
So I felt like God was putting this thought on my heart to share with you guys so you get double chapters today. 

So the thought is that we all learn different, we all pray different, we all spend our free time differently, and most importantly that all our walks in faith are different. 

Some days your prayer may be long one day and other days it's short and sweet. And that's OK. 

Some day's your gonna spend more time in the word and less time having a conversation with God. And that's OK. 

Sometimes your gonna need to say your prayer out loud and other days your gonna say it in your head. And that's OK. 

Everyday you might pray for something else, or be thankful for something else. And that's OK. 

The other day my dad, my sister and I were sitting down for breakfast and my sister asks "Can I eat yet?" so I responded saying "would you like to pray first?" and she nodded her head and said "thank you for bacon. Amen." I kid you not. Now mind you my sister is in 4th grade and doesn't get it like you and I but I could not hold my laughter. It was so funny to me. She was very thankful for the bacon I guess. When I stopped cracking up I asked her "Is that all? Just thank you for the bacon, Amen?" And she said "Yeah" and then added on saying "Thank you for eggs, and family, and friends, and fun..." So I looked at my dad still kinda laughing and he goes "your sister isn't going to pray for the same things as you. She's a 4th grader and your a teenager. Big difference." Which makes sense. My prayer at the dinner table look more like "Lord thank you for this food please bless it, the hands that brought it to our table, and those around the world that need your blessing." And then half the time I'll go on and say things I'm grateful for or specific people who need a blessing. Very different from hers and  I'm sure it's also different from yours. 

I was at my grandparent house playing in their back yard  a couple weeks ago and I couldn't focus on anything but what I needed to say to God so I trekked my snow shoes through the woods in there back yard just talking in my head with God. I was just trying to sort stuff out. On this day I didn't really get a reply back. On another day when I was talking to God, we had a full out back and forth conversation. Some day's you won't need or get a response, other days you will. Some day's you won't need to have those talks, but some day's you will. 

There was one night that I was sitting down to read my Bible but I couldn't because God and I needed to have a talk. The next night I was in my Bible for an hour or so. I read 6 chapters (and that's a lot to me). Some day's you'll need to talk to him and other days you'll need to read what he said and did for/to others.  

Most day's I say my prayer in my head but there are some day's I feel the need to say it out loud, so I do. I say grace with my family at the table but if I don't say something out loud then I go and pray again in my head. 

It's all about what your comfortable with and what you need that day. Some day's your talks with God will be long, other days they won't be. Some day's your Bible study's will be long, other day's they won't be. Somedays your prayer might be long, other days it might not be. But whether it's long or short, in your head or out loud, with others or alone, You should still do it every chance you get. "It doesn't matter how you do it, as long as you're doing it." 

Have a great day and God Bless! Love you all!

Finished writing, posted, and edited on February 24th, 2021

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