19// Fake Proposal
3 months later
Ahmad's POV
"Yaya you have to tell us" Fatima bugged me
"No it's a secret" I smiled
"Noooo. You have to tell us" they all screamed including Anty Radiya.
Well they've been bugging me to tell them who my girlfriend is and the truth is that I don't have any.
"Tell us. Tell us. Tell us!" They kept yelling this time including Baba. Wow
"I would like to know who my future sister in law is" my cousin, Farouk who came last week wiggled he brows.
"Oh yes"Feenah, his sister clapped. Such a baby.
"Okay..............her name is........." I paused. What should I say.
Help. Let me just say a random name
"Is what mana" ummi whined
"Nabila" I smiled. I'm sure they'll be surprised. I'll just play a game on them
The next thing I heard were squeals from them
"I knew it"
"Aww I never expected such"
"It was obvious, just waiting for him to confess"
They kept yelling
"What are we waiting for, let's make formal introduction" that was baba. What
"Nooooo" I shouted making all of them look at me
"Don't you want to get married" anty Radiya smiled
If I say no they'll start getting suspicious
"No.....I mean i-it's too f-fast. You haven't met her y-yet" I stammered. I really hope they'll believe this excuse. Immediately I saw aunty Radiya laughing I sighed finally.
"You think we won't like her. Okay then, invite her tomorrow for dinner"
"No" I said sharply before noticing their confused expression"i-i mean y-yes. Sure but I think we should move it till tomorrow. She might be busy" I mentally clapped for myself. I never knew I could be this good at lying.
"Okay then. Tomorrow it is. Let me even call her mom" anty Radiya said and vanished out of the palour.
I'm doomed.
I jogged upstairs and grabbed my phone to call Nabila.
I called her about three times before she decided to pick.
"Hey are you in the hospital" I said
"Yes but I'm about to leave, why do you ask"
"Okay don't leave I'm on my way" before she could say a word I cut the call and ran downstairs to my car. I've got no time to waste.
Nabila's POV
I wonder why Ahmad called. I saw his missed calls and I was about to call back when he called.
I really hope it's not an emergency. I went to the cafteria and ordered two pieces of French toasts and a cup of lemonade.
I was halfway through my food when Ahmad's call came in.
"Can you please come to your office? I came here two minutes ago but noticed that your office locked. I hope you haven't gone home" he said in one breath.
Is he okay?
"I'm in the cafteria. You can ask for directions" I replied sipping my lemonade
"Alright" I hung up and continued eating.
"So what happened" I asked him as he sat down"do you need any thing"
"No actually I......"
"I mean something to eat"
"Well no, enjoy yourself" he smiled while I nodded
"I-i-I know that I m-made this d-decision in a hurry but i-i want u-u-us to g-get" he paused
"You want us to what" I said clearly confused then ate a bite of the toast
"I want us to get married" I choked after hearing those words. The coughs were getting unbearable as I felt tears in my eyes. Ahmad passed me the glass of lemonade which I gladly accepted.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking concerned and I nodded after it subsided.
"I knew that you will be shocked but please try and understand this is my only hope, otherwise I will get married to another person that I don't know" I looked at him for a second before saying
"Ahmad I'm confused. Explain"
Ahmad's POV
When she told me to explain I was glad. I told her everything that happened but she ended up laughing at me. I was shocked.
"Please help" I pleaded
"Ahmad no I can't. This is like making fun of your parents which I can't" she reasoned. But it's their fault for pushing me.
After a lot of pleading and blackmailing, she finally agreed. We also made a plan that will help us at the end. I won't get married and I won't be disturbed to get married.
"You've been invited tomorrow for dinner. Be early and try to be a responsible daughter-in-law" I winked and got out of the cafteria.
This is going to be fun. I laughed.
Nabila's POV
I laughed remembering what Ahmad and I planned.
Me:But Ahmad we can't just get married you know...
Ahmad:yes I know and we're not getting married
Me: what do you mean
Ahmad:It's simple. We start a fake relationship, close to the wedding we make something up then we break up. We will come up with something that will look as if we are really hurt then boom, no more wedding
Me: that sounds great. But what if they find out
Ahmad:they won't
Me:are you sure
Ahmad:more than I'll ever be.
End of flashback
Now I have to choose an outfit. I brought out a grey abaya but Ahmad's word came rushing
Dress like a responsible daughter-in-law
I brought out all of my traditional clothes and believe me it was hectic.
I was having a hard time so I decided to call Ama.
Me: Babe I'm stuck
Ama: Come on what happened
Me: I'm going to Ahmad's house for dinner and I don't know what to wear.
Ama: You're going to their house and so. Wear something causal and modest that's all. Maybe an abaya
Me: No dear I've to look like a responsible daughter-in-law
Ama: Responsible daughter-in-law??
So I narrated everything to her excluding the plan part. I told her that I'm dating Ahmad and we're getting married
Ama: Kutumar....... so you've been dating and you never found time to tell me till now. Even now it's when you want to visit his parents. Tabbb.......wait sef let me come
She hung up while I tossed the phone onto the bed.
"Let me choose some outfits before Ama comes" I mused to myself.
"Gidanku" Ama spanked my back making me fall on the bed
"Innalillahi Ama what's this" I yelped
"Let's choose the outfit first before I tell you what that is for" I rolled my eyes as I sat up.
After making me change into thousands of clothes, we but mainly Ama settled on a blue atampa with floral design sown into a peplum top and a straight wrapper.
"Wow! This will do"she sighed dramatically, placing her chin on top of her palm(the back).
I looked at myself in the mirror and truly I looked good. I never knew I had this cloth if not it would have been my fave.
I removed it and wore my normal cloth then gave our househelp to iron it. Ama also came with the idea of back up clothes.
"You should wear the back up cloth and if Ahmad says his mom won't like it then you'll change. I think it's better" she smiled "you know first impression matters alot"
I nodded
I brought out a black and white material gown and showed it to Ama.
"Don't tell me this is what you're gonna wear. Abeg try this on" she threw a light orange gown adorned with stones to me "Wow. I prefer this" I smiled
"Malama carry and be going" Ama laughed
Finally dressing issue has been solved.
"What do you think about make up" Ama said.
"I don't think that's an option. Besides I prefer my normal face and......" I didn't even finish my sentence before Ama chirped in "and Ahmad does too" she winked.
I laughed at her. If only she knew
Next day
"Ahmad is this okay" I said to Ahmad as I saw him. I am currently at their house. I told him to come and confirm my dressing before I make my presence known.
"Hahaha look at you. Aunty Radiya hates orange and you want to meet her in orange. Besides this is too casual. She prefers the classy, modern and.."
"Ahmad I'm already nervous so don't make me more nervous. I feel like I'm going to faint" I cut him off
"Okay but for real did you bring another set of clothes because I'm not sure aunty Radiya will accept this" he laughed. I couldn't make out whether he was making fun of me or not.
I told him to excuse me before I went to change. I silently prayed that this works out.
"Ahmad what about this" I said almost breathlessly. He looked at me for some seconds before nodding
"I think this is okay but..." he started
"No buts" I huffed.
"Sannu sannu my in-law" now this feels awkward. I crouched a bit in respect and greeted Anty Radiya " Anty ina wuni(good evening)"
"Haba my daughter why crouch" she hugged me, enveloping me in her designer perfume. I can't even say which perfume it is due to the tension.
She sat me down on a chair while asking me some questions. All of a sudden, Ahmad disappeared into where I don't know. Leaving me all alone(with his family members tho)
"Let's go and pray" Ummi and another girl that I didn't recognise smiled at me while Khadija dragged me along.
"Don't bother my in-law fa" anty said and I blushed. I don't like the way she's calling me her in-law but it sounds nice.
After we prayed, we walked around(anty Ummi said they should show me around the house before baba comes back)and as we were walking, I noticed how big the house was. No wonder it's known as Waziri mansion. We passed in front of a door and they both stopped.
They kept winking at each other but I was confused. Before I could say I word they pushed me into it.
I was shocked then I started pushing the door but it won't open.
"Who's there" I heard a masculine voice. I'm dead. Whose room am I in.
As I turned I saw Ahmad half-naked.
"Ahhhhhhh" I shrieked as I turned back. Not that he was naked, he had a towel down there.
"Please let me out" I banged on the door.
"Nope. Till yaya orders us to do so" that was Khadija.
So he sent them. I'll teach him a lesson.
"Please wear something" I said backing him
"No. You explain why you are in my room" he said
"I'll explain just wear something"I begged
"Okay but first leave my room" he argued
"I can't leave that's why I need you to dress up"I whined
"But I can't dress up in front of you" he said
"I'm not facing you though" I reasoned
"I feel uncomfortable with you here wife-to-be" I could imagine him smirking
"Ahmad! Get into the bathroom or walk-in closet if you're really serious about being uncomfortable" I frowned
"You are in my room and you're telling me what to do. You get into the bathroom or walk-in closet"
This is getting annoying
"I know it's your room but try to understand that I'm trapped here"
"Ummi open that door will you" came his voice
"Sure yaya" she opened the door and I gladly ran out.
I looked at them before shaking my head.
"Let's go" khadija smiled.
"My in-law do you like the food" anty asked. We are currently eating. I met baba and he's so nice, in fact all of them are nice.
"Yes anty. I love it" I smiled at her.
Immediately after dinner the girls told us to follow them. They led us into the sitting room and brought out two boards.
"This is a game that is going to be played by the newest couple in town" they spoke.
"Each of the board has some words written on it; the first one has 'I do' and the second has 'he/she does'. I'm going to call out something then both of you pick any of the boards. For example, I say 'who eats food alot' , ya Nabila will probably take 'he does' board while yaya Ahmad will take 'I do'. It will test the level on how well you know each other. And it's not going to be that easy because you'll be backing eachother" Fatima spoke.
"So are you ready" that was Ummi
I looked at Ahmad and he gave the 'I don't know' expression.
"Will you stop sending signs and speak up" now it was anty Radiya. They are soooo......
"Yes" we said simultaneously. Ahmad just gave me the goodluck sign and I just nodded. We're so gonna fail this. I just hope the truth doesn't come out.
We took our respective seats backing each other. The first question was
Ummi: Who loves foreign food more than local food?
Me: 'he does'
Ahmad: 'I do'
"Awwwww" that was ummi
Khadija: Who loves the colour black?
Black is my favourite colour. What if it's his?
God help
Me: I do
Ahmad: she does
Thankgod he doesn't like the colour. There were a few more questions before the last one which was
Aunty Radiya: Who loves the other most?
Whyyyy. Why this question😭😭
Me: 'I do'
Ahmad: 'I do'
"Awwwwww"they all squealed.
"This is so MashaAllah" khadija smiled
I just chose it for choosing sake.
Finnaly the game was over after a lot of teasings. I bid them bye before going home.
"Daga ina kike(where are you from)" that was Maamita. I'm deaddd meaaat.
I just looked at her
"Why are you looking at me like that? You think you're big enough make you're life decisions?" I shook my head no.
She motioned for me to come foward and I did before she hugged me.
"Congrats dear. Ahmad sent his people this evening and the date has been fixed"
"What! So fast." I shouted.
"Yes dear that's exactly two months from now" she smiled
This is so ridiculous. I went to my room and called Ahmad
Ahmad: My in-law I hope you got home safe( that was anty Radiya)
Me: yes anty. I got home safely
Ahmad: okay let me let you talk to eachother( after a while Ahmad collected the phone) hi
Me: so anty Radiya normally collect your phone
Ahmad: No she doesn't. She said that she wanted to talk to her in-law
I laughed before we continued talking about today's game. I even told him what maamita said and he confirmed it.
Ahmad:Anty said I should visit your mom and you tomorrow
Me: Really
Ahmad: Yes and I'm confused. I don't even know what to wear. You tell me what to wear
Me:Okay. Do you have those olden days trousers? The baggy ones. I think she'll prefer them. And also all those silk button-up shirts, wear something like that. I'm sure she'll like it.
Ahmad: I don't have but I'll buy them now. Thank you, atleast I won't suffer
I muffled a laughter before saying
"Maamita loves it when a person is always glorifying Allah so I think you should do so. After each sentence say Subhanallah or Alhamdulillah. Make sure you elongate each last word of your sentence, okay. Before I forget, the most important thing, don't seat before she sits. Even if she asks you to do so don't until she sits. And if she stands up also stand. If she offers some refreshment to you don't take them until she does. Most importantly avoid eye contact. Bye " he replied with a thank you then I cut the call.
Tomorrow will be fun. And the dressing part, I need to get popcorn for tomorrow.
Please be patient
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