Infiltration - 49Yrs BTA



Vitto stared into pool of water before him, the calm surface and black floor allowing a perfect reflection to bounce back toward him. An unfamiliar face looked back at him. Scales of ruby red and soft yellow. Scars he did not earn ran across his snout and chest, from a horrendous battle he had taken no part in. Muscled bulk he was not accustomed to surrounded his shoulders and back, evidence of long flights and difficult manoeuvres. Small, curved spikes he had never known before ran down the length of his back, accompanied by horns with a slight curve he was unfamiliar with. He stared into the pond, and the dragon staring back at him was not him.

A sigh escaped the dragon's mouth as he lent forward, gently dipping his muzzle into the water and taking a long draught, quenching his dry throat. He stepped back and shook his head, turning his attention to his surroundings. At what would be his home... no... his living space for the next... however long he was required to stay there. Despite the months he had already stayed, he couldn't bring himself to refer to it as home. It was too... dark, with too much red and yellow, and with a ground that didn't exuberate the life that he was used to. The last forest he had left behind hours ago, only flying across dull and burnt soil.

Even as he looked around him, all he saw was the black scorched stone of the fire nation's biggest castle. A place definitely made for practicality rather than beauty. It would take the most powerful sort of earth dragon to break through its exterior. Other dragons milled around him, all of them fire, with the same red scales and yellow underbelly. Many were bigger than Vitto, as he was only ten years old, or at least he was in his normal body. In this body he guessed he was around twelve. Another unfamiliarity.

"Vitto! You're back!" came a startled and gleeful shout from the other side of the chamber.

He looked up and found himself unable to stop a smile from spreading across his snout. Hurrying across the chamber as fast as she dared was a dragoness, her ruby red scales seemed to have been recently cleaned and polished, and her enthusiasm infectious.

"Sakary," he greeted her with a dip of his head as she got closer.

"I didn't think you would be back so soon!" Sakary exclaimed as she came to a near skidding stop in front of him.

"Yeah," the drake found an odd warmth rush to his face as he looked at her, "I... uh... it was a short visit. Didn't want to miss out on much back here."

"Of... of course. Yeah. That makes sense," she said suddenly seeming quite flustered.

"I was actually about to go and report back to the queen," continued Vitto, "You want to come? I could use some filling in on what has been happening inside the castle while I've been gone."

She beamed at him, nodding her head vigorously, "I mean... if you're happy for me to come. Well, I mean, of course you are. But if you're sure."

Vitto rolled his eyes, beginning to walk, "Come on."

She fell into step beside him and together they walked out of the chamber, the dragoness chatting happily about what had happened while he had been gone. In reality there hadn't been much, a couple of visitors from some of the lighting dragons, a debacle within the castle guards of a fight between two dragons who had unknowingly been sharing the same mate. But nothing of substance. Still, Vitto couldn't help but enjoy her talking. He knew he shouldn't. There was no reason the feelings rushing through his body should even be there. But he couldn't help it.

"You are way too deep in thought to be listening to me," Sakary said suddenly with a smile, "What's got you so sombre?"

Vitto shook his head, "Sorry... was just thinking about how much I missed you while was gone."

The dragoness stumbled over her feet in near shock, her fluster from before coming back. She looked straight ahead, seeming unable to respond. Vitto was also slightly shocked a what he had said, instantly regretting it. Was it right for him to reveal that to her? Was it right for her to see any affection on his part through a lie?

He masked those emotions through a sheepish smile, "I mean... you know... we have become pretty good friends in the short couple of months we've been here."

"Yeah... yeah, of course," she stuttered softly, "Friends. Well... I mean since coming here I don't think I've met another fire starved dragon. Now I know five."

"Exactly," Vitto bobbed his head in agreement, "And the others are either much older, or younger. Makes sense we become good friends."


The two walked in silence before walking through the small corridor into the main entrance of the castle, a large, cavernous space of the same ashen black stone, leading to an archway that in turn led to an even larger chamber that was used as the main room for the queen to address her subjects. It was the place many dragons came to in order to either ask for help, or make remarks on what they thought was best for the kingdom.

Now there were several dozen dragons waiting outside and waiting for their turn to visit their new queen. Athaer, known as the queen of fire. She had yet to be their ruler for even a year, but she already commanded more respect than any previous ruler Vitto had ever heard about. Her subjects not only feared her, her rise to power being more explosive and surprising than any in history, but they were in awe of her. They adored her. And from what Vitto had seen in his short time as her subject he could understand why.

She was one of the few monarchs that seemed to actively listen to her subjects. She judged situations as fairly as they were able to be judged. She pushed her influence over everyone within the city, walking down amongst even the lowest parts of her kingdom in order to bring them encouragement. A dragon of such power, or such passionate honesty, of such relentless determination, it had sparked something within the fire dragons that even Vitto knew they hadn't had before. It scared him. It scared his superiors. And he was going to find out why she had such a drive for her nation.

"There sure are a lot of dragons here today," Vitto said, slightly dejected at the prospect of waiting.

"Yeah. The more she listens to others the more eager they are to speak with her," replied Sakary, "More come each day. I'm surprised she has the patience for all his. Some of their requests are absolutely ridiculous."

"I can imagine. It would be a good idea to set up a filter. A few trusted dragons that can hear her subjects worries beforehand and turn away the ones away that aren't worthy of her attention."

"It was suggested. Several of us fire-starved offered to help, but she disagreed, saying that it was important to make that judgement herself," sighed Sakary, "I mean... she's doing a great job... but she doesn't seem to trust anyone that easily. You know she's got rid of a lot of the leaders instated by her predecessor and has yet to replace them."

Vitto nodded thoughtfully. That was one aspect of her that he considered a weakness, and from what he had seen so far it was taking a toll. She didn't have a mate to share the burden, nor a family to guide her. She didn't seem to have any close to her at all. While that protected her from spies and the like, it also made it much more difficult to run a kingdom. A single dragon, no matter how powerful, could only withstand that pressure for so long.

It would also make his job a little bit more difficult. The dragon thought to himself for a moment, thinking back to his training. He was an infiltrator. That was his job. That was his purpose. He had studied, fought, and excelled, allowing him to be chosen for this specific mission. He needed to find a way to succeed. So he would start simple. What was Athaer's goal?

"I reckon she's aiming toward something," said Vitto, "And she has only been in her position for a year... so she probably doesn't really know who to trust yet."

"Maybe," agreed Sakary, "But still... I see her at the end of every day and she's exhausted."

"I mean she takes breaks every couple of days. Maybe we can talk to her then," replied Vitto.

Sakary nodded her head. If there was one thing that he was sure about the queen, it was that she was startlingly fond of the fire-starved dragons. That was why he was able to take up a position in the castle so quickly. The previous monarch of the fire kingdom had actively sort out the fire-starved and murdered them, or cast them out of his nation. It had made it startingly difficult to get a dragon like himself into the kingdom, so they had used one disguised as a human instead. But that had its own difficulties. Now however, it was much easier to get a dragon like himself into the castle.

"Let's try to get her on a break then," Vitto said, "She said she wanted to talk to me when I got back but I don't really want to wait in this line."

"Yeah she's had a talk with all of us except you now," the dragoness mentioned, "Asking us a series of questions and the like. She'll probably do the same to you."

"Huh? When did she talk to you?"

"Two days ago, while you were gone."

"What did she ask you about?"

"Oh, just my family, where I'm from, what I think about what she's doing for the kingdom. It was really weird."

"What did you say to her?"

"I mean... I told her I think she's doing a great job. What else do you say when a queen asks you that?"

"And what did she say?"

"She kind of sighed... and then nodded her head in thanks. But I don't think it was the answer she was looking for."

"Hmm... okay. Thanks Sakary. I guess I shall prepare myself."

The dragoness flushed, "You're welcome. Well... what do you want to do now that you are going to wait a little longer to see the queen?"

"I'm probably going to go down to the school, tell them I'm back. I look forward to starting my training lessons again. Makes me feel good for something."

"Okay," she seemed slightly disappointed.

"I'll meet up with you afterwards though," he said quickly, finding himself feeling slightly guilty at leaving her behind so soon, especially since he had no intention of going to the school quite yet.

"Alright," she brightened up again, "I'll see you tonight then?"

"Yeah... tonight," he replied.

She leaned forward, giving him a quick nuzzle, before bounding of through the crowd of fire dragons, leaving Vitto slightly stunned. He gripped the ground with his talons, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. He really shouldn't be spending time with her. The more he did the more he allowed the strange feelings running through him to take hold.

He watched her for a moment, before sighing, and turning the other direction, heading out of the castle. He quickly took to the air, looking down upon the many stone buildings accumulated in a large valley surrounded by hills, each with even more buildings covering them. He knew the fire dragon city was one of the few draconic cities that were not built into or around a mountain range, allowing the space to expand as far as the eye could see. The buildings even reached the edge of the ocean, which was just as grey as the clouds above.

Vitto quickly headed up into those clouds, breathing in the smoky atmosphere with a cough and a splutter. As soon as he entered it, and no prying eyes could see him, his body seemed to almost evaporate into the cloud, becoming a translucent white mist. The mist warped and changed, joining back together into the much smaller form of a bird, and quickly solidified again, revealing a red feathered bird of prey, with sharp keen eyes and hooked beak.

The bird was one of the few creatures fire dragons didn't hunt down to eat, as it had feathers that burned like fire to those that tried to take a mouthful. They were however common pets for the dragons, if they were able to be trained, which in and of itself was quite difficult. Humans were a lot more adapt in the practice. It was a species of hawk known as a phoenix, and while uncommon I wasn't unusual to see them occasionally flying high above the city. They new they weren't eaten, so they had little to fear from the dragons that also held the skies.

Vitto folded his new feathery wings, plummeting through the cloud and back toward the castle. In a smaller body, he was also more easily able to make it into certain hidden areas that maybe only a hatchling would be able to fine there way into accidently. No one would ever expect a phoenix to be a spy either. While they were intelligent birds, they didn't possess the sapience of dragons and humans.

Vitto hadn't spent much time in this bird form, having picked it up on the way back to the fire nation. He wasn't quite used to the piercingly clear vision of the bird, able to pick out the tiniest details in each slab of black stone. It was slightly disorientated, but he did his best to ignore the feeling, working on what he was doing. The roof of the castle was guarded by several fire dragon guards, each lounging around rather bored on the multiple perches along the castle walls and angular roof. He had seen a phoenix or two circling the castle in his first couple of months there, looking for one of the many rodents that made their home within the walls. The guards may be excited at his appearance, but not suspicious.

He perched at the far corner of one of the platforms, as far away as he could from the two guards who were lounging on the other side. He ruffled his feathers, carefully studying the side of the castle walls while also keeping an eye on the dragons. Pheonix's weren't exactly scared of dragons, but they were certainly wary of them, and wild ones never allowed them to approach to closely. The guards new this, holding very still as they gazed at the phoenix that had come to grace them with its presence.

"Oh my..." one of them, a drake said, "I didn't expect it to just land here."

"Yeah..." whispered the other, a dragoness, "They rarely come so close. It must be very hungry to risk what its doing now."

"They eat those mice that run around... right?"


The drake looked around the landing pad, "Well there are none around here."

"Plenty along the walls though," replied the dragoness, "she probably saw some around there."

"She? How can you tell?"

"The males have a long red feather at the top of their head, like a horn, and their feathers have a slight bronze colouration along with the red. She doesn't have either."

Vitto cocked his head slightly at that piece of information. When possessing and taking the forms of animals, he didn't really pay attention to the gender, though when he took the forms of other dragons, he was very careful to only possess and take the forms of drakes. Some other dragons of his species didn't care, but he found it rather odd to be walking around as something other than what he was.

"Ooh, see that tilt of the head? Means she's seen something," said the dragoness.

"I've never seen one hunt before."

"It's a rare sight."

The drake took a couple of steps forward, seeming to want to peer down over the edge to see what the phoenix had seen. Vitto took that as his opportunity, not finding anything along the wall that would allow him to slip into the castle. He let out a squawk, flapping his feathered wings with a couple of practiced wingbeats, and taking off into the air again. Behind him he heard the dragoness berating the drake for scaring off the phoenix.

He visited several other areas of the roof of the castle, before finding a small crack that would be perfect for infiltration. It was set behind a small enclave in the roof, where not many dragons would be able to see unless directly above it. It meant he could transform easily without any seeing him. Still, he wanted to be quick, no sense staying around and waiting for others to find him.

He quickly folded his wings, swooping down toward the crack, and as soon as he was sure he was out of sight, faded back into white mist. The mist swarmed down in the crack, travelling along its length as it allowed him further and further into the castle. When he felt he was about to break out into the open again, he lent himself into another transformation. This one was a small black lizard, one of his favourite transformations, who's colouration was perfect for hiding within the castle. It would be difficult for even a fire dragon to see him, even with their heat vision. Lizards were cold blooded after all.

Using the small four legs and small claws at the end of each of his feet, he gripped the stone and scurried along the roof of on the corridors. This particular lizard's vision was quite comparable to most dragons, allowing him to find his way rather easy as he made his way, hidden, toward the main council room, where he knew Athaer was meeting her entourage. He wanted to watch and listen, to understand more of the queen of fire.

He quickly found his way into the main cavernous entrance, and from there into the council, where a fire drake was standing forward and speaking to the queen of fire. As usual, Athaer sat upon a small outcrop which was raised above the rest of the room, allowing her to look down upon any that entered. As she was only five decades old, she was still rather small compared to most of the previous draconic kings and queens. Still, her presence was certainly noticeable, an aura of power that radiated through the room in waves that tasted like fire. Her scales glistened in the light of the many flaming torchers that had been hoisted onto walls and pillars. Her eyes gave nothing away as she listened to the lament of her latest complaint.

"...and then he mated with her! I don't care if he is my brother, he deserves to be punished!" the drake finished with a growl.

Athaer was silent for a long moment, not seeming at all sympathetic to the dragons demands, "Hyral, wasn't it?"

The drake nodded.

"This is not something you bring before your queen. It is not my job to judge or deal with domestic squabbles, only your own. Do not do it again," her voice echoed with dangerous authority.

The drake let out a slight whimper, seeming rather humbled by her answer, merely nodding his head and quickly rushing out of the room as fast as his legs could carry him. Athaer watched him go, letting out a tired sigh, a moment of pure tiredness seeming to overwhelm her. She shook her head with a growl, straightening her posture, before growling for the next dragon to come through. Many of the problems she dismissed with increasing impatience, but there were a few that she seemed to take consideration into, such as concern for the growing poverty within the lower sections of the city, and the complaints against several well off dragons who continued to drive others from their homes. They had flourished under Theleon, but it seemed they wouldn't be able to get the same leniency from the new queen.

Vitto couldn't help but admire how quick she was to listen to the genuine problems of her nation. A dragon was struggling with food? She sent them down to talk to hunters within the castle with a small jewel and the order to 'take as much as you need'. There was a squabble over land? She did her best to listen to both sides and make a decision based on what she deemed the most suitable course of action. She didn't discriminate either, talking to both the well of dragons adorned with gold over their horns and wings, and the impoverished ones with dirty scales and lowered heads.

Her courtesy to both sides was unlike anything Vitto had seen, heard, or read about. She was genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of everyone. He couldn't help but think back to his own rulers, how their main concern was control, not letting any other nation out of their grasp. Observe the world, control the power, and, if needed, act. That was their goal, and that was what he had been tasked to do. That was what his entire species had been pushed toward. But here... he had barely seen any concern for the other nations at all. If Athaer's goal was anything, it was to help those within her control, no matter how much effort she had to put into doing so. If her goal was anything, it was that.

Eventually Vitto decided to sneak out of the chamber once again, finding a secluded part of the castle to retain his fire dragon form once again. It was always dangerous to transform within the walls, but better that then transforming into a dragon or bird while in full view from everyone on the outside.

That night he spent talking to Sakary again, as well as several of the other fire-starved dragons that called the castle their home. Their stories of their gratefulness toward Athaer were astounding as well. How she had welcomed back and offered to house them after their life on the run from king Theleon. It only strengthened Vitto's opinion of the fire dragoness. She even had concern for the weakest of them all. The dragons that were considered pitiful and useless in every other corner of the world.

* * *

The next day, much as Vitto expected, he was summoned to the council chamber by Athaer. He had gone over the conversation many times, trying to predict everything she would say, coming up with a solid backstory and ironing out all the details he could find, remembering what he had already told her, and going so far as to make secret lies, such as the reason behind his scars. It all rolled through his head as he walked into chamber, immediately bowing his head. Not necessarily something she would want from him, but something that would be expected as a citizen of her kingdom.

"Your majesty," he greeted, his head kept down, "I apologise for not making my return known yesterday. You seemed... very busy."

Athaer was silent for several moments, before her hard voice echoed through the chamber, "No need to apologise... Vitto wasn't it? I doubt I would have had time anyway."

Vitto nodded, though still didn't raise his head. He had raised his reputation as a rather honorific dragon, giving great respect to his elders. Suddenly changing that, even with what he knew, would be grounds for suspicion.

"Oh, there is no need for that here young one. Look me in the eyes. I want to see you for who you are," Athaer rumbled.

Vitto hesitated a moment, before looking up at her, though not making direct contact. That was not an act. Her gaze was so powerful it left him feeling rather small behind it. He knew she was a caring ruler, but the way she held herself showed she was dangerous as well.

The queen chuckled, shaking her head, "You went for a trip to visit your family? Correct?"

"Yes, your highness."

"I take it went well?"

Vitto once again hesitated, knowing this was a crucial question, and his answer would dictate what she thought of him from here on. This wasn't a question she was expecting the usual answer from. He knew that from the way Sakary had talked about her own talk with Athaer. She wasn't looking for people to please her, but he didn't want to act like he wanted to trust her easily either. That would be strange for a dragon.

"My family seems to be going well... though there are the usual problems that go with them?"

"Oh?" Athaer replied, a question that prompted him to continue.

" mum is worried about me being here. She doesn't quite trust that you mean to be friendly toward us fire-starved, not after what king Theleon did to us before your rule."

The queen sighed, "I guess that is understandable. Perhaps if given the chance I will meet with her. I'm sure I can make her see reason."

Vitto nodded his head, saying his words carefully, "I will certainly ask her to come next time... but she is set against any relation with the royalty of the fire nation."

Athaer snorted, "And yourself?"

"I was hesitant at first... but you seem different then his majesty Theleon."

"I would hope so," replied Athaer, "And what about your other family? Father? Brothers and sisters?"

Vitto hesitated again, "They... they were killed several years ago. Theleon tried to have me removed... and they protected me. My mother and I were the only ones to escape."

He could see Athaer's silence like a spike piercing the air, "I am sorry."

Vitto shrugged, "It wasn't your fault. And it was a long time ago. I barely remember it now."

The dragoness sighed, "I was also driven from my home by the deaths of my family, also by Theleon."

Vitto's eyes widened slightly at that, "Why?"

The queen seemed to think for a moment, "I was once fire-starved like you, and my family died protecting me while I fled the kingdom. It was a harsh way to start my life."

"You were fire-starved?" the drake said shocked.

"I was. But I found a way to overcome it. Now... well now I am here."

"How?" asked Vitto in genuine curiosity, no longer putting on an act.

"One day I may tell you, but it is very dangerous. I... lost a lot in doing so."

"Oh," Vitto replied, recognising the pain in her voice, and knowing it would be unwise to press too hard.

"But enough about that," Athaer shook herself, seeming to sway her mind away from the dismal thoughts, "I was actually hoping to ask your view on something, Vitto."

"Me your highness?"


"I will offer what I can, but I do not think I will be able to give you what you are looking for."

"Then humour me. Do you think I am doing a good job in ruling this kingdom?"

The drake found himself slightly stumped at the question, looking at her in slight surprise, as he knew he should at the direct question. She seemed to be the type of dragon that didn't like to dally around unimportant pleasantries. Anything she said seemed to be of the utmost importance, even from asking him about his family.

"I do not understand your majesty," Vitto responded, aiming to show unsurety.

"It's a simple question Vitto. What do you think about the way I have been ruling the nation?"

Vitto thought for a long moment. He knew what to say, but he needed to be very careful about how he was going to say it, "I think... considering your current position... you are doing a remarkable job."

Athaer tilted her head, "Considering my current position?"

"I just mean that... well... a lot of kings and queens have advisors to help them organise their kingdom. But you don't."

"I have the representatives of lightning and chaos."

"But they are more like mini nations under your rule, rather than actual advisors," Vitto continued, "You are doing all the work yourself... rather than delegating it out."

Athaer nodded her head, "That is true. I do not want another dragon between me and my subjects."

"Yes... but all us fire-starved have noticed your exhaustion of late... at least so I'm told. You can't keep ruling the entire kingdom yourself... or you will fall."

Athaer narrowed her eyes almost suspiciously, "And do you wish to become one of those advisor's Vitto?"

At that question several thoughts entered Vitto's mind. He could see the slight suspicion, the narrowed eyes, and a deep hidden anger. He had pushed a little too hard, and her suspicion had risen. There were few dragons that actually knew what a dragon such as himself, a spirit dragon, could do. The ones that did were kept careful tabs on, and Athaer wasn't on that list. But still, if he answered this question incorrectly, he felt he would lose Athaer's trust. Part of him was tempted to accept, but he knew that would be a mistake.

"No, your highness. I am a fire-starved dragon... and despite what you say about us... we do not have the respect needed for that position. I am merely grateful for the position I have now."

The dragoness nodded carefully, "You are correct in that. The problem is trust."

"As always your highness. But if you don't trust anyone... then... well... you won't be able to run a kingdom very well."

Athaer nodded her head, "You are a rather switched-on young dragon Vitto. You sure you do not wish to be the queen's advisor?"

There was something in the way she asked that question that made Vitto doubt its integrity. If this was any other situation, Vitto would have jumped at the opportunity. To be offered a job as the ruler's advisor was the spirit dragons ultimate goal. To have their voice be a deciding one in great matters of the nation. To control the power. But this was too easy. The question was a trap. Athaer expected Vitto to jump at it.

"I assure you, your highness... I am quite happy teaching the hatchlings claw to claw combat down at the school. I am honoured... but I do not think I am what you are looking for to fill that position. I don't think I even want it," Vitto replied, looking to the ground.

Athaer nodded her head, seeming to relax slightly, "Then what do you want Vitto?"

This time Vitto's hesitation wasn't part of a well-conceived act, genuinely surprised at the question, "I... um... I don't understand?"

"Come on. Every young dragon has a dream... a wish. What is yours?"

The spirit drake was stumped for a moment. All his life loyalty to the his superiors had been drilled into him, loyalty above all else. His goal was there goal. His wish was there wish. But the more he had seen of the world... he wasn't sure that was the case anymore.

"I just want to see my mother happy," he tried, but the response seemed weak even to him.

"The same is true for every hatchling. But if you truly believed that you wouldn't have come here. What is your true wish, young one?"

Vitto hesitated for a mere moment, when a thought came to him. What did he wish? What did he want for his life? He thought back to his home. The Conclave of Spirits. A place he had never felt quite right with. A place that some deep part of him had never been satisfied with. But so far, within the fire nation, despite its rugged landscapes, the way dragons acted seemed to be so much more at ease. It was so different. How Athaer had treated her citizens. It was so genuine. In that instant he knew what he wanted, and he looked directly at Athaer as he spoke.

"I want to make a difference... your highness. I don't want to hide in the shadows... I want to make a change in this world."


Hey guys! Thank you for reading. This is the first recurring character, and while it definitely is related to the other one, I hope it still seemed like its own section within this world of the second age. What did you think of Vitto in this? And how about Athaer? Especially comparing her to the previous Chronicle. As always, vote and comment, and tell me which story you want below.

Blood on Stones: Talon, Telekinetic drake - 26Yrs BTA

Unwanted Love: Abelan, Fire drake - 35Yrs BTA

Slaying Serpents: Banther, Water drake - 40Yrs BTA

Let There be Light: Ego, Human male - 17Yrs BTA

See Ya!


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