🔴 Chapter 8 🔴
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Chapter 8
10% chance ?
What's 10% compared to 100 % ? Its not even 20, its not even 40 %. Its more or less like not having any chance of giving birth. Amazing found it hard to soak the news in. It was almost as though a hysterectomy was performed on her!
Earlier on she sent everyone out of the room, she didn't want to see anyone, not her friends, not her mother, or the doctor, not even Aboh, not even Aboh!
She cried and screamed; disturbing the peace of other patients in the hospital but she didn't care, she didn't even care about the piercing pain in her lower abdominal region.
It was almost like her stitches were coming off but she didn't care, she just wanted to die that moment! If she has to bleed to death, then so be it! Wouldn't it be better for her to be dead?
Who will get married to her now? She was so sure About will change his mind! How will be able to live confidently as a woman?
"I don't deserve this! I don't! I really don't!"
Aboh leaned on the wall against, slowly hitting his head against it. He still hasn't gotten over the shock of the news the girls broke to her.
What are you going to do Aboh, what the hell are you going to do? He asked within. Why did the surgery have to go wrong?
Damaged uterus? Like seriously?
Just ten percent? Its not even 30% !
Even if it's thirty, why does it have to be her? Why does it have to be a woman he loves, a woman he was ready to make his wife? He loves her for crying out loud! He has already promised her mother he'll get married to her after the surgery!
Will he go back on his promise?
His phone rang then he quickly picked up, "Hey Mr Jones" "It's Bamidele, why do you prefer to be old school? Any luck?" "Yes.... I got a call from the buyer a while ago, I found a perfect place, it's amazing. I'm sure you'll love it but I need to finalize on....." He trailed off, "On what?"
"Can you call back? I'm kind of in the hospital, my fiance is.... It's a tough moment for me"
"Oh. Sorry,did she lose the baby?" He asked and Aboh restrained from hissing, "No" "I guess I'll call back later"
"Please do. Thank you for understanding" he replied hanging up then he hissed.
Dr. Felecia walked in and Amazing glared at her, "I said I don't want to see anyone" she shouted, her voice was already cracked. "You're screaming and thereby hurting yourself" "I just want to die"
"All is not lost yet"
"What are you saying? I have ten percent chance of giving birth. I thought you said 2 out of a hundred patient usually end up having minor complication"
"There was a problem with your uterus, I don't know how it happened, trust me when I said it wasn't normal. I have been seen cases of Fibroids but I have never seen anything like yours if I must be sincere" she confessed pulling a chair close by then she sat on it.
"Why didn't you let me go elsewhere"
"You don't understand. It wasn't our fault, we don't don't know how it happened. We don't know what happened, the moment we made the cut, you started bleeding. We couldn't stop it, we needed to go through with the surgery.... The only time things like this happens is in spiritual cases where an incision should never be made by medical practitioners. It wasn't a normal case, I was going to warn you when I saw the result"
Amazing scoffed, "I don't understand" "I'm a doctor but first I'm a Christian before that. When I got into your home that day, something was off, the atmosphere was heavy like there was evil lurking.... Have you ever felt that way?" She asked and Amazing kept quiet.
She won't deny it! There have been times, that's why she hates turning on her spiritual radar!
"You feel it too right?"
She suddenly remembered when she had that weird feeling to pray with her friends that night. .........
"I usually think it's in my mind"
"Do not be ignorant of the devices of the enemies, you should never be ignorant. You weren't supposed to go through with the surgery. I wanted to warn you but my colleagues thought I was being too worried"
Amazing exhaled, "My Pastor warned me but I didn't.... My friends thought it was okay, my fiancee was okay about it. I thought..." She busted into tears. "Crying won't solve anything. You cab hope on God, at least you've got a chance, most women don't have any but they keep on trying. The world is advance, there are methods you can use once your uterus heals. I mean there's IVF, there's"
"I didn't plan on getting pregnant through IVF, it wasn't on my agenda. I want to get pregnant the normal way. I don't want to end up having complications and then end up going for treatments upon treatments"
"There's also the God factor, you have to know that there's nothing he can't.." Dr Felecia trailed off distracted by the creaking of the door. Pastor Tunde pushed his head into the slightly opened door.
"I heard you're sending everyone out, am I free to enter? Since you didn't pick my calls at first, maybe I'm the last person you want to see" he joked but she busted into the tears instead.
Pastor Tunde groaned, "My dear Amazing" he chuckled walking into the room, "Cheer up, it's not the end of the world" "It's not? Feels like to me" "In all things give thanks, pslams. Mkk" "Good morning Sir" Dr Felecia greeted the familiar man, "Good morning to you doctor..." He tried looking at the tag on her lab coat, "Dr Felecia"
She glanced at the name tag, then at Amazing, "This is my Pastor, Pastor Tunde Coker" "Now I remember the face, my sister often watch your live broadcast, she does it because she loves the way the choristers sing, she'll play the praise and worship again and again"
"You dont say. We give God the glory then"
"I'll leave you two alone. Take it easy" she tapped her laps leaving while Pastor Tunde settled on the chair smiling at her.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Ki lo fe kin se? O fe kin ma ke ni, oya ma ke (What do you want me to do? Should I cry? I'll cry now)" He said then he busted into pretend tears, his voice pitched up and down. Slowly, his reaction began to annoy her, it felt like he was making mockery of her!
"Daddy! You're making mockery of me"
"Wasn't that what you expected me to do?"
"No!" She cried, " I wanted some sort of sympathy, comfort " "Why? Who died?" He asked looking around, "Did anyone die?"
"No. You should be worried"
"Philipians 4: 6a Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving." He replied and she sobbed, "The surgery didn't go well, Daddy they said I have just 10% chance of getting pregnant" "Who is he that saith and it comes to pass when the Lord God has not spoken?"
"Daddy, the doctors said said ten percent.... What am I going to do with ten percent?"
"So what? Some don't even have that much percent and things happen in their favour. What do you take this God for?" "I've dedicated my life to serving him, this wasn't supposed to happen to me!"
"Just like you weren't supposed to go for the surgery. I warned you"
"How was I supposed to know this will happen"
"You don't know, you obey. That's the paramount thing but you didn't, you had to have the surgery" "The doctor that just left, she said she knew the situation was spiritual when she walked into the house. She wanted to warn me but she didn't. If you knew this was going to happen, why didn't you warn me. Why didn't you make it clear"
Pastor Tunde exhaled, "I had no idea what was going to happen, I just heard from God and I told you what he said but you were adamant" "Personally, I didn't want to go through with the surgery but...." "You had to follow advice, because you weren't listening to God"
"Why didn't he take the pain away?"
"Because you didn't believe he could take the pain away. You didn't believe, you allowed the voices of your friends overshadow God's own. Even the doctor denoted that something was wrong and you didn't. That was why I asked you the other day, how your prayer life was"
"What's happening? I mean I pray, I pray for myself, my family, my friends, the church, my workers. I even remind my friends to pray before leaving home"
"The enemies are trying to wage war and apparently you're making easy for them"
She remembered Pastor Osagiede's warning for her to be careful.
"Pastor Osagiede warned me the other day.... He said something about......me being careful. He didn't exactly state what exactly that I needed to be careful of but..... I didn't know. I wish I knew, what would have happened if I didn't go for the surgery"
"Those who put their trust in God..... Do you know what will happen to them? He would have shamed your enemies, taken the Fibroids away. He's more than capable of doing that"
"I guess they've won, I might not have children. What's a woman without children?"
"Careful my dear, life and death are in the power of the tongue"
"Ten percent Daddy, it's ten percent, what am I supposed to do with that?"
"It's something. Remember the feeding of the five thousand? Jesus asked the crowd what they had and what was their response?" "Five bread and two fishes, Daddy what's the point?" She asked, hoping it wasn't another parable.
"They said you have ten percent, you have to have something to shock the world with, he can use turn your ten percent chance into a hundred percent chance if you believe, where is your faith? Don't let this little thing shake you"
"I don't know what Aboh will say or what he'll think about it. Will he go through with the wedding.
"Let your prayer be, God, let your will be done. Mommy and i will be there on Friday. My prayers are with you, have you heard? Be strong, after all what God cannot fix does not exist" he encouraged and she forced a smile.
"Who have I wronged? Who would.....who doesn't want me alive? Who?"
"Don't bother yourself with that, that will only bring fear. Once you entertain fear, your faith level drops, deviate your focus on that and try to improve your prayer life, listen to God more and do what he wants you to do"
"And what's that?"
Pastor Tunde gave a fatherly smile, "You know what I mean. How long will you run away? How long?" "I dedicate myself to the service of God, I love the things of God, I have been celibate for more than eight years, exactly nine years. I am trying to live a holy life, a righteous life" "God needs more than that, he needs more than your money Sister Amazing, you don't like listening to him. You are meant for something greater, trust me, he has a whole lot in stock for you"
She laughed in between her tears, "You sound like the Pastor in God's calling. You're even making it look like I have a calling" "There's no was to sugar coat it, you do and you know it. Why not avail yourself for him, the battle coming up, you won't overcome it the way you are like this, they will just eat you raw"
Amazing cried. "I'm scared" "Don't be. I'll be praying for you but you have to do your part, victory will be yours and all glory will go back to God, okay? You've got something inside of you that's greater than what they have"
Aboh knocked on the door then he walked in, "Pastor good after.." He trailed off looking at the time on his wrist watch. "Good afternoon Sir" he greeted and Pastor Tunde rose up, "Good afternoon Brother Aboh. I should be on my way, don't cry again. Take care and goodbye dear" he said and Amazing sniffled wiping her tears.
He walked out of the room and Aboh exhaled. He had this pitiful look on his face that made her feel sorry for herself. He stood there, rooted on that spot! He wasn't even sure of where to start from.
"I know you said..... I know you said you didn't want to see anyone, even me but Babe, I'm here for you. I..." He confessed finally moved closer to her then he sat on the bed.
Amazing stared deeply at him in shock, did he just say, he's here for her? She expected a break up instead. Or maybe he only came as a friend, perhaps the break up announcement will come afterwards.
"Babe, I'm here for you" he said again, "I love you Amazing, I love you so so much."
Tears ran down her eyes, "I have ten percent" "Screw it! We'll work it out" "What's ten percent, babe I love you hundred percent and do you know how I'm gonna prove it? After you've healed from the surgery, I'll coming into the family proper. I already spoke to you Mom about it"
"Are you sure?"
"I am" he replied pressing his palm against her cheeks then he kissed her on the forehead then a nurse walked in. "It's going to be fine Babe, we'll be fine" he assured and a smile curved her lips.
"Thank you"
"Sir, you can't sit on the bed, please use the chair" the nurse snapped and Aboh laughed, "Sorry" he mouthed rising up then he kissed her on the forehead again.
Yemisi, Fisayo, Nene, Uche, Ema and Benefit barged into the room unsure of what Amazing's reaction will be. "We don't care if you get mad at us but we're your friends, we can't let you go through this alone" Yemisi said and everyone agreed.
"We're not just friends, we're sisters and sisters stick up for one another in times of crisis" Nene chipped in, "I mean if we were in your shoes, you wouldn't leave us to deal with this alone no matter what so we're not letting you deal with this, whether you like it or not so here we are"
Aboh smiled, "I'll leave you ladies alone" he muttered leaving the room and Amazing smiled at her friends, "Thank you guys" "This one that you're smiling like this" Nene moved closer.
"What's going on?"
"Gist time" Yemisi yelled sitting on the bed along with Fisayo. "You can't sit on the bed" the nurse warned but they both ignored her.
"Erm.... Please give us the gist"
"Nurse, wo if don't want to see crazy. Don't just disturb us. Or else it'll be seven against one and it won't be pretty" Fisayo threatened now facing Amazing.
"Oya give us gist, we know that look and it's not far from gist. Did the doctor give you any good news?"
"She said I can use other methods of... That's not even the good news, guess what guys?"
"Aboh proposed marriage shortly after I heal, he's not leaving me guys. I still have a man in my life and it makes me so happy"
Yemisi and Fisayo embraced her at the same time. The others followed suit and she groaned in pain. "Careful guys, not too tight"
"Sorry" They all replied with grimace on their faces, almost as though they could feel the pain. "Where's Mom?" "She went back to make something for you to eat, by something I mean Pap, they say you can't eat anything peppery" Uche answered and Amazing smiled.
"I'm just glad you're okay" Yemisi chipped in, "When the nurse told me your life was on the line, I was really scared."
Amazing exhaled, "Dr Felecia and Pastor Tunde said something" "What?" Everyone asked in curiousity. "Dr Felecia said I wasn't supposed to go under the knife, she wanted to warn me but she was worried about what my reaction would have been. Remember I said Pastor Tunde instructed me not to go for the surgery. Guys...... I'm dealing with a spiritual issue here, someone wants me dead"
Ema scoffed, "That's strange, I thought I was the only one dealing with spiritual issues. Who will want to hurt you?" "I don't know guys, the other day during Blessing's Thanksgiving, Pastor Osagiede told me to be careful that I should be fervent in prayers, like there was something coming. Like a battle, If I have to be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared as hell"
Yemisi creased her brow, "This is strange... Guys I omitted this from our conversation but Kwame's Mom is kind of psychic, like she reads palms. During my stay in Ghana, the very first day, she looked into my palm, she said there's war and trouble coming and then she said she saw blood"
"Blood?" Everyone asked, "She wasn't sure whose blood, but thinking of it, it might be your blood Amazing. She asked me how many best friends I had, like our number, that was how I understood it at least. I told her we were eight in number, and then she said we're seven"
Uche scoffed, "Then she's not the real deal. We're eight, we've been eight since...." "Funny thing just before I left she told me to be careful" "That's what every parents tell their children. Becareful is like saying take care. Why are making a big deal out of this, or are you trying to assume they're also following you too?"
"No" Yemisi replied, "I'm just saying it's strange, first Blessing almost went mad before her wedding...." She said and Blessing scratched her neck, she had things to say but she chose to keep quiet.
"Maybe it's Amazing's village people. We can't be so sure oh" Fisayo guessed and Benefit raised her hands, "I'm not the kind to believe in all these things but ..... What if it's a competition who feels threatened by you?" She asked, "The bottom line here is that Amazing needs to be careful, they didn't succeed In taking her life, we should be grateful to God for this"
Efua walked into Power Media Corp, one of Zenith Media official competitive firms. Her eyes scattered around the lobby the moment she walked in, she didn't want to meet the son of the CEO who is also get ex- boyfriend. She literarily had to keep her fingers crossed!
Her only reason for coming was because she heard Bamidele had been hired as one of the executive. For him to have gotten such a spot so easily? They only want to use Bamidele against his father's firm.
"Hello" She said as she leaned against the receptionist counter, "Good morning Ma" "I'm here to see Bamidele Jones"
"Efua Acquah" A male voice said from behind and she rolled her eyes. Apparently she didn't cross her fingers well, she turned back raising her brow at him. "Larry Bankole"
"I must be seeing double or something"
"Wow, it's not even night time and you're already drunk already. You know what they say, old habit die hard"
He laughed then he looked away, "I can say the same for you. You're still fiesty" "You're still ugly. See, Larry I'm not here to see you, don't be too excited" "I wasn't, I know you're here to see Bamidele. So you too are still...." He laughed.
"Oh please! I didn't come here to talk you, I wouldn't have been here in the first place of Bamidele didn't stoop himself low to work in your father's company"
"My company, Dad retired. I'm the new CEO, I gave him the job"
Efua rolled her eyes, "So you can use him, that's the only reason" "Well we're both the same cause the only reason you're still fucking Bamidele is because of the help he gives to you, you think I don't know that the guy is the brain box of Zenith? Abeg! The guy sef is not even dating you,look at Bamidele, he's not even ready for that kind of thing,
"It's not just the ideas only, and the sex too, you forgot to mention that part. it's good Larry, really good unlike sex with a certain ex I know" She snapped leaving and he frowned.
"You don't even know his office"
"I'll find it!"
Efua finally got into Bamidele's office to find him working on his laptop. "Bam Bam" she called out, "Bammy Love" she added and he lifted his head up for a second, "Hey Effy" he said lowly then he returned back to the laptop.
She stood there disappointed, she knew he was just trying to make her feel bad and it was working damn well! "How did you get here?" He managed to ask, "I was told" "And?" "Honestly, I was shocked you'll stoop this low, I expected more"
"I have bills to pay and you're not going to pay them. Remember I don't father"
"You do have a father and his company is better than this shit hole, your office is so small. Larry is just using you"
Bamidele rolled his eyes, "What are you here for Effy? If you're here to criticize me, have a seat cause I'm sure there's plenty you can use" "Well.... Why criticize you? That'll only be a waste of time" she replied unbuttoning her shirt downwards, revealing her red bra and her cleavages . Then she walked up to him pushing his chair backwards now grinning at him.
She dropped her handbag on the desk, knelt down and Bammy grinned, "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" "Effy, I have work. I don't have time for this" "What?" "Yes. I'm serious, most of us have work that we have to get back to" he emphasized and Efua's lips opened slightly in shock then she nodded her head disappointingly.
"Okay...." She said rising up then she leaned against the desk. "I already apologized for what I said. Why? What's wrong with you? Why are you keeping this grudge against me? I messaged you a hundred times, I've been apologizing. I said what I said because I was frustrated by work, Bammy I like you and if there's anyone I want to spend the rest of my life with, it'll be you. What do you want from me?" She cried and he looked away.
"I need you to leave the office cause I have work to do. At least I prefer to be used here than being used in my father's company without being acknowledged."
She scoffed buttoning her shirt, "Where's my Bammy and what happened to him? I don't see him here, this isn't my Bam Bam, Bam Bam will never reject me! I don't know what's going on, but I think that blindness really messed up with you real bad" she snapped picking up her handbag, "Good day!" She snapped wiping off her tears off then she left the office.
Bamidele exhaled.
Kwame walked in shortly, "I saw Efua right now, it's either she met Larry or you two had another argument" "Why didn't you ask her?" "I would have asked if she stopped, what happened? She seemed hurt, she had that I don't want to cry strong look but she's my sister, I know when she's been hurt. Bamidele...."
"I didn't do anything. She came for the usual office parole and i only told her to leave my office so I can get on with my job"
Kwame nodded, "You're still angry at her over what she said right?" "Dude, you know that of all my flings, Efua isn't like them all. I held her special, mostly because she's your sister. She gets me, she doesn't get jealous for any reason, I expected so much more but she disappointed me"
Kwame chuckled, "You've disappointed a whole of people too" "What's your point?" He asked and Kwame laughed, "Guy, have you finally succeeded in getting her number from your girlfriend?" "No! I haven't even asked, how am I supposed ask? Where will I start from? It's too embarrassing and besides, today's her surgery"
"What surgery?" Bamidele asked and Kwame arced his brow, "Didn't I tell you?" "Tell me what?" "Oh. Amazing had to undergo surgery, she has uterine fibroid, she had myotectomy this morning"
Bamidele leaned against his chair, taken back by the news. "I never knew" "I... It must have skipped my.... Do you wanna see her? I was going to drop by at the hospital to pick her up"
"How is it going to look like?"
"Oh. So you're worried about how it'll look like when you wanted me to get her contact from my girlfriend"
"We're not even friends"
"Then why do you want the number in the first place? Ever since you got over this blindness, I can't seem to understand you any longer. What's going on?"
Bamidele exhaled, he had a small smile on his cheeks, "Remember when I said I lost interest in Cyndy and I needed the chase? I needed to feel like Bamidele Jones, when I saw her that Sunday, she called on the bad boy in me" he laughed.
"I felt that interest to chase her, especially when she's playing hard to get"
"She's engaged"
"When have I ever cared about that? The only thing I respect is marriage. I don't break the marriage code, she woke up the interest in me"
Kwame coughed, "You sound in love" he confessed and Bamidele laughed sarcastically, "Love scatter your head there! Do I look like you? Come on, Bamidele doesn't fall in love. No one has been able to break that record and no woman will. I'm still looking for the woman that will. It's just a chase and nothing more"
"That's how it starts" he replied and Bamidele threw a pen at him then he dodged laughing. "I don't even like her, she's not even my type"
"And you're chasing her" Kwame snapped and Bamidele laughed shaking his head, "I said she's not my type and you're still arguing. Oya come and be going abeg. Help me with the pen" "Help yourself. Will you come with?" He asked and Bamidele hesitated, as much as he was tempted to, he had to refuse.
Blessing held on to Amazing's hands, "I'm so sorry this had to happen" she apologized and tears poured down Amazing's eyes. "Hey, don't cry anymore, please, I'm begging you" "It's sad Blessing.... Its really sad. Ten percent is small, Daddy said I should have faith"
"That's all we all have right now. I can't seem to get pregnant" she confessed then she turned back to make sure no one was coming in since her Mom went out to get SpecialGrace who just flew in from Akwa Ibom. Then she returned her gaze back at Amazing.
"What? Isn't it too early to tell"
"Babe, I've been intentionally trying to get pregnant, its not working"
"You know what they say, when you try to plan for these things, they don't work. Just let it go"
"Amazing it's not normal, its not, I mean June, July, August, this is September"
"It's too early to conclude that"
"Is it? I know deep in my spirit that this isn't normal, someone is after me, I can feel it. It's like there's someone monitoring my movements but I'm discouraged to pray, Jeremy has been praying. I had hopes of getting pregnant, I'm sure Nene and Uche have been mocking me behind my back"
"Nene hasn't been mocking you"
Blessing rolled her eyes, "Lies! You're just supporting her" "I'm serious dear, she thinks you should wait to be financially buoyant before getting pregnant. Its not mockery. You guys should stop fighting"
"We'll stop when she becomes mature okay?" She asked and Special walked in with Mrs Johnson Essien.
"Good evening Sis, good evening Blessing" She greeted now hugging Amazing. "I'm sorry" she apologized and Amazing felt her eyes get full again.
The relationship between sorry and tears ehn! If everyone can stop telling her sorry!
A nurse walked into the room, "Good evening everyone" she said and everyone turned towards her, "I know the patient has a lot of friends but she'll need to rest, orders from the doctor"
Bamidele walked out of the bathroom then she dialed Kwame's number. "Hey Bammy" "Hey Kwams, how far? How is she? How was the surgery?" "Fine.... There was just a little issue"
"What happened?"
"Um.... She had complications and now she has just ten percent chance of ever getting pregnant" "Fuck!" Bamidele blurted out, "That's crazy" he added and Kwame exhaled, "I know, i can't even begin to imagine."
"How is she coping? Was she crying...."
"She wasn't when I visited, her friends are trying their best to make her happy"
Bamidele exhaled not saying a word for thirty seconds in counting, "Bamidele?" Kwame called out and he exhaled again. "Sorry... I was just.... I just feel horrible" he paused watching Nuel walk into the room.
"Same here" "Thanks for the information, I appreciate it. Bye Kwams"
"Bye" Kwame concluded and Bammy hung up now dropping the phone on the bed. "You don't look so happy" Nuel said joining him in bed. "I just heard something bad happened to someone"
Bamidele cleared his throat, "Someone, a... I don't know if I can.... She's not a friend" he replied and Nuel laughed, "Its that Aunty shey? The one you sat close to in church the other time shey? Daddy said it's because of her you went to church last week, Sister Amazing"
Bamidele scoffed, "So you guys have been gossiping about me?" He asked but Nuel kept on laughing, "What's funny?" "That you're going to church because of a woman" "When you grow up, you'll know these things, let me not corrupt you"
"You like her"
Bamidele laughed, "I don't. At all, she's not even my type" "She's fine" "Shey?" A smiled curved his lips then he cleared his throat, "That's the way I view all beautiful women, I don't want to be responsible for spoiling you so. Let's change the topic"
"So what's wrong with her?"
"Her Fibroid surgery went bad and now she has some complications"
"Pray for her then"
"Pray?" Bamidele scoffed, "Are you serious? You should ask me if I've even prayed for myself" he hissed and Nuel laughed. "You've never prayed?"
"Apart from those days growing up, and my usual, 'God let this business click and those, "God, please just let me see and ear once and for all' kind of prayer when I was still... I don't think I've ever prayed like for real"
Nuel gasped, "Wow" "Can you help me pray for her? You're a potential Pastor now, you prayed for me and i got healed. Maybe if you pray for her, she'll be okay" "I've been praying for Mommy to have another baby but it's still not working"
"Hey," he shoved the little boy sideway with his arm, "Don't speak that way. You prayed for me remember? There are times in business when you try things and they don't work at first, it doesn't mean you stop trying, you just have to continue till the right one clicks"
"When will you leave?" Nuel asked and Bamidele shrugged, "Very soon" he replied and Nuel hugged him, "I'll miss you" he confessed then he pulled away looking up at him.
"You do know I'm not going to stay here forever right? I'm a grown ass man"
"It's like you should. I'm scared you'll change. I don't want you to go, I like this side of you" he confessed sniffling and Bamidele felt his eyes go heavy, "Hey, see.... I'm not promising that I won't change but one thing I know is that.... I'll definitely come visiting. I promise"
Nuel smiled a bit, "Should I teach you how i pray instead" "What?" Bamidele asked in shock and Nuel nodded. There was a little hesitation but he agreed at the long run.
"What's her full name?"
"I don't know, how am I supposed to know? Is she my girlfriend? Even if she is, let's stick with Amazing, I'm sure God will understand"
"Okay" he stretched his hands and Bamidele held on to his hands taking a deep breathe.
Ema and Blessing walked out of the clinic complaining about how hungry they were. "The food in this hospital is crap abeg" "Thank God Jeremy made soup" "Can I come home?" She teased and Blessing laughed.
"Sure now. You're welcome, shebi you guys don't want to come visiting"
"Babe, it's not like that" "How is it like? You guys probably feel like, she doesn't have enough to eat, I don't want to stress her, I have enough to eat and spare. You guys should stop treating me like I got married to a homeless man"
Ema exhaled, "Babes, I don't treat you that way. God forbid! I can never do that!" "I'm just saying oh" "I want to check out Kunle at home, the guy has some explaining to do. He hasn't called all morning " "Babe, you should take it easy on him, that guy obviously loves you"
"I know but I will assault him small sha" she replied and Blessing laughed rolling her eyes then she sighted her husband who was still waiting at a corner.
"Bye Ema, see you tomorrow"
"Sure" she replied and Blessing walked up to Jeremy. "I'm sorry if I've wasted your time" "It's nothing, this is Amazing we're talking about. Even if it's Uche, I'll still come. Blessing, there's something going on and it's annoying that I can't really put my fingers on it. There's just some weird presence in the room"
"The Pastor said it's not normal, its only normal to feel that way"
"I can't place my fingers on it and it's annoying!" He slammed his car bonnet, "Its really annoying!"
Ema bumped into Kunle's bestie on her way out of the hospital alone. He aost rolled his eyes, he has been trying to avoid seeing her or even calling her to break the bad news. At first he was shocked, he had no idea who must have given her the information about Kunle's accident.
Or could it be that she's here for another reason?
"Hey T, good afternoon" she greeted then he chuckled nervously, "Hey Ema, what are you doing here?" "Uh...." She turned back, "My bestie, you know Amazing right? She had surgery here"
"Wow.... What a coincidence"
"What coincidence? What are you doing here?"
Tayo shrugged, "Secret missions?" She asked and he shook his head, "You can keep your mission to yourself. What I need right now is a good rest, Kunle hasn't called me the whole day" she pouted her lips, "I swear, I'll make him write an apology letter. It's so unlike him, you know I've been preoccupied all morning. He knows Amazing has surgery today but he can't even called and it's bad, very bad. Even Kwame came to check up on Amazing, its like it's only my own that's bad"
Tayo plunged his hands into his pocket, "Hey! I'm sure Kunle must have called of everything was okay" he replied and EMA's eyes widened in surprise, "Oga, I don't understand, if everything was okay as how? Come on, what do you mean? Is..... Is everything not okay at work?" She asked and he kept quiet.
"Tayo now!" She complained tightening her fist, "I know you're older than I am but I swear if you don't tell me I'll punch you so hard"
Tayo closed his eyes, "Ema.... I don't know how to tell you this" "What happened?" "Kunle is fighting for his life, there was an accident" he confessed and her eyes tripled in size. "What the hell happened?" She was beginning to panic.
"Kunle's called, he said his protection was destroyed, and he needed to go back to get another one. I was supposed to follow him there. Then a tanker came from nowhere"
"Shit! Where is he?" She raised her voiced attracting Blessing who instantly walked towards them.
"Where the hell is my Kunle?"
"In this hospital"
"What the fuck is wrong with you? And you couldn't even tell me?"
"What's going on here?" Blessing asked, "Kunle had an accident since morning and he couldn't even tell me! Did he lose my number?"
"I didn't. I was.... I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't even want to tell you until he got better"
"Why?" She asked holding tightly to his shirt, "Because I was scared you'll react this way" he replied and Blessing dragged her away from him, "Ema calm down, what you should be thinking of is seeing him, fighting with him right now will not solve anything!"
Ema, Blessing, Jeremy and Tayo walked into the room where Kunle was, he had bandages plastered on his head, cast on his right arms. "Oh my God" she covered her palm over her lips, "He's unconscious right now. They don't even know how he's alive, they said this is the second miracle that has happened today, I don't know the first"
Of course the first was Amazing, she wasn't going to start getting into much details! Her heart cringed then tears poured down her eyes. "Baby" she muttered sitting on a chair.
"You gotta stay strong for me, you have to. You can't die on me, okay? You can't, we have plans, remember?"
Jeremy gave Blessing a familiar look and she exhaled. "There's something going on"
Yemisi laid in bed as thoughts ran through her mind, she was piecing together events that had happened over the month. "A cedis for your thoughts" Kwame wrapped his arms around her waist and she chuckled, "So you can't even pay better money for my thoughts"
Kwame laughed, "What's up? I've never seen you so deep in thoughts. Are you okay?" "Yeah...... I'm just thinking of a whole lot...." She trailed off turning towards him, "This Amazing's stuff..... At first it was Blessing just before her wedding. Can you believe she got possessed by what we don't even know of, all of the sudden she said she didn't want to get married and they had to take her to church for deliverance"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. Thinking of it, Ema was the first cause according to the story, Kunle sent her out of his house at midnight. We thought it was just a normal thing because of how Ema usually is now she said someone is chasing her"
"You know now, all these..... Spiritual something in village people's clothing"
Yemisi exhaled, "Now it's Amazing, call it weird but I have this feeling like I'm the next person" "What?" He asked laughing, "That's crazy" "I'm serious! I'm feeling in my guys. When your mom looked into my palms"
Kwame rolled his eyes, "Is this what this is all about? What Mom saw?" "Not exactly, before I left Ghana, she told me to be careful. She said she saw war, blood and I think it's Amazing she was referring to"
"There's no point of being scared, I'll be here to protect you"
Yemisi laughed, "You didn't tell me you have super powers" "I don't have super powers but that's the essence of being Christians right? I might not be Holy and righteous but I believe there's a Gos watching after us. Nothing is going to happen to you. We'll be fine, your friends, they'll be fine"
Yemisi smiled then her rang, "Who's calling?" She asked and he passed the phone to her to answer the call. "Hey Pastor Mrs Blessing" "Babe" Blessing called out, her tone didn't sound okay so Yemisi instantly got worried.
"Is everything okay?"
"Kunle got hit by a tanker, Ema is devastated right now"
Yemisi ran her free hands through her wig cap. "What kind of wahala is this one now?"
Kunle struggled to open his heavy eye lids, he finally became conscious to the sound of machines beeping and the excruitiating pains all over his body.
His neck was held in place by a thick, brace and his right arm was in a cast. The top of his head was also wrapped in bandages.
He sighted Ema sleeping on another bed close to him and an immense relief washed down on him, at least she's okay. "Baby" he muttered, "Ema!" He managed to scream and she jerked up staring at him with a troubled look.
"Hey Baby, thank God you're awake"
"I am, how...how are you?" He asked letting out a low painful groan. "Why are you asking how I am, I'm fine, you're the one who got bit by a tanker. You're obviously in pain"
"I'm fine"
"Lies... You're trying to be strong for me, you know you don't have to form in front of me" he punched his arm and he groaned loudly, "Argh! What was that for?"
"Shey you said you're fine" she teased and he laughed and groaned at the same time. "Shhhh, don't laugh. You're not license to laugh, you're not okay"
"Stop doing things that'll make me laugh then"
"I found out late, I'm sorry. I was really worried"
"You were sleeping comfortably for someone who was worried" he answered and they both laughed then tears slowly streamed down her face, "I was really worried you know, I thought I'll lose you" she confessed kissing him on the lips and he kissed her deeply. His tongue searched for hers, found it and caressed it.
Then they both stopped catching their breathes. "Let me not kill you with kisses, you haven't even recovered" "If kissing you is the last thing I do, I want to die kissing you" he confessed and she smiled worriedly.
Kunle had a way of making her blush but this is a serious situation!
"I'm... I ... I love you Ema, I hope you in know that I love you and I'll die for you, as fictional as it sounds, I'll die for you and that's the truth" "I love you too, why are you saying this?"
"I don't know how long they'll keep me for but I think there's something you need to know" "What are you saying? How long they'll keep you for, I don't understand, are you talking about those who are after me? They're not going to do anything to us, we're going to be fine. I'll go call the doctor, don't even speak too much, you just woke up"
Kunle shook my his head, "I was running away from home before the tanker incident. They burnt my protection, and I already saw her face already I don't think I'm supposed to be alive"
"Whose face?"
"It's someone you know, you won't believe who" he said when Yemisi, Fisayo, Benefit, Uche and Nene walked in. "It is...." He trailed off staring at them.
"Thank God, our husband is awake" Fisayo announced, "I hope you're okay Kunle, we.....we were really worried" Benefit moved closer and Ema nodded.
"They said he's a miracle he's alive" she turned back at all of them, "Guess what guys? Remember that stuff I told you, Kunle saw one of their faces and it's someone we know"
"Who?" Uche asked approaching him, all eyes now turned towards Kunle whose heart raced fast, he tried speaking but couldn't, almost as though his tongue had been tied.
"Baby, who is it?" She asked and he suddenly lost breath, eyes opened staring at Ema. He was gone already.
"Kunle?" Yemisi called out, "Baby" Ema tapped him, "What the hell is going on? Kunle, my love wake up, Baby you have to wake up this instant, if you're joking, it's not funny" she screamed hitting him hard while Fisayo placed both hands on her head. It was obvious the worst had happened! "Wake up!" She cried and Benefit held her back.
"Stop hitting him!" She warned but holding off Ema alone seemed impossible so Uche joined her.
"I'm not hitting him, I'm just trying to wake him up. Someone call the damn doctor! I can't lose my Baby, I can't"
A few seconds later a nurse came running in.
What's your thoughts on the update? 😩
Kunle is gone 😭😭😭
Can this be one of the friends doing or it's just purely a coincidence? Perhaps there's more to the story than this surface?
You know how we do it now, we'll soon be diving into some people's past😌
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