Christmas Lights (one-shot)

{Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 10:35 am}

Louis honestly didn't like Christmas. The holiday itself brought him to tears at times because it reminded him how lonely he really was. His family never called to check up on their son or for that matter wish him Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas. They haven't communicated in a little over two years and to say Louis is upset is an understatement.

He hasn't tried to reach out to them either due to fear of being rejected. Again. He came out to them right when he moved out of his parents home, tired of being closeted for 21 years. They didn't welcome him with open arms; instead they yelled at him, spouting hated words toward him and kicking him out.

Now, at 23 years old he still didn't have a family that cared for him or friends that meant something to him. And every Christmas Eve, when he spent his birthday alone, he wondered if his family thought of him. Probably not. They most likely went throughout their day without sparing a second thought to their son that they abandoned.

Louis sighed as he finished up his tea, tossing the cup into the sink and making a mental note to wash it later. He slipped into his coat, grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around his neck and put on fingerless gloves.

He grabbed his keys, opening the front door and stepping out, shivering as the cold air nipped at his nose. He closed the door behind him, checking if it was locked and taking the porch steps by twos.

The snow crunched under his feet as he walked off his lawn and towards his bookstore that was only a few blocks away. He clenched his teeth as a rough burst of cold air hit him, making him hug himself tightly. He wishes he had a car.

Louis continues on his way, scowling at the Doncaster for being so cold and at all the Christmas lights on the surrounding houses.

He walks past a few houses, stopping at the end when he notices that one of them at the end of the block is no longer vacant. Louis doesn't remember anyone moving in. Needless to say, a man that looks a few years younger than Louis is currently on a ladder, a box tucked to his side. He took the steps on the ladder slowly, careful not to fall.

The ladder was leaned against the side of the house; the stranger was almost to the top. Louis couldn't see his facial features, only the mess of curls flowing past his shoulders, while tucked under a grey beanie.

Louis was about to leave when the stranger missed a step and fell off the ladder with a yelp. The box he was holding spilled its contents, a tangle of Christmas lights fell over the boy.

He fell to the snow and the lights fell on top of him, tangling him like a trap. He groaned and tried to rid himself of the mess of lights.

"Fuck." The stranger groaned, trying to find a way out. Louis giggled, walking over to help.

"Do you need help?" Louis asks and the stranger freezes.

"Uh--yeah. Please." Louis chuckles, pulling the mess off him. Once he's free the boy stands up, dusting the snow off his back. When he's upright Louis notices how tall he is, just by a few inches but it's there.

And his eyes. They were as green as spring grass and he wishes he could stare at them longer than he was now. The boy looks as if God himself took time to sculpt each and every plane of his body, with broad shoulders and small hips and legs for miles. Louis' eyes cast downward and oh my, if the saying is true about big feet then...

He rid himself of his thoughts when the strangers lips started to move.

"I'm sorry, what?" Louis asks, not so subtly staring at his lips.

"I said thank you. Without you I probably would've died." The stranger says and Louis cracks a smile.

"No problem uh..."

"Oh! I'm Harry. I just moved in a few days ago. And you're..." Harry asks and Louis smirks.

"Late for work." Louis answers before he turns around and leaves Harry with wide eyes and a small smile playing on his lips.

{Friday, December 4, 2015, 11:33 pm}

Louis was closing up the bookstore, grumbling to himself as a steady sheet of snow started falling. He shivered as he walked down the block, making his way back home. The streets were dark, only the dim glow from the street lights illuminating his way.

He's done this countless times, walked home from work, a new book tucked under his arm. This time he gripped onto a copy of A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway. He planned to go home and make himself a cup of his favorite Yorkshire tea and slip into his pajamas and read but fate had a different plan.

A silver Audi pulled up to Louis and stopped. He thought he was about to be kidnapped but when the window rolled down and revealed a cold bitten Harry he relaxed.

"Hello, Mr. Late for work." Harry greets him and Louis waves shyly. He shivers again and Harry smiles.

"Do you need a ride? I was heading home, I could drop you off." Louis thought of his choices; walk home in the freezing snow and probably catch a cold or get a ride with a cute boy that most likely has a heater in his car. He chose the latter.

He thanked Harry and clambered into the passenger seat. Harry grinned at him and took off before Louis was buckled up.

"Thanks again." Louis mumbles, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

"No problem..."

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson." The smaller boy says and Harry grins.

"Louis." Harry whispers, the name rolling off his tongue. Louis found he liked when he said it. Louis hummed as Harry's heater warned him up, heating up his fingertips. It was quiet in the car for a moment before Harry spoke up.

"Tell me something about yourself." He says and Louis shrugs.

"Okay but I'm pretty boring. Um, I'm 23 and I own the bookstore in the corner. I hate Christmas and--"


"I hate Christmas--"

"I heard what you said but what? How can you hate Christmas? It's like the best thing ever." Harry says then blushes as his voice rises.

Louis only shrugs, looking out the window, as the snow fell softly to the ground.

"I don't hate the holiday...I just--it's stupid, never mind." Harry frowns and reaches over to pat his thigh.

"It's okay. If it makes you feel any better, I don't like Valentines Day." Louis laughs and they roll into their street. Louis tells him he lives at the other side of the block. Harry pulls up to a small house that looked bland compared to the other ones with Christmas decorations.

"Here we are. The Tomlinson residence." Harry says and blushes again. Louis giggles at his awkwardness before opening the door and stepping out of car. He thanks Harry again and closes the door. He makes his way up his porch steps and turns to find Harry still in his car. Louis waves at him and he can see Harry fumbling and driving off.

And if Louis left his book in Harry's passenger seat so he has an excuse to see him again, no one has to know.

{Monday, December 7, 2015, 12:55 pm}

It's two days later when Louis opens his front door to find an awkward Harry on his doorstep, holding his book in his hand. Louis didn't mention the fact that he had caught him checking his reflection in his phone and fixing his hair.

"Oh--uh--hi. You left my car." Harry says and looks down at his ratty brown boots. Louis smirks.

"Thanks, Harry. Do you want to come in? I was making some tea." Harry's eyes widen and he nods frantically. Louis steps aside when a gush of cold air follow Harry in. Louis quickly closes the door and hugs himself. He was wearing a light blue jumper and a pair of grey sweats. Harry was dressed dramatically in a black trench coat and when he took it off he revealed a sheer shirt with black skinny jeans.

"Here's your uh book." Harry says and Louis takes it gratefully, placing it on his dining table. He makes his way to the kitchen, checking on the boiling water.

"You have a nice home." Harry comments as he takes a seat on one of Louis' mismatched chairs.

"Thank you." Louis beams and starts on the tea, "Milk or sugar?"

"Just a bit of sugar." Louis adds two sugar cubes and hands Harry a cup. He thanks him and the settle into comfortable silence.

"So, Harry. You know a little about me. What's your story?"

"Oh. Well I'm 21 and I just finished uni so I moved in here. I'm a photographer and a I work in a bakery a few blocks from here." Louis notices the Cannon camera wrapped around his neck.

"You're 21 and you're much more successful than I was at your age." Louis laughs but on the inside he's aching. When he was 21 he lost everything and here was the polar opposite of what Louis' life was. He never finished uni. He never pursued his dream of becoming a drama teacher. All because his parents couldn't accept him.

"I'm sure you're doing fine, Louis." Harry comments, blushing. Louis likes how he looks. His cheeks red and hair disarrayed. Louis finishes his cuppa and tosses the dish in the sink. He never responds to Harry's comment because, financially, he's stable. Emotionally though, that's a different story.

"The tea was great. I think I should be heading back home. Um--thank you." Harry says and Louis can only manage a smile. He shows Harry out but the boy stops at the doorway. He turns to Louis and his cheeks are red. He fidgets with the camera strap while thinking.

"So--uh, do you--I mean if you want--do you want to hang out sometime? Only if you uh want to. If not it's totally fine--this is stupid. I'm stupid--"

"Harry." Louis stops his rambling and the younger lad blushes.

"I'm sorry."

"I'd love to hang out with you." Louis says and Harry's mouth opens and he sucks in a large breath.

"R-Really? That's great! I'll text you." Harry says running down the porch steps then spins around and runs back up, "You don't have my number."

Louis giggles and pulls out his phone and let's Harry add his number. Harry does the same and he leaves. Louis closes the door but he doesn't miss how Harry jumps up into the air and taps his feet together.

{Thursday, December 10, 2015 7:35 pm}

Harry never texted him. And Louis never texted him either. He was becoming impatient. A cute boy that lived down the block from him had offered to take him out but never made the move to go through with it.

Louis was seated in his bookstore, a hot cuppa in his hand while he scrolled through his Twitter aimlessly. He looked up when the small bell rang signaling someone entered the store.

And there stood a frost bitten Harry. He was wearing the same trench coat Louis saw him in last time and fingerless gloves. He shivered as he came in. He looked at Louis and smiled shyly.

Louis had made his way around the counter he was seated by and towards the lanky boy. Harry walked towards him too but the tip of his boot got caught on the edge of a rug and he tripped forward. Louis reacted quickly, arms catching the boy before he could fall and it turned out to be a terrible idea when they both fell over and Harry landed on top of Louis with an oof.

"Oops." Harry blushed and their faces were centimeters apart and Louis couldn't comprehend anything at the moment except the fact that a very fit boy was on top of him.

"Hi." He whispers and Harry giggles, rolling over onto his back. They stand up and Harry looks down, fumbling with his fingers.

"Sorry for not texting you. I just didn't know what to say--I mean you're just a fit guy and I'm--shit sorry. I don't even know if you're into guys--I'm gonna shut up now." Harry purses his lips and Louis breaks out into a smile. This boy is so cute, how is Louis going to survive?

"Harry, don't worry. For your information, I am into guys, but more importantly, I'm into you." Louis says and suddenly he feels blush-y. He's never felt like this before. Sure, he's had a few boyfriends in the past but nothing has ever felt like this. Harry's eyes widened and he stumbles over his next words.

"Do you maybe--I don't know--wanna go out? Like on a date? I know I asked you already but like--I'm so sorry, I've never done this before."

"What? Went on a date?"

"No, asked someone out before." Harry looks at his feet and Louis smiles.

"Well, I'm glad you did. I'll close the store early, just for you." The older boy says and Harry's arrogance starts to show.

"Are you sure it's not just 'cause there's no one here?" He asks making Louis roll his eyes. His store always gets slow during the winter. No one wants to be out in this weather. It had stopped snowing, but it was bloody cold. Louis quickly gathered his things and walked out with Harry, locking the store behind him.

They made their way to Harry's car, Louis shivering until he's safely nestled into Harry's car. They drove in silence for a few minutes.

"So, where would you like to go? I mean--"

"Harry, please. Anywhere is fine, really." Harry blushes and focuses on the road. He turns on the radio, complaining about how there wasn't any good music anymore and has Louis plug in his phone. He shuffles the music and Ed Sheeran's song, Shirtsleeves, plays quietly in the background. Louis hummed along to the lyrics and smiled when Harry joined in.

Harry drove for a few more minutes until they pulled up to a small café. It was homey and quiet and perfect. He followed Harry out and shivered. The younger lad smiled and held the door open for him, a gust of cold air following the two into the café.

Harry took a seat in one of the booths and Louis sat across from him. They sat in silence, a waiter handing them a menu and walking off without a word. Louis barely glanced at the menu, choosing to look at Harry instead.

Harry blushed from the attention and put the menu in front of him, blocking him from view.

"Well that's not very nice." Louis says and Harry poked his head over the menu.


"Not letting me admire you properly." Louis smiles and Harry blushes again. God, this boy has a blushing problem.

"I'm not--don't have much to admire." Louis scoffs and grabs Harry's menu and sets it flat on the table.

"Let's see. You have that hair that I would probably hate on everyone else but you make it look amazing. You have these amazing green eyes that makes me rethink my favorite color. You have the weirdest fashion sense but I love it. And you have an amazing blush. It's cute." Louis concludes and Harry huffs, leaning his head on the table.

"You do things to me." Harry moans, and Louis laughs. The waitress comes back and Louis just gets a hot chocolate while Harry decides it's a perfect time for a stack of pancakes and eggs. He's an odd one.

When the food arrives Harry eats in silence while Louis just stares at him, a smile growing on his lips.

"Stop staring." Harry says with a mouth full of pancakes. Louis shakes his head but looks down. He has his fingers wrapped around his hot chocolate when a flash goes off. Louis gasps and looks up to find Harry staring down at his camera.

"It's a nice one." Harry mutters to himself before setting the camera back onto the table.

"You're odd." Louis says and Harry blushes.

"Is it bad?" Louis ponders on the question before he answers.

"No. I quite like it."

The rest of the date is spent with them talking animatedly about nothing and everything. Louis finds out Harry is pansexual and he has an older sister named Gemma. He's a mummy's boy and loves to bake and take pictures. He learns he just graduated from Salford and is currently looking for a job other than his small job at the bakery.

"So what about your family? What are they like?" Louis wishes they didn't talk about this. Harry is leaning over the table, a wide smile on his lips.

"Uh--they're..." What could he say? He can't just tell him that they abandoned him and they haven't tried to reconnect with him in two years.

"They're...not around much these days." Louis says and looks down at his empty cup of hot chocolate. Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Here goes nothing.

"They kicked me out. When I was 21. I came out to them and they completely abandoned me. Um--I haven't seen or heard from them in two years." Louis sighs and Harry frowns. He reaches over and grabs Louis' hand, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm sorry. Don't worry about them. They don't deserve you." Louis doesn't know he was crying until he lets out a wet laugh. He wipes away his tears, muttering apologies.

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. I completely understand." Harry comments and Louis gives him a tight smile. The older lad shakes his head.

"This is supposed to be a date. Not a crying session." Louis laughs and Harry stands up from his booth. Louis thinks that maybe he's had enough and he's going to leave him here to mope.  But instead he scoots Louis to the edge of the booth and sits next to him.

"Lou, honestly, just being here with you is amazing. I don't care if all we do is eat takeout and watch the same movie over and over again. Like I said, you do things to me. I can't really tell if they're good or not but I'll stick around to find out." Harry says and this time Louis blushes. Harry wraps an arm around Louis, pulling him close.

Louis checks the time on his phone. It's past nine. They've been here for over an hour.

"I think I should be heading back home." Harry sighs but gets out of the booth and pulls Louis with him. They leave the payment on the table and Harry doesn't let go of his hand as they make their way towards Harry's car, Louis giggling as Harry almost tripped off the curb.

They get into Harry's car, the cold making its way inside with them. The younger boy starts the car, pulling out of the café and making his way back to Louis' house. The car ride is anything but silent. Louis cracks jokes and Harry tries to do the same, but they mainly consist of knock knock jokes.

"That was awful, Harry." Louis laughs at Harry's newest quip. Harry frowns.

"I thought it was quite good, that one." He says and Louis laughs because Harry seems sincere but then stops himself.

"Don't worry, H. I like you even if you don't have any good jokes." Louis says and a smile pulls onto his lips. Harry pulls up to Louis' house and the older lad expects to just say goodbye and leave but Harry parks the car.

"What are you doing?" Louis asks.

"Being a proper gentleman." Harry answers and gets out of the car. He runs around the hood, opening Louis' door for him. The smaller lad smiles and Harry takes his hand, helping him out of the car.

"Proper." Louis mumbles as they walk to his front door. Louis stops at the entrance, turning to Harry and thinking for a moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asks, dimples prominent.

"Whether I should kiss you or not."

"'ve got nothing to lose." Harry offers. And there, in front of his house, Louis kisses Harry Styles for the first time.

{Friday, December 11, 2015, 11:33 am}

Ever since the date last night, Louis couldn't stop smiling. All he could think about was Harry's soft lips and Harry's nice smile and just Harry. He hated himself for it too. He didn't want to get close to anyone. He doesn't want to become dependent on anyone like how he was dependent on his family. He doesn't want to be left alone again. He wouldn't be able to bear it.

He gets a call from Harry that morning, and he answers it hesitantly.

"Let's hang out today." Harry says instead of saying hello.

"Well hi to you too." Louis could almost feel the blush that most likely crawled its way onto Harry's cheeks.

"Right! S-Sorry! Um, hello! I just--I couldn't stop thinking about you last night. Sorry--that sounds dumb--" Louis laughs. This boy.

"It's alright, H. I can hang out today. How about you come over later and I'll make some dinner?" Louis asks and instantly regrets it. He can't cook for shit. Harry seems to love the idea.

"Okay! I'll be there at six? If that's alright? I need to finish up some decorations here." Louis rolls his eyes. Christmas, ugh.

"Sure thing. See you then, love." He could hear Harry sigh happily on the phone before they hang up. Louis purposely wants to bang his head through a wall. Why did he say he'll cook? The things he does for love.


Later that day, Louis has everything planned. He went out to buy the things he needed and got changed into nicer clothing which consisted of black skinny jeans and a faded Marvel tee. He slipped on his Vans and fixed his hair. He's never really been this nervous before. It was just a boy. A boy with beautiful dimples. A boy with a languid smooth voice. A boy that had Louis' stomach doing flips.

He glanced at the clock. It was past five and he still hasn't finished dinner. He quickly ran to the kitchen, finishing up the meal and smiling to himself at his success. This was actually...pretty good. By far, the best he's ever done. He mentally patted himself on the back when the doorbell rang.

He jumped and flailed his arms around. He looked presentable and he took a few deep breaths at the front door before opening it. There, stood Harry, nose and cheeks red from the cold.

"Hi." Harry whispers and Louis forgets what oxygen is for a second. He shakes his head when he catches himself staring and moves aside so Harry can step inside.

"Hi. How are you?" Louis asks and the younger lad smiles.

"Great. The food smells wonderful." Louis snickers.

"Thanks. This is just about the most romantic thing I've ever done. Be grateful." Harry chuckles and slips out of his coat. Louis takes it and tosses it on the couch.

"What'd you make?"

"Chicken stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash." Louis says, taking a deep breath. He really went all out for this boy. Harry's smile widens as he follows Louis to the kitchen. The older boy tells him to sit at the dining table as he takes out a bottle of wine he bought earlier that day.

"You did all this for me?" Harry asks, blushing madly.

"No, I just made all this so I can eat it all while you watch helplessly." For a moment Harry thinks he's serious. Then Louis laughs and they're both a giggling mess in seconds. Louis serves the food, waiting anxiously as Harry takes the first bite.

"I'm sorry if it's really bad. I don't really know how to cook and it's probably shit. I'll get takeout if you want--" Harry laughs and cuts off his rambling.

"It's great Louis. I love it. Thank you." Harry says and Louis blushes, taking a seat across from him. He serves each of them a glass of red wine and the younger boy thanks him.

"This is amazing. No one has ever done something like this before." Harry says Louis just about dies. They eat the dinner while talking about their favorite television shows and such. By the end of dinner, Harry's lips are stained red from the wine and Louis wants to kiss him.

So he does.

He walks over to Harry and kisses him, softly and hesitantly. Harry responds quickly, sighing into the kiss and wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling him down so Louis' sitting on his lap, legs dangling off either side of the chair.

Harry's lips taste like wine and vanilla and Louis can't get enough of him. His hands curl into the younger lads hair, tugging at it softly. Harry breathes into the kiss, his lips moving slowly but surely.

Louis pulls away, his breath ragged and lips red.

"Beautiful." Harry whispers, his green eyes staring a hole into Louis' blue ones. Louis didn't understand this feeling. He's never felt anything like this before. He's never been so attached to someone like this. He hated to admit, he liked it.

They spent the rest of the evening kissing and mumbling sweet nothings into each others ears before Harry had to leave and Louis was left staring at his retreating figure walking down the block, his head drunk on Harry.

{Monday, December 14, 2015, 5:26 pm}

"I'm not getting a Christmas tree, Harry." Louis says as he stacks the books on the shelves where they belonged. Harry was sitting on one of the mismatched chairs in his bookstore as he whined.

"Why not?" Harry asks.


"Because what?" Harry questions, pouting his lips.

"I don't like Christmas." Louis states, "And why do I need a tree? It's not like there's gonna be anything under it."

"But it'll look pretty." Harry argues. Louis rolls his eyes as he sets the last book on the shelf labeled fiction. He moved on to science fiction.

"I've been fine without one for two years." Louis says and Harry frowns. He understands that Louis doesn't like the holiday because he's always lonely but he hoped that he'd be willing to change.

"Spend Christmas with me this year." Harry offers. Louis freezes. No one has ever asked him to spend Christmas with them. Not in two years.

"I don't wanna be a bother to your family." Louis proposes.

"You won't. My sister Gemma already loves you. She wants to meet you. And my mum is just excited that I have a new boyfriend--"

"We're boyfriends?" Louis asks and Harry blushes.

"I-I...sorry--I get a little carried away--"

"No. I like it. Yeah...boyfriends." Louis smiles to himself and puts the stack of books down, making his way towards Harry. The younger boy smiles and kisses him.

" that a yes?" Harry asks hopefully and Louis cocks a questioning eyebrow.

"On what?"

"Spending Christmas with me."

"I'll think about it." Harry goes to protest but Louis quickly shuts him up with a kiss. The subject goes unanswered for now at least.


Harry doesn't bring up the subject again until later that night. They were at Harry's house this time, cuddling on his couch while they watched A Christmas Carol.

"That's gonna be you if you don't celebrate Christmas." Harry says pointing Ebenezer Scrooge on the television.

"Bah humbug!" Louis screams and Harry laughs, rolling his eyes.

"Spend Christmas with me." The younger lad states and Louis sighs. Honestly, what harm would it do?

"Okay..." Louis whispers and Harry smiles, "But! No presents for me." Harry pouts but nods, holding out his pinky finger.

"No presents." Harry whispers and Louis rolls his eyes but connects their pinkies. He does in fact notice Harry crossing his fingers behind his back.

{Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 3:23 am}

"I really should be going to sleep. I have work tomorrow." Louis whispers into his phone. He could hear Harry's breathy laugh on the other end.

"Me too." Harry replies, barely audible. They've been talking on the phone since ten and it was past three in the morning. The line goes silent, their breaths mingling in the line.

"The bed is cold." Louis says and he could hear Harry shuffling in his bed.

"Mine too." The younger boy admits. They don't say anything else. Louis could feel his own heart in his throat.

"Can I--Can I go--"

"Yes." Louis answers before Harry gets a chance to finish his sentence. He could hear Harry standing up from his bed and shuffling around.

"I'll be there in a minute." Louis grins and hangs up without another word. He gets out of bed, his body stiff from not moving and making his way to the front. He unlocks the door and sends a text to Harry, telling him to walk right in. He smiles to himself as he makes his way back to his room, his bare feet padding against the cold wood floor.

Five minutes pass and Harry is walking into Louis' room with a trench coat. He slips out of it and is shirtless, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips. Louis tries not to stare. Harry takes off his shoes quickly and cocoons himself under the covers, next to Louis.

"It's bloody cold out there." Harry shivers, his cold fingers finding their way to Louis' skin, bringing goose bumps to his flesh. Louis' heart thrums and he kisses Harry, slow and languid, covering the younger boys body with his. Their bare chests are against each other, hands roaming the others body, lips never leaving.

"Beautiful." Louis whispers, his voice barely audible. Harry couldn't help the dorky smile that crawled on his face as Louis rolled off of him, wrapping his arms around his torso.

"Get some sleep, love." Louis murmurs, his breath tickling the back of Harry's neck. Harry hums, Louis' fingers running circles on his tummy.

"Love you." Harry whispers so quietly that Louis almost didn't catch it. His hands freeze and his heart just about jumped out of his chest but he calms himself before answering.

"Love you too, darling."


Louis wakes up that morning to an empty bed. He wonders if everything that happened was just a figment of his imagination. But then the smell of pancakes and bacon fill his nose. He smiles and jumps out of bed, despite his groggy state, and skips to the kitchen.

Harry is there, clad in just his sweatpants, flipping a pancake. He looks up when Louis walks in and oh, this is terrifyingly domestic.

"Morning, sunshine." Harry smiles and Louis grimaces, hugging the younger lad from behind and resting his head on his shoulder.

"Good morning. You know, I'm not really a morning person but if I wake to see your face every morning, it just might change my mood." Louis says, kissing his shoulder. Harry chuckles and flips another pancake.

"Go sit down. Breakfast is almost ready." Louis nods, saluting him and sitting on the kitchen table. Harry serves the food, taking his sweet time. When he sets the plate in front of Louis, the older boy giggles. This boy is ridiculous. He's dating a dork.

On top of the pancake are two strips of bacon, curved into a smile and two blueberries used as eyes. A smile.

"You're such a fucking dork." Louis scoffs and Harry blushes, "But I love you." At those words, Harry was attempting to flip another pancake but he flipped too hard and the food went flying until it hit the ceiling, sticking to it. Louis bursts into loud laughter as Harry's face turns bright red and he apologizes repeatedly.

"I-I'm sorry! I'll clean it--I--"

"Love, shut up. It's fine. Come sit and eat with me." Harry looks down and blushes while serving his food. He has his plate of food and he's making his way towards Louis when the pancake stuck to the ceiling decides to fall and it lands on Harry's head.

Louis bursts out laughing again, falling off his chair and his stomach hurting as Harry stands in the kitchen beet red and with a half done pancake on his head.

{Thursday, December 17, 2015, 2:55 pm}

Louis doesn't know much about love, that's for sure. He doesn't know if what he has with Harry is love. It sure as hell feels like it to him. He felt something with Harry.

Louis sighed, continuing to read as a customer came into the bookstore, shivering from the cold. He was tall, with brown hair and hazel eyes. Louis greeted him, closing his book and standing up.

"Hi. How can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular?" Louis asks, rounding the corner of his. The man didn't look older than Louis. He smiled at him and shook his head.

"Is there any way that I can help you?" Oh.

"No. I don't think you can." Louis answers curtly, crossing his arms. The man smirks.

"I didn't introduce myself properly. I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you." He says.

"Wish I could say the same about you." Louis mutters but tries to smile back. He stares at the door, wishing Harry would come. He's supposed to come in a few minutes so they could get lunch.

"Awe, I like them feisty."

"Listen, mate, I don't know what to say. I have a--"

"It's just a compliment. A pretty boy like you should get compliments all the time." Kyle says. Louis scoffs and turns around. Everything happened so quickly, Louis almost missed it.

The bell chimed, signaling someone has walked in. Kyle made a move and slapped Louis' bum. Louis yelped and turned around to punch him when Harry was already there, seething.

"The fuck you doing touching my boyfriend?" Harry almost growls, and pushes Kyle against the nearest bookshelf. Louis squeaks, frozen in place.

"Chill, mate. I was just having some fun." Kyle says, slightly scared.

"Yeah? Well I'm just going to be having some fun beating your ass." Harry hisses and Kyle throws his hands up in surrender. Harry lets him go and pushes him towards the door. Kyle leaves quickly, not glancing back. Harry is on Louis once the door closes, kissing him roughly.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I'm gonna--"

"Haz, I'm fine. Thank you." Louis giggles and Harry kisses his jaw. His hands are gripping Louis' shirt roughly, not wanting to hurt Louis.

"I want to say you're mine but you don't belong to me. You're your own person." Is this boy for real? If Louis pokes him will he feel actual skin?

"I'm yours, H. I'm yours." Louis says and Harry breaks out into a smile, peppering kisses onto his face. Harry brings his lips to Louis' ear, breath hot against his neck. 

"Let's skip lunch. I have something else in mind." Harry whispers and Louis nods dumbly, his body shivering.


The something else was exactly what Louis had in mind. They drove to Harry's house and once they were inside, the younger boy pushed him against the wall softly, connecting their lips. Harry led them to his bedroom, his lips never leaving Louis' skin.

Louis giggled when they were in Harry's room because the walls were covered in Christmas lights.

"Is there something wrong with my room?" Harry asks, breathlessly.

"No. It's cute." Harry smiled, leaving the lights off and there, in Harry's room, covered with Christmas lights, they made love for the first time.

{Saturday, December 19, 2015 6:59 pm}

Louis blushed when Harry handed him the bouquet of red roses. He thanked him quietly, stepping back inside his home and putting the roses into a vase. Harry was waiting for him at the door, leaning against the frame like a lovesick idiot. He was a lovesick idiot.

Louis quickly walked out, locking the door and making his way to Harry's car.

"So, where are you taking me, Styles?" Louis asks once their safely nuzzled in the warmth that is known as Harry's Audi.

"An ice-skating rink." Harry says and Louis sucks in a breath. Shit. 

"I don't think that's a good idea--"

"Don't tell me you've never been ice skating before."

"I've never been ice skating before." Louis states and Harry laughs.

"I got you, babe. I'll hold your hand the entire time." Louis feels comforted at the statement but his nerves get the best of him when they finally reach the rink. He feels queasy until Harry reaches over the console and holds his hand. He takes a deep breath and smiles. He can do this.


He can't do this. He's standing at the edge of rink, gripping onto the wall, his feet sliding under him. Harry stayed true to his promise, holding his hand tightly.

"Come on. I got you." Harry whispers and Louis swallows thickly. He nods curtly and lets go of the wall. His skates move to their own accord and he yelps as he grips onto Harry's forearms. He's stiff as the two glide around.

"Let go, Lou. It'll be fine." Harry says and Louis shakes his head, not wanting the boy to leave him. He doesn't get a choice in it though. Harry lets go of him and skates circles around him. That smug bastard.

"Haz, I'm gonna die." Louis mutters but his footing holds. Harry rolls his eyes.

"If you can skate as good as me I'll...hmm...I'll let you top next time." Harry smiles and Louis blushes. He did not need his sex life to be made public. He huffs but nods nonetheless.

"Fine." He slides his feet and he amazes himself when he looks somewhat graceful. He skates slowly at first until he turns around and glides straight towards Harry. He can't stop himself quick enough and within seconds, he's crashing into him with a yelp.

They fall to the floor in a tangle of laughing limbs. They faces are centimeters apart, breaths forming puffs of clouds in between them. Harry's green irises stare into Louis' blue ones.

"I'm in love with you." Harry whispers, his hands trailing down his coat covered spine.

"And I'm in love with you." Louis admits. Harry leans forward, kissing him softly, their lips barely touching but there's a spark nonetheless. Louis deepens the kiss, lips moving roughly against each other's. He doesn't care that everyone is most likely staring at them. He doesn't care about his family or anyone other than the boy under him kissing him like he's the only person in the world.

{Monday, December 21, 2015, 10:46 pm}

Louis walks up the porch steps to his house, humming softly to himself. He pulls out his keys and unlocks the door, his fingers numb and cold. He let's out a content breath when he's safely in his home but that all goes to shit when he looks around.

The living room is decorated with all different kinds of Christmas decorations. There is a wreath hanging from his door and tinsel everywhere. The most bright thing is the Christmas lights, hanging around the ceiling, lighting up the entire living room in a dim glow.

Harry is sitting on the couch, smiling at Louis brightly.

"You little shit." Louis can't suppress his grin, "I knew I shouldn't have given you a key to me house." He slips out of his coat and Harry stands up, taking it from him. He sets it on the couch and turns him to face him.

"You need a little Christmas in your life." Harry whispers. Louis could faintly hear a song playing from his crappy sound system.

"Christmas Lights by Coldplay. Thought it fit." Harry whispers, "Dance with me." Harry's hands fit onto Louis' waist, pulling him impossibly close.

Louis wraps his arms around the taller lads neck, resting his head on his chest. They sway slightly, moving in a slow circle under the Christmas lights with Coldplay singing in the background.

Louis wondered why he ever hated the holiday in the first place. If Harry spent the rest his life with him he'd never complain about Christmas again.

{Wednesday, December 23, 2015, 3:51 pm}

"Tomorrow's my birthday." Louis mumbles, his mouth full of Chinese takeout. Harry's eyes widen and he jumps up.

"Why haven't you told me?" Harry asks and Louis shrugs.

"I hate getting older. I'm gonna be twenty-four. Ugh. Hand me a walker while I'm at it. I'm going to start getting grey hair." Harry giggles and shoves Louis playfully.

"Twenty-four is not old." Louis laughs and takes another bite of his food.

"Don't get me anything for my birthday." He says sternly.

"Why?" Harry whines, resting his head on Louis' lap. The older boy shakes his head, running his hands through Harry's hair. The younger lad hums, leaning into the touch.

"I have you. That's all I need." Harry blushes at the words and rushes up to kiss Louis with such ardor and passion it's almost suffocating. He kisses back, just as roughly, sighing when Harry trails his hands down his chest slowly.

"Love you." Harry breathes onto Louis' neck.

"I love you too." Louis whispers back, leaning his head back and looking at the Christmas lights around the living room with a smile.

{Thursday, December 24, 2015, 10:22 pm}

"I thought I said no presents." Louis says and Harry shushes him.

"Just open it." Harry says and Louis looks at the present in his hand. It was a small thing, the size of his palm. The wrapping paper was gold and white, with a small gold bow on it. He sighs and peels the paper off slowly. Inside was a small black box.

"If you're going to propose, please don't." Louis mumbles and Harry laughs.

"I'm not. Just open it." Harry urges and Louis opens the lid to reveal a silver ring. He looks up at Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a promise ring." Harry says and then Louis notices Harry's wearing an identical ring in a thin silver chain necklace. Louis pulls out the ring and stares at it with a small smile.

"Haz..." He hugs Harry with all his force, catching the taller lad off guard.

"You like it?" Louis nods meekly into his shoulder. He slides the ring onto Louis' finger, glad that it fits.

"Christmas is tomorrow. You're not backing out on me now, are you?" Harry asks and Louis shakes his head.

"I would never." Louis says and Harry grins brightly, kissing him roughly.

{Friday, December 25, 2015, 9:55 am}

"I don't know if I can do this. What if they don't like me? What if they hate me? What if--" Louis gets cut off by Harry pecking his lips softly.

"Stop that. They'll love you." Harry whispers, just as a knock in the front door interrupts them.

"That's them. Come on." Harry hauls Louis up from the couch and pulls him to the door. The smaller boy stays behind Harry as he opens the door and is greeted by three people.

"Harry!" A woman with brown hair yells, wrapping her arms around Harry.

"Mum, hi." Harry whispers, hugging her tightly. She sees Louis and steps back from Harry. She walks around him and smiles.

"You must be Louis." Louis blushed and went to shake her hand when she pulled him into a hug.

"Nonsense. You're part of our family now." The woman, Louis remembers her as Anne, says smiling widely. Harry's sister, Gemma giggles and tackles Louis into a hug right after Anne. Harry's step dad gives him a 'man hug' patting his back.

By the end of it, Louis feels like the sun. The family places some presents under Harry's Christmas tree before they sit on the couches and open presents. Harry gets some clothes and shoes from his parents and some beats headphones from his sister. He thanks them and he offers them the presents he got for them.

Louis watches with a smile on his face. He was content just sitting here with Harry's arms wrapped around him and wrapping paper scattered around the floor. Louis smiles and pulls out the present he got for Harry.

The younger lad's eyes widen and he takes the present like a small child and rips the paper open. Inside is a blue polaroid camera. Harry grins and hugs Louis tightly, thanking him over and over again.

That seems to be all the presents and Louis stands to check on the gingerbread cookies him and Harry were making when he's being pulled onto Harry's lap.

"I went against your wishes and got you something." Harry whispers and pulls out a wrapped present from under the couch. Louis scowls but takes it anyway.

He peels off the wrapping paper slowly and finds a book. A scrapbook. The cover is plain, Harry's writing all over it. The title says 'Always in my Heart' in Harry's messy scrawl. Louis opens it to the first page and gasps. There is a picture of Louis' retreating figure, standing contrast against the snow.

It's labeled December 2nd, when I first saw you.

Louis flips to the next to pages to find a picture of him going into his house when Harry dropped him off. The next was of their first date at the diner, Louis looking down at his mug of hot chocolate. Louis smiles and flips through the pictures. They were all something special. The Christmas decorations in Louis' house and even the night the made love for the first time. Louis was under the covers, his chest bare, hair disarrayed.

Louis couldn't help the tears that came to his eyes. No one has ever loved him this much. He closed the book quickly and pulled Harry into a kiss. His family cooed and stood up, giving them some space. Louis pulled away, whispering thank you.

"You like it?" Harry asks breathlessly.

"Of course, you dolt." Louis mumbles and Harry grins.

"Merry Christmas?" Harry questions shyly. Louis leans their foreheads together.

"Yeah...Merry Christmas."


Word count: 7,796

Thank you for reading this.

I love you guys.

Merry Christmas!

And happy birthday to Louis!

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