32// Blame Game
"Nabila" Anty Radiya whispered when she saw Nabila walking towards them. She found a spot beside Maami on the rug and sat there.
"Anty ina wuni" she greeted in Hausa which means good afternoon.
"Lafiya lau(afternoon). I'm so sorry sorry you had to go through this. I'm really sorry"
"It's okay. It's all in the past now" she smiled and greeted the rest of the people present there.
She looked at Raima with disgust, shook her head and turned to Mairo. She wanted to speak but Ama held her hand indicating she should just keep quiet and she nodded with a smile.
"Let's see what's going to happen"
"Yes! I did this for my own benefit, Raima was just a pawn" Mairo spat rolling her eyes.
"You don't mean that you were using me" Raima couldn't believe her ears. That old village woman used her to get Ahmad, she fooled her! How stupid was she to believe her.
"Of course I did. I never wanted Ahmad to marry you. All I needed was for him to marry my daughter"
"Oh wow! After all the lies you told me, that you want him to get married to me blah blah blah" Raima yelled
"You're really a fool. I said all that to make you fall into my trap and you were so foolish to accept" Mairo stated with a gleeful expression.
"You think this is funny, huh?" Raima exclaimed. She was getting furious and if not for her hands were handcuffed she would have forgotten her home training and beat the hell out of Mairo.
"From what I'm seeing and hearing, Mairo planned it while Raima was used. Okay.." The policeman stated getting their attention.
"Noo not at all. We planned..we planned..this together.didn't we?" Mairo stammered looking at Raima with pleading eyes.
"When? Excuse me you were the one who gave me this idea"
"Did I force you to take it? Or did I push it into your brain?"
"Look don't irritate me. I'm already feeling despicable after what I've done" Raima looked down.
"Hey you can't deceive them. Come on, tell them who made the way clear for me to take Nabila out of this house"
"That was the only thing I did. You took her far away and even had the effrontery to hire some guards right, and when you heard the siren you ran away leaving her there. When she disappeared you wanted to put the blame on me right? Well it's over now, for you"
"No" the policeman smiled " for the both of you"
"What does that mean? I've already confessed my crime which wasn't huge at all,in fact she used me.. She was the one who made her suffer." Her eyes were already red.
"Okay then. I'll ask you three questions and you'll give me answers. They'll determine if you're guilty or not" Raima agreed immediately and waited patiently for the questions.
"Are you mentally stable?" She was puzzled. Of course she is but what kind of question is that? She replied positively and awaited the next one.
"When she gave you the offer to work with her, were you in your senses or drunk?" Raima looked at him again, she felt like insulting him but she wouldn't dare do that.
"Do I look like a drunkard?" She asked instead.
"You don't answer my question with another question" she swallowed hard and replied with a "no".
"Last one. Did you for once try to know if the victim, that is, Nabila was hurt?" She replied with "no" again.
"I was right. You were in complete control of your mind when you accepted her offer, meaning you aren't a mad person who can be manipulated. You helped her to kidnap Nabila and then you don't even care about the condition the poor girl is, which explains that you like what happened to her. You aren't remorseful you. This just confirms one more thing" He paused and looked at every single person there.
"Which is?" Raima raised a brow
"You're both under arrest" he gave her a witty smile and continued " Under the charges of kidnapping and attempt to murder. Other interrogations will be done at the station. Mr Ahmad you'll need to follow us to file a case against them."
Raima and Mairo were sitted in the police van guarded by three policemen as they pleaded with Ahmad and the others to forgive and listen to them.
"I'll he back. Let me go and do the necessary" Ahmad rushed out of the house following the police van.
"I was about leaving the house when she came to me with the offer. I swear to God I had no evil intentions, I just wanted to get Ahmad back. Please let me out of here." Raima confessed. She was in a dark room with a dim light surrounded by two policemen and a policewoman.
"You don't worry. Leaving here shouldn't be your problem as long as you don't have a hand in the kidnapping" Raima let out a sigh of relief immediately she heard that but the next statement made her choke.
"But since you knew about it and decided to keep quiet, you even helped, you're going to get your own punishment, probably same as your partner"
"But why?" She whispered
"I'm not supposed to be having this conversation with you. Take her to the cell,lock her and bring the other one. Make sure not to put them in the same cell to avoid more problems" He pinched the space between his eyes and let out a loud sigh.
They ignored her pleading and tears and dragged her out.
"What else do you want to hear? I've already accepted my crime" Mairo hissed.
"You're almost like a mother to me, so I wouldn't like to be harsh on you but if you're not careful, no one will be worse than me" she gulped hard and knew what to to better.
She told them everything from the beginning to the end, not leaving a detail out.
"What you did was very wrong. And I'll make sure that you get the punishment you deserve"
"Please help me out. I promise I won't do anything to hurt any of them. Please" she pleaded but he only glanced at her and left the place.
"Thank you so much officer" Ahmad shook hands with him.
"It's really a pleasure to work with you. I'll go and get the court summon tomorrow so we'll be able to get them the punishment they deserve. And it'll be easier for us because they have accepted their crimes and we have it both recorded and written. I'll inform you if there's any formality you need to complete. See you tomorrow"
"Okay then. Have a nice day" they shook hands and both left to opposite directions. Ahmad,out of the station to his car,while the policeman, to his cabin.
Hola señors et señoritas
The next chapter will be the last one. Who's feeling it?😪😪
Also, I'm thinking about writing an epilogue and also not writing it. It's your comments that'll decide, so tell if you want it and if you don't comment I'll take if as you don't want it.
Coughs. My fellow ghost readers I see you😪 and still love you because without you I won't get to 8k reads. Please hurry and share with your friends so we'll get to 10k reads before this book ends.
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Just to remind you again, I love you all so much❤❤❤
To those of you who read all of my rubbish above I love you too❤
Amina Hassan ❤
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