🔴Chapter 7🔴
It tarried but...... Here it is after hours of battling with network!
Please revote 🌟 the network is doing rubbish!
I aff suffered 😪
I'm compensating you all with a very long episode. Some of you might take two days to read it!
Vote 🌟🌟🌟🌟
and Enjoy!
Chapter 7
After church service, Benefit and Nene hung out with Amazing at Pacream where they were munching on Pizzas along side ice cream. "To think Ema would have tagged along but now she has Kunle" Amazing said and Benefit agreed with a nod.
"I spoke to Yemisi yesterday, she was so happy. What if Kwame proposes in Ghana? I mean what are the odds?"
Amazing smiled, "That'll be awesome. She's definitely going to scream her head off! I'm picturing it right now. Nene you're right, 2019 is definitely a good year for us. Imagine when Nene will be getting married next month and I in November or October. Aboh can't wait to meet my parents."
"And we'll start having children that'll carry on our friendship legacy. It'll be so cute, our children will be friends." Nene shrugged clapping her hands and Benefit nodded, "That's a real legacy, blessing is going to have hers first"
"I'm not sure she's pregnant yet. Let's be honest, she needs to chill on that plan first, I mean giving birth in that kind of condition"
"Nene you've started again, what condition?" Amazing asked then she felt lumpy liquid drip from her private. She sat still as though it'll help reduce the flow. Thoughts passed through her mind, she wasn't supposed to see her period yet! It wasn't even due. She usually have irregular periods but this was the height of it! She already saw her period the beginning of the month!
Couldn't it have just waited for her to get home or better still it would have started in the morning! She almost wept, she could feel it gush out with the speed.
With that kind of flow, she must be completely soaked to her buttocks already. She couldn't even concentrate on what Nene and Benefit were now saying.
What reply did Nene give after she asked the question sef? She rolled her eyes. That was the least of her concern! Her mind is preoccupied with calculations.
How in the world will she get out of this place without people noticing the stain and she wore a pink gown. Benefit had a white gown on while Nene wore Ankara gown, neither of them had scarf on, neither did she!
Mehn, she actually chose a wrong day not to wear suits! She would have used it as back up.
People were beginning to rush into the place, the number was Increasing! What did she expect, its a Sunday for crying out loud!
"Amazing?" Benefit called out, "Huh?" She asked faking a smile. "Are you okay?" She asked and she shook her head.
"Is it the pain?" Nene asked, "No, do you guys happen to have scarf in your bag?"
Benefit shook her head, "Oh my God" she covered her lips, "No I don't" "You know we don't wear scarf in our church" Nene replied gazing at Amazing pitifully.
"Do you have pads on you?" She added and Amazing shook her head.
"No, I wasn't expecting it to be this irregular" she blinked her tears looking around. "You don't have to worry, a teacher carries around pads in her hand bag no matter what. The issue is, it might not contain the flow"
Amazing scoffed, "I don't care about the pad right now. All I want is to get out unnoticed and get the hell out of this place" she looked around to see if anyone carried around wrappers or scarf.
It was like everyone chose not to wear scarf that day.
Jeff walked into the place, on sighting Benefit, he stood still smiling at his his 11 years old daughter who plaited corn rows with beads attached to it. "Look who we have here?" He paused and Adetutu smiled. "Your crush" she replied and he laughed.
"Don't ever said that out loud in public"
"Cause it's embarrassing"
"Let's meet her, let's invite her to sit with us"
"That'll be rude, she's with her friends"
Adetutu laughed, "Lies, you're scared that's why" "I'm not... I'm not scared" "Are you sure, are you really really sure about that?" "Sweetheart" "You've been stalking my teacher since I was in JSS1, now I'm in JS 3 and you're still stalking her. Dad, you're only going to keep looking like a weirdo. If you like a woman, ask her out"
Jeff laughed nervously, "This isn't Henry danger or some fairy tale movie. Well it doesn't work that way in real life, there are things called boundaries and I try not to overstep. I mean look at her, she's without blemish. I'm sure she has a boyfriend that's hooked on her, even if she's single, she's probably not looking out for a single father"
"Why don't we find out then"
"Adetutu, don't tell me"
Before he could completed his sentence, she ran over to meet the ladies. "Good afternoon pretty ladies, good afternoon Miss Oloche" "Hey" Benefit waved, "What's the name again......"
"Adetutu" they both said out loud then she laughed.
Jeff slowly walked behind his daughter, "There you are Tutu" "Hmm Hm, Miss Oloche, meet me Dad, Jefferson Jefferson" "Hey" He said waving at Benefit, "Go..good.... Good morning. Sorry.... Huh... Good afternoon Miss Oloche" he greeted leaving Benefit to wonder how the man got to know her.
He then went ahead to greet Amazing and Nene, "Good afternoon ladies"
"Good afternoon" Nene replied giving Amazing a look she recognize, the man obviously likes Benefit. "Miss Oloche? Can you please join Daddy and I? There's something I'll like to talk to you about"
"Huh..... Adetutu, I'm with my friends"
"What friends?" Nene asked, "I'll be leaving with Amazing pretty soon, it won't be a bad thing to stick around with Adetutu and her Dad a bit" "What?"
"I think so too" Amazing replied leaving Benefit in shock, she turned towards Jeff then she shrugged, "Please Miss Oloche" Adetutu blinked her eyes, "I..." "It's fine of you don't want to, Tutu, let's not bother her"
"Its not" Nene replied, "I'm sure Benefit won't mind" she shot a glare at Benefit then she slowly moved her head close to her whispering, "One, he's good looking, two, that's a really expensive wrist watch in his hands and those shoes are off the hook, the guy has bar"
"What if he borrowed it"
"Babe, the guy likes you"
"He's a total stranger"
"You know his daughter right? What are you scared of B? Just go out with the man and know if you like it or not, stop acting as if dating a guy will hurt you. If the date sucks, stop by, we'll definitely gist and laugh about it"
Benefit chuckled then she rolled her eyes now turning towards Jeff, "Okay, sure. I'll sit with you guys" she replied rising up then she left with them.
"Benefit has a crush" Amazing commented and Nene smiled, "Obviously, did you look at those wrist watch and shoe?" Nene asked and Amazing rolled her eyes. "Seriously Nene? It's not always about the money"
"Babes, it's always about the money"
Amazing exhaled, "I need a a scarf ASAP" she looked around and Nene rose up, "Don't worry, Nene to the rescue" "What are you going to do?" "I'm sure there must be back up for this kind of incidence, I'll be back"

Jeff 👆
Benefit laughed nervously after settling down with Jeff and his daughter. "I'm sorry" he apologized and she shrugged, "What are you apologising for?" "I literarily just forced you down here" "You didn't"
"I didn't?" He asked and she exhaled, "Okay fine you did, in a kind of way" she replied and they both laughed then she rubbed her fingers on her neck in a shy manner.
She has never been the kind to be opened to men, even though she usually gets advances from them; she has always been timid and shy.
"Um, Adetutu, you said you had questions"
"Yes Ma, first, what kind of body cream do you use that makes your body so beautiful?"
Benefit chuckled, "Why do you want to know" "Not me, Dad was the one who asked me" she confessed and Jeff gasped then he looked away. "When?" She asked and he cleared his throat now glaring at his daughter.
"There was this time he asked"
"Tutu, for crying out loud, that was supposed to our personal discussion"
"So you guys have personal discussion about strangers?"
"Not all strangers. Besides, you're not a stranger Ma. Dad and I usually talk about you"
Benefit raised her brow in surprise, "You don't say" "Tutu, that's enough" "I was beginning to enjoy the gist" "She's breaking our privacy code" "Daddy, What privacy code, you've been crushing on Miss Benefit for a while now, just get it over with. She's here, why don't you tell her?"
Jeff bowed his head in shame then he lifted it glancing at Benefit, he was trying hard not to look into her eyes. "I'm really sorry about my daughter, I knew this was a bad idea" "Dad" "Tutu! It's not funny, actually it's embarrassing, you're embarrassing me. What if miss Oloche is engaged or dating? Tutu, you might be twelve but there are somethings you need to consider before speaking"
"Daddy I'm sorry"
"Mr Jeffrey, it's okay. Adetutu is just being inquisitive, the smartest children are always that way"
"It doesn't stop it from being embarrassing, I can't even look into your face right now" he looked away and Benefit laughed, "It's .... It's really not that embarrassing" she replied and he glanced at her arcing a brow, "Really?"
Benefit shook her head then she busted into laughter, "No, it's really embarrassing" she confessed and he laughed nodding his head, "Thank you very much Tutu, I'll have to live with this embarrassing situation."
"How do you know me Sir?"
"Don't call me Sir, please call me Jeffrey or Jeff"
She hesitated and he chuckled, "What?" "Work ethics demands that ...." "We're not in school are we? Even if we are, I'll still prefer being called Jeff, don't make me feel like I'm in the office" "Okay,if we're being informal, call me Benefit"
"Benefit" he whispered with a smile and she cleared her throat. "So... How do you know me?"
"Huh... Where should I start from? So we moved all the way from Kano State and I had to enrol my princess into a school in her JSS2. I was in the principal's office with her when you walked in, you had a white gown on, it had like flower prints all over it"
Benefit slapped her face, "I hate that cloth" "Really, I thought you looked lovely on it" he complimented and she blushed despite trying to keep a straight face. "It was love at first sight" Adetutu chipped in and Jeff rolled his eyes.
"Dad didn't let me rest until I found out your name, he used to refer you as that Fair Aunty in your school. Since then he has been crushing on you"
"Dad, what's there? Ever since mom died, Dad hasn't taken interest in any woman. It's been work, work and work, as cheesy as it sounds, I want him to get married again and I like you Miss Benefit, you're a good person, you're perfect"
Benefit scratched her neck, "No one's perfect" "You're nice, you're sweet, you're pretty, I've never seen you quarrel with any teacher and teachers usually quarrel with one another ... A lot!"
She laughed nervously, "You should see me when I fight with my twin sister" she revealed, Jeff and Adetutu raised their brow in shock. "You're a twin?" "Yes. We don't alike at all, only in complexion, we're fraternal twins"
"Awwwn. Daddy, she's perfect, please ask her out" Adetutu clasped her fingers and her father rolled hus eyes, "I can't do that princess, let's learn to respect boundaries, Miss Oloche, I mean Benefit is a pretty lady" he paused staring into her face, "And I'm sure she has a boyfriend or fiancee?"
Benefit cleared her throat, "Well, I'm not exactly dating for now" she replied almost shutting her eyes in regret, did she just give him a green light?
"Will you be free to go on dinner with me one of these days?" He asked and she found herself smiling.
Why not? The man is attractive, except his faking it oh, he looks like a complete gentleman! His daughter is perfect example of children she loves so why shouldn't she say yes to him? She asked herself.
But then again, she hated commitments because of the disappointments that usually come in at the end of it all! Just say no before you end up falling in love, there after breaking your own heart!
"It's okay to say No"
"Okay, that's fine by me. It was nice meeting you in person Benefit" he smiled and she ended up giving him the whole, 'What the hell are you saying?' look. Didn't she just say yes to his date proposal?
"Dad she meant Yes, she'll go on the date with you" she snapped then she glanced at Benefit, "That was what you meant right?"
Jeff raised his brow, "I said it was okay to say No and you said Yes". Benefit laughed, "No. I meant Yes, I'll like to go on a dinner date with you" she answered and a wide smile curled his lips.
"Thank you" he replied while Adetutu rose up kissing her on the cheek, "Thank you Ma, I promise you won't regret this" she promised and Benefit shrugged then she added, "Hopefully" she replied and then he called for the attention of the waiter.
"Dad, i'll like to use the bathroom" Adetutu announced crossing her knees. "I was going to say the same. Let's go dearie" Benefit added.
Nene stretched a blue scarf out to Amazing who collected it with speed, "Nene to the rescue" "Where did you get it from?" "Don't ask, just use it. Looks like Benefit is having fun" she took a glance at Benefit then at Amazing. "She does deserve it" Amazing lifted half part of her buttocks up to check the extent of stain smeared on the chair.
She quickly sat down shaking her head, "How bad is it?" "Very Bad!"
Sir Jones sat in his office with Efua waiting on him since he was on a phone call. "So he can now see, Wow. How did that happen?" "We'll discuss it at lunch-dinner" Yewande replied and her father chuckled.
"Sweet heart I'm busy"
"You can't be too busy for this, your son can see now. He's okay and it's a miracle, except you want to miss put of the scoop of how it all happened. Please Dad, it's a family linner" "You just said Linner"
"That's the only one word in between Lunch and dinner" she answered and Sir Jones busted into laughter.
"I'll try my best. Bye dear" he chipped in then he hung up.
Efua arced her brow, "Bammy can see now?" "That's the information I just got from Yewande"
Bamidele quickly ran out of the room, he was dressed in a pink top and a light blue jean trousers on a call with his mother, "Maybe you should just wait there till I get there at least" "Mom, I'm kind of going out right now, I'll see you later" he added then he hung up entering into the kitchen.
"Hey Sis, i have to catch up with..."
"I don't want to know which of the babes you want to go and meet now"
"I'm not meeting any babe, it's Murph. Where's my car key?"
"Ask Saviour" she replied coldly, "What's the attitude for?" "Your eyes are back and now you're starting to act like there's one nail under your bumbum" she commented and he laughed.
So that was where Nuel got it from!
"It'll be a short visit"
"I'm sorry but i won't be holding my breathe" she snapped and he scoffed, "What's up with attitude, speak or forever remain silent" "Yes I will Pastor Bamidele, you know I just thought maybe we could get to be a family once again, I called Mom, i called Dad, I'm now making lunch so that we can eat as a family and be happy about this good news but no, as usual, you're always running around other businesses"
"We've been eating as a family"
"This is different! Bammy, I know you'll soon leave, my best guess is tomorrow but all I ask is that you to spend that little time with your sight with us"
Bamidele exhaled then he walked out of the kitchen to the sitting room where Nuel was.
"Will you come back today?" He asked and he nodded then he shook Saviour's hands. "Guy, make I rush see my guys, I'll be back" he said and Saviour nodded. "No wahala" he answered, "My car key?" He asked and Saviour threw it as though he was expecting him to ask then he caught it.
Bamidele scurried off.
"Do you think he'll go back to being.... annoying?" Nuel asked then his father laughed. "I don't know, it all depends on him"
Bamidele got into his car then he called Yewande, "What did you forget?" "My humility, I think it fell while I was talking to you in the kitchen" "Huh? Seriously? Where exactly" "What do you say we have dinner cooked by no other than Chef Bamidele tonight?"
"I'm hooked, continue"
Bamidele got into the car, slammed the door of his car shut then he instantly put a call through to Kwame. "Hey Kwams" "Bamidele?" "Yes" "Oh my God! Jeez, how?When?"
"Like a hour ago" "How?" "I really can't explain it on phone call but the short story is that I already returned double the money i took from the Pastor. I'll let you hear the rest when you get back to Nigeria" "Can't wait"
"How's south Africa?"
"Feels like business along side my honeymoon. Yemisi sends her greetings"
"I can't wait to meet this girl that has managed to capture your heart"
"Funny story but she knows you already"
"How? Wait, I hope you're not dating one of my trophies"
Kwame scoffed, "She's not, even though she is. Yemisi is perfect" "Dude, you're overdosed on love" "Very soon you'll be" "I pray oh. Can you help me with a favour?" "Shoot" "Can you help me sell my house and get another for me?"
"What? You don't want to go back"
"I don't want to invoke God's wrath again."
"I won't be in Nigeria till two weeks time but I can redirect you to Aboh, he's one of the workers. He'll definitely get you a place"
"How long will it take?"
"Two weeks top"
"I can work with that"
Amazing fell to the ground on entering into her house, "Ema are you home?" She called out groaning in pain. The pain began on her way back home, it pierced through her abdomen and her burned her waist.
She had taken pain relief but the pains didn't subside, it only grew worst!
She slowly crawled into her room, inhaling and exhaling, she rose up in pain where she laid in bed, her dressed still stained in blood. She didn't care, all she wanted was to lay there and cry the pain out!
Dare rushed to open the door then he found Bamidele alone by the door. "Dude... Bammy" he paused, "He probably won't hear me, what are you doing here" he asked touching his arm.
"Hey Dare, I came with Murphy ...and Nuel. They went to get something from the car"
Dare hissed then his exhaled holding on to his hands, "Abeg enter. Why them go come leave you alone like this now, what if say you just come fall now. Them no know say as you dey now, till them kidnap you finish you no go know"
Bamidele hissed, "What's is with the stupid exaggeration" "It's not an exaggeration, you're vulnerable to...." He stalled, "How did you..." He scoffed then Bamidele laughed.
"Shift make I pass"
Dare gasped, "Wait... Which time this one happen?" "A while ago. I just said I should stop by and test you. I'm here with Murphy alone" "Did you test Murphy?" "I didn't need to" he replied and Dare scoffed as Murphy walked into the house.
"For your mind now, Murphy better pass me shey? Murphy way no be human being"
"At least now I know you don't hate me as much as you claim you do" he sat down on his chair then he exhaled. "It feels good to be back"
"When did Bamidele become so good in cooking like this?" Mrs Jones asked during dinner and Yewande laughed, "Do we still need to ask? I mean, all those time put into it impressing girls. Isn't it enough to make him go pro?"
"If only he can put that time into things that are productive, things that can make him efficient" Sir Jones replied and Yewande gave him a 'Not here' look!
Can they just go through this one dinner, this one dinner without the drama! Abi she should just the topic to something else? But what?
Bamidele laughed heartily, "So in other words, you guys are saying I'm a pro. My head should not burst Sha" he replied on obviously ignoring his old man!
Good one! Mrs Jones said within then she gave her son a proud smile. He had that look in his face, like the one she saw in the office the other day. That glimpse of maturity!
The Bamidele he knew wouldn't have wasted time in throwing insults at his father. "Uncle Bamidele, let me busy your bubbles. I don't like the food oh" Nuel replied and Bamidele laughed in disbelief.
"Lies. Your plate is almost empty, I think I should just open a restaurant of my own. What will I call it? Bammy's Taste, sounds hot right?"
"And how will you manage the restaurant? By coming to work once in two weeks or working by proxy"
"Most businesses are run these days by proxy. All you just need is a man you can trust to oversee the business. I have a whole lot of business ideas, I want to run businesses everywhere"
"You can't even sit and manage your father's business and you're talking about managing several others. Bamidele, what do take this life as? Bed of roses?" He hissed now mimicking him, "I have a whole lot of business ideas"
"Daddy Yewande"
"Let's tell this boy the truth, because he keeps on eating my money he thinks life is easy. What if I decide to cut him off completely? What then will he do?"
"Dad, Let's just have dinner"
"No, leave him let him find fault now. Shebi that's what he's good at now? Finding faults and starting quarrels"
"I'm not start quarrels, I'm pointing out the truth"
"Ah I see, what truth"
"Any business you want to start up now, without full commitment it won't survive. Rara! (At all), it's not a curse, it's logic! Common sense! The only thing you're ready to give your time to is women. My advice is that i hope you have common sense and grow up someday"
"What do you want from me? Why must you always attack me?"
"I want the best from you! I want you to stop embarrassing me, I want you to stop depending on my money and be your own man! Be responsible for once on your life! And I want an apology, a damn apology for all the insults I've endured from you!"
Bamidele rose up then he scoffed, "Well listen up old man cause you're not getting a single apology from me. I was going to apologize but now you've mentioned, I'm not doing it again, you can forget it! If there's anyone who deserves the apology it's Mom, she was with me through it all, yet I was still being a fucking asshole but she was there for me" he cried.
"Where were you when I was blind and deaf?"
"You brought what happened upon yourself"
"You could have been a father"
"I already disowned you remember? And you also told me to my father you already disfathered me"
"What then are you doing here?"
"My daughter invited me for dinner and I honoured it. I don't know who you are"
"Dad!" Yemisi yelled, "Please stop this"
Bamidele's felt his heart sink down, probably from the weight of his father's confession. He couldn't even speak, not like there weren't words to use but he didn't want to say anything in front of Nuel.
He wouldn't have thought twice to say anything but for the first time, he had to respect the fact the kid was there!
"Good night everyone. Bon appetit" he said leaving, "I'll be expecting your letter of resignation if you're not planning to sit up at work"
Bamidele turned towards him, "Well here's an informal one. I resign!" He snapped leaving and Sir Jones felt his heart cringe, his eyes moistened with tears but he blinked them back in.
He jumped on the bed, "Why didn't I even answer him, it's like I should just go back" he complained then he wore a headset pressing play.
Imagining by Kirk Franklin beat played then he paused it throwing the headset away. He almost forgot there was only gospel playlist there!
Suddenly he stood up from the bed, picked up the headset wiping it clean. "I'm sorry, for throwing you away" he apologized looking up at the ceiling, "God I promise I didn't mean to throw it away, I was just angry. I'm sorry, I'm just really pissed off at my father" he explained now sitting on the bed.
"I don't understand why he has to be so freaking annoying!"
"How are you feeling now?" Yemisi asked Amazing who was laying sideways, she couldn't lie faced down. She had to put a call through to her on seeing her message on WhatsApp.
"It's really painful" Amazing groaned. "Sorry. Guess what?"
"I can't guess. What is it?"
"Bamidele is okay"
"Which Bamidele?'
"How many Bamidele do you know" "A lot! I have two in church, and one at" "I meant Bamidele Jones, he called Kwame, he can see and hear again."
Amazing chuckled, "Oh my God, that's good news. Thank God!" "Kwame is super excited about it and I guess you are too." "I.... I..." She stammered, "I can't call it excitement, I'm just happy about one man's well-being"
"If not that you have a fiancee, I would have thought that"
Amazing rolled her eyes, "Madam please, don't even go there. You know I detest that guy, blindness is not something I wish up on my worst enemy. I'm glad he's alright, now he can do whatever he wants and listen to whatever he wants"
Yemisi laughed, "And not only gospel music" she chipped in and Amazing laughed. "You should sleep" "I can't sleep" "Force yourself, even if you have to take sleeping pills. Have your rest dear, love you. Muah"
"Love you too" Amazing replied ending the call then she smiled on thinking of Bamidele. "At least he got his own miracle when I also needed mine" she paused then she chuckled softly.
"There must be something wrong with you Amazing, why am i even happy for him?"
Mrs Jones took off her earrings while seated in from of her make up drawer staring into the big mirror then she slowly began to use a wipe to clean her make up off. Meanwhile her husband stood behind her, taking off the native top he had on and then throwing it on the bed . "I'm sorry the dinner didn't go as planned"
"And whose fault is it? Answer me Daddy Yewande, whose fault?"
"I know you're angry"
"Angry? No, I'm furious! That boy was obviously trying to avoid quarrels but you had to push him to the limit right?"
"It's the truth. I'm his father, he deserves to know the truth!"
"I thought you disfathered him?"
"Bamidele will forever remain my son, my blood flows through him but I refuse to be the kind of father that supports his wrong doings. We've indulge him for long now he needs to change"
Mrs Jones exhaled now facing her husband, "He is changing" "How?" He asked kneeling before her, "I wish you saw him that day when he was apologizing to the Pastor" "Because he wanted something" "Yes but it felt genuine, I know my son and I know when he's been sincere about something. Bamidele will change, I'm sure of it, just give it time"
Amazing and Benefit laid in bed facing each other. Benefit shrugged, "How do you feel now?" "A bit relieved. Benefit I'm tired, I'm tired, I just want to get this over with. The pain.... I want the surgery badly, if possible now!"
"I'm sorry. Where's Nene or Uche, I called her hours ago before I left home, she promised to come. I miss Fisayo, she would have probably be cracking jokes"
Amazing laughed, "True but she's probably cruising with her Yankee boyfriend" "Lucky her" "Yeah... Talking about boyfriends, How was your date?" "What? What date?" "Your Date with Jeff, or should i day Daddy Adetutu"
Benefit laughed, "Oh my God, wow, you guys already labeled the thing. Wow, I didn't even realize it was a date. You guys completely sold me out. What if the man was a ritualist kor?" "Is he?"
"No" she replied with a wide smile, "I know that smile"
"What smile?"
"Give me full gist. I need full on gist, how was he?"
Benefit shrugged, "He seems like a nice man, his daughter is a talkative in a cute way. She spilled every thing she and her Dad held sacred. She told me her Dad had a crush on me, right in his presence"
"Oh my God" Amazing covered her face, "That's so embarrassing"
Benefit, "He was embarrassed, we started talking and.... He asked me out on a date and I said yes. I wanted to say no but I said yes. I don't want to commit and .... You know how my relationship always end"
"All men are not the same. Some men are naturally assholes some are good and nice. I think you should just give this thing a trial. Benefit, let's have that faith that it's going to be a good year for us. Who knows, Mr Jeff can be your life partner, will you let him go that way? No! I won't even allow you give up on this without giving it a try"
Benefit bit her lips, "Is it too early to say I like him?" She asked and Amazing smiled, "Okay... That's a step"
At the early hours of 5 a.m, Amazing suffered another severe pain which had her calling on Dr. Felecia for intervention. Benefit opened the door for Dr Felecia to come in, "Good morning Doc" she greeted and Dr. Felecia looked around. "Is everything okay?" Ema asked and she nodded in uncertainty. Every spiritual person knows when a house is reading bad vibes.
This one reeked of it!
"Yes." She blinked her eyes, "Yes."
"Where is she? Let her know I'm around" "She's in the bathroom, she hasn't left the bathroom since the pain kicked in this morning"
"The Babe has been sitting on the toilet seat" Ema chipped in, "That serious?" She asked and they both led her into Amazing's room then into the bathroom where she was seated on toilet.
The stench from the bathroom mixed with the air freshener, Ema even had to spray perfume to kill the smell but it didn't do much work.
She didn't understand why her period had to smell like rotten fish that morning. Almost as though she had some sort of infection!
"Miss Essien, good morning" Dr Felecia greeted, clearly holding her breath but Amazing kept quiet, she couldn't say a word she only nodded, "What's that smell"
"It's her period." Benefit replied, "It's like a fish died in her vagina" Ema chipped in meeting with her sister's glare.
"How do you feel?" The doctor asked Amazing who was in serious pain, her tummy, down to her waist and abdomen ached. It ached so much she felt like she could die!
It never hurts like this, never!
"Doctor I feel pains, the blood keeps on rushing, pads can't hold it any longer and I keep peeing so I decided to sit and let it go down the toilet. I can't go out this way, I can't concentrate, I can't do a thing, doctor I need you to fix a surgery real quick. I need to have this damn fibroid removed so I can have my life back. Please"
Aboh walked into a relaxation center, he scattered his eyes in search of Bamidele when he finally saw him, he smiled and approaching him. He noticed he was on a call so he quietly waited for him to end the call.
"Can I at least see you. I'm sure you must have missed my face" Efua said to him and he laughed in disbelief. "What? Bammy's are you avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you Effy, I live with my sister now. We can't exactly have sex there" he said out loud and Aboh cringed in disgust.
Can he be less loquacious? Hasn't he ever heard of discretion when in public?
"What about your house?"
"I'm not going back"
"Why? What are you doing scared of?"
"What the.... Well, where can we meet up maybe we could talk about things like the advertising. I missed you" "You did?
Efua scoffed, "Bammy, you're sounding weird like you're angry. Did I do something wrong?" "You didn't. I'm just shocked you want to spend time with me now, after all you have a job to return back to. I was useless to you when I was blind right?"
"Shit! That brat told you didn't he?"
"He didn't need to. I heard you clearly"
"How.... But.. How is it?"
"I heard what I needed to hear Effy, I have to go now"
Bamidele hung up looking up at Aboh who was dressed in a white shirt and black trousers on a maroon coloured half jacket.
He didn't even know which he hated the most, the maroon color or the half jacket. Maybe he's the reason why people decided to call it monkey jacket!
He had to withhold his laughter! Mehn, this guy's fashion is whack! Mister Maroon!
"Mr Bamidele Jones?" He called out and Bamidele nodded affirmatively then Aboh sat just opposite him.
"You must be ...... Aboh right?" He asked and he gave a nod. "How are you doing?" Aboh asked and Bamidele rolled his eyes, he wasn't in the mood to listen to all those preambles, the guy obviously looked like a ass kisser!
"No offense but can we skip the preambles and just go straight to the point? Cool? Cool"
Aboh cleared his throat hissing within, look at what he got for trying to be nice! Who even sent him sef? Not like he cared about how the guy was he was just trying to be friendly.
He managed to smile, Bamidele could see through his fake smile, "Mr Acquah told me you wanted something done, something about house sales... I really didn't get the details. I'm supposed to ask you"
"Yeah. I want to sell my house"
"Any particular reason?" He asked, "What the hell? Do I look like a criminal? I'm Bamidele Jones"
Who you epp? Aboh asked within, even if you're Bamidele Dangote, I'll still follow protocol. Abeg where Mr Kwams see this one for? And he called him his best friend. This one na spoilt brat oh!
Aboh managed to keep a straight face, "It's a harmless question Sir. We're just following due and necessary protocols"
"The house is freaking dope! I wouldn't have left it if it wasn't necessary." He exhaled, "It's close to a church, I pissed God off the first time and he made me deaf and blind to teach me some lesson. As bizzare as it sounds, I really don't want to piss him off the second time." He replied and Aboh arced his brow in confusion.
This one is definitely on drugs!
Dr Felecia stood still staring at the results from Amazing's scan. She had a shocked look on her face and her colleague laughed from the look, "Why are you staring at the result like you just saw a ghost in it"
Dr Felecia kept a straight face, she couldn't even laugh. "In my years of practicing as a doctor, I've never seen fibroid multiply this way". She took the first result handing it over to him to view it.
"That happened within two weeks! I wish you saw the way she was when I entered the toilet. Mike, the environment was not something..... There was something off about the house, I'm a very spiritual person and if I want to give this woman my advice, I'll just say it's not a normal fibroid and she needs to see a Pastor about it or take this to God."
Her colleague laughed, "You're not even speaking like a doctor" "Forget that doctor crap, I know a spiritual problem when I see one, at first I just thought it was normal but now. I have doubts" "If it's a spiritual problem, it won't show on scan, we'll still be puzzled as to what's wrong with her. It's simply medical"
Dr. Felecia exhaled, "Do you know the implication if it's a spiritual problem and we end up performing surgery on her? We'll lose her and that's not a risk I'm willing to take on her." "What are you going to do? Tell her to take it to church, didn't you already talk to Dr. Thompson about taking her surgery?"
She exhaled, "I'm scared" "See, forget about all this spiritual bullshit, mind my language but this is clearly medical, focus on the surgery. Don't go scaring the woman with some spiritual things. She'll be fine once she gets a surgery done"
"Mom, Dad meet Yemisi Ojo" Kwame announced and Mrs Regina slapped his belly, "Look at this one, be phoenerizing someone's father's name, its Ojo, not Ojoor" Regina replied bobbling her neck and Yemisi laugh impulsively, then she covered her lips with her left palm. "I'm sorry" "Feel free to laugh, we're not militants. Or.... do we look like militants? Maybe Djan does" she turned towards her husband who chuckled softly, "Don't allow this face decieve you, he's not that cold" she teased.
Kwame clasped his hands, "Please tell her, I've been trying to convince her. She has been nervous about meeting you guys"
Yemisi smiled, the tension lessened, she felt welcomed already.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Acquah"
Regina moved close to her, "Ah, she pronounced correctly" she smiled pressing both palm against her arm. "You're a lot prettier in person than that picture Kwame sent, I don't even know what the guy was thinking when he sent that picture." "I was thinking of how much I loved her even if she had a sack of potatoes on her head"
"Awwwn." Regina hugged her then she withdrew.
Yemisi exhaled, "You don't have to be scared Yemisi, I won't bite you." "I'm sorry but it feels surreal" "Were you expecting rebellion? You probably think I'm faking it and then when we're alone, I'll show you pepper and then tell you to stay away from my son, o ye bread seller" Regina said laughing through her statement.
"I don't blame you, i blame all those home videos that always portray mother in laws to be malevolent. I'm not saying I'm an angel but I'll never make my daughter in law suffer because I don't like. My only prayer is for my son to find a good woman who will make him happy"
Kwame smiled at Yemisi, "I found her already" he replied and she smiled back. Regina held out Yemisi's palm looking into it, she had a gift of reading people's palm line. "Mom" Kwame warned, "Shush, I'm just admiring her soft hands"
"Gina" Her husband chipped in and she rolled her eyes, "What's going on?" Yemisi asked and Kwame exhaled, "Mom had a a gift of reading people through palm"
Regina laughed. "Nothing to be scared of. I hope you brought your Yemisi special ingredient. I can't wait to have a taste" "How..... How did you?" Yemisi seemed so surprised and Regina smiled.
"Well Yemisi" Mr Acquah spoke up, "You're his favourite topic" "We've heard all the tales of how you've been giving him sweet cakes and sweet cakes if you know know what I mean" she winked at Yemisi sns Kwame scoffed.
Bamidele entered into a hotel room with lady, "When are you going to change m name from Big Ass Cyndy to something that doesn't make me look like sex appeal?" She asked and Bamidele laughed. "When your ass gets smaller" he replied wrapping his arms around her waist and she chuckled.
"That's never happening"
"You stole the words right out of my mouth." He kissed her neck and then she faced him. "Do you miss me cause I miss you like hell"
"How much do you miss me?" He asked squeezing her ass cheeks and she moaned bitting her lips, "Let me show you" she answered kissing him on the lips.
She pushed him to the bed then she mounted upon him then she began undoing his belt. "I'm sure you're all hard for me already"
"Wait" he held her hands, "What?" She asked and he sat up, "What?" She asked staring at him in surprise.
Juliet knocked on Kwame's door and he opened up then a smiled formed on his face. "If it's not the bride" "Hey Cous" she embraced him and he smiled. "Aren't you too young to get married?" He asked and she chuckled.
"I'm twenty four, aren't you too old to be a bachelor? Remind me again, are they giving awards for older bachelors?" She asked walking in and Kwame chuckled.
"I heard you came to meet your most talked about girlfriend. Sophie didn't even receive accolades like this one"
Kwame chuckled, "She's bathing" "I hope I won't be interrupting anything?" She asked and Yemisi got out in a towel. She stood still then waved at Juliet. "Hey, I recognize you, you're the bride" she said moving close to her.
"And you're the wife material that has my cousin hooked. It's nice to meet you"
"You too, Kwame, you have a beautiful family. Your cousin Is pretty"
"Duh? Look at me, aren't I good looking and adorable?" He asked and she chuckled biting her lower lips then she turned towards Juliet.
"Congrats on getting married, I wish you a fruitful home"
"Thanks. Efua isn't coming right?" She directed to Kwame and he nodded. "She's got work"
"That lying witch, whatever! Good night guys" she blew kisses at them before leaving.
"Your cousin is pretty"
"I know. It means we're definitely going to have beautiful children" he gazed deeply at her and she chuckled, "That'll be sweet, of course, at the right time but, I'll really like to have a boy as tall and handsome as his family. The height is very important, I love tall men"
"And I don't mind having a girl as short as her mother" he teased and she laughed. "I'm not short" "Let's say you're average" "I'm not even average." she argued and he kissed her on the lips and she kissed him too now placing her palm on his cheek.
"You didn't tell me your Mom's a seer"
Kwame smiled, "Its a gift, I really don't like talking about it, I don't want to creep my girlfriends out" "What kind of gift do you have?" "I see things" "What have you ever seen?" "You as my wife" he replied and she smiled.
"That's smooth and cheesy but more smooth than cheesy"
"I don't have any gift, just a good heart. That counts shey?" He asked and she shrugged. "And a big mouth. I cant believe you've been telling your mom that you've been eating cakes and cakes" she turned back and he whispered into her ears, "It's sweeter than cake"
Yemisi laughed, "Gosh! You're such a dog" she snapped playfully. He growled in response now pretending to bite on her neck then she laughed.
🎶oh my Girl I wanna feel your vibe, tell me wetin dey your mind🎶
Bamidele downed a glass half-filled with whiskey. "So when she pulled her cloth what happened?" Murphy asked, "Nothing. I couldn't do it" "Do what?" Dare asked, "Go through with sex with her" "It's a lie! This has to be one big lie!"
Murphy shook his head, "I don't understand. Why?" "Abi your member is dead" Dare assumed then he busted into laughed. "It's your member that will die!"
"Maybe God has arrested that part"
"It's working fine, it kicked. I was aroused, I wasn't just interested. I don't just know why!"
"Maybe it's because it's a hotel or it's just a side effect of recovery from the blindness"
Dare laughed, "Maybe God has touched your life" "Must you joke about everything? This is a major issue here, I just said no to sex" "Murphy mighy be right or maybe Effy can help get you interested. Or just maybe.... Just maybe you've unintentionally repented....... God has pressed your reset button. Old things have passed away behold all things have become new" Dare quoted then he busted into laughter and Bamidele scoffed.
"Fuck you"
Friday morning
Yemisi entered into the kitchen clad in a red robe, she found Regina there so she bent her knees fully to greet her, "Good morning Ma" "Eka'aro" she replied and Yemisi chuckled.
This woman is full of surprises sha!
"What? I lived in Lagos now, I still know my Yoruba and Igbo, at least I haven't forgotten everything. My mom still speaks to me in Ibo and she expects me to respond back. Call me Omo Ghana pelu Omo Naija, mixed breed" she said and they both laughed.
"Wow... Kwame called himself Omo Eko"
Regina chuckled, "Beats me too. How are you? How was your night?" She asked sucking on an orange. "It was great and yours?" "Awesome" she replied then she exhaled.
"Um....Yesterday when I checked your palm... You know what? Forget it"
"What? What did you see?"
"I see my son making a right choice, I saw a good woman with a good heart. Just that I just saw something dark coming your way, war, troubles, these things are not always clear."
Yemisi arced her brow, "I saw blood, I don't know whose blood, how many best friends do you have? I saw seven" "They're eight" "That's strange, I see eight" "What?"
"I see seven, are you sure about the eight person's intention?"
"We've been together since secondary school"
"Its either I'm reading it wrongly or there's a friend that"
Juliet walked into the room sobbing and they both turned towards her. "Julie, what's going on?" She asked and she exhaled, "Where should I even start? Where? So I called and I asked her of my cake and how I wanted to see a picture, you won't believe what she told me. She said, she the thought the wedding is next week. Can you imagine it?"
"Oh my God. That's bad, maybe she'll have to make something"
"She said she's out of town but she'll send someone."
"Okay.... So that's settled"
"I told her to go straight to hell, how can she not put me first?" She sobbed harder and Regina hugged her, "Everything ia going wrong already, my wedding is slowly becoming a disaster"
"We'll get another person, the wedding is tomorrow'
Yemisi scratched her neck, "I don't mind baking the cake" she said and they both turned towards her, "Yemisi are you sure? We won't want to stress you" "Its my job, I've been on vacation since last week Thursday. I've missed my job already"
Juliet walked up on her embracing her, "God bless you. You're the best in law anyone can ever ask for. If Kwame doesn't get married to you, I'll force him too" she said coldly and Yemisi laughed.
"You're welcome
"You don't have to worry Yemisi, I'll pay you well"
Yemisi disagreed, on a normal day, she won't do free work, but she has to do good girl, wife material ten thousand yards! How will it even look like if she collects money? After all mi casa su casa, it's partially her family too!
"No Ma"
Regina scoffed, "Don't be silly, you can't stress yourself and I won't pay" she insisted and Yemisi shrugged warning herself, if they born you well to argue again ehn? Just smile and go will the flow.
Yemisi shrugged now feeling uncomfortable, "What detailing do you want for the cake? I don't have all my tools, I might have to make do with whatever"
Yewande knocked and walked in, "Will you be going to church today?" "No" "It's Cultural Sunday and we're supposed to invite friends and family. Don't fall my hands, please" "I'm not coming,"
"I said I'm not coming se, don't insist"
Bamidele made way into the church alone he had a white stylish agbada. He hated Agbada but since Yewande mentioned something about cultural Sunday and seeing the way they dressed off to church.
He had to wear something that depicts Yoruba culture. He didn't want to look like the odd one out, when he realized some people were dressed on English wear, he regretted not wearing something young and stylish!
Now he looks like somebody's father! He hissed then his hands became heavy, he glanced at the Bible in his hands with so much regret.
He didn't understand why Yewande had to drop this one! Wasn't there any less portable ones? He didn't want to be seen as the devil, that was the only reason he carried the Bible! And the church has projector oh!
The female mature usher at the entrance flashed a smile at him. "Welcome to church Sir, we have a special seat for you" "No, thank you. I'll just sit somewhere at the back.
"Ah, no Sir, there is a special seat for you"
"I'll just sit..."
She collected his Bible now moving ahead of him and his eyes lingered on her in shock. Where is this woman taking that Bible to? Does she really think he'll follow her?
This woman has jonz! He can even abandon the Bible and then sit wherever he wants? He argued within then he saw the woman stretching her hands at the empty chair so decided to adhere and just quietly sit there.
In his mind, he was eyeing the woman but she doesn't know! The annoying thing was that the woman kept on smiling and saying that, "It's a special seat" bullshit!
He sat on the seat giving the woman one final look, "I promise you, it's a special seat for a special person"
Madam let's hear word jare! He snapped within then he watched the woman leave.
He sat on the chair looking sideways to see Amazing staring right at him. For a moment he asked observed what she had on, she had a calabar attire on, bubu and her hair packed into different rolls like mini puff puff.
He withheld himself from laughing. She didn't look bad but the brown bubu gown she had on seemed funny.
"It's you" she said and he chuckled, "Wow.... You say the it's you like you're disappointed its really hard to denote whether you're disappointed or not?" He said and she rolled her eyes.
"You tell me, you weren't exactly nice the last time we met"
"Ahhhh.... I see. So all this is because I was as asshole the last time..." "Shhhh, you're in church, watch your language"
"So I can't say asshole because....." He trailed off then he smiled moving his head close to her, "Because I'm in church. Wow, but you're free to hold grudges in church right? Isn't that like a sin?"
Amazing exhaled staring at the Pastor handling exhortation. "Prayers moves mountain but praise moves God"
"All this ushers sef, Is there no freedom to choose your seat? I'm about to sue that usher for infringement of my church right"
"Isn't that what you're doing these days? I hear you now sue churches too" she snapped knowing she has just scored points. Bammy's laughed, "Ouch, one -zero"
"Who's keeping scores with you?" She asked witholding her laughter, as if he knew she had recorded the score on her score sheet!
"So you heard about that?"
"I'm sure the whole Nigerian knows" "Like for real?"
"Just kidding. You had guts suing a Pastor, the Bible says touch not my anointed" "Preach on Pastor" "I'm not a Pastor, it's the truth"
Bamidele exhaled, "I know and I learned that the hard way. You must have heard I went deaf and blind at some point" "I did. I'm glad you're okay and I mean that.... even though you're A-hole, no one deserves that punishment"
"Well I did, a bit. It made me realize a whole lot of things, I learned some hard lessons from it"
"The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom" he replied and she busted out chuckling then she covered her lips.
For a moment she started regretting why he sat close to him, he was clearly distracting her!
"Sorry." He apologized then he picked up where he left off, "I spent my birthday blind when I should have been at a party organized by you. I still haven't forgotten about our deal"
Amazing laughed, "I didn't exactly make any deal with you. I'm trying to listen to the Pastor here." She exhaled and then both faced the direction of the podium for some seconds.
"As you praise God this season, may laughter never cease from your lips"
"Amen!!!!" Amazing chorused with the whole church and Bamidele smiled. "Besides I remember telling you I have someone. I'm engaged"
Bamidele smiled raising up his hands, "Hey, I didn't say anything apart from inviting you over, madam, what are you thinking of in that creative mind of yours?" He asked and she smiled.
"You're Bamidele Jones, your reputation precedes you" she replied and he smiled, "Wow, I feel like a celebrity right now"
"Nice Agbada, I'm guessing you were fully informed about the cultural Sunday?"
"Thanks and you what are you representing?"
"Ibibio tribe"
"Wait.... Is that where you come from?"
She smiled, "Yes, Mom's from Ibo tribe" "You don't look like any of it" "What do I look like?" She asked looking at him and they both gaze into each other's eyes.
Amazing looked away clearing her throat. "Thinking of it, you look like an African Queen" "Bamidele Jones, you're so shameless, trying to woo a woman in church, during church service"
"I just hope I don't make God angry and he makes me dumb"
"Shhhh, I'm trying to listen"
Amazing suddenly became curious about how he got healed. "How did it happen? How did you get to see and hear?" "Shhhh, the preaching just got interesting" he replied winking at her then she laughed.
"Okay..... 1 :1. Cheesy.... But okay"
He moved his lips close to her ears, "It was a miracle. I'll tell you the story another time, maybe somewhere else. What's your take on Chinese?" He asked and she grimaced and he laughed now concentrating on the Pastor.
"In the book of Ezra 3:11"
Bamidele opened up the Bible, "Wow, he know how to open it. I thought you were going to ask for a key" she joked and he laughed, "Wow.... She has humor" he muttered flipping through the pages in search of Ezra.
The Pastor was already reading the verse out already. "Ezra isn't in the new testament" "Wow, did they send you to me this morning?" He asked and she smiled, "You can just look at the projection on the screen or use your phone." "I don't have a Bible app on it, where the hell is this Ezra? I never even knew there was such a place as Ezra"
Amazing gasped. "Wonders will nevet cease" "Found it!" He muttered and she gave him a thumbs up.
After church service, Bamidele's eyes scattered around in search of Amazing. He wanted to at least get a phone number to reach her. He exhaled on seeing the usher who led him to the seat.
"Hey, have you seen the lady that was close to me"
"Sister Amazing"
"She left already, it hasn't been long. I was even talking to her but she had to rush back, she wasn't feeling too well"
"Oh. Can I get her number to at least sympathetize with her"
The woman scoffed, "Ah Han, brother, you think I didn't see the side talks. If it was easy to get the number why didn't you?" "I'll pay you" he said out loud and the woman who had been smiling all along frowned.
"Do I look like someone you can bribe? I'm a lecturer in the university of Lagos, my name is Dr. Bimbo Davies of the department of Political Science. Don't test my patience"
"I'm very sorry"
"Sorry for yourself" she snapped leaving Bamidele in guilt. "Shit! You should have just kept quiet!"
Amazing had a doctor's appointment schedule towards the end of the month. The surgery itself was fixed the following week the second week of September. Dr Thompson exhaled loudly staring at Amazing's result after another examination. "You said you wanted the less invasive procedure but from the growth and the spread. I think hysterectomy will be a better choice to curb reoccurrence of Fibroids"
Amazing scoffed. "Doctor are you aware that I haven't had children? I'm not even married, who will want to get married to someone to a woman without a womb. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go with the less invasive procedure."
"Daddy, my surgery is next week Wednesday." Amazing announced to Pastor Tunde, "The doctor said I should get a hysterectomy but I told him that I can't afford to do that" she busted into tears, "I can't afford to lose my womb. I'm sticking with the myomectomy. It's a better option"
"Or you can be obedient and wait on God"
Amazing rolled her eyes. "I already told my parents, they said they'll be praying for me. All I want from you Sir is your support" "I already gave you an instruction" "Daddy I'm unable to live my normal life, I can't sleep comfortably, I can't eat comfortably, I am inconvenient with my body. I can't wait for God, I'm sorry. I need to take the tumour out, do you know the pain I go through"
"There's no pain he can't take away, it all depends on your faith in God, how do you see God Amazing? Who is he to you?"
She exhaled rubbing her for head, "Daddy, please keep the date and pray for me. I'm really in need of it" "Sister mazing" "I have to go now, bye Sir" "Good bye" he added.
The following week
"Blessing how far, you never get belle?" Uche asked Blessing frowned, "What kind of stupid question is that?" She asked and Uche rolled her eyes. "It's a damn question, you're supposed to answer"
"It's just three months after my wedding"
"Babe, chill! There's no point getting angry over this"
Fisayo rose up, "Abeg, for the first time in our life,let's add maturity into what we do. We're here to show our support to our dear friend Amazing and at least spend this last night with her"
Benefit raised her brow, "You just said last night" "Igbayen ko? (So?)" "You do realize last night means we won't be spending any other night with her and God forbid! Don't make such utterances Fisayo"
"Calm down. I obviously didn't mean it that way. We all know Amazing is not going anywhere anytime soon, even God cannot allow it. A whole PA to God?" She asked and Amazing chuckled. "I'm scared" she confessed, "I'll have to admit that I'm scared out of my brains"
"Hey" Yemisi knelt before her, "It's okay to be scared. Just know we've got your back, we'll out there waiting for the operation to be over" "And when it is, we're all promise to stand by you through it all till you recover" Benefit promised and Uche scoffed.
"Do you have a problem with that?" Blessing asked and Uche scoffed.
"We all our businesses, we can't make such promises"
"Why? It's just one day. What's there to give up a day for a friend that has been of help to each and every one of us?"
Amazing knew a fight was definitely going to break out if she doesn't stop them so she rose up waving her hands, "Yemisi, let's not"
"Yemisi is right." Fisayo cuts in, "Fisayo" "No, Amazing, Ka ba ara wa so to to (Let's be truthful to ourselves. There's no one here that Amazing hasn't helped one way or the other, how many of your our one kobo have been invested in Amazing's life or businesses? And how many of her thousands of naira has been invested into our lives? I can't count oh, Amazing paid my first flight ticket out of the country and I'm eternally grateful for it"
"I'm glad you are but whatever I did was out of my heart. I don't count it or hold it against anyone. You all can go about your businesses"
"They're right, as much as it pains me, I agree with Yemisi and Fisayo. A day won't hurt will it? What are we friends for if we don't support each other through thick and thin"
Benefit stretched her hands, "Through thick and thin?" She asked and Nene placed her hands above hers, "Through thick and thin" she added and everyone followed suit.
Amazing smiled placing her hands on her chest then she joined them, "Best Friends forever on three, one, two, three" she counted and everyone chorused, "Best friends forever"
There was a knock on the door and Ema opened up the door smiling at Mrs Essien. "Good evening Ma" she greeted and Mrs Essien barged in letting out a hiss, "The only person whose greeting I can respond to whole heartedly is Blessing"
"Mumcy is in da building" Yemesi chanted while Fisayo danced embracing her. "Are you married? Why are you hugging me?"
"I want to catch anointing ni" she replied pulling away while Mrs Essien glared at everyone in the room, "Mummy , good evening" they answered throwing their faces to different direction. They knew that the woman will definitely start ranting about them being single.
"Orrh! It's good that you're all looking away, it shows that you all are starting to have shame. You will not follow Blessing's step and get married before menopause and fibroid will come and arrest you guys" she snapped and everyone laughed.
This left Amazing in shock, "Seriously Mom, I'm the one you just yabbed like that oh" "Did I say anything that isn't the truth? It's because you're mature and who knows all the things and drugs you've swallowed into that belly"
"I haven't done abortion before Mom and you know it. Besides those are just Fibroid myths, there's no general cause for it"
"Whatever, your surgery is tomorrow and I came prepared. I have anointing oil, I have holy water, if I want to start listing the things I have ehn. Everything will be fine"
Kunle waved at Ema who was swimming in a pool, she got to the edge of the pool where he was then she pulled her body out kissing him on the lips. "You've been in the water for too long, don't you think?"
"What are you scared of"
"I'm not scared. I don't want you to get cold"
"I'm fine" she replied swimming backwards. "Fine woman isn't she?" Kunle heard a woman asked then he turned staring at the fair looking woman. "Yes she is, she's my fiance"
"I see.... You must love her, you two seem so in love"
"We are actually"
"How much do you love her"
He scoffed now feeling offended by the question, he doesn't even know the woman from Adam and she's already asking personal question. "It's just a harmless question, how much do you love her?"
"Enough to die for her"
"Do you know her that well to die for her? No you don't, you think Ema is a good person right? No she isn't. She has dirty laundries and I can let you know if only you're in interested in it"
Kunle scoffed, "Every woman has her dirty laubdries and the truth is i don't care to know Ema's own. I don't understand why you're trying to...." He trailed off now realising how familiar
the scenario was; It was exactly the kind of dream he had before he sent Ema packing.
"It's you right? You're trying to turn me away from Ema, what has she done to you?"
Anya scoffed, "See, it's Ema we want and you Kunle, you're trying to thwart our plans. The ladies are where we want them to be, why don't you just leave everything as it is and you my dear Kunle, you'll get to stay alive"
He scoffed, "You think I'm scared? Whatever power you think you have, I'm ready for you" "What audacity?" She replied laughing in mockery, "You think because you have a charm at home, you're completely safe. No Kunle, you're not and I promise you that, I only came to warn you but since you're trying to prove adamant, someone's going to drown and never wake up again"
Kunle suddenly found himself struggling to breathe under water, he tapped and tapped then he touched the neck chain on his neck then he coughed out from his dream spitting water from his mouth.
"What the..." He continued coughing while he coughed out more water. He was completely bewildered, he has never had an experience like this in his entire life!
He inhaled and exhaled fast now surveying the room to make sure there was no one there. After which his eyes focused on the wardrobe where he had kept the protection the herbalist gave him.
He feared it might be gone or tampered with!
He walked up to his wardrobe, opened it up then he pulled a wooden box he kept the gourd inside. The small brown gourd was very much in it with its several leafy concoctions.
He sighed in relief knowing he still had protection!
Kunle held it out making some incantation then he dropped it back closed the box and then the wardrobe. He thought if Ema and the danger of been away from him so he decided to put a call through to her.
He sat on the bed now calling her number. "Hey Baby" she said and he sighed in relief, "Hey. Why are you awake?Are you.... Are you okay?" "Yes" "Are you sure?" "Why won't I be? I am, I was just watching a movie. Are you okay?" "Yeah.... I had a dream"
"Anything I should be worried about?"
"No. Ema, just be careful. I really don't wanna lose you"
Ema smiled, "You won't. Remember I told you Amazing will be having a surgery tomorrow. Sorry, today. Its past twelve already " "True. How is she holding up?"
"She's asleep already"
"Amazing is a strong woman, I'm sure she'll be fine"
"Yeah she'll be" Ema smiled then she sighted Uche coming out of the bathroom with phone in her hands, "Take care Ema" "Sure Boo. I love you" "I love you most" he replied then he hung up while her eyes lingered on Uche who had gone into the bathroom only to answer a call.
"Baba so you can't pick calls here" "Well it's too public and I needed my privacy"
Ema gasped, "Wow, I never got the memo that we're public friends" "How did we become friends gan, I don't even know" Fisayo whom everyone thought was sleeping replied, "In other words now we're doing community friendship. Friendship Ara adugbo, the one that you just wake up and say, Brother Isiaka ka'aro oh, Mummy Temi, aje"
Ema laughed, "I thought you were sleeping" "Me that i'm looking for sleep as i am like this" she replied and Uche rolled her eyes, "That wasn't what I meant. Ema was watching a movie and laughing out loud, I needed my privacy"
"You're always needing your privacy, why? We don't hide conversations but you do and it's quite suspicious, don't you think"
Uche scoffed, "Whatever I say on call with whoever is no one's business. Why don't you guys mind yours?" She snapped picking up a pillow then she walked out of the room angrily.
"O n be lara e, siooor" Fisayo hissed. "What do you guys think she's hiding? Relationship issues or what?" "Like she said, it's none of my business" "Aren't you the least bit curious?"
"Even Amazing is curious, she doesn't like opening up. It's annoying but if she doesn't want us to make it our business, why should I invest my time and energy in it? I honestly don't care. Uche can do whatever she wants, she's just making this best friend thing look like a hoax like we're just faking it. See, as I am already, I'm having headache thinking about her matter, sleep aff come. Good night again Ema"
"Good night Baby"
Kunle got out of the bathroom with a brown towel wrapped across his waist only to find Anya in bed with her legs crossed, she had a black gown on. "Boo!" She said to scared him and it worked.
Kunle leaned against the wall in fear wondering how the woman he saw in his dream managed to appear in his room. "What... What are you doing here" "I used the front door, opps, you left it open" she teased and he shook his head in disagreement.
"I didn't"
"Are you sure? You might want to"
"I know I didn't"
"Oh my God! You're way too serious.
Kunle looked around the room, "How did you get in?" "What other way do you think?" "What do you guys want from me?" "We don't want anything from you, don't you get it?" She asked rising up.
"We have rules, certain rules and regulations we abide to. We're not out for you, all we want is"
"There you have it"
"Last night was a warning, our motive isn't to kill you. Normally we just sit and watch but you're really testing out patience, you're trying to help Email out, thereby thwarting our plans and we, honey we can't allow it, nah ha! We can't. So here we are giving you one more chance. We're not that heartless trust me"
"I can't let you guys hurt Ema"
"We are not hurting Ema, at least not yet."
"You're not hurting Ema, now neither are you hurting her later. I'll never allow it happen! Read my lips, never!" He moved towards the cupboard, opened it, and he took out the box opening it only to find black ashes it in.
"Fuck!" He muttered and she laughed.
"You probably thought that could keep us away from too long. Do you have any idea who we are?" She asked. This question sent his heart racing, he became afraid. His protection was gone, what is he going to do now?
Think Kunle......
He made a decision to leave for Ogbomoso back to the herbalist who concocted the whole thing at first. Maybe there can be a more lasting solution. He can't afford to turn his back on Ema!
"What do you say? Leave Ema or dig your own grave, you can start your life with anyone you want, you're a very handsome man."
He exhaled picking a black polo shirt from the wardrobe, "I know but the only woman I want to spend my life with is Ema" "Is that your final decision?" She asked and he kept quiet picking a blue jean.
Pastor Tunde calling......
Amazing glanced at her phone, it's the second time he has called that morning. She didn't want any more discouragement so she ignored the call.
"Aren't you going to answer that?" About asked but she shook her head. "He's going to tell me not to do it" "If you don't have to pick the call then forget it then he held her palm planting gentle kisses on it.
"I'm scared. For some reason I'm scared and there's this thing telling me to listen and wait but the pain" "Shhhh..... Don't speak, I understand you more than anyone. Don't worry dear, I'll be here waiting for you. It's going to be alright"
Kunle rushed out of his house, his hands trembled as he tried to lock the doors. Suddenly he felt a hand over his shoulder, his heart raced in fear as he wondered who the person was.
"Brother Kunle" the voice said and he exhaled in relief from seeing the hearing his neighbour's voice. "God! You scared me!" He snapped turning towards her.
"Are you going to work? You don't look dressed for work"
"I'm travelling"
"Where to?" She asked and he stared at her suspiciously. "Why do you want to know?"
"Shebi I'm just asking"
Kunle plunged his keys into his pocket then he motioned backwards, "Get away from me" "Ah han, Brother Kunle, what's all this?" "Get away from me!" He snapped running off into his car, he started the car.
He needed to get to Ogbomoso as fast as possible!
He took out his phone calling his friend, "Hey Tayo, it's happening again oh, one woman appeared from nowhere. See, as I am right now, I'm on my way to your house. We need to go back to Baba as soon as possible"
The nurses escorted Amazing into the emmergency room while Mrs Essien sat on a chair, "God help us" she muttered then Aboh sat close to her. "Amazing is going to be fine Ma, she has God, he'll take control of the whole thing"
"Thank you for those words"
"You're welcome Ma"
"What does it take to be welcomed into your family Ma'am? I'm planning on coming in as soon as she recovers from surgery"
Mrs Essien smiled, "All it takes is for you to be a good person. See, I can be overly persistent about my daughter getting married but it's only for her good. I don't want her getting into the wrong hand but it's obvious you're a good man"
Aboh smiled, "I love amazing and I'll do all to remain by her side." "Lest I forget, if you're familiar with the ibibio tradition, you'll need money too, plenty of it" she added and they both laughed off the nerves.
Amazing laid in a room the emergency room waiting for the anaesthesia to kick in. She said a silent prayer to God, all she wanted was for everything to go as planned.
In matter of seconds it did and the procedure began. Her eyes were shut but she could still hear what was going on. She heard the doctor complain about her losing way too much blood.
Suddenly it seemed like they were panicking, "Her heart rate is dropping, I think she might be going into shock"
Is this it God, she asked within, is this how you're going to let me die? She asked as she felt her life flash before her very own eyes!
The nurse ran past the seven friends, Mrs Essien and Aboh who were waiting in the hall. Yemisi walked up to the woman since she was familiar with her. They all wanted to know what was going on, at least she should be able to divulge something about the operation.
They were already in panic!
"Can I talk to you"
"I was sent on an errand"
"Labake now, one minute. How is she? How is the surgery going?" She asked and the nurse exhaled, "I will not deceive you, if you all know how to pray, pray, the operation hasn't even gone anywhere and she's losing blood like what I've not seem before. You see that woman in there ehn, God forbid but she's this close to death" she replied leaving and Yemisi felt her legs go weak.
Amazing's phone rang and she stared at the callers ID, it was Pastor Tunde so she quickly answered the call. "Thank God you finally picked up" "No Sir, it's not Amazing, it's her friend" "Which one? Nene, Yemisi or Fisayo?"
"Yemisi Sir, good morning Sir"
"Good morning. I've been calling Amazing all morning but she has refused to pick up the calls"
Yemisi nodded, "She didn't want you discouraging her on going through with the surgery but currently it's ongoing and I just got a scoop from a nurse I know and they said she's currently fighting for her life" she busted into tears and Pastor Tunde kept quiet.
"Pastor? Pastor" she called out glancing at the phone to see if he haa ended the call then she placed the phone against her ear. "Pastor, are you still there?"
"Yes. She'll be fine"
"Fret not, nothing will happen. It's just a storm, there'll be a calm soon"
Yemisi finally understood what Amazing meant by the man always speak in parables. "Sir?" "The devil is liar, your friend will be okay in no time. Send me the hospital address, I'll definitely come in to see her. I'm sure she must have been awake by then. Have a nice day Sister Yemisi"
Yemisi blinked her eyes in shock, "And you too Sir" she added then he ended the call.
Kunle parked his car waiting for his friend to get out of the gate. "Ah Han! Is this guy doing make up? I don't have time to waste now" he complained looking into his phone.
"You can run but you can't hide" he heard a voice say behind him. He almost fainted from looking at the reflection of the the person in the front mirror.
"You look like you've just seen a ghost. Don't say I didn't warn you" she added and a tanker rode towards him and his eyes widened in horror.
The tanker slammed into his car while some onlookers placed their hands on their heads.
Five hours after the surgery Amazing opened her eyes to hear arguments in the room, "This is really really bad, how are we going to tell her? Wo, me I'll just take one flight now to any country, i know we promised to stay till the end but I'll send in an apology for not coming. I'll make up a lie but to stay and break that kind of news to her, ah! Even me I'm not that heartless"
Blessing exhaled tears rolling down her eyes, "But we have to tell her" "Let her Mom do it" "Do what?" Mrs Essien asked, "Where will I start?" "But you're her mother now. Where in the world is Aboh? He's the fiancee, let him do it. It's even the doctor's responsibility to tell her, by right we shouldn't be here sef. The nurse should first of all see that she's awake then they'll call the doctor and then the doctors will allow us in but they had to tell us to be there when she wakes up, why? This is set up because they're definitely trying to avoid this!"
Mrs Essien disagree shaking her head, "It's no one's responsibility to tell her. We'll all stay together and tell her. I am her mother but you are all her best friend. She derives strength from you all"
Yemisi sniffled wiping her tears, "Mumcy is right, we all need to be strong for Amazing, this is a really serious issue, she might not get over it easily. We all made a promise, no matter how hard it is, we still have to let Amazing know"
"Let Amazing know of what?" Amazing asked in a low voice then she groaned from the pain she felt in her lower abdomen. She wanted to seat up but she couldn't bring herself to do it.
All eyes turned towards her and then Yemisi busted into tears, "I lied, I can't do it. I can't" she confessed moving backwards and everyone looked away wiping their pouring tears.
"Okay guys..... What's going on? You guys are scaring me. What happened? Didn't the surgery go well, is.... Is it still there?" She asked but no one answered.
"Answer me!" She screamed making them flinched then she groaned touching her belly.
Everyone shared familiar gazes at one another. Who will bail the cat?
"Okay...." Uche stepped forward, "Um, Amazing, where should start from? Okay.... The took out the stuff from the...." Tears ran down her eyes as she spoke. "They took the fibroids out, Fisayo is right. The doctors should explain"
"Speak! Please...." She begged, her heart raced, she didn't even know what to expect.
"You lost a whole lot of blood and they had to do a blood transfusion. That's not even the important side, there was a little complication, your uterus was... They said, they you might not be able to carry a child in your womb"
Amazing's breathe became heavy, "Hey hey!" Everyone clapped their palms to rebuked her. "Is that how they said it?" Fisayo asked and Uche sniffled then she rolled her eyes.
"Why didn't you guys step up to tell her. Please do it yourself!"
Mrs Essien stepped forward in tears then she sat on the bed, "Amazing, you'll be fine, I know you'll be fine" "Mom, please someone should just.say something" "I'll say it. The surgery wasn't an easy one, you almost lost your life but God saved you. They don't even know how you're alive, the doctors can't explain the miracle. You should be grateful you didn't die ehn, life above everything! Once there is life, there is hope. All hope is not lost, a living dog ehn, a living dog, they say is better than a dead lion. It's not easy for me to say but it's not as you parrot friend said. The doctors said..." She exhaled looking at everyone them she glanced back at her daughter. "They said the chances of you having a child is slim" she replied. Amazing bowed her head, "What are the chances?"
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I feel sorry for Kunle and Amazing 😩
How will Ema react to the news? 😟
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