20// I Love You
This chapter is going to be written in the author's POV
Around one o'clock, Ahmad arrived at Nabila's residence. He was welcomed grandly by Nabila and her siblings alongside Amal but he hadn't yet met maamita.
"Sis, why is he dressing like this" mahmud whisphered to Nabila
"I also don't know. Just enjoy the show" she laughed.
Soon enough, maamita came downstairs welcoming Ahmad.
"How are you?" She enquired giving Nabila a weird look while Nabila just shrugged feigning ignorance
"I'm well MashaAllahhhhhh" this made Nabila laugh a lot but when Maamita glared at her she maintained a straight face.
"My son sit mana" Maamita offered then he shook his head no.
"You seat first" he looked down
"Okay" maamita said but was still giving him a quizicall look
"Let me get you some refreshments" maamita stood up and he followed suit. This time Nabila tried hard to stop herself from laughing.
"Why are you standing? I said that I'm about to get you refreshments so why do you stand"maamita said in disbelief
With his head low, he sat down and maamita motioned for Nabila to follow her which she did with an evil smile. Ahmad looked at her and she gave him a thumbs up.
"What's wrong with him? Why is he behaving weird" maamita asked immediately they were in the kitchen
"Ammah I don't know fa. He's really behaving somehow today"Nabila replied.
"What about the dressing" maamita said
"Maamita he told me that he wanted to suprise you, I think this is the suprise" Nabila smiled "I know he looks good" she added waiting for maamita's expression
"He does but who wears such clothes in this century" maamita said as she passed a tray full of delicacies to Nabila.
"Ahmad eat" maamita said
"No you eat" maamita looked at Nabila then she nodded. Ahmad was thinking that he was on the safe side.
Maamita's was thinking that he might be nervous, Nabila was enjoying the show while Ahmad was doing as Nabila told him to do.
Later on he met Baba and Baba was really happy to see him. After sometime he bid them bye then he was about to do go out when Maamita said that Nabila has to escort him out. She didn't want to go at first but due to Maamita's stern looks, she changed her mind.
"Nabila I have a confession to make" Ahmad said as soon as they were out of the building.
"And what's that" Nabila said
"I can't tell you now but I would pick you up by 7pm". He said as he entered his car.
"Sure"Nabila smiled as he started the car
"Remember to dress beautifully" he winked then zoomed off.
Nabila was left there smiling like a fool. "What does he want to tell me?" She mused to herself then she remembered his last words before he left 'remember to dress beautifully'.
The words kept echoing in her ear as she smiled until she felt nudged by something on her shoulder
"What happened to you? You've been smiling like there would be no tomorrow" came Amal's voice
"I don't know. You won't understand" Nabila said then walked to her room.
Immediately she was in the privacy of her room, she called Ama
"Helppp. I'm at home" she yelled then cut the call.
Ama thought it was something really serious so she wasted no time in getting to Nabila's house.
"Ama" Nabila said as she hugged her. Ama asked her what happened and she told her everything that transpired between Ahmad and her.
"Beelah I also have a life to live ya know" Ama said as she slumped onto Nabila's coffee chair
"So you won't help me out" Nabila pouted
"No dear I would help you but for that we need to go shopping" Ama said
"Shopping? What am I going to do with all this clothes" Nabila exclaimed as she pointed at her not-so-huge closet.
"Baby from what you told me, I don't think any of this clothes will fit in" she paused to look at Nabila then she nodded for her to continue "I think we should go and get a nice dress outfit for the outing. And I have a perfect place for that" she smirked and Nabila got the idea
"My heart"
"Your boutique" They said simultaneously then Ama eyed her.
"I told you to stop calling my heart a boutique" she frowned then Nabila laughed.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" They chorused.
She wore an after dress(the one she wore when Ahmad came) over her lilac fitted gown.
I must say, Ama is really a fast driver because she was about giving Nabila a mini heart attack.
"Ama slow down"
"Watch out"
"I'm not entering a car that you'll drive henceforth"
"Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi raaji'un"
These were all you could hear from Nabila's mouth.
"Finally we're here" Ama sighed
"Alhamdulillah for bringing me here safely, unharmed" now it was Nabila's turn to sigh.
"I really don't care all I care about it getting you the right dress" ama said as she dragged Nabila into her 'heart'.
"Wow" Nabila said as she looked at the gigantic building. It has been long since she came here. It looked as magnificent as ever. Anyone that didn't buy a couple of outfits here is really missing out.
It had all type of clothes, shoes and even make up items. It was just so fantastic.
They walked pass alot of people but none recognised Ama except for some of the employees because she hid her identity. She hates bragging.
"Try this on" Ama passed a peach straight gown adorned with stones from head to toe making it shine. It looked so beautiful but that wasn't what Nabila wanted.
"No let's check another one"Nabila saod and Ama hung the former to it's rightfull place.
They kept trying some clothes but Nabila will decline it saying it's either too bold, too classy, too blunt and all.
"You can't say no to this" Ama said passing her a navy blue tail-gown. It was fitted from the top to the waist then it flowed freely down. It was adorned with peach and blue rose-shaped flowers round the waist. It had slight embroideries around the neck area and bottom of the sleeves. The sleeves were up to the elbow then a net-ty material down to the wrists. The neck was neither high nor low. The dress fitted her perfectly as she wore it.
"Wow. It looks like it was made just for me" Nabila exclaimed looking at herself in the mirror.
"I told ya"Ama said.
They left with the dress in a paper bag after a huge argument. The argument was about paying. Nabila insisted on paying while Ama declined. They stopped only when Ama made Nabila to promise her. She has to tell Ama every single that will happen the next day which Nabila agreed to.
This time Nabila drove them home and Ama said she'll sleep over besides her parents aren't around she was the only one in the house with her siblings.
"What about makeup"Ama said immediately they both landed on Nabila's bed. It was after 10.
"I don't think I need make up. I would go with my natural......."
"Karma ki fara(don't even start). How can you wear such an elegant dress and then say you won't do makeup? Don't spoil my mood ooo" Ama pouted
"Tau Hajiya anji. Sai abin da kinkace za'ayi (Okay Hajiya I've heard. What you say is going to be done)" Nabila smiled while Ama laughed
"Keh, yaushe kika iya Sakkwatanci( You, when did you learn Sokoto (peoples) Hausa" she continued laughing.
"If you don't stop laughing you'll attract others and you'll have to explain to them why you are laughing. And I don't see anything funny" Nabila said "now back to make up business"
"Ayyyy someone can't wait to see her Prince charming" Ama teased while she hissed.
"I think I'll do the make up myself"
"Hell no. I have someone important for this job. I'm sure she won't mind"
"And who's that?" I raised a brow
"Fauziya of course" she shrugged as if it's only one Fauziya in the whole of this world.
"You mean Fauziya Kabir Ahmad, the make up artist. The one that did make up for anty Kayl on her wedding koh?"
"Yes" Ama smiled while Nabila nodded.
"Yh but don't you think we're overdoing this. I mean it's just an outing maybe he wants me to see his other relative and ......" Nabila sighed
"InshaAllah it's what I'm thinking. It might be an outing for you guys to know eachother well since the date for the wedding has been fixed" Ama said placing her hands on Nabila's shoulders, facing her.
This little gesture made Nabila calm down and removed all negative thoughts. They called Fauziya and she agreed on coming by 6pm the next day. They asked her about the price bit she told them that they'll set it out the next day.
"Ama let's sleep it almost 12. I need to go to the hospital and come back before 5 to get ready"
They changed and went to sleep. Don't asked me about Ama. We all know how well she loves wearing Nabila's clothes.
Next day
Nabila woke up, took her bathe and even had breakfast. All this while Ama was sleeping. Immediately it was 5:35 Ama woke up and found Nabila praying already.
"Weldone" Ama told Nabila immediately they both finished praying
"Ama I'm going to the hospital now. Don't go anywhere I will be back soon." Nabila said to a suprised Ama
"Okay. Breakfast fa ?" Ama asked
"Done. Bye" Nabila said and ran out of the room. Ama shook her head in amazement as she layed back on the bed. She didn't sleep early as Nabila told her to.
She was on phone with the love of her life, Thariq. They both loved each other dearly but were afraid to tell their parents.
Nabila's POV
I was wearing on my coat when Ahmad's call came in. I smiled at the screen when I saw 'FROG💖' flashing on the screen.
Ahmad: Hey tigress. Good morning
Me: Morning frog
Ahmad: I hope you slept well?
Me: yh. I did. How's Anty Radiya and the rest
Ahmad: Oh you mean your mother-in-law and other in-laws
I blushed a little before I heard his voice
Ahmad: what happened? Are you blushing?
How the hell did he know??
Me: No I'm not. Why do you say so?
Ahmad: I felt it. Every single move you make, I feel it. It's like our hearts are connected, though we're not close
I kept silent for a while. I was shocked. I didn't expect this
Me: Ahmad I'm k-kind of b-busy. I-i will c-call y-you back
I don't stammer what's happening to me.
Ahmad: Alright wifey. Bye love
He said then hung up.
What! Wifey
When did all this start? He should not come and drive me crazy. I'm at work. I should concentrate.
"Concentrate" I yelled not realising I did until Asha came in.
"Hey dear. I hope you're okay" she said
"Yea I am' I nodded.
Thank God today there's no much work. I was passing by a the rooms when I saw one with the door opened. I saw some cleaners and I asked them what they're doing there.
"The patient here has just been discharged. So we're here to clean up"
"What's the name of the patient"
"It should be Raima but I can't remember her surname"
"Okay don't worry" I said then left them.
I walked to the door smiling and everyone was just looking at me. They think I'm mad but.........it's only me that knows the reason.
"You're late you know. This is 5:57 and it will soon be six. Fauziya has been here for the past 30minutes but you where no where to be found. What if Ahmad decide to come by 6?" Ama rambled. She's acting as if this is my wedding day.
I apologized and Fauziya got to work. By the time she was through I was flabbergasted. I couldn't believe it was me. Even though I strictly told her to make it light, I still looked so amazing.
" Bye. I've got another appointment" Fauziya said packing her stuff.
"Fauzi what about the payment" i said.
"Haba Beela saboda nayi miki small makeup shine se na karbe kudj?(Just because I did small make up for you I have to collect money?) Just keep it. I wish you luck" she hugged me.
I argued with her and at last week settled on 50k. At first she was saying 5k. Is she okay?After I had wasted her time besides her make is a high profile makeup.
By 6:56 I was ready and I was waiting for Ahmad. Soon enough his call came in and he told me he was outside. I grabbed my blue side purse, stuffed my inhaler, my Gestid tablets and my phone.
Ama sprayed some perfume on me before I went out of the room. I informed maamita and she just smiled and told me that I can go.
Immediately I went out, I saw Ahmad leaning on the door of his white Maserati with folded arms. He was wearing a blue suit, but I can't make out which brand because I don't really care to know. He was smiling at me and I couldn't help but lower my gaze.
I walked towards the car and he opened the door for me just like a gentleman man. I murmured a small 'thank you' before getting in.
After a silent drive of about 5 minutes he broke the silence.
"You look really beautiful just like a fairy" he said. I murmured a thank you again and I kept quiet. I don't know why I can't talk in front of him now. I feel like my tongue is tied.
"You didn't say anything since we left your home. You didn't ask me how I am, you didn't call me frog which is unlike you. Are you suddenly shy of me?" He said stopping the car.
Somebody helppp me! Im stuck in here with a guys that's making feel awkward. It's so awkward in here.
"No response?" Ahmad said "you're scaring me talk mana" he added with concern laid in his voice
"I-I'm o-okay"i stammered
"Okay just keep talking. It's not as if I'm going to kidnap you. If you don't want to go I'll take you back home.."
"Noo don't worry I'm fine" I smiled.
"Thank God" he smiled back, then put on Lady by Rema.
He was singing along and his voice was just better than Rema's. MashaAllah.
I didn't know when we arrived at the place. It didn't look familiar but it was surely in Maitama.
He didn't waste time in opening my door just like he did before and I thanked him.
He led us in and I was welcomed by a grand shining board which had Chef Peirre's written boldly on it.
It was French restaurant but I've never heard of it. At first when we entered,it was dark. When we walked in further, some red candles lit up. It looked so beautiful and romantic.
He led me unto a table for two which was in the center, pulled out the chair for me which I gladly sat on.
"Ahmad....." I started but he cut me off
"Don't worry. I'm here. I know you have a lot of questions on your mind but they're not as important as what...." his words were cut off due to his ring tone.
"Hello........yes..............about 5 minutes.......okay, bye" he hung up then sat down across the table.
"Ahmad can you please tell me why we're here?" I said slowly then a waiter came with a tray. He served our food then left.
"Eat first" he said and I did. He kept looking at me while I was eating which was making me uncomfortable causing me to choke. He immediately passed me a glass of water which I wanted to collect but he denied. He gave me the water from his own hand.
I murmured a thank you then I noticed that he hadn't touched his food.
"Ummm Ahmad why are you not eating?" I said looking at his plate.
"Why on earth would I be hungry when I have such a beautiful creature by my side, whom will soon become my wife." I pretended not to hear him so I cleared mh throat a bit then he smiled
"Sorry what did you say I wasn't paying attention" I faked an innocent face
He laughed a bit before saying "Baby why do you like pretending? It doesn't fit you. I prefer the real you" he smirked, his eyes still on me.
I just kept quiet and stared at the candle on the table.
"Are you done?" Came his voice, which was a bit deeper and calmer
"Yes" I smiled again.
He typed something on his phone before telling me to follow him. I followed him and he led us out through a back door.
This is getting creepy. Had it been I don't trust him, I wouldn't have followed him here. I checked the time on my phone and noticed it was 8:36. Wow! We haven't spent much time here.
"Get in" he said as we got to creepy looking boat, but it was big. I looked at him, he held my hand and took me into the boat. Yes, he HELD MY HAND!!.
Immediately we were in he let go of my hand and apologized.
"I'm sorry you weren't coming in so I..."
"No it's okay" I said "So when are you going to tell me what you brought me here for" I added.
"You're really curious" he chuckled " don't worry we'll soon be there"
Soon be there. What!
"Soon be where?" I asked
"Darling why so curious. Look we're here" he said sweetly.
Darling! What on earth has happened to Ahmad. I just don't have the courage to ask him.
Immediately we reached a place that looks like a river bank the boat stopped and we got out.
"Wow" I murmured. The place looks magnificent and mind blowing. It was decorated with candles of different colours. The fresh breeze is even enough for you to like the place. There was a colorful mat placed on the floor.
"Wifey" He called out but I kept quiet
"Wifey" he said again
"Babe don't give me the silent treatment." I nodded then he said " we are wearing the same colour of clothes " I nodded in realization then he asked me
"Do you like the place?"
"You say like? I love this place!" I exclaimed
"But I love you" he said. What! Did I hear him right!?
I turned back to see him kneeling on the floor with a box in his hands
"Nabila, I know you might not believe but since from the first time I saw you, I knew I had found the right one. I never thought I would love someone after Raima but after I met you I realised that I was wrong, I love you more than I ever loved Raima.
It's not about comparing you to Raima but I just have to use this as an example. Whenever I remember our first meeting with you, I felt an emotion which I didn't know what it was. You complete me. As I said, I feel everything that happens to you and that's because our hearts are connected. You might not believe me but I'm sure you'd understand.
Anytime I remember you, I smile. Anytime I see you, I smile. Anytime someone talks about you, I smile. My world revolves around you, Jaan. I'm sure you've been wondering why I have been calling you strange names since yesterday but to me they ain't strange. They are the names I've been wanting to call you with but I never got opportuned.
You are the reason why I abandoned all what's not necessary in my life. You are the one that made me laugh for the first time after 4 years of sadness. You are my sunshine without you my life would be miserable.
You've been asking me why I brought you here. This is the reason; I love you to the moon and back. I love you Nabila Muhammad. Would you do me the honour of stepping into my life as my wife, this time not based on a plan or anything, from the bottom of your heart? Would you make me the most happiest man in this world?
Hello my people.
How was this chapter?
What do you think of all the characters in this chapter?
Do you want Nabila to accept or not?(note: whether she accepts or not depends on you guys ooo. So say what you want).
I want to give you guys a challenge. If you liked this chapter then I challenge you to comment on each paragraph that you enjoyed. And also vote.
Bye. Remember I love you all
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