22// Your Choice

Hellooo. I'm soooooo super exited rnnnnn. My mom gave birth to a cute small bouncing baby boy. This chapter is dedicated to him. I decided to share my happiness with all o you. His picture will be uploaded later later because I need to go and have my bath (lol. I'm about to do it now, haha)
fauzahhh and mss_mama
Unedited. Just typed it......

Tension rised at the Waziri Mansion the next day. All of his aunties that knew Raima were shocked. Yes, Raima and Ahmad were about to get married.

"Ahmad we need to find a solution to this" Anty Radiya said. She was the most worked up. She didn't want any hindrance during Ahmad's wedding.

"Anty I'm seriously confused. What if Nabila gets to know? Everything will be messed up" he sighed massaging his temples

"Everything will be fine".
Just then, his phone rang. It was Nabila. He hesitated a bit before picking the phone up.

"H....hello" he stammered
"Good morning" she cheered "why is your voice sounding somehow today?"

"Uhm.....nothing. I'm perfectly fine" I chuckled a bit
"Really.........okay then..." She paused a bit as if she was talking to someone "umm......I'll call you back I'm a bit busy". She said

"Bye" she added and I responded then she hung up.

'What have I gotten myself into' I sighed.

' Yes!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
It's all about me. My wedding.
Dr Nabila Muhammad getting married. I'm so excited'.

That was all what was going on in Nabila's mind. She was so happy that her wedding preparations has kick started.

Little did she know what was coming her way

"Sannu sannu.......eh tana ciki(welcome, welcome....... Yes she's inside)" she heard Maamita say.

It was Hannatu. The skin beautician. She's supposed take care or 'pamper' as Maamita said, Nabila's body till she finally gets married.

"Ina wuni" Nabila greeted her. Hannatu looks like she's in her late 20s. She responded with a smile then got to work.

"I'm serious. He's getting married. Why do you think so many people would come to this house?" She whispered to Raima's ears.

"B...but why?" Raima said feeling tears gathering up, but she didn't allow them to fall. Instead, she ran out of the room to meet Ahmad obviously.

This action made Mairo smirk. Mairo is Ahmad's grandmother's house help. She had been with her for over 25 years. They took her as their family member but little did they know that she was planning something against them. She wants to destroy Ahmad's wedding with Nabila, just like she did on his wedding day to Raima. She wants to preserve him for her 17 year old daughter, Furaira whom obviously doesn't like Ahmad but due to Mairo's greed, she has no option but to do as her mother says.

"Finally, I'm close to accomplishing my mission" she laughed evilly making her daughter groan frustratingly as she said
"Mama haba. Kibarsu suyi rayuwarsu cikin farin ciki. Wannan wane irin bakin ciki ne haka? A che kin hana mutum samun abin da ya keso, ni kin hana ni, shi ma kin sa mai ido? Gaskiya zan fadi miki, wallahi akwai Allah. Duk abin da kikeyi Allah na ganin ki. Nabarki lafiya ( Mama why. Allow them to live their lives in happiness. Which kind of envy is this? You deprived him of what he wants and you also do same to me, you cast your evil eye on him. I'll tell you the truth, there is God. He sees everything that you do. I leave you in peace)" she said and walked out.

"Toh shegiya. Wadda batasan me zai anfaneta a doran kasa ba. Gatanan dai sai kace mai hankali wadda tasan ciwon kanta amma kash...Allah ya nuna mun ranar da zaki gane abin da nake tara miki.........daga ke har 'ya'yan ki( sorry I can't translate it. Some one should help please). She hissed as she continued devising some more evil plans in her mind.

"Ahmad no. You have to answer me. What have I done to deserve such from you? I thought you said you'll wait for me, till the end of your life. I was wrong. I was so stupid to believe you. Tell me why? Answer me!!" She yelled as Ahmad massaged his forehead. She chuckled a bit before before looking at him. She stared at him for about a minute waiting for an answer.

When she got none, sh broke down into tears, she loved him with all her heart but he decided to break it. She trusted him and he failed her.

While she was busy crying, all that was on Ahmad's mind was that how she got to know.

"I curse the day we......." She started but was cut off by Ahmad
"No please. Don't say so. I really don't know how to start explaining but you should know that I love you just like the way I did before and......"

"Oh really. Well if you think I'd believe this crap you took time to make up, then your answer is no. A very big one" she said and marched towards him "and I'm done with you because I'm leaving this house, as well as your life because you'd obviously need sometime to spend with your FIANCÉE" she said stressing her last word.

He kept calling out to her but she didn't listen to what he was saying. Deep down, she still had feelings for him but she wasn't that weak to live on his support. Since he had shown her that he doesn't want her then so shall it be.

As she walked out, she caught the attention of Mairo. Mairo excused herself from the people she was talking to and walked to a frustrated Raima that was marching to the room she was staying in.

"My child what happened?" Mairo said with a fake concerned face as she locked the door to avoid interruptions.

"Ms. Mairo can you believe" sniff "that" sniff "when I went to him " cough "he didn't answer me instead he made up rubbish and he expected me to believe it". She kept coughing as Mairo passed her a glass of water.

She gulped it down and murmured a 'thank you' to Mairo.

"So what have you decided?" Mairo said as they both sat down on the bed.

"I've decided to leave the house" Raima smiled" today, itself " she added with glossy eyes.

Mairo didn't like this idea. If she leaves then Ahmad would definitely get married to Nabila peacefully and this isn't what she wants. It would spoil her plan.

"No you can't" Mairo said in an authorized manner
"What?" Raima said looking at her in a bewildered manner
"I mean.........uhmm.......you can't let him get away with it. Don't make him feel like you are worthless and he can use you anyhow he wants and at anytime he wants". She blabbed
"What should I do now? I'm clueless." Raima sighed

"I know" Mairo smirked. She then explained her plan to Raima as Raima listened like a discipline listening to her master. At some point, she would add something and Mairo would either condemn the idea or bring and idea better than Raima's.

"That's it for now. If I think there's another thing I could add then I'd inform you. Just make use of my advice" Mairo smiled warmly at her as if she was her well wisher.

"Thank you so much Ms. Mairo" Raima hugged her with a big smile showing that she was contented with what Mairo told her.

Little did she know what she was planning against her...........


Hello everyone.
I know all of you must be vexed about me not updating but what do I do
I've exhausted all of my points and school is not being easy at all. Islamiyya and all. May Allah help all of us, Ameen.

So please make me feel appreciated by voting on this chapter and other chapters that you haven't voted on. When you don't vote it makes me feel like I'm just writing rubbish and you guys don't like it. I even thought of taking this book down but some lovelies encouraged me not to. Just imagine how it feels, you see a hundred and something reads but only twenty something votes and four comments. Haba. I'm really sad and down hearted
It really breaks my heart. Your votes and comments really encourage me to spice things up.

So as long as I don't see 70 comments and 100 votes, I won't update.

Remember the target :
100 votes
Otherwise no UPDATE......


Love yll

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