Cinderella in Blue Eyes

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was beautiful and prosperous kingdom called Altea. It's peaceful, popular, and rich in romance and tradition. In the kingdom, there once lived a gentleman named Charles McClain from a fine family whose hard work made him very rich. He has dark brown hair, combed back neatly and dark blue eyes. His life was full of beauty and hard work, and he was blessed with a loyal, beautiful, and loving wife, Rosa McClain. She has long brown hair that goes down to her waist, soft tan cinnamon skin, and beautiful sapphire blue eyes that shine like the stars at night.

Rosa was loved by all for her kind heart, and she always enjoyed doing house works. Whenever she is outside, she would do garden work while singing her favorite song and playing music, and she was known to be the most beautiful women of all Altea.

Charles love Rosa with all his heart as if she were his most greatest treasure, but the most cherished part of his life was his attractive son, Lance McClain. Lance has chocolate brown hair, soft tan cinnamon skin, and beautiful blue eyes that sparkle like the stars at night, and got his appearance from his mother. Sweet and kind, Lance is as lovely inside as he was out. Lance always help his mother with the chores. He knows how to make his father smile, and always sing along with his mother whenever they are out in the garden. For years they are happy together and become a happy family.

Lance was always a happy and cheerful boy just like his mother, he had two best friends name Pidge and Hunk, they both live in the village and are kind-hearted and hard workers. Hunk lives at the village bakery with his family while Pidge works at the bookstore. He also made friends with four mice that he found in the woods and cure their injuries, and Lance name them Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule.

Platt is the largest member of the mouse family. He has yellow fur, with green fur on his ears, tail, and gut, a white patch over his right eye, and a sunny temperament.

Chulatt is the smallest mouse, he has pale blue fur, with medium blue fur on his ears and tail, his stomach is white, with a white oblong patch on his forehead, and he's perpetually timid and impish.

Plachu is the leanest mouse, he has sultry blue-green fur, with pink ears, and white fur on his stomach, has the longest tail and a pointy jaw, and he has red eyes and a hostile, cynical personality.

Chuchule is the final mouse, she has pale pink fur, with white fur on her stomach, she has almond-shaped red eyes, and has a childlike, frivolous temperament.

However, life wasn't always predictable and darkness passed across Lance's future. One day when Lance was twelve, Rosa became gravely ill, Charles hire some doctors to tend her with all their medical skills and knowledge, but they couldn't find the source of the illness nor make the right medicine. Charles grew depressed as he beloved wife is more sick, and Lance stood by him, trying to help him smile, but he was crying with grief for his mother.

A few weeks later, Rosa was growing weaker and weaker due to her illness, as she knew that she will passed on to the next world, so she called her family over before her time was over. As Charles and Lance sit beside Rosa's bed, crying that she is dying, Rosa look at her husband and son, and she gave them a weak smile as she speaks in a weak voice.

"My beloved Lance, mi precioso chico." Said Rosa weakly as she look at Lance." I know this is a very sad day, but I will always be around wherever you go. Never forget to have courage and be kind to all, even when they are wicked hearts."

"Yes mama." Said Lance as he hugs his mother gently as tears come out of his eyes." I promise."

"Charles, my beloved husband." Said Rosa as she look at her husband." You have always been the most generous husband I loved since we met and became one."

Charles choked on his tears, but let them fall out of his eyes, and he had never forgotten the day he met Rosa and fallen in love with her.

"I know that you don't want to replace me, but please promise me that you will never lose love and happiness in your heart, and take good care of our son." Said Rosa as she smiles and Charles hug Lance tight as he made a small nod to her promise.

"Thank you, my beloved husband and son." Said Rosa as Lance and Charles lean in, embrace her with a hug, and she wrapped her pale arms around her family." I love you both so much, and I will watch over you two at the heavens."

Then the very next day, Rosa have died from her illness, she was given a proper burial under the lotus tree where Charles have proposed to her. Lance placed a Juniberry flower on his mother's tombstone and prayed peace and her love to her, while Charles stood beside him and pray for his wife.

Months went by after Rosa's death, winter came and covered everything in a blanket of white snow. But even though Charles kept his promise to Rosa, and gave his son Lance the luxury, love, and comfort he needed, he still felt like Lance needed a mother's care. So he went away on a business trip and looked for a new chapter from his depression of his loss, while Lance stayed behind with his mice friends and other friends, while taking care of the house with all his heart.

Then one day, when springtime have came, Lance was getting dressed and washing his face, while Chuchule and Chulatt help brush Lance's hair, while Platt and Plachu help organize Lance's outfit, because today is the day his father coming home from his business trip.

Then after Lance have finished getting ready, he heard the horses coming meaning that his father is home. Them Lance went closer to his bedroom window to see his father, returning home at last from his trip. However, he was astounded when she saw what changed his life forever.

During his trip, Charles had found a second wife named Haggar. She was a woman of youthful beauty, wearing a black strapless multi-layer gothic gown, and black heels on. She was also a widow with two sons just as Lance's age.

The first son, who is the oldest is Lotor, he has white hair that's slick back over his shoulders with a single forelock hanging down over his face, and blue eyes with yellow sclera, he wears a black jacket accented with dark blue and dark orange, the collar stands high on his neck, sleeves are tucked into his black gloves accented with a dark blue, he wears a dark blue shirt, dark gray pants padded at his knees tuck into his black boots that reach his shins, and are accented with dark blue and dark orange.

The second son's name is Rolo, has white hair, dark brown eyes, he wears a gray jacket accented with white, the collar stands high on his neck, sleeves are tucked into his gray gloves accented with white, he wears a gray shirt and dark gray pants padded at his knees. His pants tuck into his black boots that reach his shins and are accented with dark blue and dark orange.

Lotor and Rolo are both attractive and handsome, but they have wicked hearts just like their mother. Lance also saw that Haggar also has a cat named Kova, who is very wicked, so Lance tells his mice friends to hide from him and they listen to him.

Then Lance came out and greeted his new stepmother and stepbrothers, and show his kindness to them. For a short time, they were happy together and are like a family together, till one day, Charles had to leave on another but long business trip, and Lance was upset about his father leaving again and so soon.

"Father, do you have to leave, you just came back home." Said Lance as he look upset.

"I'm sorry my son, it can't be helped, and this is a very important business trip." Said Charles as he look at his son." But tell me, what I can bring back for you?"

Lance was about to say what he want till his stepmother and stepbrothers have cut him off and tells Charles what they want.

"A beautiful dress, my dear husband." Said Haggar as she smiles at her new husband.

"New brooches and rings for me, to compliment my natural looks." Said Rolo as he smiles.

"And a beautiful magnificent strand gold chain pendant to adorn my amazing neck." Said Lotor as he smiles.

Lance got a bit worried at Haggar's greediness, and the brothers spoil attitude. He knows that his father is rich and has money, but his new stepfamily are asking for expensive gifts, but Lance realize that his father has a kind heart, and realizing that he's keeping his promise to his mother, and Lance smile at his father softly.

"And you, my dear son, what can I bring you?" Asked Charles as he look at Lance.

"I want nothing, father." Said Lance as he doesn't want his father to spend so much money." I only wish that you would return home safely."

"I shall, my dear son, until then, farewell!" Said Charles at Lance's thoughtfulness and he rode away in his carriage as the wife and sons waved goodbye and Lance looked down.

"I miss you already, father." Whisper Lance sadly.

"You said something?" Asked Haggar sternly at her face.

"Nothing stepmother." Said Lance as he look a bit afraid.

"Then stop standing there." Said Haggar as she looks at Lance sternly." And go do your chores now."

Without complaining or fighting back, Lance obeyed his stepmother's orders and goes back inside the house to start on his chores. As days went by, Charles didn't see or know what was happening to his son Lance while he is with his stepfamily. Haggar had reveal her true colors to Lance: cold and cruel. And bitterly jealous of Lance's charm and beauty, she was determined to show the interest of her two awkward and selfish sons.

When Charles have left for his business trip, Lance's cruel stepbrothers immediately took away his bedroom and all his fine clothes. He was forced to wear clothes of a servant boy and never to wear anything fine or fancy.

Lance wears a light blue worn-out shirt, dark blue ragged pants on, a white apron around his waist, brown sandals on, and had a white cloth wrap around his head. His stepbrothers made Lance do all the chores and cleaning every inch around the house, while they have all the fun and spend money for their own greediness. Haggar's cat, Kova, was also so cruel to Lance, that he will do anything to get Lance in trouble and Haggar will gave him more chores because of Kova.

Although he follow his stepmother's orders and do all the chores in the house, Lance's mice friends Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule always help him do some of the chores. And they even fool around with Kova and escape him so that he wouldn't get Lance in trouble, and making sure that Kova won't capture them.

Haggar would also force Lance to go out for their shopping and let him get nothing for himself, of course Lance's friends Hunk and Pidge got worried for Lance's lifestyle and offer him to stay with them and their family, but Lance kindly reject their offer because he couldn't leave his home, and he knows that his stepmother will be furious if he leaves.

After Lance finished his chores, he always tend the flower garden late at night because Lance didn't want his mother's garden to wither. After finishing his chores, Lance sleeps in the kitchen by the fireplace because it kept him warm, and his mice friends sleep with him to comfort him. Although the fire kept Lance warm, the ashes and cinders drifted across him, making her look dusty and dirty, and his stepbrothers would made fun of him.

Lance got sad and heartbroken that his stepbrothers tease him so much, but his mice friends always have their ways to cheer him up and clean up some of the ashes and cinders off of him. Even though he was now a bit dirty, he still have his beauty and grace from his mother.

Then one night, while everyone was asleep, someone knock on the door waking everyone up, so Lance goes to check who it was, while his stepfamily wonder who it was that woke them from their sleep. Lance open the door and saw that it was Pidge and her father outside looking upset.

"Pidge, Mr. Holt, what are you doing out late?" Asked Lance as he look worried and his stepfamily was behind him.

"Lance, we are very sorry to say this. . . But I'm afraid your father has passed away." Said Mr. Holt as he look sad and Lance's eyes were widen with shock and sadness.

"Your father had an accident when he was trying to come back home, he fell off of his carriage after it was crashed, and took ill from his injury." Said Pidge as she explains." But before he died, he told someone to give you this, even though you didn't ask for anything."

Then Pidge gives Lance his fathers silver diamond ring that was a gift from his late wife Rosa, and Lance held the ring close to his chest as he cried over the death of his father. But apparently the stepmother and the stepbrothers didn't show any sadness about Charles McClain death, in fact the truth is Haggar never married Charles for love, but for his money. Of course Haggar was worried about how will they live now that Charles is dead.

The next day, they held Charles funeral at the same tree besides Rosa's grave and Lance cry a bit as he place a Juniberry Flower on his grave as he pray for his father, and his stepmother called him to do the chores after the funeral. As time went by, Haggar took over the McClain chateau, while she and her two sons treated Lance as a servant in his own house, and made him do loads of work, they even selfishly wasted all of McClain family's wealth for their own selfishness.

But apparently because of their greediness, they have wasted all the money they had, so Haggar had to pawn almost all the house relics to make extra money for her and her sons, even pawn all of Lance's stuff. But Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule have luckily help Lance hid some of his treasures in a small box so his stepfamily won't take them away, and hid the box inside behind the brick wall by the fireplace.

In Lance's small box, he kept his family locket, with her parents' face picture, his mother's diamond and pear shape sapphire pendant, his fathers ring, and two songs that his mother wrote him when he was little.

Lance was sitting on the straw mat as he cried over his fathers death. First he lost his mother and now he lost his father, and he has to live with his cruel stepfamily as they made him do all the chores around the house.

He cries in sadness as he cover his face with his hands. The mice saw how Lance is so sad, so Chuchule and Chulatt both climb up Lance's shoulders and wipe his tears away, while Platt and Plachu comfort in Lance's chest to cheer him up, and Lance smile at them.

"Thank you my friends, I'm sorry that you had to see me like this, I guess I just miss my mother and father so much." Said Lance as he smiles and carry his mice friends in a hug.

Then as he place the mice gently on the floor, he remove three of the loose bricks next to the fire place and inside reveal the small box that holds Lance's treasures, as he got the small box out, he open the lid to reveal his most precious treasures. First he picked up his mother's necklace as he cherish it gently, then he picked up his fathers ring, and he hugs the two jewelry close to his chest as it were the only things left of his parents.

Then as he place the jewelry down, he picked up the two songs his mother wrote and sings them gently to the mice. Every night after he finished his chores and tend the garden, Lance would sing the songs to his mice friends whenever he wants to remember his mother, and the mice would always love hearing them.

Then after Lance puts away the songs away in the small box, he took out one last item and it was his family locket, he open it up to reveal two pictures, on the right is the picture of his father, and on the left is a picture of his mother holding Lance when he was a baby. As he look at the pictures, Lance felt tears in his eyes as they fall down his face.

"I miss you mama and papa." Said Lance as he look outside the window." I wish you didn't have to leave, but I promise to have courage and be kind."

Then after he put the locket back in his small box and close its lid, he place it back in its hiding place and puts the bricks back on the wall to hide his box. Then Lance goes to sleep, while his mice friends cuddle next to him for comfort and sleep as well.

As days went by, Lance kept on doing more of the chores that his stepfamily made him do, and he had to obey their every command, but his mice friends will always help him with the other chores he need to do, of course they need to hide from Haggar so she wouldn't see them, and make sure that Kova wouldn't catch them.

Meanwhile Lotor and Rolo are both outside playing some croquet, Lotor was the first to hit his ball, while Rolo was eating some cherries and watching his brother play his turn.

"Awe." Said Rolo sarcastically as he eats a cherry." It's too bad, Lance can't play with us."

"Well, somebody has to do all the chores around the house." Said Lotor as he and Rolo laughed.

Inside the chateau, Lance was washing all of the dishes, while he was watching his stepbrothers playing outside on a beautiful day, and he didn't notice his stepmother coming behind him.

"Lance!" Shouted Haggar as she startled Lance causing him to drop and break a plate.

"Ah!" Said Lance as he move back as he stepmother enter the kitchen.

"Look what you done!" Said Haggar as she glared at Lance.

"You. . . You frightened me stepmother." Said Lance as he kneels down to pick up the broken plate.

Then Kova jumps at the table and he uses his paws to push the other three plates that Lance have clean, Lance was shock that Kova would be so cruel, and Haggar smirk evilly.

"Oh dear Lance, look what you also done." Said Haggar as she smirks evilly and Kova jumps at her shoulders.

"But I didn't do it stepmother!" Said Lance as he cleans up the mess Kova made.

"When you finish cleaning up your mess." Said Haggar as she gave Lance more chores and pets Kova gently." I need you to scrub the floors, clean the curtains, the silver needs to be polished, and do the laundry."

"But I just finished polishing the silver." Said Lance as he look at Haggar.

"Well, do it again Lance." Said Haggar as she ordered him." I want to see them all shiny like glass mirrors so I can see my beautiful reflection."

Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule all got angry at how Haggar is treating Lance and how Kova got him into trouble, so they decided that it's time for Haggar, her sons, and Kova to be punished, so they went outside to where the stepbrothers are to start on their punishment. Meanwhile outside of the house, Lotor and Rolo are both arguing who cheated and whose turn it is.

"You cheated Rolo!" Said Lotor as he glared at Rolo.

"I did not Lotor!" Said Rolo as he glared at Lotor.

"Did too!" Shouted Lotor.

"Did not!" Shouted Rolo.

"Did too!" Shouted Lotor.

"Did not!" Shouted Rolo.

"You did, besides it's my turn anyway Rolo!" Said Lotor as he glare at Rolo.

"No, it's my turn!" Said Rolo as he glare at Lotor.

"Move it Rolo!" Said Lotor as he push Rolo away causing him to fall down, and went ahead with the game.

The mice were hiding behind the bushes, hearing the stepbrothers fighting and they agree with a plan of humiliation. As Lotor hit the ball with his paddle, Platt and Plachu both used a rock with Chulatt's tail, causing the rock to hit the ball hard, and lifted it into the air fast. The two brother watch in confusion as the flying ball is hitting the rocks, the tree, and the fountainhead, and it hit directly to Lotor and Rolo's heads causing them to be out cold and fall to the ground. The two stepbrothers fall caused Haggar to look out of the window and saw her sons down.

"Oh dear!" Said Haggar as she goes outside with Kova while Lance look outside." My sons, what happened to you two?!"

But right before Mei approached to her sons, Chuchule and Chulatt both start to crawl behind Haggar and enter her dress, running up and down her back, causing Haggar to scream and jump around as she tried to figure out what is behind her back.

Then Platt and Plachu throw a pebble to Kova, to get his attention, and Kova hisses and starts chasing them. As Haggar kept jumping up and down with the sensation of something in her dress, Platt and Plachu kept Kova to chase them into they running up to Haggar, and once Chuchule and Chulatt both got out of Haggar's dress, Kova jump forward to catch the two mice.

But Platt and Plachu both dodge in both separate ways, causing Kova to bump into Haggar and they both fall into the fountain causing them to get wet. Lance watched the whole accident between his stepmother, her cat, and stepbrothers, and he laughed at how funny it is. The four mice smile at each other as if they are proud to teach the family a lesson and they all run back into the house to join Lance.


Meanwhile at the royal palace, live was King Shiro, and his lovely wife Queen Allura. Before the became the king and queen of Altea, Allura was the princess while Shiro used to be a blacksmith in the town. Before then, Allura didn't want to marry any of the princes that her father, King Alfor, choose because they were greedy and only wanted to marry Allura for her beauty.

So King Alfor decided to held a ball for his daughter to see if Allura could meet her future husband, during the ball, she meets Shiro there and they fall in love at first sight. They danced all night and talk, and from that day, Allura have found her prince charming and a few days after that, they have gotten married and became the new rulers of Altea.

They both live in an amazing luxury life they could live, they have a beautiful garden, many ancient paintings and calligraphies, amazing instruments and a piano, the most finest clothes, and the greatest traditions and culture ever. But even though they live in a luxurious life and have many royal duties, they still love to spend time together like regular people and help their people.

Shiro had a younger brother name Keith, who is the most handsome and intelligent prince in Altea, he is known to be gay and every single young men and boy were attracted enough to his handsome looks and fall in love with him. Before he became a prince and lived in the town, Keith was known to be a lone wolf and never socialize with anyone, but he was really smart abc gain popularity. And now that he's a prince, his popularity has gotten more great and Keith is not liking it.

Keith had just come of age, nearly like twenty years old, so Shiro and Allura both arranged Keith to choose a husband from the rank and nobility in the land. Shiro have always worried for Keith being lonely all the time, so he wanted him to settled down and get married. But Keith was disgusted with the arranged meetings because all the man he acquitted before were into his looks and wealth, and not caring about anything else.

Right now, Keith is meeting another boy named James and they are inside a room having tea and communicating. Meanwhile Shiro and and Allura were standing outside of the hallways, trying to listen to what they are saying. Shiro really want his brother to fall in love and get married because he wants him to have a family.

King Shiro has black hair shaved into an undercut with short white bangs centered on his forehead, dark gray eyes, he wears a white armor over a black space suit, accented with black, a black cape that reaches his ankles and is kept clasped over his right shoulder.

Queen Allura has long and curly silver hair, has small sickle-shaped marks of pink situated on her cheekbones, bright blue eyes, has a gold circlet with a teal embellishment in the center on her forehead, purple earrings, she wears a blue and white dress, accented with gold, light blue, and pink, gold bracelets on each wrist, a blue cape lined with gold that snugly wraps around her shoulders and flows behind her back in a split, the collar of her cape is decorated with an Altean blue mark on each side, and white boots with gold ankles and soles underneath her dress.

"Allura, do you think that Keith likes him?" Asked Shiro as he peak through the door.

"Well, Shiro. . ." Said Allura as she looks at Shiro." If I could see, I could tell you then."

Then Allura pushes Shiro out of the way, causing him to fall to the ground, to get a better look at what's going on. Meanwhile, Keith was sitting a chair with Prince James, sitting on the floor beside him. He was trying to look charming to Keith and talking seductively to him.

Keith has a black mullet hair, purple eyes, he wears red shirt accented with hold, black pants on, and black boots that reach his shins and are accented with gold, red, and black.

"My father is the Duke of Arus, and we live in a luxurious lifestyle." Said James and Keith sight in annoyingly." My grandfather was even wealthier back then and he owned the land with great exception and luxury."

"Wealth isn't important to me." Said Keith as he felt like he couldn't take it anymore.

"Our collection of fine art is the most exceptional in the land." Said James as he looks down for a bit." Same as yours of course."

But when James turn to see Keith, he saw that he was already gone, Keith walked out of the room, leaving James alone, and he was about to head into the hallways. Allura and Shiro both saw Keith coming, so they closed the door and went further into the great hall so Keith wouldn't know they were trying to listen. As Keith open the doors, he walk passed Allura and Shiro without a glance.

"Well Keith?" Asked Shiro as he look at Keith.

"Is he the one for you?" Asked Allura as she look at Keith.

Keith was walking a bit and stop for a bit and he stop for a bit as he got so annoyed and he looks back at Shiro and Allura with an annoyed look.

"No he's not!" Said Keith as he glared at Shiro." I will not marry someone I don't love."

Keith turn his back as he got annoyed about this whole arrange marriage, and Shiro and Allura both got really worried that Keith just hasn't found someone special, and felt like there must be something that could do with this situation, and Allura come up with something that will solve their problem.

"I have an idea!" Said Allura as she smiles, getting Shiro and Keith's attention." We will hold a grand ball and invite all the eligible young man to the palace tomorrow night."

"Yes, it will be magnificent ball, a grand feast, Keith." Said Shiro as he smiles at Keith." Surely, you will be able find your prince then."

Keith looked at Shiro and Allura for a moment. He felt like maybe he wouldn't have to marry one of the princes that they both arranged him to meet and maybe he will find his special someone at the ball.

"I will agree, under one condition." Said Keith as he look at Shiro and Allura.

"Speak Keith." Said Shiro as he smiles.

"The choice is mine, and mine alone." Said Keith as he look at Shiro and Allura.

"Agree Keith, the invitations will go out immediately." Said Allura as she smiles.

"I will inform the staff and Coran right now." Said Shiro as he leaves the grand halls.


Meanwhile back at the McClain Chateau, Lance was scrubbing a big laundry pile of the stepfamily's clothes. Haggar have told him that she wants every piece of cloth to be completely spotless and make it good as new, and he scrubbed hard under soapy water. Meanwhile while Lance is doing his chores, Coran have arrive to the house and knocked the door to hold the invitation.

Lotor and Rolo are both laughing while they are playing some badminton. As they kept hitting the ball back and forth, Lotor hit the ball so high, Rolo ran moving back to get it, but he wasn't looking where he was going and he trip on a rock, and land on his face, and Lotor laughed hard at her brother's unpredictable clumsiness.

"It's here!" Said Haggar in excitement. "The invitation is here!"

The stepbrothers and Lance were all wondering on what Haggar was talking about and what invitation she was holding. Then as Haggar open up the envelope, she starts to read the invitation out loud.

"King Shiro and Queen Allura  requests the pleasure of your company at the grand ball to be held at the Royal Palace tomorrow night." Said Haggar as she smiles." In honor of his royal majesty, Prince Keith, and by royal command, every young eligible young man is to attend."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Said Rolo in excitement.

"We are requested to meet the handsome Prince Keith!" Said Lotor as he smiles." We need new suits!"

"And new accessories, I can't been seen by my old rags." Said Rolo as he look at his mother.

"May I go to the ball?" Asked Lance as he look at his stepmother.

"That is hardly possible, Lance." Said Haggar as she looks at Lance." I don't have enough money to purchase three new suits, and besides you are way to dirty to go to the ball."

Then Haggar left with Lotor and Rolo to go to town to buy some new clothes for the ball, as they pass Lance and walk to town. Lance whimpered in heartbroken from his stepmothers rejection, he was also upset on how she is wasting all of his fathers money for spoiling herself and her sons.

Then next day after breakfast, Haggar gave Lance a big numerous of house chores. Haggar to him to dust the attic, organize the bedrooms, scrub the floors, and do more laundry outside. Until the night of the ball have came, Lance kindly tried his utmost to help his stepbrothers get ready.

Early in the evening, Lance ironed their suits neatly. Later, he helped them dress up and knitted their suits to the perfect length, and polished their shoes. Lance lastly brushed their hair to the perfect hairstyle they asked for. As Lance finished his work, the stepbrothers were perfectly and cleanly ready, then Haggar came to the room and checked to see her son were ready.

"Everything ready?" Asked Haggar and her two sons nodded.

"May I please go stepmother?" Asked Lance as he beg his stepmother." I did everything you asked."

"Lance did help us get dressed mother." Said Lotor as Rolo nodded truthfully.

"Very well, but I've just emptied a bowl of lentils into the ashes." Said Haggar as she smiles." Pick them out of the fireplace before our coach arrives and you may go."

"Of course, thank you stepmother." Said Lance as quickly left and went into the kitchen.

As Lance have arrived at the kitchen, he saw a empty bowl and saw many lentils in the ashes of the kitchens fireplace, so kneel down and starts to pick them, and place them in the bowl. Then Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule have all came in the and help Lance get all the lentils.

"Thank you friends." Said Lance as he smiles.

Then after a few minutes later, Lance and the mice have gather all lentils and put them in the bowl, then as he place the bowl on the table, then Haggar came into the kitchen, and the four mice all hide so that Haggar wouldn't notice them.

"I don't suppose you finished have you?" Asked Haggar and got shock to see all the lentils.

"I did what you ask." Said Lance as he smiles.

"Hmm, so you have." Said Haggar as she looks at the bowl.

Then Haggar picks up one lentil and checks it careful, then Haggar saw something sparklingly, which is not a lentil, she smirks evilly and come up with something as she drop the lentil to the table.

"Except for that one!" Said Haggar as she points at the shiny object and Lance got shock and upset.

"But the rest are in the bowl!" Said Lance as he got upset.

"I said all, not all but one." Said Haggar as she smirks and Lance got upset.

"Our coach is here mother." Said Rolo as he called his mother.

So Haggar and her two sons left the house wordlessly. After they have left, Lance start to feel tears coming out of his eyes and then he starts ran outside. Lance ran outside in the backyard, and he stop as he lean on a stone bench. Lance choked on his cries and whimpering with hopelessness. The mice arrived and watch in sadness that Lance couldn't be able to go to the ball.

"It's just no use." Said Lance as he cried." Mother, I tried to have courage and be kind, but it's useless."

As Lance kept on crying, all of a sudden, sprinkling sparkles have started to appear around Lance, the mice somehow know the sparkles around them, but Lance didn't even notice, as he kept on crying and tears spill out from his eyes.

"I can't believe, not anymore." Said Lance as he cried."There is nothing left to believe anymore."

Then as the sparkles have joined together, there appeared a beautiful red-haired woman in a red cloak. She was sitting in the exact spot where Lance was crying, she had his head on her laps and was stroking his hair softly.

"Nothing, my dear?" Said the women as she stroke Lance's hair gently." Oh, you don't really mean that."

"Oh but I do. . ." Said Lance as he was about to speak till the m woman interrupt.

"Nonsense, my dear child, if you lost all your faith from despair, I wouldn't be here." Said the woman as she lifts Lance's head up gently." And here I am."

Then Lance gasped in surprise when he saw her. She was the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Then woman smiled at him and she helped Lance stand up.

"Come now and dry those tears, my dear." Said the women as she smiles." You can't go to the ball with that face."

"The ball?" Asked Lance as he look at himself." Oh but I'm not. . ."

"Of course you are my dear, I'm sure that you want to meet the handsome prince." Said the m woman Lance blushed." Trust me, my dear, a Fairy Godmother knows everything."

"Fairy godmother?" Said Lance as he was shock." I thought that fairy godmothers are only in dreams."

"Everyone has a Fairy Godmother and it is not a dream, as long as you have courage and be kind, I'll always be here for you, you may call me Florona." Said Florona as she smiles." Now, enough questions and find me a pumpkin, four mice, and lizards."

Lance got confused on why his fairy godmother ask him for these things, but didn't have time for more question, so he went to the garden first to find a pumpkin, so after he found one, he put it on the ground right in front of Florona and she smiles. Then Lance went to pick up the watering can where three lizards reside and sleep in. And he didn't need to find four mice since his mice friends are at where the pumpkin is.

"Here are the lizards." Said Lance as he look at his fairy godmother."I found a nice pumpkin, and my mice friends have offer to help."

"Perfect, my dear." Said Florona as she smiled." Now place them in a line and stand back please."

So Lance did what his Fairy Godmother told him, as he place the things in a line and he moved back. Lance watched her summoned a magic wand and waved it around as it sends its magic out. The enchantment transformed the pumpkin into a beautiful golden carriage, the four mice turn into four gorgeous horses, and the two lizards into footmen, the last lizard was turned into a coachman.

"Oh, it's beautiful." Said Lance is amazement.

"Not bad, if I do say so myself." Said Florona as she smiles and Lance look down at his clothes.

"But, how can I go to an amazing ball in these rags?" Asked Lance as he look upset.

"Oh do not worry my dear, I think I know the perfect outfit for you." Said Florona as she smiles.

Lance got excited as he couldn't wait to have a outfit for the ball. So, Florona did her magic and Lance's rag clothes turned into a white sleeveless shirt, light blue silky sleeveless tailcoat with gold accent, light blue silk pants with gold accents, had silky light blue finger loop gloves, he has a light blue choker with a sapphire blue gem hanging around his neck, has dangled sapphire gem earrings. His hair was also clean and around it is a gold circlet with blue gems around it.

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful." Said Lance as he twirls around in happiness.

"I haven't lost touch." Said Florona as she smiles and she caught something she missed." Oh, I believed I missed something."

Lance stopped spinning and noticed his Fairy Godmother was looking down. Then Lance look down and realize that his fairy godmother has found his old shoes.

"Oh well, you can't be seen in those!" Said Florona as she giggles.

Then Florona used more of her magic, and she changes Lance's old shoes into beautiful glass slippers with a raindrop in front of them

"Glass slippers. . . How unusual!" Said Lance as he smiled at them and twirled around some more." It's a wonderful dream come true."

"Yes my dear child, but there is something you must understand." Said Florona as she look serious at Lance." When the clock strikes at twelve, my magic will disappear and everything will return back to its original form."

"Before midnight, I won't forget." Said Lance as he went to her and hug her. "I won't forget, but this is more than I have ever hoped for."

"Bless your kind heart, my child. . . Goodness gracious, it's getting late!" Said Florona as she gasp and Lance went into the coach." Hurry, my dear child! The ball and your prince can't wait, have a good time and dance with your prince!"

Once Lance entered and sat in the coach, the coachman whipped the saddle and the horses hooved away, Lance waved goodbye to his Fairy Godmother as she waved back and Fairy Godmother vanished into sparkles, and the carriage rode off to the path of the Royal Palace as Lance feels like his dreams are coming true.


There was a line of carriages with eligible young men, wearing fine and fancy suits, along with eligible woman wearing beautiful gowns, from noble families in all around Altea. It was 10:15 nighttime and the palace was filled with a grand ball. There were many dancers dancing the waltz with the orchestra music filling the room with beautiful music.

Shiro and Allura were sitting on their throne chairs, watching the party and the guest, while Coran was standing by the royalties. Hunk and Pidge arrived at the ball with their families, as Hunk is wearing a fine yellow ballroom suit and he also invited his girlfriend Shay with him, as she's wearing a beautiful gray sparkling ballgown. Pidge is wearing a strapless floral ballgown as her hair tied up into a high ponytail.

"Wow, this is amazing." Said Hunk as he smiles.

"Yeah, everyone is here, even Lance's wicked stepfamily." Said Pidge as she glare slightly at where Lance's stepfamily is.

"I can't believe that Haggar won't let Lance come to the ball." Said Hunk as he frowned.

"Poor Lance, have you two even consider Lance to move in with you guys?" Asked Shay as she look at Hunk and Pidge.

"We have, but Lance says that he couldn't just abandon his home, and besides his stepmother will be furious." Said Hunk as he look worried.

"Well, let's just try to enjoy the party." Said Shay as she smiles.

"I must say, my dear Allura." Said Shiro as he smiles at his Queen." You have outdone yourself, everyone from the kingdom is here."

"Thank you my dear husband." Said Allura as she smiles smiled." If this doesn't get our dear Keith a husband, I don't know what will, we have the finest orchestra."

"The most important talented cooks." Said Shiro as he saw some guests eating delicious food and drinking beverages.

"And last, the most beautiful handsome young man in and out of the land." Said Allura as she smiles.

Meanwhile Haggar was watching Keith, who was wearing a royal red Guard of Honor suit, talking to the young and eligible man who want to dance with him, but apparently he had a dull expression on his face. Not one of the man have captured his attention or his heart and was getting really tired of it.

"There's the prince, we need to make sure that we look good enough." Said Lotor as he smirks." I'll make sure I look flirtatious enough for him to fall for my charms."

"Good idea, and maybe I might use my eyes to charm him, will both go at the same time." Said Rolo as he smiles.

"That's my boys, now go out there and sweep the prince off his feet." Said Haggar as she smiles at her two sons.

Then after Lotor and Rolo have both finished plotting, then as they both straighten their suits and they both went to prince Keith, then Lotor speaks first.

"Hello Prince Keith, I'm Lotor!" Said Lotor as he smirks flirtatious." Would you honor me with a dance, I would like to show you how graceful I am."

"And my name is Rolo, but if you want to have a great dance, you should dance with me!" Said Rolo as he smirk.

Keith just rolled his eyes as he look annoyed at Lotor and Rolo, that he decided to walk out of the ballroom to get some fresh air. Allura and Shiro were both observing Keith the whole time, hoping for him to choose a new husband, but they watched him leaving the ballroom and got worried.

"Oh dear, what do you supposed happen?" Asked Allura and Shiro got worried.


Keith walked down the stairs, outside of the castle, as he was wanting to have some time alone. He was really upset and annoyed because none of the man he met have interest him at all. Suddenly, he saw another carriage arrived and hope that this young man won't be like the others.

When the carriage stopped by the stairs, the footmen stepped down and opened the door, helping Lance come down from the carriage. Then, as Lance stood there looking up, he was glowing beautifully with so much grace and beauty. Keith's eyes widened at her beauty, and Lance just stood there as he smiles softly at Keith.

Keith couldn't believe what he just witness, he is so beautiful and so different from the other man. This boy he was staring did not react like the other boys he encountered at the ball, so he assumed that he is the one for him, the one who he has been waiting for. So Keith gave Lance a smile and he smiled back at him, then as Lance's carriage moved away, Keith walked down to Lance.

"Uh, hello. . . I never. . . I'm sorry. . . I. . . Well, I. . ." Said Keith as he stutter nervously as he tried to speak clearly." I've never seen anyone as. . . I mean, your face is like. . . You're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen."

"I'm flattered by your kind words, your majesty, thank you." Said Lance as he smiles and now politely.

"May I escort you inside, my lovely blue prince?" Asked Keith as he offer his arm.

"It would be my honor, your highness." Said Lance as he took Keith's arm gently, and they both walked into the palace.

Meanwhile at the ball, the clock on the wall showed it was now 10:30. The guests continue to dance and communicate, until everyone and the music stopped when they saw Prince Keith come back with a boy. Everyone mostly stared at Lance, wondering who he is and where did be come from, and they wanted to know about his and his family's name.

Shiro and Allura both gasped for not believing with their eyes that Keith has come back and with a boy. They were amazed that Keith really picked a boy and saw him smiling for the first time. Shiro smile that his brother has choose someone, but then he regained his memory with his plan and looks at Coran.

"Coran!" Said Shiro and Coran look at his king." The announcement, quickly!"

"Oh yes!" Said Coran as he cleared his throat and announced with a loud voice. "Ladies and gentleman, I announce you Prince Keith."

Everyone have applaud, as Keith waved at them and walked down the stairs, and Lance followed him calmly. Allura and Shiro look at Lance and they were impressed at how elegant and beautiful Lance is.

"What a charming boy Shiro." Said Allura as she smiles.

"Very charming indeed." Said Shiro as he smiles.

As Lance and Keith reached to the floor and walked through the crowd, Lance have spotted his stepfamily. He calmly ignored them since they have no idea who he is because of his fairy godmothers magic, Lance kept looking at other guests and caught a glimpse of his friends and smile softly. Lance and Keith passed the stepfamily who was staring at Lance's grace and beauty.

"What grace." Said Lotor in amazement.

"What elegance." Said Rolo in amazement.

"What nerve." Said Haggar in jealousy that a strange boy took Keith away from her sons." And who is he anyway?"

As Keith and Lance finally reached to the dance floor, they were ready to dance, so the orchestra played wonderful waltz music, then they danced so gracefully and perfectly, and they held a smile and their eyes were gazing connectedly. Later, more dancers gathered around, joining them.

"That is the amazing suit I've ever seen." Said Lotor while staring at the suits style.

"And those slippers, they are made of glass, and they are so crystal clear." Said Rolo as stared at the shininess and how Lance danced with excellent steps.

"The prince will soon tire of him my sons." Said Haggar as she cursed confidently." You'll see."

But apparently during the one-hour waltz, Keith did not tire of Lance. He only danced with him for the waltz, for he couldn't break his eyes away from him. But apparently, Lance was so in trance with Keith that he completely forgot about his fairy godmother's warning.

When the dance was finally done, everyone clapped for the music. Apparently Haggar grew uneasy during the whole waltz since Keith didn't dance with any of her sons, but when she the stage with the musicians, she developed an idea that might humiliate Lance. So, she went to Coran and whispered something to his ear. Afterwards, Coran went to the king and queen, telling them what Haggar told him.

Allura and Shiro got curious on why Haggar had an idea like that, of course Allura don't seem like this idea that Haggar have suggest, but apparently Shiro think's it's a good idea, so as Shiro stood up from his throne, along with Allura, Shiro clear his throat and starts to speak.

"Bravo! Bravo!" Said Shiro as he got everyone's attention and they moved away to clear his path as he and Allura walk down." Thank you, I have enjoyed the marvelous waltz, and now, I have a request I must see."

Keith got a bit confused with his big brother and wondered what he was doing, and Allura did not like the idea at all, but she went along with her husband, and then as Shiro stops at Keith and Lance, he looks at Lance.

"Excuse me, young man?" Asked Shiro as he look at Lance." Would you kindly sing us a song please?"

Haggar grinned with her successful evil grin on her face and expected to see failure from the boy. Of course, Keith glared at his brother that he will ask Lance to do something like that and was about to stop his nonsense, but Lance smile at Shiro.

"I would be delighted, your majesty." Said Lance as he smile and Keith was shocked that he would actually do it.

"Thank you, this way." Said Shiro as he smile at Lance's obedience and he took his hand to lead him to the stage.

"Allura, what is Shiro doing?" Whisper Keith as he look Allura.

"I know Keith, but it's not really Shiro's idea, that women over there have suggested the idea." Said Allura as she point to where Haggar is.

Keith glared at Haggar that she have suggested an idea like that, of she tried to humiliate his mysterious prince, then he will throw her out of the castle. As Shiro led Lance to the stage, Lance went to the musicians and tell them what type of music they should play, as they all nodded their heads at the kind boy, then as Lance stands in the middle of stage facing the audience. As he took a deep breath, Lance let the musicians know to play their instruments, then as a soft piano music began to play, Lance began to sing.

Puedes ser un haz de luz
Y andar por donde quieras
Puedes ser tú la señal
Ser la posibilidad
Si te atreves a volar
Yo en tus alas voy a estar
Porque creo en ti
Y en tu libertad
Por donde vas
Marcas el rumbo
Tú brillas al bailar
Tú eres amor en este mundo
Que es todo tuyo
Si te atreves a soñar
Cuando parezca alto el muro
Te puedo acompañar
Y no lo dudes ni un segundo
Que en ti los sueños
Se hacen realidad

When Lance sings his mother's Spanish song, everyone in the ballroom got so moved and amazed by Lance's singing voice that they were so in trance during the melody, they also felt like they heard this song before, as it gives out an aura that brings out happiness around the room. Shiro and Allura were so moved by Lance's singing voice, even Hunk and Pidge were in trance with Lance's singing voice.

But the one who was so amazed at Lance's voice is Keith, he have never heard such a beautiful voice before, he heard Allura sing all the time and she's amazing, but the way Lance is singing, it was like a beau angel have came down from heaven and to brightens the room with it's beautiful melody, and Lance continues to sing.

Puedes ser un haz de luz
Y andar por donde quieras
Puedes ser tú la señal
Ser la posibilidad
Y caer
Y llorar
Y volverse a levantar

Lance have sing a high note at the part of his song, and after he sings the high note, everyone have all started to applaud and cheer at how Lance did a great high note to the song, even Keith have clap for him, and Lance continued to sing.

Una y mil veces
Siempre vuelve a comenzar
Por donde vas
Marcas el rumbo
Tú brillas al bailar
Tú eres amor en este mundo
Que es todo tuyo
Si te atreves a soñar
Cuando parezca alto el muro
Te puedo acompañar
Y no lo dudes ni un segundo
Que en ti los sueños
Se hacen realidad

Lance have finished his song after ten minutes and the time was now 11:40. All the guests applauded with loud cheers, and Lance smile at them and bowed gracefully. Everyone have enjoyed Lance's singing, except for Haggar, she got furious that her plan fail so that she decided to investigate about the boy.

"Bravo!" Said Shiro as he smiles and went to Lance." That was the most amazing song I have ever heard."

"Thank you so much, your majesty." Said Lance thanked him for enjoying his song." Now, proceed with the ball and music!"

The musicians thank Lance for the wonderful singing and they resumed playing and the guests returned back to the waltz. As Lance and Shiro both got down from the stage, Shiro returned to his throne, and Allura went to Lance with a smile on her face.

"I really loved your song, it drifted me away." Said Allura as she smiles.

"Thank you, your highness." Said Lance as he smile and bowed to Allura.

Then as Allura goes to join her husband, Keith went to Lance and then he grab his hand gently and smile at Lance.

"Follow me." Said Keith and Lance blush as he followed him outside to the garden.

As Lance and Keith were walking to the garden, Haggar quietly started to follow them and was about to go outside to figure out who the boy is, when the big curtain closed in front her, Haggar saw that Coran was staring at her with a stern look, which made her anxious, and she ran back to join the party.

After Coran watched Haggar ran off, he smile at how he did a great job, then he stayed standing by the side of the curtains, guarding without letting anyone go outside. He wants Keith to have a joyful night with the boy he chose to dance with and get to know him.


Meanwhile, Lance was following Keith in the royal garden. He looked around, and he admire the beautiful flowers, felt the wind blowing so refreshing, heard water splashing ahead and looked finding a beautiful tiered fountain with a lovely couple hugging sculpture. The water was shining with clear light, and fireflies lightened up and swarmed around. The beautiful sight of the royal garden took her breath away.

"It's so beautiful." Said Lance as he smiles." And it's so peaceful here."

"I'm glad you like it here, I come here often to have some time for myself." Said Keith as he smiles, as he arrived to the bench, he helped Lance sit down and sat next to him.

"Thank you, but I don't just like it." Said Lance as he smiles at Keith." I love it, the garden is always my most peaceful space to think and let my thoughts out."

"I know how that feels, but I must admit about your singing." Said Keith as he looks at Lance.

"Oh, was there something you didn't like?" Asked Lance as he raise an eyebrow.

"What. . . Oh no. . . I didn't mean like that." Said Keith as he look at Lance." I mean that you have the most beautiful voice I have ever heard and your song was so amazing."

"Oh thank you, it was one of my mother's songs, she use it to sing it to me all the time, before she died." Said Lance as he had sad face for remembering her parents.

Then Keith noticed Lance's sad expression and realized that he l made him remember about her mother, and felt bad for bringing it up. So Keith camp up with something quickly to cheer Lance up. So Keith took Lance's hands, causing Lance to watch him, and Keith kissed them softly.

"I'm so sorry, I made you remember something that makes you sad." Said Keith and Lance blushed from the kiss and smiled softly at Keith.

"It's okay, it's just that whenever I miss my mother or father, I would always sing that song, which makes me feel like she's still with me." Said Lance as he smiles and Keith smile at how Lance smiles." Oh, I also have another song my mother use to sing as well, would you like to hear it?"

Keith smile at Lance and kindly accepted his offer, so Lance stood up in front of him and held her hands together, closing his eyes. In Lance's mind, he played remember the songs intro and breathed in, and starts to sing softly.

I see you
I see you
Walking through a dream
I see you
My light in darkness
Breathing hope of new life
Now I live through you
And you through me
I pray in my heart
That this dream never ends
I see me through your eyes
Living new life flying high
Your love shines the way
Into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love

As Lance sings his song, the moon began to shine brightly towards him, like a magical spotlight is just for him, and Keith blush in a deep shade of red at how beautiful Lance is, and Lance continues to sing.

You teach me how to see
All that's beautiful
My senses touch your world
I've never pictured
Now I give my hope to you
I surrender
I pray in my heart that
This world never ends
I see me through your eyes
Living new life flying high
Your love shines the way
Into paradise
So I offer my life
I offer my love for you
When my heart was never open
To the world that you have shown me
But my eyes could not envision
All the colours of love
And of life ever more
Ever more
I see me through your eyes

As Lance kept sing, the wind gently blow through as many flower petals blow through, along with fireflies around Lance during his song, like the stars are dancing around him, and the moons light shines more brightly, like Lance's mother is with him, and Lance continues to sing.

Flying high
Your love shines the way
Into paradise
So I offer my life as a sacrifice
And live through your love
And live through your life
I see you
I see you

After Lance finished singing his song, he still had his eyes closed, then he wanted to ask Keith about how his song was, but when he opened his eyes, Lance found Keith closer to his face, which shock him and wanted to know what he was doing, but Lance couldn't be able to speak. Keith had a gentle smile in his lips and soft eyes, as he was staring deeply in Lance's eyes, then he took his hands and kissed them again.

"That's was an amazing song, you really have the most beautiful voice I've ever heard." Said Keith as smiles at Lance.

"Thank you Keith." Said Lance as he smiles, and Keith smiled as he rested his forehead on Lance's.

"I have never been so happy 'til you came tonight." Said Keith as he got closer to Lance's face." I am so happy it is with you, and only you."

Lance gasped softly and as Keith leaned closer, both Lance and Keith closed their eyes, and they both share a passionate kiss. Keith embraced Lance tightly with his arms around Lance's waist, and Lance leaned up to press the kiss deeply, wrapping his arms around Keith's neck, wanting this kiss to last much longer.

But then suddenly, the clock have ticked on midnight, Lance woke up from the passion and he gasped as he move back and breaking the kiss. The sound of the clock instantly reminded him of his fairy godmother's warning and he have completely forgot, and Keith looked at Lance confusingly.

"Are you okay?" Asked Keith as he look at Lance.

"I'm so sorry. . . Forgive me, your highness I have a great, but I must go." Said Lance as he was about to run till Keith grabbed her arm

"Wait, why are you leaving?" Asked Keith as he look confused.

"Please!" Said Lance as he begged while pulling away." Please, let me go before it is too late!"

Then Lance got free from Keith's grasp and ran back to the palace. And Keith starts to get upset, because he didn't want the mysterious boy to leave, since he have started to fall in love with him and know that he's the one.

"Wait, come back, please come back!" Said Keith as he tried to follow Lance." I don't even know your name, and how would I find you, wait, please wait!"

Then Lance pushed the curtains open, and one side have hit Coran to the face, who was still standing on their post, making sure that no one will interrupt Keith a d Lance, and then he saw Lance running.

"Goodbye!" Said Lance as he wave at Coran and Coran wave back at him.

But Coran start to get shock and confused on why Lance is leaving, then he saw Keith came inside and ran after him. Lance went through the dancing crowd without a bump, but Keith had trouble going through because all the single young man grabbed him and dragged him around the floor. Then Coran saw that Keith needs help and went into the crowd to help him out.

Then when Lance was close to go outside of the castle, his beautiful ballroom suit gave returned into his dirty servant clothes. Lance was shock when he saw his outfit and finally ran down the stairs outside. Without noticing, there was a post guard who saw him as a peasant but, but he didn't call to stop him since he was leaving and made it down after the last stair step.

"Oh no!" Said Lance as he saw that the carriage, coachman and footmen, and the horses were back into their original form.

Without a coach, Lance will need to run back home. So, he grab his four mice friend, then he ran toward and entered into the maze. Keith have arrived outside of the castle, as he panting from escaping the group of single man, and he went to the post guard.

"Did you see a boy come running out?" Asked Keith as he look at the post guard.

"He ran into the maze, your majesty." Said the guard." But he looked more like a peasant boy."

Keith got shock thinking that the mysterious boy he fell in love with is a peasant boy, but he didn't stop to think, so he hurried down the stairs and went into the maze. Inside the maze, Lance stopped for a breath as he was running until he hears Keith calling for him.

"Hello!" Said Keith as he called out.

"Oh no!" Said Lance as he continued to run.

"Hello. . . Come back!" Said Keith as he called out to Lance and reversed to go to another way.

Keith and Lance were each in both sides between the same bush wall. As Lance was running through the maze, he tripped over something and fell, then as he recover from his fall, he got up and starts to run. Then Lance stopped when he felt the grass on his right feet and turned back to find his slipper. Lance went back to get it, till he heard Keith getting closer. Afraid to get caught, Lance left his glass slipper behind, and fled into the night.

Then Keith have arrived to the same path and went a few paces, and he stopped when he found the sparkling slipper on the ground. Then Keith picked it and looked around for Lance, but he was gone, and got really upset.

"How could I have lost her so soon?" Said Keith as he look at the slipper with a sad look.


Meanwhile back at the McClain Chateau, Lance have returned home after running out of the maze. His stepfamily have arrived back a few minutes later, and Lance pretended to sleep, then the stepfamily immediately went to bed to sleep for feeling tired, then Lance sat up, staring at the slipper he still have, and her guardians went joining her.

"I know the prince must love me." Said Lance as he look at the slipper." For I do love him, but how will he ever find me?"

The four mice got on Lance's shoulder and comfort him, and Lance smile at his mice friends as he hug the slipper close to him. Then as he place the slipper down, Lance carefully removed the three bricks and placed the slipper inside, and closed the wall. Then he lied down to rest and closed his eyes, as he went to sleep.

Meanwhile back at the castle, the ball have ended immediately after Keith came back with the slipper, so Shiro thanked all the guests for coming over and excused them to leave. They respectfully and kindly left emptying the ballroom, and the musicians also left. Shiro and Allura wanted to ask Keith what happened with the boy, but he just walked away without talking as he held the slipper close to him. So they decided to leave him alone with his thoughts and went to sleep.

But apparently Keith was in his room wide awake, as he stare out his window at the moon. He was thinking about the boy who he danced and the songs he sang. But the most important part he was wondering about was his name. He is fall in love with him so much, but he doesn't even know his name. Then Keith stared at the slipper by his bedside table and went to sit on his bed

Keith really wanted to know why his mysterious love left and if he would like to be his prince and husband. He had no idea how to find him and where he could be. Then as he lay his back down, he closed his eye and went to sleep.

But outside of Keith's window, the moon shine brightly white and Florona's face appeared on it, smiling down at Keith. Then she sent her magic down and twinkly sparkles floated circularly above him, while he was sleeping. Meanwhile at Lance's home, Lance was also sleeping as well as he thinks about Keith.

Outside of the kitchen window, the moon also shine brightly white and Florona's face appeared on it, smiling down at Lance. Then she sent her magic down and twinkly sparkles floated circularly above him, while he was sleeping.

Keith and Lance's Dream

Then as Keith open his eyes, he saw that he was in the beautiful garden and is in his outfit he wore for the ball. He was shock at first and didn't realize why he's at the garden. Then he felt a gentle wind breeze as he heard someone from behind him.

"My prince." Said a soft and gentle voice.

Then Keith turn to see Lance in his magical ballroom suit as he smiles at Keith gently. Keith was so shock and then he went to him and hug him, and Lance hugs him back.

"Oh my love, I'm so glad to see you again." Said Keith as he place his hands on Lance's face gently.

"I'm so happy to see you too, my prince." Said Lance as he smiles at Keith.

"Why do you have to leave my love, I want to marry you, I want you to be my husband." Said Keith as he look at Lance.

"I'm sorry my prince, I love you as well and I would really love to marry you, but I had to go due to my time I have lost." Said Lance as he cupped Keith's face gently with his hands." I couldn't be able to explain it, but I had to leave."

"I love you with all my heart, I want to find you but I don't know your name or where to find you, please tell me who you are." Said Keith as he look at Lance.

"I'm sorry my prince, but I don't have time right now, I must leave now again." Said Lance as he smiles.

When Lance have said that, Florona's Magic have started to fade away with Lance as starts to fade away like a ghost, Keith tried to grab Lance, but his hands went pass Lance and he look upset.

"No, please my love, tell me where you are." Said Keith as he look upset.

"My prince, you have my other slipper, you know how to find me." Said Lance as he smiles.

Then after Lance have said those final words, the magic have finished as Lance have fade away and Keith remember his final room as his whole world have went to black.

End of Keith and Lance's Dream

"WAIT!" Shouted Keith as he woke up and sat on his bed.

Apparently Keith's loud cry would apparently woke up the whole castle, as he tried to breath, he look at his bedside table and look at the glass slipper, then as he pick it up gently, he look at it and figure out how to find his mysterious prince. So as Keith got out of his bed, he ran and opened the door, revealing Allura and Shiro, who have heard Keith's scream and want to check to see if he's okay.

"Keith, are you okay?" Asked Shiro as he look worried.

"Shiro, Allura, I know how to find her and I need your help to do it." Said Keith as he look serious, both Shiro and Allura got curious, but they decided to help him.


The next day, Coran have called for a meeting outside of the palace, and all of the nobles have all gathered around to hear the announcement. Then Coran hold out the announcement paper and gave out the proclamation of Prince Keith.

"Hear ye, hear ye that it is hereby be known that the Royal Prince, Keith, requests all single young man regardless of rank or stature to try on this unique glass slipper. Them or whomever the slipper shall fit it will become the bride of the prince and be the prince of the land." Said Coran as he gives out the announcement.

All the single young man all grew in excitement to try on the slipper. They all wanted so much to marry the handsome Prince Keith, and they even desired to become the new prince. Keith had traveled over hills and valleys in search of his true love. With Coran and Shiro accompanying him.

Shiro stood by Keith, as Coran carried the slipper on a cushion pillow and held it carefully for each boy placing their foot into the slipper. All the single young man he had them to try on the glass slipper, but none of them was found to fit the slipper. Most of the young man had big and small feet, and alas no one was able to fit the slipper.


Keith grow weary of his fruitless quest as he turned up the road to where Lance lived. In every road he rode on, he was hoping that his true love was living in any of the houses close by the palace. Now he arrived to the next house, and he hope that this last home will be the one where his true love is.

Lance was sweeping the floor, due to his stepmother's orders and he heard a horse noise. He looked up and saw Keith coming to his house and he look back to where his stepmother is.

"He's here, Prince Keith is coming!" Said Lance as he informed his stepmother.

"Lance, close that door and come here this instant!" Said Haggar as she order Lance.

Then Lance closed the door and followed Haggar to the kitchen, where Rolo was shivering with his feet under ice cold water and Lotor's was sweating with his soaking in hot water.

"Oh god. . . My. . . My feet are very freezing!" Said Rolo as he shivered from the cold water.

"And my feet are boiling." Said Lotor as fanned his face with his hand.

"Oh stop complaining my sons!" Said Haggar as she look at her sons." This idea is to get them to fit into the slipper."

"But the ice water won't be able to get my feet to shrink enough." Said Rolo as he got his feet out of the cold water.

"And I don't think the hot water would make mine grow any bigger." Said Lotor as he got his feet out of the hot water.

"They better." Said Haggar as she looks at Lance." Lance, dispose these buckets."

So Lance went to pick up the buckets and about to get rid of the water, but before who could do it, he stopped and look at his stepmother.

"May I please try on the slipper?" Asked Lance and Rolo and Lotor heard him and laughed aloud with humor.

"Absolutely not!" Said Haggar as she glared at Lance." You are much too dirty to be seen, as soon as you dispose those buckets, go upstairs to the attic and wait until I call you down."

"But I. . ." Said Lance as he was about to speak.

"Do as I say now!" Shouted Haggar as she order Lance.

So Lance listened as he left running to dispose of the waters. Then a few seconds later, Coran have knocked the door and Haggar instantly opened the door as she greets them.

"Good afternoon, your highness." Said Haggar as she greets them." We have been expecting you, please do come in."

So Coran enters first as he holds the cushion with the glass slipper, and Keith enter with Shiro behind him, and Haggar close the door and takes them to the kitchen where Lotor and Rolo are waiting. Meanwhile up at the attic, Lance was sitting on the attic floor feeling impatient with her lovesick.

"If only I could try on the slipper, then Keith would know it was me at the ball and the one he loves." Said Lance as he look heartbroken.

Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, and Chuchule have all jump onto his shoulder and tried to comfort him, and Lance

"My dear Lance, I'm sure he won't be giving up any time." Said a gentle voice." No other boy would ever replace you in his heart."

Lance and his mice friends all got shock to hear that voice and as Lance turn his head, he saw his Fairy Godmother, Florona, standing beside him smiling softly.

"Florona!" Said Lance as he got up and hugs her, and Florona hug him back." Can you be able to use your magic to help me?"

"I'm sorry my dear, I'm afraid I can't be able to use magic to help you out of this." Said Florona as she looks at Lance.

"Isn't there something you can help me?" Asked Lance as he grew worried.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking." Said Florona as she tried to think.

"Oh, please hurry!" Said Lance as he look impatient." The prince won't be here forever."

"One thing you must know, my dear child, you mustn't rush your fairy godmother." Said Florona as she looks at Lance.

Meanwhile at the kitchen, Rolo was pushing her foot hard into the slipper, but apparently his feet was to big to fit in, even though he place his feet in the cold water, and Haggar stepped closer to her son.

"Push harder, my son!" Said Haggar as she look at Rolo.

"I'm trying mother!" Said Rolo as pushed his foot more, but it got stuck, and Coran believed that it was enough and tried to remove the slipper off of him but it was stuck.

"Be careful, before the slipper shatters!" Said Keith as he got anxiously." Then I shall never find my beloved!"

Coran panted for trying to remove the slipper off of Rolo's foot, so he pulled once and twice, and it popped out and Coran have fell back. Keith and Shiro both stepped close as they were worry about the glass slipper. Then Coran lifted up the slipper, and its in good condition, Keith have breathed with relief that it hasn't shatter.

"Sorry mother." Said Rolo as he look down sadly and Haggar glared at Rolo.

"Next!" Said Coran as he sat back while holding the slipper and Lotor step up.

"Oh, I just adore glass." Said Lotor as he placed his left foot in and it was small by an inch.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm afraid your foot can barely fit in the slipper." Said Coran as he takes the slipper and Lotor moved away.

"Perhaps,if he try it again?" Asked Haggar as she looks at Coran.

"Don't you have any other sons here?" Asked Coran as he look at Haggar.

"No, I don't. . ." Said Haggar as she was about to continue till Shiro interrupted.

"We were told that this household has 'three' sons here." Said Shiro in a serious time and Haggar turned pale as she must admit the truth.

"Well. . . Actually I do." Said Haggar as she admits it." But Lance is my only my stepson and I'm sure he isn't the one. . ."

Walking through a dream
I see you

"That voice and that song. . . It's him!" Said Keith as went to the fireplace and heard the song clearer.

My light in darkness
Breathing hope of new life

"Louder!" Said Florona as she flapped her hands up with encouragement and Lance raised his voice higher.

Now I live through you
And you through me

"I heard that voice in my dreams ever since we danced." Said Keith as he leaned closer." I'm sure it is him."

I pray in my heart
That this dream never ends

"With all due respect, sire. . ." Said Haggar as she tried to convince the prince." It's only Lance."

I see me through your eyes
Living new life flying high

"Bring him down here at once!" Said Keith as he order her.

Your love shines the way
Into paradise

"But, your highness. . ." Said Haggar as she was about to speak.

"AT ONCE!" Shouted Keith sternly.

So I offer my life as a sacrifice
I live through your love

Haggar and her two sons have all stepped back frighteningly from Keith's harsh tone and scary glare, so Haggar obey Keith's order and look at her two sons.

"Go fetch her!" Said Haggar as Rolo and Lotor quickly left to the attic to get Lance.

Then a few minutes later, Lance have arrived downstairs, and he saw Keith looking out the window hoping that he is right that Lance is the one.

"I pray that I am right." Whisper Keith with a hopeful look.

"You wish to see me, your highness." Said Lance as he bow.

Then Keith turn to see Lance Boeing to him, he saw his dirty clothes, but when lift up his face, Keith saw that his face is covered with a bit of ashes. But from the moment when he saw his sapphire blue eyes, it remind him of the beautiful boy who he danced with and fall in love with him at first sight. Then Keith went to Lance and smile at him.

"Would you please try on the slipper?" Asked Keith kindly.

"Yes, your highness!" Said Lance obediently.

So Keith takes Lance to where Coran is with the slipper and Lance sits down gently, while Florona was hiding with the mice and watch everything. Then as Lance sits in front of Coran and lifted his left foot, Coran place the slipper into Lance's foot, and it was a perfect fit.

"It fits perfectly, my lord." Said Coran as he smiles.

"I knew it." Said Keith as he smiles and Shiro got happy for Keith

"No, there must be a mistake!" Said Haggar as she look a bit angry." A mere coincidence, it can't be Lance."

Florona glared at Haggar for her frantic, but then she knew that the only way for Lance's proof was the other slipper. So she use her magic and fired at a perfect shot, and the bricks dropped out and broken. Everyone turned to the noise of the bricks, and Coran went to it. He spotted the other slipper, and it was a perfect match to the first.

"My prince, it's a matching pair of the slipper." Said Coran as Keith and Shiro were unexpectedly surprised to see the other pair.

"Oh, the other slipper." Said Lance as he smiles." I lost one of them on the night of the ball."

"We shall see." Said Coran as he kneel downs to Lance as he placed his other foot into the slipper and it was another perfect fit." It fits!"

"You really are the one!" Said Keith as he smiled to see the end of his quest." Lance, you shall be my husband."

Then Keith took Lance's hands and hugged her. Florona smile happily for Lance, as she gain a few tears and then vanished out of thin air with her magic, while the mice still hide and cheering for Lance, and Haggar slam her fists at the table in rage.

"No sire, he cannot be the one!" Shouted Haggar as she scared Rolo and Lotor." Why look at those clothes, that dirty face!"

"I did not fall in love with a fancy suit, nor can a few simple ashes conceal his beauty, it is Lance I love." Said Keith as he smile at Lance.

"And I love you, Keith." Said Lance as he smile at Keith.

Haggar have frowned as she have admitted defeat. A few days later, Keith and Lance were happily married. It was a grand and glorious ceremony, and Lance looked more beautiful than ever while Sasuke was happier than he ever dreamed it would be. Lance wore his father wedding suit, that he have hidden from his stepfamily and fix it up with his mother's wedding dress and made it more beautiful.

He wears a white short-sleeve collar shirt, light gray vest with brown button, a blue tie around his neck, light gray pants, and he wears the glass slippers that his fairy godmother let him keep. In addition, Lance wears his mother's necklace and fathers ring, and has a Juniberry Flower on his hair. Keith wears a white long-sleeve collar shirt, light gray vest with brown button, a red tie around his neck, light gray pants, and black dressed shoes.

During the wedding ceremony, Shiro and Allura are both finally happy that Keith have finally married the love of his life, as they are happy to finally meet Lance. Then when they heard that Haggar have sold all of his family's treasure and precious items, and force him to become a slave in his own house, they buy back all the items she have sold.

They gave Lance a new bedroom and give him some new fine clothes, since Haggar have sold all his clothes away. They even got Lance's house back for him, since apparently Haggar took it away from Lance, and they also punished Haggar for treating Lance so horribly and made her become a servant for the palace laundry.

Lance's friends Pidge and Hunk have attended his wedding as they are happy that their best friend is now free. Lance's stepbrothers had apologized for their rudeness and thoughtlessness, and Lance saw their goodness and forgave them with a kind heart. Rolo married a beautiful girl name Nyma, and Lotor married a beautiful girl name Romelle.

Lance and Keith lived in comfort and happiness for the rest of their lives. While Lance grew to be a beautiful young man, it was her good grace that was far more precious than her beauty and her forgiveness was a jewel beyond price.

"I'm happy that I married you Lance." Said Keith as he smiles.

"And I'm happy that my dreams have finally come true." Said Lance as he smile at his new husband.

And as the carriage drive Keith and Lance away for their honeymoon, Keith and Lance gave each other another full-of-love kiss. Outside the royal palace, Florona watched Lance as he is happy with his freedom and his marriage to the man he love. She blessed their marriage and was happy to see that her magic was no longer needed because true love was the most greatest magic of all.

The story of Lance taught children if their heart was filled with kindness and love, it was a gift to a fairy godmother and all fondest dreams can be made to come true. Without kindness, nothing can be done; with it, anything and everything is possible. And they all live happily ever after.

The End

Voltron: Legendary Defenders belongs to Dreamwork's in Netflix

The song "I See You" is from Leona Lewis

The song "Si Te Atreves A Soñar" is from the Spanish Netflix Series "Go Live Your Way

So this was my first Voltron: Legendary Defenders AU story, with Klance as Cinderella based on the "Cinderella 1994," my story somehow got deleted for some reason, but I was still able to save this, so I hope you enjoy reading this AU story again.


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