01:00 - Little Prince


Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter One

"Tell me, Mom. How did you know you loved Dad?" I inquired, smiling widely as I sat in front of my mother, looking up at her. She chuckled and tucked her waist length blonde hair behind her ear. She was wearing a white dress, a white pin in her hair. She smelled of flowers and as she smiled down at me, it felt like sunshine, like she was the direct source of light.

"Well, little prince." She sighed softly, a hair brush in her hand. "The very moment I knew I had fallen in love with your father, it felt like a sudden wave had crushed over me. I was nervous but excited, overwhelmed yet it was exhilarating. It gelt like all the pieces of my heart that had been scattered throughout my life suddenly found their rightful place, forming a complete and perfect picture." I could tell she was grinning while she brushed my hair.

"Go on!"

Mother laughed. "Well, Elvis. I felt some deep sense of connection with him. It felt like we were two puzzle pieces that were meant to fit together all along. And from that moment, I knew that I had found the one, and my heart was filled with a sense of joy and contentment that I had never experienced before and it still does years later." She kissed my head and I turned to face her, grinning.

"You and Daddy, you both love each other, yes?"

"Oh very much, my little prince." she cackled. "We never stopped." Mother slowly shook her head.

"Do you think I'll have that?"

"Of course, sweetie." She turned me to face her, she patted the spot beside her and I sat on it.  "You see love is phenomenal and everyone deserves it." She smiled, her blue eyes fixated on me.

"You'll find love because you're deserving of that, everyone is and it would be so beautiful." We both heard and turned to the voice at the door. It was my Dad, I smiled once I saw him with his hands in his pockets.

"Morgan, you're home." Mother smiled.

"Well, I wondered where my wife was, I knew she had to be here."

I got up and ran over to him, hugging him. He pulled me up with a grunt. "Hello, my sweet child!"

"I am eight, father, I'm not a child."

Dad looked at mom. "He's not a child."

Mom chuckled softly and walked over to us. She kissed Dad on the lips and they stared at each other with eyes clouded in love.

"How was work today?"

"Boring, couldn't wait to come back to my family." He said and Mom beamed.

"Momma was telling me about how she knew she loved you!"

"Is that so?" His brows flew up as he grinned.  "Well you see your mother and I are a team, we always have been." Dad said as he walked over to my bed and placed me on it.

"How did you get assigned to be a team?" I questioned and they both laughed.

"You ask a lot of questions, my boy." Dad said, patting my head.

"Well, answer him." Mother said as she sat on the bed beside me, smiling at Dad.

Dad gave her a look. "Really now?"

"Mmhmm," she cackled.

"Well," he cleared his throat.

"Sing it!" I interjected. "I like when you and mom sing together."

"Oh," he blinked. "Well, dear, I can't just pull a song out of my ass."

"You sure?" Mom chuckled.

"Come onnnn." I whined.

"Okay, okay, only if you lay down." He said and I quickly did, pulling the blankets up.

"Already in."

Mom snickered.

"Okay, good." He smiled. "We'll do it all..."

I looked at Mom and grinned widely. "He's singing!"

"Everything, on our own..."

Mom looked at him, slowly smiling as he sang. I grinned widely as I watched my parents so in love.

"We don't need...anything  or anyone. If I lay here, If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

Dad couldn't stop looking at mom as he sang, a hand on hers. She squeezed and smiled back at him and then, she sang.

"I don't quite know- how to say...how I feel. Those three words are said too much...They are not enough."

Dad stood up and pulled mom up with him, she giggled still singing.

"If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?"

They both sang, dancing together. I sat up and watched him sing together and dance, both of them so in love.

I only could wish I had what they had.

It was Magical.

It was everything I could want.

It was—


"Elvis, get your lazy ass up. You're gonna be late for school!" My door opened and that bitch walked in fixing the gold wristwatch on her wrist. Her lips painted blood red and her blonde hair styled like she was a Marilyn Monroe mimic.

I sighed in annoyance and scowled at her as she stormed into my room. She was wearing a long blue dress that unfortunately looked stunning on her.  "Well, if you are up, then be productive with yourself instead of laying still like you're half dead."

I was on my phone when she walked in, grimacing at me.
"And whatever happened to knocking before walking into a person's room, Clarissa? I can understand your children being mannerless but come on, you are their mother, set an example." I said and went back to texting.

Clarissa sneered at me from the door. "Get your ass up, and get down. You forget your position in this family."

"Take a look in the mirror, Clarissa, try it and say those words again."

"Listen here boy, your father pays your fees and as long as I live. I won't let you let his money go to waste, so get your filthy ass up and get dressed." She said with a warning tone and cat walked out of my room.

I hated her.

Clarissa was the demon the devil had sent to my family to destroy me, to ruin my family. She was my father's wife, but not my mother. They have been married for a while now, and my once loving father seems to somewhat be under the spell of the dark haired witch.

My house that I loved so much, was no longer a home.

Forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Elvis Giroud, I am seventeen and the only child alive that has my father and mother's blood.

I have brown eyes and I'm six feet tall, curly shoulder length hair like my mom, except hers is way longer than mine. I'm mostly told by people that I look like a girl sometimes which used to make me feel weird but I don't care anymore, I mean I do but not really. I don't want them knowing that I'm really gay but my face gives it up, why am I just good looking? I couldn't be hot in a boyish way, it had to be in a girly way. Wow. As much as I loved to complain, whenever I looked in the mirror all I saw some of my mom's features, actually a lot of them and that would make me smile.

The thing is, there is nothing wrong with having feminine features, I never really cared about my looks. I used to get told a lot as a child that I looked like my mother and that I was a pretty boy. It felt good getting those compliments, not until I got older and it got weird hearing it from even men older than you. They would ask me questions that made me uncomfortable and then made me hate my looks.

"Are you a boy or a girl?"

"You bought your nose, didn't you?"

"Why do you look like a faggot?"

"You are pretty, would you let me fuck you?" 

That last one was from a man old enough to be my father. I have also had a man whip out his dick to jerk off in front of me on my way to school.

Now tell me, isn't beauty a curse?

My mom died when I was eleven , she died of intestinal cancer, she was my best friend and when she left, it did create a giant black hole in my heart cause I lost the most important person to me.

My dad got married three years after, he was persuaded by his family and stupid friends to remarry, saying i needed someone to take care of me and they were just completely wrong. I didn't need anyone, I was okay with my father. Dad decided to start dating again and then.....he met Clarissa.

The devil's incarnate.

The demon in bloody lipstick.

I knew she was trouble when she walked into those doors. When dad brought her home and introduced her to me with that happy smile of his. I could still remember that very day they came home.

The day my life changed.

♔ ♔

I was in my room playing a video game when dad called me, I was excited he was back and ran downstairs only to find him standing with a woman and all I could see around her was darkness. She looked so much like Ursula to me, so evil. I didn't like her one bit.

No, never mind. Ursula is a fucking Queen.

But there was something about her that bothered me the second I saw her. Her aura was opposite from the smiles she offered me.

"Elvis," Dad smiled once he called my name, I tore my my eyes away from her and looked at him. "This is Clarrisa."  He continued.

"Hi?" I somewhat had a strange feeling. Why was she smiling like that, and why did she look like she was a witch?

Why was he introducing me to her with that smile on his face.

"Hello, sweet Elvis. It is so nice to finally meet you, you're a beautiful boy. I've heard so much about you." She giggled.

I studied her face, her smile. A façade it was.

"And I've heard absolutely nothing about you." I gave her a straight face and her grin wasn't steady anymore, it was like it wanted to fall off.

Clarissa was kissing my ass right now and my guts was telling me this woman was up to no good. She had something up her sleeves, that wide grin on her face was too good to be true, too fake. And the way they held each other? My heart sank.

I decided to ask the question in my head.

"Dad, are...are you two dating?" I questioned, arching my brow, praying to get a no.

"Well, we were gonna tell you the news" Clarissa still had that grin on her face as she intertwined her hand with my father's.

"News?" I frowned. "What news!"

"Elvis, we're getting married." He said with a big smile while Clarissa giggled and showed the expensive diamond ring on her finger.

I went pale, I think I died for a second. I felt like I had been stabbed by the sword of a knight from Camelot.

It's not April fool's day so he wasn't joking about it or lying.

He looked really happy, I mean its been three years since he lost mom, he was a single parent and had no partner and I can't relate to that but through the shows I have watched, it might be lonely when one has no partner. I wouldn't have had a problem if he was dating, but announcing a marriage just like this?

He looked happy to have found the devil incarnate, like he had been dating her for a while but I had never met her.  Why her? Couldn't he tell she was fake like I could?

She was giggling like a child who had hiccups and I knew she was up to no good.

"Your father proposed to me, It was magical. He took me on a date and then he put the ring in my drink and when I saw it I looked at him and he had one knee down already." she beamed.

Oh. That is just so cliche.

I wouldn't lie, It hurt me that she didn't swallow the ring, that it didn't get stuck in her throat, that she didn't suffocate and die. 

My father might be charged but he would get out in a few months or so, so how come that did not happen?

"And then i popped the question and she said yes." He said with a slight chuckle, staring into her eyes as if wanting to kiss her but couldn't cause I was here, and thank God for that.

There was no emotion on my face and dad's laughter slowly stopped.

"Come on, bud." He said, nervously smiling.

"H-How long h-have you two been dating?" I inquired with a frown. "How come I never saw her until today?"

"I-I just thought....I mean, I didn't think it would be this serious and then I realized that I love her and I want to marry her. I have told her so much about you so I had to...you know...let her see you and also introduce you to her since it was pretty serious now and I realized that I loved her. And I thought, it was time to bring her to you." he said trying to smile, he looked so much in love. The love in his eyes were the same he had for my mom when he looked at her and it was upsetting.

"How long, dad." I asked again, he still hasn't answered me.

"We've been dating for four months, Elvis?"

Four months? WHAT?

Just four months? Too soon.

"You are marrying a woman you just met four months ago?"

"Well, not met, we just started dating four months ago, we ran into each other at an event and it just clicked for us." He grinned.

This man was mental.

"Oh."  I swallowed. "So, you met her and dated and proposed and then decided to tell me she is gonna be your wife? What do you then want me to say? Congratulations, stranger I have never met?"

Dad closed his eyes for a second.  "Elvis, I.."

"Dad, you don't just bring a woman over for the first time and tell your son she's your fiancé. I know I'm still young but I know that's not how it works! You love her? Four months? Marriage? Sir, be for real. I am to accept a woman I know nothing about as the new lady of this house? To take mother's place?"

"Elvis, I-I thought you would be happy for me?"

"Oh, yeah. Cause that makes so much sense, I should be happy about it. I see an Ursula looking being-"

"Excuse me?" Clarissa interrupted, picking offence.

I continued. "—and she's introduced to me as daddy's fiancé and I'm supposed to say 'oh dad she's so perfect?' Because if that's what you want to hear then you are delusional, you and her. You are educated and this is the stunt you pull?"

"ELVIS!" Dad scolded, angrily.

"You are not the one who is supposed to be angry here. I am. Not you. How do you expect me to accept someone who looks like a villain out of a Disney storybook to act the role of a mother in my life?!"

"That. Is. Enough." He emphasised angrily, pointing a finger at me. "I am engaged to Clarissa, I love her. I know I did wrong by not telling you and I am sorry. But I love her, and I will marry her."

I shook my head at him. "Its so funny how you kill mom's memories" i scoffed.

His face went pale, his mouth opened but he couldn't get any words out.

I tried my best not to cry in front of him, my heart arched. I felt hurt, really hurt and I wasn't gonna let them know by crying. I was stronger than that.

"She will be so disappointed that you replaced her with...her." I turned my gaze to her and with an irritated expression, I turned and walked up to my room.


That was one of the worst days of my life. I cried my eyes out and ignored my father for a couple days. He tried to convince me and make me like her but there was just something about her and dear God, I was right. It almost worked not with me tolerating her, until I realized she was just a mean, bad, gold digging, self-centered witch.

Like Ursula.

The only difference is that Ursula slays, Clarissa was the opposite. Although, I hate to admit, she was a beautiful woman. She looked like a Villain, yes, but she was also stunning and turned heads. I can't exactly say how many botox and plastic surgeries she's done before she met my father, but I can guarantee you, this was not her second face.

I looked at myself in the mirror, all ready to leave for school. My hair wasn't blonde anymore, I had dyed it black because yes I did look like my mother and it was starting to hurt looking in the mirror and seeing her. I wondered what my father thought whenever he saw me, did it hurt him too? So I changed it. It was better that way.

I walked down the stairs after I was done dressing up. I stared at myself in the mirror. I was a beautiful boy and I knew it, but a part of me hated it too. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked out to the dinning table.

"Hello, sweetheart." Giselle greeted with a smile, placing a jug of juice on the dinning table.

Giselle was our housekeeper, she had been with us for over twelve years. She was my mother after I lost my mother. I would trust her with my life. She had always taken care of me. She was black, and had always looked the same for as long as I remembered. I sometimes call her an immortal.

Giselle's husband died in a war about ten years ago. I remember my mother consoling her and hugging her on the kitchen floor after she had gotten the news. I did not understand what was happening then, but I can still remember her screams of pain.

"Good morning, Giselle. Good morning, Dad." I smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder before sitting next to him.

"Hey, kid. How was your night, boy?" Dad smiled at me. He was all dressed up in a suit, a paper in his hand.

"It was not so bad."

"Yo, Elvis. I hope you're not trying to have breakfast. We're late cause you were busy doing God knows what upstairs." Davian said as he walked out of the kitchen holding his car keys.

I scowled at him.

"He was probably masturbating." June sighed and tucked her red curly hair behind her ear, still on her phone.

I grimaced in disgust at the both of them.

"Language, kids." Dad said before drinking his coffee. "We're having breakfast, don't make me puke."

Clarissa chuckled. "Oh come on, Brendon. The kids talk like that these days." She said and took a sip of coffee from her cup.

"Its okay, Dad." I smiled at him. "At least I'm not the one labelled a man whore in the entire school because he sleeps with everything that wears a skirt."

Davian froze where he was, his mouth slightly open.

"Wait, what?" Dad's eyes widen.

Clarissa and her children's faces were the same, shocked. Davian began to fake laugh and they all joined him.

"N-Nice j-joke Elvis." Davian said, forcing a laugh.

"I was not...serving comedy." I pouted. "Just facts."

Davian and June are Clarissa's children from her first marriage, they are twins and redheads, and singe Clarissa had dark hair, they must have gotten it from their father. Just as their mother was beautiful and wicked, so were they.

Cruelty born out of the womb of the serpent, my step mother.  Nothing about them was genuine, they were nothing but rotten eyes from a rotten womb and now they lived with me and my father, taking our last names.

Davian was born three minutes before June was. I have heard Clarissa talk about how they almost tore her vagina as she didn't know she was having twins.

Dad looked like he was trying to understand what exactly was the joke I had told, but they swiftly covered up the entire thing by talking.

"Alright kids, off you go." Clarissa said.

"Bye, Dad." I patted his back and took an apple before heading out.

"Bye, Dad." The twins chorused and followed.

I also remember the first day Clarissa's children came into my home, that was two weeks before the wedding. I had never met them until that day.


"Can I go inside now? We've been standing outside for over five minutes like we are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ." I sighed, looking at him with a bored expression.

"Come on, she'll be here soon." Dad smiled. "And be nice to her and her kids, okay?"

"Of course, anything for you dad." I gave him a big fake smile, like one evil wasn't enough and now there are gonna be three. Just then I heard a car engine, my smile faded as I looked ahead and saw a white jaguar, the car was driven and parked almost in front of our house. The first thing I saw once the door opened was her red stiletto heels and then she climbed out, she was putting on a silk gown, red lipstick.

She's just too much.

She smelled nice though....her perfume must have been called "gold digger 2".

"Baby!" She called softly, smiling like an adopted dog as she made her way to my father. Dad was already walking to her, then they hugged and kissed.

Bury me now.

I looked away.

Then the back doors opened and two teenagers my age walked out.

They were both wearing black. Davian in black pants and a black shirt and June in a black skirt and black top. And then there was me, also wearing black. Fuck.

"Hey, guys." Dad chuckled and walked to them giving them a hug and right there, I saw their faces that had pretense all over it. It made me wonder....was this the first time this was happening for them?

"Hey, Elvis. Come over here," Dad said with a grin, signalling me to come over.  I had to obey, I put on a smile on my face and walked towards them.

"Elvis, this is Davian and June. Guys, this is my son that I have told you about, Elvis."

So, my father had met them, but never introduced their mother to me.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I forced a smile and put out a hand for a handshake.

They both smiled at the same time and the same way. June took my hand in hers and shook.

"Hi, nice to meet you." They replied in unison.

"Oh, Creepy." I fake smiled still.

The servants came out and began helping with their bags. Yeah, Servants.

Dad has his own company and it's successful, we were not poor, actually we were far from that. I lived in a mansion and I did not mention that before because I didn't dim it relevant, but yes, we did. Morgan. G. Brendon Giroud was a name a lot of people were familiar with. We had gardeners and maids and drivers and all of that, but they were more like family to me than their roles at my home and they would often call me Young Prince.

"Why don't you show them around the house, Elvis." Dad suggested.

"Uh, can I just say n-"

"No, you can't. Go." He insisted.

"Let's go then." I went ahead and the twins  followed.

I showed them the kitchen, the garden and every other place showable to them, and finally their rooms.

We were in June's room lastly. "Well, I guess that's all."

"This place is so allegedly perfect." June grinned.

I blinked severally with a frown.

I'm sorry, did i hear what i think i heard?

"June, allegedly isn't a word you use in any sentence." Davian sighed frustratedly, speaking for the first time after the whole twinny thing outside .

"But you used it twice yesterday." She frowned, confused.

"Not in this way, stupid. I used it with the right words." He sighs and put his hands in his pockets, rolling his eyes.

"But I just thought it-" She didn't finish up and sighed.

And then I understood.

"Oooh, I see. You're not the smart one, huh?" I said and shook my head slowly.

"Hmm," she shrugged and looked around her room. "You mean this is all ours now? Everything?" She gasped happily, looking excited.

I was gonna reply, but paused and my brows knitted once what she said registered in my head. There was a way she had said that.

"What did you say?"

"W-What s-she meant was um..this is great." Davian cleared his throat as he explained and chucked afterwards. "We're glad to be here and it seems really comfortable."

"Oh, Uh....Okay." I nodded, not totally convinced.

Let's both play the dumb part together.

"Well, excuse me" I said and walked out closing the door behind me.

Something is definitely fishy about this family.

♔ ♔ ♔

And I was right back then...

I walked out and headed towards Davian's car, waiting for them with folded arms. Davian walked straight to his red sports car with June, where I stood. He had a frown on his face, he unlocked his car and got in at the same time with his sister. I was about to get into the back seat when I realized the door wouldn't open.

Jerkface locked it.

"What'd you think you're tryna do?" Davian asked with small chuckle.

"Davian, I do not have time for this shit. Open the door because I am gonna be late and I would rather not be today."

"Does it look like we care if you're gonna be late? Find your way like you always do." He grinned. I looked at June who was typing away on her phone.

"Listen here, fuck face. I don't have time for your childish game so fucking let me in! I don't wanna be late today."


"DAVIAN!! Open this goddamn car! I have physics in seven minutes." I said trying to get it to open.

"Next time, you're gonna be mindful about what you say to dad." he smirked and started the engine, June put on her sunglasses and waved with a fake beam and then he drove off.

"He's my FATHER, JACKASS!!" I screamed angrily as he zoomed off.

Fuck! That cunt!

I know I should go back in and tell my father about this, about everything....but I couldn't. And you might judge me now or whatever, bur would understand why....Later.

This family? They were all sickos.

I sighed heavily, watching the car disappear from my sight. 

"Fucking arsehole."

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