33// Together Atlast
A week later
"Alhamdulillah we've gotten to the end of all these. I know this wedding was eventful, but we thank God for giving us the ability to overcome our difficulties and here we are. I just pray that we all stay together and forever. And as for Raima and Mairo, they've been sent to where they belong. I'm sure this has taught y'all a lesson. Don't trust people that much that they get the ability to hurt you. Just take Mairo for an example, if someone told me that she did that, I wouldn't believe them because I thought I knew her and I thought that I could stand in front of everyone and defend her character but it was just my thoughts, we took her as a family member but look at what she did to us right under our noses".
"Raima...who could have thought that behind that beautiful, innocent and calm face, was a wicked human. I trusted that girl, gave her a place in my house, but what did she do? She tried to kill Nabila but God intervened"
"Oh Allah we thank you from saving us from the clutches of our enemies. It's indeed true that your murderer is with you" he sighed before looking around
"Does anyone have anything to say? Alhaji Muhammad?"
Daada cleared his throat a bit before he started "I really don't have anything to say but to thank God. HE is the most superior and HE did what's best for us. Alhamdulillah that my daughter and every other person is safe. May Allah keep protecting us with HIS protection" they chorused an ameen then a long silence followed.
Nabila was numb, she couldn't believe that all this drama happened in her life, just like a dream, or even a movie, or maybe a book. Everything felt so surreal. She couldn't believe it.
Ahmad on the other hand kept stealing glances at her. He couldn't get over the fact that she was back to him forever. He had faith in God and HE didn't let him down. He was so elated.
"Toh I guess since all that drama is over let's get back to the real deal right?" Daada said smiling broadly.
"Oh yes of course" Baba chuckled too. Anty radiya and Maami followed suit. Ahmad and Nabila were confused, which deal?
"So which date do you think is perfect or should we ask for their opinion?".
"I guess it's better if they select it themselves" Anty Radiya said and the elders agreed.
"Date?" Ahmad enquired politely
"Yes. Your wedding date, she do you want it to take place?"
Then it dawned on them, they weren't married. That drama spoilt everything.
"This Saturday"
"This Saturday" they said at the same time. Ahmad smirked at Nabila while she ducked her head down and blushed.
"See how eager they are. Okay then"
"Iyye, she how she's just smiling. Close that mouth joor" Nadiya teased making all of them in the room to laugh
"Stop. Don't disturb my baby" Ama said with a smile playing on her lips.
They kept on talking while the make up artist did some final touch ups on her face.
After a little while, they heard little kids shouting an daura and jumping round the house.
All Nabila could do was smile. Finally!
A message notification popped up on her phone's screen. It was from Ahmad.
Mrs Ahmad Waziri..that sounds great you know. I hope you're ready to be swept off your feet by me, if not, then be prepared. Wifey😉❤️
Oh my God! I'm now a Mrs. That title is finally on my name. Alhamdulillah but I still can't believe it.
"Madam stop smiling and share the joke with us" Afra bursted out laughing. Nabila invited her too because she's now like a friend to her.
"Just stop. And there's no joke to be laughing about" she feigned seriousness
"Oh dear, we can understand if you're shy but please reduce the length of that smile, don't you think it's too big?" Nadia teased her. She shook her head as they laughed.
"Now hold her waist and let her put her arms around then look into each others eyes" the photographer instructed. He has been giving us weird styles at least this is better than the earlier ones. We've snapped up to twenty five alone which is too much.
As I looked into Ahmad's eyes, I felt huge elephants dancing in my stomach almost losing control, but he held me tight.
For a moment, my breath hitched and my cheeks flushed. "Perfect" the photographer cheered.
"Now the brides parents". Ahmad didn't release me, instead, he looked deeper into my eyes intensely as though he is looking for something. I couldn't continue with the staring contest so I looked down but could still feel his intense gaze on me.
After enjoying the moment for a few minutes, I realized that our family members were there. I quickly moved back, untangling us in the process.
What just happened?! Now I can't look at anyone in the eye again.
We took more pictures with relatives till I got tired. My legs are starting to hurt. I sigh as I recall that there's one more event tonight at Ahmad's place. They should have cancelled it but they didn't.
I excused myself and went into the house to allow them take pictures with the groom. Well that wasn't my main reason, I just wanted to sit for a while before they convey me.
Ama and Amal walked by my sides shielding me from other people we met on our way in.
" Ama please get me some food and cold water. I'm really exhausted" She widened her eyes at me as if she saw an alien.
"What?" I roll my eyes about to remove my headtie but Amal stopped me.
"Kai innalillahi. What type of bride eats food on her wedding day. It's like you have temporary memory loss." Ama scolded " and you're about to ruin your make up. What's all these?"
"Ama listen, I'm extremely hungry, and who told you that I won't eat because I'm married, abeg before I lose my temper get me food. Ehen I even want Masa, I'm sure it's available. Hurry up" Ama just shook her head and left the room.
"This life I can't kill myself".
"It tastes great, from where?" I say taking a huge bite of my Masa.
"Afrah's cuisines of course. We ordered all the food, drinks, snacks and other required things from them".
"Wow. She's really talented Masha Allah. Besides where's she, I've been waiting for her" I sip a watermelon juice.
"I guess she left, immediately the photo shoot started" Amal spoke again.
"Ah ah, she didn't inform me. What's this?" I ate my last bite and washed it down with water.
I clean my hands with a tissue paper though they weren't stained, I ate with a spoon.
"Ama please pass me my phone. It's on the bed beside you" she passes it to me and I go to my contacts.
I dig for Afrah's number and called it when I found it. It rang twice then she picked.
"Afrahs where are you?" I enquire using a sad tone.
"I'm so sorry Nabila and emergency came up and I was needed urgently hence I didn't inform you, but I told Maami to tell you. Perhaps she forgot" she sounded apologetic so I let it slide.
"Okay it's fine. I hope the emergency has been sorted?"
"Yh almost. You just enjoy your day okay?"
"How can I enjoy it when the person who made it possible isn't here? Just make sure to come immediately you're done." I cut the call after making her promise that she'll come back.
I told them what happened and we go back downstairs because it's time for me to be taken to my home. MY HOUSE not my father's or anybody else's. It is such an overwhelming feeling.
I sit in Daada's parlour with Ama, Amal, and some of my friends and cousins. I don't even know most of them. I pout with a little frown.
"What's the matter?" Nana- my cousin- asked.
"You know all those brides that cry on their wedding days ba, what makes them cry. I've been waiting for that thing to come but it isn't coming. Like why do they cry,leaving home? I can still come home anytime I want. What else, huh?" Nadia glares at me playfully and I raise my hands in surrender with a chuckle.
"You won't understand" Maryam-another cousin whom I just got to know few days before the wedding, she's also married- sighed..
"What won't I understand?" She refused to reply, she only smiled.
"Tell me" I bugged her but she ignored. I huffed and rolled my eyes.
"Whatever it is, I'm not going to cry. I've gotta keep my tears for the future" I smirk.
"Anya yarinyar nan bata sha wani Abu ba(are you sure that this girl didn't take something?) She's been behaving weirdly" I hear one of they say but I choose to ignore. I don't really care, it's my time to shine and enjoy.
I smile brightly when I heard that it's time for me to go. Maami already had tears in her eyes, about to fall. That gesture alone made me tear up. I don't really know what happened but all of a sudden the tears came rushing. I hug her tightly wetting her shoulder while she pat my bag in a calm way.
I remember the promise I made to myself and immediately stop crying. I wiped my tears, ended up ruining the make up.
The make up artist made an annoyed face but redid the make up nevertheless. After all, it's her job.
Ahmad and I were later called by Daddy. He gave us wise words of advice and I hope that we follow them.
"Patience is the key to success, it's the key peacefulness, it's the key to everything" Daddy had repeated this thrice and I'm sure that it'll never leave my mind. To be patient, is bliss.
We are sitted in the car; Ama, Ummi, Amal and I. Mahmoud is the one driving. You must be wondering how Ummi and Amal are in the same place right? Well, I was the one who made them stay with me, none of them knew that the other would be here. Amal was by my left, while Ummi by my right and Ama sar at the front.
They were to take me to Waziri Mansion because that's where I'll change my outfit, have the last event, sleep over there then go to my house tomorrow morning. Weird tradition right?😂😂
I am really nervous. I am not used to this, my palms are really sweaty and my heart is beating rigidly. Heck! I wasn't thus nervous during my first surgery.
I'm sitting on a plush carpet, surrounded by Ahmad's grandmother, his father's elder sister, his mother's elder sister, two of his female siblings and Ummi. Anty Radiya isn't even here.
"Ummi bude mana fuskan mana, muga amaryarmu, ko ba haka ba( open the face for us let's see our bride, isn't it so?)" I guess this is his mother's elder sister, I've seen her once during the events.
"Okay Umma"
Yes, my face is covered with a veil but I can see them but they can't see me.
Ummi moved towards me and muttered some incoherent words to me, they are audible but I am not in my sense so I don't understand anything. The only thing I heard is "Perfume".
Immediately she lifted the veil up, a took in the nice scent of bakhour which I didn't perceive earlier. It was calm and welcoming.
One the women started the guda and the rest of them follow her.
"Masha Allah she's really beautiful"
"I hope her behaviours are as pretty as her"
"Yaya is very lucky to have her"
"Does she have a younger sister?" I almost laugh at this but my morals stopped me. Are they thinking of hooking up my non existent sister with one of their sons. Wow! I chuckle inwardly with my head ducked.
They brought out money and perfumes, started spraying it on me and the guda continued. They kept on spraying the perfumes on my body, space, head tie till it started choking me.
I want to tell them that I'm asthmatic but that'll only be possible if they keep mum for a second. I mentally roll my eyes using my hands to block my nose.
"Please stop. She has asthma" a blessed woman said. Though I don't know who she is.
"Ohh. The poor girl didn't even speak up. Take her in." They stopped spraying the perfume but money kept flying. Aren't they tired?
Ahmad's cousin's and Ummi danced as they escorted me to another room. It was decorated like a hotel suit. It had a parlor, a mini kitchen and a room inside.
"Beautiful" I mutter to myself.
"Ya Nabila stay here. We'll go and get food for you. That's the restroom, you can go in and have a bath. There are perfumes you have to use, our grandmother gifted them to you. Please use them and check, there are the one's you'll bath with. I'll be back soon" Ummi informed me when the other girls left "oh and please call me immediately you're ready to dress up". I nod in understanding then she left.
Dang! This place is lit. The bathroom is so exquisite. It's covered in black and white tiles, the lights are equally dim and bright at the same time. A black jacuzzi by the right end. A white towel rack and a three by four inched mirror.
It's so warm and safe rather masculine. I love every inch and corner of it. I had a warm, relaxing bath, scrubbing my body off all tiredness and baptising myself with the perfumes.
The perfumes really have great scents and are not heavy, just medium, perfect for me.
I walk out tying the robe I saw in there and sit I'm front of the dressing mirror.
I search for my phone and find it in the purse I was holding earlier..
"Hello.yes I'll be waiting.. Okay thanks" Ummi replied me at the other end saying that she'll soon be here with my dress and that she has kept food for me. I didn't even see it.
I walk to the parlor and saw two coolers. One is medium size while the other is smaller.. A bottle of 500ml table water and a bottle of coke kept beside a plate covered with a table napkin.
I smile satisfactory, even though I'm not hungry it was thoughtful of them to get food for me.
I slump unto the chair, sipping from the water, thinking about my life. I was about to call Ama when I hea a soft knock on the door. I keep the water and motion to the door.
"Ya Nabila, this is the person that'll do your makeup and dress you up. I'm so sorry I'm really busy, I could have stayed with you but I'll send someone over okay?" I smile and mouth an "it's okay. Never mind" to her. She only smiles and took off on her heels.
The make up artist who's name I later got to know is Laurah. She's really talented because she showed me some of her works and I love them.
"I just want it to be simple" I reply when she asked for my opinion.
"I'm sorry but Mrs Waziri already told me to make it bold, I just wanted to know how you want it" I sigh in frustration and tell her to do it the way she was told.
She drags me by by arms and makes me sit on the Ottoman in front of the bed. She took all the perfumes there and started massaging my body with it. I felt really good but I've got health issues so I informed her.
"Don't worry. These perfumes won't disturb you, they have a friendly scent" she responds
And she's right, I am still able to breath in air without obstruction.
Masha Allah.
This is the only thing I can utter right now. I'm looking at a beautiful specimen in my form. Honestly, make up changes peoples appearance.
I'm groomed into a long sleeved indigo gown. It's fits my curves well and has stones adorning it from every side and angle. The headtie was tied expertly and firmly on my head.
"Masha Allah Yaya. You look amazeballs" Ummi smils and another girl who's name is Zainab complimented too. She's Ahmad's mother's sister's daughter. His maternal cousin.
The both of them took me to his grandmother's room. My heart is beating fast, I don't even know why I'm this nervous.
I greeted her and her reply is hilarious.
"I'm good dear but please don't call me Ma, I'm Mommy to everyone. That Ma makes me feel old"
I nod in acceptance and we all laugh. She's not that bad as I thought.
She gets me up from my squatting position and holds my hands into hers. Another lady gives her a jewelry box then she releases my hands.
She opened it, lo and behold. It's a diamond necklace adorned with ruby. It's so beautiful.
"This is a gift from me to you. I got this made fifteen years ago and said that I'll give it to my grandson's wife. It would have been with Raima but since the Almighty wants it to be with you, here it is"
She passes the box to me but I can't accept it.
"It's too expensive Mommy"
"Nothing is too expensive for the daughter in law of the Waziri family" she puts it on for me. This explains why I had no jewelry on.
I thanked her continuously showing my gratitude but she brushed it off saying it's her tradition to give out gifts to mere outsiders, not to talk of family.
She showered prayers on me and I murmur 'Ameen ' constantly. She dressed me up into a royal blue and golden Alkyabba which looks extremely great. The designs are so unique and eye catching.
We leave her room and go to other elders, most of them welcomed me with open hands and gave me very expensive gifts. While some seemed not so happy and only prayed for me. I don't really care, I got the blessings I want anyways.
I was escorted to the backyard when it was time for the event. It's similar to Walima the only difference is that, they danced and other relatives starting from his grandmother to his youngest aunt, all come to advice me, give me more gifts and spray money on me. Okay! Now that's wastage.
By the time the event finished, it was ten thirty pm. Now all I want is an hour long hot shower and a good rest.
I can hear their chortling in the mini sitting room of the apartment. I just got to know that they built an apartment, in the house for me and they also took care of furniture and everything.
There's a hallway that connects us from the main house to the apartment. I don't even know how it looks because my head was ducked down when I came in.
It was Anty Radiya, her elder sister and some of my friends and cousins that brought me in. They took me to the room and left leaving the youngsters. We were sitting peacefully, gisting and laughing but the left me alone immediately they noticed that Ahmad and his friends have arrived.
They want to do the siyan baki stuff. I laugh at their childishness, well it's fun. It was after a while I noticed that they are gone.
I soft knock on the door brought me out f my trance. How am I supposed to act? What should I say? What should I do?
I'm so confused so I just cover my face with the veil and duck my head down. What's going to happen?
Author's POV😈
Ahmad says a Salam and listens carefully as Nabila replies calmly.
"You good?" He asks sensing the nervousness in her tone.
"Yes" she opened her face. Ahmad was taken aback by what he saw. A beautiful specimen, sitting calmy, without any disturbance. He silently said Alhamdulillah with a smile.
It took him a while before he cleared his voice coming back to reality.
"You should change here. I'll go to the other room. I'll be back I'm thirty minutes then we'll pray okay?"
"Okay" she smiles.
"You look gorgeous" he smirks. Nabila felt butterflies swimming in her stomach, she was feeling hot.
"Bye" he winks and walks out. Nabila collapses onto the bed with a wide grin feeling high.
After taking a bath, I didn't find any of my clothes so I wore his jersey top which reached my mid thighs.
"I'll tell him later" I thought.
I can't get her off my mind since we took the pictures. Everything about her is perfect, starting from her doe-like eyes, dainty nose, velvety eye lashes, slender eye brows, glossy skin, wasp-waist and shapely figure. It was imp-thin.
We're perfect. Just made for each other. I can't wait for them to finish their event.
"Bro what's going on?" Faisal teased. I ignored him and made a serious face. They've been teasing me about this.
"Let him be. I'm the only one that can relate to his condition now" Adnan winked making all of them laugh out loud.
I'm tired of telling them to stop so I go out to breathe in fresh air.
"Hey" I turn back and saw Affan.
"What are you doing out here? let's go and have fun" he said.
"Guy, I'll meet you in there. I need fresh air"
"Don't over think about her" I glare at him "it's just a harmful joke. Chillax" he laughs with great humor.
I'm out here with the boys, my friends to have fun before I get home and they're using the opportunity to disturb me..
I walked into the house with the boys beside me, with a salam. Ama, Amal and some of Nabila's friends I guess were sitted. They quickly block my way saying I have to pay before seeing Nabila. I signalled Affan to give them any amount they ask for, knowing how dramatic they can be.
What shocked me more was that Ummi was here. This girl is very funny, she didn't even glance at me.
My attention wasn't even with them so I don't know what they settled on. When they were done, I bid them bye and entered the room I guessed she's in, and viola, she's there.
I said a salam and she answered. I felt as if she's ill. I asked her what was wrong and she said she's fine.
She opened her face, Masha Allah. God really blessed me with a beautiful wife. I told her what to do because I already planned something for her.
"You look gorgeous" I said truthfully. She looks beyond gorgeous. I watched as her cheeks flushed. With a smile, I left to get a shower.
I silently follow as Ahmad recites the last verses of Suratul Baqarah with a very heart touching voice. Masha Allah.
When he was done, I folded the carpets and followed him out. I am really hungry, had I known I would have eaten the food Ummi brought.
"Beelah?" He calls out and I answer.
"I know that you're tired but you must be hungry too. Go and get dressed. I have a surprise for you" he winks and disappears into his room.
Wow! I love surprises. I squeal happily and skip to my room.
I'm dead. I do not have what to wear because my clothes are in my house while the rest are in my father's house.
I opened all the drawers but all I find are Ahmad's clothes. What's happening? Am I supposed to wear his clothes?
"Hey. Your clothes are in the other room, mine are here so we gotta switch" he yelled.
"Okay fine" I sigh.
They really confused me. There's a hijab but no clothes and now the hijab I wore earlier is no where to be found. I probably kept it in one of the drawers.
The door went open and I jump in horror. Ahmad stood in front of it with a smirk on his face. I quickly find my way to the door trying to go out but he held me tight, not giving me the chance to go out.
He placed a soft peck on my neck making all my insides shiver. My legs felt so weak. I can't even explain the situation I'm in.
I quickly run over to the room with a huge smile.
After a while of shuffling clothes, I settle on a red with black polka dots black knee-length button up, short sleeved shirt and a red leggings. I put on a red turban cap and wrapped a black veil on my head, draping it over my left shoulder.
I look at the shoe rack and settled on black wedges. I smile at myself through the mirror then something clicks my mind.
I dabbed some powder and lip gloss over my face. I also added Kohl to my eyes.
I spray a moderate amount of perfume before walking out. Pshh now where's he?
I sit on the sofa humming a song calmly. I look to my left and caught Ahmad staring at me. I stared back too, admiring him in my mind.
After what seemed like forever, we finally got into his car and zoomed off. It's eleven thirty now. I just hope the place isn't far.
"Stay here. I'll be right back." he goes out of the car leaving me. I even forgot to bring my phone with me so I just played with the ring on my finger.
"Come over here" Ahmad says bringing me out of the car. He held my hand into his and marched majestically to a table set up for two.
"Where's this?" I say because this definitely doesn't look like where I'll get food and that's my priority right now.
"Don't bother yourself" he finally replies after we both sit.
He served me pasta and sauce, believe me, the aroma is great.
"Wow. This is wonderful. Where did you get it?" I say after taking my first bite. He shakes his head and eats his food saying he won't tell me where he got it from.
I ignored it since it's not compulsory to know who prepared it.
"Alhamdulillah" I whisper washing down the pasta with a sip of chilled grape wine.
"I prepared it. You like?" He smirked.
"I love it but you didn't prepare it dai" he insisted that he cooked it so I had no choice but to agree, I know that he can do it.
"Hey" he gets up from his seat and moves to mine. I stood up and he entangled our hands. No words were said, only the rhythm of our heartbeats and voices of our eyes.
Ahmad slides his right hand over my body and places it on my cheek giving me butterflies again. I don't know how it all happened, but soon enough, his lips were on mine, blessing me with a feeling I've never felt before. My first kiss, and it's mind blowing.
Leaving the past behind, Ahmad and I are going to take a new leash of life, which will be full of happiness. Insha Allah.
The End!
OMG😭😭😭😭. I can't believe that I did this. Let me keep my melodramaticness to myself.
No more Ahmad and Nabila🙍 I can't explain how I feel.
And to my readers, I love all of you from the bottom of my heart. Please take care of yourselves. I love you all😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Till we meet again💘
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