Mysterious Disappearance

The sun shined brightly on another wondrous day in the magical land of Equestria. Along the outskirts of Ponyville, a cozy little cottage rested peacefully just near the Everfree Forest. A gentle hum filled the air as Fluttershy emerged from her little hovel and made her way to the backyard. The butter-yellow Pegasus smiled brightly as she entered her backyard, greeted by the sight of at least a dozen tiny woodland creatures.

The moment all the animals saw her, they instantly swarmed the kindred Element of Kindness. The tiny birds gave her tiny kisses with their beaks, the little rabbits cuddled up to her, and even Harry the Bear picked her up to hug her close.

"Aw, I'm happy to see you all too!" She spoke sweetly. "I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. Between my volunteer work at the hospital and all these missions through the Multiverse, I've just had so much on my plate."

Harry gently placed Fluttershy back on the ground, as he just brushed it off (As did the rest of the animals). Despite Fluttershy's busy schedule, her animal friends never held it against her. They still loved her as much as she loved them. Harry gave a low growl, which Fluttershy listened to intently.

"Don't you worry none, Harry," She assured. "I promise you I'll help you gather enough honey for dinner tonight."

Harry licked her cheek which caused the little Pegasus to giggle cutely. She then walked around the gardens, with her animal friends, as she began picking flowers and other assortment of items. As she did so, she also fed the assortment of creatures their daily portions of food. Seeds for the birds, vegetables for the rabbits, and a huge heaping portion of honey for Harry.

As the animals dug into their food, while Fluttershy continued picking flowers, the sudden sound of approaching footsteps drew her attention. Her eyes turned down the path to find Carrie White walking along the trail. Fluttershy instantly smiled upon seeing her 'Super Shy Friend Forever'.

"Hello Carrie!" She greeted kindly. "I hope you day is going well."

"It's been quite successful," Carrie nodded. "Twilight has been teaching me how to control my powers for a while now. I think I've made a breakthrough."

Ever since the day Carrie and Derick came to Equestria some time ago, Carrie had always been afraid her powers would spiral out of control. Following the incident at Ewen, now referred to as the 'Black Prom', Carrie was concerned about blacking out one day and anyone she cared about (Or any 'pony' in this case) would be harmed. Hence why she was extremely grateful for Twilight to take the time to offer guidance to better understand and control her powers. This way, incidents like the 'Black Prom' would never happen again.

"That's wonderful Carrie!" Fluttershy smiled. "Are you able to do anything with your powers at the moment?"

"I can certainly try," Carrie responded.

The timid, shy girl turned pony slowly raised her hooves and closed her eyes, focusing on her wants and desires. Opening her again, taking a deep breath, she was surprised yet happy to see a large number of gardening tools hovering around the cottage in mid-air. When she swayed her hooves, the tools moved about and proceeded to perform the individual garden work of which each tool were designed for. Both Fluttershy and Carrie looked on in astonishment.

"You did it Carrie!" Fluttershy praised.

Carrie soon placed the tools back down, turning away to hide the shy blush in her cheeks.

"It's Twilight's lessons that made this possible," Carrie responded. "She's the one you should praise."

Fluttershy approached her friend, gently pulling her head back to look into her eyes.

"You don't give yourself enough credit, Carrie White," Fluttershy pointed out. "You've worked so hard to perfect your powers just so you don't lose control again. That is because you care about all of us, just as we care for you."

Carrie smiled brightly as a single tear rolled down her face. She then threw her hooves around Fluttershy, who returned the gesture in earnest.  Suddenly, a loud siren (Followed by flashing police lights) popped out of nowhere causing both girls to jump and yelp with shock and fear as Discord appeared.

"Emergency! Emergency!" He yelled. "This is a Code Red situation here folks! Trim the sails! Hoist the yard arms! Turn on the weather channel!"

Discord started hyperventilating and snapped his finger, so he'd dress like a church woman, as he started fanning himself with a fan. Fluttershy walked alongside him, placing a comforting hoof on his side.

"Calm down Discord," She spoke calmly. "Just tell us what happened."

"No time to explain," Discord snapped back to normal. "We have to go now!"

With another snap of his talon, the pair disappeared in a flash. This left Carrie, along with a whole group of very confused animals wondering the exact same question:

"What the hay just happened?" Carrie asked.


Fluttershy and Discord flashed into the very center of Discord's Theatre where the spirit of chaos snapped his talon again. In another flash, the rest of the Mane Six and Spike popped right into the center of the theatre as well. Rarity was drying her mane with a towel when she turned and shrieked as she quickly covered herself. Spike had his lips puckered and eyes closed as though he was about to kiss someone. Applejack and Rainbow were deadlocked in a hoof wrestling match, only to stop once they noticed where they were. Pinkie was covered in flour and cake batter from head to hoof... [i]because[/i]. As for Twilight, she had face cream all over her face with cucumbers over her eyes.

"What on Earth's the meaning of this?!" Rarity yelled irritated.

"Gabby and I were having a private moment!" Spike grumbled. "Now I'll never get that one back!"

"Ah was about tah win that there match till y'all done poofed us here Discord!" Applejack nodded.

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow asked her marefriend. "You were shaking like a lead about to crack."

"Was not!"

"Was so!"

"Not the time guys!" Twilight sighed, fixing herself up with her magic. "Seriously Discord, why'd you bring us all here?"

"I was in the middle of preparing a very big order for Princess Luna's birthday!" Pinkie pouted. "A dozen double-fudge red pepper cupcakes gone to waste!"

But Discord disregarded all their complaints, as he pulled a switch that opened the stage curtain. He turned back to them with a wide-eyed look.

"Oh it's terrible!" He panicked. "Absolutely [i]terrible[/i]!"

"If this is because you didn't get clearance from Princess Celestia to build a swimming pool filled with pudding again, I am [i]so[/i] going to get you!" Rarity growled, brushing her mane with her magic.

This made Discord stop panicking for a moment, laughing over the frowning pony.

"Please... I've [i]eaten[/i] things more terrifying than you drama queen," Discord chuckled.

"Discord, what... is... the... [i]problem[/i]?" Twilight asked slowly.

"Phantom Dragon is missing!" Discord responded.

The Mane Six and Spike turned toward each other for a moment, then back toward Discord with raised curious eyebrows.

"Who?" They all asked.

Discord snapped his talon again, producing a pair of pictures in his claw and talon. One was of a unicorn stallion with a dark coat, dark mane, glasses, and a cobweb cutie mark standing beside Rain Shine. The other was of a man wearing a dark gray hoodie with a dragon on it, with matching jeans and tennis shoes.

"Phantom Dragon is the one helping me run this theatre," Discord explained. "He's also the one behind the commentaries for all the previous adventures you've been in—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up!" Rainbow piped in. "Commentaries? What're you talking about?"

Pinkie turned toward Rainbow Dash, as though she just said the most ludicrous statement she ever heard.

"Well duh Rainbow, he works with the narrators by providing a wonderful product for their viewers to read," She replied.

Rainbow just looked at Pinkie, confused over what she said. Twilight, meanwhile, stepped up toward Discord.

"You're saying he's been helping you run your theatre?" She asked curiously. "How come we've never seen him before?"

"He's a very busy man," Discord responded. "What with his work writing, handling the daily operations of the theatre, and his passionate romance with the Kirin Queen... he's always on the move."

Twilight stared at the draconequus for a moment, wondering if he finally flipped his lid. Ultimately, she decided to accept it much like she and the others do for Pinkie. Better to go along with it than to question it altogether.

"Okay... what happened exactly?" Twilight asked.

Discord chuckled nervously as his eyes darted back and forth a million miles an hour.

"I honestly have no idea..." He chuckled.



[i]"Discord! Would you stop meddling with the television?" Phantom Dragon yelled.[/i]

[i]Discord and Phantom Dragon, or PhD as he's referred to, were setting up in the theatre for what was certain to be another adventure. Having already hosted a dozen watch parties for the previous adventures the Mane Six, Spike, and their companions have been in, they've gotten used to knowing when another adventure was about to begin. Right now though, PhD was focused on Discord fooling around with the television... 'again'.[/i]

[i]"It just isn't fair!" Discord responded. "I've been left out of nearly 'every' single adventure so far. Yes I've been featured in a few 'minor' sequences... but when's the time for Discord to have his moment?"[/i]

[i]"I've told you before your time will come," Phantom Dragon answered. "Right now, we must focus on the theatre."[/i]

[i]"I'm done selling popcorn and snacks!" Discord responded, fiddling with the television. "It's finally my time to shine!"[/i]

[i]"Would you just stop already!"[/i]

[i]Phantom Dragon quickly raced toward Discord, desperate to stop him.[/i]

[i]"Get off me!" Discord yelled.[/i]

[i]"Let go!"[/i]

[i]"I'm the Lord of Chaos!"[/i]

[i]"I don't care! Let go!"[/i]

[i]As the two struggled, they accidentally bumped into the television and the device instantly sprung to life. They continued going back and forth while the portal opened up. Unfortunately, Phantom Dragon backed too close to it and before he knew it he was slowly sucked in. He screamed as he fell through the portal, which quickly closed behind him. This left Discord standing there in shock.[/i]

[i]"Well... that wasn't supposed to happen."[/i]


Discord smiled nervously as Twilight stared at him with squinted eyes. Finally, she rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"I suspect you want us to ahead and rescue him?" She asked.

"You really are the smart one Twilight Sparkle!" Discord smiled.

Again Twilight rolled her eyes and turned back toward her friends, all of whom gathered together.

"Looks like we're off to the Multiverse to find this Phantom Dragon guy," She declared.

"Seriously?!" Rainbow groaned.

"[i]Yes[/i] seriously," Twilight nodded. "We can't leave a poor individual trapped in an alternate world forever."

"Worked for Sunset Shimmer..." Rainbow replied.

Twilight glared toward her tomboyish friend, who held up her hooves in defense.

"Twilight's right sugar cube," Applejack spoke up. "That there feller could be in serious trouble. It's up tah us tah go in and help."

"I do hope he isn't hurt," Fluttershy spoke worriedly.

"Don't you worry darling," Rarity assured her. "We merely have to go in, find him, and everything will be alright."

"That's what we thought the [i]last[/i] dozen times," Rainbow replied.

"But it's been a lot of funtastic adventures!" Pinkie smiled.

Spike merely groaned, clutching his head as though a massive migraine took over. Twilight noticed this and approached him to check it out.

"You okay Spike?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah..." He assured her. "Just a headache."

"Hmm... you've been getting them an awful lot since you've been sprayed by that black stuff on our previous adventure."

As a matter of fact, since the Mane Six and Spike returned from WWE City, Spike had been getting splitting headaches for days on end. They thought they had cleared all the black liquid sprayed in Spike's eyes, the like of which courtesy of Malakai Black. But turned out they barely scratched the surface. Suddenly, the headaches started coming and they were the reason he lost the 24/7 title the moment they got back.

Spike decided to defend the title just as it was meant to be back in WWE City. For a good month, he was able to hold onto it. But then one day, while walking through Ponyville and trying to stay out of sight, a raging headache made him lose focus. This allowed Smolder to sneak up on him and roll him up for a pin which the referee pony, Lucky Clover, made the count and declare Smolder the new 24/7 champion.

"Must you remind me?" Spike groaned.

"Maybe you should sit this one out," Twilight suggested.

"No way!" Spike said sternly. "I've already been left out of 'one' adventure. I swore not to be left out of another. I already feel I don't contribute enough on these missions and I'm not letting a little headache stop me."

"Well... if you're sure..." Twilight spoke uncertainly.

Spike merely nodded his head, as Twilight turned around toward Discord, who was setting up the television.

"You know what to do?" She asked him.

"I've just set the coordinates for the exact location Phantom Dragon disappeared to," Discord responded. "Good luck every pony."

He quickly activated the device and soon a portal opened up once more as the Mane Six and Spike gazed into it. One look toward each other, followed by a nod, and they stepped through the portal one-by-one. And soon... the Equestrian Heroes were off on another adventure into the Multiverse. Where would they land? No pony knows...

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