Chaos at Camp's House
The night of Ronald Camp's party arrived; it was sure to be the height of class and sophistication. It's a magnificent home indeed, with an extremely formal party in progress. People arrived from all around just to attend the grand event, dressed in the finest attire and driving the most luxurious vehicles. Twenty to thirty people were having champagne, caviar, and hot air. One such person in particular was famed Miami Dolphin quarterback, Dan Marino, who was just telling folks about the upcoming Super Bowl game as they sat together.
"We just choked in 82," He explained. "We had a chance to win, and we didn't. But nobody's gonna choke this time; if they do, I'll kill 'em!"
This caused everyone to laugh, while everyone else entered the mansion.
Meanwhile, another group of individuals made their way into the party. The first of the group were the Mane Six and Spike themselves. Thanks to Rarity, they were all once more dressed in amazing dresses and a tuxedo.
Behind them Ace Ventura and Melissa Robinson followed behind, the latter reluctantly agreeing to accompany them for this event. Ace wore a white ivory suit jacket and black pants while Melissa wore a simple low cut black dress. As the group made their way towards the party, they all couldn't help but marvel at the sight of Camp's home.
"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity marveled. "What a lovely mansion. If we weren't here to investigate Mr. Camp's involvement in the missing dolphin, I'd ask him for the number of his contractor."
"Take it easy, Home Improvement," Rainbow jested. "We're here to work, not stare."
"Well, I don't understand why we can't do both!"
"Ooh, I bet Mr. Camp has loads of super-duper fun parties in a place this big!" Pinkie smiled widely. "But I'm sure if he puts up a bunch of streamers, party balloons, and hires a wicked D.J., maybe it can be close to the parties I'd throw."
"Ah'm pretty sure this here Camp feller don't throw them kinda parties Pinkie," Applejack told her.
Pinkie proceeded to gasp rather loudly, and dramatically, in shock at what her country friend told her.
"No streamers?!" She gasped. "No balloons?! No D.J.?! No cake and ice cream?! I don't even want to begin to think about that!"
"Who else but Pinkie Pie?!" Spike shrugged.
Ace and Melissa climbed the impressive stairway leading to Camp's mansion behind the Mane Six and Spike.
"Again Melissa, I want to thank you for coming on short notice," Twilight thanks her.
"I'm really going out on a limb here, Twilight," Melissa retorted. "Camp's social events are strictly A-list."
"'Well, Chuck... the date started off good, but just before we got to the party, she seemed to tense up'," Ace quoted 'Love Connection'.
[i]Love Connection?[/i]
[i]A T.V. dating show that ran for eleven seasons starting in the 80s.[/i]
Anyways... Melissa rolled her eyes, then tapped a huge door knocker before turning back toward Ace.
"I swear, if you do anything to embarrass me in front of Camp..."
"You mean like this?"
Ace started doing a spastic body convulsion, making all sorts of weird noises, much to the annoyance of Melissa and a majority of the girls.
"Honestly Ace, would it kill you to show some class and sophistication?" Rarity groaned.
"Aww come on Ms. Grumpy Pants," Pinkie spoke, placing an arm around her friend's shoulder. "Have a little fun in your life."
Just then, a bald-headed butler, resembled Gavin McCloud, opened the door. Ace doesn't notice till Melissa struck him with her purse.
"Owwe!!!" Ace screamed.
It was then Ace saw the butler and still proceeded to act like a total goof.
"Oh, hi Captain Stubing," He spoke jokingly.
Melissa just stormed in, already pissed with the rest of the Mane Six and Spike, who were rather annoyed, following behind. As the group entered, they gazed in amazement over the house's interior. Hundreds of patrons filled the room, all conversing and enjoying the festivities. Meanwhile, Camp himself noticed the group entering and immediately greeting them.
"Melissa!" Camp greeted, kissing her hand. "Glad you could make it! Oh, and who are your companions for this evening?"
Melissa faced the group and first decided to introduce them, since she [i]wasn't[/i] ashamed of being seen with them.
"Ron, these are my friends Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Spike," She introduced.
"My what exquisite names," Ron smiled, shaking each hand individually. "I am glad to meet you all and I hope you enjoy tonight."
"Thank you very much Mr. Camp," Twilight responded gratefully.
Melissa turned to Ace, albeit more reluctantly.
"This is my date," She said hesitantly. "He's a... lawyer."
"Well, does he have a name, or should I call him 'Lawyer'?" Camp asked.
Ace couldn't help but laugh, as did Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. This caused a few flares to fly their way from Melissa and the rest of the group.
"Oh come on, that was a good one!" Rainbow shrugged.
"I'm sorry, it's Ace – ah, Tom Ace," Melissa stammered
Ace, very unimpressed with her lying ability, quickly jumped in.
"Tom Ace," He introduced himself, shaking Camp's hand. "Wonderful to meet you, Mr. Camp, and congratulations on all your success. You smell terrific."
"Ah, well, thank you," Camp responded awkwardly.
"I was just telling Melissa that one of the first lessons we learned at Standford Law was the modern proliferation of food poisoning against wealthy private homeowners. In fact, if one were so inclined, one could make quite a lucrative law firm with little else."
Ace proceeded to laugh casually causing the others to laugh as well, though much more awkwardly.
"How is everyone feeling tonight?"
"Very well, thank you," Camp responded nervously. "Please, come in."
Ace boldly proceeded to lead Melissa away over to the hors d'oeuvre table. This left the Mane Six, Spike, and Camp standing there with awkward expressions over their faces.
"Oooookay... that was weird," Rainbow remarked.
"No kidding!" Applejack agreed.
"I do apologize for our friend, Mr. Camp," Rarity apologized. "He's a little eccentric, but he means well."
"We'll just leave you now sir," Twilight smiled. "Have yourself a good rest of your evening."
They all proceeded to quickly follow Ace, along with a rather embarrassed (and pissed off) Melissa.
"Are you insane?" Melissa asked irritated. "There's no way that Camp stole Snowflake."
"Will you just keep him occupied, while I work my magic please?" Ace replied.
"And exactly what are you going to do?" Spike asked.
"I'll act like I have stomach issues," Ace explained, spreading pate' on a cracker. "I'll head off to the bathroom and sneak out to find Snowflake."
Then, within a split second, Spike suddenly clutched his head as another splitting headache started to course through his mind. As if that wasn't enough, the sinister voices started to torment him again.
[i]Destroy them all[/i]
[i]Roast them[/i]
[i]Incinerate them[/i]
[i]They're nothing to you...[/i]
"Actually... I better go with you," Spike groaned. "I'm not doing so well myself."
"Are you alright?" Twilight asked concerned.
"Yeah, sure!" Spike assured her. "I just need some air... I'm fine."
Though Twilight was unconvinced, not to mention very worried about her teenage assistant, she nodded in understanding and lead Melissa and the other girls to distract Camp.
Meanwhile, Ace just started stuffing food into his mouth, crunching the cracker in his mouth. A man in a tux beside Ace was spreading pate' on his own cracker and stared at Ace.
"Smooshy, isn't it?" Ace asked, with a mouthful.
Suffice to say the stuff man merely left with a 'harumph', all the other guests had their backs turned away from all the weird faces Ace made. As Spike made his way to the restroom, eventually Ace walked over and lightly tapped on Camp's shoulder.
"Excuse me, Ron, I need to use the bathroom?" Ace told him, palming his stomach.. "I think it's the pate'."
"Um, it's just over there," Camp pointed out.
"Thanks," Ace nodded. "Stuff probably looks better on the way out, huh?"
"Just please go Ace," Rarity groaned.
Ace laughed, slapping Camp hard on the back and headed for the bathroom.
Inside the bathroom, Spike splashed cold water on his face from the sink and shook his head trying to relieve himself of these headaches.
"Get it together Spike," Spike told himself. "You're just hearing things. These adventures are starting to get to me... maybe I do need a vacation from these vacations..."
As he kept splashing water onto his face, he looked up to gaze himself in the mirror and screamed. For right in the mirror, his eyes widening with fear, Spike saw an unforgettable figure standing directly behind him... [i]Malakai Black[/i]...
Spike quickly spun around in shock, only to see he was the only one in the bathroom. There wasn't even a sign anyone ever entered at all. Breathing heavily, Spike clutched his head and shook it a few times before dunking his face in the cold water filled in the sink. The sound of the bathroom door opening caused Spike to jump and look up.
Ace was wasting no time entering the restroom. Soon as he locked the door, Ace turned and noticed the dragon boy's face, all drenched with cold water. Suffice to say, Ace looked very confused, if not concerned.
"You alright little buddy?" Ace asked him.
"Uh—yeah!" Spike nodded, scrubbing his face. "Just a little groggy is all... nightmares."
"Well luckily for you, I've got something that can help you with that," Ace smirked.
"Aspirin?" Spike asked nervously.
"Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh... [i]no[/i]. How would 'you' like to help me look for clues about Snowflake?"
"Me? You're asking for my help?" Spike asked, surprised. "Eh... yeah! Why not? Maybe it'll take my mind off... stuff."
"Alllllllrighty then!" Ace grinned.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Ace wasted no time putting the plan into action. He turned on the water faucet and stepped onto the toilet seat, opening and climbing out a window. Spike climbed out behind him as Ace dropped to the ground. They followed a pathway, through a gazebo and into the doorway, all the time Ace quietly sung the musical score to 'Mission Impossible'.
"What the hay is he doing?" Spike whispered to himself.
Finally, Ace threw open a door next to the pool area and the two quickly slipped inside. Ace browsed through a myriad of dramatically lit, salt-water tanks, still singing. They're all filled with colorful exotic fish. Very impressive, but nothing large enough to house a dolphin. They continued towards a large door and Ace promptly swung it open.
Inside, they spotted a huge above-ground tank covered with curtains to discourage onlookers.
"Now [i]that[/i] is certainly big enough to hold a dolphin," Spike observed in amazement.
"Exactly!" Ace smirked.
"... Groovy!"
Ace climbed a ladder on the side of the tank, singing more intensely now with Spike close behind. The ladder lead to a narrow catwalk over the center of the water. Ace grabbed a feeder fish from a pail and walked carefully out there.
He looked into the dark pool but saw nothing. Now he stopped singing, quietly squatting down and dangled the fish over the water.
"Snowflake... here, Snowflake... [i]Snooowflaaaake...[/i]" Ace called out.
"We got a little snack for you!" Spike added, whistling.
Just then, a massive Great White Shark jumped out of the water and snapped it's giant teeth right in front of the boys. Ace screamed in panic before he reeled back, falling off the catwalk and into the water.
"ACE!!!" Spike yelled.
Meanwhile, back inside the mansion, Melissa and the girls admired the many exotic fish in the aquariums. Camp came up alongside them and looked in as well.
"Wonderful, aren't they?" He asked.
"Yes, they're incredible," Melissa responded nervously.
"I've never seen so many wonderful, exotic fish in all my life," Fluttershy spoke amazed. "We have plenty back home, but none like these."
"A magnificent collection, Mr. Camp," Rarity agreed.
"No matter what is going on in my life, I can always watch them swim and be completely at peace," Camp said poetically.
Applejack noticed Twilight staring toward the restroom with concern upon her face.
"Ya alright there Twi?" She asked.
"I'm just worried about Spike," Twilight responded. "Something's been going on with him since we got here. Whatever it is, it just seems to be getting worse."
"Ah wouldn't worry 'bout Spike too much hon," Applejack assured, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "If there's one thing ah know 'bout Spike, ain't nothing that dragon can't handle."
"Oh, man! What am I gonna do?!"
Spike had finally gotten over the shock of the shark in the tank, now he was frantically looking around for Ace, who fell in the opposite side of the tank.
"Oh, man!" Spike gasped loudly. "ACE! Ace... where are you?"
The water was still for a moment. Then, Ace broke the surface and finally came back up with a gasp of air.
"AAAAAH, ho! It's not Snowflake..." Ace sputtered frantically.
"ACE! There you are!" Spike sighed with relief. "Are you alright?"
"It's not Snowflake..."
"Yeah, no kidding," Spike said, lending out his hand. "Now quick, grab my hand and let's get you out of there before something else goes...
But just as Ace grabbed Spike's hand, he was suddenly pulled back in by the shark, who returned and indirectly pulled Spike into the water.
There was now a water version of a fight cloud, as Ace and Spike were thrashed back and forth, all over and around through the water and the entire length of the pool by the shark's rampage.
"IT'S NOT SNOWFLAAAAKE!!!" Ace yelled.
"MOMMMMMMYYYYYYYY!!!!" Spike yelled.
Back inside Camp's mansion, a line formed outside the bathroom. Camp, Melissa and the girls sat nearby as they waited for Spike and Ace's return. The man in question was growing curious.
"Are you sure your date is all right?" Camp asked Melissa. "It's been an awfully long time."
"Who, Tom?" Melissa asked. "Oh, I'm sure he's fine."
"I'm sure Spike is just helping him make sure his problem is..." Fluttershy began.
But just then, Ace and Spike suddenly opened the bathroom door and stood there, completely drenched from head to toe, with Ace's pants in shreds and Spike's tuxedo jacket shredded as well (Even a bite mark on the left shoulder). Everyone stopped and froze as they stared at the duo in amazement. The girls looked on with wide eyes.
"... Ooooh, hayburgers..." Twilight gasped.
"DO [b]NOT[/b] GO IN THERE!" Ace shouted loudly, fanning the air. "Whewww!!"
He opened his jacket, slapped his fancy Hawaiian shirt's pocket and it squirted out some leftover water, which splashed upon the floor as he walked back toward the group. Spike shook and shivered from both the 'now' cold water all over him and the horror of what he'd been through in there, slowly following Ace out.
"Spike!" Twilight yelled concerned. "What in Equestria happened in the—"
But Spike slapped a hand to her mouth and shushed her down.
"Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-sh... not... another... word... for the rest of the night!"
And as he made his way out the front door with Ace, the girls looked at each other with confusion as they walked beside him trying to comfort him.
"So... many... teeth..." Spike stammered.
As everyone left the mansion, Camp stopped near the doorway.
"I'm very sorry, Mr. Ace," He apologized sincerely, yet still confused. "I'll have the plumbing checked immediately."
"Be sure that you do," Ace responded. "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed!"
Ace shook Camp's hand and noticed his ring. He held on for a better look. It's a very distinct, commemorative ring. Camp wanted his hand back, but Ace wouldn't let go. Melissa finally dragged Ace away.
"Stop it!" She yelled. "Y'know, I don't even want to know why your pants are missing! I don't care what happened! You could have cost me my job."
"... Yeah, we should get going," Twilight spoke. "Thank you for welcoming us, Mr. Camp."
As the group left, Camp looked on and just shook his head.
A little while later, the group had arrived back at Melissa home. While Ace was thinking, to suggest that Melissa was pissed was an understatement.
"I was wrong about Camp," Ace explained, on his own wavelength. "He's breaking the law, but he's not our guy."
"It's a sure thing!" Melissa argued, mocking Ace. "It's definitely him! Just get me in there! Let me work my magic!"
Ace took the stone out of his pocket and studied it intensely.
"What is that Ace?" Twilight asked curiously.
"This is the key," Ace responded. "Right here!"
"Hiring you was the biggest mistake I ever made!" Melissa groaned irritably.
"So small! So unnoticeable! Yet an invaluable piece... of our twisted little jigsaw puzzle!"
Melissa stared at Ace like he's gone crazy.
"So, you found a pebble in Snowflake's tank. Excuse me while I call CNN."
"I found it in the filter," Ace corrected. "And it's not a pebble. It is a rare, triangular cut, orange amber."
Ace handed Melissa the stone and quickly goes to one of her bookcases.
"Okay well that's great and all Ace, but what does it have to do with this investigation?" Rainbow asked.
"Tonight I saw the exact same stone in Camp's ring," Ace answered.
Ace found a book on the Dolphin team and flipped through it.
"I thought you said he didn't do it," Pinkie said, scratching her puffy hair in confusion.
"No, Camp's clean," Ace assured. "His ring wasn't missing a stone. But whoever was in that tank had a ring just like his."
"Wait a second," Melissa interrupted. "What ring?"
Ace handed her the book, now open, to a photo of...
"The 1982 Dolphin AFC Championship ring," Ace said.
Melissa held the stone up to the picture and sure enough, it's a perfect match.
"I find the ring with the missing stone, I find Snowflake."
"And if we're lucky, we could very well find Phantom Dragon as well," Twilight realized.
"Well that certainly does make sense," Rarity nodded. "But that still leaves one question: How exactly are we supposed to find out which ring is missing that stone?"
To which, Ace faced Rarity with a great, wide smirk.
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