..."
"I've got it Ace!" Twilight interrupted loudly.
Her sudden outburst caused the rest of the team to wake from their slumber.
"What's all the noise Twi?" Rainbow asked sleepily.
"I've figured it out!" Twilight responded.
"What?" Rarity asked, yawning.
"Why didn't I think of it before? It all makes complete sense!"
"What are you talking about Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.
"Think about it," Twilight answered. "That newspaper article said Lois Einhorn was lost while hiking a few years ago and yet she's doing completely fine now. If she had 'truly' been found, why wouldn't there be any news that she'd been found?"
"Uh... continuity error?" Pinkie shrugged.
"Not even just that... consider the fact Ray Finkle essentially hasn't even existed since that article came out," Twilight continued. "Not to mention Einhorn has bee trying to completely dissuade us from the entire case in general."
Twilight approached the table where Wiggles laid, showing them all the picture of Finkle with the dog hair over it.
"Take a look at this picture. If you subtract the long hair, you can completely tell who you're looking at. But add the hair... maybe a new look..."
Everyone took a long, hard look at the picture. All of a sudden, all eyes widened with realization.
"Oh... my... Faust!" Spike gasped.
"It can't be!" Rainbow said bewildered.
"What the..." Ace wondered. "That's it. That's it!"
"Nope, I'm completely lost," Pinkie giggled.
"Don't you see Pinkie?" Twilight asked.
"Einhorn [i]is[/i] Finkle!" Ace concluded. "Finkle is Einhorn! Einhorn is a man!"
Everyone looked toward Ace with a more sickened look on all their faces.
"Ace... didn't ya say she done kissed ya?" Applejack pointed out.
Ace's expression quickly turned sour as he realized what that meant.
"OH MY GOD!!!" He yelled. "EINHORN IS A MAN!!!"
Ace made a mad dash into the bathroom. Furiously he brushed his teeth, rinsed his mouth with mouthwash, spat it out and gagged, and then burned all his clothes before hopping into the scalding shower. Slowly, he curled up into a ball under the steaming water, an expression of horror plastered on his face. From outside the bathroom, the Equestrians leaned against the door feeling sorry for the pet detective.
"You know girls... that's 'kind of' similar to my experience when Pharynx tricked me into thinking he was Gabby," Spike shuddered.
"Yeah... that joke is not going to age well in today's media," Pinkie shook her head.
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