
Hey guys I have been so busy like you don't even know!!! I have had no time to update anything but I am now! I will try and update whenever but I'm still busy so I don't know when the next update will be but I do plan on continuing to work on the stories I have.

So a few Sundays ago I heard a sermon about tithing and how God can bless you through it. I feel like a lot of us know about tithing but that's it. We give money to God. That's all we know. What about the blessings that God can give you through tithing? He wants to bless you! I just recently started tithing simply to thank God for all that he has done. God has given us everything and while we will never be able to pay him back for all that he did on that cross, we should be paying him back with what we have.

Why you ask? God can bless you through tithing. Now before you go to church and tithe all your money, God does not say to tithe ALL of your money. You should tithe normally 10%. I believe its okay to tithe 15% or maybe even 20% but not 50% or 100%. Some people might take the 'give God everything' saying literal which I believe we should but you need to be smart about it. We need to make smart decisions about how much to give.

Even giving a dollar is giving something. Mark 12:41-44 says "And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on". I love this verse because it shows that it doesn't matter how much we give. It's how we act toward the giving and why we are giving.

God is happy when you offer him something whether it be a penny or a dollar. You are giving something to God and it shows in a way that you are trusting in God to take care of what you give. I believe that makes us one step closer to giving everything to God. Once we get closer to God and start tithing and offering giving him other stuff won't be as hard. It also shows that he is our first priority by giving up something we love because who doesn't love money?

God will bless you. Think of all the blessings you have now when you don't tithe and think of how much more you could get if you do! Its not all about the blessings but if you are faithful to God he is faithful to you. If you give to God he will give to you even if we don't deserve it. We should give him everything because he is our everything. What are you waiting for?

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