Pilot Part 2

"Chuck? Y/N? Chuck. Dude... Dude, you... you okay?"

"Morgan?" Chuck spoke first.

"Yeah, man, yeah, it's me."

Chuck looked down and noticed you passed out also and were almost completely on top of him.

"Y/N? Come on Y/NN wake up." Chuck said worried.

You then stirred and opened your eyes and saw Chuck looking concerned.


"Yeah. You okay?"

"I think so."

You then noticed how you were practically on top of him and blushed.

"Oh sorry Chuck."

Chuck smiled and started to get up while helping you up as well.

"It's okay. What happened?" he said looking over at Morgan now as Chuck kept an arm around you keeping you close.

"I was going to ask you the same question. You okay?"

" Did you spike the punch?"

" Something goes wrong, you blame me. After all these years, where's the trust?"

After a while you all got dressed and ready for work. Luckily your uniform was still in your car.

You all decided to car pool together since your jobs were so close together. Chuck and Morgan worked over at the Buy More while you worked over at Weinerlicious. You didn't exactly like your job but it helped pay the bills.

As you all started to walk over to Chuck's car you and Chuck started to hear some things.

Security's checking all vehicles. We got a sig alert on the I-605, San Gabriel River Freeway, Ut South Bound. A fender bender on the I-5, Santa Ana freeway, north bound, from 91 freeway to the I-...

"So this morning I'm playing xbox. And I'm like, dude, just let me get the sniper rifle, I'll take care of it, the guy won't give me the sniper rifle. I made him eat a frag grenade."

" Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan. As much as I would love to talk video games with you right now, I've got a really splitting headache ."

"Yeah same here." You added in. Chuck looked over at you concerned then turned back to Morgan.

"In fact, you know what? Can you do me a favor? Do you mind driving?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you... are you, look, are you being serious? You're going to let me drive?"

" It's a company car, Morgan. It's not that big a deal."

" It's not just a company car, okay? A hoopty's a hoopty, home boy. I mean, this baby's sitting on chrome. Or... plastic."

"Do me a favor and stay off the 5, okay? Because the cops are in phased deployment." You spoke up. Morgan looked at you a little weird and nodded his head.

"Okay. Thanks for the tip, ponch."

Work was brutal as usual. When your break finally came along you decided to go over to Buy More to see if Chuck was free and was able to talk. You were curious about he wanted to talk to you about last night before all that happened.

You walked in to find Chuck and Morgan chilling together.

Chuck looked up and saw you coming over. He smiled as you were walking over waving at him. Damn this girl is so cute he thought.

"Hey Chuck! Morgan!"

"Y/N! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Are you free right now?"

Chuck looked around. Not much was happening.

"Yeah! It's quiet. What's up?" Chuck said coming around his desk and standing next to you.

"Well I know you wanted to talk to me last night about something but then all that happened. And I'm on my break right now so I was wondering if you wanted to have that conversation now?"

Chuck all of a sudden became very very nervous.

"Oh! Well uh...Uh..."

"Or later? I mean it doesn't really matter. I just really want to know what you wanted to talk to me about."

"And I get that! And I want to! It's just uh..." Chuck began to do a nervous laugh.

Morgan then all of a sudden spoke up out of nowhere making you and Chuck look over at him.

"Stop the presses! Who is that? Vicki Vale."

A gorgeous blonde was making her way over to their desk.

"Looks like you're going to have a customer. Listen Chuck we can talk later today after work okay?"

Chuck looked down at you feeling bad.

"I'm sorry Y/N."

"Don't be sorry. It's fine! I'll talk to you later Chuck." You said giving him a side hug before leaving.

"Bye Y/NN."

Chuck watched you leave the store. He wished so much to able to have that converstation with you and finally tell you how he feels. Guess it was going to have to wait a little longer.

Chuck then turned his attention back to the other woman.

"I hope I'm not interrupting. "

"No. Not at all." Chuck said.

"Hi. I'm Morgan. This is, uh, this is Chuck"

"I didn't think people still named their kids Chuck, or Morgan, for that matter."

" My parents are sadists, and carnival freaks found him in a dumpster. But they raised me as one of their own." Morgan said.

"How can I help you... ? " Chuck started.

"Sarah." She introduced herself.


"I'm here about this. " Sarah said holding up her phone.

"Oh, yeah. The intelicel. Yeah. Absolutely. This model has a little screw that pops loose right in the back here. Just go ahead and give it a couple of quick turns and... good as new, no problem. "

"Wow! You geeks are good."

" Nerds. I would say nerds probably more... It's no big deal. You know, yeah. I mean, nerd herd."

A man then came running up to Chuck asking for his help with his video camera. He left Sarah at the table to help this man. After helping him Chuck returned to his desk.

"Chuck, dude, she left you her card."

"Yes. "

"Why wouldn't you call this girl?"

"I don't know Morgan. Maybe because I've been trying to ask someone else out."

"What? Who?"

Chuck gave him an "Are you serious" look.


"Yes Y/N. I'm finally trying to ask her out."

"Dude it's about time!"

"Yeah. Anyways I'm going to go pick her up and we are heading back to my place."

Morgan watched Chuck starting to head out the door and creepily sniffed Sarah's card before following him out.

Back at Chuck's house, the three of them were heading to the door when Chuck noticed that Morgan was still following them in when he knew what Chuck wanted to talk to you about.

"Why are you following me home? "

"Aw, come... hey. We're buddies. We're going to go do friend things, and... I need to use your computer because mine's still acting up on me. "

"Irene Demova."

"Ah! So beautiful and so... deadly."

" Yeah. But you do know Y/N and I here need to talk. Alone."

As soon as they walk into his house they noticed someone all in black along with a black mask hanging on to his computer.

"Please, not the computer. "

"Hai! " The intruder yelled.

Morgan started throwing things at the intruder but they would just end up hitting back towards them and it ended up hitting Chuck in the stomach and... well his very sensitive area. Then he grabbed a vase which ended up hitting Chuck across the head.

"Chuck! You okay?" you asked grabbing his arm.

"Come on, Chuck! Do something!" Morgan started screaming.

"Seriously Morgan!" you said looking back at him as you stood beside Chuck.

Chuck then proceeded towards the intruder as they threw the computer at him. He caught it but then the person ended up swiping him from under his feet making him fall to the ground. Then they kicked and pushed him making fly towards the wall and landing on the table.

"Oh my God Chuck!" You then turned to the intruder. "That's it!" You then tried to take a swing at the person but they just ended up shoving you down to the ground as well.

"Those are my friends!" Morgan yelled grabbing a golf club charging at the person. They just ended up grabbing it out of his hands , ready to hit him.

"Okay, look, they're not that good of friends."

The intruder ended up knocking Morgan and sent him flying as well, landing right on top of Chuck. Then Chuck's computer fell off a shelf, breaking it in the process.

The intruder ran out and Chuck looked horrified staring at his now broken computer.

"Didn't you hang that shelf?"

Meanwhile what they didn't know is that it was the blonde woman, Sarah, who was the intruder.

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