🔴 Chapter 9 🔴

Good morning everyone! This chapter is highly unedited any error will be corrected later😂

My phone go soon off! 😪😂. It's sad and funny at the same time.

Vote 🌟 and enjoy!

Chapter 9



🎶One word..... One word..... One word, one word is all i need🎶

"What is prayer?" Pastor Tunde rhetorically asked the congregation and every interested member quietly listened to digest the words that'll soon spew out of his mouth.

"What's the essence in praying, if there's even an essence, we'll find out today. Why does it feel as though sometimes we're wasting our spit and then sometimes we feel like God is deaf to our cries, what are the secrets in praying. This message is for a lot of us cause I realize some people still can't pray, even pastors can't pray. Grab your pen and notebooks, I can't wait to dive in and open your eyes to these secrets." He smiled and Bamidele quickly looked around and a woman passed him a pen.

"Thank you" he muttered and the woman smiled, "You're welcome" she replied tearing out a piece of paper for him.

"Jesus gave us an exemplary way to pray in the book of Matthew, our father who art in heaven, hallow be thy name.  Giving reference to God, I hear some prayers and I get angry, most people bring complains to God even before praising him. Let's be realistic here, when you want to get something from your father or a sponsor or an investor, do you start with grumblings, there has to be preamble. You have swell this God head, don't just swell it because you want to get something from it, swell it  because you're convinced he deserves it! That's the first thing that'll attract his attention, if my daughter praises me, there's always that point where ull feel like, all this for me?"

Amazing laid in he hospital watching the live ministration on her phone. "Your father said he's at IMO state" Her mother dropped her phone on the drawer now drawing Amazing's attention.


"Your Dad said he just drove past IMO state, he strictly warned me against calling him. He said he won't be picking any calls" "Why didn't he just take a flight?" Amazing smiled, she couldn't wait to see her father.

"You know that"

"Mom! The preaching is live" she replied, it came out as a plea, "So I should shut up my mouth shey?"

Amazing rolled her eyes, who is this woman trying to do emotional Blackmail for? She returned her gaze back to the phone, "And forgive our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us. The prayer of a sinner is an abomination, that's why there's always a need to ask him to forgive you, I don't know who I'm speaking to but whatsoever your heart desire might be, I hear the Lord bringing it to pass in Jesus name!"

"Amen"  Amazing and Special replied then Special exhaled placing her hands above her palm.


9:20 am

Amazing was wheeled into the house, it was her first time stepping foot into her house, in case she was actually stepping foot, she was seated on a wheel chair to aid movement.

She couldn't really do much because of the stitches. The doctor advised that she makes use of the wheels for at least two weeks. SpecialGrace wheeled her in, "You shouldn't be stressing yourself under your condition!" Amazing complained referring to her pregnancy.

"It's exercise"

"You need to go home to your children"

"Freddy has it under control"

"You have to"

"I'm not leaving you okay?" Special cuts in then she moved to her front placing both hands on the arm of the wheel chair. Gazing eye to eye with Amazing. "Don't think for a second that I'll leave, no. I'll only leave when I want to. The children are fine and the baby in my womb isn't complaining. If it were me in your shoes you would have done more"

Amazing exhaled. "I don't want to feel like a burden" "You're not. See, I'm not saying I'll stay forever but at least.... Ema your flat mate isn't exactly on a happy mode, school has resumed proper and Benefit won't be able to come take care of you, Yemisi has her business, I'm sure Fisayo has one flight or the other to catch. My point is your friends will be busy and you'll probably need a gist partner"

"So what am I here for?" Mrs Essien complained walking in with two big bags, one containing the clothes Amazing wore the previous day and the other contained plates and provisions from the  hospital "

"Your own profession is to nag" Mr Essien replied and Amazing laughed knowing her mother must already be glaring at her father already.

"Papa Amazing, can you repeat that again, it's like I didn't hear what you said?" She asked and the man only laughed making his way into the house. He dropped his walking stick at a corner, before taking his seat.

He groaned the moment he sat down, "Thank you Jesus, all those driving really made my legs wobbly" he exhaled now smiling at his wife who was still frowning. "I won't take a frowny wife back to the village" "I'm not leaving this place without making sure that my daughter is okay. You can eat your village yourself, its not like it's my village, you're the one that kukuma took me from my beautiful town"

"Oh please, you call that muddy house street a town, i was your only salvation. You were practically a village woman. You should be grateful I came to your rescue" he teased and the daughters laughed.

"Look at this calabar man that I'm managing" she  waved her hands and Amazing smiled, "Don't insult our father oh" Amazing joked then she lowered her voice enough for only Special to hear. "After all he's not the only one managing her, we all are"

"I heard that" Mrs Essien teased and her husband laughed.

"Shey? Do you know how your mother looked like when I brought married her? She was like broom stick and dark too" "Is your mother that was like broomstick"

Mrs Essien laughed, "I'm not lying now. Now that I have used all my money on her, she's now looking fresher, who knew she was fair until I started spending money on her oh. Now she has the guts to say she's managing me. I'll try to pretend I wasn't offended, don't worry, I'll still manage and carry you at the back of the boot, that's if you'll even fit into it"  he laughed covering his face and everyone laughed.

Amazing smiled, she has actually missed her parents bickering at each other. "You two ehn! Ever since her father stopped by the previous night, there has been no dull moments with him.

"There's no need to worry about me fitting into the boot of the car cause I'm not coming until my daughter is perfectly fine"

"The doctor says six weeks"

"I'm planning on staying for like four months" She replied looking away and he laughed, "You're playing right? Honey, you're trying to pull my legs right?"


"What will happen to me? What about that business?"

Amazing and Special grimaced, "Urgh! Dad! We didn't need to know that part" "What's there? You think someone can get enough of this sexy woman?" "I thought you were managing me?" She asked and Mr Essien laughed hard.

"This woman will not kill me"

"God I miss you all, I miss us"

Special chuckled, "I don't miss them oh, you're free to have them for the rest of the year. I've been seeing them like what? Every week, sometimes twice in a week. Abeg!"

"Where are the guys in the family, Kommy and Kemmy? they're not here right? After they'll be beckoning me to send them money"

"Isn't that the only thing they know?" Her father asked still laughing, "Send me money every time, its like they don't know that dollars keep rising and our currency has been falling like dominos"

Amazing tried not to roll her eyes, in her mind she was wondering how the rise of dollars managed to squeeze itself into the conversation. She knew it was just get father's way to lament about the state of the country.

If you dare indulge the man in that topic, she might not even rest for the day, the man will turn the conversation into his private lecture room. He'll start his own history class from the year of oil boom to the current state!

"How did dollar rise enter this topic?" Special asked walking towards the kitchen and her mother laughed, "Let him just say he's looking for how to start complaining about Nigeria as if they're paying him for the complaints. Don't indulge him oh"

Everyone busted into laughter and Amazing closed her lips staring at her father who was nodding in resignment. "Mummy" "Before nko?"

"I won't even out you in my boot again"

"You're not ashame, you don't even have a private jet, you're complaining about boots. See, I'd rather enter the boot of a private jet than your car boots"  "Abeg wait oh, does private jet have boots again?" Special stood by the kitchen entrance and Amazing shrugged.

"I was going to ask too"

"No, let her run her mouth now. As if i didn't take her from that her village, she'll know what a private jet is"  he replied laughing with his children and Mrs Essien rolled her eyes now staring at Amazing who was now touching her belly, either from pain or laughing too much.

"Abeg, I don't want to laugh again" she exhaled while Special entered into the kitchen to get water to drink. "I can't believe you guys will be putting your lives on hold for me. Dad you probably have lectures to attend to" she pouted and her father smiled. "I already cancelled by class for the week. That's parenthood for you, do you know how many things I actually put on hold after you were born? There are sacrifices you have to make for your children. Don't worry, when you become a mother you'll understand better"

Amazing gave a half smile, "Hey, don't give me that fallen look, you'll have your own children okay? Plenty of them." "I'm satisfied with three oh or four" she replied with a wide smile.

"I already booked mass on your behalf. God is not heartless that he doesn't listen to the supplication of his children. Everything will be fine"  "I need to rest, I'm tired of sitting"

"Firstly I need to sanctify this house with holy water and anointing oil. I'm sure this witches are coming from your father's house, they will die in Jesus name"

"Amen!" Special replied holding a bottle, "This house is out of bounds from witchcraft now and forever more Amen"

Benefit walked into the Principal's office, "Good morning Ma" "Morning Ms Oloche, please have your seat" she said and she did. "I understand you have a class and you're in a hurry to leave" "Yes Ma'am but I have someone in charge already"

"I trust you, you're always having someone in charge. Are you aware Mr Thomas the physics teacher just passed on?"

Benefit gasped, "No Ma'am" "See, my husband was rooting for him as the head teacher but I've never liked him and being a feminist, I usually tend to support equal gender role and I know my husband can be a sexist atimes but this time, I've been able to convince him and following the death of Thomas Ajayi, congratulations my dear, you have yourself a promotion" she announced and Benefit smiled.

"Oh my...." She gasped rising up, "Thank you very much Ma, " I really appreciate it and I'm sure you won't regret it"

"I won't. It was well deserved"

Yemisi Bakeries

Kwame walked into Yemisi bakery. Ngozi who was attending to a customer quickly glanced at him while Ayomikun walked up to him. "Good morning Sir" "Good morning Ayo, I'm here to see my love"

"She's busy"

"Can I see her?"

"I don't know oh"

Kwame raised his brow, "Like seriously? I can't see her, Wow" "There's this training programme she's undertaking" "Oh it's true, It started today, I'll be here, can you just help me call her out?" He asked and she went into the kitchen.

Yemisi got out with her hairnets and her dusty apron on, "Hey Babe" she called out moving close to him, "This one that I can't come in, do I have permission to kiss you?" He asked and she looked at the customer.


"I'm disappointed. My heart just broke!"

Yemisi laughed, "Sorry. The training of those students started today, your Mom gave me this gig, I feel like I'm unqualified for it. You should have seen the way those Ajebo girls were looking at the kitchen because it's small"

"Hey! Don't ever let anyone make you feel that way. You're better, way better"

She smiled rolling her eyes, "I don't want to fall hands, besides I strictly instructed them not to let you in because I'm trying to avoid situations where people will start laying complains from her trainees or stigmatizing what i sell, all these news that will go on social media, before you'll know, they'll say she's always bringing her boyfriend into the kitchen to have sex with him"

Kwame laughed, "That's bizaare" "The world is messed up, the news would have gone far before you can even explain yourself! Besides the training has been helping as a distraction from all these madness!"

Kwame nodded in agreement, "How's Ema?" He asked and she exhaled in relief not because everything was okay but because he has been really supportive through it all.  "Ema is worse than devastated,"She's in Oyo State, they're already making arrangements for Kunle' burial."

"Whoa..... Is that close to his family?"

"No. Apparently Kindle already told his parents about her. The guy was really serious about getting married to her" 

"And Amazing.... How is she?"

"She just got discharged from the hospital, thank you" she said and he raised his brow in wonder.


"First, for caring about my friends and then for enduring me through this, I've been crying and you've been there to support me. My ex would have..." "Shhh.. Why are you bringing him into our conversation?"

"I'm just trying to buttress a point. They hated the relationship I had with my friends, at a point they'll be like, pick one. Thank you for the concern"

Kwame exhaled, "It's nothing. I understand your friendship goals more than anything. I was going to grab lunch at the usual place, wanna come with me?" "I still have some things to finish up, I could really use real food" she replied pouting her lips in disappointment, "But I can't, not now"  she added and he smiled.

"No qualms" he winked at her and she chuckled, "You see what I just did there? Kwams, qualms" he winked again and she giggles slapping his chest playfully, "You're so lame! But I love you anyway"

"Love you too. See you later, or I'll call you"


"I don't want my baby stressing herself okay?" He answered kissing her on the forehead then she smiled walking backwards, "Bye love" "Bye"

One of the teachers at the school where Benefit worked in walked into Benefit's new office smiling. "I see you're already settling in" "Yes Mrs Kemi" "I guess congratulations are in order" "Thank you" "I just came in to tell you that Adetutu sends her greetings"


"Oh, she fell ill over the weekend. I even paid her a visit at the hospital on Saturday, apparently she couldn't make it to school today because of it. She sent her greetings though, I'm just delivering her message to you"

"Thank you for the information"

"You're welcome"  Mrs Kemi replied walking out of the office and Benefit creased her brow in worry. She wondered what could have happened. Now she has to visit her oh, to think that she has been doing date avoidance since they met!

She has practically turned down every of his request, even though she liked him, she just didn't want to bear the burden of being hurt, not like anything good can ever come out of her! She rolled her eyes then she let out a frustrating sigh, what kind of stupid set up is this?

Benefit knocked on a door and Jeff opened up the door, he was quite excited and surprised at the same time. "Good afternoon .... Benefit"  "Good afternoon Mr Jeffrey" she greeted. He scoffed and scratched his side burns, "I didn't realize we were back to being formal" he replied and she shut her eyes in regret.


"What are you doing here?"

Benefit exhaled, "I... Heard about Tutu" "Oh. Would you like to come in?" He asked and she walked in then he shut the door and she cleared her throat. "How is she?" "She's doing better than she was on Friday, she had Malaria"

"Oh. Can I see her, I've been thinking about since Mrs Kemi left my office"

"She's in her room, follow me" he answered leading the way into her room then she entered into the room where Adetutu laid weakly. "She has been so tired to speak, surprisingly for a talkative, she doesn't say much"

She smiled on seeing Benefit, "Miss Oloche" she replied now sitting up, it was almost as though the mere sight of Benefit revived her! "Hey dear" she replied and Jeff watched her in shock.

"I thought you couldn't stand up"

"Well you're not Miss Oloche" she responded and he slapped his chest feigning hurt. "Ouch" "Sorry Dad" she responded and Benefit held her hands. "How are you feeling?" She asked placing the back of her palm against her neck.

Her temperature was still high, "Her temperature is still high, shouldn't she be taken to the hospital" "She hates hospitals, she was doing fine earlier on" "I guess Mrs Kemi told you"

"Yes she did. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier, your father didn't let me know" she looked up at Jeff who only returned her stern look with a smile. "I was cooking before... I better return back to the kitchen"

Benefit arced her brow, "Can you cook?" "I think the question should be, is there anything I can't cook" "Brag much?" She asked and he chuckled. "I made Ewedu, I'm about to make Amala, I don't know if...."

"I won't miss having a taste, someone has to judge the food right?" She asked then he laughed nervously leaving get daughter alone with her.

Adetutu laid back in bed and Benefit joined her, "How did it start" "It's a long story" "Well, I have all the whole day!"

6:25 pm

Benefit watched Adetutu sleeping peacefully then she exhaled in relief. She didn't regret coming over, her visit revived Adetutu! Jeff walked in shutting the door loudly and she turned back at him.

"Shhhh she's already asleep"

"Oh. Sorry" he whispered, "I didn't know, so the talkative finally kept quiet. What did she say about me again? What other embarrassing secret did she spill"

"Just more confessions about your feelings for me"

Jeff slapped his face in shame then he joined her in bed. "This girl is a parrot!" "You don't talk much Sir, unless you're faking it and you're more than you appear, everyone is!" "I don't" "Where did she get it from? It's always from one of the parents"

"Her mother, Gbemi" he replied laughing to himself then he cleared his throat getting ready to move into another topic, he didn't want to make things more awkward!

Whenever he discusses about his ex-wife, there's always that flow of emotion that usually gets females thinking he's still hung up on her! He has never cared about the rest! He definitely didn't want to scare this woman away!

"So..... Um...."

"How was she like?" She interrupted before he got the chance to  even change the topic. Damn it! He cussed within then he shrugged knowing it'll definitely begin to rain tears!

He cleared his throat, "I mean apart from being a talkative, she must have had other traits" she continued staring at him affectionately and he smiled. "She was a good woman, Gbemi was beautiful, nice, she had this big heart for charity" he replied bringing out his phone then he quickly swiped to his gallery where he located the picture of the young lady.

"Wow, she's pretty. Tutu looks like her"

Jeff smiled, "Shey? She takes after her too"  "What happened to her?" She asked and he exhaled, "She had sickled cells, she was a sickler" "Oh my gosh" Benefit closed her lips, "I'm sorry, but...but.... Why would you?" "What? Get married to a sickler? Because of love, I loved her" he confessed now wiping his tears off, "She was my first love, I was.... um.... I was a corper in the university, I was um... working side by side which her HOD. That was how I met her, it was love at first sight.  She knew she had a short life span but I've never seen any woman so determined like she was, it was what drew me close to her, one of the qualities that attracted me."

"Didn't you know...."

Jeff exhaled, "At first I didn't but there was this time she got ill and missed a week lecture, that was when I learnt she's a sickler. It was too late, I was already in love with the young lady, and honestly, I didn't care what the medical practitioners were saying" Tears streamed down his cheeks, "I was ready to take the chance, she didn't even live to see her daughter grow"

Benefit sniffled wiping her tears off, when did she get this emotional? She didn't even realize she was crying too. "What about Adetutu? Is she?" "No, I was ready to take the risk because my genotype was AA, I wanted to have a large family but... The first birth wasn't easy so the doctor advised we stop there and we did. It hurt when I lost her" he sniffled and she used her fingers in wiping the tear on his face.

"Its okay... I'm sorry I asked. I shouldn't have"


Benefit exhaled, "Look at us, we're both crying" she replied and he chuckled exhaling loudly, "Let's change the topic" "Why have you been avoiding me?" He asked and she exhaled thinking of how she was going to wiggle out of this one.

Shebi she was the one who suggesed a change of topic!

"I haven't been avoiding you"

"Are you sure? Cause it seems that way to me. I mean at first you seemed cool about going on a date someday with me. Then you started posting me. I assumed you only said that because of my daughter, perhaps,  you didn't want to hurt her"

Benefit groaned in regret, "Urgh! Okay....." She turned towards him, "You're right, I've been avoiding you" "Why? Did I do something wrong?" "No, you didn't. Actually..... You were perfect, I was just scared" "Of what? Heart breaks?" He asked and she gave a gentle nod.

"I'm not that kind of guy" he replied and then he rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you must heard that line a number of times but I promise you Bee, I'm not that kind of guy, I won't hurt you, you know why? Because I'm in love with you. After my wife, you're the only woman I've ever liked this way, the only woman I want to continue this life with, have my children with"

Benefit shut her eyes, "Jeff...." "I know this might make me sound desperate but.... just let me know what they did and I promise not to do the same" he promised and Benefit laughed. "Don't even laugh about this, I'm serious when I say I love you"

She kissed him on the lips then she withdrew bitting her lower lips, "I believe you" she replied placing her palm on his cheek then he smiled capturing her lips back and they both laod there kissing each other, almost forgetting Adetutu was in the room.

"Does that mean you two are now dating?" Adetutu asked and Benefit glanced at her in surprise, "I.... Thought.... I thought you were...."

Adetutu covered her face with the bedsheet out of shame then she dropped her hands to reveal her face.   "Opps, the door woke me up, I wanted to sleep but you two were saying the most sweetest things and I just couldn't sleep."

Benefit chuckled covering her face in shame, "I'm ashame" "Don't be Ma, I'll go back to sleep. You two can continue where you left off, or you can go to Daddy's room" she answered and Jeff shook his head.

"Go to Daddy's room and do what?"

"Adult stuff"

Benefit covered her face in serious shame, this girl!  "That's an inappropriate suggestion for a fresh relationship" her father replied and she chuckled. "Besides, I'll be going back home tonight"

"I'm sorry but don't leave yet. I'm excited you'll finally get to be my Mom, welcome to the family Ma. Please can you spend the night?" She asked and Benefit bit lips staring at Jeff who held her palms kissing it.

Aboh's friend, Mannie came over to his house to spend the evening watching football matches on the television with bottles of beer on the table before them.  Aboh's mind wandered far from the football, nothing seems to be able to serve as distraction away from the result of the surgery done on Amazing.

He thought of how he was going to weather the disappointment when getting her pregnant doesn't work out.    His face contorted showing defeat in every wrinkle, and there was desperation in his eyes!

Mannie watched him snagged up another bottle of beer, then he poured the beer into a glass. "Guy! it's okay now, are you trying to get yourself drunk or something? I've only had just one, I know you're not driving this event but guy..... Which one?" He asked and Aboh scoffed.

"What's going on?"

Aboh waved his hand in a dismissive manner, he didn't feel like talking about it, "Is this still about Amazing?" "Yeah" he replied taking a sip from the glass then he inhaled and exhaled.

"I don't know what to do. Her father is around and I was supposed to see him today but I gave excuses to avoid going. Mannie, I'm scared"

"Of what?"

"What if she doesn't give birth after we get married"

Mannie shrugged, "Easy! All you guys have to do is try to get pregnant before the wedding" he replied then he cringed on remembering there wasn't any sexual relationship between them.  "Oh. I forgot, she's celibate."

Aboh agreed now scratching his forehead then he gulped the entire glass of beer. "Well, let her know you can't wait. Be sincere with her" "And how is that going to make me look like? Like a impatient idiot, I mean i agreed to her terms to wait till marriage"

"Guy, it's not as if she's a virgin. Come on now, you set think am now, make she herself reason the whole thing. Dude, if you have doubts, test it before you get into marriage, you don't want live the rest of your life in regret"

Aboh exhaled, "She can't conceive until her womb heals, and that takes like more than six months sef, the doctor already spoke to us about it. So, even when we're married, we can't have children yet until she heals. I've been thinking and thinking about this whole thing, I won't lie mehn, I'm having cold feet already"

"Do the needful now that you haven't even met with her family"

Aboh hissed, "I already met her parents" "Abegi! See, parents is different from meeting her entire clan members and relatives. My point is, maybe you should let her down now when it's not too deep. I don't want you making a decision you'll end up regretting" Mani advised then he exhaled.

"I love her Mani, I really do"

"I don't like that Aboh" Bamidele complained while they watched the football match and Kwame cringed glancing at him, "Why are you making him a topic?"

"I'm supposed to check out two places and then make my choice. I just think the guy is a phony, he's a kiss ass, he probably got to the top kissing ass" he complained nodding his head in the direction of the player.

"Aboh is not a bad guy"

"He's a phony, I can smell it from afar!" 

Murphy rolled his eyes, "Guy, it's football night, why are we talking about something we don't even know" "He's the guy from Kwame's company, the one..." "Guy we don't care, all we're just asking you to do is keep quiet. Are you even watching this match?" He asked and Bamidele shook his head.

"I have a lot on my mind"

Murphy scoffed, "When did Bamidele Jones start thinking of stuff? Normally, you only brush it off and pretend the don't exist"

Yemisi knocked on Kwame's door and everyone turned towards Kwame, "Are you expecting anyone?" "No. If it was someone strange security would have notified me"  he replied then he walked towards the doors, he opened up shocked to see Yemisi.

"Hey Babe"

"Hey...... " He trailed off, "What are you doing here?" "I came to see my boyfriend. I was feeling bad about turning down lunch so I decided to surprise you and I brought lunch"  she replied raising a nylon up and he shut his eyes, "What? Is it a bad time?" She asked and he exhaled, "You could have told me, i would have just said no to the guys"

"Oh. Football?"


"Oh. I can go"

Kwame dragged her back, "No. Don't be silly, they'll leave soon. Besides, I haven't officially introduced you to my friends. Now's the perfect chance". Yemisi smiled walking in and Leave shut the door then he pulled her into his arms kissing her lips and she leaned into him kissing him back.

"I couldn't do that earlier on"

"Yeah, me too" she replied and they both made their way into the sitting room. Bamidele raised his brow on seeing her then he scoffed, "You're dating Whoopi Goldberg"

"Weldon, Baba Fryo with your 50 50 naira earrings" she snapped and Dare laughed and Bamidele raised his hands in surrender, "I didn't mean that in a bad way" "Are you sure? Sounds like an insult"

"I'm sorry" he apologized and she flashed a smile at everyone, "Forgive my manners, good evening guys" "Good evening" They all replied.

"Guys meet my Yemisi"  Kwame replied and Dare smiled,  "We finally got to meet the woman that has managed to capture Kwame's heart. You're the only thing he talks about"

"Are you being for real, or this is just  normal guy gimmick to make the girl fall in love"

Dare laughed, "No gimmicks, this one don turn mumu for you" "Awwwwn" she replied looking at Kwame, "I can see you guys are watching football, I won't want to disrupt this so, I'll drop this in the kitchen then I'll join you guys"

Bamidele laughed, "Join you guys? Please whatever you do, don't ask which country is playing we don't want to get annoyed oh" he replied and she laughed, "Feel free to get annoyed Bammy, it's my boyfriend, go to your own boyfriend's house"

"Oooooh" Dare covered his lips, "I think you meant girlfriend's house" Bamidele corrected and she laughed, "I meant boyfriend, with all these your earring collection, are you sure you don't have one?" She asked and Dare laughed poking Bamidele.

"Cabu, you better shut up! We have ourselves a territorial girlfriend, she's already claiming boyfriend's house oh" he chipped in and Yemisi laughed walking into the kitchen and Kwame eyes trailed her till she entered, "She's a keeper" Dare replied and Murphy rolled his eyes, "Sophie for me any day! Sophie is slay, this one is....." He trailed off meeting with Kwame's glare.

"This is one is wife material, one thousand yards" Dare replied, "The girl is a complete vibe, she no dey hide mouth. That's my kind of girl and we've just imposed on their time and she's been cool about it. She wants to even join us"

"Probably pretending, you don't know girls"

"You that that PHD in girls study, have you been in any serious relationship, instead you're there hung over"

Murphy punched his arm and he groaned, "Do you guys want to eat something?" Yemisi asked but Bamidele shook his head,  "Thank you, we had pizzas already" "Speak for yourself" Dare replied and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Dare you sef try dey get shame"

"Even if it's small" Kwame added and he hissed and they all returned their gaze back to the match while Yemisi sat on the arm of the single chair Kwame sat on then she leaned on him.

Bamidele suddenly thought of Amazing, since Yemisi was close to her, he thought of asking but he obviously didn't know how to or how it'll sound.

Dare cleared his throat, " They say una wan buy Vardy?" " Yeah, I heard that last night" Murphy replied and Bammy scoffed. " Are you serious? What for? You have Lacazette and Auba already now"

Murphy arced a brow, "You no sabi say Aubameyang contract go soon expire? Why you dey talk like this na?" "Wow,  so you'll pick Vardy over Auba?"

"Dude, how is it now your business?

Bamidele laughed, "It's not as if you guys can even afford him"  "No talk am joor"  "Oga Murphy, that's the plain truth" Dare added,  "Ordinary Zaha, you couldn't pay 60 million for him"

"Wetin we wan use Zaha do?"

"Mahrez kor?" Bamidele asked,  "We never wanted him. He was the one that wanted to join us"

Bamidele laughed annoyingly, "Joke of the century. Who in his right mind wants to come to Arsenal?" He asked as the Man united fan that he was and Kwame scoffed, "Who wants to come to Man Utd too? That small Madison has been rejecting you guys since Calvary"

"Liar! We've not even made any official bid"

"How about Sancho?" Murphy continue and Bamidele scoffed, "Wetin concern you with players wey you no fit afford? Come on relax and watch this match, and wish you can afford Vardy"

Murphy scoffed "Guy, you dey craze. Cross that ball!" He snapped at the player on television,  "Goooooaaaal!" Dare and Bammy yelled, "Vaaaaaaaaardy! That guy too good abeg" Dare replied then Bamidele turned towards Yemisi who was just shaking her head in amazement at how guys bicker over football clubs as if they're being paid to.

"Now that you've shouted the goal, have you received alert on your phone?" She asked and Bamidele laughed, "You think this is Big brother Naija shey?" He asked and Kwame laughed.

"How is Amazing?" Bamidele asked out of nowhere, he didn't even realize the question had escaped out of his lips, "Why are you asking?"

"Welcome to Nigeria where it's a bad thing to check up on your fellow human being"

Yemisi smiled, "I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just shocked" "I heard she had surgery that didn't go as planned" he replied and she shot a look at Kwame who looked away instead.


Kwame laughed, "He asked me and I had to spill, I'm sorry" "Well...." Yemisi flipped her hair, "She's fine, she has been discharged from the hospital" "I heard. Can u get her phone number?"


"Where does she live?" "I'm not telling you that"

"Fine, can you help me deliver a gift to her"

All eyes turned towards him in surprise and he laughed, "What's is?" "Why do you want to buy her a gift?" "Guys, this bad boy is trying to shoot his shot here!" "Amazing is taken"

"She's not married is she? I don't do married women, as long she's engaged, I can still engage her" "Amazing is not that kind of person" "Wanna bet? I can sweep her feet but the issue is that, I really don't fall in love"

Yemisi scoffed, "Holy ghost fire will burn you" "Funny. So ....can you help me make the delivery tomorrow? I'm not even good with meeting sick people . I don't even know how to give condolences"

"Who died"

"My points exactly! See, I suck! So can you help me?" She asked and Yemisi smiled. "Okay....." "Seriously? Thanks" he replied and she nodded, "Just know that your plans will fail"

Aboh knocked on the door and Mr Essien opened up, "Yes?" He asked, "Who are you?" He added and he bent his head on respect. The man was beginning to make him sweat unnecessarily.  "Good morning Sir" "Good morning" "My name is Aboh Anthony, I'm Amazing's fiancee" he stretched his hands out at her and Mr Essien shook his hands.

"So you're the Aboh"

"Yes Sir"

"Do you love my daughter"

Aboh scoffed within, what's this man asking sef? If he doesn't like her, will he still be with her? For crying out loud, he has made a risky decision to continue with the marriage and here is he asking annoying questions.

Not like he was even in the mood to answer questions! He only concluded the man was just trying hard to scare him. Probably all those father-in-law to son-in-law initial gra gra!

He didn't understand why fathers have to make things hard for their in law!

"I love her"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Sir"

"How much do you love her?" He asked and Aboh exhaled, "Am I supposed to quantify it Sir?" He asked then he laughed nervously to cover up the anger in the last response.

"I mean, I love her so much. I mean we are all aware of the medical state she is, if I can proceed with getting married to her even in that state. Isn't that proof enough that I love her?"

Mrs Essien got out of the kitchen smiling, "Our husband is here! Aboh dear welcome" she moved closer to him, "Welcome my dear, you are right on time! I was about to put the yam porridge down"

Aboh shook his head, "Thank you Ma. I.... I already ate before leaving home and I'm about to leave for work. I only came to see Amazing and you Sir" he replied staring at him and Mr Essien grinned.

Special pushed Amazing out into the sitting room and Aboh smiled on seeing her. "Good morning Aboh" Special greeted  and he responded duly now kneeling before Amazing who had a faint smile on her face. 

"Hey Babe" "Hey, I see you already met the man after my own heart, my father"

"Yes I did, we had a short but interesting conversation"

Amazing smiled staring at her father, "Really?" She asked and Aboh smiled nervously, "I was about heading off to work. I'll see you tonight or tomorrow, depending on my schedule. Okay?" He asked kissing her palm and she smiled.

He rose up bowing his head towards her parents direction, "I'll take my leave now, you all have a nice day" "You too" Special and her mother replied then they watched him hurry out of the house.

"I don't like the guy" Mr Essien commented and his wife rolled her eyes, "That's your daughter's husband to be" "I don't care, there's just something about him" he replied looking down at his daughter.

"Are you sure about this one?"

"Dad. Special, please take me to my room. Thank you"

Hours later, Ngozi knocked on the door with a red gift bag and Special opened up, "Good morning Ma, my name is Ngozi" "I know, my sister has been expecting you"

She passed the gift bag to her, "I should be on my way. Bye Ma" she greeted leaving and Special closed the door  smiling, "You have a special package. Aboh is so romantic!" She squeaked sitting on the same chair with Amazing who had a blanket covered over her. Then she passed the bag to her.

"Awwwn, after seeing you this morning, he decided to drop a gift"

Amazing brought a flower from it then she sniffed it, "This is the first time he's getting me flowers, I won't say that he hasn't been romantic. We've gone on dates but.... this is the first time he's getting me gifts" she smiled taking out a card then she opened it up.

I know that cards are probably like the oldest means of communication and passing romantic messages but I love the fact that girls are still swooned by it till tomorrow! And no, this isn't from your fiance.

I'm sure he's not that romantic! It's from the most handsomest guy that isn't your friend

For no reason she started giggling, "It's not from Aboh" "Who is from? A secret admirer? Is he aware that you're getting married?" She asked and Amazing nodded then she flipped to the next page.

So you escaped that day in church without actually dropping your number. You're chasing a client away, how am I suppose to throw that party now?

Amazing laughed and her father watched her from the door leading to the sitting room.

You don't the first thing about keeping a customer. Your customer keeping strategy sucks, big time! I won't even try to sugar coat it because they suck!

"Idiot!" She chuckled again.

You can learn a thing or two from me, for starters why don't you send your contact to the contacts below. I can't remember the last time I ever wrote something this long to anyone and I'm writing it because of you. Hehehe, anyways..... Wishing you quick recovery.

My house warming party is not going to plan itself!

With utmost concern, yours sincerely

That handsome guy, Bamidele Jones (winks)

080600 5626

Will be expecting your message; meanwhile, enjoy your chocolate. Valentine came twice this year!

Amazing chuckled opening the was a box of chocolates. "Is that from your fiancé" "It's not from Aboh." "Who is from? I even thought it was from a boyfriend, this one that  you've been blushing like what I don't know"

Amazing laughed, "Blushing? Who's blushing?" "Deny it" "Sis, you've been blushing" Special added leaving the room and Amazing laughed.  "The guy is crazy" she replied and her father collected the card going through it. "Hmmm, from the most handsomest guy that isn't a friend. Smooth, this guy is toasting you"

"I know. He's a bad boy, like a major one! If they were giving ranks, they'll call him General!"

His father laughed still going through the note, "Dad don't read that, pry much?" "The guy is smooth I have to hand it to him, see toasting techniques. Are you going to send him the number?" "Dad.... I have a fiance"

"Kase eyen emi (Look at this child) Who's asking you?"


"It's a harmless phone number"

"That can possibly ruin my future marriage, you don't know Bammy the way I do"

Mr Essien laughed  "Wait ... The same Bammy, Bamidele Jones?" He asked and Amazing widened her eyes in shock, how in the world did this man remember his full name?

"How did... You remembered"

He laughed hard, "Am I supposed to forget the name of the guy who" "Dad!" She snapped turning back to see if her mother was coming but he continued laughing instead.  "That fight wasn't funny sha, you practically assaulted the guy!"

"Because he deserved it" she snapped then she shut her eyes in regret, "But sha" "Dad please..... You know how I feel about my secondary school days experience. I really don't like talking about it"

Mr Essien exhaled, "I do wish to know everything, remember we try to not hide things from each other but you've been hiding the main gist" "This one is kinda necessary. I can't divulge this one, I told you about that other one.... This one is more...."

"Mama" he called as he fondly calls her,  "Dad... I don't want you to be disappointed in me. Let's not talk about Bamidele Jones, I hate the guy's guts" "The best love stories usually start that way" he teased and Amazing glared at him then he scratched his neck looking away.

"Did... Did I mention that i'm engaged to a man call Aboh Anthony and not Bamidele Jones"

Mrs Essien chuckled now staring at her, "Forgive my forwardness, you know me, I don't see the truth without acknowledging it. The smile on your face while reading that note is way better than when he came in this morning"

"Dad, please can we drop the topic? I won't even wish Bamidele upon my worst enemy."

Her father picked the box of chocolate,  "There's no point eating this is there?" He picked up the box of hocolate walking away and Amazing watched him with her mouth agape.

"Dad! That's a gift! Dad? Dad!" She called out then she picked up the flower sniffling it then she gushed again picking up her phone to call the number on the card.

"Hello" she heard his voice then she cleared her throat, "Who said anything about you being the most handsomest man in my life?" "Am I not?" He asked and she chuckled, "Have you met my fiance?"

"I'm sure he's not as handsome as I am. You have a choice to pick between the both of us"

Amazing scoffed, "In your dreams. Thanks for the gift." "You're welcome. How's your health?" He asked and she kept quiet, how did he find out? Definitely from Kwame! She answered her own question.

How much does he know?

"Um...... Just wanted to say thank"

"You're welcome and thanks for the number too"

"Don't make me regret it"

Bamidele smiled, "You won't. What about my house warming plans?" "I'm sorry, I can't work now, I won't want to stress myself but I can send someone on my stead. Will you prefer that? " "No. But I'll  manage anyways. How do you charge?" "Well, what's your budget?"

Sixteen years ago


Just as fifteen years old Benefit made her way down the school hall, one of the SS3 guy stopped her, he had a grin on his face. "Smallie" "What do you want from me?" "Let's enter into one of the class now, I'll show you what I want from you"

"I said I'm not going, is it by force?"

He held her hands and she groaned in pain, "Ah, its paining me" "Oga, why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Ema asked from behind and the guy stared at her, he was quite taller than the both of them, this provoked a laughter from him.

"You? Are you even my size, you this SS2 small rat"

"And you're stupid for someone in SS3"

The guy raised his hands to slap her but Amazing held his hands up, "Why don't you try picking on someone else that's your size?" She asked and the guy scoffed, "Who's this one?" "The name is AmazingGrace"

"Who cares about your name"

"Oh you better do cause that'll be the only thing you'll be hearing when I slap your face"

"You dare not"

"Oh, you had better not test my patience cause ah!" She laughed hysterically, "Cause it's very slim. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, picking after junior students, you're just despicable"

"I'm sure he doesn't even know what the word means" Ema chipped in and Amazing turned towards her, "Oh trust me, he doesn't" she snapped now folding her hands while Obiora scoffed looking at the three guys.

"I can slap you now and get away with it"

Amazing moved close to him, her forehead almost touching his, "I dare you, see, I'm even begging you to slap me. Please, slap me" she requested. Just as he raised his hands, Bamidele held it down, "Guy what do you think you're doing? Were you going to raise your hands on a woman?" He asked, "Let me teach this bitch a lesson"

Amazing glared at him, "Did you just call me a bitch?" "I swear I'll rough you up!" "I'll like to see you try!" She screamed approaching him and Nene held her back, "Amazing come back here!" "I want to see him slap me now"

"And I'll do again and again"

Bamidele held Obiora, "Guy! Stop acting like an idiot, you don't raise hands on girls damn it! That's the golden rule! No dey do like Mumu" "Head boy, what's going on here?" A teacher asked and Bamidele exhaled staring at Amazing.

"Just a misunderstanding Sir"

"Looks like a fight"

Amazing placed her hands akimbo on her waist, "We were having a debate on the topic, only stupid men, raise their hands on women but some people don't actually agree with it" she grinned whole Obiora gritted his teeth.

"Is that so Bamidele?"

Bamidele nodded, "Yes Sir" he replied and the man went away then Benefit exhaled in relief "Thank God" she muttered and Obiora scoffed at her. "You?" "Let this be the last time I see you pick on girls cause the next time I won't be merciful as this"

"Fuck you" He snapped leaving and Bamidele walked away then he shared a look with Amazing before finally leaving.

Amazing turned towards Ema and Benefit, "You guys are in SS2 A right? You guys should be careful, if he tries anything, I mean anything. You know where you can find me" "We do" Ema replied and Benefit smiled, she has never felt more grateful in her entire life.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome" she replied and Nene held her hands away. "What's wrong with you? Picking fights with Obiora over people that are not even your friends." "You know how I hate guys picking on girls"

Nene laughed, "AmazingGrace, protector of all timid girls, I would have just assumed you're a lesbian if not for your ending crush on" "Shut up!" Amazing snapped and she busted into more laughter.


Ema called for emmergency at Amazing's house, two weeks after Kunle's burial, she had a pregnancy test done and the result turned out positive. She didn't know how she was going to break the news, she wasn't even sure what their reaction will be. She stood in the middle of the sitting room, nervously biting her nails.

"So I kind of suspected that I was pregnant so I had a test done." She lifted the test result up slip up, "I'm five weeks gone" she revealed. There was this mixed expression on everyone's face, it seemed like shock mixed with concern and joy, the look on Uche's face was pure disappointment.

"Weren't you on protection?"

"He wanted to have a baby! It was an intentional act! We didn't see his death coming"

"You two shouldn't have taken that risk now! What are you going to do now, you're having a dead man's child"

"Uche!" Amazing snapped,  "Mom is the room sleeping. Let's keep it down" "I wasn't lying" "You had better shut up before I punch you in the face"

Uche waved her hands, "Ooooh, I'm scared. That child has no father, if you ask for my opinion, abort it" "Another word from you and I'll send you out of my house Uche, another word"

She rolled her eyes, "What are you going to do" Yemisi asked, "Have you made a decision?"  "Abort the baby" "I won't!" "Seriously?" Uche scoffed, "Wow"

Fisayo rose up, "Okay, I have never gotten pregnant mistakenly and I've never committed abortion but I agree with Uche on this one. This is Nigeria oh, Ema you're pretty and you can fall in love and get married to another man but you see when you have that child, it'll ruin your chances of having even a stable relationship"


"I won't abort it, I can't kill an innocent child'

"But you were the first to agree when she decided to have her abortion. You didn't think she was trying to kill an innocent child right?"

"We were children for crying out loud! She couldn't have had that baby. Our parents would have killed us! Mrs Essien would have killed us on behalf of our parents!"

Uche folded her hands, "She was five months gone, five months and we all knew the implication of it yet we...."  She trailed off tightening her fist.

Benefit rose up, "It's okay! The person that even did the abortion is not even angry about it. Why are you taking it personal?" "Can we not talk about the past?" Amazing asked, "What happened has happened already, let's not dwell on it please!" She snapped and Uche scoffed.

"Well not everyone can sleep peacefully after what happened, someone of us still have nightmares about it" she folded her hands and Yemisi nodded, "But Amazing is right, let just let bye gones be bye gone, okay. We have better things to occupy our minds with rather than our crazy past."

"Exactly! So I'm keeping the baby, I don't care what anyone will think. I'm happy to have a piece of Kunle growing in me"  Ema made her decision and Uche scoffed loudly and this pissed her off, "Listen up bitch, I don't care of you're supportive or not! You can go fuck yourself, what's always wrong with you? Can't you be happy for someone for once in your life? Must you always act as though you're the only miserable person in this world? I lost Kunle and it made me miserable? Amazing almost lost her womb and she's not even that miserable! What have you ever lost Uche? What's your fucking deal? Why are you so miserable?" She snapped and Uche rose up picking her red bag.

"Good night Babes"

"Uche sit" Amazing demanded and she rolled her eyes. "I have miserable things to do."

"Abeg sit jhoor" Yemisi pushed her to the chair, "Let's just... Let's just forget the whole thing and think of happy things like Nene's wedding that's coming up in two weeks." she smiled and Nene rose up jubilating, "Yemisi is right about that, my wedding is going to be lit guys, even without being fully present, Amazing has been doing a wonderful job so let's turn this around and celebrate strong women, and I mean, let's celebrate every one of us, because that's what we are. We are strong, we're incredible, unstoppable, we can't be broken down, even our village people can't stop us."


Bamidele woke up that morning in his home then he knelt down looking up at the ceiling. "Good morning Jesus, it's Sunday and I'm going to church again. All I'm asking is to see  Amazing, not like she's special or anything, I just want to see her face and know that she's fine. You know how I feel about going to see her, then it'll make her feel like she's special and she's not, even you know that she's not special. It's quite worrisome, they said it takes six weeks to heal from the whole operation, it's taking so long. Can you help me do that request? Don't let another Sunday be wasted, sorry for saying that. You know what I mean right? Let me just know she's alright okay? Please, thank you very much"

Hosanna Faith Ministry

🎶 Baba baba baba baba mi loke


Bamidele's eyes scattered in search of Amazing the moment he got into the church, then he walked up to the usher he was rude to the previous day. "I'm sorry, I know I was annoying the other day but....." "It's okay. What do you want?" "Amazing, is she around?"

"Yeah. But she's at the front with someone else"

Bamidele smiled, "It's fine" he replied, even though he won't be sitting close to her, at least, he'll finally get to see her that day. He was fixed in a seat where he sat down joyfully.

"Wedding bells! Wedding bells, wedding bells" Pastor Mrs Coker announced on microphone the whole congregation screamed happily. Then she flashed a smile, "It is with great pleasure that I announce this news to the whole congregation this morning; the upcoming wedding of our dear Sister AmazingGrace Essien to Brother Aboh Anthony"  she paused inviting Amazing and Aboh out in front of the congregation and Bamidele scoffed, he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Aboh with her.

He rolled his eyes, how can the world be so small and fucked up? How did Maroon guy turn out to be her fiancee?

He noticed was wearing the maroon jacket from the other day then he hissed and scoffed again. For crying out loud, his hair was more curly than ever! He must have rubbed more anointing oil or it, or maybe it's groundnut oil!

Him standing there beside Amazing was just simply annoying! Everything just became annoying for him!

Aboh's face was so annoying, his hair was annoying, even the smile on his face that moment was just annoying. It made him fume inside!

When he turned to look at Amazing, a smile curved her lips. The smile on her face was completely priceless! Probably from the jubilation!

Amazing was dressed in a peach knee length gown and she looked good with her light make up as usual. He became disappointed that Aboh had to be the one standing by her.

He hissed within.

She does deserves better! Aboh just doesn't sit well with him!

Bamidele what's your own sef? He suddenly asked himself then he rolled his eyes, why are you getting worked up? She's getting married so what? Fine, he's disappointed because, I mean, this was this girl he was gunning for oh, the girl that has managed to steal his interest and now.....

Damn! Not like she deserves a playboy like him, he's only going to break her heart, not like he had any serious plans for her. After all he was only trying to get close to her because of the chase.

He shrugged, Or was it because of something else?

Nah! He dismissed the thought, I mean what other reason can there be? He doesn't even like her? She's not even his type!

Bamidele rose up, he picked his bible then he zoomed out of the church. He couldn't deal with his own thoughts, why does it have to make such a thing bother him? So what if she's getting married?

Hours later he found himself knocking on Efua's door, she opened up clad in a white singlet and pink shorts. "Bammy? To what do I owe the surprise visit?" She asked and he kissed her lips and she kissed him back both making their way into the house.

Efua smiled staring at the ceiling, "You're supposed to keep the Sunday holy, but it's always a turn on for me when I have sex on a Sunday morning, knowing some Pastor is probably preaching at the altar." She replied and this scared Bamidele.

He hoped those words doesn't get God angry! He won't want to wake up one day to find his manhood missing!

"Let's change the topic"

"Okay.... What changed your mind? Are you no longer angry?" "I am" "Bammy... I already apologize and I told you I was frustrated" "I don't really care" he exhaled as his thoughts drifted back to Amazing and Aboh.

"Let me guess, you needed to clear your head right? And I was your go to slut"

Bamidele turned towards her, "You've always known me" "What's on your mind?" "I'm really not interested in sharing. Thank you very much"  "Okay..." She bit her lips then she kissed his chest trailing it downwards then his phone rang loudly from his trousers.

Efua picked up his trousers, bringing out the phone. "It's from one Amazing...." She said and he looked away, "Wait ..... Is this the wedding planner? The one your Dad patronizes?" She asked then she scoffed then she laughed in mockery assuming Bamidele already had sex with her.

"I don't want to pick up" "Why?" "I don't feel like" You've had enough of her right?"

"No! She's not that kind of person! She's not even loosed, worst she's getting married."

Did he just say worst? Why is it worst?

Efua hissed, "How do you know she's getting married?" "It was announced today in church" "Wow...." She scoffed, she couldn't believe it, now wonder he ran into her arms as a consolation for the disappointment!

On second thought, Bammy has never been the kind to get angry over frivolous things like that.  It can't be.... She trailed in her thoughts, can it be possible that Bammy likes her,  I'll kill her before she snatches my man! "Do you like her?" She asked and he scoffed, "I'm not stupid"

"You sound ....in love"

"I'm not, don't even repeat that. She's not my type, all I wanted was sex and now knowing her wedding date and all, I have no choice but to back off" he replied and he felt his heart sink in disappointment. He honestly didn't want to back off but he had rules and regulations.

Efua stared at him in disbelief, honestly, he didn't blame her, he didn't even believe his own self!

He was beginning to see his statement and reaction from a different light! Can it be possible he likes her? What does it entail to like a person?

Damn! He said within, he couldn't believe it! He had just let his fucking guard down! 

What do you guys think of today's update ? 😊

Sorry it came late! Thanks for your understanding! Sorry it came late! Thanks for your understanding!

Is Bammy falling in love or he has fallen already, abi him don fall break leg? 😂😂

Will the wedding hold? What's going to happen next?

Take a guess

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